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98<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saQuraiza had dishonoured their pact with the Muslimsand this could not be passed over. The Prophet sacollected his exhausted force and told them that therewas no rest for them yet. Before the sun went down,they must fall upon the Banu Quraiza in theirfortifications. Then he sent ‘Ali ra to the Banu Quraiza toask them why they had gone back on their solemn word.The Banu Quraiza showed no regret and no inclinationto ask for forgiveness. Instead, they insulted ‘Ali ra andthe other Muslim delegates and started hurling vileabuse at the Prophet sa and the women <strong>of</strong> his family.They said they did not care for <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and hadnever had any kind <strong>of</strong> pact with him. When ‘Ali rareturned to report the reply <strong>of</strong> the Jews, he found theProphet sa and the Companions advancing towards theJewish fortifications. The Jews had been abusing theProphet sa , his wives and daughters. Fearing lest thisshould pain the Prophet sa , ‘Ali ra suggested there was noneed for the Prophet sa to take part as the Muslimsthemselves could deal with the Jews. The Prophet saunderstood ‘Ali ra and said, "You want me not to heartheir abuse, ‘Ali ra ?""Exactly," said ‘Ali ra ."But why?" said the Prophet sa . "Moses as was <strong>of</strong> theirkith and kin. Yet they inflicted more suffering on himthan they have on me." The Prophet sa continued toadvance. The Jews put up their defences and startedfighting. Their women also joined them. Some Muslimswere sitting at the foot <strong>of</strong> a wall. A Jewish woman,seeing this, dropped a stone on them, killing one namedKhallad ra . The siege went on for some days. At the end <strong>of</strong>this period, the Jews felt they would not be able to holdout for long. Then their chiefs sent word to the Prophet sarequesting him to send Abu Lubaba ra , an Ansari chief <strong>of</strong>the Aus, a tribe friendly to the Jews. They wanted toconsult him about a possible settlement. The Prophet sasent Abu Lubaba ra to the Jews, who asked him if theyshould lay down their arms and accept the award <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa . Abu Lubaba ra said they should. But at the

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