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<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saBY: HADRAT MIRZA BASHIRUDDIN MAHMUD AHMADKHALIFATUL MASIH IIFirst published in UK in 1990Second edition published in UK in 2005Third edition published in UK in 2009Fourth edition published in UK in Oct. 2012Fifth edition published in UK in New Format in Nov. 2012Sixth edition published in UK in Mar. 2013Re-printed in UK in Jan. 2014© ISLAM INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS LTDPUBLISHED BY:Additional Wakalat-e-Tasnif (United Kingdom)IslamabadSheephatch Lane,Tilford, Surrey, GU10 2AQ, UKPrinted and bound in Great BritainNo part <strong>of</strong> this book may be reproduced in any form without priorpermission from the Publisher, except for the quotation <strong>of</strong> brief passages incriticism.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataAhmad, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud 1889–1965The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong>1. Islam <strong>Muhammad</strong> (Prophet sa )I. Title297.63ISBN: 1- 85372- 045- 3Contacts for Further Information:www.alislam.org,www.muslims4peace.org.uk,www.muslimsforpeace.org

About the AuthorThe Promised son ra <strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah and Mahdi as ;the manifest Sign <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Almighty; the Word <strong>of</strong> God whoseadvent was prophesied by the Holy Prophet <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and thePromised Messiah as as well as the past Prophets; a Star in thespiritual firmament for the like <strong>of</strong> which the world has to wait forhundreds <strong>of</strong> years to appear; the man <strong>of</strong> God, crowned with aspiritual halo from which radiated such scintillating rays <strong>of</strong> light aswould instil spiritual life into his followers and captivate and enthralthose who were not fortunate to follow him; an orator <strong>of</strong> suchphenomenal quality that his speeches would make his audience stayput for hours on end, come rain or shine, deep into the late hours <strong>of</strong>the evenings while words flowed from his tongue like honeydripping into their ears to reach the depths <strong>of</strong> their soul to fill themwith knowledge and invigorate their faith; the ocean <strong>of</strong> Divine andsecular knowledge; the Voice Articulate <strong>of</strong> the age; without doubtthe greatest genius <strong>of</strong> the 20 th century; a man <strong>of</strong> phenomenalintelligence and memory; an epitome <strong>of</strong> the qualities <strong>of</strong> leadership;the one whose versatility cannot be comprehended—Hadrat MirzaBashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad ra (1889-1965), Muslih Mau‘ud (thePromised Reformer) was the eldest son and the second successor(Khalifah) <strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah as . He took charge <strong>of</strong> theAhmadiyya Jama‘at at the young age <strong>of</strong> 24 when the Jama‘at wasstill in its infancy and nourished it to its maturity for more than 50years with his spiritual guidance, prayers, tears, toil and blood. Notonly did he fortify the foundations <strong>of</strong> the community laid down bythe Promised Messiah as , but expanded the structure <strong>of</strong> the Jama‘at byinitiating various schemes, organizations, and programs taking hisinspiration from the Promised Messiah as and under the Divineguidance. His foremost concern, to which he devoted all his life, wasto accomplish the mission <strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah—the dauntingtask <strong>of</strong> spreading the message <strong>of</strong> true Islam in its pristine purity tothe ends <strong>of</strong> the world. To achieve this, he initiated Tahrik-e-Jadidthrough which spread, and continues to spread, the missionary workall over the globe. His acute intelligence, keen intellect, deep andextensive scholarship and above all his God-given knowledgeiii

iv<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saenabled him to produce a vast corpus <strong>of</strong> writings, speeches etc. Hisoeuvre is so vast that it will take many years to see the light <strong>of</strong>publication.When the promised Messiah as fervently prayed to God togrant him a Sign in support <strong>of</strong> Islam, Allah gave him the good tidingabout this son <strong>of</strong> his and said:"…He will be extremely intelligent…and will be filledwith secular and spiritual knowledge...Son, delight <strong>of</strong>the heart, high ranking, noble. A manifestation <strong>of</strong> theFirst and the Last, a manifestation <strong>of</strong> the True and theHigh; as if Allah has descended from heaven…Behold alight comes…We shall pour Our Spirit into him"[Revelation <strong>of</strong> 20 th February 1886] ** Translation from Urdu by Sir <strong>Muhammad</strong> Zafrullah Khan in his Englishtranslation <strong>of</strong> Tadhkirah—the book containing dreams, visions and verbalrevelations vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah as . (Revised edition, 2009.)[Publisher]

CONTENTSForeword ................................................................................... ixArabia At The Time Of The Prophet's sa Birth ........................... 1Holy Prophet's sa Marriage With Khadija ra ................................. 7The Prophet sa Receives His First Revelation ............................. 9First Converts .......................................................................... 11The Faithful Persecuted ........................................................... 12The Message Of Islam ............................................................. 18Emigration To Abyssinia ......................................................... 21‘Umar ra Accepts Islam ............................................................. 23Persecution Intensifies ............................................................. 25The Prophet sa Goes To Ta’if ................................................... 27Islam Spreads To Medina ........................................................ 30First Pledge Of ‘Aqaba ............................................................ 35The Hijra .................................................................................. 37Suraqa ra Pursues The Prophet .................................................. 39The Prophet sa Arrives At Medina ............................................ 41Abu Ayyub Ansari ra As Prophet's sa Host .............................. 42<strong>Life</strong> Unsafe At Medina ............................................................ 44Pact Between Various Tribes Of Medina ................................ 47Meccans Preparing To Attack Medina .................................... 50Battle Of Badr .......................................................................... 52A Great Prophecy Fulfilled ...................................................... 59Battle Of Uhud ........................................................................ 62Victory Converted Into Defeat ................................................ 64Rumour Of Prophet's sa Death Reaches Medina ....................... 70Encounter With Banu Mustaliq.............................................. 80Battle Of The Ditch ................................................................. 83Fight Against Heavy Odds ...................................................... 85Treachery Of Banu Quraiza .................................................... 88The Confederates Disperse ...................................................... 95Banu Quraiza Punished ........................................................... 97Sa‘D's ra Award In Harmony With The Bible......................... 100Did The Prophet sa Seek To Continue Warfare? ..................... 103Teachings Of Judaism And Christianity About War ............. 106The Qur’an On War And Peace ............................................. 108v

vi<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThe Prophet's sa Precepts About War ...................................... 116Sporadic Attacks By Disbelievers ......................................... 119The Prophet sa Leaves For Mecca With One Thousand FiveHundred Companions ............................................................ 121Treaty Of Hudaibiya .............................................................. 125Prophet's sa Letters To Various Kings ..................................... 128Letter To The King Of Iran ................................................... 133The Letter To The Negus ....................................................... 135Letter To The Ruler Of Egypt ............................................... 137Letter To Chief Of Bahrain ................................................... 139Fall Of Khaibar ...................................................................... 140The Prophet's sa Vision Fulfilled ............................................. 144Battle Of Mauta ..................................................................... 147The Prophet sa Marches On Mecca With Ten ThousandFollowers ............................................................................... 152Fall Of Mecca ........................................................................ 154The Prophet sa Enters Mecca................................................... 157Ka‘Ba Cleared Of Idols ......................................................... 163The Prophet sa Forgives His Enemies ..................................... 165‘Ikrima ra Becomes Muslim .................................................... 167Battle Of Hunain ................................................................... 169"The Prophet sa Of God Calls You" ........................................ 171A Sworn Enemy Becomes A Devoted Follower ................... 174The Prophet sa Distributes Booty ............................................ 175Machinations Of Abu ‘Amir ................................................. 177The Expedition Of Tabuk ..................................................... 178The Last Pilgrimage ............................................................... 182The Prophet sa Gives Hints Of His Death ............................... 186Last Days Of The Prophet sa ................................................... 189The Prophet sa Passes Away ................................................... 191The Prophet's sa Personality And Character ............................ 195The Prophet's sa Purity Of Mind And Cleanliness Of Body ... 196The Prophet's sa Simple <strong>Life</strong> ................................................... 198Relationship With God .......................................................... 204Disapproval Of Penance ........................................................ 212Attitude Towards His Wives ................................................. 214

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saHigh Moral Qualities ............................................................. 215His Self-Control ..................................................................... 217Justice And Fair Dealing ....................................................... 219Regard For The Poor ............................................................. 221Safeguarding The Interests Of The Poor ............................... 225Treatment Of Slaves .............................................................. 226Treatment Of Women ............................................................ 227Attitude Towards The Dead................................................... 231Treatment Of Neighbours ...................................................... 232Treatment Of Relatives .......................................................... 233Keeping Good Company ....................................................... 236Safeguarding People's Faith ................................................... 236Overlooking Faults Of Others ............................................... 237Patience In Adversity ............................................................. 240Mutual Cooperation ............................................................... 241Truthfulness ........................................................................... 242Inquisitiveness ....................................................................... 244Frank And Straightforward Dealing ...................................... 244Pessimism .............................................................................. 245Cruelty To Animals ............................................................... 245Tolerance In Religious Matters ............................................. 246Bravery .................................................................................. 247Consideration Towards The Uncultured ................................ 247The Fulfilling Of Covenants .................................................. 248Deference Towards Servants Of Humanity ........................... 248<strong>Life</strong> Of The Prophet sa An Open Book ................................... 249Index Of Subject Matter ........................................................ 251Index Of Names ..................................................................... 259Index Of Places ...................................................................... 263vii

Foreword<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is part <strong>of</strong> Introduction to thestudy <strong>of</strong> the Holy Qur’an by Hadrat Mirza BashirduddinMahmud Ahmad ra . The Introduction was translated intoEnglish by Qadi <strong>Muhammad</strong> Aslam and was firstpublished in 1949 from London. Since then it hasappeared in several editions. <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa hasalso appeared in several editions and is out <strong>of</strong> stocknow. We are publishing it again with an index which theoriginal English edition did not have. We have also resetit to make it more attractive. Needless to say that it ismuch in demand and we very much hope that thepresent edition will meet this demand. Some minorcorrections have also been made.The name <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Holy Prophet <strong>of</strong> Islam,has been followed by the symbol sa , which is anabbreviation for the salutation 'may peace and blessings<strong>of</strong> Allah be upon him.' The names <strong>of</strong> other prophets andmessengers are followed by the symbol as, anabbreviation for 'on whom be peace.' The actualsalutations have not generally been set out in full, butthey should nevertheless, be understood as beingrepeated in full in each case. The symbol ra is used withthe name <strong>of</strong> the Disciples <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa andthose <strong>of</strong> the Promised Messiah as . It stands for RadiAllahu ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum (May Allah be pleased withhim/with her/with them).In transliterating Arabic words we have followed thefollowing system adopted by the Royal Asiatic Society.at the beginning <strong>of</strong> a word, pronounced as a, i, u preceded bya very slight aspiration, like h in the English word 'honour'.th, pronounced like th in the English word 'thing'.حh, a guttural aspirate, stronger than h. kh, pronounced like the Scotch ch in 'loch'.dh, pronounced like the English th in 'that'.صs, strongly articulated s. اثخذix

x<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sad, similar to the English th in 'this'.طt. t, strongly articulated palatal ظz. z, strongly articulated ‘, a strong guttural, the pronunciation <strong>of</strong> which must belearnt by the ear.gh, a sound approached very nearly in the r 'grasseye' inFrench, and in the German r. It requires the muscles <strong>of</strong> thethroat to be in the 'gargling' position whilst pronouncing it.q, a deep guttural k sound.’, a sort <strong>of</strong> catch in the voice.Short vowels are represented by:a for (like u in 'bud');i for (like i in 'bid');u for (like oo in 'wood');Long vowels by:a for or (like a in 'father');i for ي or (like ee in 'deep');u for و (like oo in 'root');Other:ai for ي (like i in 'site') ;au for و (resembling ou in 'sound').The consonants not included in the above list havethe same phonetic value as in the principal languages <strong>of</strong>Europe.We have not transliterated Arabic, Persian and Urduwords which have become part <strong>of</strong> English language, e.g.,Islam, Mahdi, Qur’an, Hijra, Ramadan, Rahman,Hadith, Zakat, ulema, umma, sunna, kafir etc.For quotes straight commas (straight quotes) areused to differentiate them from the curved commas usedin the system <strong>of</strong> transliteration, ‘ for ‏,ع ’ for ‏.ء Commasas punctuation marks are used according to the normalusage.ضعغقءThe Publishers In Arabic words like شيخ (Shaikh) there is an element <strong>of</strong> diphthong whichis missing when the word is pronounced in Urdu.

{<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saARABIA AT THE TIME OF THE PROPHET'S saBIRTHThe Prophet sa was born in Mecca in August 570 A.D.He was given the name <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa which means, thePraised One. To understand his life and character wemust have some idea <strong>of</strong> the conditions which obtainedin Arabia at the time <strong>of</strong> his birth.When he was born almost the whole <strong>of</strong> Arabiabelieved in a polytheistic form <strong>of</strong> religion. The Arabstraced their descent to Abraham as . They knew thatAbraham as was a monotheistic Teacher. In spite <strong>of</strong> this,they entertained polytheistic beliefs and were given topolytheistic practices. In defence, they said that somehuman beings are outstanding in their contact withGod. Their intercession on behalf <strong>of</strong> others is acceptedby God. To reach Him is difficult for ordinary humanbeings. They must have others to intercede for them inorder to obtain God's pleasure and help. Thus they wereable to combine their reverence for Abraham as with theirown polytheistic beliefs. Abraham as , they said, was aholy man. He was able to reach God withoutintercession, whilst ordinary Meccans could not do so.The people <strong>of</strong> Mecca, therefore, had made idols <strong>of</strong> holyand righteous persons, and these they worshipped andto these they made <strong>of</strong>ferings in order to please Godthrough them. This attitude was primitive, illogical andfull <strong>of</strong> defects. But the Meccans were not worried bythese. They had not had a monotheistic Teacher for along time, and polytheism, once it takes root, spreadsand knows no bounds. The number <strong>of</strong> gods begins toincrease. At the time <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa birth, it is said1

2<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathat in the Ka‘ba alone, the Sacred Mosque <strong>of</strong> all Islamand the house <strong>of</strong> worship built by Abraham as and hisson Ishmael, there were 360 idols. It seems that forevery day <strong>of</strong> the lunar year the Meccans had an idol. Inother big centres there were other idols, so that we cansay that every part <strong>of</strong> Arabia was steeped in polytheisticbelief. The Arabs were devoted to the culture <strong>of</strong> speech.They were much interested in their spoken languageand were very keen on its advance. Their intellectualambitions, however, were scant. Of History, Geography,Mathematics, etc., they knew nothing. But as they werea desert people and had to find their way about in thedesert without the assistance <strong>of</strong> landmarks, they haddeveloped a keen interest in Astronomy. There was inthe whole <strong>of</strong> Arabia not a single school. It is said that inMecca only a few individuals could read and write.From the moral point <strong>of</strong> view the Arabs were acontradictory people. They suffered from some extrememoral defects but at the same time they possessed someadmirable qualities. They were given to excessivedrinking. To become drunk and to run wild under theeffect <strong>of</strong> drink was for them a virtue, not a vice. Theirconception <strong>of</strong> a gentleman was one who should entertainhis friends and neighbours to drinking bouts. Every richman would hold a drinking party at least five times aday. Gambling was their national sport. But they hadmade <strong>of</strong> it a fine art. They did not gamble in order tobecome rich. Winners were expected to entertain theirfriends. In times <strong>of</strong> war, funds were collected throughgambling. Even today we have the institution <strong>of</strong> prizebondsto raise money for war. The institution has beenresuscitated in our time by the people <strong>of</strong> Europe andAmerica. But they should remember that in this theyonly imitate the Arabs. When war came, Arabian tribeswould hold a gambling party. Whoever won had to bearthe greater part <strong>of</strong> the expenses <strong>of</strong> the war.Of the amenities <strong>of</strong> civilized life, the Arabs knewnothing. Their chief occupation was trade, and to thisend they sent their caravans to far-<strong>of</strong>f places, such as

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 3Abyssinia, Syria, Palestine and even India. The richamong them were great admirers <strong>of</strong> Indian swords. Theirclothing needs were supplied largely by Yemen andSyria. The trading centres were the towns. The rest <strong>of</strong>Arabia, excepting Yemen and some northern parts, wasBedouin. There were no permanent settlements, orplaces <strong>of</strong> habitation. The tribes had divided the countrybetween them so that members <strong>of</strong> a tribe wanderedabout freely in their part <strong>of</strong> the country. When the watersupply in any place was exhausted, they would move onto some other place and settle down. Their capitalconsisted <strong>of</strong> sheep, goats and camels. From the woolthey made cloth, and from the skins they made tents.What was left over they sold in the market. Gold andsilver were not unknown, but they were certainly veryrare possessions. The poor and the common folks madeornaments <strong>of</strong> cowries and sweet-smelling substances.Seeds <strong>of</strong> melons were cleaned, dried and strung togetherto make necklaces. Crime and immoralities <strong>of</strong> variouskinds were rampant. Theft was rare but dacoity wascommon. To attack and to dispossess one another wasregarded a birthright. But, at the same time, theyhonoured their word more than any other people.Should an individual go to a powerful leader or tribe andask for protection, that leader or tribe was honourboundto protect that individual. If this was not done,the tribe lost caste throughout Arabia. Poetscommanded great prestige. They were honoured asnational leaders. Leaders were expected to possess greatpowers <strong>of</strong> speech and even to be able to compose verse.Hospitality had developed into a national virtue. Aforlorn traveller on arrival at the headquarters <strong>of</strong> a tribewould be treated as an honoured guest. The bestanimals would be slaughtered for him and the utmostconsideration shown. They did not care who the visitorwas. It was enough that a visitor had arrived. The visitmeant an increase <strong>of</strong> status and prestige for the tribe. Itbecame the tribe's duty, therefore, to honour the visitor.By honouring him it honoured itself. Woman in this

4<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saArab society had no status and no rights. Among them itwas thought honourable to put baby girls to death. It isa mistake, however, to think that infanticide waspractised on a country-wide scale. Such a dangerousinstitution could not flourish throughout a country.That would have meant the extinction <strong>of</strong> the race. Thetruth is that in Arabia—or for that matter in India orany other country where infanticide has ever existed, ithas been confined only to certain families. The Arabfamilies who practised it either had an exaggeratednotion <strong>of</strong> their social status or they were constrained inother ways. Possibly they were unable to find suitableyoung men for their daughters to marry; knowing this,they put to death their baby girls. The evil <strong>of</strong> thisinstitution lies in its savageness and its cruelty, not inthe results which it has in terms <strong>of</strong> a nation'spopulation. Different methods were used for killing babygirls, among them burying alive and strangulation.Only the real mother was regarded as a mother inArab society. Step-mothers were not regarded asmothers and there was no ban on a son's marrying hisstep-mother on the death <strong>of</strong> his father. Polygamousmarriages were very common, and there was no limit tothe number <strong>of</strong> wives a man could take. More than onesister could also be taken to wife by the same person atone and the same time.The worst treatment was meted out by combatantsides to one another in war. Where hatred was strong,they did not hesitate to split the bodies <strong>of</strong> the wounded,take out parts and eat them in cannibal fashion. Theydid not hesitate to mutilate the bodies <strong>of</strong> their enemies.Cutting <strong>of</strong>f the nose or ears, or plucking out an eye wasa common form <strong>of</strong> cruelty practised by them. Slaverywas widespread. Weak tribes were made slaves. Theslave had no accepted status. Every master did as heliked with his slaves. No action could be taken against amaster who maltreated his slave. A master could murderhis slave without having to answer for it. If one mastermurdered another's slave, even then the penalty was notdeath. All that was required <strong>of</strong> him was to compensatethe aggrieved master suitably. Women-slaves were used

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 5to satisfy sexual desires. The children born <strong>of</strong> suchunions were also treated as slaves. Women-slaves whobecame mothers remained slaves. In terms <strong>of</strong> civilizationand social advance the Arabs were a very backwardpeople. Kindness and consideration to one another wereunknown. Woman had the worst status possible. Stillthe Arabs possessed some virtues. Individual bravery,for instance, sometimes reached a very high level.It was among such people that the Holy Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>Islam was born. His father ‘Abdullah had died before hisbirth. Accordingly, he and his mother Amina had to belooked after by the grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib. Thechild <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa was suckled by a countrywomanwho lived in a place near Ta’if. It was a custom in Arabiain those days to hand over children to women in thecountry, whose duty was to bring up the children, totrain their speech and to give them a good start in bodilyhealth. When the Prophet sa was in his first year * , hismother died while travelling from Medina to Mecca andhad to be buried en route. The child was brought toMecca by a woman-servant and handed over to thegrandfather. When he was in his eighth year, hisgrandfather also died, after which Abu Talib, his uncle,became his guardian, this being the wish expressed in awill by the grandfather. The Prophet sa had two or threeopportunities to travel out <strong>of</strong> Arabia. One <strong>of</strong> theseoccurred when at the age <strong>of</strong> twelve he went in thecompany <strong>of</strong> Abu Talib to Syria. It seems that thisjourney took him only to the south-eastern towns <strong>of</strong>* A: In Biharul-Anwar Imam Baqir narrates on the authority <strong>of</strong> Waqidi thatAminah, the mother <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa , died when he was four monthsold, thus, he was an orphan when he was only four months old. (Biharul-Anwaril-Jami‘ati li-Durari Akhbaril-A’immatil-Athar, Babu Mansha’ihi waRada‘ihi wa ma zahara min I‘jazihi ‘inda dhalika ila Nubuwwatihi bySheikh <strong>Muhammad</strong> Baqir Majlisi, vol.15, p.194; published by Al-AmirahBeirut, First edition 2008.)B: However, according to Ibni Hisham, Hadrat Aminah, the mother <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet sa , died when he was six years old. (Siratun-Nabawiyyah byIbni Hisham, Babu Wafati Aminata wa Hali Rasulillahi ma‘a Jaddihi ‘AbdilMuttalib ba‘daha, p.134, published by Darul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah Beirut,Lebanon, First edition 2001.)

6<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saSyria, for in historical references to this journey there isno mention <strong>of</strong> places like Jerusalem. From now onwardsuntil he grew up to young manhood he remained inMecca. From very childhood he was given to reflectionand meditation. In the quarrels and rivalries <strong>of</strong> othershe took no part, except with a view to putting an end tothem. It is said that the tribes living in Mecca and theterritories around, tired <strong>of</strong> unending blood-feuds,resolved to found an association the purpose <strong>of</strong> whichwas to help victims <strong>of</strong> aggressive and unjust treatment.When the Holy Prophet sa heard <strong>of</strong> this, he gladly joined.Members <strong>of</strong> this association gave an undertaking in thefollowing terms:They will help those who were oppressed and will restorethem their rights, as long as the last drop <strong>of</strong> waterremained in the sea. And if they do not do so, they willcompensate the victims out <strong>of</strong> their own belongings (SiratIbni Hisham by Imam Suhaili).It seems that no other member <strong>of</strong> this associationwas ever called upon to discharge the undertakingsolemnly entered into by members <strong>of</strong> this association.But opportunity came to the Holy Prophet sa when hehad announced his Mission. His worst enemy was AbuJahl, a chief <strong>of</strong> Mecca. He preached social boycott andpublic humiliation <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . About that time aperson from outside came to Mecca. Money was due tohim from Abu Jahl, but Abu Jahl refused to pay. Hementioned this to people in Mecca. Some young men,out <strong>of</strong> sheer mischief, suggested that he shouldapproach the Prophet sa . They thought that the Prophet sawould refuse to do anything for fear <strong>of</strong> the generalopposition to him and particularly for fear <strong>of</strong> theopposition <strong>of</strong> Abu Jahl. If he refused to help this man,he would be said to have broken his pledge to theassociation. If, on the other hand, he did not refuse andchose to approach Abu Jahl for the restitution <strong>of</strong> thisloan, Abu Jahl was certain to turn him away withcontempt. This man went to the Prophet sa andcomplained to him about Abu Jahl. The Prophet sa ,hesitating not a minute, stood up, went with the man

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 7and knocked at Abu Jahl's door. Abu Jahl came out andsaw that his creditor was standing with the Prophet sa .The Prophet sa mentioned the loan and suggested itspayment. Abu Jahl was taken aback and, making noexcuses, paid at once. When the other chiefs <strong>of</strong> Meccaheard <strong>of</strong> this they reproved Abu Jahl, telling him howweak and self-contradictory he had proved. He preachedthe social boycott <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , yet he himselfaccepted direction from the Prophet sa and paid a loan onhis suggestion. In self-defence, Abu Jahl pleaded thatany other person would have done the same. He toldthem that as he saw the Prophet sa standing at his door,he also saw two wild camels standing one on each side,ready to attack. We cannot say what this experiencewas. Was it a miraculous appearance designed to upsetAbu Jahl or was it the awe-inspiring presence <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa which produced this hallucination? A manhated and oppressed by a whole town had taken thecourage to go alone to the leader <strong>of</strong> that town anddemand the restitution <strong>of</strong> a loan. Maybe this veryunexpected sight frightened Abu Jahl and for a momentmade him forget what he had sworn to do against theProphet sa , and forced him to do as the Prophet sasuggested (Hisham).HOLY PROPHET'S sa MARRIAGE WITH KHADIJA raWhen the Prophet sa was about twenty-five years old,his reputation for integrity and fellow-feeling had spreadover the whole <strong>of</strong> the town. People would point admiringfingers at him and say, here was a man who could betrusted. This reputation reached the ears <strong>of</strong> a richwidow who approached the Prophet's sa uncle, Abu Talib,to let his nephew lead a trading caravan <strong>of</strong> hers to Syria.Abu Talib mentioned this to the Prophet sa and theProphet sa agreed. The expedition met with great successand brought unexpected pr<strong>of</strong>its. The rich widow,Khadija ra , was convinced that the success <strong>of</strong> the caravanwas due not only to the conditions <strong>of</strong> the market in

8<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saSyria, but also to the integrity and efficiency <strong>of</strong> itsleader. She interrogated her slave, Maisara, on thissubject, and Maisara supported her view and told herthat the honesty and sympathy with which this youngleader <strong>of</strong> the caravan had managed her affairs would notbe shown by many persons. Khadija ra was muchimpressed by this account. She was forty years <strong>of</strong> ageand had already been widowed twice. She sent a womanfriend <strong>of</strong> hers to the Prophet sa to find out whether hewould be persuaded to marry her. This woman went tothe Prophet sa and asked why he had not married. TheProphet sa replied he was not rich enough to do so. Thevisitor suggested whether he would agree, if a rich andrespectable woman were found whom he could marry.The Prophet sa asked who this woman could be, and thevisitor said she was Khadija ra . The Prophet sa apologized,saying that Khadija ra was too highly placed for him. Thevisitor undertook to deal with all difficulties. In thatcase, said the Prophet sa , there was nothing for him tosay but to agree. Khadija ra then sent a message to theProphet's sa uncle. Marriage between the Prophet sa andKhadija ra was settled and solemnized. A poor manorphaned in, childhood had his first peep intoprosperity. He became rich. But the use he made <strong>of</strong> hisriches is an object-lesson to all mankind. After themarriage Khadija ra felt that she was rich and he waspoor and that this inequality between them would notmake for happiness. So she proposed to make over herproperty and her slaves to the Prophet sa . The Prophet sa ,making sure that Khadija ra was in earnest, declared thatas soon as he had any <strong>of</strong> Khadija's ra slaves, he would setthem free. And he did so. Moreover, the greater part <strong>of</strong>the property which he received from Khadija ra hedistributed among the poor. Among the slaves whom hethus set free was one Zaid ra . He appeared to be moreintelligent and more alert than others. He belonged to arespectable family, had been kidnapped as a child andsold from place to place until he reached Mecca.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 9Young Zaid ra , newly freed, saw at once that it wasbetter to sacrifice freedom for the sake <strong>of</strong> slavery to theProphet sa . When the Prophet sa set the slaves free, Zaid rarefused to be freed and asked leave to continue to livewith the Prophet sa . He did so, and as time went on hisattachment to the Prophet sa grew. But in the meantimeZaid's ra father and his uncle were on his track and theyultimately heard that he was in Mecca. In Mecca theytraced him in the house <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Coming to theProphet sa , they asked for the liberty <strong>of</strong> Zaid ra and <strong>of</strong>feredto pay as much ransom as the Prophet sa shoulddemand. The Prophet sa said that Zaid ra was free andcould go with them as he liked. He sent for Zaid ra andshowed him his father and uncle. After the parties hadmet and dried their tears, Zaid's ra father told him thathe had been freed by his kind Master and, as his motherwas much afflicted by the separation, he had betterreturn home. Zaid ra replied, "Father! who does not lovehis parents? My heart is full <strong>of</strong> love for you and mother.But I love this man <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa so much that I cannotthink <strong>of</strong> living elsewhere than with him. I have met youand I am glad. But separation from <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa Icannot endure." Zaid's ra father and his uncle did theirutmost to persuade Zaid ra to return home with them butZaid ra did not agree. Upon this the Holy Prophet sa said,"Zaid ra was a freedman already, but from today he willbe my son." Seeing this affection between Zaid ra and theProphet sa , Zaid's ra father and uncle went back and Zaid raremained with the Prophet sa (Hisham).THE PROPHET sa RECEIVES HIS FIRSTREVELATIONWhen the Prophet sa was over thirty years <strong>of</strong> age, love<strong>of</strong> God and love <strong>of</strong> His worship began to possess himmore and more. Revolting against the mischiefs,misdeeds and the many vices <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca, hechose a spot two or three miles away for his meditations.This was on top <strong>of</strong> a hill, a sort <strong>of</strong> cave shaped out <strong>of</strong>stone. His wife Khadija ra would prepare food enough for

10<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saseveral days, and with this he would repair to the caveHira. In the cave he would worship God day and night.When he was forty years <strong>of</strong> age, he saw a vision. It wasin this very cave. He saw some one commanding him torecite.The Prophet sa said in reply he did not know what orhow to recite. The figure insisted and at last made theProphet sa recite the following verses:Recite thou in the name <strong>of</strong> thy Lord Who created, createdman from a clot <strong>of</strong> blood. Recite! And thy Lord is the MostBeneficent, Who taught man by the pen, taught man whathe knew not (96:2-6).These verses, the first ever revealed to the Prophet sa ,became part <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an as did other verses whichwere revealed later. They have tremendous meaning.They command the Prophet sa to stand up and be readyto proclaim the name <strong>of</strong> the One God, the One Creator—<strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and <strong>of</strong> all others—Who has made manand sowed the seed <strong>of</strong> His own love and that <strong>of</strong> fellowmenin his nature. The Prophet sa was commanded toproclaim the Message <strong>of</strong> this God, and was promisedhelp, and protection by Him in the proclamation <strong>of</strong> thisMessage. The verses foretold a time when the worldwould be taught all manner <strong>of</strong> knowledge through theinstrumentality <strong>of</strong> the pen, and would be taught thingsnever heard <strong>of</strong> before. The verses constitute an epitome<strong>of</strong> the Qur’an. Whatever the Prophet sa was to be taughtin later revelations is contained in embryo in theseverses. The foundation was laid in them <strong>of</strong> a great andheret<strong>of</strong>ore unknown advance in the spiritual progress <strong>of</strong>man. The meaning and explanation <strong>of</strong> these verses willbe found in their place in this Commentary. We refer tothem here because their revelation constitutes a greatoccasion in the life <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . When the Prophet sareceived this revelation, he was full <strong>of</strong> fear <strong>of</strong> theresponsibility which God had decided to place on hisshoulders. Any other person in his place would havebeen filled with pride—he would have felt that he hadbecome great. The Prophet sa was different. He could

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 11achieve great things but could take no pride in hisachievement. After this great experience he reachedhome greatly agitated, his face drawn. On Khadija's raenquiry, he narrated the whole experience to her andsummed up his fears, saying, "Weak man that I am, howcan I carry the responsibility which God proposes to puton my shoulders." Khadija ra replied at once:God is witness, He has not sent you this Word that youshould fail and prove unworthy, that He should then giveyou up. How can God do such a thing, while you are kindand considerate to your relations, help the poor and theforlorn and bear their burdens? You are restoring thevirtues which had disappeared from our country. Youtreat guests with honour and help those who are indistress. Can you be subjected by God to any trial?(Bukhari).Having said this, Khadija ra took the Prophet sa to hercousin, Waraqa bin Naufal, a Christian. When he heardthe account Waraqa said:"The angel who descended on Moses as , I am sure, hasdescended on you" (Bukhari).FIRST CONVERTSWaraqa evidently referred to the prophecy inDeuteronomy 18:18. When the news reached Zaid ra , theProphet's sa freed slave, now about thirty years <strong>of</strong> age,and his cousin ‘Ali ra , about eleven, they both declaredtheir faith in him. Abu Bakr ra , friend <strong>of</strong> his childhood,was out <strong>of</strong> town. As he returned he began to hear <strong>of</strong> thisnew experience which the Prophet sa had had. He wastold that his friend had gone mad and had begun to saythat angels brought him messages from God. Abu Bakr ratrusted the Prophet sa completely. He did not doubt for aminute that the Prophet sa must be right—he had knownhim to be both sane and sincere. He knocked at theProphet's sa door and on admission into his companyasked him what had happened. The Prophet sa , fearing

12<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> salest Abu Bakr ra should misunderstand, began a longexplanation. Abu Bakr ra stopped the Prophet sa fromdoing so, and insisted that all he wanted to know waswhether an angel had really descended upon him fromGod and had given him a Message. The Prophet sawanted to explain again, but Abu Bakr ra said he wantedto hear no explanation. He wanted only an answer to thequestion whether he had had a Message from God. TheProphet sa said, "Yes" and Abu Bakr ra at once declaredhis faith. Having declared his faith, he said, argumentwould have detracted from the value <strong>of</strong> his faith. He hadknown the Prophet sa long and intimately. He could notdoubt him, and he wanted no argument to be convinced<strong>of</strong> his truth. This small group <strong>of</strong> the Faithful then werethe first believers <strong>of</strong> Islam: a woman full <strong>of</strong> years, aneleven-year-old boy, a freed slave living amongstrangers, a young friend and the Prophet sa himself. Thiswas the party which made the silent resolve to spreadthe light <strong>of</strong> God all over the world. When the people andtheir leaders heard <strong>of</strong> this, they laughed and declaredthat these men had gone mad. There was nothing to fearand nothing to worry about. But as time went on, thetruth began to dawn and as the Prophet Isaiah as (28:13)said long ago, precept upon precept, precept uponprecept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, andthere a little; began to descend upon the Prophet sa .THE FAITHFUL PERSECUTEDGod began to talk to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa in "anothertongue". The youth <strong>of</strong> the country began to wonder.Those in search <strong>of</strong> truth became excited. Out <strong>of</strong> scornand derision began to grow approval and admiration.Slaves, young men, and hapless women began to collectaround the Prophet sa . In his Message and in histeaching there was hope for the degraded, the depressedand the young. Women thought the time for therestoration <strong>of</strong> their rights was near. Slaves thought theday <strong>of</strong> their liberation had come and young men thoughtthe avenues <strong>of</strong> progress were going to be thrown open to

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 13them. When derision began to change into approval andindifference into attachment, the chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca andthe <strong>of</strong>ficials began to take fright. They assembled andtook counsel. They decided that derision was no methodto deal with this menace. A more serious remedy had tobe applied. The new influence had to be put down byforce. It was decided that persecution and some form <strong>of</strong>boycott must be instituted. Practical steps were soontaken, and Mecca was pitched against Islam in a seriousconflict. The Prophet sa and his small following were nolonger considered mad, but a growing influence which, ifallowed to grow unimpeded, would prove a danger to thefaith, prestige, customs and traditions <strong>of</strong> Mecca. Islamthreatened to pull down and rebuild the old structure <strong>of</strong>Meccan society, to create a new heaven and a new earth,the coming <strong>of</strong> which must mean the disappearance <strong>of</strong>the old heaven <strong>of</strong> Arabia and its old heart. Meccanscould no longer laugh at Islam. It was a question now <strong>of</strong>life and death for them. Islam was a challenge andMecca accepted the challenge, as enemies <strong>of</strong> Prophetshad always accepted the challenge <strong>of</strong> their Prophets.They decided not to meet argument by argument but todraw the sword and put down the dangerous teachingby force; not to match the good example <strong>of</strong> the Prophet saand his followers by their own, nor to reply to kindwords in kind, but to maltreat the innocent and toabuse those who spoke kindly. Once again in the worlda conflict started between belief and disbelief; the forces<strong>of</strong> Satan declared war on the angels. The Faithful, still ahandful, had no power to resist the onslaughts andviolence <strong>of</strong> the disbelievers. A most cruel campaignbegan. Women were butchered shamelessly. Men wereslaughtered. The slaves who had declared their faith inthe Prophet sa were dragged over burning sands andstones. Their skins became hardened like those <strong>of</strong>animals. A long time after, when Islam had becomeestablished far and near, one <strong>of</strong> these early convertsnamed Khabbab bin Al-Arat ra had his body exposed. Hisfriends saw his skin hardened like an animal's andasked him why it was so. Khabbab ra laughed and said itwas nothing; only a memory <strong>of</strong> those early days when

14<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saslaves converted to Islam were dragged through thestreets <strong>of</strong> Mecca over hard and hot sands and stones(Musnad, Vol. 5, p. 110).The slaves who believed came from all communities.Bilal ra was a negro, Suhaib ra a Greek. They belonged todifferent faiths. Jabr ra and Suhaib ra were Christians,Bilal ra and ‘Ammar ra , idol-worshippers. Bilal ra was madeto lie on hot sand, loaded with stones, and boys weremade to dance on his chest, and his master, Umayyabin Khalf, tortured him thus and then asked him torenounce Allah and the Prophet sa and sing the praises <strong>of</strong>the Meccan gods, Lat and ‘Uzza. Bilal ra only said, Ahad,Ahad … (God is One).Exasperated, Umayya handed Bilal ra over to streetboys, asking them to put a cord round his neck anddrag him through the town over sharp stones. Bilal's rabody bled, but he went on muttering, Ahad, Ahad…Later, when Muslims settled in Medina and were able tolive and worship in comparative peace, the HolyProphet sa appointed Bilal ra a Mu’adhdhin, the <strong>of</strong>ficialwho calls the worshippers to prayers. Being an African,Bilal ra missed the (h), in the Arabic Ashhadu (I bearwitness). Medinite believers laughed at his defectivepronunciation, but the Prophet sa rebuked them and toldthem how dear Bilal ra was to God for the stout faith heshowed under Meccan tortures. Abu Bakr ra paid ransomfor Bilal ra and many other slaves and secured theirrelease. Among them was Suhaib ra , a prosperousmerchant, whom the Quraish continued to belaboureven after his release. When the Holy Prophet sa leftMecca to settle down in Medina, Suhaib ra wanted to gowith him. But the Meccans stopped him. He could nottake away from Mecca, they said, the wealth he hadearned in Mecca. Suhaib ra <strong>of</strong>fered to surrender all hisproperty and earnings and asked whether they wouldthen let him go. The Meccans accepted the arrangement.Suhaib ra reached Medina empty-handed and saw theProphet sa , who heard him and congratulated him,saying, "This was the best bargain <strong>of</strong> your life."

