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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 89Prophet sa , therefore, had left that part <strong>of</strong> the townentirely unguarded. The Banu Quraiza knew that theMuslims trusted their good faith. So when they decidedto join the Arabs, it was agreed that they would not jointhem openly lest the Muslims should become alert andtake steps to guard the part <strong>of</strong> the town on the side <strong>of</strong>the Banu Quraiza. It was a very dangerous plot.When it was agreed that Muslims were to be attackedfrom two sides, the Arab army started assailing theditch. A few days passed, however, and nothinghappened. Then they hit upon the idea <strong>of</strong> posting theirarchers on an eminence and ordering them to attackparties <strong>of</strong> Muslims defending the ditch. These stood onthe edge separated by short intervals. As soon as theMuslim defence showed any signs <strong>of</strong> breaking, thedisbelievers would try to cross the ditch with the help <strong>of</strong>their first-rate horsemen. They believed that when suchattacks were repeated, they would obtain possession <strong>of</strong> apoint on the Muslim side <strong>of</strong> the ditch at which theywould be able to land their forces for a full-fledgedattack on the town. Attack after attack was thereforemade. Muslim defenders had to fight ceaselessly. Oneday they were kept so engaged in repelling these attacksthat some <strong>of</strong> the daily prayers could not be said at theappointed time. The Prophet sa was grieved over this andsaid, "God punish the infidels, they have upset ourprayers." The incident shows the intensity <strong>of</strong> the enemyattack. But it also shows that the Prophet's sa first andlast concern was the worship <strong>of</strong> God. Medina had beenbeleaguered on all sides. Not only men, but also womenand children were faced with certain death. The whole <strong>of</strong>the town was in the grip <strong>of</strong> anxiety. But the Prophet sastill thought <strong>of</strong> holding the daily prayers at theirappointed hours. Muslims do not worship God only oncea week, as do Christians and Hindus. Muslims arerequired to worship five times a day. During a battle, tohold even one public prayer is difficult, not to speak <strong>of</strong>holding five prayers a day in congregation. But theProphet sa convened the five daily prayers even during

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