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100<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sadid not reprove him for letting go this Jewish leader.Rather, he approved <strong>of</strong> what had been done.The disposition to make peace and to accept theaward <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa had been expressed only byindividual Jews. As a people, they remained adamantand refused to accept the award <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa andasked, instead, for the award <strong>of</strong> Sa‘d ra bin Mu‘adh(Bukhari, Tabari and Khamis). The Prophet sa acceptedtheir demand and sent word to Sa‘d ra , who was lyingwounded, to come and give his award on the Jewishbreach <strong>of</strong> faith. As soon as the Prophet's sa decision wasannounced, the Ausites who had been allies <strong>of</strong> the BanuQuraiza for a long time ran to Sa‘d ra and began to presshim to give his award in favour <strong>of</strong> the Banu Quraiza.The Khazraj, they said, had always tried to save Jewsallied to them. It was up to Sa‘d ra to save the Jews alliedto his tribe. Sa‘d ra went mounted to the Banu Quraiza.Men <strong>of</strong> his tribe ran with him on both sides, pressinghim not to punish the Banu Quraiza. All that Sa‘d ra saidin reply was that the person who had to make an awardheld a trust. He had to discharge the trust withintegrity. "I will therefore give my award, takingeverything into consideration, and without fear orfavour," he said. When Sa‘d ra reached the Jewishfortress, he saw the Banu Quraiza lined up against thewall <strong>of</strong> the fort, waiting for him. On the other side wereMuslims. When Sa‘d ra got near them he asked, "Will youaccept my award?" They said, "Yes."SA‘D'S ra AWARD IN HARMONY WITH THE BIBLETurning to the Banu Quraiza he asked the samequestion,and they also agreed. Then shyly he pointed tothe side where the Prophet sa was sitting and asked if thepeople on that side also agreed to abide by his award.On hearing this, the Prophet sa replied, "Yes" (Tabari andHisham). Then Sa‘d ra gave his award in accordance withthe following commandment <strong>of</strong> the Bible. Says the Bible:

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