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 15Most <strong>of</strong> these slave-converts remained steadfast inouter as well as inner pr<strong>of</strong>essions <strong>of</strong> faith. But somewere weak. Once the Holy Prophet sa found ‘Ammar ragroaning with pain and drying his tears. Approached bythe Prophet sa , ‘Ammar ra said he had been beaten andcompelled to recant. The Prophet sa asked him, "But didyou believe at heart?" ‘Ammar ra declared that he did,and the Prophet sa said that God would forgive hisweakness.‘Ammar's ra father, Yasir ra , and his mother, Samiyya ra ,also were tormented by disbelievers. On one suchoccasion the Prophet sa happened to pass by. Filled withemotion, he said, "Family <strong>of</strong> Yasir ra , bear up patiently,for God has prepared for you a Paradise." The propheticwords were soon fulfilled. Yasir ra succumbed to thetortures, and a little later Abu Jahl murdered his agedwife, Samiyya ra , with a spear.Zinbira ra , a woman slave, lost her eyes under thecruel treatment <strong>of</strong> disbelievers.Abu Fukaih ra , Safwan bin Umayya's slave, was laidon hot sand while over his chest were placed heavy andhot stones, under pain <strong>of</strong> which his tongue dropped out.Other slaves were mishandled in similar ways.These cruelties were beyond endurance. But earlybelievers bore them because their hearts were madestout by assurances received daily from God. The Qur’andescended on the Prophet sa , but the reassuring voice <strong>of</strong>God descended on all believers. Were not this so, theFaithful could not have withstood the cruelties to whichthey were subjected. Abandoned by fellow-men, friendsand relations, they had none but God with them, andthey cared not whether they had anyone else. Because<strong>of</strong> Him, the cruelties seemed nothing, abuse soundedlike prayers and stones seemed like velvet.The free citizens who believed were not less cruellytreated. Their elders and chiefs tormented them indifferent ways. ‘Uthman ra was a man <strong>of</strong> forty, andprosperous. Yet when the Quraish resolved upon generalpersecution <strong>of</strong> Muslims, his uncle, Hakam, tied him up

16<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saand beat him. Zubair bin al-‘Awwam ra , a brave younglad who later became a great Muslim general, waswrapped up in a mat by his uncle, smoked fromunderneath and tortured by suffocation. But he wouldnot recant. He had found Truth and would not give itup.Abu Dharr ra , <strong>of</strong> the tribe <strong>of</strong> Ghaffar, heard <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa and went to Mecca to investigate. The Meccansdissuaded him, saying that they knew <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa welland that his Movement was only a selfish design. AbuDharr ra was not impressed; so he went to the Prophet sa ,heard the Message <strong>of</strong> Islam straight from him and wasconverted. Abu Dharr ra asked if he could keep his faithsecret from his tribe. The Prophet sa said he could do s<strong>of</strong>or a few days. But as he passed through the streets <strong>of</strong>Mecca he heard a party <strong>of</strong> Meccan chiefs abuse the HolyProphet sa and make vile attacks. No longer could hekeep his faith secret, and he declared at once: "I bearwitness that there is no God but Allah, and that there isno one like Allah; and <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is His Servant andProphet sa ." This cry raised in an assembly <strong>of</strong> disbelieversseemed to them an effrontery. They rose in wrath andbelaboured him until he fell down senseless. TheProphet's sa uncle ‘Abbas ra , not a convert yet, passed byand began to remonstrate on behalf <strong>of</strong> the victim. "Yourfood caravans pass through Abu Dharr's ra tribe," hesaid, "and angered at your treatment, his people canstarve you to death." The following day Abu Dharr rastayed at home. But the day after he went again to thesame assembly and found them abusing the HolyProphet sa as before. He went to the Ka‘ba and foundpeople doing the same. He could not restrain himself,stood up and made a loud declaration <strong>of</strong> his faith. Againhe was severely handled. The same thing happened athird time, and Abu Dharr ra went back to his tribe.The Holy Prophet sa himself was no exception to thecruel treatment meted out to the Faithful. On oneoccasion he was in prayer. A party <strong>of</strong> disbelievers put amantle round his neck and dragged him; his eyes

18<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sanew Message was gone. He began to feel that so far hehad been too casual about it. He made straight for theKa‘ba, where the chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca were wont to meet andconfer. He took his bow and struck Abu Jahl hard."Count me from today a follower <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ," hesaid. "You abused him this morning because he wouldsay nothing. If you are brave, come out and fight me."Abu Jahl was dumbfounded. His friends rose to helpbut, afraid <strong>of</strong> Hamza ra and his tribe, Abu Jahl stoppedthem, thinking an open fight would cost too dearly. Hewas really to blame, he said, about the morning incident(Hisham and Tabari).THE MESSAGE OF ISLAMOpposition continued to mount. At the same time theProphet sa and his followers were doing all they could tomake plain to the Meccans the Message <strong>of</strong> Islam. It wasa many-sided Message and <strong>of</strong> great ultimatesignificance, not only for Arabs but for the whole world.It was a Message from God. It said:The Creator <strong>of</strong> the world is One. None else is worthy<strong>of</strong> worship. The Prophets have ever believed Him to beOne, and taught their followers so. Meccans should giveup all images and idols. Did they not see that the idolscould not even remove the flies which dropped on the<strong>of</strong>ferings laid at their feet? If they were attacked theycould not repel. If they had a question put to them, theycould not answer. If they were asked for help, they coulddo nothing. But the One God helped those who askedfor His help, answered those who addressed Him inprayer, subjugated His enemies, and raised those whoabased themselves before Him. When light came fromHim, it illumined His devotees. Why then did theMeccans neglect Him and turn to lifeless images andidols and waste their lives? Did they not see that theirwant <strong>of</strong> faith in the One True God had made themutterly superstitious and incompetent? They had no idea

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 19<strong>of</strong> what was clean and what was unclean, <strong>of</strong> right andwrong. They did not honour their mothers. They treatedsavagely their sisters and daughters, and denied themtheir due. They did not treat their wives well. Theytormented widows, exploited orphans, the poor and theweak, and sought to build their prosperity on the ruins<strong>of</strong> others. Of lying and cheating they were not ashamed,nor <strong>of</strong> burgling and loot. Gambling and drinking weretheir delight. For culture and national advance they didnot care. How long were they going to ignore the OneTrue God, and continue to lose and lose, and suffer andsuffer? Had they not better reform? Had they not bettergive up all forms <strong>of</strong> exploitation <strong>of</strong> one another, restorerights to whom they were due, spend their wealth onnational needs and on improving the lot <strong>of</strong> the poor andthe weak, treat orphans as a trust and regard theirprotection as a duty, support widows and establish andencourage good works in the whole community, cultivatenot merely justice and equity, but compassion andgrace? <strong>Life</strong> in this world should be productive <strong>of</strong> good."Leave good works behind", the Message further said,"that they may grow and bear fruit after you are gone.There is virtue in giving to others, not in receiving fromthem. Learn to surrender that you may be nearer toyour God. Practise self-denial for the sake <strong>of</strong> your fellowmen,that you may multiply your credit with God. True,the Muslims are weak, but do not go after theirweakness, Truth will triumph. This is the decree <strong>of</strong>Heaven. Through the Prophet sa a new measure and anew criterion <strong>of</strong> good and evil, <strong>of</strong> right and wrong, will beset up in the world. Justice and mercy will reign. Noconstraint will be allowed in the matter <strong>of</strong> religion, andno interference. The cruelties to which women andslaves have been subjected will be obliterated. TheKingdom <strong>of</strong> God will be instituted in place <strong>of</strong> thekingdom <strong>of</strong> Satan."When this Message was preached to the people <strong>of</strong>Mecca and the well-meaning and reflective among thembegan to be impressed by it. The elders <strong>of</strong> Mecca took a

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 21belief and regard for duty. Turning to the Prophet sa , hesaid:"My nephew, go your way. Do your duty. Let my peoplegive me up. I am with you" (Hisham).EMIGRATION TO ABYSSINIAWhen tyranny reached its extreme limit the Prophet saassembled his followers, and pointing to the west toldthem <strong>of</strong> a land across the sea where men were notmurdered because <strong>of</strong> a change <strong>of</strong> faith, where they couldworship God unmolested, and where there was a justking. Let them go there; maybe the change would bringthem relief. A party <strong>of</strong> Muslim men, women andchildren, acting on this suggestion, went to Abyssinia.The migration was on a small scale and very pathetic.The Arabs regarded themselves as keepers <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba,and so they were. To leave Mecca was for them a greatwrench, and no Arab could think <strong>of</strong> doing so unlessliving in Mecca had become absolutely impossible. Norwere the Meccans prepared to tolerate such amovement. They would not let their victims escape andhave the least chance to live elsewhere. The party,therefore, had to keep its preparations for the journey aclose secret and to depart without even saying good-byeto their friends and relations. Their departure, however,became known to some and did not fail to impress them.‘Umar ra , subsequently the Second Khalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam, wasstill a disbeliever, a bitter enemy and persecutor <strong>of</strong>Muslims. By sheer chance, he met some members <strong>of</strong>this party. One <strong>of</strong> these was a woman, Ummi‘Abdullah ra . When ‘Umar ra saw household effects packedup and loaded on animals, he understood at once that itwas a party leaving Mecca to take refuge elsewhere. "Areyou going?" he asked. "Yes, God is our witness," repliedUmmi ‘Abdullah ra . "We go to another land, because youtreat us most cruelly here. We will not return now untilAllah pleases to make it easy for us." ‘Umar ra was

22<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saimpressed and said, "God be with you." There wasemotion in his voice. This silent scene had upset him.When the Meccans got to know <strong>of</strong> it, they sent a party inchase. This party went as far as the sea but found thatthe Muslims had already embarked. Not being able toovertake them, they decided to send a delegation toAbyssinia to excite the king against the refugees and topersuade him to hand them over again to Meccans. One<strong>of</strong> the delegates was ‘Amr bin al-‘As ra , who later joinedIslam and conquered Egypt. The delegation went toAbyssinia, met the king and intrigued with his court.But the king proved very firm and, in spite <strong>of</strong> thepressure which the Meccan delegation and his owncourtiers were able to put upon him, he refused to handover the Muslim refugees to their persecutors. Thedelegation returned disappointed, but in Mecca theysoon thought <strong>of</strong> another plan to force the return <strong>of</strong>Muslims from Abyssinia. Among the caravans going toAbyssinia they set afloat the rumour that all Mecca hadaccepted Islam. When the rumour reached Abyssinia,many Muslim refugees joyfully returned to Mecca butfound on arrival that the rumour which had reachedthem was a fabrication. Some Muslims went back againto Abyssinia but some decided to stay. Among the latterwas ‘Uthman bin Maz‘un ra , son <strong>of</strong> a leading Meccanchief. ‘Uthman ra received protection from a friend <strong>of</strong> hisfather, Walid bin Mughira, and began to live in peace.But he saw that other Muslims continued to sufferbrutal persecution. It made him very unhappy. He wentto Walid and renounced his protection. He felt he shouldnot have such protection while other Muslims continuedto suffer. Walid announced this to the Meccans.One day, Labid, poet-laureate <strong>of</strong> Arabia, sat amongthe chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca, reciting his verse. He read a linewhich meant that all graces must ultimately come to anend. ‘Uthman ra boldly contradicted him and said, "Thegraces <strong>of</strong> Paradise will be everlasting." Labid, not used tosuch contradictions, lost his temper and said, "Quraish,your guests were not insulted like this before. Whence

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 23has this fashion begun?" To appease Labid, a man fromamong the audience rose and said, "Go on and take nonotice <strong>of</strong> this fool". ‘Uthman ra XE "Persecution to theMuslims:‘Uthman bin Maz‘un ra insisted that he hadsaid nothing foolish. This exasperated the Quraishite,who sprang upon ‘Uthman ra and gave him a sharp blow,knocking out an eye. Walid was present at the scene. Hewas a close friend <strong>of</strong> ‘Uthman's ra father. He could notendure such treatment <strong>of</strong> his deceased friend's son. But‘Uthman ra was no longer under his formal protectionand Arab custom now forbade him to take sides. So hecould do nothing. Half in anger, half in anguish heturned to ‘Uthman ra , and said, "Son <strong>of</strong> my friend, youwould have saved your eye, had you not renounced myprotection. You have to thank yourself for it."‘Uthman ra replied,"I have longed for this. I lament not over the loss <strong>of</strong> oneeye, because the other waits for the same fate. Remember,while the Prophet sa suffers, we want no peace" (Halbiyya,Vol. 1, P. 348).‘UMAR ra ACCEPTS ISLAMAbout this time, another very important event tookplace. ‘Umar ra , who later became the Second Khalifah <strong>of</strong>Islam, was still one <strong>of</strong> the fiercest and the most fearedenemies <strong>of</strong> Islam. He felt that no effective step had yetbeen taken against the new Movement and decided toput an end to the Prophet's sa life. He took his sword andset out. A friend was puzzled to see him going and askedwhere he was going and with what intent. "To kill<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ," said ‘Umar ra ."But would you be safe from his tribe after this? Anddo you really know how things are going? Do you knowthat your sister and her husband have joined Islam?"It came like a bolt from the blue and greatly upset‘Umar ra . He decided to go and have done with his sisterand her husband first. As he reached their house he

24<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saheard a recitation going on inside. The voice was that <strong>of</strong>Khabbab ra who was teaching them the Holy Book.‘Umar ra entered the house swiftly. Khabbab ra , alarmedby the hurried steps, had already hid himself. ‘Umar's rasister, Fatima ra , put away the leaves <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an.Confronting her and her husband, ‘Umar ra said, "I hearyou have renounced your own faith," and, saying this,he raised his hand to strike her husband, who wasincidentally his own cousin. Fatima ra threw herselfbetween ‘Umar ra and her husband; so ‘Umar's ra handfell on Fatima’s ra face and struck her on the nose, fromwhich blood flowed freely. The blow made Fatima ra allthe braver. She said, "Yes, we are Muslims now andshall remain so; do what you may." ‘Umar ra was a braveman, though rough. His sister's face, dyed red by hisown hand, filled him with remorse. Soon he was achanged man. He asked to be shown those leaves <strong>of</strong> theQur’an they were reading from. Fatima ra refused lest heshould tear them up and throw them away. ‘Umar rapromised not to do so. But, said Fatima ra , he was notclean. ‘Umar ra <strong>of</strong>fered to have a bath. Clean and cooled,he took the leaves <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an in his hand. Theycontained a portion <strong>of</strong> the Chapter Ta Ha. And he cameupon the verses:"Verily I am Allah; there is no God beside Me. Soserve Me, and observe prayer for My remembrance.Surely the Hour is coming, and I am going to manifestit, that every soul may be recompensed for itsendeavour" (20:15, 16).The firm assertion <strong>of</strong> God's existence, the clearpromise that Islam would soon establish genuineworship in place <strong>of</strong> the customary one current inMecca—these and a host <strong>of</strong> other associated ideas musthave moved ‘Umar ra . He could contain himself no longer.Faith welled up in his heart and he said, "Howwonderful, how inspiring!" Khabbab ra came out <strong>of</strong> hishiding, and said, "God is my witness, only yesterday Iheard the Prophet sa pray for the conversion <strong>of</strong> ‘Umar ra or‘Amr ibn Hisham. Your change is the result <strong>of</strong> that

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 25prayer." ‘Umar's ra mind was made up. He asked wherethe Prophet sa was and made straight for him at DariArqam, his bare sword still in his hand. As he knockedat the door, the Prophet's sa Companions could see‘Umar ra through the crevices. They feared lest he shouldhave some evil design. But the Prophet sa said, "Let himcome in." ‘Umar ra entered, sword in hand. "What bringsyou?" inquired the Prophet sa . "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God," said‘Umar ra , "I am here to become a Muslim." Allahu Akbar,cried the Prophet sa . Allahu Akbar, cried the Companions.The hills around Mecca echoed the cries. News <strong>of</strong> theconversion spread like wild fire and henceforward‘Umar ra , the much-feared persecutor <strong>of</strong> Islam, himselfbegan to be persecuted along with other Muslims. But‘Umar ra had changed. He delighted now in suffering ashe had delighted before in inflicting suffering. He wentabout Mecca, a much harassed person.PERSECUTION INTENSIFIESPersecution became more and more serious andmore unbearable. Many Muslims had already left Mecca.Those who stayed behind had to suffer more than everbefore. But Muslims swerved not a bit from the paththey had chosen. Their hearts were as stout as ever,their faith as steadfast. Their devotion to the One Godwas on the increase and so was their hatred for thenational idols <strong>of</strong> Mecca. The conflict had become moreserious than ever. The Meccans convened another bigmeeting. At this they resolved on an all-out boycott <strong>of</strong>the Muslims: The Meccans were to have no normaldealings with Muslims. They were neither to buy fromthem, nor to sell them anything. The Prophet sa , hisfamily and a number <strong>of</strong> relations who, though notMuslims, still stood by him, were compelled to takeshelter in a lonely place, a possession <strong>of</strong> Abu Talib.Without money, without means and without reserves,the Prophet's sa family and relations suffered untold

26<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sahardships under this blockade. For three years therewas no slackening <strong>of</strong> it. Then at last, five decentmembers <strong>of</strong> the enemy revolted against these conditions.They went to the blockaded family, <strong>of</strong>fered to annul theboycott, and asked the family to come out. Abu Talibcame out and reproved his people. The revolt <strong>of</strong> the fivebecame known all over Mecca, but good feeling asserteditself again, and Meccans decided they must cancel thesavage boycott. The boycott was over, but not itsconsequences. In a few days the Prophet's sa faithful wife,Khadija ra , met her death, and a month later his uncle,Abu Talib.The Holy Prophet sa had now lost the companionshipand support <strong>of</strong> Khadija ra , and he and the Muslims hadlost the good <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> Abu Talib. Their passing awaynaturally also resulted in the loss <strong>of</strong> some generalsympathy. Abu Lahab, another uncle <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa ,seemed ready at first to side with the Prophet sa . Theshock <strong>of</strong> his brother's death and regard for his dyingwish were still fresh in his mind. But the Meccans soonsucceeded in antagonizing him. They made use <strong>of</strong> theusual appeals. The Prophet sa taught that disbelief in theOneness <strong>of</strong> God was an <strong>of</strong>fence, punishable in theHereafter; his teaching contradicted everything they hadlearnt from their forefathers, and so on. Abu Lahabdecided to oppose the Prophet sa more than ever.Relations between Muslims and Meccans had becomestrained. A three-year boycott and blockade hadenlarged the gulf between them. Meeting and preachingseemed impossible. The Prophet sa did not mind the illtreatmentand the persecution; these were nothing solong as he had the chance to meet and address people.But now it seemed that he had no such chance inMecca. General antagonism apart, the Prophet sa nowfound it impossible to appear in any street or publicplace. If he did, they threw dust at him and sent himback to his house. Once he returned home, his headcovered with dust. A daughter wept as she removed thedust. The Prophet sa told her not to weep for God was

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 27with him. Ill-treatment did not upset the Prophet sa . Heeven welcomed it as evidence <strong>of</strong> interest in his Message.One day, for instance, the Meccans by a general intriguesaid nothing to him nor did they ill-treat him in anyway. The Prophet sa retired home disappointed, until thereassuring voice <strong>of</strong> God made him go to his peopleagain.THE PROPHET sa GOES TO TA’IFIt seemed that in Mecca now nobody would listen tohim and this made him sad. He felt he was stagnating.So he decided to turn elsewhere for the preaching <strong>of</strong> hisMessage, and he chose Ta’if, a small town about sixtymiles to the south-east <strong>of</strong> Mecca and famed for its fruitand its agriculture. The Prophet's sa decision was inkeeping with the traditions <strong>of</strong> all Prophets as . Moses asturned now to the Pharaoh, now to Israel, and now toMidian. Jesus as , similarly, turned now to Galilee, now toplaces across the Jordan, and now to Jerusalem. So theHoly Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam, finding that Meccans would illtreatbut not listen, turned to Ta’if. In polytheistic beliefsand practices Ta’if was not behind Mecca. The idols tobe found in the Ka‘ba were not the only, nor the onlyimportant, idols in Arabia. One important idol, al-Lat,was to be found in Ta’if; because <strong>of</strong> it Ta’if also was acentre <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage. The inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Ta’if wereconnected with those <strong>of</strong> Mecca by ties <strong>of</strong> blood; andmany green spots between Ta’if and Mecca were ownedby Meccans. On arrival at Ta’if, the Prophet sa had visitsfrom its chiefs but none seemed willing to accept theMessage. The rank and file obeyed their leaders anddismissed the teaching with contempt. This was notunusual. People immersed in worldly affairs alwaysregard such a Message as something <strong>of</strong> an interferenceand even an <strong>of</strong>fence. Because the Message is withoutvisible support—such as numbers or arms—they als<strong>of</strong>eel they can dismiss it with contempt. The Prophet sa

28<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawas no exception. Reports <strong>of</strong> him had already reachedTa’if, and here he now was, without arms or following, alone individual with only one companion, Zaid ra . Thetowns folk thought him a nuisance which should beended, if only to please their chiefs. They set vagabonds<strong>of</strong> the town and street boys at him who pelted him withstones and drove him out <strong>of</strong> the town. Zaid ra waswounded and the Prophet sa began to bleed pr<strong>of</strong>usely.But the pursuit continued until this defenceless party <strong>of</strong>two was several miles out <strong>of</strong> Ta’if. The Prophet sa wassorely grieved and dejected when an angel descendedupon him and asked if he would like his persecutors tobe destroyed. "No," said the Prophet sa . "I hope that <strong>of</strong>these very tormentors would be born those who wouldworship the One True God." (Bukhari, Kitab Bad’ul-Khalq.)Exhausted and dejected, he stopped at a vineyardowned by two Meccans who happened to be present.They were among his persecutors at Mecca, but on thisoccasion they became sympathetic. Was it because aMeccan had been ill-treated by the people <strong>of</strong> Ta’if, or wasit because a spark <strong>of</strong> human kindness suddenly glowedin their hearts? They sent to the Prophet sa a tray full <strong>of</strong>grapes with a Christian slave, ‘Addas ra by name andbelonging to Nineveh. ‘Addas ra presented the tray to theProphet sa and his companion. While he looked wistfullyat them, he became more curious than ever when heheard the Prophet sa say, "In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, theGracious, the Merciful." His Christian background wasenlivened and he felt he was in the presence <strong>of</strong> a HebrewProphet as . The Prophet sa asked him where he belongedand ‘Addas ra said Nineveh, upon which the Prophet sasaid, "Jonah as , son <strong>of</strong> Amittai, who belonged to Nineveh,was a holy man, a Prophet like me." The Prophet sa alsotold ‘Addas ra <strong>of</strong> his own Message. ‘Addas ra felt charmedand believed at once. He embraced the Prophet sa withtears in his eyes and started kissing his head, handsand feet. The meeting over, the Prophet sa turned again toAllah and said:

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 29Allah, I submit my plaint to Thee. I am weak, and withoutmeans. My people look down upon me. Thou art Lord <strong>of</strong>the weak and the poor and Thou art my Lord. To whomwilt Thou abandon me—to strangers who push me aboutor to the enemy who oppresses me in my own town? IfThou art not angered at me, I care not for my enemy. Thymercy be with me. I seek refuge in the light <strong>of</strong> Thy face. Itis Thou Who canst drive away darkness from the worldand give peace to all, here and hereafter. Let not Thyanger and Thy wrath descend on me. Thou art neverangry except when Thou art pleased soon after. And thereis no power and no refuge except with Thee (Hisham andTabari).Having said this prayer, he set back for Mecca. Hestopped en route at Nakhla for a few days and set outagain. According to Meccan tradition he was no longer acitizen <strong>of</strong> Mecca. He had left it because he thought ithostile and could not return to it except with thepermission <strong>of</strong> the Meccans. Accordingly, he sent word toMut‘im bin ‘Adi—a Meccan chief, to ask if Meccanswould permit him to come back. Mut‘im, though asbitter an enemy as any other, possessed nobility <strong>of</strong>heart. He collected his sons and relatives. Armingthemselves, they went to the Ka‘ba. Standing in thecourtyard he announced he was permitting theProphet sa to return. The Prophet sa then returned, andmade a circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. Mut‘im, his sons andrelatives, with swords unsheathed, then escorted theProphet sa to his house. It was not protection in thecustomary Arabian sense which had been extended tothe Prophet sa . The Prophet sa continued to suffer andMut‘im did not shield him. Mut‘im's act amounted to adeclaration <strong>of</strong> formal permission for the Prophet sa toreturn.The Prophet's sa journey to Ta‘if has extorted praiseeven from the enemies <strong>of</strong> Islam. Sir William Muir, in hisbiography <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , writes (speaking <strong>of</strong> thejourney to Ta’if):

30<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThere is something l<strong>of</strong>ty and heroic in this journey <strong>of</strong><strong>Muhammad</strong> sa to At-Ta’if; a solitary man, despised andrejected by his own people, going boldly forth in the name<strong>of</strong> God, like Jonah to Nineveh, and summoning anidolatrous city to repent and support his mission. It sheds astrong light on the intensity <strong>of</strong> his belief in the divine origin<strong>of</strong> his calling (<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa by Sir W. Muir, 1923edition, pp. 112-113).Mecca returned to its old hostility. The Prophet's sahome town again became hell for him. But he continuedto tell people <strong>of</strong> his Message. The formula, "God is One",began to be heard here and there. With love and regard,and with a sense <strong>of</strong> fellow-feeling, the Prophet sapersisted in the exposition <strong>of</strong> his Message. People turnedaway but he addressed them again and again. He madehis proclamation, whether the people cared or not, andpersistence seemed to pay. The handful <strong>of</strong> Muslims whohad returned from Abyssinia and had decided to stay,preached secretly to their friends, neighbours andrelations. Some <strong>of</strong> these were persuaded to declarethemselves openly and to share the sufferings <strong>of</strong> otherMuslims. But many, though persuaded at heart, did nothave the courage to confess openly; they waited for thekingdom <strong>of</strong> God to come to the earth.In the meantime revelations received by the Prophet sabegan to hint at the near possibility <strong>of</strong> migration fromMecca. Some idea <strong>of</strong> the place they were to migrate towas also given to him. It was a town <strong>of</strong> wells and dategroves.He thought <strong>of</strong> Yamama. But soon the thoughtwas dismissed. He then waited in the assurance thatwhatever place they were destined to go to wouldcertainly become the cradle <strong>of</strong> Islam.ISLAM SPREADS TO MEDINAThe annual Hajj drew near, and from all parts <strong>of</strong>Arabia pilgrims began to arrive in Mecca. The Prophet sawent wherever he found a group <strong>of</strong> people, expounded to

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 31them the idea <strong>of</strong> One God and told them to give upexcesses <strong>of</strong> all kinds and prepare for the Kingdom <strong>of</strong>God. Some listened and became interested. Somewished to listen but were sent away by the Meccans.Some who had already made up their minds, stopped toridicule. The Prophet sa was in the valley <strong>of</strong> Mina when hesaw a group <strong>of</strong> six or seven people. He found that theybelonged to the Khazraj tribe, one in alliance with theJews. He asked them if they would listen to what he hadto say. They had heard <strong>of</strong> him and were interested; sothey agreed. The Prophet sa spent some time telling themthat the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> God was at hand, that idols weregoing to disappear, that the idea <strong>of</strong> One God was due totriumph, and piety and purity were once again going torule. Would they not, in Medina, welcome the Message?The group became much impressed. They accepted theMessage and promised, on their return to Medina, toconfer with others and report next year whether Medinawould be willing to receive Muslim refugees from Mecca.They returned and conferred with their friends andrelations. There were, at the time, two Arab and threeJewish tribes at Medina. The Arab tribes were the Ausand the Khazraj and the Jewish tribes the BanuQuraiza, the Banu Nadir, and the Banu Qainuqa‘. TheAus and the Khazraj were at war. The Quraiza and theNadir were in alliance with the Aus and the Qainuqa‘with the Khazraj. Tired <strong>of</strong> unending warfare, they wereinclined to peace. At last they agreed to acknowledge theKhazraj Chief, ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul, as King <strong>of</strong>Medina. From the Jews, the Aus and the Khazraj hadheard <strong>of</strong> prophecies in the Bible. They had heard Jewishtales <strong>of</strong> the lost glory <strong>of</strong> Israel and <strong>of</strong> the advent <strong>of</strong> aProphet sa "like unto Moses as ." This advent was near athand, the Jews used to say. It was to mark the return topower <strong>of</strong> Israel and the destruction <strong>of</strong> their enemies.When the people <strong>of</strong> Medina heard <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , theybecame impressed and began to ask if this MeccanProphet sa was not the Prophet sa they had heard <strong>of</strong> fromthe Jews. Many young men readily believed. At the next

32<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saHajj twelve men from Medina came to Mecca to join theProphet sa . Ten <strong>of</strong> these belonged to the Khazraj and twoto the Aus tribe. They met the Prophet sa in the valley <strong>of</strong>Mina and, holding the Prophet's sa hand, solemnlydeclared their belief in the Oneness <strong>of</strong> God and theirresolve to abstain from all common evils, frominfanticide, and from making false accusations againstone another. They also resolved to obey the Prophet sa inall good things. When they returned to Medina, theystarted telling others <strong>of</strong> their New Faith. Zeal increased.Idols were taken out <strong>of</strong> their niches and thrown on thestreets. Those who used to bow before images began tohold their heads high. They resolved to bow to noneexcept the One God. The Jews wondered. Centuries <strong>of</strong>friendship, exposition and debate had failed to producethe change which this Meccan Teacher had produced ina few days. The people <strong>of</strong> Medina would go to the fewMuslims in their midst and make inquiries about Islam.But the few Muslims could not cope with the largenumbers <strong>of</strong> inquiries, nor did they know enough. Theydecided, therefore, to address a request to the Prophet sato send them some one to teach Islam. The Prophet saagreed to send Mus‘ab ra , one <strong>of</strong> the Muslims who hadbeen in Abyssinia. Mus‘ab ra was the first missionary <strong>of</strong>Islam to go out <strong>of</strong> Mecca. At about this time, theProphet sa had a grand promise from God. He had avision in which he saw that he was in Jerusalem andProphets had joined behind him in congregationalworship. Jerusalem only meant Medina, which wasgoing to become the centre <strong>of</strong> the worship <strong>of</strong> the OneGod. Other Prophets congregating behind the Prophet sa<strong>of</strong> Islam meant that men following different Prophetswould join Islam, and Islam would thus become auniversal religion.Conditions in Mecca had now become most critical.Persecution had assumed the worst possible form.Meccans laughed at this vision and described it aswishful thinking. They did not know that thefoundations <strong>of</strong> the New Jerusalem had been laid.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 33Nations <strong>of</strong> the East and the West were agog. Theywanted to hear the Last Great Message <strong>of</strong> God. In thosevery days the Kaiser and the Chosroes <strong>of</strong> Iran went towar with each other. Chosroes was victorious. Syria andPalestine were overrun by Iranian armies. Jerusalemwas destroyed. Egypt and Asia Minor were mastered. Atthe mouth <strong>of</strong> the Bosphorus, only ten miles fromConstantinople, Iranian Generals were able to pitchtheir tents. Meccans rejoiced over Iranian victories andsaid the judgement <strong>of</strong> God had been delivered—the idolworshippers<strong>of</strong> Iran had defeated a People <strong>of</strong> the Book.At that time, the Holy Prophet sa received the followingrevelation:The Romans have been defeated in the land nearby, andthey, after their defeat, will be victorious in a few years—Allah's is the command before and after that—and on thatday will the believers rejoice with the help <strong>of</strong> Allah. Hehelps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, theMerciful. Allah has made this promise. Allah breaks notHis promise, but most men know not (30: 3-7).The prophecy was fulfilled in a few years. TheRomans defeated the Iranians and recovered theterritories they had lost to them. The part <strong>of</strong> theprophecy which said, "On that day the believers shallrejoice with the help <strong>of</strong> God", was also fulfilled. Islambegan to advance. The Meccans believed they had putan end to it by persuading people not to listen toMuslims but to show active hostility instead. Right atthis time the Prophet sa received in his revelations news<strong>of</strong> victories for Muslims, and destruction for Meccans.The Prophet sa announced the following verses:And they say, "Why does he not bring us a Sign from hisLord?" Has there not come to them the clear evidence inwhat is contained in the former books? And if We haddestroyed them with a punishment before it, they wouldhave surely said, "Our Lord, wherefore didst Thou notsend to us a Messenger that we might have followed Thycommandments before we were humbled and disgraced?"

34<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saSay, "Each one is waiting; wait ye, therefore, and you willknow who are the people <strong>of</strong> the right path and who followtrue guidance" (20: 134-136).The Meccans complained <strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> Signs. They weretold that the prophecies about Islam and the Prophet sarecorded in earlier books should be enough. HadMeccans been destroyed before the Message <strong>of</strong> Islamcould be explained to them, they would have complained<strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> chance to consider the Signs. The Meccansmust, therefore, wait.Revelations promising victory for believers and defeatfor disbelievers were being received every day. When theMeccans looked at their own power and prosperity andat the powerlessness and poverty <strong>of</strong> Muslims, and thenheard <strong>of</strong> the promises <strong>of</strong> divine help and <strong>of</strong> Muslimvictories in the Prophet's sa daily revelations, theywondered and wondered. Were they mad or was theProphet sa mad? They were hoping that persecutionwould compel the Muslims to give up their faith andreturn to the Meccans, that the Prophet sa himself andhis closest followers would begin to have doubts abouthis claims. But instead <strong>of</strong> this they had to listen toconfident affirmations like the following:Nay, I swear by all that you see, and by all that you see notthat it is surely the message brought by an honouredMessenger sa . And it is not the word <strong>of</strong> a poet; little is it thatyou believe; nor is it the utterance <strong>of</strong> a soothsayer; little isit that you heed. It is a revelation from the Lord <strong>of</strong> theworlds. And if he had forged any sayings in Our name, Wewould surely have seized him by the right hand, and thensurely would We have severed his life-artery, and not one<strong>of</strong> you could have held Us <strong>of</strong>f from him. And surely it is anadmonition for the God-fearing. And, surely, We knowthat some <strong>of</strong> you reject Our Signs. And, surely, it is asource <strong>of</strong> anguish for the disbelievers. And, surely, it is thetrue certainty. So glorify the name <strong>of</strong> thy Lord, the Great(Qur’an 69:39-53).

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 35Meccans were warned that all their fond hopes wouldbe smashed. The Prophet sa was neither a poet, nor asoothsayer nor a pretender. The Qur’an was a readingfor the pious. True, it had its deniers. But it also had itssecret admirers, those who were jealous <strong>of</strong> its teachingand its truths. The promises and prophecies containedin it would all be fulfilled. The Prophet sa was asked toignore all opposition and go on celebrating his MightyGod.The third Hajj arrived. Among the pilgrims fromMedina was a large party <strong>of</strong> Muslims. Owing to Meccanopposition these Muslims from Medina wished to see theProphet sa in private. The Prophet's sa own thoughts wereturning more and more to Medina, as a likely place formigration. He mentioned this to his closest relations butthey tried to dissuade him from all thoughts <strong>of</strong> thiskind. They pleaded that though Mecca was full <strong>of</strong>opposition, it <strong>of</strong>fered the support <strong>of</strong> several influentialrelations. The prospects at Medina were all uncertainand, should Medina prove as hostile as Mecca, wouldthe Prophet's sa Meccan relations be able to help? TheProphet sa , however, was convinced that migration toMedina had been decreed. So he rejected the advice <strong>of</strong>his relations and decided to migrate to Medina.FIRST PLEDGE OF ‘AQABAAfter midnight, the Prophet sa again met the Muslimsfrom Medina in the valley <strong>of</strong> ‘Aqaba. His uncle ‘Abbas rawas with him. The Muslims from Medina numberedseventy-three, out <strong>of</strong> whom sixty-two belonged to theKhazraj tribe and eleven to the Aus. The party includedtwo women, one being Ummi ‘Ammara ra , <strong>of</strong> the BanuNajjar. They had been taught Islam by Mus‘ab ra , andwere full <strong>of</strong> faith and determination. They all proved tobe pillars <strong>of</strong> Islam. Ummi ‘Ammara ra is an example. Sheinstilled in her children undying loyalty to Islam. One <strong>of</strong>her sons, Habib ra , was taken prisoner by Musailima, the

36<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saPretender, in an encounter after the Prophet's sa death.Musailima tried to unsettle Habib's ra faith. "Do youbelieve <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa to be a Messenger <strong>of</strong> God?" heasked. "Yes," was the reply. "Do you believe me to be aMessenger <strong>of</strong> God?" asked Musailima. "No," repliedHabib ra . Upon this Musailima ordered one <strong>of</strong> his limbs tobe cut <strong>of</strong>f. This done, he asked Habib ra again, "Do youbelieve <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa to be a Messenger <strong>of</strong> God?" "Yes,"replied Habib ra . "Do you believe me to be a Messenger <strong>of</strong>God?" "No." Musailima ordered another limb to be cut <strong>of</strong>fHabib's ra body. Limb after limb was cut <strong>of</strong>f in this wayand Habib's ra body was reduced to many pieces. He dieda cruel death, but left behind an unforgettable example<strong>of</strong> personal heroism and sacrifice for the sake <strong>of</strong>religious conviction (Halbiyya, Vol. 2, p. 17).Ummi ‘Ammara ra accompanied the Prophet sa inseveral wars.This party <strong>of</strong> Medina Muslims, in short, attained togreat distinction for their loyalty and faith. They came toMecca not for wealth, but for faith; and they had it inabundance.Moved by family ties and feeling legitimatelyresponsible for the safety <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , ‘Abbas ra thusaddressed the party:O Khazraj, this my relation is respected here by hispeople. They are not all Muslims, yet they protect him. Buthe has chosen now to leave us and go to you. O Khazraj, doyou know what will happen? All Arabia will be againstyou. If you realize the risks entailed by your invitation,then take him away; if you do not, then give up yourintention and let him stay here.The leader <strong>of</strong> this party Al-Bara’ ra replied assuredly:We have heard you. Our resolution is firm. Our lives areat the disposal <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God. We are decided,and only await his decision (Halbiyya, Vol. 2, p. 18).The Prophet sa gave a further exposition <strong>of</strong> Islam andits teaching. Explaining this, he told the party that hewould go to Medina if they would hold Islam as dear as

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 37they held their wives and children. He had not quitefinished when this party <strong>of</strong> seventy-three devotees cried,'Yes,' 'Yes,' in one voice. In their zeal they forgot thatthey could be overheard. ‘Abbas ra cautioned them tospeak low. But the party was full <strong>of</strong> faith. Death nowwas nothing in their eyes. When ‘Abbas ra cautioned theparty, one <strong>of</strong> them said aloud, "We are not afraid, OProphet <strong>of</strong> God sa . Permit us, and we can deal with theMeccans right now and avenge the wrongs they havedone you." But the Prophet sa said he had not yet beencommanded to fight.The party then took the oath <strong>of</strong> fealty and themeeting dispersed.The Meccans did get to know <strong>of</strong> this meeting. Theywent to the Medina encampment to complain againstthese visitors to their chiefs. ‘Abdullah bin Ubbayy binSalul—Chief <strong>of</strong> chiefs—knew nothing <strong>of</strong> what hadhappened. He assured the Meccans that it must besome false rumour which they had heard. The people <strong>of</strong>Medina had accepted him as their leader and could notdo anything without his knowledge and permission. Hedid not know that the people <strong>of</strong> Medina had cast <strong>of</strong>f therule <strong>of</strong> Satan and accepted the rule <strong>of</strong> God instead.THE HIJRAThe party returned to Medina and the Prophet sa andhis followers started preparations for migration. Familyafter family began to disappear. Muslims, certain thatthe Kingdom <strong>of</strong> God was near, were full <strong>of</strong> courage.Sometimes a whole lane would be emptied in the course<strong>of</strong> a night. In the morning Meccans would see the doorslocked and realize that the residents had migrated toMedina. The growing influence <strong>of</strong> Islam amazed them.At last not a single Muslim remained in Mecca save afew slave converts, the Prophet sa himself, Abu Bakr raand ‘Ali ra . The Meccans realized that their prey wasabout to escape. The chiefs assembled again and

38<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sadecided they should now kill the Prophet sa . By a specialdivine design, it seems, the date they appointed forkilling the Prophet sa was appointed for his escape. Whenthe Meccan party was collecting in front <strong>of</strong> theProphet's sa house with intent to kill, the Prophet sa wasmoving out in the secrecy <strong>of</strong> the night. The Meccansmust have feared anticipation <strong>of</strong> their foul design by theProphet sa . They proceeded cautiously and when theProphet sa himself passed by, they took him for someoneelse, and withdrew to avoid being noticed. TheProphet's sa closest friend Abu Bakr ra had been informed<strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa plan the day before. He duly joinedand then both left Mecca, and took shelter in a cavecalled Thaur, about three or four miles from Mecca overa hill. When the Meccans learnt <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's saescape, they collected and sent a force in pursuit. Led bya tracker, they reached Thaur. Standing at the mouth <strong>of</strong>the cave in which the Prophet sa and Abu Bakr ra sathiding, the tracker said that <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa was either inthe cave or had ascended to heaven. Abu Bakr ra heardthis and his heart sank. "The enemy has nearly got us,"he whispered. "Fear not, God is with us," replied theProphet sa . "I fear not for myself," went on Abu Bakr ra ,"but for you. For, if I die, I am but an ordinary mortal;but if you die, it will mean death to faith and spirit"(Zurqani). "Even so, fear not," assured the Prophet sa , "Weare not two in this cave. There is a third—God"(Bukhari).Meccan tyranny was destined to end. Islam was tohave the chance to grow. The pursuers were deceived.They ridiculed the tracker's judgement. It was too opena cave, they said, for anybody to take shelter in, for withsnakes and vipers it was none too safe. If they had butbent a little, they could have sighted the two. But theydid not, and dismissing the tracker, they returned toMecca.For two days the Prophet sa and Abu Bakr ra waited inthe cave. On the third night, according to the plan, tw<strong>of</strong>leet camels were brought to the cave, one for the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 39Prophet sa and the guide; the other for Abu Bakr ra andhis servant, ‘Amir bin Fuhaira ra .SURAQA ra PURSUES THE PROPHETBefore setting out, the Prophet sa looked back atMecca. Emotions welled up in his heart. Mecca was hisbirthplace. He had lived there as child and man and hadreceived there the Divine Call. It was the place where hisforefathers had lived and flourished since the time <strong>of</strong>Ishmael. With these thoughts, he had a last long look atit and then said, "Mecca, thou art dearer to me than anyother place in the world, but thy people would not let melive here." Upon this Abu Bakr ra said, "The place hathturned out its Prophet sa . It only awaiteth itsdestruction." The Meccans, after the failure <strong>of</strong> theirpursuit, put a prize on the heads <strong>of</strong> the two fugitives.Whoever captured and restored to the Meccans theProphet sa or Abu Bakr ra dead or alive was to have areward <strong>of</strong> a hundred camels. The announcement wasmade among the tribes around Mecca. Tempted by thereward, Suraqa bin Malik ra , a Bedouin chief, started inpursuit <strong>of</strong> the party and ultimately sighted them on theroad to Medina. He saw two mounted camels and,feeling sure they were bearing the Prophet sa and AbuBakr ra , spurred on his horse. The horse reared and fellbefore it had gone very far and Suraqa ra fell with it.Suraqa's ra own account <strong>of</strong> what happened is interesting.He says:After I fell from the horse, I consulted my luck in thesuperstitious fashion common with Arabs by a throw <strong>of</strong>the arrows. The arrows boded ill-luck. But the temptation<strong>of</strong> the reward was great. I mounted again and resumed mypursuit and nearly overtook the party. The Prophet sa rodewith dignity, and did not look back. Abu Bakr ra , however,looked back again and again (evidently, out <strong>of</strong> fear for thesafety <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa ). As I neared them, my horse rearedagain, and I fell <strong>of</strong>f. I consulted the arrows again; and

40<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saagain they boded ill-luck. My horse's ho<strong>of</strong>s sank deep intothe sand. Mounting again and resuming the pursuitseemed difficult. I then understood that the party wasunder divine protection. I called out to them and entreatedthem to stop. When near enough I told them <strong>of</strong> my evilintention and <strong>of</strong> my change <strong>of</strong> heart. I told them I wasgiving up the pursuit and returning. The Prophet sa let mego, but made me promise not to reveal their whereaboutsto anybody. I became convinced that the Prophet sa was atrue one, destined to succeed. I requested the Prophet sa towrite me a guarantee <strong>of</strong> peace to serve me when he becamesupreme. The Prophet sa asked ‘Amir bin Fuhaira ra to writeme a guarantee, and he did. As I got ready to return withit, the Prophet sa received a revelation about the future andsaid, "Suraqa ra , how wilt thou feel with the gold bangles <strong>of</strong>the Chosroes on thy wrists?" Amazed at the prophecy Iasked, "Which Chosroes? Chosroes bin Hormizd, theEmperor <strong>of</strong> Iran?" The Prophet sa said, "Yes" (Usud al-Ghaba).Sixteen or seventeen years later the prophecy wasliterally fulfilled. Suraqa ra accepted Islam and went toMedina. The Prophet sa died, and after him, first AbuBakr ra , and then ‘Umar ra became the Khalifahs <strong>of</strong> Islam.The growing influence <strong>of</strong> Islam made the Iraniansjealous and led them to attack the Muslims but, instead<strong>of</strong> subjugating the Muslims, they were themselvessubjugated by them. The capital <strong>of</strong> Iran fell to theMuslims who captured its treasures, including the goldbangles which the Chosroes wore at State functions.After his conversion, Suraqa ra used to describe hispursuit <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and his party and to tell <strong>of</strong> whatpassed between him and the Prophet sa . When the spoils<strong>of</strong> the war with Iran were placed before ‘Umar ra , he sawthe gold bangles and remembered what the Prophet sahad told Suraqa ra . It was a grand prophecy made at atime <strong>of</strong> utter helplessness. ‘Umar ra decided to stage avisible fulfilment <strong>of</strong> the prophecy. He, therefore, sent forSuraqa ra and ordered him to put on the gold bangles.Suraqa ra protested that the wearing <strong>of</strong> gold by men had

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 41been forbidden by Islam. ‘Umar ra said that this wastrue, but that the occasion was an exception. TheProphet sa had foreseen Chosroes' gold bangles on hiswrists; therefore he had to wear them now, even on pain<strong>of</strong> punishment. Suraqa ra was objecting out <strong>of</strong> deferenceto the Prophet's sa teaching; otherwise he was as eager asanyone else to provide visible pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the fulfilment <strong>of</strong>the great prophecy. He put on the bangles and Muslimssaw the prophecy fulfilled (Usud al-Ghaba). The fugitiveProphet sa had become a king. He himself was no longerin this world. But those who succeeded him couldwitness the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> his words and visions.THE PROPHET sa ARRIVES AT MEDINATo return to our narrative <strong>of</strong> the Hijra. After theProphet sa had dismissed Suraqa ra he continued hisjourney to Medina unmolested. When he reachedMedina, the Prophet sa found the people waitingimpatiently. A more auspicious day could not havedawned for them. For, the sun which had risen forMecca had come instead to shine on Medina.News that the Prophet sa had left Mecca had reachedthem, so they were expecting his arrival. Parties <strong>of</strong> themwent miles out <strong>of</strong> Medina to look for him. They went inthe morning and returned disappointed in the evening.When at last the Prophet sa did reach Medina, he decidedto stop for a while in Quba, a nearby village. A Jew hadseen the two camels and had decided that they werecarrying the Prophet sa and his Companions. He climbedan eminence and shouted, "Sons <strong>of</strong> Qaila, he for whomyou waited has come." Everyone in Medina who heardthis cry rushed to Quba, while the people <strong>of</strong> Quba,overjoyed at the arrival <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa in their midstsang songs in his honour.The utter simplicity <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa is illustrated byan incident which took place at this time at Quba. Mostpeople in Medina had not seen the Prophet sa before.

42<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saWhen they saw his party sitting under a tree, many <strong>of</strong>them took Abu Bakr ra for the Prophet sa . Abu Bakr ra ,though younger, had a greyer beard and was betterdressed than the Prophet sa . So they turned to him andsat in front <strong>of</strong> him, after showing him the obeisance dueto the Prophet sa . When Abu Bakr ra saw that he wasbeing mistaken for the Prophet sa , he rose, took hismantle and hung it against the sun and said, "Prophet sa<strong>of</strong> God, you are in the sun. I make this shade for you"(Bukhari). With tact and courtesy he made plain tovisitors from Medina their error. The Prophet sa stoppedat Quba for ten days, after which the people <strong>of</strong> Medinatook him to their city. When he entered the town, hefound that all the people, men, women and children,had turned out to receive him. Among the songs theysang was:Moon <strong>of</strong> the fourteenth night has risen on us from behindal-Wida'. So long as we have in our midst one who calls usto God, it is incumbent upon us to tender our thanks toGod. To you who have been sent to us by God we presentour perfect obedience (Halbiyya).The Prophet sa did not enter Medina from the easternside. When the people <strong>of</strong> Medina described him as a"moon <strong>of</strong> the fourteenth night", they meant that theywere living in the dark before the Prophet sa came to shedhis light upon them. It was a Monday when theProphet sa entered Medina. It was a Monday when he leftthe cave Thaur and, strange as it may seem, it was aMonday on which he took Mecca about ten years later.ABU AYYUB ANSARI ra AS PROPHET'S sa HOSTWhile the Prophet sa was in Medina, everybody longedto have the honour <strong>of</strong> being his host. As his camelpassed through a lane, families would line up to receivehim. With one voice they would say, "Here we are withour homes, our property and our lives to receive you andto <strong>of</strong>fer our protection to you. Come and live with us."

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 43Many would show greater zeal, go forward and held thereins <strong>of</strong> the camel and insist on the Prophet's sadismounting in front <strong>of</strong> their doors and entering theirhouses. Politely the Prophet sa would refuse saying,"Leave my camel alone. She is under the command <strong>of</strong>God; she will stop where God wants her to stop."Ultimately it stopped on a site which belonged toorphans <strong>of</strong> the Banu Najjar tribe. The Prophet sadismounted and said, "It seems that this is where Godwants us to stop." He made enquiries. A trustee <strong>of</strong> theorphans came forward and <strong>of</strong>fered the site for the use <strong>of</strong>the Prophet sa . The Prophet sa replied that he would notaccept the <strong>of</strong>fer unless he were allowed to pay. A pricewas settled and the Prophet sa decided to build a mosqueand some houses on it. This settled, the Prophet sa askedwho lived nearest to the site. Abu Ayyub Ansari ra cameforward and said that his house was the nearest andthat his services were at the Prophet's sa disposal. TheProphet sa asked him to prepare a room in his house forhim. Abu Ayyub's ra house was double-storeyed. He<strong>of</strong>fered to let the Prophet sa have the upper storey. Butthe Prophet sa preferred to have the lower storey for theconvenience <strong>of</strong> his visitors.The devotion which the people <strong>of</strong> Medina had for theProphet sa showed itself again. Abu Ayyub ra agreed to letthe Prophet sa have the lower storey, but refused to go tosleep on a floor under which lived the Prophet sa . He andhis wife thought it discourteous to do so. A pitcher <strong>of</strong>water was accidentally broken and water flowed on thefloor. Abu Ayyub ra , fearing lest some water should dripthrough to the room occupied by the Prophet sa , took hisquilt and with it dried up the water before any coulddrip through. In the morning he called on the Prophet saand narrated the events <strong>of</strong> the night before, uponhearing which the Prophet sa agreed to occupy the upperstorey. Abu Ayyub ra prepared meals and sent them up.The Prophet sa ate whatever he wanted and Abu Ayyub rawhatever remained. After a few days, others demanded ashare in entertaining the Prophet sa . Until the Prophet sa

44<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sasettled in his own house and made his ownarrangements he was entertained by the people <strong>of</strong>Medina in turn. A widow had an only son named Anas ra ,aged about eight or nine. She brought the boy to theProphet sa and <strong>of</strong>fered him for the Prophet's sa personalservice. This Anas ra became immortalized in the annals<strong>of</strong> Islam. He became a very learned man, and also rich.He attained to over one hundred years <strong>of</strong> age and in thedays <strong>of</strong> the Khalifahs was held in great esteem byeverybody. Anas ra is reported to have said that althoughhe went into the service <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa as a boy andremained with him until the Prophet sa died, never didthe Prophet sa speak unkindly to him, nor did he everadmonish him, nor did he ever set him a duty harderthan he could perform. During his stay in Medina, theProphet sa had only Anas ra with him. The testimony <strong>of</strong>Anas ra , therefore, reveals the Prophet's sa character as itdeveloped in the days <strong>of</strong> his growing power andprosperity at Medina.Later, the Prophet sa sent his freedman Zaid ra toMecca to fetch his family and relations. The Meccanshad been stupefied by the sudden and well-planneddeparture <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and his followers. For sometime, therefore, they did nothing to vex him. When theProphet's sa family and the family <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra leftMecca they raised no difficulty. The two families reachedMedina unmolested. In the meantime the Prophet sa laidthe foundations <strong>of</strong> a mosque on the site he had boughtfor the purpose. After this, he built houses for himselfand for his Companions. About seven months werespent on their completion.LIFE UNSAFE AT MEDINAWithin a few days <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa arrival inMedina, the pagan tribes there became interested inIslam and a majority <strong>of</strong> them joined. Many, notpersuaded at heart, also joined. In this way a party

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 45joined the fold <strong>of</strong> Islam who were not Muslims at heart.Its members played a very sinister part in subsequenthistory. Some <strong>of</strong> them became sincere Muslims. Othersremained insincere and kept intriguing against Islamand Muslims. Some refused to join at all. But they couldnot stand the growing influence <strong>of</strong> the New Faith, sothey migrated from Medina to Mecca. Medina became aMuslim town. In it was established the worship <strong>of</strong> theOne God. There was not a second town in the worldthen which could make this claim. It was no small joy tothe Prophet sa and his friends that within a few days <strong>of</strong>their migration a whole town had agreed to give up theworship <strong>of</strong> idols and to establish instead the worship <strong>of</strong>the One Invisible God. But there was no peace yet forMuslims. In Medina itself a party <strong>of</strong> Arabs had onlyoutwardly joined Islam. Inwardly, they were the swornenemies <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Then there were the Jews, whocontinuously intrigued against him. The Prophet sa wasaware <strong>of</strong> these dangers. He remained alert and urged hisfriends and followers to be on their guard. He <strong>of</strong>tenremained awake the whole night (Bari, Vol. 6, p. 6o).Tired by night-long vigilance he once expressed a desirefor help. Soon he heard the sound <strong>of</strong> armour. "What isthis?" he asked. "It is Sa‘d bin Waqqas ra , O Prophet sa ,who has come to do sentinel duty for you" (Bukhari andMuslim). The people <strong>of</strong> Medina were alive to their greatresponsibility. They had invited the Prophet sa to comeand live in their midst and it was now their duty toprotect him. The tribes took counsel and decided toguard the Prophet's sa house in turn.In the unsafety <strong>of</strong> his person and in the absence <strong>of</strong>peace for his followers, there was no difference betweenthe Prophet's sa life at Mecca and his life at Medina. Theonly difference was that at Medina Muslims were able toworship in public in the mosque which they had built inthe name <strong>of</strong> God. They were able to assemble for thispurpose five times in the day without let or hindrance.Two or three months passed. The people <strong>of</strong> Meccarecovered from their bewilderment and started making

46<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saplans for the vexation <strong>of</strong> Muslims. They soon found thatit did not fulfil their purpose merely to trouble Muslimsin and around Mecca. It was necessary to attack theProphet sa and his followers at Medina and turn them out<strong>of</strong> their new refuge. Accordingly they addressed a letterto ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul, a leader <strong>of</strong> Medina,who, before the Prophet's sa arrival, had been accepted asking <strong>of</strong> Medina by all parties. They said in this letterthat they had been shocked at the Prophet's sa arrival atMedina and that it was wrong on the part <strong>of</strong> the people<strong>of</strong> Medina to afford refuge to him. In the end they said:Now that you have admitted our enemy in your home, weswear by God and declare that we, the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca,will join in an attack on Medina unless you, the people <strong>of</strong>Medina, agree to turn him out <strong>of</strong> Medina or give him ajoint fight. When we attack Medina, we will put to thesword all able-bodied men and enslave all women (AbuDawud, Kitab al-Kharaj).‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul thought this letter aGod-send. He consulted other hypocrites in Medina andpersuaded them that if they allowed the Prophet sa to livein peace among them they would invite the hostility <strong>of</strong>Mecca. It behoved them, therefore, to make war uponthe Prophet sa , if only in order to appease the Meccans.The Prophet sa got to know <strong>of</strong> this. He went to ‘Abdullahbin Ubayy ibn Salul and tried to convince him that sucha step would prove suicidal. Many people in Medina hadbecome Muslims and were prepared to lay down theirlives for Islam. If ‘Abdullah declared war upon Muslims,the majority <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Medina would fight on theside <strong>of</strong> Muslims. Such a war would, therefore, cost himdear and spell his own destruction. ‘Abdullah,impressed by this advice, was dissuaded from his plans.At this time, the Prophet sa took another importantstep. He collected the Muslims and suggested that everytwo Muslims should become linked together as twobrothers. The idea was well received. Medinite tookMeccan as his brother. Under this new brotherhood, the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 47Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina <strong>of</strong>fered to share their property andtheir belongings with the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Mecca. OneMedinite Muslim <strong>of</strong>fered to divorce one <strong>of</strong> his two wivesand to have her married to his Meccan brother. TheMeccan Muslims declined to accept the <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong> theMuslims <strong>of</strong> Medina out <strong>of</strong> regard for the needs <strong>of</strong> thelatter. But the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina remained insistent,and the point had to be referred to the Prophet sa . TheMuslims <strong>of</strong> Medina urged that the Meccan Muslims weretheir brothers; so, they had to share their property withthem. The Meccan Muslims did not know how tomanage land. But they could share the produce <strong>of</strong> theland if not the land itself. The Meccan Muslims declinedwith thanks this incredibly generous <strong>of</strong>fer, and preferredto stick to their own vocation <strong>of</strong> trade. Many MeccanMuslims became rich again. But Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medinaalways remembered their <strong>of</strong>fer to share their propertywith Meccan Muslims. Many a time when a MediniteMuslim died, his sons divided the inheritance with theirMeccan brothers. For many years, the practicecontinued, until the Qur’an abolished it by its teachingabout the division <strong>of</strong> inheritance (Bukhari and Muslim).PACT BETWEEN VARIOUS TRIBES OF MEDINABesides uniting Meccan and Medinite Muslims in abrotherhood, the Holy Prophet sa instituted a covenantbetween all the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Medina. By this covenant,Arabs and the Jews were united into a commoncitizenship with Muslims. The Prophet sa explained toboth Arabs and Jews that before the Muslims emergedas a group in Medina, there were only two groups intheir town, but with Muslims now, there were threegroups. It was but proper that they should enter into anagreement which should be binding upon them all, andwhich should assure to all <strong>of</strong> them a measure <strong>of</strong> peace.Eventually an agreement was arrived at. The agreementsaid:

48<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saBetween the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God and the Faithful on the onehand, and all those on the other, who voluntarily agree toenter. If any <strong>of</strong> the Meccan Muslims is killed, the MeccanMuslims will themselves be responsible. The responsibilityfor securing the release <strong>of</strong> their prisoners will also betheirs. The Muslim tribes <strong>of</strong> Medina similarly will beresponsible for their own lives and their prisoners.Whoever rebels or promotes enmity and disorder will beconsidered a common enemy. It will be the duty <strong>of</strong> all theothers to fight against him, even though he happens to be ason or a close relation. If a disbeliever is killed in battle bya believer, his Muslim relations will seek no revenge. Norwill they assist disbelievers against believers. The Jewswho join this covenant will be helped by Muslims. TheJews will not be put to any hardship. Their enemies willnot be helped against them. No disbeliever will givequarter to anybody from Mecca. He will not act as atrustee for any Meccan property. In a war betweenMuslims and disbelievers he will take no part. If a believeris maltreated without cause, Muslims will have the right t<strong>of</strong>ight against those who maltreat. If a common enemyattack Medina, the Jews will side with the Muslims andshare the expenses <strong>of</strong> the battle. The Jewish tribes incovenant with the other tribes <strong>of</strong> Medina will have rightssimilar to those <strong>of</strong> Muslims. The Jews will keep to theirown faith, and Muslims to their own. The rights enjoyedby the Jews will also be enjoyed by their followers. Thecitizens <strong>of</strong> Medina will not have the right to declare warwithout the sanction <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . But this will not prejudicethe right <strong>of</strong> any individual to avenge an individualwrong. The Jews will bear the expenses <strong>of</strong> their ownorganization, and Muslims their own. But in case <strong>of</strong> war,they will act with unity. The city <strong>of</strong> Medina will beregarded as sacred and inviolate by those who sign thecovenant. Strangers who come under the protection <strong>of</strong> itscitizens will be treated as citizens. But the people <strong>of</strong>Medina will not be allowed to admit a woman to itscitizenship without the permission <strong>of</strong> her relations. Alldisputes will be referred for decision to God and the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 49Prophet sa . Parties to this covenant will not have the right toenter into any agreement with the Meccans or their allies.This, because parties to this covenant agree in resistingtheir common enemies. The parties will remain united inpeace as in war. No party will enter into a separate peace.But no party will be obliged to take part in war. A party,however, which commits any excess will be liable to apenalty. Certainly God is the protector <strong>of</strong> the righteousand the Faithful and <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is His Prophet sa(Hisham).This is the covenant in brief. It has been preparedfrom scraps to be found in historical records. Itemphasizes beyond any doubt that in settling disputesand disagreements between the parties at Medina, theguiding principles were to be honesty, truth and justice.Those committing excesses were to be held responsiblefor those excesses. The covenant makes it clear that theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam was determined to treat with civilityand kindness the other citizens <strong>of</strong> Medina, and to regardthem and deal with them as brethren. If disputes andconflicts arose later, the responsibility rested with theJews.As we have already said, two or three months passedaway before Meccans could renew their planned hostilityagainst Islam. An occasion was provided by Sa‘d binMu‘adh ra , chief <strong>of</strong> the Aus tribe <strong>of</strong> Medina, who arrivedat Mecca for the circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. Abu Jahl saw himdo this and said, "After giving protection to this apostate<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , do you expect you can come to Meccaand circuit the Ka‘ba in peace? Do you think you canprotect and save him? I swear by God, that had it notbeen for Abu Sufyan ra , you could not have returned safeto your family."Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh ra replied, "Take it from me, if youMeccans stop us from visiting and circuiting the Ka‘ba,you will have no peace on your road to Syria." At aboutthat time Walid bin Mughira, a Meccan chief, becameseriously ill. He apprehended that his end had come.The other chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca were sitting around. Walid

50<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sacould not control himself and began to cry. The Meccanchiefs wondered at this and asked him why he wascrying. "Do you think I am afraid <strong>of</strong> death? No, it is notdeath I fear. What I fear is lest the Faith <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sashould spread and even Mecca go under him." AbuSufyan ra assured Walid that as long as they lived theywould resist with their lives the spread <strong>of</strong> this Faith(Khamis, Vol. I).MECCANS PREPARING TO ATTACK MEDINAFrom this narration <strong>of</strong> events it is quite clear that thelull in Meccan hostility was only temporary. The leaders<strong>of</strong> Mecca were preparing for a renewed attack on Islam.Dying chiefs bound their survivors to oaths <strong>of</strong> hostilityagainst the Prophet sa , and roused them to war againsthim and his followers. The people <strong>of</strong> Medina were invitedto take up arms against the Muslims and were warnedthat, if they refused to do so, the Meccans and theirallied tribes would attack Medina, kill their men andenslave their women. If the Prophet sa had stood asideand done nothing for the defence <strong>of</strong> Medina, he wouldhave incurred a terrible responsibility. The Prophet sa ,therefore, instituted a system <strong>of</strong> reconnaissance. He sentparties <strong>of</strong> men to places round about Mecca to report onsigns <strong>of</strong> preparations for war. Now and then, there wereincidents—scuffles and fights—between these partiesand Meccans. European writers say these incidents wereinitiated by the Prophet sa and that, therefore, in thewars which ensued, he was the aggressor. But we havebefore us the thirteen years <strong>of</strong> Meccan tyranny, theirintrigues for antagonizing the people <strong>of</strong> Medina againstthe Muslims, and the threatened attack upon Medinaitself. Nobody who remembers all this can charge theProphet sa with the responsibility for initiating theseincidents. If he sent out parties <strong>of</strong> Muslims for purpose<strong>of</strong> reconnaissance, it was in self-defence. Thirteen years<strong>of</strong> tyranny were justification enough for the preparations

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 51<strong>of</strong> Muslims for self-defence. If wars ensued betweenthem and their Meccan enemy, the responsibility did notlie with Muslims. The slender grounds on whichChristian nations today declare war against one anotherare well known. If half <strong>of</strong> what the Meccans did toMuslims is done today to a European people, they wouldfeel justified in going to war. When the people <strong>of</strong> onecountry organize on a large scale the killing <strong>of</strong> another,when one people compels another to leave their homes,does it not give the victims the right to make war? AfterMuslims had migrated to Medina, no further ground wasneeded for them to declare war on the Meccans. But theProphet sa declared no war. He showed tolerance andconfined his defensive activities to reconnaissance. TheMeccans, however, continued to irritate and harass theMuslims. They excited the people <strong>of</strong> Medina againstthem and interfered with their right <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage. Theychanged their normal caravan routes and started goingthrough tribal areas around Medina, to rouse the tribesagainst the Muslims. The peace <strong>of</strong> Medina was threatened;so it was the obvious duty <strong>of</strong> Muslims to acceptthe challenge <strong>of</strong> war which the Meccans had beenthrowing down for fourteen years. Nobody under thecircumstances could question the right <strong>of</strong> Muslims toaccept this challenge.While the Prophet sa was busy reconnoitring, he wasnot neglecting the normal and spiritual needs <strong>of</strong> hisfollowing in Medina. A great majority <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong>Medina had become Muslims, by outward pr<strong>of</strong>ession aswell as by inward faith. Some had joined by outwardpr<strong>of</strong>ession only. The Prophet sa , therefore, startedinstituting the Islamic form <strong>of</strong> government in his smallfollowing. In earlier days, Arabs had settled theirdisputes by the sword and by individual violence. TheProphet sa introduced juridical procedures. Judges wereappointed to settle claims which individuals or partiesbrought against one another. Unless a judge declared aclaim to be just and true, it was not admitted. In the olddays intellectual pursuits had been looked upon with

52<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sacontempt. The Prophet sa took steps to promote literacyand love <strong>of</strong> learning. Those who could read and writewere asked to teach others the same arts. Injustice andcruelty were ended. The rights <strong>of</strong> women wereestablished. The rich were to pay for the needs <strong>of</strong> thepoor and for improving the social amenities <strong>of</strong> Medina.Labourers were protected from exploitation. For weakand incompetent heirs, arrangements were made for theappointment <strong>of</strong> trustees. Loan transactions began to becommitted to writing. The importance <strong>of</strong> fulfilling allundertakings began to be impressed. The excessescommitted against slaves were abolished. Hygiene andpublic sanitation began to receive attention. A census <strong>of</strong>the population was undertaken. Lanes and highwayswere ordered to be widened, and steps were taken tokeep them clean. In short, laws were instituted for thepromotion <strong>of</strong> an ideal family and social life. The savageArabs for the first time in their history were introducedto the rules <strong>of</strong> politeness and civilized existence.BATTLE OF BADRWhile the Prophet sa planned for the practicalinstitution <strong>of</strong> laws which were to serve not only his owngeneration <strong>of</strong> Arabs but all mankind for all time to come,the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca made their plans for war. TheProphet sa planned for a law which was to bring to hisown people and all the others peace, honour andprogress; his Meccan enemy planned for the destruction<strong>of</strong> that law. The Meccan plans eventually resulted in theBattle <strong>of</strong> Badr. It was the eighteenth month after theHijra. A commercial caravan led by Abu Sufyan ra wasreturning from Syria. Under pretence <strong>of</strong> protecting thiscaravan, the Meccans raised a large army and decidedto take it to Medina. The Holy Prophet sa came to know <strong>of</strong>these preparations. He also had revelations from Godwhich said that the time to pay back the enemy in hisown coin had come. He went out <strong>of</strong> Medina with a

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 53number <strong>of</strong> followers. Nobody at the time knew whetherthis party <strong>of</strong> Muslims would have to confront thecaravan which was coming from Syria or the armywhich was coming from Mecca. The party numberedabout three hundred. A commercial caravan in thosedays did not consist only <strong>of</strong> camels loaded withmerchandise. It also included armed men who guardedthe caravan and escorted it through its journey. Sincetension had arisen between Meccans and the Muslims <strong>of</strong>Medina, the Meccan chiefs had begun to take specialcare about arming the escort. History records the fact <strong>of</strong>two other caravans which passed by this route a shortwhile before. In one <strong>of</strong> these, two hundred armed menwere provided as guard and escort, and in the otherthree hundred. It is wrong to suggest, as Christianwriters do, that the Prophet sa took three hundredfollowers and set out to attack an undefendedcommercial caravan. The suggestion is mischievous andunfounded. The caravan which was now coming fromSyria was a large one and, considering its size and thearmed escort provided for other caravans, it seemsreasonable to think that about four to five hundredarmed guards must have been provided to serve as itsescort. To say that the Muslim party <strong>of</strong> three hundredpoorly-armed men were led by the Prophet sa to attacksuch a well-armed caravan in the hope <strong>of</strong> looting it isunjust in the extreme. Only rank prejudice anddetermined ill-will against Islam can prompt such athought. If the Muslim party was out to confront onlythis caravan, their adventure could have been describedas an adventure <strong>of</strong> war, although war in self-defence, forthe Muslim party from Medina was small and ill-armedand the Meccan caravan was large and well-armed, andfor a long time they had been carrying on a campaign <strong>of</strong>hostility against the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina.In point <strong>of</strong> fact the conditions under which this smallparty <strong>of</strong> Muslims set out <strong>of</strong> Medina were far more grave.As we have said, they did not know whether it was thecaravan from Syria or the army from Mecca which they

54<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawould have to confront. The uncertainty under whichthe Muslims laboured is hinted at in the Qur’an. But theMuslims were prepared for both. The uncertainty underwhich the Muslims left Medina redounds to the credit <strong>of</strong>their faith and their tremendous sincerity. It was afterthey had gone some distance from Medina that theProphet sa made it known to them that they would haveto confront the large Meccan army rather than the smallSyrian caravan.Speculations had reached Muslims about the size <strong>of</strong>the Meccan army. The most moderate <strong>of</strong> thesespeculations placed the number at one thousand, all <strong>of</strong>them seasoned soldiers skilled in the art <strong>of</strong> war. Thenumber accompanying the Prophet sa was only threehundred and thirteen, and <strong>of</strong> these many were unskilledand inexperienced, and most were ill-armed. A greatmajority <strong>of</strong> them went on foot, or mounted on camels.There were only two horses in the whole party. Thisparty, which was as poorly equipped with the weapons<strong>of</strong> war as it was raw in experience, had to confront aforce three times its number, consisting mostly <strong>of</strong>experienced fighters. It was quite obviously the mostdangerous thing ever undertaken in history. The HolyProphet sa was wise enough to ensure that nobody tookpart in it without due knowledge and without his willand heart in it. He told his party clearly that it was nolonger the caravan they had to confront but the armyfrom Mecca. He asked the party for their counsel. Oneafter another, his Meccan followers stood up andassured the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> their loyalty and zeal, and <strong>of</strong>their determination to fight the Meccan enemy who hadcome to attack the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina in their homes.Every time the Prophet sa heard a Meccan Muslim, heasked for more counsel and more advice. The Muslims<strong>of</strong> Medina had been silent. The aggressors were fromMecca, with blood relations to many <strong>of</strong> those Muslimswho had migrated with the Prophet sa to Medina and whowere now in this small party. The Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medinawere afraid lest their zeal to fight the Meccan enemy

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 55should injure the feelings <strong>of</strong> their Meccan brethren. Butwhen the Prophet sa insisted on more and more counsel,one <strong>of</strong> the Medinite Muslims stood up and said,"Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, you are having all the counsel youwant, but you continue to ask for more. Perhaps yourefer to us, the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina. Is that true?""Yes," said the Prophet sa ."You ask for our counsel," he said, "because youthink that when you came to us, we agreed to fight onyour side only in case you and your fellow emigrantsfrom Mecca were attacked in Medina. But now we seemto have come out <strong>of</strong> Medina, and you feel that ouragreement does not cover the conditions under which wefind ourselves today. But O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, when weentered into that agreement we did not know you as wellas we do now. We know now what high spiritual stationyou hold. We care not for what we agreed to. We nowstand by you, whatever you ask us to do. We will notbehave like the followers <strong>of</strong> Moses as who said, ‘Go youand your God and fight the enemy, we remain herebehind.' If we must fight, we will and we will fight to theright <strong>of</strong> you, to the left <strong>of</strong> you, in front <strong>of</strong> you and behindyou. True, the enemy wants to get at you. But we assureyou that he will not do so, without stepping over ourdead bodies. Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, you invite us to fight. Weare prepared to do more. Not far from here is the sea. Ifyou command us to jump into it, we will hesitate not."(Bukhari, Kitab al-Maghazi, and Hisham).This was the spirit <strong>of</strong> devotion and sacrifice whichearly Muslims displayed, and the like <strong>of</strong> which is not tobe found in the history <strong>of</strong> the world. The example <strong>of</strong> thefollowers <strong>of</strong> Moses as has been cited above. As for thedisciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus, we know they abandoned Jesus at acritical time. One <strong>of</strong> them gave him away for a paltrysum. Another cursed him, and the remaining ten ranaway. The Muslims who joined the Prophet sa fromMedina had been in his companionship only for a yearand a half. But they had attained to such strength <strong>of</strong>faith that, had the Prophet sa but ordered, they would

56<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sahave plunged themselves heedlessly into the sea. TheProphet sa took counsel. But he had no doubt at all as tothe devotion <strong>of</strong> his following. He took counsel in order tosift the weaklings and send them away. But he foundthat the Meccan and the Medinite Muslims vied with oneanother in the expression <strong>of</strong> their devotion. Both weredetermined that they would not turn their backs to theenemy, even though the enemy was three times theirnumber and far better equipped, armed andexperienced. They would rather put their faith in thepromises <strong>of</strong> God, show their regard for Islam, and laydown their lives in its defence.Assured <strong>of</strong> this devotion by both Meccan andMedinite Muslims, the Prophet sa advanced. When hereached a place called Badr, he accepted the suggestion<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> his followers and ordered his men to settle nearthe brook <strong>of</strong> Badr. The Muslims took possession <strong>of</strong> thissource <strong>of</strong> water, but the land on which they took uptheir positions was all sand, and therefore unsuitable forthe manoeuvres <strong>of</strong> fighting men. The followers <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa showed natural anxiety over thisdisadvantage. The Prophet sa himself shared the anxiety<strong>of</strong> his followers and spent the whole night praying. Againand again he said:My God, over the entire face <strong>of</strong> the earth just now, thereare only these three hundred men who are devoted to Theeand determined to establish Thy worship. My God, if thesethree hundred men die today at the hands <strong>of</strong> their enemyin this battle, who will be left behind to glorify Thy name?(Tabari).God heard the supplication <strong>of</strong> His Prophet sa . Raincame over-night. The sandy part <strong>of</strong> the field which theMuslims occupied became wet and solid. The dry part <strong>of</strong>the field occupied by the enemy became muddy andslippery. Maybe the Meccan enemy chose this part <strong>of</strong> thefield and left the other for the Muslims because theirexperienced eye preferred dry ground to facilitate themovements <strong>of</strong> their soldiers and cavalry. But the tables

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 57were turned upon them by a timely act <strong>of</strong> God. The rainwhich came overnight made the sandy part <strong>of</strong> the fieldwhich was in the possession <strong>of</strong> the Muslims hard andthe hard field where the Meccans had encampedslippery. During the night the Prophet sa had a clearintimation from God that important members <strong>of</strong> theenemy would meet with their death. He even hadindividual names revealed to him. The spots at whichthey were to drop dead were also revealed. They died asthey were named and dropped where it had beenforetold.In the battle itself this little party <strong>of</strong> Muslimsdisplayed wonderful daring and devotion. One incidentproves this. One <strong>of</strong> the few Generals which the Muslimforce included was ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf ra , one <strong>of</strong> thechiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca and an experienced soldier in his ownway. When the battle began, he looked to his right andto his left to see what kind <strong>of</strong> support he had. He foundto his amazement, that he had only two lads fromMedina on his flanks. His heart sank and he said tohimself, "Every General needs support on his sides.More so I on this day. But I only have two raw boys.What can I do with them?" ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf rasays he had hardly finished saying this to himself whenone <strong>of</strong> the boys touched his side with his elbow. As hebent over to hear the boy, the latter said, "Uncle, wehave heard <strong>of</strong> one Abu Jahl, who used to harass andtorment the Prophet sa . Uncle, I want to fight him; tell mewhere he is." ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf ra had not yetreplied to this youthful inquiry, when his attention wassimilarly drawn by the boy on the other side, who askedhim the same question. ‘Abdur Rahman ra was not a littleamazed at the courage and determination <strong>of</strong> these twoboys. A seasoned soldier, he did not think that even hewould select the commander <strong>of</strong> the enemy for anindividual encounter. ‘Abdur Rahman ra raised his fingerto point at Abu Jahl—armed to the teeth and standingbehind the lines protected by two senior Generals, withdrawn swords. ‘Abdur Rahman ra had not dropped his

58<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> safinger, when the two boys dashed into the enemy rankswith the speed <strong>of</strong> an eagle, making straight for theirchosen target. The attack was sudden. The soldiers andguards were stupefied. They attacked the boys. One <strong>of</strong>the boys lost an arm. But they remained unnerved andunbeaten. They attacked Abu Jahl, with such violencethat the great commander fell to the ground, mortallywounded. From the spirited determination <strong>of</strong> these twoboys, one can judge how deeply the followers <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , both old and young, had been stirred by thecruel persecution to which they and the Prophet sa hadbeen subjected. We only read about them in history, butyet are deeply stirred. The people <strong>of</strong> Medina heard <strong>of</strong>these cruelties from eye-witnesses. The feelings theymust have had, can well be imagined. They heard <strong>of</strong>Meccan cruelties on the one hand and <strong>of</strong> theforbearance <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa on the other. No wondertheir determination mounted high to avenge the wrongsdone to the Prophet sa and to the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Mecca. Theylooked only for an opportunity to tell the Meccantormentors that if the Muslims did not retaliate, it wasnot because they were powerless; it was because theyhad not been permitted by God to do so. Howdetermined this small Muslim force was to die fightingcan be gauged from another incident. Battle had not yetbeen joined when Abu Jahl sent a Bedouin chief to theMuslim side to report on their numbers. This chiefreturned and reported that the Muslims were threehundred or more. Abu Jahl and his followers were glad.They thought the Muslims easy prey. "But," said theBedouin chief, "my advice to you is—Don't fight thesemen, because every one <strong>of</strong> them seems determined todie! I have seen not men but death mounted on camels"(Tabari and Hisham). The Bedouin chief was right—those who are prepared to die do not easily die.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 59A GREAT PROPHECY FULFILLEDThe time <strong>of</strong> the battle drew near. The Prophet sa cameout <strong>of</strong> the little hut in which he had been praying, andannounced:"The hosts will certainly be routed and will showtheir backs."These were the words revealed to the Prophet sa sometime before in Mecca. Evidently they related to thisbattle. When Meccan cruelty had reached its extremelimit, and Muslims were migrating to places where theycould have peace, the Prophet sa had the following versesrevealed to him by God:And surely to the people <strong>of</strong> Pharaoh also came Warners.They rejected all Our Signs. So We seized them as theseizing <strong>of</strong> One Who is Mighty and Omnipotent. Are yourdisbelievers better than those? Or have you an exemptionin the Scriptures? The hosts will certainly be routed andwill show their backs. Nay, the Hour is their appointedtime; and the Hour will be most calamitous and mostbitter. Surely the <strong>of</strong>fenders will be in bewilderment andflaming fire. On the day when they will be dragged into theFire on their faces and it will be said to them, "Taste ye thetouch <strong>of</strong> burning" (54:42-49).These verses are part <strong>of</strong> Surah Al-Qamar and thisSurah, according to all reports, was revealed in Mecca.Muslim authorities place the date <strong>of</strong> its revelationsomewhere between the fifth and tenth year <strong>of</strong> theProphet's sa Call, that is, at least three years before theHijra (i.e. the year <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa migration fromMecca to Medina). More likely, it was revealed eightyears before. European authorities have the same view.According to Noldeke, the whole <strong>of</strong> this Chapter wasrevealed after the fifth year <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa Call.Wherry thinks this date a little too early. According tohim, the Chapter belongs to the sixth or seventh yearbefore the Hijra, or after the Prophet's sa Call. In short,both Muslim and non-Muslim authorities agree that thisChapter was revealed years before the Prophet sa and his

60<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> safollowers migrated from Mecca to Medina. The propheticvalue <strong>of</strong> the Meccan verses is beyond dispute. There isin these verses a clear hint <strong>of</strong> what was in store for theMeccans in the battlefield <strong>of</strong> Badr. The fate they weregoing to meet is clearly foretold. When the Prophet sacame out <strong>of</strong> his hut, he reiterated the propheticdescription contained in the Meccan Chapter. He musthave been put in mind <strong>of</strong> the Meccan verses, during hisprayers in the hut. By reciting one <strong>of</strong> the verses hereminded his followers that the Hour promised in theMeccan revelation had come.And the Hour had really come. The Prophet Isaiah as(21:13-17) had foretold this very hour. The battle began,even though Muslims were not ready for it and non-Muslims had been advised against taking part in it.Three hundred and thirteen Muslims, most <strong>of</strong> theminexperienced and unused to warfare, and nearly all <strong>of</strong>them unequipped, stood before a number three times aslarge, and all <strong>of</strong> them seasoned soldiers. In a few hours,many noted chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca met their end. Just as theProphet Isaiah as had foretold, the glory <strong>of</strong> Kedar fadedaway. The Meccan army fled in miserable haste, leavingbehind their dead as well as some prisoners. Among theprisoners was the Prophet's sa uncle, ‘Abbas ra , whogenerally stood by the Prophet sa during the days atMecca. ‘Abbas ra had been compelled to join the Meccansand to fight the Prophet sa . Another prisoner was Abu’l‘As ra , a son-in-law <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Among the dead wasAbu Jahl, Commander-in-chief <strong>of</strong> the Meccan army and,according to all accounts, arch-enemy <strong>of</strong> Islam.Victory came, but it brought mixed feelings to theProphet sa . He rejoiced over the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> divinepromises, repeated during the fourteen years which hadgone by, promises which had also been recorded insome <strong>of</strong> the earliest religious writings. But at the sametime he grieved over the plight <strong>of</strong> the Meccans. What apitiable end had they met! If this victory had come toanother in his place, he would have jumped with joy.But the sight <strong>of</strong> the prisoners before him, bound and

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 61handcuffed, brought tears to the eyes <strong>of</strong> the Prophet saand his faithful friend Abu Bakr ra . ‘Umar ra , whosucceeded Abu Bakr ra as the Second Khalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam,saw this but could not understand. Why should theProphet sa and Abu Bakr ra weep over a victory? ‘Umar rawas bewildered. So he made bold to ask the Prophet sa ,"Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, tell me why you weep when God hasgiven you such a grand victory. If we must weep, I willweep with you, or put on a weeping face at least." TheProphet sa pointed to the miserable plight <strong>of</strong> the Meccanprisoners. This was what disobedience <strong>of</strong> God led to.The Prophet Isaiah as spoke again and again <strong>of</strong> thejustice <strong>of</strong> this Prophet sa , who had emerged victoriousfrom a deadly battle. Of this there was a granddemonstration on this occasion. Returning to Medinathe Prophet sa rested for the night on the way. Thedevoted followers who watched him could see that heturned from side to side and could not sleep. They soonguessed that it was because he heard the groans <strong>of</strong> hisuncle, ‘Abbas ra , who lay nearby, bound tight as aprisoner <strong>of</strong> war. They loosened the cord on‘Abbas ra .‘Abbas ra stopped groaning. The Prophet sa , nolonger disturbed by his groans, went to sleep. A littlelater he woke up and wondered why he no longer heard‘Abbas ra groan. He half thought ‘Abbas ra had gone into aswoon. But the Companions guarding ‘Abbas ra told himthey had loosened the cord on ‘Abbas ra to let him (theProphet sa ) sleep undisturbed. "No, no," said theProphet sa , "there must be no injustice. If ‘Abbas ra isrelated to me, other prisoners are related to others.Loosen the cords on all <strong>of</strong> them or tie the cord tight on‘Abbas ra also." The Companions heard this admonitionand decided to loosen the cords on all the prisoners, andthemselves bear the responsibility for their safe custody.Of the prisoners, those who were literate were promisedfreedom if they each undertook to make ten Meccanboys literate—this being their ransom for liberty. Thosewho had nobody to pay ransom for them, obtained theirliberty for the asking. Those who could afford to pay

62<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saransom, were set free after they had paid it. By settingthe prisoners free in this way, the Prophet sa put an endto the cruel practice <strong>of</strong> converting prisoners <strong>of</strong> war intoslaves.BATTLE OF UHUDWhen the Meccan army fled from Badr theyannounced that they would attack Medina again andavenge upon the Muslims for what the Meccans hadsuffered in the battle; and only a year later they didattack Medina again in full force. They felt so humiliatedand disgraced at their defeat that the Meccan chiefsforbade surviving relations to weep over those who haddied in the battle. They also laid down that pr<strong>of</strong>its fromcommercial caravans would be constituted into a warfund. With full preparations, therefore, an army <strong>of</strong> threethousand under the command <strong>of</strong> Abu Sufyan ra attackedMedina. The Prophet sa held a council and asked hisfollowers whether they would meet the enemy in Medinaor outside. He himself favoured the former alternative.He preferred to let the Muslims stay in Medina and letthe enemy come and attack them in their homes. This,he thought, would place the responsibility for aggressionand attack on the enemy. But at the council were manyMuslims who had not had the chance to take part in theBattle <strong>of</strong> Badr, and who now longed to fight for God.They insisted on having a straight and open fight and onhaving the chance to die fighting. The Prophet sa acceptedthe general advice (Tabaqat).While this was being debated, the Prophet sa related avision <strong>of</strong> his. He said, "I had a vision. I saw a cow, and Ialso saw my sword with its point broken. I saw the cowbeing butchered, and that I had put my hand inside acoat <strong>of</strong> armour. I also saw myself riding a ram." TheCompanions asked the Prophet sa how he interpreted thevision.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 63"The butchering <strong>of</strong> the cow" said the Prophet sa ,"indicates that some <strong>of</strong> my Companions will be killed inbattle. The broken point <strong>of</strong> my sword indicates thatsome important one among my relations will meet hisdeath, or maybe, I myself will suffer pain or injury <strong>of</strong>some kind. Putting my hand in a coat <strong>of</strong> armour seemsto mean that if we stay in Medina it is better for us. Thefact that I have seen myself riding a ram means that wewill overpower the commander <strong>of</strong> the disbelievers, andthat he will die at our hands" (Bukhari, Hisham andTabaqat).It was made clear by this vision and its interpretationthat it was better for Muslims to stay in Medina. TheProphet sa , however, did not insist upon this, because theinterpretation <strong>of</strong> the vision was his own, not a part <strong>of</strong>revealed knowledge. He accepted the advice <strong>of</strong> themajority and decided to go out <strong>of</strong> Medina to meet theenemy. As he set out, the more zealous section <strong>of</strong> Hisfollowing realizing their mistake, approached theProphet sa and said, "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, the way youadvised seems better. We ought to stay in Medina andmeet the enemy in our streets.""Not now," said the Prophet sa . "Now the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>God has put on his armour. Come what may, now weshall go forward. If you prove steadfast and persevering,God will help you" (Bukhari and Tabaqat). So saying, hewent forward with a force <strong>of</strong> a thousand. At a smalldistance from Medina they camped for the night. It wasthe Prophet's sa custom to let his fighting force rest awhile before they met the enemy. At the time <strong>of</strong> themorning prayers, he made a round. He found that someJews also had joined the Muslims. They pretended theyhad treaties <strong>of</strong> alliance with the Medina tribes. As theProphet sa had had knowledge <strong>of</strong> Jewish intrigues, hesent <strong>of</strong>f the Jews. As soon as he did so, ‘Abdullah binUbayy ibn Salul, chief <strong>of</strong> the hypocrites, withdrew withhis three hundred followers. He said the Muslim armywas now no match for the enemy. To take part in thebattle was now certain death. The Prophet sa had made a

64<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> samistake in sending <strong>of</strong>f his own allies. The result <strong>of</strong> thiseleventh-hour desertion was that only seven hundredMuslims were left under the Prophet's sa command. Theseven hundred stood against an army more than fourtimes their number, and many more times better inequipment. In the Meccan army were seven hundredfighters in armour; in the Muslim army only onehundred. The Meccans had a mounted force <strong>of</strong> twohundred horses, Muslims had only two horses. TheProphet sa reached Uhud. Over a narrow hilly pass there,he posted a guard <strong>of</strong> fifty, charged with the duty <strong>of</strong>repelling any attack on it by the enemy or any attemptto possess it. The Prophet sa told them clearly their duty.It was to stand where they had been posted, and not tomove from the spot until they were commanded to do so,no matter what happened to the Muslims. With theremaining six hundred and fifty men, the Prophet sa wentto do battle with an army about five times as large. But,with the help <strong>of</strong> God, in a short time the six hundredand fifty Muslims drove away three thousand skilledMeccan soldiers. The Muslims ran in pursuit. The hillypass on which fifty Muslims had been posted was in therear. The guard said to the commander, "The enemy isbeaten. It is time we took some part in the battle andwon our laurels in the next world." The commanderstopped them, reminding them <strong>of</strong> the clear orders <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa . But the men explained that the Prophet's saorder was to be taken in the spirit and not in the letter.There was no meaning in continuing to guard the passwhile the enemy was running for life.VICTORY CONVERTED INTO DEFEATArguing thus they left the pass and plunged into thebattle. The fleeing Meccan army included Khalid binWalid ra , who later became a great Muslim general. Hiskeen eye fell on the unguarded pass. There were only afew men guarding it now. Khalid ra shouted for another

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 65Meccan general ‘Amr bin al-‘As ra , and asked him to havea look at the pass behind. ‘Amr ra did so, and thought itthe chance <strong>of</strong> his life. Both generals stopped their menand climbed on to the hill. They killed the few Muslimswho were still guarding the pass and from the eminencestarted an attack upon the Muslims. Hearing their warcries, the routed Meccan army collected itself again, andreturned to the field. The attack on the Muslims wassudden. In their pursuit <strong>of</strong> the Meccan army they haddispersed over the whole <strong>of</strong> the field. Muslim resistanceto this new attack could not be assembled. Onlyindividual Muslim soldiers were seen engaging theenemy. Many <strong>of</strong> these fell fighting. Others fell back. Afew made a ring round the Prophet sa . They could nothave been more than twenty in all. The Meccan armyattacked this ring fiercely. One by one, the Muslims inthe ring fell under the blows <strong>of</strong> Meccan swordsmen.From the hill, the archers sent volleys <strong>of</strong> arrows. At thattime, Talha ra , one <strong>of</strong> the Quraish and the Muhajirin(Meccan Muslims who had taken refuge in Medina), sawthat the enemy arrows were all directed to the face <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa . He stretched out his hand and held it upagainst the Prophet's sa face. Arrow after arrow struckTalha's ra hand, yet it did not drop, although with eachshot it was pierced through. Ultimately it was completelymutilated. Talha ra lost his hand and for the rest <strong>of</strong> lifewent about with a stump. In the time <strong>of</strong> the FourthKhalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam when internal dissensions had raisedtheir head, Talha ra was tauntingly described by anenemy as the handless Talha ra . A friend <strong>of</strong> Talha rareplied, "Handless, yea, but do you know where he losthis hand? At the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud, in which he raised hishand to shield the Prophet's sa face from the enemy'sarrows."Long after the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud friends <strong>of</strong> Talha ra askedhim, "Did not your hand smart under the arrow shotsand the pain make you cry?" Talha ra replied, "It mademe smart, and it almost made me cry, but I resistedboth because I knew that if my hand shook but slightly,

66<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sait would expose the Prophet's sa face to the volley <strong>of</strong>enemy arrows." The few men who were left with theProphet sa could not have stood the army which theyfaced. A party <strong>of</strong> the enemy advanced forward andpushed them <strong>of</strong>f. The Prophet sa then stood alone like awall, and soon a stone struck his forehead and made adeep gash in it. Another blow drove the rings <strong>of</strong> hishelmet into his cheeks. When the arrows were fallingthick and fast and the Prophet sa was wounded heprayed, "My God, forgive my people for they know notwhat they are doing" (Muslim). The Prophet sa fell on thedead, the dead who had lost their lives in his defence.Other Muslims came forward to defend the Prophet safrom more attacks. They also fell dead. The Prophet sa layunconscious among these dead bodies. When the enemysaw this, they took him for dead. They withdrew in thecertainty <strong>of</strong> victory, and proceeded to line up again.Among the Muslims who had been defending theProphet sa and who had been pushed by the avalanche <strong>of</strong>enemy forces, was ‘Umar ra . The battlefield had nowcleared. ‘Umar ra who saw this, became certain that theProphet sa was dead. ‘Umar ra was a brave man. Heproved it again and again; best <strong>of</strong> all, in fightingsimultaneously the great Empires <strong>of</strong> Rome and Iran. Hewas never known to blench under difficulties. This‘Umar ra sat on a stone with drooping spirits, crying likea child. In the meantime another Muslim, Anas binNadr ra by name, came wandering along in the belief thatthe Muslims had won. He had seen them overpower theenemy but, having had nothing to eat since the nightbefore, had withdrawn from the battlefield, with somedates in his hand. As soon as he saw ‘Umar ra crying, hestood amazed and asked, ''‘Umar ra , what is the matterwith you that instead <strong>of</strong> rejoicing over a magnificentvictory won by the Muslims, you are crying?''‘Umar ra replied, "Anas ra , you do not know what hashappened. You only saw the first part <strong>of</strong> the battle. Youdo not know that the enemy captured the strategic pointon the hill and attacked us fiercely. The Muslims had

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 67dispersed, believing they had won. There was noresistance to this attack by the enemy. Only theProphet sa with a handful <strong>of</strong> guards stood against theentire enemy and all <strong>of</strong> them fell down fighting.""If this is true," said Anas ra , "what use is sitting hereand crying? Where our beloved Master has gone, theremust we go too."Anas ra had the last date in his hand. This he wasabout to put in his mouth but, instead, he threw it awaysaying, "O date, except thee, is there anything whichstands between Anas ra and Paradise?"Saying this, he unsheathed his sword and flunghimself into the enemy forces, one against threethousand. He could not do much, but one believingspirit is superior to many. Fighting valiantly, Anas ra atlast fell wounded, but he continued to fight. Upon thisthe enemy horde sprang barbarously upon him. It issaid that when the battle was over, and the dead wereidentified, Anas's ra body could not be identified. It hadbeen cut into seventy pieces. At last a sister <strong>of</strong> Anas raidentifying it by a mutilated finger said, "This is mybrother's body" (Bukhari).Those Muslims who made a ring round the Prophet sabut were driven back, ran forward again as soon as theysaw the enemy withdrawing. They lifted the Prophet's sabody from among the dead. Abu ‘Ubaida bin al-Jarrah racaught between his teeth the rings which had sunk intothe Prophet's sa cheeks and pulled them out, losing twoteeth in the attempt.After a little while, the Prophet sa returned toconsciousness. The guards who surrounded him sentout messengers to tell Muslims to assemble again. Adisrupted force began to assemble. They escorted theProphet sa to the foot <strong>of</strong> the hill. Abu Sufyan ra , the enemycommander, seeing these Muslim remnants, cried aloud,"We have killed <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ." The Prophet sa heard theboastful cry but forbade the Muslims to answer, lest theenemy should know the truth and attack again and theexhausted and badly-wounded Muslims should have

68<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saagain to fight this savage horde. Not receiving a replyfrom the Muslims, Abu Sufyan ra became certain theProphet sa was dead. He followed his first cry by a secondand said, "We have also killed Abu Bakr ra ." TheProphet sa forbade Abu Bakr ra to make any reply. AbuSufya ra n followed by a third, and said, "We have alsokilled ‘Umar ra ." The Prophet sa forbade ‘Umar ra also toreply. Upon this Abu Sufyan ra cried that they had killedall three. Now ‘Umar ra could not contain himself andcried, "We are all alive and, with God's grace, ready t<strong>of</strong>ight you and break your heads." Abu Sufyan ra raisedthe national cry, "Glory to Hubal. Glory to Hubal. ForHubal has put an end to Islam." (Hubal was theMeccans' national idol.) The Prophet sa could not bearthis boast against the One and Only God, Allah, forWhom he and the Muslims were prepared to sacrificetheir all. He had refused to correct a declaration <strong>of</strong> hisown death. He had refused to correct a declaration <strong>of</strong>the death <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra and <strong>of</strong> ‘Umar ra for strategicreasons. Only the remnants <strong>of</strong> his small force had beenleft. The enemy forces were large and buoyant. But nowthe enemy had insulted Allah. The Prophet sa could notstand such an insult. His spirit was fired. He lookedangrily at the Muslims who surrounded him and said,"Why stand silent and make no reply to this insult toAllah, the Only God?"The Muslims asked, "What shall we say, OProphet sa ?" "Say, 'Allah alone is Great and Mighty. Allahalone is Great and Mighty. He alone is High andHonoured. He alone is High and Honoured.' "The Muslims shouted accordingly. This cry stupefiedthe enemy. They stood chagrined at the thought that theProphet sa after all had not died. Before them stood ahandful <strong>of</strong> Muslims, wounded and exhausted. To finishthem was easy enough. But they dared not attack again.Content with the sort <strong>of</strong> victory they had won, theyreturned making a great show <strong>of</strong> rejoicing.In the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud, Muslim victory becameconverted into a defeat. Nevertheless, the battle affords

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 69evidence <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . For in this battlewere fulfilled the prophecies the Prophet sa had madebefore going into battle. Muslims were victorious in thebeginning. The Prophet's sa beloved uncle, Hamza ra , diedfighting. The commander <strong>of</strong> the enemy was killed earlyin the action. The Prophet sa himself was wounded andmany Muslims were killed. All this happened as it hadbeen foretold in the Prophet's sa vision.Besides the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> the incidents toldbeforehand this battle afforded many pro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> thesincerity and devotion <strong>of</strong> Muslims. So exemplary wastheir behaviour that history fails to provide a parallel toit. Some incidents in pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> this we have alreadynarrated. One more seems worth narrating. It shows thecertainty <strong>of</strong> conviction and devotion displayed by theProphet's sa Companions. When the Prophet sa retired tothe foot <strong>of</strong> the hill with a handful <strong>of</strong> Muslims, he sentout some <strong>of</strong> his Companions to look after the woundedlying on the field. A Companion after long search founda wounded Muslim <strong>of</strong> Medina. He was near death. TheCompanion bent over him and said, "Peace on you." Thewounded Muslim raised a trembling hand, and holdingthe visitor's hand in his own, said, "I was waiting forsomeone to come.""You are in a critical state," said the visitor to thesoldier. "Have you anything to communicate to yourrelations?""Yes, yes," said the dying Muslim. "Say peace to myrelations and tell them that while I die here, I leavebehind a precious trust to be taken care <strong>of</strong> by them.That trust is the Prophet <strong>of</strong> God sa . I hope my relationswill guard his person with their lives and remember thismy only dying wish" (Mu’atta and Zurqani).Dying persons have much to say to their relations,but these early Muslims, even in their dying moments,thought not <strong>of</strong> their relations, sons, daughters or wives,nor <strong>of</strong> their property, but only <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Theyfaced death in the certainty that the Prophet sa was thesaviour <strong>of</strong> the world. Their children if they survived,

70<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawould achieve but little. If they died guarding theProphet's sa person, they would have served both Godand man. They believed that in sacrificing their familiesthey served mankind and they served their God. Ininviting death for them they secured life everlasting formankind at large.The Prophet sa collected the wounded and the dead.The wounded were given first-aid and the dead wereburied. The Prophet sa then learnt that the enemy hadtreated the Muslims most savagely, that they hadmutilated the bodies <strong>of</strong> the dead Muslims and cut <strong>of</strong>f anose here and an ear there. One <strong>of</strong> the mutilated bodieswas that <strong>of</strong> Hamza ra , the Prophet's sa uncle. The Prophet sawas moved, and said, "The actions <strong>of</strong> disbelievers nowjustify the treatment which we so far thought was unjustified."As he said this, he was commanded by God tolet the disbelievers alone and to continue to show themcompassion.RUMOUR OF PROPHET'S sa DEATH REACHESMEDINAThe rumour <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa death and the news <strong>of</strong>the dispersal <strong>of</strong> the Muslim army reached Medina,before the remnants <strong>of</strong> the Muslim force could return tothe town. Women and children ran madly towardsUhud. Many <strong>of</strong> them learnt the truth from the returningsoldiers and went back. One woman <strong>of</strong> the tribe <strong>of</strong> BanuDinar went on until she reached Uhud. This woman hadlost her husband, father and brother in the battle.According to some narrators, she had also lost a son. Areturning soldier met her and told her that her fatherhad died. She said in reply, "I do not care for my father;tell me about the Prophet sa ." The soldier knew theProphet sa was alive, so he did not answer her query atonce, but went on to tell her <strong>of</strong> her brother and husbandwho had also died. At each report she remainedunmoved and asked again and again, "What has the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 71Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God done?" It was a strange expression touse, but when we remember it was a woman who usedit, it no longer seems so strange. A woman's emotionsare strong. She <strong>of</strong>ten addresses a dead person as thoughhe were alive. If that person is nearly related, she tendsto make a complaint to him and ask why he isabandoning her and leaving her behind uncared for andunlooked after. It is common for women to mourn theloss <strong>of</strong> their dear ones in this way. The expression usedby this woman, therefore, is appropriate to a womangrieving over the Prophet's sa death. This woman held theProphet sa dear and refused to believe he was dead evenafter she had heard that he was. At the same time shedid not deny the news but continued to say in truewomanly grief, "What has the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God done?"By saying this she pretended the Prophet sa was alive,and complained that a loyal leader like him had chosento give them all the pain <strong>of</strong> separation.When the returning soldier found that this womandid not care about the death <strong>of</strong> her father, brother andhusband, he understood the depth <strong>of</strong> her love for theProphet sa and told her, "As for the Prophet sa , he is asyou wish, fully alive." The woman asked the soldier toshow her the Prophet sa . He pointed to one part <strong>of</strong> thefield. The woman rushed to that part and reaching theProphet sa , held his mantle in her hand, kissed it andsaid, "My father and mother be sacrificed to thee, OProphet <strong>of</strong> God sa , if thou livest, I care not who else dies"(Hisham).We can see, therefore, what fortitude and devotiondid Muslims—both men and women—display in thisbattle. Christian writers narrate proudly the story <strong>of</strong>Mary Magdalene and her companions and tell us <strong>of</strong> theirdevotion and bravery. It is said that in the small hours<strong>of</strong> the morning they stole through the Jews and madefor the tomb <strong>of</strong> Jesus as . But what is this compared withthe devotion <strong>of</strong> this Muslim woman <strong>of</strong> the tribe <strong>of</strong> Dinar?One more example is recorded in history. After thedead had been buried and the Prophet sa was returning

72<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sato Medina, he saw women and children who had comeout <strong>of</strong> Medina to receive him. The cord <strong>of</strong> his dromedarywas held by Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh ra , a chief <strong>of</strong> Medina. Sa‘d rawas leading the dromedary pompously. He seemed toproclaim to the world that Muslims had after allsucceeded in leading the Prophet sa back to Medina haleand hearty. As he was advancing he saw his own agedmother advancing to meet the returning party <strong>of</strong>Muslims. This aged woman was very weak-sighted.Sa‘d ra recognized her and, turning to the Prophet sa , said,"Here, O Prophet sa , is my mother.""Let her come forward," replied the Prophet sa .The woman came forward and with a vacant looktried to spot the Prophet's sa face. At last she was able tospot it and was glad. The Prophet sa seeing her said,"Woman, I grieve over the loss <strong>of</strong> thy son.""But," replied the devoted woman, "after I have seenyou alive, I have swallowed all my misfortunes." TheArabic expression she used was "I have roasted mymisfortune and swallowed it" (Halbiyya, Vol. 2, p. 210).What depth <strong>of</strong> emotion does this expression indicate.Normally, grief eats up a human being, and here was anaged woman who had lost her son, a staff for her oldage. But she said that, instead <strong>of</strong> letting her grief eat herup, she had eaten up her grief. The fact that her sonhad died for the Prophet sa would sustain her during therest <strong>of</strong> her days.The Prophet sa reached Medina. In this battle, manyMuslims were killed and many wounded. Still the battlecannot be said to have ended in defeat for Muslims. Theincidents which we have related above prove the reverse.They prove that Uhud was as great a victory for Muslimsas any other. Muslims who turn to the pages <strong>of</strong> theirearly history can derive sustenance and inspiration fromUhud.Back in Medina, the Prophet sa returned to hismission. He engaged himself again in training andteaching his followers. But as before, his work did not goon uninterruptedly. After Uhud, the Jews became more

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 73daring, and the hypocrites began to raise their headsagain. They began to think that the extirpation <strong>of</strong> Islamwas within their means and their competence. Only,they had to make a concerted effort. Accordingly, theJews put to use new methods <strong>of</strong> vexation. They wouldpublish foul abuse in verse, and in this way they wouldinsult the Prophet sa and his family. Once the Prophet sawas called to decide a dispute and he had to go to aJewish fortress. The Jews planned to drop a stone slabon him and thus put an end to his life. The Prophet sahad a forewarning <strong>of</strong> this from God. It was his wont toreceive such timely warnings. The Prophet sa left his seatwithout saying anything. The Jews later admitted theirfoul intrigue. Muslim women were insulted in thestreets. In one such incident a Muslim lost his life. Onanother occasion the Jews stoned a Muslim girl and shedied in great pain. This behaviour <strong>of</strong> the Jews strainedtheir relations with Muslims and forced them to fightagainst the Jews. But Muslims only turned them out <strong>of</strong>Medina. One <strong>of</strong> the two Jewish tribes migrated to Syria.Of the other, some went to Syria and some settled inKhaibar, a well-fortified Jewish stronghold, to the north<strong>of</strong> Medina.In the interval <strong>of</strong> peace between Uhud and the nextbattle, the world witnessed an outstanding example <strong>of</strong>the influence <strong>of</strong> Islam on its followers. We refer to theprohibition <strong>of</strong> drink. In describing the condition <strong>of</strong> Arabsociety before Islam, we pointed out that the Arabs wereconfirmed drunkards. To drink five times a day was infashion in every Arab home. To lose oneself under theeffect <strong>of</strong> drink was a common practice and <strong>of</strong> this theArabs were not in the least ashamed. Rather theythought it was a virtue. When a guest arrived, it was theduty <strong>of</strong> the house-wife to send drinks round. To weansuch a people from this deadly habit was no easymatter. But in the fourth year after the Hijra theProphet sa received the command that drinking had beenforbidden. With the promulgation <strong>of</strong> this command,drinking disappeared from Muslim society. It is recorded

74<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathat when the revelation making drink unlawful wasreceived, the Prophet sa sent for a Companion andordered him to proclaim the new command in thestreets <strong>of</strong> Medina. In the house <strong>of</strong> an Ansari (a Muslim <strong>of</strong>Medina) a drinking party was going on. Many personshad been invited and cups <strong>of</strong> wine were being served.One large pot had been drunk and a second one wasgoing to be broached. Many had lost their senses, andmany more were on the way to lose them. In thiscondition they heard some one proclaim that drinkinghad been forbidden by the Prophet sa under a command<strong>of</strong> God. One <strong>of</strong> the party stood up and said, "It looks likea proclamation against drinking; let us find out if this isso." Another stood up, struck the earthen pot full <strong>of</strong>wine with his staff, broke it to pieces and said, "Firstobey, then inquire. It is enough that we have heard <strong>of</strong>such a proclamation. It is not meet that we should go ondrinking while we make inquiries. It is rather our dutyto let the wine flow in the street and then inquire aboutthe proclamation" (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab al-Ashriba). This Muslim was right. For, if drinking hadbeen forbidden, they would have been guilty <strong>of</strong> an<strong>of</strong>fence, had they gone on drinking on the other hand, ifdrinking had not been forbidden, they would not losemuch if for once they should let the wine in their potsflow into the streets. Drinking disappeared from theentire Muslim society after this proclamation. No specialeffort or campaign was needed to bring about thisrevolutionary change. Muslims who heard thiscommand and witnessed the ready response with whichit was received lived up to seventy or eighty years. Nocase is known <strong>of</strong> any Muslim who, having heard <strong>of</strong> thisprohibition, showed the weakness <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fending againstit. If there was any such case, it must have been <strong>of</strong> onewho did not have the chance to come under the directinfluence <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Compare with this theprohibition movement <strong>of</strong> America and <strong>of</strong> the efforts topromote temperance which have been made for so manyyears in Europe. In the one case a simple proclamation

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 75by the Prophet sa was enough to obliterate a social evilrooted deep in Arab society. In the other, prohibitionwas enacted by special laws. Police and the army,custom <strong>of</strong>ficials and excise inspectors, all exertedthemselves as a team and tried to put down the evil <strong>of</strong>drink but failed and had to confess their failure. Thedrunkards won and the drink evil could not be defeated.Ours is said to be an age <strong>of</strong> social progress. But whenwe compare our age with the age <strong>of</strong> early Islam, wewonder which <strong>of</strong> the two deserves this title—this age <strong>of</strong>ours or the age in which Islam brought about this greatsocial revolution?What happened at Uhud was not liable to be easilyforgotten. The Meccans thought Uhud was their firstvictory against Islam. They published the news all overArabia and used it to excite the Arab tribes againstIslam and to persuade them that Muslims were notinvincible. If they continued to prosper, it was notbecause <strong>of</strong> any strength <strong>of</strong> their own but because <strong>of</strong> theweakness <strong>of</strong> Arab orthodoxy. It was due to the weakness<strong>of</strong> Arab idolaters. If the Arab idolaters made a concertedeffort, to overpower the Muslims was not a difficultbusiness. The result <strong>of</strong> this propaganda was thathostility against Muslims began to gather strength. Theother Arab tribes began to outstrip the Meccans inharassing the Muslims. Some began to attack themopenly. Some began to inflict losses upon themsurreptitiously. In the fourth year after the Hijra, twoArab tribes, the ‘Adl and the Qara, sent theirrepresentatives to the Holy Prophet sa to submit thatmany <strong>of</strong> their men were inclined towards Islam. Theyrequested the Prophet sa to send to them some Muslimswell-versed in the teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam, to live among themand teach them the New Religion. Actually this was anintrigue hatched by the Banu Lihyan, arch-enemy <strong>of</strong>Islam. They sent these delegates to the Prophet sa underpromise <strong>of</strong> a rich reward. The Prophet sa received therequest unsuspectingly and sent ten Muslims to teachthe tribes the tenets and principles <strong>of</strong> Islam. When this

76<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saparty reached the territory <strong>of</strong> the Banu Lihyan, theirescorts had the news delivered to the tribesmen andinvited them to arrest the party or to put them to death.On this vicious suggestion, two hundred armed men <strong>of</strong>the Banu Lihyan set out in pursuit <strong>of</strong> the Muslim partyand overtook them at last at a spot called Raji‘. Anencounter took place between ten Muslims and twohundred <strong>of</strong> the enemy. The Muslims were full <strong>of</strong> faith.The enemy was without any. The ten Muslims climbedup an eminence and challenged the two hundred. Theenemy tried to overpower the Muslims by vile intrigue.They <strong>of</strong>fered to spare them if only they would comedown. But the party chief replied that they had seenenough <strong>of</strong> the promises made by disbelievers. So saying,they turned to God and prayed. God was well aware <strong>of</strong>their plight. Was it not meet that He should inform theirProphet sa <strong>of</strong> this? When the disbelievers found the smallparty <strong>of</strong> Muslims adamant, they launched their attackupon them. The party fought without thought <strong>of</strong> defeat.Seven <strong>of</strong> the ten fell fighting. To the three who remainedthe disbelievers renewed their promise to spare theirlives, on condition that they should come down from theeminence. These three believed the disbelievers andsurrendered. As soon as they did so, the disbelieverstied them up. One <strong>of</strong> the three said, "This is the firstbreach <strong>of</strong> your plighted word. God only knows what youwill do next." Saying this, he refused to go with them.The disbelievers started belabouring the victim anddragging him down the way. But they were so overawedby the resistance and determination shown by this oneman that they murdered him on the spot. The other twothey took with them and sold them as slaves to theQuraish <strong>of</strong> Mecca. One <strong>of</strong> the two was Khubaib ra , theother Zaid ra . The purchaser <strong>of</strong> Khubaib ra wanted tomurder him so as to avenge his own father, who hadbeen killed at Badr. One day, Khubaib ra asked for arazor to complete his toilet. Khubaib ra was holding therazor when a child <strong>of</strong> the household approached him out<strong>of</strong> curiosity. Khubaib ra took the child and put him on his

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 77knee. The child's mother saw this and became terrified.Her mind was full <strong>of</strong> guilty feelings, and here was a manwhom they were going to murder in a few days holding arazor so dangerously near their child. She wasconvinced that Khubaib ra was going to murder the child.Khubaib ra saw the consternation on the face <strong>of</strong> thewoman and said, "Do you imagine I am going to murderyour child. Do not think so for a moment. I cannot dosuch a foul thing. Muslims do not play false."The woman was impressed by the honest andstraightforward bearing and behaviour <strong>of</strong> Khubaib ra . Sheremembered this ever afterwards and used to say shehad never seen a prisoner like Khubaib ra . At last theMeccans led Khubaib ra to an open field to celebrate hismurder in public. When the appointed moment came,Khubaib ra asked for leave to say two rak‘ats <strong>of</strong> prayer.The Quraish agreed and Khubaib ra addressed in publicview his last prayers to God in this world. When he hadfinished praying, he said he wanted to continue, but didnot do so lest they should think he was afraid <strong>of</strong> dying.Then he quietly submitted his neck to the executioner.As he did so, he hummed the verses:While I die a Muslim, I care not whether my headless bodydrops to the right or to the left. And why should I? Mydeath is in the way <strong>of</strong> God; if He wills, He can bless everypart <strong>of</strong> my dismembered body (Bukhari).Khubaib ra had hardly finished murmuring theseverses when the executioner's sword fell on his neck andhis head fell to one side. Those who had assembled tocelebrate this public murder included one Sa‘id bin‘Amir ra who later became a Muslim. It is said thatwhenever the murder <strong>of</strong> Khubaib ra was related inSa‘id's ra presence, he would go into a fit (Hisham). Thesecond prisoner, Zaid ra , was also taken out to bemurdered. Among the spectators was Abu Sufyan ra ,chief <strong>of</strong> Mecca. Abu Sufyan ra turned to Zaid ra and asked,"Would you not rather have <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa in your place?

78<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saWould you not prefer to be safe at home while<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa was in our hands?"Zaid ra replied proudly, "What, Abu Sufyan ra ? What doyou say? By God, I would rather die, than that theProphet sa should tread on a thorn in a street in Medina."Abu Sufyan ra could not help being impressed by suchdevotion. He looked at Zaid ra in amazement and declaredunhesitatingly, but in measured tones, "God is mywitness, I have not known any one love another as muchas the Companions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa love <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa "(Hisham, Vol. 2).About this time some people <strong>of</strong> Najd also approachedthe Prophet sa for Muslims to teach them Islam. TheProphet sa did not trust them. But Abu Bara’, chief <strong>of</strong> the‘Amir tribe, happened to be in Medina at the time. He<strong>of</strong>fered to act as surety for the tribe and assured theProphet sa that they would commit no mischief. TheProphet sa selected seventy Muslims who knew theQur’an by heart. When this party reached Bi’r Ma‘unaone <strong>of</strong> them, Haram bin Malhan ra went to the chief <strong>of</strong>the ‘Amir tribe (a nephew <strong>of</strong> Bara’) to give him themessage <strong>of</strong> Islam. Apparently Haram ra was well receivedby the tribesmen. But while he was addressing the chief,a man stole up from behind and attacked Haram ra witha lance. Haram ra died on the spot. As the lance piercedthrough Haram's ra neck, he was heard saying, "God isgreat. The Lord <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba is my witness, I haveattained my goal" (Bukhari). Having murdered Haram rain this foul manner, the tribal leaders provoked the tribeinto an attack upon the rest <strong>of</strong> this party <strong>of</strong> Muslimteachers. "But," said the tribesmen, "Our chief, AbuBara’, <strong>of</strong>fered to act as surety; we cannot attack thisparty." Then the tribal chiefs, with the assistance <strong>of</strong> thetwo tribes who had gone to the Prophet sa to ask forMuslim teachers and some other tribes, attacked theMuslim party. The simple appeal, "We have come topreach and to teach, not to fight," had no effect. Theystarted murdering the party. All but three <strong>of</strong> the seventywere murdered. One <strong>of</strong> the survivors was lame and had

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 79climbed a hill before the encounter began. Two othershad gone to a wood to feed their camels. On returningfrom the wood they found sixty-six <strong>of</strong> their companionslying dead on the field. The two counselled together.Said one, "We should go and make a report <strong>of</strong> this to theHoly Prophet sa ."Said the other, "I cannot leave a spot where the chief<strong>of</strong> our party, whom our Prophet sa appointed our leader,has been murdered." So saying, he sprang singlehandedupon the disbelievers and died fighting. Theother was taken prisoner but was later released infulfilment <strong>of</strong> a vow which the tribal chief had taken. Themurdered party included ‘Amir bin Fuhaira ra , afreedman <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra . His murderer was one Jabbar rawho later became a Muslim. Jabbar ra attributed hisconversion to this mass massacre <strong>of</strong> Muslims."When I started murdering ‘Amir ra ," says Jabbar ra , "Iheard ‘Amir ra say, ‘By God I have met my goal' I askedsomeone why a Muslim said this sort <strong>of</strong> thing when hewas meeting his death. That person explained thatMuslims regarded death in the path <strong>of</strong> God as a blessingand a victory." Jabbar ra was so impressed by this reply,that he started making a systematic study <strong>of</strong> Islam, andultimately became a Muslim (Hisham and Usud al-Ghaba).The news <strong>of</strong> the two sad events, in which abouteighty Muslims lost their lives as the result <strong>of</strong> amischievous intrigue, reached Medina simultaneously.These were no ordinary men who were murdered. Theywere bearers <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an. They had committed nocrime and had harmed nobody. They were taking part inno battle. They had been decoyed into enemy hands by alie told in the name <strong>of</strong> God and religion. These factsproved conclusively that enmity to Islam was determinedand deep. On the other hand the zeal <strong>of</strong> Muslims forIslam was equally determined and deep.

80<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saENCOUNTER WITH BANU MUSTALIQAfter the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud, there was a severe famineat Mecca. Disregarding all enmity which the Meccansbore against him, and disregarding all machinationswhich they had been employing to spread disaffectionagainst him throughout the country, the Prophet saraised a fund to help the poor <strong>of</strong> Mecca in their direneed. The Meccans remained unimpressed even by thisexpression <strong>of</strong> goodwill. Their hostility went on unabated.In fact it became worse. Tribes which had so far beensympathetic towards Muslims also became hostile. Onesuch tribe was Banu Mustaliq. They had good relationswith Muslims. But now they had started preparing foran attack on Medina. When the Prophet sa heard <strong>of</strong> theirpreparations he sent men to find out the truth. The menreturned and confirmed the reports. The Prophet sadecided to go and meet this new attack. Accordingly, heraised a force and led it to the territory <strong>of</strong> BanuMustaliq. When the Muslim force met the enemy, theProphet sa tried to persuade the enemy to withdrawwithout fighting. They refused. Battle was joined and ina few hours the enemy was defeated.Because the Meccan disbelievers were bent uponmischief and friendly tribes were turning hostile, thehypocrites among Muslims had also ventured on thisoccasion to take part in the battle on the Muslim side.They probably thought they might have a chance to dosome mischief. The encounter with Banu Mustaliq wasover in a few hours. The hypocrites, therefore, did nothave any chance to do any mischief during the battle.The Holy Prophet sa , however, decided to stay in the town<strong>of</strong> Banu Mustaliq for a few days. During his stay aquarrel arose between a Meccan and a Medinite Muslimover drawing water from a well. The Meccan happenedto be an ex-slave. He struck the Medinite, who raised analarm, crying out for fellow-Medinites—known as theAnsar or Helpers. The Meccan also raised an alarm andcried out for fellow-Meccans—known as the Muhajirin or

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 81Refugees. Excitement prevailed. Nobody inquired whathad happened. Young men on both sides drew theirswords. ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul thought it a Godsend.He decided to add fuel to the fire. "You have gonetoo far in your indulgence to the Refugees. Your goodtreatment <strong>of</strong> them has turned their heads, and now theyare trying to dominate you in every way." The speechmight have had the effect which ‘Abdullah desired. Thequarrel might have assumed serious proportions. But itdid not. ‘Abdullah was wrong in assessing the effect <strong>of</strong>his mischievous speech. Believing, however, that theAnsar were being persuaded, he went so far as to say:Let us return to Medina. Then will the most honouredamong its citizens turn out the most despised (Bukhari).By the most honoured citizen, he meant himself andby the most despised he meant the Prophet sa As soon ashe said this, believing Muslims were able to see throughthe mischief. It was not an innocent speech they hadlistened to, they said, but the speech <strong>of</strong> Satan who hadcome to lead them astray. A young man stood up andreported to the Prophet sa through his uncle. TheProphet sa sent for ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul and hisfriends and asked them what had happened. ‘Abdullahand his friends denied that they had taken any suchpart as had been attributed to them in this incident. TheProphet sa said nothing. But the truth began to spread.In the course <strong>of</strong> time ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul'sown son, ‘Abdullah ra , also heard about it. Young‘Abdullah ra at once saw the Prophet sa , and said, "OProphet sa , my father has insulted you. Death is hispunishment. If you decide so, I would rather have youcommand me to kill my father. If you commandsomeone else, and my father dies at his hands, I may beled to avenge my father by killing that man. Maybe Iincur the displeasure <strong>of</strong> God in this way.""But," said the Prophet sa , "I have no such intention. Iwill treat your father with compassion andconsideration." When young ‘Abdullah ra compared the

82<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sadisloyalty and discourtesy <strong>of</strong> his father with thecompassion and kindness <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , he made forMedina full <strong>of</strong> suppressed anger against his father. Hestopped his father on the way and said he would not lethim go any farther on the road to Medina until he hadwithdrawn the words he had used against the Prophet sa ."The lips which said, 'The Prophet sa is despised and youare honoured,' must now say, 'The Prophet sa is honouredand you are despised.' Until you say this I will not letyou go." 'Abdullah bin Ubayy ibn Salul was astonishedand frightened and said, "I agree, my son, that<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is honoured and that I am despised."Young ‘Abdullah ra then let his father go (Hisham, Vol. 2).We have mentioned before two Jewish tribes whohad to be banished out <strong>of</strong> Medina on account <strong>of</strong> theirmischievous machinations and murderous intrigues.Banu Nadir, one <strong>of</strong> the two, migrated partly to Syria,partly to a town called Khaibar in the north <strong>of</strong> Medina.Khaibar was a well-fortified Jewish centre in Arabia. TheJews, who had migrated there, began to excite the Arabsagainst Muslims. The Meccans were already swornenemies <strong>of</strong> Islam. No fresh provocation was needed toexcite the Meccans against Muslims. Similarly theGhatafan <strong>of</strong> Najd, because <strong>of</strong> their friendly relations withthe Meccans, were hostile to Muslims. The Jews settledin Khaibar already counted on the Quraish <strong>of</strong> Mecca andthe Ghatafan <strong>of</strong> Najd. Besides these, they planned toturn Banu Sulaim and Banu Asad against Islam. Theyalso persuaded Banu Sa‘d, a tribe in alliance with theJews, to join the Meccans in an alliance against Islam.After a long intrigue a confederacy <strong>of</strong> Arab tribes wasorganized to fight the Muslims. This included theMeccans, the tribes living in territories around Mecca,the tribes <strong>of</strong> Najd, and those living in territories to thenorth <strong>of</strong> Medina.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 83BATTLE OF THE DITCHA large army was raised in the fifth year <strong>of</strong> the Hijra.The strength <strong>of</strong> this army has been estimated byhistorians as between ten and twenty-four thousandmen. But a confederated army raised out <strong>of</strong> the differenttribes <strong>of</strong> Arabia could not be an army <strong>of</strong> ten thousand.Twenty-four thousand seems nearer the truth. It couldeasily have been eighteen or twenty thousand. The town<strong>of</strong> Medina which this horde wished to attack was amodest one, quite unable to resist a concerted attack byall Arabia. Its population at this time was little morethan three thousand males (including old men, youngmen and children). Against this population the enemyhad raised an army <strong>of</strong> twenty to twenty-four thousandable-bodied men, experienced in warfare; and (havingbeen assembled from different parts <strong>of</strong> the country) theywere an army with a well-selected personnel. Thepopulation <strong>of</strong> Medina, on the other hand, which couldbe called upon to resist this huge army included males<strong>of</strong> all ages. One can judge the odds against which theMuslim population <strong>of</strong> Medina had to contend. It was amost unequal encounter. The enemy was twenty totwenty-four thousand strong, and Muslims hardly threethousand including, as we have said, all the males <strong>of</strong> thetown, the old and the young. When the Prophet sa heard<strong>of</strong> the huge enemy preparations, he held a council andasked for advice. Among those who were consulted wasSalman ra the Persian, being the first Muslim convertfrom Persia. The Prophet sa asked Salman ra what they didin Persia if they had to defend a town against a hugearmy. "If a town is unfortified, and the home force verysmall," said Salman ra , "the custom in our country is todig a ditch round the town and to defend from inside."The Prophet sa approved <strong>of</strong> the idea. Medina has hills onone side. These provided a natural protection on thatside. Another side with a concentration <strong>of</strong> lanes had acompact population. On this side the town could not beattacked unawares. The third side had houses and

84<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapalm-groves and, at some distance, the fortresses <strong>of</strong> theJewish tribe, Banu Quraiza. The Banu Quraiza hadsigned a pact <strong>of</strong> peace with the Muslims. Therefore thisside was also considered safe from enemy attack. Thefourth side was an open plain and it was from this sidethat the enemy attack was most likely and most feared.The Prophet sa , therefore, decided to dig a ditch on thisopen side so as to prevent the enemy from attackingunawares. The task was shared among Muslims—tenmen were to dig ten yards <strong>of</strong> the ditch. Altogether a milelong ditch, <strong>of</strong> sufficient width and depth, had to be dug.When the digging was going on, they came upon arock which Muslim sappers found hard to tackle. Areport was sent to the Prophet sa who made for the spotat once. Taking a pickaxe he struck the rock hard.Sparks came out and the Prophet sa cried aloud "AllahuAkbar". He struck again. Again a light came out andagain the Prophet sa cried out, "Allahu Akbar". He strucka third time. Light came out again, the Prophet sa said,"Allahu Akbar" and the rock was in fragments. TheCompanions asked the Prophet sa about all this. Why didhe say, "Allahu Akbar" again and again?"I struck this rock three times with this pickaxe, and threetimes did I see scenes <strong>of</strong> the future glory <strong>of</strong> Islam revealedto me. In the first sparks I saw the Syrian palaces <strong>of</strong> theRoman Empire. I had the keys <strong>of</strong> those palaces given tome. The second time I saw the illumined palaces <strong>of</strong> Persiaat Mada’in, and had the keys <strong>of</strong> the Persian Empire givento me. The third time, I saw the gates <strong>of</strong> San‘a and I hadthe keys <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Yemen given to me. These arethe promises <strong>of</strong> God and I trust you will put reliance inthem. The enemy can do you no harm" (Zurqani, Vol. 2).With their limited man-power, the ditch which theMuslims were able to dig could not be a perfect one fromthe point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> military strategy, but it at leastseemed to ensure against the sudden entry <strong>of</strong> the enemyinto the town. That it was not impassable, subsequent

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 85events in the battle amply proved. No other side suitedthe enemy from which to attack the town.From the side <strong>of</strong> the ditch, therefore, the huge army<strong>of</strong> Arabian tribesmen began to approach Medina. Assoon as the Prophet sa got to know <strong>of</strong> this, he came out todefend it with twelve hundred men, having posted othermen to defend other parts <strong>of</strong> the town.Historians estimate differently the number whichdefended the ditch. Some put it at three thousand,others at twelve to thirteen hundred, still others atseven hundred. These estimates are very difficult andapparently difficult to reconcile. But, after weighing theevidence, we have come to the conclusion that all thethree estimates <strong>of</strong> the Muslim numbers engaged indefending the ditch are correct. They relate to differentstages <strong>of</strong> the battle.FIGHT AGAINST HEAVY ODDSWe have already agreed that, after the withdrawal <strong>of</strong>the hypocrites at Uhud, the number <strong>of</strong> Muslims left inthe field was seven hundred. The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditchtook place only two years after the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud.During these two years, no large accessions to Islam arerecorded in history. An increase during this time in thenumber <strong>of</strong> combatant Muslims from seven hundred tothree thousand is not to be expected. At the same time,it does not stand to reason that between Uhud and theDitch there was no rise in the number <strong>of</strong> combatantMuslims. Islam continued to add to its numbers and weshould expect some increase between the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhudand the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch. From these twoconsiderations, it seems to follow that the estimatewhich puts the number <strong>of</strong> Muslim combatants in theBattle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch at one thousand two hundred iscorrect. The only question to be answered is, why someauthorities put the number at three thousand and someat seven hundred. Our answer to this question is that

86<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathe two figures relate to two different stages <strong>of</strong> thebattle. The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch was fought in threestages. We had the first stage before the enemy hadcome near to Medina, and Muslims were engaged indigging the ditch. During this time, we may well assumethat in removing the excavated earth to a distance,children and, to some extent even women must havecome in to assist. In the digging <strong>of</strong> the trench we may,therefore, assume that there were altogether threethousand souls employed on the Muslim side. Thenumber included children and some women. Thechildren were able to help in carrying the earth, andwomen who always vied with the men in helping allMuslim campaigns, must have been useful in doingmany ancillary jobs connected with the digging. There isevidence to support this assumption. When the diggingstarted, even children were asked to come. Practicallythe whole population took part in the digging. But assoon as the enemy arrived and the battle began, theProphet sa ordered boys under fifteen to withdraw fromthe scene <strong>of</strong> operations. Those above fifteen were allowedto take part if they were so minded (Halbiyya, Vol. 2).From this it appears that at the time <strong>of</strong> digging, Muslimnumbers were much larger than when the battle began.At the time <strong>of</strong> the battle the very young boys had allwithdrawn. Estimates which put the Muslim numbers inthe battle at three thousand relate only to the digging,and those which put the figure at one thousand twohundred relate to the actual battle in which only grownupmales took part. The only estimate we have notaccounted for is that which puts the figure at sevenhundred. Even this estimate, according to us, is correct.It has been proposed by as reliable an authority as IbnIshaq, who is supported in this estimate by no less aperson than Ibn Hazm. It is difficult to question thisestimate. Fortunately, when we turn to the other details<strong>of</strong> the battle, even this estimate turns out to be correct.There is evidence to show that when the Banu Quraiza,against their plighted word, joined the enemy, and

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 87decided to attack Medina in the rear, the Holy Prophet sa ,having been apprised <strong>of</strong> their evil intention, decided topost guards in the part <strong>of</strong> the town exposed to the attack<strong>of</strong> Banu Quraiza. This part <strong>of</strong> Medina had originallybeen left undefended because the Banu Quraiza were inalliance with Muslims. And it was assumed that theywould not let the enemy attack the town from their side.It is known that when the defection <strong>of</strong> the Banu Quraizawas reported to the Prophet sa and it became evident thatMuslim women, considered safe in this part <strong>of</strong> the townbecause <strong>of</strong> the alliance, were no longer safe, theProphet sa decided to send two forces, <strong>of</strong> two and threehundred men, to guard two different parts <strong>of</strong> the nowexposed town. The Prophet sa ordered them to raiseoccasional cries <strong>of</strong> "Allahu Akbar", so that the mainMuslim forces should know that the Muslim womenwere safe. The estimate <strong>of</strong> Ibn Ishaq, therefore, whichputs the number <strong>of</strong> combatants in the Battle <strong>of</strong> theDitch at seven hundred, is also correct. If five hundredmen out <strong>of</strong> one thousand two hundred were sent toguard the rear <strong>of</strong> the town, only seven hundred couldremain. Thus all the three estimates <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong>the Muslim army in the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch turn out tobe correct.To defend the ditch, therefore, the Holy Prophet sa hadonly seven hundred men. True, the ditch had been dug.But to face and to repel an army as large as the enemyhad, even with the help <strong>of</strong> the ditch seemed well-nighimpossible. But as usual Muslims trusted their God andrelied on His help. Their small force waited for theenemy host, while the women and children had beensent to two apparently safe parts <strong>of</strong> the town. When theenemy reached the ditch, they were amazed becausethis stratagem had never been used before in any Arabbattle. So they decided to camp on their side <strong>of</strong> the ditchand to deliberate over methods <strong>of</strong> attacking and enteringMedina. One side was protected by the ditch. A secondside had hills with their natural protection. A third sidehad stone houses and groves <strong>of</strong> trees. It was impossible

88<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> safor the enemy to make any sudden attack on any part <strong>of</strong>the town. The enemy commanders took counsel togetherand decided that it was necessary to try to wean theBanu Quraiza, the Jewish tribe, still living in Medina,from their alliance with the Muslims and ask them tojoin the Arab confederates in this critical onslaughtagainst Medina. Only the Banu Quraiza could give thema way to the town. At last Abu Sufyan ra selected Huyaibin Akhtab, chief <strong>of</strong> the banished tribe <strong>of</strong> Banu Nadirand principal instigator <strong>of</strong> Arab tribes against Medina,and appointed him to negotiate with the Banu Quraizafor facilities to attack the town from the rear. Huyai binAkhtab went to the Jewish fortress to see the leader <strong>of</strong>the Banu Quraiza. At first they refused to see him. Butwhen he explained that this was a very opportunemoment to defeat the Muslims, he succeeded in winningover one <strong>of</strong> the Quraizites, Ka‘b. He explained that allArabia had turned out to attack and destroy theMuslims. The army which stood at the other side <strong>of</strong> theditch was not an army, but an ocean <strong>of</strong> able-bodied menwhom the Muslims could not possibly resist. Ultimatelyit was agreed that as soon as the army <strong>of</strong> disbelieverssucceeded in forcing the ditch the Banu Quraiza wouldattack that part <strong>of</strong> Medina to which the Holy Prophet sahad sent all the women and children for safety. Thisplan, it was believed, would smash the Muslimresistance, and prove a death-trap for their entirepopulation—men, women and children. If this plan hadmet with even partial success, it would have cost theMuslims dear and made things very difficult for them.They would have had no escape from this death-trap.TREACHERY OF BANU QURAIZAThe Banu Quraiza, as we have said, were in alliancewith the Muslims. Even if they had not joined the battleon the Muslim side, it was expected that they would atleast bar the way <strong>of</strong> the enemy on their side. The

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 89Prophet sa , therefore, had left that part <strong>of</strong> the townentirely unguarded. The Banu Quraiza knew that theMuslims trusted their good faith. So when they decidedto join the Arabs, it was agreed that they would not jointhem openly lest the Muslims should become alert andtake steps to guard the part <strong>of</strong> the town on the side <strong>of</strong>the Banu Quraiza. It was a very dangerous plot.When it was agreed that Muslims were to be attackedfrom two sides, the Arab army started assailing theditch. A few days passed, however, and nothinghappened. Then they hit upon the idea <strong>of</strong> posting theirarchers on an eminence and ordering them to attackparties <strong>of</strong> Muslims defending the ditch. These stood onthe edge separated by short intervals. As soon as theMuslim defence showed any signs <strong>of</strong> breaking, thedisbelievers would try to cross the ditch with the help <strong>of</strong>their first-rate horsemen. They believed that when suchattacks were repeated, they would obtain possession <strong>of</strong> apoint on the Muslim side <strong>of</strong> the ditch at which theywould be able to land their forces for a full-fledgedattack on the town. Attack after attack was thereforemade. Muslim defenders had to fight ceaselessly. Oneday they were kept so engaged in repelling these attacksthat some <strong>of</strong> the daily prayers could not be said at theappointed time. The Prophet sa was grieved over this andsaid, "God punish the infidels, they have upset ourprayers." The incident shows the intensity <strong>of</strong> the enemyattack. But it also shows that the Prophet's sa first andlast concern was the worship <strong>of</strong> God. Medina had beenbeleaguered on all sides. Not only men, but also womenand children were faced with certain death. The whole <strong>of</strong>the town was in the grip <strong>of</strong> anxiety. But the Prophet sastill thought <strong>of</strong> holding the daily prayers at theirappointed hours. Muslims do not worship God only oncea week, as do Christians and Hindus. Muslims arerequired to worship five times a day. During a battle, tohold even one public prayer is difficult, not to speak <strong>of</strong>holding five prayers a day in congregation. But theProphet sa convened the five daily prayers even during

90<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sabattle. If one <strong>of</strong> these prayers was upset by enemyattack, it pained him.To return to the battle, the enemy was attackingfrom the front, the Banu Quraiza were planning toattack from the rear but not in such a way as to makethe Muslim population alert. They wanted to enter thetown from behind and to kill the women and childrensheltered there. One day the Banu Quraiza sent a spy t<strong>of</strong>ind out whether guards had been posted for theprotection <strong>of</strong> women and children and, if so, in whatstrength. There was a special enclosure for familieswhich the enemy regarded as their special target. Thespy came and began to hover round this enclosure andto look about suspiciously. While he was doing so,Safiyya ra , an aunt <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , spotted him. Onlyone male adult happened to be on guard duty at thetime and even he was ill. Safiyya ra reported to him whatshe had seen and suggested he should lay hand on thisspy before he was able to inform the enemy howunprotected the women and children were in that part <strong>of</strong>the town. The sick Muslim refused to do anything uponwhich Safiyya ra herself picked up a staff and began t<strong>of</strong>ight this undesirable visitor. With the help <strong>of</strong> otherwomen she succeeded in over-powering and killing him.Later it was proved that this man was really an agent <strong>of</strong>the Banu Quraiza. Muslims became nervous and beganto apprehend other attacks from this side which theyhad so far thought quite safe. But the attack from thefront was so heavy that the whole <strong>of</strong> the Muslim forcewas needed to resist it. Nevertheless, the Prophet sadecided to spare a part <strong>of</strong> the force for the protection <strong>of</strong>women and children. As we have said in our discussion<strong>of</strong> the Muslim numbers in this battle, out <strong>of</strong> twelvehundred men, the Prophet sa sent five hundred for theprotection <strong>of</strong> women in the town. For the defence <strong>of</strong> theditch, therefore, only seven hundred men were left t<strong>of</strong>ight an army <strong>of</strong> between eighteen and twenty thousand.Many Muslims were unnerved at the odds which theyhad to face. They went to the Prophet sa and said how

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 91critical the situation was, and how impossible it seemedto save the town. They requested the Prophet sa to pray.They also requested him to teach them a special prayerfor this occasion. The Prophet sa replied, "Have no fear.Only pray to God that He should protect you from yourweaknesses, strengthen your hearts, and relieve youranxiety." The Prophet sa prayed himself in the followingwords:God, Thou hast sent to me the Qur’an. Thou waitest not tocall anyone to account. These hordes which have come toattack us, give them defeat. God, I beseech thee again:Defeat them, make us dominate over them, and upset alltheir evil intentions (Bukhari).And again:God, Thou hearest those who cry to Thee in misery and inaffliction. Thou repliest to those who are stricken withanxiety. Relieve me <strong>of</strong> my pain, my anxiety, and my fear.Thou knowest what odds I and my Companions are upagainst (Zurqani).The hypocrites became more nervous than others inthe Muslim force. All regard for the honour <strong>of</strong> their sideand the safety <strong>of</strong> their town, their women and children,disappeared from their hearts. But they did not want tobe disgraced in the presence <strong>of</strong> their own side.Therefore, they began to desert the Muslims one by oneon slender excuses. The Qur’an refers to this in 33: 14And a section <strong>of</strong> them even asked leave <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa ,saying, 'Our houses are exposed and defenceless.' And theywere not exposed. They only sought to flee away.The state <strong>of</strong> battle at the moment, and the conditionin which the Muslims stood at the time is described inthe Qur’an in the following verses:When they came upon you from above you and frombelow you, and when your eyes became distracted, and thehearts reached to the throats, and you thought diversethoughts about Allah. Then were the believers sorely tried,and they were shaken with a violent shaking. And when

92<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathe hypocrites, and those in whose hearts was a diseasesaid, 'Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing butdelusion'. And when a party <strong>of</strong> them said, 'O people <strong>of</strong>Yathrib, you have possibly no stand against the enemy,therefore turn back' (33: 11-14).Here Muslims are reminded how they were attackedfrom the front by a confederacy <strong>of</strong> Arab tribes, and inthe rear by the Jews. They are reminded how miserablethey were at that time. Their eyes flinched and theirhearts were in their mouths. They even began toentertain doubts about God. The believers were then ontrial. They were all given a shaking. The hypocrites andthe spiritually diseased began to say, 'We have all beenfooled by false promises made to us by God and HisProphet sa !' A party <strong>of</strong> them even began to unnerve theMuslim force saying, 'There is no fighting now. There isnothing to do but to go back.'How true believers behaved on this occasion is alsodescribed in the Qur’an:And when the believers saw the confederates, they said,'This is what Allah and His Messenger sa promised us; andAllah and His Messenger ra spoke the truth.' And it onlyincreased them in faith and submission. Among thebelievers are men who have been true to the covenant theyhad made with Allah. There are some <strong>of</strong> them who havefulfilled their vow, and some who still wait, and they havenot changed their condition in the least (33: 23, 24).The true believers, that is to say, were unlike thehypocrites and the weak. When they saw the hugenumbers <strong>of</strong> the enemy, they were reminded <strong>of</strong> what Godand His Prophet sa had told them already. This concertedattack by the tribes <strong>of</strong> Arabia was pro<strong>of</strong> only <strong>of</strong> the truth<strong>of</strong> God and the Prophet sa . The true believers remainedunshaken. Rather they increased in the spirit <strong>of</strong>obedience and in the fervour <strong>of</strong> faith. The true believersstood by their compact with God. Some <strong>of</strong> them hadalready attained to the goal <strong>of</strong> their lives by meeting

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 93their death. Some were only waiting to die in the path <strong>of</strong>God and reach their goal.The enemy attacked the ditch fiercely anduninterruptedly. Sometimes he succeeded in clearing it.One day, important generals <strong>of</strong> the enemy succeeded ingoing across. But they were attacked so bravely by theMuslims that they had to fall back. In this encounter,Naufal, a big leader <strong>of</strong> the disbelievers, lost his life. Sobig was this leader that the disbelievers thought theywould not be able to stand any insult to his dead body.They, therefore, sent word to the Prophet sa , that if hewould return the body <strong>of</strong> this chief, they would pay tenthousand dirhams. It was a high price for the return <strong>of</strong>the dead body. The <strong>of</strong>fer was made out <strong>of</strong> a sense <strong>of</strong>guilt. The disbelievers had mutilated the Muslim dead atUhud and were afraid that Muslims would do the same.But the teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam was different. Islam forbadeoutright the mutilation <strong>of</strong> the dead. When the Prophet sareceived the message and the <strong>of</strong>fer, he said, "What usehave we for this body? We want nothing in return forthis. If it please you, take away the body" (Zurqani, Vol.2, p. 114).A passage in Muir's <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mohammad(London-1878, p.322) describes eloquently thefierceness <strong>of</strong> the attack on Muslims. We need notapologize for quoting it here:Next morning, Mahomed found the whole force <strong>of</strong> theAllies drawn out against him. It required the utmostactivity and an unceasing vigilance on his side to frustratethe manoeuvres <strong>of</strong> the enemy. Now they would threaten ageneral assault; then breaking up into divisions they wouldattack various posts in rapid and distracting succession;and at last, watching their opportunity, they would masstheir troops on the least protected point, and, under cover<strong>of</strong> a sustained and galling discharge <strong>of</strong> arrows, attempt t<strong>of</strong>orce the trench. Over and again a gallant dash was madeat the city, and at the tent <strong>of</strong> Mahomed sa , by such leaders<strong>of</strong> renown as Khalid ra and ‘Amr ra ; and these were onlyrepelled by constant counter-marches and unremitting

94<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saarchery. This continued throughout the day; and, as thearmy <strong>of</strong> Mahomed sa was but just sufficient to guard thelong line, there could be no relief. Even at night Khalid ra ,with a strong party <strong>of</strong> horses, kept up the alarm, and stillthreatening the line <strong>of</strong> defence, rendered outposts atfrequent intervals necessary. But all the endeavours <strong>of</strong> theenemy were without effect. The trench was not crossed.The battle had gone on for two days. Still there hadbeen no hand-to-hand fighting, no great bloodshed.Twenty-four hours <strong>of</strong> fighting had resulted in only threedeaths on the enemy side and five on the Muslim side.Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh ra , a chief <strong>of</strong> the Aus tribe and a devotee<strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , was wounded. Repeated attacks on theditch, however, resulted in some damage, and this madefurther attack easier. Great scenes <strong>of</strong> valour and <strong>of</strong>loyalty were witnessed. It was a cold night, perhaps thecoldest in Arabia. We have on the authority <strong>of</strong> ‘A’isha ra ,the Prophet's sa holy consort, that the Prophet sa rose fromhis sleep again and again to guard the damaged part <strong>of</strong>the ditch. He became exhausted. He returned to bed butthen, having warmed himself a little, went again toguard the ditch. One day he was so exhausted that heseemed quite unable to move. Then he said he wishedsome devoted Muslim would come and relieve him <strong>of</strong> thephysical labour <strong>of</strong> guarding the ditch in the cold <strong>of</strong> thenight. Soon he heard a voice. It was Sa‘d bin Waqqas ra .The Prophet sa asked him why he had come."To guard your person," said Sa‘d ra ."There is no need to guard my person," said theProphet sa "A part <strong>of</strong> the ditch is damaged. Go and guardit that Muslims may be safe." Sa‘d ra went, and theProphet sa was able to sleep. (There was somecoincidence. For when the Prophet sa arrived at Medinaand danger to his person was very great, even then itwas Sa‘d ra who <strong>of</strong>fered himself for a guard.) On anotheroccasion during these difficult days, the Prophet sa heardthe sound <strong>of</strong> arms. "Who is it?" asked the Prophet sa . "‘Ibad bin Bishr ra ," was the reply.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 95"Have you anyone else with you?" asked theProphet sa . "Yes," said ‘Ibad ra , "A party <strong>of</strong> Companions.We will guard your tent.""Leave my tent alone. The disbelievers are trying tocross the ditch. Go and fight them" (Halbiyya, Vol. 2).As we said before, the Jews tried to enter the townsurreptitiously. A Jewish spy lost his life in the effort.When they found that their intrigue had become known,they began to help the Arab confederates more openly. Aconcerted attack in the rear, however, was notattempted, because the field on this side was narrowand with the posting <strong>of</strong> the Muslim guards a large-scaleattack had become impossible. But a few days later, theJews and pagan confederates decided to make asimultaneous and sudden attack upon the Muslims.THE CONFEDERATES DISPERSEThis dangerous plan, however, was foiled by God in amiraculous manner. It happened in this way'. OneNu‘aim ra , who belonged to the tribe <strong>of</strong> Ghatafan, becameinclined towards Islam. He had come with the paganarmies but looked for an opportunity to help theMuslims. Alone, he could not do much. But when hesaw that Jews had made common cause with the Arabsand Muslims seemed faced with certain death anddestruction, Nu‘aim ra made up his mind to do what hecould to save the Muslims. He went to the BanuQuraiza, and talked to their chiefs. If the Arab armiesran away, what did they expect Muslims would do? TheJews being in compact with the Muslims, should theynot be ready for punishment due to those who provefalse to a compact? The interrogation frightened theJewish leaders. They asked him what they should do.Nu‘aim ra advised them to ask for seventy pagans ashostages. If the pagans were honest about a concertedattack they would not refuse the request. They shouldsay that these seventy would guard their strategic

96<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapoints, while they themselves attacked the Muslimsfrom the rear. After his talks with the Jews he went tothe pagan leaders. He asked them what they would do ifthe Jews went back on their compact; if, to conciliatethe Muslims they asked for pagan hostages and thenhanded them over to the Muslims. Was it not importantfor them to test the honesty <strong>of</strong> the Jews and ask them toparticipate in the common attack at once? The paganchiefs were impressed by this advice. Acting upon it,they sent word to the Jews asking them whether theywould not attack the town from the rear now that they(the confederates) were ready for the planned attack.The Jews replied that the following day was theirsabbath and they could not fight on that day. Secondly,they said, they belonged to Medina, and the Arabconfederates were all outsiders. Should the Arabs fleefrom the battle, what were the Jews going to do? TheArabs should, therefore, give seventy men as hostages.The Jews would then be ready to carry out their part <strong>of</strong>the attack. Suspicion was already at work. The Arabsrefused to entertain the Jewish request. If the Jews werehonest in their compact with the Arabs, there was nomeaning in the sort <strong>of</strong> proposal which they had made.Suspicion being subversive <strong>of</strong> courage, the Arab armieslost their zeal, and when night came, went to sleepburdened with doubts and difficulties. Both <strong>of</strong>ficers andmen repaired to their tents in depressed mood. Then amiracle happened, help coming from heaven to theMuslims. A keen wind began to blow. Tent walls wereswept away. Cooking pots toppled over fires. Some fireswere extinguished. The pagans believed in keeping alivea fire throughout the night. A blazing camp-fire was agood omen, an extinguished one a bad omen. When afire in front <strong>of</strong> a tent became extinguished, theoccupants thinking it a bad augury, would withdrawfrom the battle for the day, and join again. The paganleaders were already stricken with doubts. When somecampers packed away, others thought that the Muslimshad made a night attack. The suggestion became

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 97contagious. They all started packing and withdrawingfrom the field. It is said that Abu Sufyan ra was asleep inhis tent. News <strong>of</strong> the sudden withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the pagandivisions reached his ears. He got up agitated and, inexcitement, mounted a tethered camel. He spurred theanimal, but the animal would not move. His friendspointed to what he was doing, untied the animal, andAbu Sufyan ra with his friends was able to leave the field.Two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the night had passed. The battle-fieldhad cleared already. An army <strong>of</strong> between twenty andtwenty-five thousand soldiers and followers disappeared,leaving a complete wilderness behind. Just at that timethe Prophet sa had a revelation that the enemy had fledas the result <strong>of</strong> an act <strong>of</strong> God. To find out what hadhappened the Prophet sa wanted to send one <strong>of</strong> hisfollowers to scan the battlefield and make a report. Theweather was icy cold. Little wonder, the ill-clad Muslimswere freezing. Some heard the Prophet's sa voice when hecalled out in the night. They wanted to reply, but couldnot. The cold was forbidding. Only Hudhaifa ra was ableto say aloud, "Yes, Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, what do you wantus to do?"The Prophet sa called out again. Again nobody couldanswer because <strong>of</strong> the cold. Only Hudhaifa ra answeredagain. The Prophet sa asked Hudhaifa ra to go and surveythe battle-field, for God had informed him that theenemy had fled. Hudhaifa ra went near the ditch, andfrom there saw that the enemy had vacated the field.There were no soldiers and no men. Hudhaifa ra returnedto the Prophet sa , recited the Kalima and said the enemyhad fled. On the morrow Muslims also unpegged theirtents and started packing for the city. A severe triallasting for about twenty days had ended.BANU QURAIZA PUNISHEDMuslims were able to breathe again in peace. Butthey still had the Banu Quraiza to settle with. The Banu

98<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saQuraiza had dishonoured their pact with the Muslimsand this could not be passed over. The Prophet sacollected his exhausted force and told them that therewas no rest for them yet. Before the sun went down,they must fall upon the Banu Quraiza in theirfortifications. Then he sent ‘Ali ra to the Banu Quraiza toask them why they had gone back on their solemn word.The Banu Quraiza showed no regret and no inclinationto ask for forgiveness. Instead, they insulted ‘Ali ra andthe other Muslim delegates and started hurling vileabuse at the Prophet sa and the women <strong>of</strong> his family.They said they did not care for <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and hadnever had any kind <strong>of</strong> pact with him. When ‘Ali rareturned to report the reply <strong>of</strong> the Jews, he found theProphet sa and the Companions advancing towards theJewish fortifications. The Jews had been abusing theProphet sa , his wives and daughters. Fearing lest thisshould pain the Prophet sa , ‘Ali ra suggested there was noneed for the Prophet sa to take part as the Muslimsthemselves could deal with the Jews. The Prophet saunderstood ‘Ali ra and said, "You want me not to heartheir abuse, ‘Ali ra ?""Exactly," said ‘Ali ra ."But why?" said the Prophet sa . "Moses as was <strong>of</strong> theirkith and kin. Yet they inflicted more suffering on himthan they have on me." The Prophet sa continued toadvance. The Jews put up their defences and startedfighting. Their women also joined them. Some Muslimswere sitting at the foot <strong>of</strong> a wall. A Jewish woman,seeing this, dropped a stone on them, killing one namedKhallad ra . The siege went on for some days. At the end <strong>of</strong>this period, the Jews felt they would not be able to holdout for long. Then their chiefs sent word to the Prophet sarequesting him to send Abu Lubaba ra , an Ansari chief <strong>of</strong>the Aus, a tribe friendly to the Jews. They wanted toconsult him about a possible settlement. The Prophet sasent Abu Lubaba ra to the Jews, who asked him if theyshould lay down their arms and accept the award <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa . Abu Lubaba ra said they should. But at the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 99same time he passed a finger over his neck, making thesign <strong>of</strong> death. The Prophet sa had said nothing on thissubject to anybody. But Abu Lubaba ra , fearing that thecrime <strong>of</strong> the Jews merited nothing but death,unwittingly made this sign, which proved fateful for theJews. The latter declined Abu Lubaba's ra advice andrefused to accept the Prophet's sa award. Had theyaccepted it, the utmost punishment they would havehad was expulsion from Medina. But as ill-luck wouldhave it, they refused to accept the Prophet's sa award.Instead <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa , they said, they would acceptthe award <strong>of</strong> Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh ra , chief <strong>of</strong> their allies, theAus. They would agree to any punishment proposed byhim. A dispute also arose among the Jews. Some <strong>of</strong>them began to say that their people had really gone backon their agreement with the Muslims. The behaviour <strong>of</strong>the Muslims, on the other hand, showed that they weretrue and honest and that their religion also was true.Those who thought in this way joined Islam. ‘Amr binMa‘di ra , one <strong>of</strong> the Jewish chiefs, reproved his peopleand said, "You have committed a breach <strong>of</strong> faith andgone back on your plighted word. The only course nowopen to you is either to join Islam or give jizya."They said, "We will neither join Islam nor give jizya,for dying is better than giving jizya." ‘Amr replied that inthat case he stood absolved, and saying this left the fort.He was sighted by <strong>Muhammad</strong> bin Maslama ra ,commander <strong>of</strong> a Muslim column, who asked him who hewas. On learning <strong>of</strong> his identity he told him to depart inpeace and himself prayed loudly:"God, give me ever the power to screen the mistakes<strong>of</strong> the decent."What he meant was that this Jew had shownremorse and regret over the conduct <strong>of</strong> his people. It wasthe moral duty <strong>of</strong> Muslims, therefore, to forgive men likehim. In letting him go he had done a good thing, and heprayed that God should give him the chance to do suchgood deeds again and again. When the Prophet sa got toknow <strong>of</strong> what <strong>Muhammad</strong> bin Maslama ra had done, he

100<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sadid not reprove him for letting go this Jewish leader.Rather, he approved <strong>of</strong> what had been done.The disposition to make peace and to accept theaward <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa had been expressed only byindividual Jews. As a people, they remained adamantand refused to accept the award <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa andasked, instead, for the award <strong>of</strong> Sa‘d ra bin Mu‘adh(Bukhari, Tabari and Khamis). The Prophet sa acceptedtheir demand and sent word to Sa‘d ra , who was lyingwounded, to come and give his award on the Jewishbreach <strong>of</strong> faith. As soon as the Prophet's sa decision wasannounced, the Ausites who had been allies <strong>of</strong> the BanuQuraiza for a long time ran to Sa‘d ra and began to presshim to give his award in favour <strong>of</strong> the Banu Quraiza.The Khazraj, they said, had always tried to save Jewsallied to them. It was up to Sa‘d ra to save the Jews alliedto his tribe. Sa‘d ra went mounted to the Banu Quraiza.Men <strong>of</strong> his tribe ran with him on both sides, pressinghim not to punish the Banu Quraiza. All that Sa‘d ra saidin reply was that the person who had to make an awardheld a trust. He had to discharge the trust withintegrity. "I will therefore give my award, takingeverything into consideration, and without fear orfavour," he said. When Sa‘d ra reached the Jewishfortress, he saw the Banu Quraiza lined up against thewall <strong>of</strong> the fort, waiting for him. On the other side wereMuslims. When Sa‘d ra got near them he asked, "Will youaccept my award?" They said, "Yes."SA‘D'S ra AWARD IN HARMONY WITH THE BIBLETurning to the Banu Quraiza he asked the samequestion,and they also agreed. Then shyly he pointed tothe side where the Prophet sa was sitting and asked if thepeople on that side also agreed to abide by his award.On hearing this, the Prophet sa replied, "Yes" (Tabari andHisham). Then Sa‘d ra gave his award in accordance withthe following commandment <strong>of</strong> the Bible. Says the Bible:

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 101When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, thenproclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make theeanswer <strong>of</strong> peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, thatall the people that is found therein shall be tributaries untothee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peacewith thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shaltbesiege it: And when the Lord thy God hath delivered itinto thine hands, thou shalt smite every male there<strong>of</strong> withthe edge <strong>of</strong> the sword: But the women, and the little ones,and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoilthere<strong>of</strong>, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat thespoil <strong>of</strong> thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath giventhee. Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which the Lordthy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt savealive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroythem; namely, the Hittites, and the Amoiites, theCanaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and theJebusites; as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:That they teach you not to do after all their abominations,which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sinagainst the Lord your God (Deut. 20: 10-18).According to the teaching <strong>of</strong> the Bible, if the Jewshad won and the Prophet sa had lost, all Muslims—men,women and children—would have been put to death. Weknow from history that this was the very intention <strong>of</strong> theJews. The least the Jews would have done was to put todeath the men, to enslave the women and children andmake away with the belongings <strong>of</strong> the Muslims, thisbeing the treatment laid down in Deuteronomy forenemy nations living in distant parts <strong>of</strong> the world. Sa‘d rawas friendly to the Banu Quraiza. His tribe was inalliance with theirs. When he saw that the Jews hadrefused to accept the award <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and refusedthus to have the lighter punishment prescribed for suchan <strong>of</strong>fence in Islam, he decided to award to the Jews thepunishment which Moses as had laid down. Theresponsibility for this award does not rest with theProphet sa or the Muslims, but with Moses as and histeaching and with the Jews who had treated the

102<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saMuslims so cruelly. They were <strong>of</strong>fered what would havebeen a compassionate award. But, instead <strong>of</strong> acceptingthis, they insisted on an award by Sa‘d ra . Sa‘d ra decidedto punish the Jews in accordance with the Law <strong>of</strong>Moses as . Yet Christians to this day continue to defamethe Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam and say that he was cruel to theJews. If the Prophet sa was cruel to the Jews, why was henot cruel to other people or on other occasions? Therewere many occasions on which the Prophet's sa enemiesthrew themselves at his mercy, and never did they askin vain for his forgiveness. On this occasion the enemyinsisted on a person other than the Prophet sa makingthe award. This nominee <strong>of</strong> the Jews, acting as umpirebetween them and the Muslims, asked the Prophet sa andthe Jews in public whether they would accept his award.It was after the parties had agreed, that he proceeded toannounce it. And what was his award? It was nothingbut the application <strong>of</strong> the Law <strong>of</strong> Moses as to the <strong>of</strong>fence<strong>of</strong> the Jews. Why then should they not have accepted it?Did they not count themselves among the followers <strong>of</strong>Moses as ? If any cruelty was perpetrated, it was by theJews on the Jews. The Jews refused to accept theProphet's sa award and invited instead the application <strong>of</strong>their own religious law to their <strong>of</strong>fence. If any crueltywas perpetrated it was by Moses as , who laid down thispenalty for a beleaguered enemy and laid this down inhis book under the command <strong>of</strong> God. Christian writersshould not pour out the vials <strong>of</strong> their wrath on theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam. They should condemn Moses as whoprescribed this cruel penalty or the God <strong>of</strong> Moses as , Whocommanded him to do so.The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch over, the Prophet sa declaredthat from that day onwards pagans would not attackMuslims; instead, Muslims would now attack pagans.The tide was going to turn. Muslims were going to takethe <strong>of</strong>fensive against tribes and parties which had so farbeen gratuitously attacking and harassing them. Whatthe Prophet sa said was no empty threat. In the Battle <strong>of</strong>the Ditch the Arab confederates had not suffered any

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 103considerable losses. They had lost only a few men. Inless than a year's time they could have come andattacked Medina again and with even betterpreparations. Instead <strong>of</strong> any army <strong>of</strong> twenty thousandthey could have raised for a new attack an army <strong>of</strong> forty,or even fifty, thousand. An army numbering a hundredor a hundred and fifty thousand was not beyond theircapacity. But now for twenty-one years, the enemies <strong>of</strong>Islam had done their utmost to extirpate Islam andMuslims. Continued failure <strong>of</strong> their plans had shakentheir confidence. They had begun to fear that what theProphet sa taught was true, and that their national idolsand gods were false, that the Creator was the OneInvisible God taught by the Prophet sa . The fear that theProphet sa was right and they wrong had begun to creepupon them. There was no outward sign <strong>of</strong> this fear,however. Physically, the disbelievers went about as theyhad always done. They went to their idols and prayed tothem as national custom required. But their spirit wasbroken. Outwardly they lived the lives <strong>of</strong> pagans anddisbelievers; inwardly their hearts seemed to echo theMuslim slogan, 'There is no God but Allah.'After the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch the Prophet sa , as we haveobserved already, declared that henceforwarddisbelievers would not attack Muslims but that, instead,Muslims would attack disbelievers. Muslim endurancehad reached its limit. The tide was going to turn(Bukhari, Kitabal Maghazi ).DID THE PROPHET sa SEEK TO CONTINUEWARFARE?In the battles which had so far been fought, Muslimshad either remained in Medina or gone some distanceout <strong>of</strong> it to fight the aggression <strong>of</strong> disbelievers. Muslimsdid not initiate these encounters, and showed nodisposition to continue them after they had started.Normally hostilities once begun, can be ended in only

104<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> satwo ways—an agreed peace or the submission <strong>of</strong> oneside to the other. In the encounters between Muslimsand disbelievers so far there had been no hint <strong>of</strong> a peacenor had either side <strong>of</strong>fered to submit. True, there hadbeen pauses in the fighting, but nobody could say thatwar between Muslims and disbelievers had ended.According to ordinary canons, Muslims could haveattacked the enemy tribes and compelled them tosurrender. But Muslims did not do this. When theenemy stopped fighting, Muslims stopped also. Theystopped because they believed there might be a talk <strong>of</strong>peace. But when it became evident that there was notalk <strong>of</strong> peace by the disbelievers, nor was there anydisposition on their part to surrender, the Prophet sathought that the time had come to end the war either bya peace or by the surrender <strong>of</strong> one side to the other. Warhad to be ended if there was to be peace. After the Battle<strong>of</strong> the Ditch, therefore, the Prophet sa seemed determinedto secure one <strong>of</strong> two things; peace or surrender. ThatMuslims should surrender to disbelievers was out <strong>of</strong>question. The victory <strong>of</strong> Islam over its persecutors hadbeen promised by God. Declarations to this effect hadbeen made by the Prophet sa during his stay at Mecca.Could Muslims then have sued for peace? A movementfor peace can be initiated either by the stronger or bythe weaker side. When the weaker side sues for peace ithas to surrender, temporarily or permanently, a part <strong>of</strong>its territory or part <strong>of</strong> its revenues; or it has to acceptother conditions imposed upon it by the enemy. Whenthe stronger side proposes peace it is understood that itdoes not aim at the total destruction <strong>of</strong> the weaker sidebut is willing to let it retain complete or partialindependence in return for certain conditions. In thebattles which had so far been fought between Muslimsand disbelievers the latter had suffered defeat afterdefeat. Yet their power had not been broken. They hadonly failed in their attempts to destroy Muslims. Failureto destroy another does not mean defeat. It only meansthat aggression has not yet succeeded; attacks which

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 105have failed may be repeated. The Meccans, therefore,had not been beaten; only their aggression againstMuslims had failed. Militarily speaking, Muslims weredecidedly the weaker side. True, their defence was stillmaintained, but they constituted a miserable minorityand a minority which, though it had been able to resistthe aggression <strong>of</strong> the majority, had been unable to takethe <strong>of</strong>fensive. Muslims, therefore, had not yet establishedtheir independence. If they had sued for peace, itwould have meant that their defence had broken, andthat they were now ready to accept the terms <strong>of</strong> thedisbelievers. An <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> peace by them would have beendisastrous for Islam. It would have meant selfannihilation.It would have brought new life to an enemydemoralized by repeated defeats. A growing sense <strong>of</strong>defeat would have given place to renewed hope andambition. Disbelievers would have thought that thoughMuslims had saved Medina they were still pessimisticabout their ultimate victory over disbelievers. Asuggestion <strong>of</strong> peace, therefore, could not have proceededfrom the Muslim side. It could have proceeded from theMeccan side, or from a third side, if a third side couldhave been found. No third side could, however, befound. In the conflict which had arisen Medina was setagainst all Arabia. It was the disbelievers, therefore, whocould have sued the Muslims for peace, and there wasno sign <strong>of</strong> this. Thus warfare between Muslims andArabs might have gone on for ever. The Muslims couldnot, and the Arabs would not, sue for peace. Civil strifein Arabia, therefore, seemed to have no end, at least notfor another hundred years.There was only one way open to Muslims if theywanted to put an end to this strife. They were notprepared to surrender their conscience to the Arabs, torenounce, that is to say, their right to pr<strong>of</strong>ess, practiseand preach what they liked; and there was no movementfor peace from the side <strong>of</strong> disbelievers. Muslims hadbeen able to repel repeated aggression. It was for them,

106<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> satherefore, to force the Arabs either to surrender or toaccept peace. The Prophet sa decided to do so.Was it war which the Prophet sa sought? No, it wasnot war but peace that he wanted to bring about. If hehad done nothing at this time, Arabia would haveremained in the grip <strong>of</strong> civil warfare. The step which hetook was the only way to peace. There have been somelong wars in history. Some have lasted for a hundred,some for thirty years or so. Long wars have alwaysresulted from lack <strong>of</strong> decisive action by either side.Decisive action, as we have said, can take only one <strong>of</strong>two forms—complete surrender or a negotiated peace.Could the Prophet sa have remained passive? Couldhe have withdrawn himself and his small force <strong>of</strong>Muslims behind the walls <strong>of</strong> Medina and left everythingelse to take care <strong>of</strong> itself ? This was impossible. Thedisbelievers had started the aggression. Passivity wouldnot have meant the end <strong>of</strong> war but, rather, itscontinuation. It would have meant that the disbelieverscould attack Medina whenever they liked. They couldstop when they liked and attack when they liked. Apause in warfare did not mean the end <strong>of</strong> war. It meantonly a strategic move.TEACHINGS OF JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITYABOUT WARBut the question now arises—Can it ever be right t<strong>of</strong>ight for a faith? Let us, therefore, turn to this question.The teaching <strong>of</strong> religion on the subject <strong>of</strong> war takesdifferent forms. The teaching <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament, wehave cited above. Moses as is commanded to enter theland <strong>of</strong> Canaan by force, to defeat its population and tosettle his own people in it (Deut. 20: 10-18). In spite <strong>of</strong>this teaching in the Book <strong>of</strong> Moses as , and in spite <strong>of</strong> itsreinforcement by practical example <strong>of</strong> the ProphetsJoshua as , David as and others, Jews and Christians

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 107continue to hold their Prophets in reverence and toregard their books as the Books <strong>of</strong> God.At the end <strong>of</strong> the Mosaic tradition, we had Jesus aswho taught;But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoevershall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the otheralso (Matthew 5: 39).Christians have <strong>of</strong>ten cited this teaching <strong>of</strong> Jesus asand argued that Jesus as preached against war. But inthe New Testament, we have passages which purport toteach quite the opposite. One passage, for instance,says:Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I camenot to send peace, but a sword (Matthew 10: 34).And another passage says:Then said he unto them. But now, he that hath a purse, lethim take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath nosword, let him sell his garment, and buy one (Luke 22: 36).Of the three verses the last two contradict the first. IfJesus as came for war, why did he teach about turningthe other cheek? It seems we have either to admit acontradiction in the New Testament, or we have toexplain one <strong>of</strong> the contradictory teachings in a suitablemanner. We are not concerned here with the questionwhether turning the other cheek can ever be practicable.We are concerned only to point out that, throughouttheir long history, no Christian people have everhesitated to make war. When Christians first attained topower in Rome, they took part in wars both defensiveand aggressive. They are dominant powers in the worldtoday, and they continue to take part in wars bothdefensive and aggressive. Only now the side which winsis canonized by the rest <strong>of</strong> the Christian world. Theirvictory is said to be the victory <strong>of</strong> Christian civilization.Christian civilization has come to mean whatever tendsto be dominant and successful. When two Christianpowers go to war, each claims to be the protector <strong>of</strong>

108<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saChristian ideals. The power which wins is canonized asthe true Christian power. It is true, however, that fromthe time <strong>of</strong> Jesus as to our time, Christendom has beeninvolved—and indications are that it will continue toremain involved—in war. The practical verdict <strong>of</strong> theChristian peoples, therefore, is that war is the realteaching <strong>of</strong> the New Testament, and that turning theother cheek was either an opportunist teaching dictatedby the helplessness <strong>of</strong> early Christians, or it is meant toapply only to individuals, not to States and peoples.Secondly, even if we assume that Jesus as taughtpeace and not war, it does not follow that those who donot act upon this teaching are not holy and honoured.For Christendom has ever revered exponents <strong>of</strong> warsuch as Moses as , Joshua as and David as . Not only this,the Church itself has canonized national heroes whosuffered in wars. They were made saints by the Popes.THE QUR’AN ON WAR AND PEACEThe teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam is different from both theseteachings. It strikes a mean between the two. Islam doesnot teach aggression as did Moses as . Nor does it, likepresent-day (and presumably corrupt) Christianity,preach a contradiction. It does not ask us to turn theother cheek and at the same time to sell our clothes tobuy a sword. The teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam fits into the naturalinstincts <strong>of</strong> man, and promotes peace in the onlypossible way.Islam forbids aggression, but it urges us to fight iffailure to fight jeopardizes peace and promotes war. Iffailure to fight means the extirpation <strong>of</strong> free belief and <strong>of</strong>the search <strong>of</strong> truth, it is our duty to fight. This is theteaching on which peace can ultimately be built, andthis is the teaching on which the Prophet sa based hisown policies and his practice. The Prophet sa sufferedcontinuously and consistently at Mecca but did not fightthe aggression <strong>of</strong> which he was an innocent victim.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 109When he escaped to Medina, the enemy was out toextirpate Islam; it was, therefore, necessary to fight theenemy in defence <strong>of</strong> truth and freedom <strong>of</strong> belief.We quote below the passages in the Qur’an whichbear on the subject <strong>of</strong> war.(1) In 22: 40–42 we have:Permission to fight is given to those against whom war ismade, because they have been wronged—and Allah indeedhas power to help them—Those who have been driven outfrom their homes unjustly only because they said, "OurLord is Allah"—And if Allah did not repel some men bymeans <strong>of</strong> others, there would surely have been pulled downcloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques,wherein the name <strong>of</strong> Allah is <strong>of</strong>t commemorated. AndAllah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeedPowerful, Mighty.—Those who, if We establish them in theearth, will observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoingood and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final issue <strong>of</strong>all affairs.The verse purports to say that permission to fight isgiven to the victims <strong>of</strong> aggression. God is well able tohelp the victims—those who have been driven out <strong>of</strong>their homes because <strong>of</strong> their beliefs. The permission iswise because, if God were not to repel the cruel with thehelp <strong>of</strong> the righteous, there would be no freedom <strong>of</strong> faithand worship in the world. God must help those who helpto establish freedom and worship. It follows that fightingis permitted when a people have suffered long fromwanton aggression—when the aggressor has had nocause for aggression and he seeks to interfere with thereligion <strong>of</strong> his victim. The duty <strong>of</strong> the victim, if and whenhe attains to power, is to establish religious freedom andto protect all religions and all religious places. His poweris to be used not for his own glorification, but for thecare <strong>of</strong> the poor, the progress <strong>of</strong> the country and thegeneral promotion <strong>of</strong> peace. This teaching is asunexceptionable as it is clear and precise. It proclaimsthe fact that early Muslims took to war because they

110<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawere constrained to do so. Aggressive wars wereforbidden by Islam. Muslims are promised politicalpower, but are warned that this power must be used notfor self-aggrandizement, but for the amelioration <strong>of</strong> thepoor and the promotion <strong>of</strong> peace and progress.(2) In (2: 191–194) we have:And fight in the cause <strong>of</strong> Allah against those who fightagainst you, but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves nottransgressors. And kill them wherever you meet them anddrive them out from where they have driven you out; forpersecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in,and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you, thenfight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers. But ifthey desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion ispr<strong>of</strong>essed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember thatno hostility is allowed except against the aggressors.Fighting is to be for the sake <strong>of</strong> God, not for our ownsake or out <strong>of</strong> anger or aggrandizement, and evenfighting is to be free from excesses, for excesses aredispleasing to God. Fighting is between parties <strong>of</strong>combatants. Assaults on individuals are forbidden.Aggression against a religion is to be met by activeresistance, for such aggression is worse than bloodshed.Muslims are not to fight near the Sacred Mosque, unlessan attack is first made by the enemy. Fighting near theSacred Mosque interferes with the public right <strong>of</strong>pilgrimage. But if the enemy attacks, Muslims are free toreply, this being the just reward <strong>of</strong> aggression. But if theenemy desists, Muslims must desist also, and forgiveand forget the past. Fighting is to continue so long asreligious persecution lasts and religious freedom is notestablished. Religion is for God. The use <strong>of</strong> force orpressure in religion is wrong. If the Kafirs desist from itand make religion free, Muslims are to desist fromfighting the Kafirs. Arms are to be taken up againstthose who commit excesses. When excesses cease,fighting must cease also.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 111Categorically, we may say, the verses teach thefollowing rules:(i) War is to be resorted to only for the sake <strong>of</strong> Godand not for the sake <strong>of</strong> any selfish motives, not foraggrandizement or for the advancement <strong>of</strong> any otherinterests.(ii) We can go to war only against one who attacks usfirst.(iii) We can fight only those who fight against us. Wecannot fight against those who take no part in warfare.(iv) Even after the enemy has initiated the attack, itis our duty to keep warfare within limits. To extend thewar, either territorially or in respect <strong>of</strong> weapons used, iswrong.(v) We are to fight only a regular army charged by theenemy to fight on his side. We are not to fight others onthe enemy side.(vi) In warfare immunity is to be afforded to allreligious rites and observances. If the enemy spares theplaces where religious ceremonies are held, thenMuslims also must desist from fighting in such places.(vii) If the enemy uses a place <strong>of</strong> worship as a basefor attack, then Muslims may return the attack. Noblame will attach to them if they do so. No fighting isallowed even in the neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> religious places.To attack religious places and to destroy them or to doany kind <strong>of</strong> harm to them is absolutely forbidden. Areligious place used as a base <strong>of</strong>, operations may invite acounter-attack. The responsibility for any harm done tothe place will then rest with the enemy, not withMuslims.(viii) If the enemy realizes the danger and the mistake<strong>of</strong> using a religious place as a base, and changes thebattle-front, then Muslims must conform to the change.The fact that the enemy started the attack from areligious place is not to be used as an excuse forattacking that place. Out <strong>of</strong> reverence Muslims mustchange their battle-front as soon as the enemy does so.

112<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa(ix) Fighting is to continue only so long asinterference with religion and religious freedom lasts.When religion becomes free and interference with it is nolonger permitted and the enemy declares and begins toact accordingly, then there is to be no war, even if it isthe enemy who starts it.(3) In 8: 39–41 we have:Say to those who disbelieve, if they desist, that which ispast will be forgiven them; and if they return thereto, thenverily the example <strong>of</strong> the former people has already gonebefore them.And fight them until there is no persecution and religion iswholly for Allah. But if they desist, then surely Allah isWatchful <strong>of</strong> what they do. And if they turn their backs,then know that Allah is your Protector. What an excellentProtector and what an excellent Helper.That is to say, wars have been forced upon Muslims.But if the enemy desists, it is the duty <strong>of</strong> Muslims todesist also, and forgive the past. But if the enemy doesnot desist and attacks Muslims again and again, thenhe should remember the fate <strong>of</strong> the enemies <strong>of</strong> earlierProphets. Muslims are to fight, while religiouspersecution lasts, and so long as religion is not for Godand interference in religious matters is not abandoned.When the aggressor desists, Muslims are to desist also.They are not to continue the war because the enemybelieves in a false religion. The value <strong>of</strong> beliefs andactions is well known to God and He will reward them asHe pleases. Muslims have no right to meddle withanother people's religion even if that religion seems tothem to be false. If after an <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> peace the enemycontinues to make war, then Muslims may be sure <strong>of</strong>victory even though their numbers are small. For Godwill help them and who can help better than God?These verses were revealed in connection with theBattle <strong>of</strong> Badr. This battle was the first regular fightbetween Muslims and disbelievers. In it Muslims werethe victims <strong>of</strong> unprovoked aggression. The enemy had

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 113chosen to disturb the peace <strong>of</strong> Medina and <strong>of</strong> theterritory around. In spite <strong>of</strong> this, victory went to theMuslims and important leaders <strong>of</strong> the enemy were killed.To retaliate against such unprovoked aggression seemsnatural, just and necessary. Yet Muslims are taught tostop fighting as soon as the enemy ceases it. All that theenemy is required to concede is freedom <strong>of</strong> belief andworship.(4) In 8: 62—63 we have:And if they incline towards peace, incline thou alsotowards it, and put thy trust in Allah. Surely, it is He Whois All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And if they intend to deceivethee, then surely Allah is sufficient for thee. He it is Whohas strengthened thee with His help and with the believers.That is to say, if in the course <strong>of</strong> a battle thedisbelievers at any time incline towards peace, Muslimsare to accept the <strong>of</strong>fer at once and to make peace.Muslims are to do so even at the risk <strong>of</strong> being deceived.They are to put their trust in God. Cheating will notavail against Muslims, who rely on the help <strong>of</strong> God.Their victories are due not to themselves but to God. Inthe darkest and most difficult times, God has stood bythe Prophet sa and his followers. So will He stand bythem against cheats. An <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> peace is to be accepted.It is not to be rejected on the plea that it may only be aruse with which the enemy seeks to gain time for a freshattack.The stress on peace in the verses is not withoutsignificance. It anticipates the peace which the Prophet sasigned at Hudaibiya. The Prophet sa is warned that a timewill come when the enemy will sue for peace. The <strong>of</strong>fer isnot to be turned down on the ground that the enemywas the aggressor and had committed excesses, or thathe cannot be trusted. The straight path inculcated byIslam requires a Muslim to accept an <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> peace.Both piety and policy make the acceptance desirable.(5) In 4: 95 we have:

114<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saO ye who believe! when you go forth in the cause <strong>of</strong> Allah,make proper investigation and say not to anyone whogreets you with the greeting <strong>of</strong> peace, "Thou art not abeliever." You seek the goods <strong>of</strong> this life, but with Allahare good things in plenty. Such were you before this, butAllah conferred His favour on you; so do make properinvestigation. Surely, Allah is well aware <strong>of</strong> what you do.That is to say, when Muslims go out for war, they areto make sure that the unreasonableness <strong>of</strong> war has beenexplained to the enemy and that he still wants war.Even so, if a proposal <strong>of</strong> peace is received from anindividual or a group, Muslims are not to turn it downon the plea that it is not honest. If Muslims turn downproposals <strong>of</strong> peace, they will not be fighting for God, butfor self-aggrandizement and worldly gain. Just asreligion comes from God, worldly gain and glory alsocome from Him. Killing is not to be the aim. One whomwe wish to kill today may be guided tomorrow. CouldMuslims have become Muslims if they had not beenspared? Muslims are to abstain from killing becauselives spared may turn out to be lives guided. God is wellaware <strong>of</strong> what men do and to what ends and with whatmotives they do it.The verse teaches that even after war has begun, it isthe duty <strong>of</strong> Muslims to satisfy themselves that theenemy is bent upon aggression. It <strong>of</strong>ten happens that noaggression is intended but that out <strong>of</strong> excitement andfear the enemy has started preparations for war. UnlessMuslims are satisfied that an aggressive attack has beenplanned by the enemy, they are not to go to war. If itturns out, or if the enemy claims, that his preparationsare for self-defence, Muslims are to accept the claim anddesist from war. They are not to argue that the enemypreparations point to nothing but aggression; maybe heintended aggression, but his intention has changed. Arenot intentions and motives continually changing? Didnot enemies <strong>of</strong> Islam become friends?(6) On the inviolability <strong>of</strong> treaties the Qur’an saysclearly:

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 115Excepting those <strong>of</strong> the idolaters with whom you haveentered into a treaty and who have not subsequently failedyou in anything nor aided anyone against you. So fulfil tothese the treaty you have made with them till their term.Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous (9: 4).Pagans, who enter into a pact with Muslims, keepthe pact and do not help the enemy against Muslims,are to have reciprocal treatment from Muslims. Pietyrequires that Muslims should fulfil their part <strong>of</strong> a pact inthe letter as well as the spirit.(7) Of an enemy at war with Muslims who wishes tostudy the Message <strong>of</strong> Islam, the Qur’an orders:And if anyone <strong>of</strong> the idolaters ask protection <strong>of</strong> thee, granthim protection, so that he may hear the word <strong>of</strong> Allah:then convey him to his place <strong>of</strong> security. That is becausethey are a people who have no knowledge (9: 6).That is to say, if any <strong>of</strong> those at war with Muslimsseek refuge with Muslims in order to study Islam andponder over its Message, they are to have refuge withMuslims for such time as may be reasonably necessaryfor such a purpose.(8) Of prisoners <strong>of</strong> war, the Qur’an teaches:It does not behove a Prophet that he should have captivesuntil he engages in a regular fighting in the land. Youdesire the goods <strong>of</strong> the world, while Allah desires for youthe Hereafter. And Allah is Mighty, Wise (8: 68).That is to say, it does not become a Prophet to makeprisoners <strong>of</strong> his enemy save as a result <strong>of</strong> regular warinvolving much bloodshed. The system <strong>of</strong> makingprisoners <strong>of</strong> enemy tribes without war and bloodshedpractised until—and even after—the advent <strong>of</strong> Islam, ishere made unlawful. Prisoners can be taken only fromcombatants and after a battle.(9) Rules for the release <strong>of</strong> prisoners are also laiddown. Thus we have:Then afterwards either release them as a favour or bytaking ransom—until the war lays down its burdens (47:5).

116<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThe best thing, according to Islam, is to let <strong>of</strong>fprisoners without asking for ransom. As this is notalways possible, release by ransom is also provided for.(10) There is provision for prisoners <strong>of</strong> war who areunable themselves to pay, and who have none who canor will pay, for their release. Often, relations are able topay, but do not, because they prefer to let their relationsremain prisoners—possibly with the intention <strong>of</strong>misappropriating their property in their absence. Thisprovision is contained in the Qur’an:And such as desire a deed <strong>of</strong> manumission from amongthose whom your right hands possess, write it for them, ifyou know any good in them; and give them out <strong>of</strong> thewealth <strong>of</strong> Allah which He has bestowed upon you (24: 34).That is, those who do not deserve to be releasedwithout ransom but who have no one to pay ransom forthem—if they still ask for their freedom—can obtain itby signing an undertaking that, if allowed to work andearn, they will pay their ransom. They are to be allowedto do so, however, only if their competence to work andearn is reasonably certain. If their competence is proved,they should even have financial help from Muslims intheir effort to work and earn. Individual Muslims whocan afford to do so should pay; or, public subscriptionshould be raised to put these unfortunates on their feet.The passages from the Qur’an which we have quotedabove contain the teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam on the subject <strong>of</strong>war and peace. They tell us in what circumstances,according to Islam, is it right to go to war and whatlimits have to be observed by Muslims when they makewar.THE PROPHET'S sa PRECEPTS ABOUT WARMuslim teaching, however, does not consist only <strong>of</strong>precepts laid down in the Qur’an. It also includes theprecepts and example <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . What he did orwhat he taught in concrete situations is also an

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 117essential part <strong>of</strong> the Islamic teaching. We append heresome sayings <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa on the subject <strong>of</strong> war andpeace.(i) Muslims are forbidden altogether to mutilate thedead (Muslim).(ii) Muslims are forbidden to resort to cheating(Muslim).(iii) Children are not to be killed, nor women(Muslim).(iv) Priests and religious functionaries and religiousleaders are not to be interfered with (Tahavi).(v) The old and decrepit and women and children arenot to be killed. The possibility <strong>of</strong> peace should alwaysbe kept in view (Abu Dawud).(vi) When Muslims enter enemy territory, they shouldnot strike terror into the general population. Theyshould permit no ill-treatment <strong>of</strong> common folk (Muslim).(vii) A Muslim army should not camp in a placewhere it causes inconvenience to the general public.When it marches it should take care not to block theroad nor cause discomfort to other wayfarers.(viii) No disfigurement <strong>of</strong> face is to be permitted(Bukhari and Muslim).(ix) The least possible losses should be inflicted uponthe enemy (Abu Dawud).(x) When prisoners <strong>of</strong> war are put under guard, thoseclosely related should be placed together (Abu Dawud).(xi) Prisoners should live in comfort. Muslims shouldcare more for the comfort <strong>of</strong> their prisoners than fortheir own (Tirmidhi).(xii) Emissaries and delegates from other countriesshould be held in great respect. Any mistakes ordiscourtesies they commit should be ignored (AbuDawud, Kitab al jihad).(xiii) If a Muslim commits the sin <strong>of</strong> ill-treating aprisoner <strong>of</strong> war, atonement is to be made by releasingthe prisoner without ransom.

118<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa(xiv) When a Muslim takes charge <strong>of</strong> a prisoner <strong>of</strong>war, the latter is to be fed and clothed in the same wayas the Muslim himself (Bukhari).The Holy Prophet sa was so insistent on these rules fora fighting army that he declared that whoever did notobserve these rules, would fight not for God but for hisown mean self (Abu Dawud).Abu Bakr ra , the First Khalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam,supplemented these commands <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa by some<strong>of</strong> his own. One <strong>of</strong> these commands appended here alsoconstitutes part <strong>of</strong> the Muslim teaching:(xv) Public buildings and fruit-bearing trees (and foodcrops) are not to be damaged (Mu’atta).From the sayings <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and the commands<strong>of</strong> the First Khalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam it is evident that Islam hasinstituted steps which have the effect <strong>of</strong> preventing orstopping a war or reducing its evil. As we have saidbefore, the principles which Islam teaches are not piousprecepts only; they have their practical illustration inthe example <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and the early Khalifahs <strong>of</strong>Islam. As all the world knows, the Prophet sa not onlytaught these principles; he practised them and insistedon their observance.Turning to our own time we must say that no otherteaching seems able to solve the problem <strong>of</strong> war andpeace. The teaching <strong>of</strong> Moses as is far from ourconceptions <strong>of</strong> justice and fair-play. Nor is it possible toact upon that teaching today. The teaching <strong>of</strong> Jesus as isimpracticable and has ever been so. Never in theirhistory have Christians tried to put this teaching intopractice. Only the teaching <strong>of</strong> Islam is practicable; onewhich has been both preached and practised by itsexponents, and the practice <strong>of</strong> which can create andmaintain peace in the world.In our time, Mr. Gandhi apparently taught that evenwhen war is forced on us we should not go to war. Weshould not fight. But this teaching has not been put intopractice at any time in the history <strong>of</strong> the world. It hasnever been put in the crucible and tested. It is

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 119impossible, therefore, to say what value this teachingmay have in terms <strong>of</strong> war and peace. Mr. Gandhi livedlong enough to see the Indian Congress attain topolitical independence. Yet the Congress Governmenthas not disbanded either the army or the other armedforces <strong>of</strong> India. It is only making plans for theirIndianization. It also has plans for the reinstatement <strong>of</strong>those Indian <strong>of</strong>ficers who constituted themselves intothe Indian National Army (and who were dismissed bythe British authorities) during the Japanese attack onBurma and India in the last stages <strong>of</strong> the recent WorldWar. Mr. Gandhi has himself, on many occasions, raisedhis voice in extenuation <strong>of</strong> crimes <strong>of</strong> violence, and urgedthe release <strong>of</strong> those who committed such crimes. Thisshows at least that Mr. Gandhi's teaching cannot be putinto practice and that Mr. Gandhi knows it as well as allhis followers. No practical example at least has been<strong>of</strong>fered to show the world how non-violence can beapplied when armed disputes arise between nation andnation and State and State, or how non-violence canprevent or stop a war. To preach a method <strong>of</strong> stoppingwars, but never to be able to afford a practicalillustration <strong>of</strong> that method indicates that the method isimpracticable. It would, therefore, seem that humanexperience and human wisdom point to only one method<strong>of</strong> preventing or stopping war; and that method wastaught and practised by the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam.SPORADIC ATTACKS BY DISBELIEVERSThe Arab confederates returned from the Battle <strong>of</strong>the Ditch defeated and depressed, but far from realizingthat their power to harass the Muslims was over.Though defeated, they knew they were still a dominantmajority. They could easily maltreat individual Muslims,beat and even kill them. By assaults on individuals theyhoped to wipe away their feeling <strong>of</strong> defeat. Not long afterthe battle, therefore, they began to attack Muslims

120<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saaround Medina. Some men <strong>of</strong> the Fazara tribe mountedon camels attacked Muslims near Medina. They madeaway with the camels found in that part, took a womanas prisoner and escaped with the loot. The woman madegood her escape, but the party <strong>of</strong> Fazara succeeded intaking away a number <strong>of</strong> animals. A month later, aparty <strong>of</strong> the Ghatafan tribe attacked from the north inan attempt to dispossess Muslims <strong>of</strong> their herds <strong>of</strong>camels. The Prophet sa sent <strong>Muhammad</strong> bin Maslama rawith ten mounted Companions for a reconnaissance,and for the protection <strong>of</strong> the Muslim herds. But theenemy waylaid the Muslim party and murderouslyattacking them, left them all for dead. <strong>Muhammad</strong> binMaslama ra , however, was only lying unconscious.Recovering consciousness he pulled himself together,returned to Medina and made a report. A few days later,an envoy <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa on his way to the Romancapital was attacked and robbed by men <strong>of</strong> the Jurhamtribe. A month later, the Banu Fazara attacked aMuslim caravan and made away with much loot. It ispossible that this attack was not prompted by religiousantagonism. The Banu Fazara were a tribe <strong>of</strong> maraudersgiven to looting and killing. The Jews <strong>of</strong> Khaibar, themain factor in the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch, were alsodetermined to avenge the crushing defeat which theysuffered in that battle. They went about inciting tribalsettlements and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> State on the Roman frontier.Arab leaders, therefore, unable to make astraightforward attack on Medina, were intriguing withthe Jews to make life impossible for Muslims. TheProphet sa , however, had yet to make up his mind for adecisive fight. Arab leaders might make an <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong>peace, he thought, and civil strife might end.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 121THE PROPHET sa LEAVES FOR MECCA WITHONE THOUSANDFIVE HUNDRED COMPANIONSDuring this time the Prophet sa saw a vision which ismentioned thus in the Qur’an:You will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if God will, insecurity, some having their heads shaven, and othershaving their hair cut short; and you will not fear. But Heknew what you knew not. He has in fact ordained for you,besides that, a victory near at hand (48: z8).That is to say, God had decided to let Muslims enterthe precincts <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba in peace, with heads shavenand hair cut (these being the external signs <strong>of</strong> pilgrimsto the Ka‘ba), and without fear. But Muslims did notknow exactly how God was to let this happen. Moreover,before Muslims performed their pilgrimage in peace,they were to have another victory, a precursor <strong>of</strong> thevictory promised in the vision.In this vision God foretold the ultimate victory <strong>of</strong>Muslims, their peaceful march into Mecca and theconquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca without the use <strong>of</strong> arms. But theProphet sa understood it to mean that Muslims had beencommanded by God immediately to attempt a circuit <strong>of</strong>the Ka‘ba. The Prophet sa 's error in interpreting the visionwas to become the occasion <strong>of</strong> the victory 'near at hand'promised in the vision. In error, therefore, the Prophet saplanned a march towards the Ka‘ba. He announced hisvision and his interpretation <strong>of</strong> it to Muslims and askedthem to prepare. "You will go," he said, "only to performa circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. There were, therefore, to be nodemonstrations against the enemy." Late in February628, fifteen hundred 1 pilgrims, headed by the Prophet sa ,1 In this pilgrimage planned a year after the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch, only onethousand five hundred men accompanied the Prophet sa . The number <strong>of</strong>Muslim combatants in the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch could have been less but notmore than this number. Historians who put the number <strong>of</strong> the Muslimcombatants in the Battle <strong>of</strong> the Ditch at three thousand, therefore, are

122<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saset out on their journey to Mecca. A mounted guard <strong>of</strong>twenty went some distance ahead to warn the Muslimsin case the enemy showed signs <strong>of</strong> attacking.The Meccans soon had reports <strong>of</strong> this caravan.Tradition had established the circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka’ba as auniversal right. It could not very well be denied toMuslims. They had announced in unambiguous termsthat the purpose <strong>of</strong> their march was to perform thecircuit, nothing else. The Prophet sa had forbiddendemonstrations <strong>of</strong> every kind. There were to be nodisputes, no questionings or claims. In spite <strong>of</strong> this, theMeccans started preparing as for an armed conflict.They put up defences on all sides, called thesurrounding tribes to their aid and seemed determinedto fight. When the Prophet sa reached near Mecca, he wasinformed that the Quraish were ready to fight. They wereclad in tiger skins, had their wives and children withthem and had sworn solemnly not to let the Muslimspass. The tiger skins were a sign <strong>of</strong> a savage determinationto fight. Soon after, a column <strong>of</strong> Meccansmarching in the van <strong>of</strong> their army confronted theMuslims. Muslims could not now advance except bydrawing the sword. The Prophet sa , however, wasdetermined to do nothing <strong>of</strong> the kind.He employed a guide to show the Muslim caravan analternative route through the desert. Led by this guide,the Prophet sa and his Companions reached Hudaibiya, aspot very near Mecca.The Prophet's sa dromedary stopped and refused to goany farther."The animal seems tired, O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God. Betterchange your mount," said a Companion."No, no," said the Prophet sa . "the animal is not tired.It seems rather that God wants us to stop here and to gono further. I propose, therefore, to camp here and to askwrong. The number can quite reasonably be put at one thousand twohundred.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 123the Meccans if they would let us perform the Pilgrimage.I, for one, will accept any conditions they may choose toimpose" (Halbiyya, Vol. 2, p. 13).The Meccan army at this time was not in Mecca. Ithad gone out some distance to meet the Muslims on themain road to Medina. If the Prophet sa wanted, he couldhave led his fifteen hundred men into Mecca and takenthe town without resistance. But he was determined toattempt only the circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka’ba, and that only if theMeccans permitted. He would have resisted and foughtthe Meccans only if the Meccans had chosen to strikefirst. Therefore, he abandoned the main road andcamped at Hudaibiya. Soon the news reached theMeccan commander, who ordered his men to withdrawand post themselves near Mecca. Then the Meccans senta chief, Budail by name, to parley with the Prophet sa .The Prophet sa explained to Budail that he and theMuslims wanted only to perform the circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba;but if the Meccans wished to fight, the Muslims wereready. Then ‘Urwa, son-in-law <strong>of</strong> Abu Sufyan ra , theMeccan commander, came to the Prophet sa . He behavedmost discourteously. He called the Muslims tramps anddregs <strong>of</strong> society and said the Meccans would not letthem enter Mecca. More and more Meccans came tohave talks and the last thing they said was that at leastthat year they would not let Muslims perform even thecircuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. The Meccans would be humiliated ifthey permitted the circuit this year. The following year,they might do so.Some tribes allied with the Meccans urged upon theMeccan leaders to let the Muslims perform the circuit.After all, it was only the right <strong>of</strong> circuit they wanted.Why should they be stopped even from this? But theMeccans remained adamant. Thereupon the triballeaders said, the Meccans did not want peace andthreatened to disassociate themselves from them. Out <strong>of</strong>fear, the Meccans were persuaded to try to reach asettlement with the Muslims. As soon as the Prophet sagot to know <strong>of</strong> this, he sent ‘Uthman ra (later the Third

124<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saKhalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam) to the Meccans. ‘Uthman ra had manyrelatives in Mecca. They came out and surrounded him,and <strong>of</strong>fered to let him perform the circuit, but declaredthat they would not let the Prophet sa do so until thefollowing year. "But," said ‘Uthman ra , "I will not performthe circuit unless it is in the company <strong>of</strong> my Master."‘Uthman's ra talks with the chiefs <strong>of</strong> Mecca becameprolonged. A rumour was mischievously spread that hehad been murdered. It reached the ears <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa .Upon this the Prophet sa assembled the Companions andsaid, "The life <strong>of</strong> an envoy is held sacred among allnations. I have heard that the Meccans have murdered‘Uthman ra . If this is true, we have to enter Mecca,whatever the consequences." The Prophet sa 's earlierintention to enter Mecca peacefully had to be changed,under the changed circumstances. The Prophet sa wenton, "Those who promise solemnly that if they have to g<strong>of</strong>urther, they will not turn back save as victors, shouldcome forward and take the oath on my hand." TheProphet sa had hardly finished speaking, when all thefifteen hundred Companions stood up and jumped overone another to hold the Prophet's sa hand and take theoath. This oath possesses a special importance in thehistory <strong>of</strong> early Islam. It is called the "Pledge <strong>of</strong> theTree". When the oath was taken, the Prophet sa wassitting under a tree. Everyone <strong>of</strong> those who took the oathremained proud <strong>of</strong> it to the end <strong>of</strong> his days. Of thefifteen hundred present on the occasion, not one heldback. They all promised that if the Muslim envoy hadbeen murdered, they would not go back. Either theywould take Mecca before dusk, or they would all diefighting. The taking <strong>of</strong> the oath was not over when‘Uthman ra returned. He reported that the Meccans didnot agree to let the Muslims perform the circuit until thefollowing year. They had appointed their delegates tosign a settlement with the Muslims. Soon after, Suhail,a chief <strong>of</strong> Mecca, came to the Prophet sa . A settlementwas reached and recorded.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 125TREATY OF HUDAIBIYAIt ran as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah. These are the conditions <strong>of</strong>peace between <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , son <strong>of</strong> ‘Abdullah, andSuhail ibn ‘Amr, the envoy <strong>of</strong> Mecca. There will be n<strong>of</strong>ighting for ten years. Anyone who wishes to join<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and to enter into any agreement with him,is free to do so. Anyone who wishes to join the Quraishand to enter into an agreement with them is also free todo so. A young man, or one whose father is alive, if hegoes to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa without permission from his fatheror guardian, will be returned to his father or guardian.But should anyone go to the Quraish, he will not bereturned. This year <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa will go back withoutentering Mecca. But next year he and his followers canenter Mecca, spend three days and perform the circuit.During these three days the Quraish will withdraw tothe surrounding hills. When <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa and hisfollowers enter into Mecca, they will be unarmed exceptfor the sheathed swords which wayfarers in Arabiaalways have with them (Bukhari).Two interesting things happened during the signing<strong>of</strong> this peace. After the terms had been settled theProphet sa started to dictate the agreement and said, "Inthe name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful."Suhail objected and said, "Allah we know and believein, but what is this ‘the Gracious and the Merciful?' Thisagreement is between two parties. Therefore thereligious beliefs <strong>of</strong> both parties will have to berespected."The Prophet sa agreed at once and said to his scribe,"Only write, 'In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah'." The Prophet sa thenproceeded to dictate the terms <strong>of</strong> the agreement. Theopening sentence was, 'These are the conditions <strong>of</strong> peacebetween the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca and <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> God'. Suhail objected again, and said, "If wethought you a Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, we would not havefought you." The Prophet sa accepted this objection also.

126<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saInstead <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, heproposed <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa son <strong>of</strong> ‘Abdullah. As theProphet sa was agreeing to everything the Meccansproposed, the Companions felt agitated over thehumiliation. Their blood began to boil, and ‘Umar ra , themost excited <strong>of</strong> them all, went to the Prophet sa andasked, "O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, are we not in the right?""Yes," said the Prophet sa , "we are in the right." "Andwere we not told by God that we would perform thecircuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba?" asked ‘Umar ra ." Yes," said the Prophet sa ."Then why this agreement and why these humiliatingterms?""True," said the Prophet sa , "God did foretell that wewould perform the circuit in peace but He did not saywhen. I did judge as though it was going to be this year.But I could be wrong. Must it be this year?"‘Umar ra was silenced.Then other Companions raised their objections.Some <strong>of</strong> them asked why they had agreed to restore tohis father or guardian a young man who should turnMuslim, without obtaining the same condition for aMuslim who should turn over or happen to go to theMeccans. The Prophet sa explained there was no harm inthis. "Everybody who becomes a Muslim," he said, "doesso because he accepts the beliefs and practicesinculcated by Islam. He does not become a Muslim inorder to join a party and to adopt its customs. Such aman will propagate the Message <strong>of</strong> Islam wherever hegoes, and serve as an instrument for the spread <strong>of</strong>Islam. But a man who gives up Islam is no use to us. Ifhe no longer believes at heart what we believe, he is nolonger one <strong>of</strong> us. It is better he should go elsewhere."This reply <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa satisfied those who haddoubted the wisdom <strong>of</strong> the course adopted by theProphet sa . It should satisfy today all those who thinkthat in Islam the punishment <strong>of</strong> apostasy is death. Hadthis been so, the Prophet sa would have insisted on thereturn and punishment <strong>of</strong> those who gave up Islam.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 127When the agreement had been written down and thesignatures <strong>of</strong> the parties affixed, there soon arose anoccasion which tested the good faith <strong>of</strong> the parties. Ason <strong>of</strong> Suhail, the Meccan plenipotentiary, appearedbefore the Prophet sa , bound, wounded and exhausted.He fell at the Prophet's sa feet and said, "O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>God, I am a Muslim at heart, and because <strong>of</strong> my faith Ihave to suffer these troubles at the hands <strong>of</strong> my father.My father was here with you. So I escaped and managedto come to you." The Prophet sa had not spoken whenSuhail intervened and said that the agreement had beensigned and he would have to go with him. AbuJandal ra —this being the young man's name—stoodbefore the Muslims, a brother <strong>of</strong> brothers, driven todesperation by the ill-treatment <strong>of</strong> his father. To have tosend him back was an obligation they could not endure.They unsheathed their swords and seemed determinedto die or save this brother. Abu Jandal ra himselfentreated the Prophet sa to let him remain. Would hesend him back to the tyrants from whose clutches hehad managed to escape? But the Prophet sa wasdetermined. He said to Abu Jandal ra , "Prophets do noteat their words. We have signed this agreement now. Itis for you to bear with patience and to put your trust inGod. He will certainly provide for your freedom and forthe freedom <strong>of</strong> other young persons like you." After thepeace had been signed, the Prophet sa returned toMedina. Soon after, another young convert from Mecca,Abu Basir ra by name, reached Medina. But in accordwith the terms <strong>of</strong> the agreement, he also was sent backby the Prophet sa . On the way back, he and his guardshad a fight in the course <strong>of</strong> which he killed one <strong>of</strong> theguards and thus managed to escape. The Meccans wentto the Prophet sa again and complained. "But," said theProphet sa , "we handed over your man to you. He hasnow escaped out <strong>of</strong> your hands. It is no longer our dutyto find him and hand him over to you again. A few dayslater, a woman escaped to Medina. Some <strong>of</strong> her relationswent after her and demanded her return. The Prophet sa

128<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saexplained that the agreement had laid down anexception about men, not about women; so he refused toreturn this woman.PROPHET'S sa LETTERS TO VARIOUS KINGSAfter settling down in Medina on return fromHudaibiya, the Prophet sa instituted another plan for thespread <strong>of</strong> his Message. When he mentioned this to theCompanions, some <strong>of</strong> them who were acquainted withthe customs and forms observed in the courts <strong>of</strong> kingstold the Prophet sa that kings did not entertain letterswhich did not bear the seals <strong>of</strong> the senders. Accordinglythe Prophet sa had a seal made on which were engravedthe words, <strong>Muhammad</strong> Rasulullah sa .Out <strong>of</strong> reverence, Allah was put at the top, beneath itRasul and lastly <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa .In Muharram 628, envoys went to different capitals,each with a letter from the Prophet sa , inviting the rulersto accept Islam. Envoys went to Heraclius, the RomanEmperor, the Kings <strong>of</strong> Iran, Egypt (the King <strong>of</strong> Egypt wasthen a vassal <strong>of</strong> the Kaiser) and Abyssinia. They went toother kings and rulers also. The letter addressed to theKaiser was taken by Dihya Kalbi ra who was instructed tocall first on the Governor <strong>of</strong> Busra. When Dihya ra sawthe Governor, the great Kaiser himself was in Syria on atour <strong>of</strong> the Empire. The Governor readily passed Dihya raon to the Kaiser. When Dihya ra entered the court, hewas told that whoever was received in audience by theKaiser must prostrate himself before him. Dihya rarefused to do this, saying that Muslims did not bowbefore any human being. Dihya ra , therefore, sat beforethe Kaiser without making the prescribed obeisances.The Kaiser had the letter read by an interpreter andasked if an Arab caravan was in the town. He said hedesired to interrogate an Arab about this ArabianProphet sa who had sent him an invitation to acceptIslam. It so happened that Abu Sufyan ra was in the town

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 129with a commercial caravan. The court <strong>of</strong>ficials took himto the Kaiser. Abu Sufyan ra was ordered to stand in front<strong>of</strong> the other Arabs, who were told to correct him if heshould tell a lie or make a wrong statement. ThenHeraclius proceeded to interrogate Abu Sufyan ra . Theconversation is thus recorded in history:H: Do you know this man who claims to be a Prophet sa andwho has sent me a letter? Can you say what sort <strong>of</strong> familyhe comes from?A-S: He comes <strong>of</strong> a noble family and is one <strong>of</strong> my relations.H: Have there been Arabs before him who have madeclaims similar to his?A-S: No.H: Did your people ever charge him with lying before heannounced his claim?A-S: No.H: Has there been a king or a ruler among hisforefathers?A—S: No.H: How do you judge his general ability and his capacityfor judgement?A—S: We have never found any fault in his ability and hiscapacity for judgement.H: What are his followers like? Are they big andpowerful persons or are they poor and humble?A—S: Mostly poor and humble and young.H: Do their numbers tend to increase or decrease?A—S: To increase.H: Do his followers ever go back to their old beliefs?A—S: No.H: Has he ever broken a pledge?A—S: Not so far. But we have recently entered into anew pact with him. Let us see what he does about it.H: Have you had any fight with him yet?

130<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saA—S: Yes.H: With what result?A—S: Like buckets on a wheel, victory and defeatalternate between us and him. In the Battle <strong>of</strong> Badr, forinstance, in which I was not present, he was able tooverpower our side. In the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud, in which Icommanded our side, we took his side to task. We toretheir stomachs, their ears and their noses,H: But what does he teach?A—S: That we should worship the One God and not set upequals with Him. He preaches against the idols ourforefathers worshipped. He wants us, instead, to worshipthe Only God, to speak the truth only and always to abjureall vicious and corrupt practices. He exhorts us to be goodto one another and to keep our covenants and dischargeour trusts.This interesting conversation came to an end andthen the Kaiser said:I first asked you about his family and you said he belongedto a noble family. In truth, Prophets always come <strong>of</strong> noblefamilies. I then asked you if anyone before him had made asimilar claim and you said, No. I asked you this questionbecause I thought that if in the recent past some one hadmade such a claim, then one could say that this Prophet sawas imitating that claim. I then asked you whether he hadever been charged with lying before his claim had beenannounced and you said, No. I inferred from this that aperson who does not lie about men will not lie about God. Inext asked you if there had been a king among hisforefathers and you said, No. From this I understood thathis claim could not be a subtle plan for the recovery <strong>of</strong> thekingdom. I then asked you whether the entrants into hisfold were mostly big, prosperous and powerful individualsor poor and weak. And you said in reply, that they weregenerally poor and weak, not proud and big, and so are theearly followers <strong>of</strong> a Prophet. I then asked you whether hisnumbers were increasing or decreasing and you said they

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 131were increasing. At this I remembered that the followers <strong>of</strong>a Prophet go on increasing until the Prophet attains hisgoal. I then asked you if his followers left him out <strong>of</strong>disgust or disappointment, and you said, No. At this Iremembered that the followers <strong>of</strong> Prophets are usuallysteadfast. They may fall away for other reasons, but notout <strong>of</strong> disgust for the faith. I then asked you if there hadbeen fights between you and him and, if so, with whatresults. And you said that you and his followers were likebuckets on a wheel and the Prophets are like that. In thebeginning their followers suffer reverses and meet withmisfortunes, but in the end they win. I then asked youabout what he teaches and you said he teaches the worship<strong>of</strong> One God, truth-speaking, virtue and the importance <strong>of</strong>keeping covenants and discharging trusts. I asked you alsowhether he ever played false, and you said, No. And this isthe way <strong>of</strong> virtuous men. It seems to me, therefore, that hisclaim to being a Prophet sa is true. I was half expecting hisappearance in our time, but I did not know he was going tobe an Arab. If what you have told me is true, then I thinkhis influence and his dominion will certainly spread overthese lands (Bukhari).The speech unsettled the courtiers who began toblame the King for applauding a Teacher <strong>of</strong> anothercommunity. Protests were raised. The court <strong>of</strong>ficialsthen sent away Abu Sufyan ra and his friends. The text <strong>of</strong>the letter which the Prophet sa wrote to the Kaiser is to befound in historical records. It runs as follows:From <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Servant <strong>of</strong> God and HisMessenger. To the Chief <strong>of</strong> Rome, Heraclius. Whoevertreads the path <strong>of</strong> divine guidance, on him be peace. Afterthis, O King, I invite you to Islam. Become a Muslim. Godwill protect you from all afflictions, and reward you twiceover. But if you deny and refuse to accept this Message,then the sin not only <strong>of</strong> your own denial, but <strong>of</strong> the denial<strong>of</strong> your subjects, will be on your head. "Say, 'O People <strong>of</strong>the Book! come to a word equal between us and you thatwe worship none but Allah, and that we associate no

132<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapartner with Him, and that some <strong>of</strong> us take not others forlords beside Allah.' But if they turn away, then say, ‘Bearwitness that we have submitted to God' " (Zurqani ).The invitation to Islam was an invitation to believethat God is One and that <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is HisMessenger. Where the letter says that if Heracliusbecomes a Muslim, he will be rewarded twice over, thereference is to the fact that Islam teaches belief in bothJesus as and <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa .It is said that when the letter was presented to theEmperor, some courtiers suggested it should be torn upand thrown away. The letter, they said, was an insult tothe Emperor. It did not describe the Emperor asEmperor but only as Sahibul Rum, i.e., the Chief <strong>of</strong>Rome. The Emperor, however, said that it was unwise totear up the letter without reading it. He also said thatthe address, 'Chief <strong>of</strong> Rome', was not wrong. After all,the Master <strong>of</strong> everything was God. An Emperor was onlya chief.When the Prophet sa was told how his letter had beenreceived by Heraclius, he seemed satisfied and pleasedand said that because <strong>of</strong> the reception which the RomanEmperor had given his letter, his Empire would besaved. The descendants <strong>of</strong> the Emperor would continuelong to rule over the Empire. That is in fact whathappened. In the wars which took place later, a largepart <strong>of</strong> the Roman Empire, in accordance with anotherprophecy <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam, passed out <strong>of</strong> thepossession <strong>of</strong> Rome; yet for six hundred years after this,the dynasty <strong>of</strong> Heraclius remained established inConstantinople. The Prophet's sa letter remainedpreserved in the State archives for a long time.Ambassadors <strong>of</strong> the Muslim King, Mansur Qalawun,visited the court <strong>of</strong> Rome, and were shown the letterdeposited in a case. The then Roman Emperor showingthe letter said it had been received by a forefather <strong>of</strong> hisfrom their Prophet sa and had been carefully preserved.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 133LETTER TO THE KING OF IRANThe letter to the King <strong>of</strong> Iran was sent through‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra . The text <strong>of</strong> this letter was asfollows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.. Thisletter is from <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, toChosroes, the Chief <strong>of</strong> Iran. Whoever submits to a perfectguidance, and believes in Allah, and bears witness thatAllah is One, and has no equal or partner, and that<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is His Servant and Messenger, on him bepeace. O King, under the command <strong>of</strong> God, I invite you toIslam. For I have been sent by God as His Messenger sa toall mankind, so that I may warn all living men andcomplete my Message for all unbelievers. Accept Islam andprotect yourself from all afflictions. If you reject thisinvitation, then the sin <strong>of</strong> the denial <strong>of</strong> all your people willrest on your head (Zurqani and Khamis).‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra says that when he reachedthe court <strong>of</strong> Chosroes he applied for admission to theroyal presence. He handed over the letter to the Emperorand the Emperor ordered an interpreter to read it andexplain its contents. On listening to the contents, theChosroes was enraged. He took back the letter and toreit to pieces. ‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra reported theincident to the Prophet sa . On hearing the report, theProphet sa said:What the Chosroes has done to our letter even thatwill God do to his Empire (i.e., rend it to pieces).The fit <strong>of</strong> temper which the Chosroes showed on thisoccasion was the result <strong>of</strong> the pernicious propagandacarried on against Islam by Jews who had migrated fromRoman territory to Iran. These Jewish refugees took aleading part in anti-Roman intrigues sponsored in Iran,and had, therefore, become favourites at the Iraniancourt. The Chosroes was full <strong>of</strong> rage against theProphet sa . The reports about the Prophet sa which theJews had taken to Iran, it seemed to him, wereconfirmed by this letter. He thought the Prophet sa was

134<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saan aggressive adventurer with designs on Iran. Soonafter, the Chosroes wrote to the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen,saying that one <strong>of</strong> the Quraish in Arabia had announcedhimself a Prophet sa . His claims were becoming excessive.The Governor was asked to send two men charged withthe duty <strong>of</strong> arresting this Quraishite and bringing him tothe court <strong>of</strong> Iran. Badhan, the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen underthe Chosroes, sent an army chief with a mountedcompanion to the Prophet sa . He also gave them a letteraddressed to the Prophet sa , in which he said that onreceipt <strong>of</strong> the letter the Prophet sa should at onceaccompany the two messengers to the court <strong>of</strong> Iran. Thetwo planned to go first to Mecca. When somewhere nearTa’if, they were told that the Prophet sa lived in Medina.So they went to Medina. On arrival this army chief toldthe Prophet sa that Badhan, the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen, hadbeen ordered by the Chosroes to arrange for theProphet's sa arrest and despatch to Iran. If the Prophet sarefused to obey, he and his people were to be destroyedand their country made desolate. Out <strong>of</strong> compassion forthe Prophet sa , this delegate from Yemen insisted that theProphet sa should obey and agree to be led to Iran.Having listened to this, the Prophet sa suggested that thedelegates should see him again the following day.Overnight the Prophet sa prayed to God Who informedhim that the insolence <strong>of</strong> the Chosroes had cost him hislife. "We have set his own son against him, and this sonwill murder his father on Monday the l0th Jumad al-’Ula<strong>of</strong> this year." According to some reports, the revelationsaid, "The son has murdered the father this very night."It is possible that that very night was the l0th Jumad al-’Ula In the morning, the Prophet sa sent for the Yemendelegates and told them <strong>of</strong> what had been revealed tohim overnight. Then he prepared a letter for Badhansaying that the Chosroes was due to be murdered on acertain day <strong>of</strong> a certain month. When the Governor <strong>of</strong>Yemen received the letter he said, "If this man be a trueProphet sa , it will be even as he says. If he be not true,then God help him and his country." Soon after, a boat

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 135from Iran anchored at the port <strong>of</strong> Yemen. It brought aletter from the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Iran to the Governor <strong>of</strong>Yemen. The letter bore a new seal, from which theGovernor concluded that the prophecy <strong>of</strong> the ArabianProphet sa had proved true. A new seal meant a new king.He opened the letter. It said:From Chosroes Siroes to Badhan, the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen.I have murdered my father because his rule had becomecorrupt and unjust. He murdered the nobles and treatedhis subjects with cruelty. As soon as you receive this letter,collect all <strong>of</strong>ficers and ask them to affirm their loyalty tome. As for my father's orders for the arrest <strong>of</strong> an ArabianProphet sa , you should regard those orders as cancelled(Tabari, Vol. 3, pp. 1572–1574 and Hisham p. 46).Badhan was so impressed by these events that heand many <strong>of</strong> his friends at once declared their faith inIslam and informed the Prophet sa accordingly.THE LETTER TO THE NEGUSThe letter to the Negus, King <strong>of</strong> Abyssinia, wascarried by ‘Amr bin Umayya Damri ra . It ran as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful,<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, writes to the Negus,King <strong>of</strong> Abyssinia. O King, peace <strong>of</strong> God be upon you. Ipraise before you the One and Only God. None else isworthy <strong>of</strong> worship. He is the King <strong>of</strong> kings, the source <strong>of</strong>all excellences, free from all defects, He provides peace toall His servants and protects His creatures. I bear witnessthat Jesus, son <strong>of</strong> Mary as was a Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, whocame in fulfilment <strong>of</strong> promises made to Mary by God.Mary had consecrated her life to God. I invite you to joinwith me in attaching ourselves to the One and Only Godand in obeying Him. I invite you also to follow me andbelieve in the God Who hath sent me. I am His Messenger.I invite you and your armies to join the Faith <strong>of</strong> theAlmighty God. I discharge my duty hereby. I havedelivered to you the Message <strong>of</strong> God, and made clear to

136<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sayou the meaning <strong>of</strong> this Message. I have done so in allsincerity and I trust you will value the sincerity which hasprompted this message. He who obeys the guidance <strong>of</strong> Godbecomes heir to the blessings <strong>of</strong> God (Zurqani).When this letter reached the Negus, he showed verygreat regard and respect for it. He held it up to his eyes,descended from the throne and ordered an ivory box forit. Then he deposited it in the box and said, "While thisletter is safe, my kingdom is safe." What he said provedtrue. For one thousand years Muslim armies were outon their career <strong>of</strong> conquest. They went in all directions,and passed by Abyssinia on all sides, but they did nottouch this small kingdom <strong>of</strong> the Negus—; and this, out<strong>of</strong> regard for two memorable acts <strong>of</strong> the Negus theprotection he afforded the refugees <strong>of</strong> early Islam andthe reverence he showed to the Prophet's sa letter. TheEmpire <strong>of</strong> Rome became dismembered. The Chosroeslost his dominions. The kingdoms <strong>of</strong> China and Indiadisappeared but this small kingdom <strong>of</strong> the Negusremained inviolate, because its ruler received andprotected the first Muslim refugees and showed respectand reverence for the Prophet's sa letter.Muslims returned the magnanimity <strong>of</strong> the Negus inthis way. Compare with this the treatment which aChristian people, in this age <strong>of</strong> civilization meted out tothis Christian kingdom <strong>of</strong> the Negus. They bombardedfrom the air the open cities <strong>of</strong> Abyssinia and destroyedthem. The royal family had to take refuge elsewhere andto stay away from their country for several years. Thesame people have been treated in two different ways bytwo different peoples. Muslims held Abyssinia sacredand inviolate because <strong>of</strong> the magnanimity <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> itsrulers. A Christian nation attacked and plundered it inthe name <strong>of</strong> civilization. It shows how wholesome andlasting in their effects are the Prophet's sa teaching andexample. Muslim gratitude to a Christian kingdom madethe kingdom sacred to Muslims. Christian greedattacked the same kingdom, not caring it was Christian.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 137LETTER TO THE RULER OF EGYPTThe letter to Muqauqis was carried by Hatib ibn AbiBalta‘a ra . The text <strong>of</strong> this letter was exactly the same asthat to the Roman Emperor. The letter to the RomanEmperor said that the sin <strong>of</strong> the denial <strong>of</strong> the Romansubjects would be on his head. The letter to theMuqauqis said that the sin <strong>of</strong> the denial <strong>of</strong> the Coptswould be on the head <strong>of</strong> the ruler. It ran as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Thisletter is from <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , the Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah, toMuqauqis, the Chief <strong>of</strong> the Copts. Peace be upon him wh<strong>of</strong>ollows the path <strong>of</strong> rectitude. I invite you to accept theMessage <strong>of</strong> Islam. Believe and you will be saved and yourreward will be tw<strong>of</strong>old. If you disbelieved, the sin <strong>of</strong> thedenial <strong>of</strong> the Copts will also be on your head. Say, "OPeople <strong>of</strong> the Book! come to a word equal between us andyou that we worship none but Allah, and that we associateno partner with Him, and that some <strong>of</strong> us take not othersfor lords beside Allah. But if they turn away, then say,‘Bear witness that we have submitted to God.'" (Halbiyya,Vol. 3, p. 275).When Hatib ra reached Egypt, he did not find theMuqauqisin the capital. Ilatib followed him toAlexandria, where he was holding court near the sea.Hatib ra went by boat. The court was strongly guarded.Therefore Hatib ra showed the letter from a distance andbegan to speak aloud. The Muqauqis ordered Hatib ra tobe brought to him. The Muqauqis read the letter andsaid, "If this man be a true Prophet sa , why does he notpray for the destruction <strong>of</strong> his enemies?" Hatib ra replied,"You believe in Jesus as . He was ill-treated by his people,yet he did not pray for their destruction." The King paida tribute to Hatib ra and said he was a wise envoy <strong>of</strong> awise man. He had answered well the questions put tohim. Upon this Hatib ra spoke again. "Before you," hesaid, "there was a king who was proud, arrogant andcruel. He was the Pharaoh who persecuted Moses as . Atlast he was overtaken by divine punishment. Show no

138<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapride therefore. Believe in this Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God. By GodMoses as did not foretell about Jesus as as clearly as didJesus as foretell about <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa . We invite you to<strong>Muhammad</strong> the Prophet sa , just as you Christians invitethe Jews to Jesus as . Every Prophet has his followers.The followers must obey their Prophet. Now that aProphet sa has appeared in your time it is your duty tobelieve in him and follow him. And remember ourreligion does not ask you to deny or disobey Jesus as .Our religion requires everyone to believe in Jesus as ."Hearing this, Muqauqis revealed that he had heard <strong>of</strong>the teaching <strong>of</strong> this Prophet sa and he felt that he did notteach anything evil nor forbid anything good. He hadalso made inquiries and found that he was no sorcereror soothsayer. He had heard <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> his prophecieswhich had come true. Then he sent for an ivory box andplaced the letter <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa in it, sealed it andhanded it over to a servant girl for safe deposit. He alsowrote a letter in reply to the Prophet sa . The text <strong>of</strong> thisletter is recorded in history. It runs as follows:In the name <strong>of</strong> Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. FromMuqauqis, King <strong>of</strong> the Copts, to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , son <strong>of</strong>‘Abdullah. Peace be on you. After this, I say that I haveread your letter and pondered over its contents and overthe beliefs to which you invite me. I am aware that theHebrew Prophets have foretold the advent <strong>of</strong> a Prophet sain our time. But I thought he was going to appear in Syria.I have received your envoy, and made a present <strong>of</strong> onethousand dinars and five khil‘ats to him and I send twoEgyptian girls as a present to you. My people, the Copts,hold these girls in great esteem. One <strong>of</strong> them is Mary ra andthe other Sirin ra . I also send you twenty garments made <strong>of</strong>Egyptian linen <strong>of</strong> high quality. I also send you a mule forriding. In the end I pray again that you may have peacefrom God (Zurqani and Tabari).From this letter it is clear that, though Muqauqistreated the letter with respect he did not accept Islam.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 139LETTER TO CHIEF OF BAHRAINThe Prophet sa also sent a letter to Mundhir Taimi,Chief <strong>of</strong> Bahrain. This letter was carried by ‘Ala’ ibnHadrami ra . The text <strong>of</strong> this letter has been lost. When itreached this Chief, he believed, and wrote back to theProphet sa saying that he and many <strong>of</strong> his friends andfollowers had decided to join Islam. Some, however, haddecided to stay outside. He also said that there weresome Jews and Magians living under him. What was heto do about them?The Prophet sa wrote again to this Chief thus:I am glad at your acceptance <strong>of</strong> Islam. Your duty is to obeythe delegates and messengers whom I should send to you.Whoever obeys them, obeys me. The messenger who tookmy letter to you praised you to me, and assured me <strong>of</strong> thesincerity <strong>of</strong> your belief. I have prayed to God for yourpeople. Try, therefore, to teach them the ways andpractices <strong>of</strong> Islam. Protect their property. Do not letanyone have more than four wives. The sins <strong>of</strong> the past areforgiven. As long as you are good and virtuous you willcontinue to rule over your people. As for Jews andMagians, they have only to pay a tax. Do not, therefore,make any other demands on them. As for the generalpopulation, those who do not have land enough to maintainthem should have four dirhams each, and some clothto wear (Zurqani and Khamis).The Prophet sa also wrote to the King <strong>of</strong> ‘Uman, theChief <strong>of</strong> Yamama, the King <strong>of</strong> Ghassan, the Chief <strong>of</strong> BaniNahd, a tribe <strong>of</strong> Yemen, the Chief <strong>of</strong> Hamdan, anothertribe <strong>of</strong> Yemen, the Chief <strong>of</strong> Bani ‘Alim and the Chief <strong>of</strong>the Hadrami tribe. Most <strong>of</strong> them became Muslims.These letters show how perfect was the Prophet's safaith in God. They also show that from the verybeginning the Prophet sa believed that he had been sentby God not to any one people or territory, but to all thepeoples <strong>of</strong> the world. It is true that these letters werereceived by their addressees in different ways. Some <strong>of</strong>them accepted Islam at once. Others treated the letters

140<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawith consideration, but did not accept Islam. Still otherstreated them with ordinary courtesy. Still others showedcontempt and pride. But it is true also—and history iswitness to the fact—that the recipients <strong>of</strong> these letters ortheir peoples met with a fate in accordance with theirtreatment <strong>of</strong> these letters.FALL OF KHAIBARAs we have said above, the Jews and otheropponents <strong>of</strong> Islam were now busy inflaming the tribesagainst the Muslims. They were now convinced thatArabia was unable to withstand the rising influence <strong>of</strong>Islam and that Arab tribes were unable to attackMedina. The Jews, therefore, began to intrigue with theChristian tribes settled on the southern frontier <strong>of</strong> theRoman Empire. At the same time they started writingagainst the Prophet sa to their co-religionists in Iraq. Bymalicious propaganda carried on throughcorrespondence they sought to excite the Chosroes <strong>of</strong>Iran against Islam. As a result <strong>of</strong> Jewish machinationsthe Chosroes turned against Islam, and even sent ordersto the Governor <strong>of</strong> Yemen to arrest the Prophet sa . It wasby special divine intervention and divine grace that theProphet sa remained safe, and the foul plan <strong>of</strong> theEmperor <strong>of</strong> Iran was brought to nought. It should beobvious that, but for the divine help which attended theProphet sa throughout his career, the tender movement <strong>of</strong>early Islam would have been nipped in the bud underthe hostility and opposition <strong>of</strong> the Emperors <strong>of</strong> Romeand Iran. When the Chosroes ordered the arrest <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , it so happened that before the orders could becarried out the Emperor was deposed and put to deathby his own son and his orders for the arrest <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa cancelled by the new ruler. The <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong>Yemen were impressed by this miracle; so the province<strong>of</strong> Yemen readily became part <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Empire. Theintrigues which the Jews kept on hatching against

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 141Muslims and their town <strong>of</strong> Medina made it necessarythat they should be driven farther away from Medina. Ifthey had been allowed to continue to live nearby theirintrigues were almost certain to give rise to more andmore bloodshed and violence. On returning fromHudaibiya the Prophet sa waited for five months and thendecided to banish them from Khaibar. Khaibar was onlya little distance from Medina and from here the Jewsfound it very easy to carry on their intrigues. With thisintent, the Prophet sa (some time in August 628 A.D.)marched to Khaibar. He had one thousand six hundredmen with him. Khaibar, as we have said, was a wellfortifiedtown. It was surrounded on all sides by rockson which were perched little fortresses. To conquer sucha place with so small a force was no easy task. Thesmall posts lying on the outskirts <strong>of</strong> Khaibar fell after alittle fighting. But when the Jews collected themselvesinto the central fort <strong>of</strong> the town, all attacks on it and allforms <strong>of</strong> strategy employed against it seemed to fail. Oneday the Prophet sa had a revelation that Khaibar wouldfall at the hands <strong>of</strong> ‘Ali ra . The following morning theProphet sa announced this to his followers and said,"Today, I will hand over the black flag <strong>of</strong> Islam to himwho is dear to God, His Prophet sa and all the Muslims.God has ordained that our victory at Khaibar shouldtake place at his hands." The following day he sent for‘Ali ra and handed to him the flag. ‘Ali ra did not wait. Hetook his men and attacked the central fort. In spite <strong>of</strong>the fact that the Jews had collected in force inside thisfort, ‘Ali ra and his division were able to conquer it beforedark. A peace was signed. The conditions were that allJews, their wives and their children would quit Khaibarand settle in some place far away from Medina. Theirproperty and their belongings would pass into the hands<strong>of</strong> Muslims. Anyone who tried to conceal any <strong>of</strong> hisproperty or stores, or made a wrong statement, wouldnot be protected by the peace. He would have to pay thepenalty laid down for breach <strong>of</strong> faith.

142<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThree interesting incidents took place in this siege <strong>of</strong>Khaibar. One <strong>of</strong> them constitutes a Sign <strong>of</strong> God and twoafford insight into the high moral character <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa .A widow <strong>of</strong> Kinana, a chief <strong>of</strong> Khaibar, was marriedto the Prophet sa . The Prophet sa saw that her face boresome marks, the impression <strong>of</strong> a hand. "What is this onyour face, Safiyya ra ?" asked the Prophet sa ."It was like this," replied Safiyya ra . "I saw the moonfall in my lap in a dream. I related the dream to myhusband. No sooner had I related the dream than myhusband gave a heavy slap on my face and said, 'Youdesire to marry the King <strong>of</strong> Arabia'" (Hisham). The moonwas the national emblem <strong>of</strong> Arabia. The moon in the lapdenoted some intimate connection with the King <strong>of</strong>Arabia. A split moon or a dropping moon meantdissensions in the Arab State or its destruction.The dream <strong>of</strong> Safiyya ra is a sign <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet sa . It is also a sign <strong>of</strong> the fact that Godreveals the future to His servants through dreams.Believers have more <strong>of</strong> this grace than unbelievers.Safiyya ra was a Jewess when she saw this dream. It sohappened that her husband was killed in the siege <strong>of</strong>Khaibar. This siege was a punishment for the Jewishbreach <strong>of</strong> faith. Safiyya ra was made a prisoner and, inthe distribution <strong>of</strong> prisoners, was given to a Companion.It was then found that she was the widow <strong>of</strong> a chief. Itwas, therefore, felt that it would be more in accord withher rank if she were to live with the Prophet sa . TheProphet sa , however, chose to give her the status <strong>of</strong> a wifeand she agreed. In this way was her dream fulfilled.There were two other incidents. One relates to ashepherd who looked after the sheep <strong>of</strong> a Jewish chief.This shepherd became a Muslim. After his conversion hesaid to the Prophet sa , "I cannot go back to my peoplenow, O Prophet <strong>of</strong> God sa . What shall I do with the sheepand goats <strong>of</strong> my old master?""Set the faces <strong>of</strong> the animals towards Khaibar andgive them a push. God will lead them back to their

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 143master" said the Prophet sa . The shepherd did as he wastold, and the herd reached the Jewish fort. The guardsat the fort received them (Hisham, Vol 2, p.191). Theincident shows how seriously the Prophet sa regarded thequestion <strong>of</strong> individual rights and how important in hisview it was for a trustee to discharge his trust. In warthe property and belongings <strong>of</strong> the losers are rightfullyappropriated by the victors. Ours is an age <strong>of</strong> civilizationand culture, but can we show anything equal to this?Has it ever happened that a retreating enemy left behindstores which the victors sent back to their owners? Inthe present case the goats belonged to one <strong>of</strong> thecombatants <strong>of</strong> the enemy side. The return <strong>of</strong> the goatsmeant making over to the enemy food which would lastthem for several months. With it the enemy could resistthe siege for a long time. Yet the Prophet sa had the goatsreturned, and this in order to impress upon a newconvert the importance <strong>of</strong> discharging a trust.The third incident relates to a Jewish woman whotried to poison the Prophet sa . She asked the Companionswhat part <strong>of</strong> an animal the Prophet sa relished for a dish.She was told that he preferred the shoulder <strong>of</strong> lamb orgoat. The woman slaughtered a goat and made cutletson hot stones. Then she mixed with them a deadlypoison, especially in pieces cut from the shoulder,believing the Prophet sa would prefer them.The Prophet sa was returning to his tent, having saidthe evening prayers in congregation. He saw this womanwaiting for him near his tent and asked, "Is thereanything I can do for you, woman?""Yes, Abu’l Qasim sa , you can accept a present fromme." The Prophet sa asked a Companion to take whateverthe woman had brought. When the Prophet sa sat downto his meal this present <strong>of</strong> roasted meat was also laidbefore him. The Prophet sa took a morsel. A CompanionBishr ibn al-Bara’ ibn al-Ma‘rur ra also took a morsel.The other Companions present at the meal stretchedtheir hands to eat the meat. But the Prophet sa stoppedthem saying, he thought the meat was poisoned. Upon

144<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathis Bishr ra said that he also thought the same. Hewanted to throw away the meat but was afraid it mightdisturb the Prophet sa . "Seeing you take a morsel," hesaid, "I also took one, but I soon began to wish you hadnot taken yours at all." Soon afterwards Bishr ra becameill and, according to some reports, died there and then.According to other reports he died after remaining ill forsome time. The Prophet sa then sent for the woman andasked her if she had poisoned the meat. The womanasked the Prophet sa how he ever got to know about it.The Prophet sa was holding a piece in his hand, andsaid,"My hand told me this," meaning he was able tojudge from its taste. The woman admitted what she haddone. "What made you do this? " asked the Prophet sa ."My people were at war with you and my relationswere killed in this battle, I decided to poison you,believing that if you were an impostor you would die andwe should be safe, but if you were a Prophet sa , Godwould save you."Hearing this explanation the Prophet sa forgave thewoman, although she had earned, the penalty <strong>of</strong> death(Muslim). The Prophet sa was ever ready to forgive, andpunished only when punishment was necessary, when itwas feared the guilty one would continue to commitmischief.THE PROPHET'S sa VISION FULFILLEDIn the seventh year after the Hijra, in February 629to be exact, the Prophet sa was due to go to Mecca for thecircuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. This had been agreed to by theMeccan leaders. When the time came for the Prophet sa todepart, he collected two thousand followers and set outin the direction <strong>of</strong> Mecca. When he reachedMarrazzuhran, a halting place near Mecca, he orderedhis followers to shed their armours. These were collectedin one place. In strict conformity with the terms <strong>of</strong> theagreement signed at Hudaibiya, the Prophet sa and his

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 145followers entered the Sacred Enclosure, wearing onlysheathed swords; Returning to Mecca after seven years'externment, it was no ordinary thing for two thousandpersons to enter Mecca. They remembered the torturesto which they had been subjected during their days atMecca. At the same time, they saw how gracious Godhad been to them in letting them come back and make acircuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba in peace. Their anger was only equalto their joy. The people <strong>of</strong> Mecca had come out <strong>of</strong> theirhouses and perched themselves on the hill-tops to seethe Muslims. The Muslims were full <strong>of</strong> zeal andenthusiasm and pride. They wanted to tell the Meccansthat the promises which God had made to them had allcome true. ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra started singing songs<strong>of</strong> war, but the Prophet sa stopped him saying, "No warsongs. Only say, There is none to be worshipped exceptthe One God. It is God Who helped the Prophet sa andraised the believers from degradation to dignity and Whodrove <strong>of</strong>f the enemy" (Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 73).After circuiting the Ka‘ba and running between thehills <strong>of</strong> Safa and Marwa, the Prophet sa and hisCompanions stopped in Mecca for three days. ‘Abbas rahad a widowed sister-in-law, Maimuna ra , and heproposed that the Prophet sa should marry her. TheProphet sa agreed. On the fourth day the Meccansdemanded the withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the Muslims. The Prophet saordered the withdrawal and asked his followers to startback for Medina. So religiously did he carry out theagreement and so careful was he to respect Meccansentiments that he left his newly-wed wife behind inMecca. He arranged that she should join him with thepart <strong>of</strong> the caravan carrying the personal effects <strong>of</strong> thepilgrims. The Prophet sa mounted his camel and wassoon out <strong>of</strong> the limits <strong>of</strong> the sacred precincts. For thenight the Prophet sa camped at a place called Sarif, andthere in his tent Maimuna ra joined him.We might have omitted this insignificant detail froma short account <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , but theincident has one important interest, and it is this. The

146<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saProphet sa has been attacked by European writersbecause he had several wives. They think a plurality <strong>of</strong>wives is evidence <strong>of</strong> personal laxity and love <strong>of</strong> pleasure.This impression <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa marriages, however, isbelied by the devotion and self-consuming love whichthe Prophet's sa wives had for him. Their devotion andlove proved that the Prophet's sa married life was pure,unselfish and spiritual. It was so singular in this respectthat no man can be said to have treated his one wife sowell as the Prophet sa treated his many. If the Prophet's samarried life had been motivated by pleasure, it wouldmost certainly have resulted in making his wivesindifferent and even antagonistic to him. But the factsare quite otherwise. All the Prophet's sa wives weredevoted to him, and their devotion was due to hisunselfish and high-minded example. To his unselfishexample they reacted by unsparing devotion. This isproved by many incidents recorded in history. Onerelates to Maimuna ra herself. She met the Prophet sa forthe first time in a tent in the desert. If their maritalrelations had been coarse, if the Prophet sa had preferredsome wives to others because <strong>of</strong> their physical charms,Maimuna ra would not have cherished her first meetingwith the Prophet sa as a great memory. If her marriagewith the Prophet sa had been associated with unpleasantor indifferent memories, she would have forgotteneverything about it. Maimuna ra lived long after theProphet's sa death. She died full <strong>of</strong> years but could notforget what her marriage with the Prophet sa had meantfor her. On the eve <strong>of</strong> her death at eighty, when thedelights <strong>of</strong> the flesh are forgotten, when things only <strong>of</strong>lasting value and virtue move the heart, she asked to beburied at one day's journey from Mecca, at the very spotwhere the Prophet sa had camped on his return toMedina, and where after his marriage she had first methim. The world knows <strong>of</strong> many stories <strong>of</strong> love both realand imaginary, but not <strong>of</strong> many which are more movingthan this.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 147Soon after this historic circuit <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba, tworenowned generals <strong>of</strong> the enemy joined Islam. Theyproved renowned generals <strong>of</strong> Islam. One was Khalid binWalid ra whose genius and courage shook the RomanEmpire to its foundations and under whose generalshipcountry after country was added by Muslims to theirEmpire. The other was ‘Amr bin al-‘As ra , the conqueror<strong>of</strong> Egypt.BATTLE OF MAUTAOn return from the Ka‘ba, the Prophet sa began toreceive reports that Christian tribes on the Syrianborder, instigated by Jews and pagans, were preparingfor an attack upon Medina. He, therefore, despatched aparty <strong>of</strong> fifteen to find out the truth. They saw an armymassing on the Syrian border. Instead <strong>of</strong> returning atonce with the report they tarried. Their zeal forexpounding Islam got the better <strong>of</strong> them, but the effect<strong>of</strong> their well-meaning zeal proved to be the very opposite<strong>of</strong> what they had wished and expected.Reviewing events now, we can see that those who,under enemy provocation, were planning to attack theProphet's sa homeland could be expected to behave in noother way. Instead <strong>of</strong> listening to the exposition, theytook out their bows and started raining arrows on thisparty <strong>of</strong> fifteen. The party, however, remained unmoved.They received arrows in reply to arguments, but they didnot turn back. They stood firm, fifteen againstthousands, and fell fighting.The Prophet sa planned an expedition to punish theSyrians for this wanton cruelty, but in the meantime hehad reports that the forces which had beenconcentrating on the border had dispersed. He,therefore, postponed his plans.The Prophet sa , however, wrote a letter to the Emperor<strong>of</strong> Rome (or to the Chief <strong>of</strong> the Ghassan tribe who ruledBusra in the name <strong>of</strong> Rome). In this letter, we may

148<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapresume, the Prophet sa complained <strong>of</strong> the preparationswhich had been visible on the Syrian border and <strong>of</strong> thefoul and entirely unjust murder <strong>of</strong> the fifteen Muslimswhom he had sent to report on the border situation.This letter was carried by al-Harth ra , a Companion <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa . He stopped en route at Mauta where he metShurahbil, a Ghassan chief acting as a Roman <strong>of</strong>ficial."Are you a messenger <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ?" asked thischief. On being told "Yes," he arrested him, tied him upand belaboured him to death. It may quite reasonably beassumed that this Ghassan chief was a leader <strong>of</strong> thearmy which had engaged and put to death the fifteenMuslims who had tried only to preach. The fact that hesaid to al-Harth ra , "Perhaps you are carrying a messagefrom <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa " shows he was afraid lest theProphet's sa complaint that tribesmen under the Kaiserhad attacked the Muslims should reach the Kaiser. Hewas afraid lest he should have to account for what hadhappened. There was safety, he thought, in murderingthe Prophet's sa envoy. The expectation was not realized.The Prophet sa got to know <strong>of</strong> the murder. To avenge thisand the earlier murders, he raised a force <strong>of</strong> threethousand and despatched it to Syria under thecommand <strong>of</strong> Zaid bin Haritha ra , freed slave <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , whom we mentioned in our account <strong>of</strong> his lifein Mecca. The Prophet sa nominated Ja‘far ibn Abi Talibas the successor <strong>of</strong> Zaid ra , should Zaid ra die, and‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra , should Ja‘far die. Should‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra also die, Muslims were tochoose their own commander. A Jew who heard thisexclaimed, "O Abu’l Qasim sa , if thou art a true Prophet sa ,these three <strong>of</strong>ficers whom thou hast named are sure to die;for God fulfils the words <strong>of</strong> a Prophet sa ." Turning to Zaid ra ,he said,"Take it from me, if <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is true you willnot return alive." Zaid ra , a true believer that he was, said inreply, "I may return alive or not, but <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is a trueProphet <strong>of</strong> God" (Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 75).The following morning the Muslim army set out onits long march. The Prophet sa and the Companions went

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 149some distance with it. A large and important expeditionsuch as this had never before gone without the Prophet sacommanding in person. As the Prophet sa walked along tobid the expedition farewell, he counselled andinstructed. When they reached the spot where thepeople <strong>of</strong> Medina generally bade farewell to friends andrelations going to Syria, the Prophet sa stopped and said:I urge you to fear God and to deal justly with Muslimswho go with you. Go to war in the name <strong>of</strong> Allah and fightthe enemy in Syria, who is your enemy, as well as Allah's.When you are in Syria, you will meet those who rememberGod much in their houses <strong>of</strong> worship. You should have nodispute with them, and give no trouble to them. In theenemy country do not kill any women or children, nor theblind or the old; do not cut down any tree, nor pull downany building (Halbiyya, Vol. 3).Having said this, the Prophet sa returned and theMuslim army marched forward. It was the first Muslimarmy sent to fight the Christians. When Muslimsreached the Syrian border, they heard that the Kaiserhimself had taken the field with one hundred thousand<strong>of</strong> his own soldiers and another hundred thousandrecruited from the Christian tribes <strong>of</strong> Arabia. Confrontedby such large enemy numbers, the Muslims half wantedto stop on the way and send word to the Prophet sa atMedina. For he might be able to reinforce their numbersor wish to send fresh instructions. When the armyleaders took counsel, ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra stood up,full <strong>of</strong> fire, and said, "My people, you set out from yourhomes to die as martyrs in the way <strong>of</strong> God, and nowwhen martyrdom is in sight you seem to flinch. We havenot fought so far because we were better equipped thanthe enemy in men or material. Our mainstay was ourfaith. If the enemy is so many times superior to us innumbers or equipment, what does it matter? Onereward out <strong>of</strong> two we must have. We either win, or die asmartyrs in the way <strong>of</strong> God." The army heard ibnRawaha ra and was much impressed. He was right, they

150<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sasaid, with one voice. The army marched on. As theymarched, they saw the Roman army advancing towardsthem. So at Mauta the Muslims took up their positionsand the battle began. Soon Zaid ra , the Muslimcommander, was killed and the Prophet's cousin Ja‘faribn Abi Talib ra received the standard and the command<strong>of</strong> the army. When he saw that enemy pressure wasincreasing and Muslims, because <strong>of</strong> utter physicalinferiority, were not holding their own he dismountedfrom his horse and cut its legs. The action meant that atleast he was not going to flee; he would prefer death t<strong>of</strong>light.To cut the legs <strong>of</strong> one's mount was an Arab customto prevent stampede and panic. Ja‘far ra lost his righthand, but held the standard in his left. He lost his lefthand also and then held the standard between the twostumps pressed to his chest. True to his promise, he felldown fighting. Then ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra , as theProphet sa had ordered, grasped the standard and tookover the command. He also fell fighting. The order <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa now was for Muslims to take counsel togetherand elect a commander. But there was no time to holdan election. The Muslims might well have yielded to thevastly superior numbers <strong>of</strong> the enemy. But Khalid binWalid ra , accepting the suggestion <strong>of</strong> a friend, took thestandard and went on fighting until evening came. Thefollowing day Khalid ra took the field again with hiscrippled and tired force but employed a stratagem. Hechanged the positions <strong>of</strong> his men—those in frontchanged with those in the rear and those on the rightflank changed with those on the left. They also raisedsome slogans. The enemy thought Muslims had receivedreinforcements overnight and withdrew in fear. Khalid rasaved his remnants and returned. The Prophet sa hadbeen informed <strong>of</strong> these events through a revelation. Hecollected the Muslims in the mosque. As he rose toaddress them his eyes were wet with tears. He said:I wish to tell you about the army which left here forthe Syrian border. It stood against the enemy and

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 151fought. First Zaid ra , then Ja‘far ra and then ‘Abdullah binRawaha ra held the standard. All three fell, one after theother, fighting bravely. Pray for them all. After them thestandard was held by Khalid bin Walid ra . He appointedhimself. He is a sword among the swords <strong>of</strong> God. So hesaved the Muslim army and returned (Zad al-Ma‘ad, Vol.1, and Zurqani ).The Prophet's sa description <strong>of</strong> Khalid ra becamepopular. Khalid ra came to be known as ‘the sword <strong>of</strong>God'.Being one <strong>of</strong> the later converts, Khalid ra was <strong>of</strong>tentaunted by other Muslims. Once he and ‘Abdur Rahmanbin ‘Auf ra quarrelled over something. ‘Abdur Rahmanbin ‘Auf ra reported against Khalid ra to the Prophet sa . TheProphet sa chid Khalid ra and said, "Khalid ra , you annoyone who has been serving Islam from the time <strong>of</strong> Badr. Isay to you that even if you give away gold <strong>of</strong> the weight<strong>of</strong> Uhud in the service <strong>of</strong> Islam, you will not become asdeserving <strong>of</strong> divine reward as "‘Abdur Rahman ra"But they taunt me," said Khalid ra , "and I have toreply."Upon this the Prophet sa turned to others and said,"You must not taunt Khalid ra . He is a sword among theswords <strong>of</strong> God which remains drawn againstdisbelievers."The Prophet's sa description came to literal fulfilmenta few years later.On Khalid's ra return with the Muslim army, someMuslims <strong>of</strong> Medina described the returning soldiers asdefeatist and lacking in spirit. The general criticism wasthat they should all have died fighting. The Prophet sachid the critics. Khalid ra and his soldiers were notdefeatist or lacking in spirit, he said. They were soldierswho returned again and again to attack. The wordsmeant more than appeared on the surface. They foretoldbattles which Muslims were to fight with Syria.

152<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saTHE PROPHET sa MARCHES ON MECCA WITHTEN THOUSANDFOLLOWERSIn the eighth year <strong>of</strong> the Hijra in the month <strong>of</strong>Ramadan (December, 629 A.D.) the Prophet sa set out onthat last expedition which definitely established Islam inArabia.At Hudaibiya it was agreed between Muslims anddisbelievers that Arab tribes should be allowed to jointhe disbelievers as well as the Prophet sa . It was alsoagreed that for ten years the parties would not go to waragainst each other unless one party should violate thepact by attacking the other. Under this agreement, theBanu Bakr joined the Meccans, while the Khuza‘aentered into an alliance with Muslims. The Arabdisbelievers had scant regard for treaties, especially fortreaties with Muslims. It so happened that the BanuBakr and the Khuza‘a had some outstanding differences.The Banu Bakr consulted the Meccans about settlingtheir old scores with the Khuza‘a. They argued that theHudaibiya treaty had been signed. The Khuza’a feltsecure because <strong>of</strong> their pact with the Prophet sa . Now,therefore, was the time for them to attack the Khuza’a.The Meccans agreed. They and the Banu Bakr,accordingly, joined in a night attack on the Khuza’a andput to death many <strong>of</strong> their men. The Khuza’a sent forty<strong>of</strong> their men mounted on fleet camels to Medina toreport this breach <strong>of</strong> agreement to the Prophet sa . Theysaid it was up to Muslims now to march on Mecca toavenge this attack. The delegation met the Prophet sa andthe Prophet sa told them unambiguously that he regardedtheir misfortunes as his own. He pointed to a risingcloud in the sky and said, "Like the rain drops whichyou see yonder, Muslim soldiers will drop down to youraid." The Meccans were perturbed over the news <strong>of</strong> theKhuza‘a delegation to Medina. They sent Abu Sufyan raposthaste to Medina to restrain Muslims from theattack. Abu Sufyan ra reached Medina and began to urge

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 153that as he was not present at Hudaibiya, a new peacewill have to be signed by Muslims. The Prophet sathought it unwise to answer this plea. Abu Sufyan rabecame excited, went to the mosque and announced:"O People, I renew, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Meccans, ourassurance <strong>of</strong> peace to you" (Zurqani).The people <strong>of</strong> Medina did not understand thisspeech. So, they only laughed. The Prophet sa said to AbuSufyan ra , "Your statement is one sided and we cannotagree to it." In the meantime, the Prophet sa had sentword to all the tribes. Assured that they were ready andon the march, he asked the Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medina to armthemselves and prepare. On the 1 st January, the Muslimarmy set out on its march. At different points on theirway, they were joined by other Muslim tribes. Only a fewdays' journey had been covered, when the army enteredthe wilderness <strong>of</strong> Faran, Its number—exactly as theProphet as Solomon had foretold long before—had nowswelled to ten thousand. As this army marched towardsMecca, the silence all around seemed more and moreominous to the Meccans. They persuaded Abu Sufyan rato move out again and find out what the Muslim designwas. He was less than one day's journey out <strong>of</strong> Meccawhen he saw at night the entire wilderness lit up withcamp-fires. The Prophet sa had ordered a fire in front <strong>of</strong>every camp. The effect <strong>of</strong> these roaring fires in thesilence and darkness <strong>of</strong> the night was awful. "Whatcould this be?" Abu Sufyan ra asked his companions,"Has an army dropped from the heavens? I know <strong>of</strong> noArab army so large." They named some tribes and atevery name Abu Sufyan ra said, "No Arab tribe or peoplecould have an army as large." Abu Sufyan ra and hisfriends were still speculating when a voice from the darkshouted, "Abu Hanzala ra "! (Hanzala was a son <strong>of</strong> AbuSufyan ra .)"‘Abbas, are you here?" said Abu Sufyan ra ."Yes, the Prophet's sa army is near. Act quickly orhumility and defeat await you," replied ‘Abbas ra .

154<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa‘Abbas ra and Abu Sufyan ra were old friends. ‘Abbas rainsisted that Abu Sufyan ra should accompany him onthe same mule and go to the Prophet sa . He gripped AbuSufyan's ra hand, pulled him up and made him mount.Spurring the mule, they soon reached the Prophet's sacamp. ‘Abbas ra was afraid lest ‘Umar ra , who wasguarding the Prophet's sa tent, should fall upon AbuSufyan ra and kill him. But the Prophet sa had takenprecautions, announcing that if anybody should meetAbu Sufyan ra he should make no attempt to kill him.The meeting impressed Abu Sufyan ra deeply. He wasstruck by the rise which had taken place in the fortunes<strong>of</strong> Islam. Here was the Prophet sa whom Meccans hadbanished from Mecca with but one friend in hiscompany. Hardly seven years had passed since then,and now he was knocking at the gates <strong>of</strong> Mecca with tenthousand devotees. The tables had been completelyturned. The fugitive Prophet sa who, seven years before,had escaped from Mecca for fear <strong>of</strong> life, had nowreturned to Mecca, and Mecca was unable to resist him.FALL OF MECCAAbu Sufyan ra must have been thinking furiously.Had not an incredibly great change taken place in sevenyears? And now as leader <strong>of</strong> the Meccans, what was hegoing to do? Was he going to resist, or was he going tosubmit? Troubled by such thoughts, he appearedstupefied to outside observers. The Prophet sa saw thisagitated Meccan leader. He told ‘Abbas ra to take himaway and entertain him for the night, promising to seehim in the morning. Abu Sufyan ra spent the night with‘Abbas. In the morning they called on the Prophet sa . Itwas time for the early morning prayers. The bustle andactivity which Abu Sufyan ra saw at this early hour wasquite unusual in his experience. He had not known—noMeccan had known—such early risers as Muslims hadbecome under the discipline <strong>of</strong> Islam. He saw all the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 155Muslim campers turned out for their morning prayers.Some went to and fro in quest <strong>of</strong> water for ablutions,others to supervise the lining up <strong>of</strong> worshippers for theservice. Abu Sufyan ra could not understand this activityearly in the morning. He was frightened. Was a new planafoot to overawe him?"What can they all be doing?" he asked in sheerconsternation."Nothing to be afraid <strong>of</strong>," replied ‘Abbas ra . "They areonly preparing for the morning prayers."Abu Sufyan ra then saw thousands <strong>of</strong> Muslims linedup behind the Prophet sa , making the prescribedmovements and devotions at the bidding <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa —half prostrations, full prostrations, standingup again, and so on. ‘Abbas ra was on guard duty, so hewas free to engage Abu Sufyan ra in conversation."What could they be doing now?" asked AbuSufyan ra . "Everything the Prophet sa does, is done by therest.""What are you thinking about? It is only the Muslimprayer, Abu Sufyan ra . Muslims would do anything at thebidding <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa —give up food and drink forinstance.""True," said Abu Sufyan ra , "I have seen great courts. Ihave seen the court <strong>of</strong> the Chosroes and the court <strong>of</strong> theKaiser, but I have never seen any people as devoted totheir leader as Muslims are to their Prophet sa " (Halbiyya,Vol. 2, p. 90).Filled with fear and guilt, Abu Sufyan ra went on toask ‘Abbas ra if he would not request the Prophet sa t<strong>of</strong>orgive his own people —meaning the Meccans.The morning prayers over, ‘Abbas ra led Abu Sufyan rato the Prophet sa .Said the Prophet sa to Abu Sufyan ra . "Has it not yetdawned upon you that there is no one worthy <strong>of</strong> worshipexcept Allah?""My father and my mother be a sacrifice to you. Youhave ever been kind, gentle and considerate to your kithand kin. I am certain now that if there were anyone else

156<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saworthy <strong>of</strong> worship, we might have had some help againstyou from him.""Has it not also dawned upon you that I am aMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ?""My father and my mother be a sacrifice to you, onthis I still have some doubts."While Abu Sufyan ra hesitated to acknowledge theProphet sa as Messenger <strong>of</strong> God, two <strong>of</strong> his companionswho had marched out <strong>of</strong> Mecca with him to doreconnoitring duty for the Meccans, became Muslims.One <strong>of</strong> them was Hakim bin Hizam ra . A little later, AbuSufyan ra also joined, but his inner conversion seems tohave been deferred until after the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca.Hakim bin Hizam ra asked the Prophet sa if the Muslimswould destroy their own kith and kin."These people," said the Prophet sa , "have been verycruel. They have committed excesses and provedthemselves <strong>of</strong> bad faith. They have gone back on thepeace they signed at Hudaibiya and attacked theKhuza‘a savagely. They have made war in a place whichhad been made inviolate by God.""It is quite true, O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, our people havedone exactly as you say, but instead <strong>of</strong> marching uponMecca you should have attacked the Hawazin,"suggested Hakim ra ."The Hawazin also have been cruel and savage. Ihope God will enable me to realize all the three ends: theconquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca, the ascendancy <strong>of</strong> Islam and thedefeat <strong>of</strong> the Hawazin."Abu Sufyan ra , who had been listening, now asked theProphet sa : "If the Meccans draw not the sword, will theyhave peace?""Yes," replied the Prophet sa , "everyone who staysindoors will have peace.""But O Prophet sa ," intervened ‘Abbas ra , "Abu Sufyan rais much concerned about himself. He wishes to know ifhis rank and position among the Meccans will berespected."

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 157"Very good," said the Prophet sa : "Whoever takeshelter in the house <strong>of</strong> Abu Sufyan ra will have peace.Whoever enters the Sacred Mosque will-have peace.Those who lay down their arms will have peace. Thosewho close their doors and stay in will have peace. Thosewho stay in the house <strong>of</strong> Hakim bin Hizam ra will havepeace."Saying this, he called Abu Ruwaiha ra and handedover to him the standard <strong>of</strong> Islam. Abu Ruwaiha ra hadentered into a pact <strong>of</strong> brotherhood with Bilal ra , the negroslave. Handing over the standard, the Prophet sa said,"Whoever stands under this standard will have peace."At the same time, he ordered Bilal ra to march in front <strong>of</strong>Abu Ruwaiha ra and announce to all concerned thatthere was peace under the standard held by AbuRuwaiha ra .THE PROPHET sa ENTERS MECCAThe arrangement was full <strong>of</strong> wisdom. When Muslimswere persecuted in Mecca, Bilal ra , one <strong>of</strong> their targets,was dragged about the streets by ropes tied to his legs.Mecca gave no peace to Bilal ra , but only physical pain,humiliation and disgrace. How revengeful Bilal ra musthave felt on this day <strong>of</strong> his deliverance. To let himavenge the savage cruelties suffered by him in Meccawas necessary, but it had to be within the limits laiddown by Islam. Accordingly, the Prophet sa did not letBilal ra draw the sword and smite the necks <strong>of</strong> his formerpersecutors. That would have been un-Islamic. Instead,the Prophet sa handed to Bilal's ra brother the standard <strong>of</strong>Islam, and charged Bilal ra with the duty <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering peaceto all his former persecutors under the standard borneby his brother. There was beauty and appeal in thisrevenge. We have to picture Bilal ra marching in front <strong>of</strong>his brother and inviting his enemies to peace. Hispassion for revenge could not have lasted. It must have

158<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sadissolved as he advanced inviting Meccans to peaceunder a standard held al<strong>of</strong>t by his brother.While the Muslims marched towards Mecca, theProphet sa had ordered ‘Abbas ra to take Abu Sufyan ra andhis friends to a spot from where they could easily viewthe Muslim army, its behaviour and bearing. ‘Abbas radid so and from a vantage-point Abu Sufyan ra and hisfriends watched the Arab tribes go past on whose powerthe Meccans had banked all these years for their plotsagainst Islam. They marched that day not as soldiers <strong>of</strong>disbelief but as soldiers <strong>of</strong> belief. They raised now theslogans <strong>of</strong> Islam, not the slogans <strong>of</strong> their pagan days.They marched in formation, not to put an end to theProphet's sa life, but to lay down their lives to save his;not to shed his blood, but their own for his sake. Theirambition that day was not to resist the Prophet's saMessage and save the superficial solidarity <strong>of</strong> their ownpeople. It was to carry to all parts <strong>of</strong> the world the veryMessage they had so far resisted. It was to establish theunity and solidarity <strong>of</strong> man. Column after columnmarched past until the Ashja‘ tribe came in AbuSufyan's ra view. Their devotion to Islam and their selfsacrificingzeal could be seen in their faces, and heard intheir songs and slogans."Who can they be?" asked Abu Sufyan ra ."They are the Ashja‘ tribe."Abu Sufyan ra looked astonished and said, "In allArabia, no one bore greater enmity to <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa .""We owe it to the grace <strong>of</strong> God. He changed thehearts <strong>of</strong> the enemy <strong>of</strong> Islam as soon as He deemed fit,"said ‘Abbas ra .Last <strong>of</strong> all came the Prophet sa , surrounded by thecolumns <strong>of</strong> Ansar and Muhajirin. They must have beenabout two thousand strong, dressed in suits <strong>of</strong> armour.The valiant ‘Umar ra directed their marching. The sightproved the most impressive <strong>of</strong> all. The devotion <strong>of</strong> theseMuslims, their determination and their zeal seemedoverflowing. When Abu Sufyan's ra eyes fell on them, hewas completely overpowered.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 159"Who can they be?" he asked."They are the Ansar ra and the Muhajirin surroundingthe Prophet sa ," replied ‘Abbas ra ."No power on earth could resist this army," said AbuSufyan ra , and then, addressing ‘Abbas more specifically,"‘Abbas ra , your nephew has become the most powerfulking in the world.""You are still far from the truth, Abu Sufyan ra . He isno king; he is a Prophet sa , a Messenger <strong>of</strong> God," replied‘Abbas ra ."Yes, yes, let it be as you say, a Prophet sa , not aking," added Abu Sufyan ra .As the Muslim army marched past Abu Sufyan ra , thecommander <strong>of</strong> the Ansar, Sa‘d bin ‘Ubada ra happened toeye Abu Sufyan ra and could not resist saying that Godthat day had made it lawful for them to enter Mecca byforce and that the Quraish would be humiliated.As the Prophet sa was passing, Abu Sufyan ra raisedhis voice and addressing the Prophet sa said, "Have youallowed the massacre <strong>of</strong> your own kith and kin? I heardthe commander <strong>of</strong> the Ansar, Sa‘d ra and his companionssay so. They said it was a day <strong>of</strong> slaughter. Thesacredness <strong>of</strong> Mecca will not avert bloodshed and theQuraish will be humiliated. Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, you arethe best, the most forgiving, the most considerate <strong>of</strong>men. Will you not forgive and forget whatever was doneby your own people?"Abu Sufyan's ra appeal went home. Those veryMuslims who used to be insulted and beaten in thestreets <strong>of</strong> Mecca, who had been dispossessed and drivenout <strong>of</strong> their homes, began to entertain feelings <strong>of</strong> mercyfor their old persecutors. "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God," they said,"the accounts which the Ansar have heard <strong>of</strong> theexcesses and cruelties committed by Meccans againstus, may lead them to seek revenge. We know not whatthey may do."The Prophet sa understood this. Turning to AbuSufyan ra , he said, "What Sa‘d ra has said is quite wrong.

160<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saIt is not the day <strong>of</strong> slaughter. It is the day <strong>of</strong> forgiveness.The Quraish and the Ka‘ba will be honoured by God."Then he sent for Sa‘d ra , and ordered him to handover the Ansar flag to his son, Qais ra (Hisham, Vol. 2).The command <strong>of</strong> the Ansar thus passed from Sa‘d ra toQais ra . It was a wise step. It placated the Meccans andsaved the Ansar disappointment. Qais ra , a pious youngman, was fully trusted by the Prophet sa .An incident <strong>of</strong> his last days illustrates the piety <strong>of</strong> hischaracter. Lying on his death-bed, Qais ra received hisfriends. Some came and some did not. He could notunderstand this and asked why some <strong>of</strong> his friends hadnot come to see him. "Your charity is abundant,"explained one.You have been helping the needy by your loans.There are many in the town who are in debt to you.Some may have hesitated to come lest you should askthem for the return <strong>of</strong> the loans.""Then I have been the cause <strong>of</strong> keeping my friendsaway. Please announce that no one now owes anythingto Qais ra ." After this announcement Qais ra had so manyvisitors during his last days that the steps to his housegave way.When the Muslim army had marched past, ‘Abbas ratold Abu Sufyan ra to hasten for Mecca and announce tothe Meccans that the Prophet sa had come and explain tothem how they could all have peace. Abu Sufyan rareached Mecca with this message <strong>of</strong> peace for his town,but his wife, Hind, notorious for her hostility towardsMuslims, met him. A confirmed disbeliever, she was yeta brave woman. She caught Abu Sufyan ra by the beardand called on Meccans to come and kill her cowardlyhusband. Instead <strong>of</strong> moving his townsmen to sacrificetheir lives for the defence and honour <strong>of</strong> their town, hewas inviting them to peace.But Abu Sufyan ra could see that Hind was behavingfoolishly "That time is gone," said he. "You had better gohome and sit behind closed doors. I have seen theMuslim army. Not all Arabia could withstand it now."

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 161He then explained the conditions under which theProphet sa had promised peace to the Meccans. Onhearing these conditions the people <strong>of</strong> Mecca ran forprotection to the places which had been named in theProphet's sa proclamation. From this proclamation elevenmen and four women had been excepted. The <strong>of</strong>fenceswhich they had committed were very grave. Their guiltwas not that they had not believed nor that they hadtaken part in wars against Islam; it was that they hadcommitted inhumanities which could not be passedover. Actually, however, only four persons were put todeath.The Prophet sa had ordered Khalid bin Walid ra not topermit any fighting unless they were fought against andunless the Meccans first started fighting. The part <strong>of</strong> thetown which Khalid ra entered had not heard theconditions <strong>of</strong> peace. The Meccans posted in that partchallenged Khalid ra and invited him to fight. Anencounter ensued in which twelve or thirteen men werekilled (Hisham, Vol. 2, p. 217). Khalid ra was a man <strong>of</strong>fiery temper. Somebody, warned by this incident, ran tothe Prophet sa to request him to stop Khalid ra fromfighting. If Khalid ra did not stop, said this man, allMecca would be massacred.The Prophet sa sent for Khalid ra at once and said, "DidI not stop you from fighting?""Yes, you did, O Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, but these peopleattacked us first and began to shoot arrows at us. For atime I did nothing and told them we did not want t<strong>of</strong>ight. But they did not listen, and did not stop. So Ireplied to them, and dispersed them."This was the only untoward incident which tookplace on this occasion. The conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca was thusbrought about practically without bloodshed.The Prophet sa entered Mecca. They asked him wherehe would stop."Has ‘Aqil left any house for me to live in?" asked theProphet sa . ‘Aqil was the Prophet's sa cousin, a son <strong>of</strong> hisuncle. During the years <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa refuge at

162<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saMedina, his relations had sold all his property. Therewas no house left which the Prophet sa could call hisown. Accordingly the Prophet sa said, "I will stop at HanifBani Kinana." This was an open space. The Quraish andthe Kinana once assembled there and swore that unlessthe Banu Hashim and the Banu ‘Abdul Muttalib handedover the Prophet sa to them to deal with him as theyliked, they would have no dealings with the two tribes.They would neither sell anything to them nor buyanything from them. It was after this solemn declarationthat the Prophet sa , his uncle Abu Talib, his family andfollowers, had to take refuge in the valley <strong>of</strong> Abu Taliband suffer a severe blockade and boycott lasting forthree years.The place which the Prophet sa chose for his stay was,therefore, full <strong>of</strong> significance. The Meccans had onceassembled there and taken the oath that unless theProphet sa was made over to them, they would not be atpeace with his tribe. Now the Prophet sa had come to thesame spot. It was as though he had come to tell theMeccans: "You wanted me here, so here I am. But not inthe way you wanted. You wanted me as your victim, onecompletely at your mercy. But I am here in power. Notonly my own people, but the whole <strong>of</strong> Arabia is now withme. You wanted my people to hand me over to you.Instead <strong>of</strong> that, they have handed you over to me." Thisday <strong>of</strong> victory was a Monday. The day on which theProphet sa and Abu Bakr ra left the cave <strong>of</strong> Thaur for theirjourney to Medina was also a Monday. On that day,standing on the hill <strong>of</strong> Thaur, the Prophet sa turned toMecca and said, 'Mecca! you are dearer to me than anyother place but your people would not let me live here.'When the Prophet sa entered Mecca, mounted on hiscamel, Abu Bakr ra walked with him holding a stirrup. Ashe walked along, Abu Bakr ra recited verses from theSurah, Al-Fath in which the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca hadbeen foretold years before.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 163KA‘BA CLEARED OF IDOLSThe Prophet sa made straight for the Ka‘ba andperformed the circuit <strong>of</strong> the holy precincts seven times,mounted on his camel. Staff in hand, he went round thehouse which had been built by the Patriarch Abraham asand his son Ishmael as for the worship <strong>of</strong> the One andOnly God, but which by their misguided children hadbeen allowed to degenerate into a sanctuary for idols.The Prophet sa smote one by one the three hundred andsixty idols in the house. As an idol fell, the Prophet sawould recite the verse, "Truth has come and falsehoodhas vanished away. Falsehood does indeed vanish awayfast." This verse was revealed before the Prophet sa leftMecca for Medina and is part <strong>of</strong> the Chapter, BaniIsra’il. In this Chapter was foretold the flight <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa and the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca. The Chapter is aMeccan Chapter, a fact admitted even by Europeanwriters. The verses which contain the prophecy <strong>of</strong> theProphet's sa flight from Mecca, and the subsequentconquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca are as follows:And say 'O my Lord, make my entry a good entry, andmake my going out a good outgoing. And grant me fromThyself a power that may help me.' And, 'Truth has comeand falsehood has vanished away. Falsehood does indeedvanish away fast!' (17: 81-82).The conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca is foretold here in the form <strong>of</strong>a prayer taught to the Prophet sa . The Prophet sa is taughtto pray for entering Mecca and for departing from itunder good auspices; and for the help <strong>of</strong> God inassuring an ultimate victory <strong>of</strong> truth over falsehood. Theprophecy had literally come true. The recitation <strong>of</strong> theseverses by Abu Bakr ra was appropriate. It braced up theMuslims, and reminded the Meccans <strong>of</strong> the futility <strong>of</strong>their fight against God and <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> the promisesmade by God to the Prophet sa .With the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca, the Ka‘ba was restoredto the functions for which it had been consecrated manythousands <strong>of</strong> years before by the Patriarch Abraham as .

164<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saThe Ka‘ba was again devoted to the worship <strong>of</strong> the Oneand Only God. The idols were broken. One <strong>of</strong> these wasHubal. When the Prophet sa smote it with his staff, and itfell down in fragments, Zubair ra looked at Abu Sufyan raand with a half-suppressed smile reminded him <strong>of</strong>Uhud. "Do you remember the day when Muslimswounded and exhausted stood by and you woundedthem further by shouting, 'Glory to Hubal, Glory toHubal'? Was it Hubal who gave you victory on that day?If it was Hubal, you can see the end it has come totoday."Abu Sufyan ra was impressed, and admitted it wasquite true that if there had been a God other than theGod <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , they might have been spared thedisgrace and defeat they had met with that day.The Prophet sa then ordered the wiping out <strong>of</strong> thepictures which had been drawn on the walls <strong>of</strong> theKa‘ba. Having ordered this the Prophet sa said two rak‘ats<strong>of</strong> prayer as thanks-giving to God. He then withdrew tothe open court and said another two rak‘ats <strong>of</strong> prayer.The duty <strong>of</strong> wiping out the pictures had been entrustedto ‘Umar ra . He had all the pictures obliterated exceptthat <strong>of</strong> Abraham as . When the Prophet sa returned toinspect and found this picture intact, he asked ‘Umar rawhy he had spared this one. Did he not remember thetestimony <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an that Abraham as was neither Jewnor Christian, but a single-minded and obedientMuslim? (3: 68).It was an insult to the memory <strong>of</strong> Abraham as , a greatexponent <strong>of</strong> the Oneness <strong>of</strong> God to have his picture onthe walls <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba. It was as though Abraham as couldbe worshipped equally with God.It was a memorable day, a day full <strong>of</strong> the Signs <strong>of</strong>God.Promises made by God to the Prophet sa , at a timewhen their fulfilment seemed impossible, had beenfulfilled at last. The Prophet sa was the centre <strong>of</strong> devotionand faith. In and through his person, God hadmanifested Himself, and shown His face, as it were,

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 165again. The Prophet sa sent for water <strong>of</strong> the Zamzam. Hedrank some <strong>of</strong> it and with the rest performed ablutions.So devoted were Muslims to the Prophet's sa person, thatthey would not let a drop <strong>of</strong> this water fall on theground. They received the water in the hollows <strong>of</strong> theirhands to wet their bodies with it; in such reverence didthey hold it. The pagans who witnessed these scenes <strong>of</strong>devotion said again and again that they had never seenan earthly king to whom his people were so devoted(Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 99).THE PROPHET sa FORGIVES HIS ENEMIESAll rites and duties over, the Prophet sa addressed theMeccans and said: "You have seen how true thepromises <strong>of</strong> God have proved. Now tell me whatpunishment you should have for the cruelties andenormities you committed against those whose onlyfault was that they invited you to the worship <strong>of</strong> the Oneand Only God."To this the Meccans replied, "We expect you to treatus as Joseph as treated his erring brothers."By significant coincidence, the Meccans used in theirplea for forgiveness the very words which God had usedin the Surah Yusuf, revealed ten years before theconquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca. In this the Prophet sa was told that hewould treat his Meccan persecutors as Joseph as hadtreated his brothers. By asking for the treatment whichJoseph as had meted out to his brothers, the Meccansadmitted that the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam was the like <strong>of</strong>Joseph as and as Joseph as was granted victory over hisbrothers the Prophet sa had been granted victory over theMeccans. Hearing the Meccans' plea, the Prophet sadeclared at once: "By God, you will have no punishmenttoday and no repro<strong>of</strong>" (Hisham).While the Prophet sa was engaged in expressing hisgratitude to God and in carrying out other devotions atthe Ka‘ba, and while he was addressing the Meccans

166<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saannouncing his decision to forgive and forget, misgivingsarose in the minds <strong>of</strong> the Ansar, the Medinite Muslims.Some <strong>of</strong> them were upset over the scenes <strong>of</strong> homecomingand <strong>of</strong> reconciliation which they witnessed onthe return <strong>of</strong> Meccan Muslims to Mecca. Was theProphet sa parting company with them, his friends inadversity who provided the first home to Islam? Was theProphet sa going to settle down at Mecca, the town fromwhich he had to flee for his life? Such fears did not seemtoo remote now that Mecca had been conquered and hisown tribe had joined Islam. The Prophet sa might want tosettle down in it. God informed the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> thesemisgivings <strong>of</strong> the Ansar. He raised his head, looked atthe Ansar and said "You seem to think <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa isperturbed by the love <strong>of</strong> his town, and by the ties whichbind him to his tribe." "It is true," said the Ansar., "wedid think <strong>of</strong> this.""Do you know," said the Prophet sa , "Who I am? I am aServant <strong>of</strong> God and His Messenger. How can I give youup? You stood by me, and sacrificed your lives when theFaith <strong>of</strong> God had no earthly help. How can I give you upand settle elsewhere? No, Ansar., this is impossible. Ileft Mecca for the sake <strong>of</strong> God and I cannot return to it. Iwill live and die with you."The Ansar were moved by this singular expression <strong>of</strong>love and loyalty. They regretted their distrust <strong>of</strong> God andHis Prophet sa , wept and asked to be forgiven. Theyexplained that they would not have any peace if theProphet sa left their town and went elsewhere. TheProphet sa replied that their fear was understandable andthat, after their explanation, God and His Prophet sa weresatisfied about their innocence and acknowledge theirsincerity and loyalty.How must the Meccans have felt at this time? Truethey did not shed the tears <strong>of</strong> devotion but their heartsmust have been full <strong>of</strong> regret and remorse. For, had theynot cast away with their own hands the gem which hadbeen found in their own town? They had all the more

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 167reason to regret this because the Prophet sa , having comeback to Mecca, had decided to leave it again for Medina.‘IKRIMA ra BECOMES MUSLIMOf those who had been excepted from the generalamnesty, some were forgiven on the recommendation <strong>of</strong>the Companions. Among those who were thus forgivenwas ‘Ikrima ra , a son <strong>of</strong> Abu Jahl. ‘Ikrima's ra wife was aMuslim at heart. She requested the Prophet sa to forgivehim. The Prophet sa forgave. At the time ‘Ikrima ra wastrying to escape to Abyssinia. His wife pursued him andfound that he was about to embark. She reproved him."Are you running away from a man as gentle and s<strong>of</strong>t asthe Prophet sa ?" she said.‘Ikrima ra was astonished and asked whether shereally thought the Prophet sa would forgive him.‘Ikrima's ra wife assured him that even he would beforgiven by the Prophet sa . In fact she had had word fromhim already. ‘Ikrima ra gave up his plan <strong>of</strong> escaping toAbyssinia and returned to see the Prophet sa . "Iunderstand from my wife that you have forgiven evenone like me," he said."Your wife is right. I have really forgiven you," saidthe Prophet sa .‘Ikrima ra decided that a person capable <strong>of</strong> forgivinghis deadliest enemies could not be false. He, therefore,declared his faith in Islam. "I bear witness that God isOne and has no equal and I bear witness that you areHis Servant and His Messenger sa ." So saying, ‘Ikrima rabent his head in shame. The Prophet sa consoled him. "‘Ikrima ra ," said he, "I have not only forgiven you, but aspro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> my regard for you, I have decided to invite youto ask me for anything I can give."‘Ikrima ra replied, "There is nothing more or better Ican ask you for than that you should pray for me to Godand ask for His forgiveness and whatever excesses andenormities I have committed against you."

168<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saHearing this entreaty, the Prophet sa prayed to God atonce and said: "My God, forgive the enmity which‘Ikrima ra has born against me. Forgive him the abusewhich has issued from his lips."The Prophet sa then stood up and put his mantle over‘Ikrima ra and said, "Whoever comes to me, believing inGod, is one with me. My house is as much his as mine."The conversion <strong>of</strong> ‘Ikrima ra fulfilled a prophecy whichthe Holy Prophet sa had made many years before. TheProphet sa , addressing his Companions, once had said: "Ihave had a vision in which I saw that I was in Paradise.I saw there a bunch <strong>of</strong> grapes. When I asked for whomthe bunch was meant, someone replied saying, 'For AbuJahl'." Referring to this vision on this occasion <strong>of</strong> theconversion <strong>of</strong> ‘Ikrima ra , the Prophet sa said he did notunderstand the vision at first. How could Abu Jahl, anenemy <strong>of</strong> believers, enter Paradise and how could hehave a bunch <strong>of</strong> grapes provided for him. "But now,"said the Prophet sa , "I understand my vision; the bunch<strong>of</strong> grapes was meant for ‘Ikrima ra . Only, instead <strong>of</strong> theson I was shown the father, a substitution common invisions and dreams" (Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 104).Of the persons who had been ordered to be executedas exceptions to the general amnesty was one who hadbeen responsible for the cruel murder <strong>of</strong> Zainab ra , adaughter <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . This man was Habbar ra . Hehad cut the girths <strong>of</strong> Zainab's ra camel, on which Zainab rafell to the ground and, being with child, sufferedabortion. A little later she died. This was one <strong>of</strong> theinhumanities which he had committed and for which hedeserved the penalty <strong>of</strong> death. This man now came tothe Prophet sa and said, "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, I ran awayfrom you and went to Iran, but the thought came to methat God had rid us <strong>of</strong> our pagan beliefs and saved usfrom spiritual death. Instead <strong>of</strong> going to others andseeking shelter with them why not go to the Prophet sahimself, acknowledge my faults and my sins and ask forhis forgiveness?"

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 169The Prophet sa was moved and said, "Habbar ra , if Godhas planted in your heart the love <strong>of</strong> Islam, how can Irefuse to forgive you? I forgive everything you have donebefore this."One cannot describe in detail the enormities thesemen had committed against Islam and Muslims. Yethow easily the Prophet sa forgave them! This spirit <strong>of</strong>forgiveness converted the most stone-heartedadversaries into devotees <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa .BATTLE OF HUNAINThe Prophet's sa entry into Mecca was sudden. Tribesin the vicinity <strong>of</strong> Mecca, especially those in the south,remained unaware <strong>of</strong> the event until sometime later. Onhearing <strong>of</strong> it, they began to assemble their forces and toprepare for a fight with the Muslims. There were twoArab tribes, the Hawazin and the Thaqif, unusuallyproud <strong>of</strong> their valiant traditions. They took counseltogether and after some deliberation elected Malik ibn‘Auf as their leader. They then invited the tribes roundabout to join them. Among the tribes invited was theBanu Sa‘d. The Prophet's sa wet-nurse, Halima, belongedto this tribe and the Prophet sa as a child had livedamong them. Men <strong>of</strong> this tribe collected in force and setout towards Mecca taking with them their families andtheir effects. Asked why they had done so, they replied itwas in order that the soldiers might be reminded that, ifthey turned back and fled, their wives and childrenwould be taken prisoners and their effects looted—sostrong was their determination to fight and destroy theMuslims. This force descended in the valley <strong>of</strong> Rautasmost suitable base for a battle, with its natural shelters,abundance <strong>of</strong> fodder and water, and facilities for cavalrymovements. When the Prophet sa got to know <strong>of</strong> this, hesent ‘Abdullah bin Abi Hadwad ra to report on thesituation. ‘Abdullah reported that there were militaryconcentrations in the place and there was determination

170<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sato kill and be killed. The tribe was renowned for its skillin archery, and the base they had selected afforded avery great advantage to them. The Prophet sa approachedSafwan ra , a prosperous chief <strong>of</strong> Mecca for the loan <strong>of</strong>suits <strong>of</strong> armour and weapons. Safwan ra replied, "Youseem to put pressure on me and think I will be overawedby your growing power and make over to you whateveryou ask?"The Prophet sa replied, "We wish to seize nothing. Weonly want a loan <strong>of</strong> these things, and are ready to give asuitable surety."Safwan ra was satisfied and agreed to lend thematerial. Altogether he supplied one hundred suits <strong>of</strong>armour and a suitable number <strong>of</strong> weapons. TheProphet sa borrowed three thousand lances from hiscousin, Naufal bin Harith ra and about thirty thousanddirhams from ‘Abdullah bin Rabi‘a (Mu’atta’, Musnadand Halbiyya). When the Muslim army set out towardsthe Hawazin, the Meccans expressed a wish to join theMuslim side. They were not Muslims, but they hadagreed to live under a Muslim regime. Accordingly, twothousand Meccans joined the Muslims. On the way, theycame to the noted Arab shrine, Dhat Anwat. Here wasan old jujube tree, sacred to the Arabs. When Arabsbought arms they first went to Dhat Anwat and hungthem in the shrine to receive its blessings for their arms.When the Muslim army passed by this shrine some <strong>of</strong>the soldiers said, "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, there should be aDhat Anwat for us also."The Prophet sa disapproved and said, "You talk likethe followers <strong>of</strong> Moses as . When Moses as was going toCanaan, his followers saw on the way peopleworshipping idols, and said to Moses as , 'O Moses as , makefor us a god just as they have gods'" (Qur’an 7: 139).

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 171"THE PROPHET sa OF GOD CALLS YOU"The Prophet sa urged Muslims to always rememberthat Allah was Great and to pray to Him to save themfrom the superstitions <strong>of</strong> earlier peoples. Before theMuslim army reached Hunain, the Hawazin and theirallies had already prepared a number <strong>of</strong> ambuscadesfrom which to attack the Muslims, like the fox-holes andcamouflaged artillery positions <strong>of</strong> modern warfare. Theyhad built walls around them. Behind the walls weresoldiers lying in wait for the Muslims. A narrow gorgewas left for Muslims to pass through. Much the largerpart <strong>of</strong> the army was posted to these ambuscades, whilea small number was made to line up in front <strong>of</strong> theircamels. Muslims thought enemy numbers to be no morethan they could see. So they went forward and attacked.When they had advanced far and the hiding enemy wassatisfied that they could be attacked very easily, thesoldiers lined up in front <strong>of</strong> the camels and attacked thecentre <strong>of</strong> the Muslim army while the hiding archersrained their arrows on the flanks. The Meccans, whohad joined for a chance to display their valour, could notstand this double attack by the enemy. They ran back toMecca. Muslims were accustomed to difficult situations,but when two thousand soldiers mounted on horses andcamels pierced their way through the Muslim army, theanimals <strong>of</strong> the Muslims also took fright. There was panicin the army. Pressure came from three sides, resultingin a general rout. In this, only the Prophet sa , with twelveCompanions, stood unmoved. Not that all theCompanions had fled from the field. About a hundred <strong>of</strong>them still remained, but they were at some distancefrom the Prophet sa . Only twelve remained to surroundthe Prophet sa . One Companion reports that he and hisfriends did all they could to steer their animals towardsthe battlefield. But the animals had been put to fright bythe stampede <strong>of</strong> the Meccan animals. No effort seemedto avail. They pulled at the reins but the animals refusedto turn. Sometimes they would pull the heads <strong>of</strong> the

172<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saanimals so as almost to make them touch their tails.But when they spurred the animals towards thebattlefield, they would not go. Instead, they moved backall the more. "Our hearts beat in fear—fear for the safety<strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa ," says this Companion, "but there wasnothing we could do." This was how the Companionswere placed. The Prophet sa himself stood with a handful<strong>of</strong> men, exposed on three sides to volleys <strong>of</strong> arrows.There was only one narrow pass behind them throughwhich only a few men could pass at a time. At thatmoment Abu Bakr ra dismounted and holding the reins <strong>of</strong>the Prophet's sa mule said, "Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, let uswithdraw for a while and let the Muslim army collectitself.""Release the reins <strong>of</strong> my mule, Abu Bakr ra ," said theProphet sa . Saying, this, he spurred the animal forwardinto the gorge on both sides <strong>of</strong> which were enemyambuscades from where the archers were shooting. Asthe Prophet sa spurred his mount, he said, "I am aProphet sa . I am no pretender. I am a son <strong>of</strong> ‘AbdulMuttalib" (Bukhari ). These words spoken at a time <strong>of</strong>extreme danger to his person are full <strong>of</strong> significance.They stressed the fact that the Prophet sa was really aProphet sa , a true Messenger <strong>of</strong> God. By stressing this, hemeant that he was not afraid <strong>of</strong> death or <strong>of</strong> the failure <strong>of</strong>his cause. But if, in spite <strong>of</strong> being overwhelmed byarchers he remained safe, Muslims should not attributeany divine qualities to him. For he was but a humanbeing, a son <strong>of</strong> ‘Abdul Muttalib. How careful was theProphet sa ever to impress upon his followers thedifference between faith and superstition. After utteringthese memorable words, the Prophet sa called for‘Abbas ra . ‘Abbas ra had a powerful voice. The Prophet sasaid to him, " ‘Abbas ra , raise your voice and remind theMuslims <strong>of</strong> the oath they took under the tree atHudaibiya, and <strong>of</strong> what they were taught at the time <strong>of</strong>the revelation <strong>of</strong> the Surah Baqara. Tell them, theProphet sa <strong>of</strong> God calls them." ‘Abbas ra raised hispowerful voice. The message <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa fell like

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 173thunder, not on deaf ears but on ears agog. It had anelectric effect. The very Companions who had foundthemselves powerless to urge their mounts towards thebattlefield, began to feel they were no longer in thisworld but in the next, facing God on the JudgementDay. The voice <strong>of</strong> ‘Abbas ra did not sound like his ownvoice but the voice <strong>of</strong> the angel beckoning them torender an account <strong>of</strong> their deeds. There was nothingthen to stop them from turning to the battlefield again.Many <strong>of</strong> them dismounted and with only sword andshield rushed to the battlefield, leaving their animals togo where they liked. Others dismounted, cut <strong>of</strong>f theheads <strong>of</strong> their animals and rushed back on foot to theProphet sa . It is said that the Ansar on that day rantowards the Prophet sa with the speed with which amother-camel or a mother-cow runs to her young onhearing its cries. Before long the Prophet sa wassurrounded by a large number <strong>of</strong> Companions, mostlyAnsar. The enemy again suffered a defeat.The presence <strong>of</strong> Abu Sufyan ra on the side <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa on this day was a mighty divine Sign, a Sign <strong>of</strong>the power <strong>of</strong> God on the one hand and <strong>of</strong> the purifyingexample <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa on the other. Only a few daysbefore, Abu Sufyan ra was a bloodthirsty enemy <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , commander <strong>of</strong> a bloodthirsty armydetermined to destroy the Muslims. But here, on thisday the same Abu Sufyan ra stood by the side <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa , a friend, follower and Companion. When theenemy camels stampeded, Abu Sufyan ra , a wise andseasoned general, saw that his own horse was likely torun wild. Quickly he dismounted and, holding thestirrup <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa mule, started going on foot.Sword in hand, he walked by the side <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sadetermined not to let anyone come near the Prophet's saperson without first attacking and killing him. TheProphet sa watched this change in Abu Sufyan ra withdelight and astonishment.He reflected on this fresh evidence <strong>of</strong> the power <strong>of</strong>God. Only ten or fifteen days before, this man was

174<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saraising an army to put an end to the Movement <strong>of</strong> Islam.But a change had come. An erstwhile enemycommander now stood by the Prophet's sa side, as anordinary foot-soldier, holding the stirrup <strong>of</strong> his Master'smule, and determined to die for his sake. ‘Abbas ra sawthe astonishment in the Prophet's sa look and said,"Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> God, this is Abu Sufyan ra , son <strong>of</strong> youruncle, and so your brother. Aren't you pleased withhim?""I am," said the Prophet sa , "and I pray, God mayforgive him all the wrongs he has done." Then turning toAbu Sufyan ra himself, he said, "Brother!" Abu Sufyan racould not restrain the affection welling up in his heart.He bent and kissed the Prophet's sa foot in the stirrup hewas holding (Halbiyya).After the battle <strong>of</strong> Hunain, the Prophet sa returned thewar material he had received on loan. While returning ithe compensated the lenders many times over. Thosewho had made the loan were touched by the care andconsideration which the Prophet sa had shown inreturning the material and in compensating the lenders.They felt the Prophet sa was no ordinary man, but onewhose moral example stood high above others. Nowonder, Safwan ra joined Islam at once.A SWORN ENEMY BECOMES A DEVOTEDFOLLOWERThe battle <strong>of</strong> Hunain ever reminds historians <strong>of</strong>another interesting incident which took place while itwas in progress. Shaiba ra , a resident <strong>of</strong> Mecca and in theservice <strong>of</strong> the Ka‘ba, took part in the encounter on theside <strong>of</strong> the enemy. He says that he had only one aimbefore him in this battle—that when the two armies met,he would find an opportunity to kill the Prophet sa . Hewas determined that even if the whole world joined theProphet sa (let alone the whole <strong>of</strong> Arabia), he would standout and continue to oppose Islam. When fighting

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 175became brisk, Shaiba ra drew his sword and startedadvancing towards the Prophet sa . As he came very near,he became unnerved. His determination began to shake."When I got very near the Prophet sa ," says Shaiba ra , "Iseemed to see a flame threatening to consume me. Ithen heard the voice <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa saying, 'Shaiba ra ,come near me.' When I got near, the Prophet sa moved hishand over my chest in great affection. As he did so, hesaid, 'God, relieve Shaiba ra <strong>of</strong> all satanic thought'." Withthis little touch <strong>of</strong> affection Shaiba ra changed. Hishostility and enmity evaporated, and from that momentShaiba ra held the Prophet sa dearer than anything else inthe world. As Shaiba ra changed, the Prophet sa invitedhim to come forward and fight. "At that moment," saysShaiba ra , "I had but one thought, and that was to die forthe sake <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . Even if my father had comemy way, I would have hesitated not a moment to thrustmy sword in his chest" (Halbiyya).The Prophet sa then marched towards Ta’if, the townwhich had stoned him and driven him out. TheProphet sa besieged the town, but accepting thesuggestion <strong>of</strong> some friends abandoned the siege. Later,the people <strong>of</strong> Ta’if joined Islam voluntarily.THE PROPHET sa DISTRIBUTES BOOTYAfter the conquest <strong>of</strong> Mecca and the victory <strong>of</strong>Hunain, the Prophet sa was faced with the task <strong>of</strong>distributing the money and property paid as ransom orabandoned in the battlefield by the enemy. If customhad been followed, this money and property should havebeen distributed among the Muslim soldiers who tookpart in these encounters. But on this occasion, instead<strong>of</strong> distributing it among the Muslims, the Prophet sadistributed it among the Meccans and the people wholived round about Mecca. These people had yet to showan inclination towards the Faith. Many were pr<strong>of</strong>esseddeniers. Those who had declared their faith were yet

176<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sanew to it. They had no idea how self-denying a peoplecould become after they had accepted Islam. But,instead <strong>of</strong> benefiting by the example <strong>of</strong> self-denial andself-sacrifice which they saw, instead <strong>of</strong> reciprocatingthe good treatment they received from the Muslims, theybecame more avaricious and greedier than ever. Theirdemands began to mount. They mobbed the Prophet sa ,and pushed him to a spot under a tree with his mantlehaving been torn from his shoulders. At last theProphet sa said to the crowd, "I have nothing else to give.If I had, I would have made it over to you. I am no miser,nor am I mean" (Bukhari, Chap on Faradul Khums).Then going near his dromedary and pulling out ahair, he said to the crowd, "Out <strong>of</strong> this money andproperty I want nothing at all, not even as much as ahair. Only, I must have a fifth, and that for the State.That is the share which Arab custom has ever admittedas just and right. That fifth will not be spent on me. Itwill be spent on you and your needs. Remember thatone who misappropriates or misuses public money willbe humiliated in the sight <strong>of</strong> God on the JudgementDay."It has been said by malicious critics that theProphet sa longed to become a king and to have akingdom. But imagine him confronted by a mean crowd,while he is already a king. If he had longed to become aking and to have a kingdom, would he have treated abeggarly mob as he treated this Meccan mob? Would hehave agreed to be mobbed at all in the way he was?Would he have argued and explained? It is onlyProphets as and Messengers as <strong>of</strong> God who can set such anexample. All the booty, the money, and the valuablematerial that there was to distribute had beendistributed among the deserving and the poor. Still therewere those who remained unsatisfied, who mobbed theProphet sa , protested against the distribution chargingthe Prophet sa with injustice.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 177One Dhu’l Khuwaisira came near the Prophet sa andsaid, "<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , I am a witness to what you aredoing." "And what am I doing? " asked the Prophet sa ."You are committing an injustice," said he."Woe to you," said the Prophet sa . "If I can be unjust,then there is no one on the face <strong>of</strong> the earth who can bejust" (Muslim, Kitabul Zakat).True believers were full <strong>of</strong> rage. When this man leftthe assembly some <strong>of</strong> them said, "This man deservesdeath. Will you let us kill him?""No," said the Prophet sa . "If he observes our laws andcommits no visible <strong>of</strong>fence, how can we kill him?""But," said the believers, "when a person says anddoes one thing but believes and desires quite another,would he not deserve to be treated accordingly?""I cannot deal with people according to what theyhave in their hearts. God has not charged me with this. Ican deal with them according to what they say and do."The Prophet sa went on to tell the believers that oneday this man and others <strong>of</strong> his kin would stage arebellion in Islam. The Prophet's sa words came true. Inthe time <strong>of</strong> ‘Ali ra , the Fourth Khalifah <strong>of</strong> Islam, this manand his friends led the rebellion against him andbecame the leaders <strong>of</strong> a universally condemned division<strong>of</strong> Islam, the Khawarij.After dealing with the Hawazin, the Prophet sareturned to Medina. It was another great day for itspeople. One great day was when the Prophet sa arrived atMedina, a refugee from the ill-treatment <strong>of</strong> the Meccans.On this great day, the Prophet sa reentered Medina, full <strong>of</strong>joy and aware <strong>of</strong> his determination and promise to makeMedina his home.MACHINATIONS OF ABU ‘AMIRWe must now turn to the activities <strong>of</strong> one Abu ‘AmirMadani. He belonged to the Khazraj tribe. Through longassociation with Jews and Christians he had acquired

178<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathe habit <strong>of</strong> silent meditation and <strong>of</strong> repeating thenames <strong>of</strong> God. Because <strong>of</strong> this habit, he was generallyknown as Abu ‘Amir, the Hermit. He was, however, nota Christian by faith. When the Prophet sa went to Medinaafter the Hijra, Abu ‘Amir escaped from Medina toMecca. When at last Mecca also submitted to thegrowing influence <strong>of</strong> Islam, he began to hatch a newintrigue against Islam. He changed his name and hishabitual mode <strong>of</strong> dress and settled down in Quba, avillage near Medina. As he had been away for a longtime and had altered his appearance and his dress, thepeople <strong>of</strong> Medina did not recognize him. Only thosehypocrites recognized him with whom he had relationsin secret. He took the hypocrites <strong>of</strong> Medina into hisconfidence and with their concurrence planned to go toSyria and excite and provoke the Christian rulers andChristian Arabs into attacking Medina. While he wasengaged in his sinister mission in the north, he hadplanned for the spread <strong>of</strong> disaffection in Medina. Hiscolleagues, the hypocrites, were to spread rumours thatMedina was going to be attacked by Syrian forces. As aresult <strong>of</strong> this dual plot ‘Abu ‘Amir hoped that Muslimsand Syrian Christians would go to war. If his plot didnot succeed, he hoped that Muslims would themselvesbe provoked into attacking Syria. Even thus a war mightstart between Muslims and Syrians and Abu ‘Amirwould have something to rejoice over. Completing hisplans, he went to Syria. While he was away thehypocrites at Medina—according to plan—began tospread rumours that caravans had been sighted whichwere coming to attack Medina. When no caravanappeared, they issued some kind <strong>of</strong> explanation.THE EXPEDITION OF TABUKThese rumours became so persistent, that theProphet sa thought it worth while to lead in person aMuslim army against Syria. These were difficult times.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 179Arabia was in the grip <strong>of</strong> a famine. The harvest in theprevious year had been poor and both grain and fruitwere in short supply. The time for the new harvest hadnot yet come. It was the end <strong>of</strong> September or thebeginning <strong>of</strong> October when the Prophet sa set out on thismission. The hypocrites knew that the rumours weretheir own inventions. They knew also that their designwas to provoke Muslims into an attack on the Syrians ifthe Syrians did not attack Muslims. In either case, aconflict with the great Roman Empire was to result inthe destruction <strong>of</strong> Muslims. The lesson <strong>of</strong> Mauta wasbefore them. At Mauta Muslims had to face such a hugearmy that it was with great difficulty that they were ableto effect a retreat. The hypocrites were hoping to stage asecond Mauta in which the Prophet sa himself might losehis life. While the hypocrites were busy spreadingrumours about the Syrian attack on Muslims, they alsomade every effort to strike fear in the minds <strong>of</strong> Muslims.The Syrians could raise very large armies whichMuslims could not hope to stand against. They urgedMuslims not to take part in the conflict with Syria. Theirplan was, on the one hand, to provoke Muslims intoattacking Syria and, on the other, to discourage themfrom going in large numbers. They wanted Muslims togo to war against Syria and meet with certain defeat.But as soon as the Prophet sa announced his intention <strong>of</strong>leading this new expedition, enthusiasm ran high amongMuslims. They went forward with <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong> sacrifice forthe sake <strong>of</strong> their faith. Muslims were ill-equipped for awar on such a scale. Their treasury was empty. Only themore prosperous Muslims had means to pay for the war.Individual Muslims vied with one another in the spirit <strong>of</strong>sacrifice for the sake <strong>of</strong> their faith. It is said that whenthe expedition was under way and the Prophet saappealed for funds, ‘Uthman ra gave away the greaterpart <strong>of</strong> his wealth. His contribution is said to haveamounted to about one thousand gold dinars,equivalent to about twenty-five thousand rupees. OtherMuslims also made contributions according to their

180<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sacapacity. The poor Muslims were also provided withriding animals, swords and lances. Enthusiasmprevailed. There was at Medina at the time a party <strong>of</strong>Muslims who had migrated from Yemen. They were verypoor. Some <strong>of</strong> them went to the Prophet sa and <strong>of</strong>feredtheir services for this expedition. They said, "O Prophet sa<strong>of</strong> God, take us with you. We want nothing beyond themeans <strong>of</strong> going." The Qur’an makes a reference to theseMuslims and their <strong>of</strong>fers in the following words:Nor against those to whom, when they came to thee thatthou shouldst mount them, thou didst say, 'I cannot findwhereon I can mount you'; they turned back, their eyesoverflowing with tears, out <strong>of</strong> grief that they could not findwhat they might spend (9: 92).That is to say, they are not to blame who did not takepart in the war because they were without means andwho applied to the Prophet sa to provide them with themeans <strong>of</strong> transport to the battlefield. The Prophet sa wasunable to provide the transport, so they leftdisappointed feeling they were poor, and were unable tocontribute to the war between Muslims and Syrians.Abu Musa ra was the leader <strong>of</strong> this group. When askedwhat they had asked for, he said, "We did not ask forcamels or horses. We only said we did not have shoesand could not cover the long journey bare-footed. If weonly had shoes, we would have gone on foot and takenpart in the war alongside <strong>of</strong> our Muslim brethren." Asthis army was going to Syria and Muslims had not yetforgotten what they had suffered at Mauta, everyMuslim was full <strong>of</strong> anxiety with regard to the personalsafety <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . The women <strong>of</strong> Medina playedtheir part. They were busy inducing their husbands andsons to join the war. One Companion who had gone out<strong>of</strong> Medina returned when the Prophet sa had already setout with the army. This Companion entered his houseand was expecting his wife to greet him with theaffection and emotion <strong>of</strong> a woman who meets herhusband after a long time. He found his wife sitting in

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 181the courtyard and went forward to embrace and kissher. But the wife raised her hands and pushed himback. The astonished husband looked at his wife andsaid, "Is this the treatment for one who comes homeafter a long time?""Are you not ashamed?" said the wife. "The Prophet sa<strong>of</strong> God should go on dangerous expeditions, and youshould be making love to your wife? Your first duty is togo to the battle-field. We shall see about the rest." It issaid the Companion went out <strong>of</strong> the house at once,tightened the girths <strong>of</strong> his mount and galloped after theProphet sa . At a distance <strong>of</strong> about three days' journey heovertook the Muslim army. The disbelievers and thehypocrites had probably thought that the Prophet saacting upon rumours, invented and spread by them,would spring upon the Syrian armies without a thought.They forgot that the Prophet sa was concerned to set anexample to generations <strong>of</strong> followers for all time to come.When the Prophet sa neared Syria, he stopped and senthis men in different directions to report on the state <strong>of</strong>affairs. The men returned and reported there were noSyrian concentrations anywhere. The Prophet sa decidedto return, but stayed for a few days during which hesigned agreements with some <strong>of</strong> the tribes on theborder. There was no war and no fighting. The journeytook the Prophet sa about two months and a half. Whenthe hypocrites at Medina found that their scheme forinciting war between Muslims and Syrians had failedand that the Prophet sa was returning safe and sound,they began to fear that their intrigue had been exposed.They were afraid <strong>of</strong> the punishment which was now theirdue. But they did not halt their sinister plans. Theyequipped a party and posted it on the two sides <strong>of</strong> anarrow pass some distance from Medina. The pass wasso narrow that only a single file could go through it.When the Prophet sa and the Muslim army approachedthe spot, he had a warning by revelation that the enemywas in ambush on both sides <strong>of</strong> the narrow pass. TheProphet sa ordered his Companions to reconnoitre. When

182<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathey reached the spot they saw men in hiding with theobvious intent to attack. These men, however, fled assoon as they saw this reconnoitring party. The Prophet sadecided not to pursue them.When the Prophet sa reached Medina, the hypocriteswho had kept out <strong>of</strong> this battle began to make lameexcuses. But the Prophet sa accepted them. At the sametime he felt that the time had come when their hypocrisyshould be exposed. He had a command from God thatthe mosque at Quba, which the hypocrites had built inorder to be able to hold their meetings in secret, shouldbe demolished. The hypocrites were compelled to saytheir prayers with other Muslims. No other penalty wasproposed.Returning from Tabuk, the Prophet sa found that thepeople <strong>of</strong> Ta’if also had submitted. After this the othertribes <strong>of</strong> Arabia applied for admission to Islam. In ashort time the whole <strong>of</strong> Arabia was under the flag <strong>of</strong>Islam.THE LAST PILGRIMAGEIn the ninth year <strong>of</strong> the Hijra the Prophet sa went on apilgrimage to Mecca. On the day <strong>of</strong> the Pilgrimage, hereceived the revelation containing the famed verse <strong>of</strong> theQur’an which says:This day have I perfected your religion for you andcompleted My favour upon you and have chosen for youIslam as religion (5:4).This verse said in effect that the Message which theHoly Prophet sa had brought from God and which byword and deed he had been expounding all these years,had been completed. Every part <strong>of</strong> this Message was ablessing. The Message now completed embodied thehighest blessings which man could receive from God.The Message is epitomized in the name 'al-Islam', whichmeans submission. Submission was to be the religion <strong>of</strong>Muslims, the religion <strong>of</strong> mankind. The Holy Prophet sa

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 183recited this verse in the valley <strong>of</strong> Muzdalifa, where thepilgrims had assembled. Returning from Muzdalifa, theProphet sa stopped at Mina. It was the eleventh day <strong>of</strong> themonth <strong>of</strong> Dhu’l-Hijja. The Prophet sa stood before a largegathering <strong>of</strong> Muslims and delivered an address, famed inhistory as the fare-well address <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . In thecourse <strong>of</strong> this address he said:O men, lend me an attentive ear. For I know not whether Iwill stand before you again in this valley and address youas I address you now. Your lives and your possessions havebeen made immune by God to attacks by one another untilthe Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement. God has appointed for every one ashare in the inheritance. No 'will' shall now be admittedwhich is prejudicial to the interests <strong>of</strong> a rightful heir. Achild born in any house will be regarded as the child <strong>of</strong> thefather in that house. Whoever contests the parentage <strong>of</strong>this child will be liable to punishment under the Law <strong>of</strong>Islam. Anyone who attributes his birth to some one else'sfather, or falsely claims someone to be his master, God, Hisangels and the whole <strong>of</strong> mankind will curse him.O men, you have some rights against your wives, but yourwives also have some rights against you. Your right againstthem is that they should live chaste lives, and not adoptways which may bring disgrace to the husband in the sight<strong>of</strong> his people. If your wives do not live up to this, then youhave the right to punish them. You can punish them afterdue inquiry has been made by a competent authority, andyour right to punish has been established. Even so,punishment in such a case must not be very severe. But ifyour wives do no such thing, and their behaviour is notsuch as would bring disgrace to their husbands, then yourduty is to provide for them food and garments and shelter,according to your own standard <strong>of</strong> living. Remember youmust always treat your wives well. God has charged youwith the duty <strong>of</strong> looking after them. Woman is weak andcannot protect her own rights. When you married, Godappointed you the trustees <strong>of</strong> those rights. You broughtyour wives to your homes under the Law <strong>of</strong> God. You

184<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> samust not, therefore, insult the trust which God has placedin your hands.O men, you still have in your possession some prisoners <strong>of</strong>war. I advise you, therefore, to feed them and to clothethem in the same way and style as you feed and clotheyourselves. If they do anything wrong which you areunable to forgive, then pass them on to someone else. Theyare part <strong>of</strong> God's creation. To give them pain or troublecan never be right.O men, what I say to you, you must hear and remember.All Muslims are as brethren to one another. All <strong>of</strong> you areequal. All men, whatever nation or tribe they may belongto, and whatever station in life they may hold, are equal.While he was saying this the Prophet sa raised hishands and joined the fingers <strong>of</strong> the one hand with thefingers <strong>of</strong> the other and then said:Even as the fingers <strong>of</strong> the two hands are equal, so arehuman beings equal to one another. No one has any right,any superiority to claim over another. You are as brothers.Proceeding the Prophet sa said:Do you know what month this is? What territory we arein? What day <strong>of</strong> the year it is today?The Muslims said in reply, they knew it was thesacred month, the sacred land and the day <strong>of</strong> the Hajj.Then the Prophet sa said:Even as this month is sacred, this land inviolate, and thisday holy, so has God made the lives, property and honour<strong>of</strong> every man sacred. To take any man's life or hisproperty, or attack his honour, is as unjust and wrong asto violate the sacredness <strong>of</strong> this day, this month, and thisterritory. What I command you today is not meant onlyfor today. It is meant for all time. You are expected toremember it and to act upon it until you leave this worldand go to the next to meet your Maker.In conclusion, he said:

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 185What I have said to you, you should communicate to theends <strong>of</strong> the earth. Maybe those who have not heard memay benefit by it more than those who have heard (SihahSitta, Tabari, Hisham and Khamis).The Prophet's sa address is an epitome <strong>of</strong> the entireteaching and spirit <strong>of</strong> Islam. It shows how deep was theProphet's sa concern for the welfare <strong>of</strong> man and the peace<strong>of</strong> the world; also how deep was his regard for the rights<strong>of</strong> women and other weak creatures. The Prophet sa knewhis end was near. He had had hints from God about hisdeath. Among the cares and anxieties to which he gaveexpression were his care and anxiety about thetreatment women received at the hands <strong>of</strong> men. He tookcare that he should not pass away from this world to thenext without assuring to women the status which wastheirs by right. Since the birth <strong>of</strong> man, woman had beenregarded as the slave and handmaid <strong>of</strong> man. This wasthe Prophet's sa one care. His other care was for prisoners<strong>of</strong> war. They were wrongly looked on and treated asslaves and were subjected to cruelties and excesses <strong>of</strong>all kinds. The Prophet sa felt he should not leave thisworld without assuring to prisoners <strong>of</strong> war the rightswhich were theirs in the sight <strong>of</strong> God. Inequalitybetween man and man also oppressed the Prophet sa .Occasionally differences were stressed to a degree whichcould not be endured. Some men were raised to theskies and others were degraded to the depths. Theconditions which made for this inequality wereconditions which made for antagonism and war betweennation and nation and country and country. TheProphet sa thought <strong>of</strong> these difficulties, also. Unless thespirit <strong>of</strong> inequality was killed and conditions whichinduced one people to usurp the rights <strong>of</strong> another and toattack their lives and their possessions—unless theseconditions which become rampant at times <strong>of</strong> moraldecay were removed, the peace and progress <strong>of</strong> theworld could not be assared. He taught that human lifeand human possessions had the same sacredness whichbelonged to sacred days, sacred months and sacred

186<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saplaces. No man ever showed such concern and suchcare for the welfare <strong>of</strong> women, the rights <strong>of</strong> the weak,and for peace between nations as did the Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>Islam. No man ever did as much as the Prophet sa topromote equality among man-kind. No man pined asmuch as he for the good <strong>of</strong> man. No wonder, Islam hasalways upheld the right <strong>of</strong> women to hold and to inheritproperty. European nations did not conceive <strong>of</strong> this rightuntil about one thousand three hundred years after theadvent <strong>of</strong> Islam. Every person who enters Islam becomesthe equal <strong>of</strong> everyone else, no matter how low the societyfrom which he comes. Freedom and equality arecharacteristic contributions <strong>of</strong> Islam to the culture <strong>of</strong> theworld. The conceptions which other religions hold <strong>of</strong>freedom and equality are far behind those which Islamhas preached and practised. In a Muslim mosque, aking, a religious leader and a common man have thesame status; there is no difference between them. In theplaces <strong>of</strong> worship <strong>of</strong> other religions and other nationsthese differences exist to this day, although thosereligions and nations claim to have done more thanIslam for freedom and equality.THE PROPHET sa GIVES HINTS OF HIS DEATHOn the way back, the Prophet sa again informed hisCompanions <strong>of</strong> his approaching death. He said, "O menI am but one like you. I may receive the Call any dayand I may have to go. My Kind and Vigilant Master hasinformed me that a Prophet sa lives up to half the years <strong>of</strong>the Prophet sa before him. 1 I think I shall soon receive theCall and I shall depart. O my Companions, I shall haveto answer God, and you will have to answer also. Whatwill you then say? "1 This was not meant as a general law. It referred only to the HolyProphet sa . A tradition puts down the age <strong>of</strong> Jesus at one hundred and twentyor so. As he had already attained to sixty-two or sixty-three, he thought hisdeath must be near.—Ed.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 187Upon this the Companions said, "We will say thatyou delivered well the Message <strong>of</strong> Islam and devoted allyour life to the service <strong>of</strong> the Faith. You had the mostperfect passion for the good <strong>of</strong> man: We will say: Allah,give him the best <strong>of</strong> rewards."Then the Prophet sa asked, "Do you bear witness thatGod is One, that <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is His Servant andProphet sa , that Heaven and Hell are true, that death iscertain, that there is life after death, that the JudgementDay must come, and that all the dead will one day beraised from their graves, restored to life andassembled?""Yes," said the Companions. "We bear witness to allthese truths."Turning to God, the Prophet sa said, "Be Thou also awitness to this—that I have explained Islam to them."After this Pilgrimage, the Prophet sa was very busyteaching and training his followers, trying to raise theirmoral standard and to reform and refine their conduct.His own death became his frequent theme and heprepared the Muslims for it.One day, rising for an address to the Faithful, hesaid, "Today I have had the revelation:When the help <strong>of</strong> Allah comes, and victory, and thou seestmen entering into the religion <strong>of</strong> Allah in troops, extol thouthe glory <strong>of</strong> thy Lord, with His praise, and seek forgiveness<strong>of</strong> Him. Verily He is Oft-Returning with compassion "(110: 2-4).That is to say, the time was coming when, with thehelp <strong>of</strong> God, multitudes were to join the Faith <strong>of</strong> Islam.It was then to be the duty <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa —and <strong>of</strong> hisfollowers—to praise God and pray to Him to remove allobstacles in the way <strong>of</strong> the establishment <strong>of</strong> the Faith.The Prophet sa made use <strong>of</strong> a parable on thisoccasion: God said to a man, 'If it please you, you mayreturn to Me, or you may work a little longer atreforming the world.' The man said that he preferred toreturn to his Lord.

188<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saAbu Bakr ra was among the audience. He had beenlistening to this last address <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , withfervour and anxiety the fervour <strong>of</strong> a great believer andthe anxiety <strong>of</strong> a friend and follower who could see in thisaddress the portents <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa death. Onhearing the parable Abu Bakr ra could contain himself nolonger. He broke down. The other Companions, who hadtaken a surface view <strong>of</strong> what they had been listening to,were amazed when Abu Bakr ra burst into tears. Whatcould be the matter with Abu Bakr ra ? they asked. TheProphet sa was relating the coming victories <strong>of</strong> Islam, yethe was weeping. ‘Umar ra , particularly, felt annoyed atAbu Bakr ra . The Prophet sa was giving glad news, yet thisold man was crying. But only the Prophet sa understoodwhat was happening. Only Abu Bakr ra , he thought hadunderstood him. Only he had perceived that the verseswhich promised victories also portended the Prophet's saapproaching death.The Prophet sa went on to say, "Abu Bakr ra is verydear to me. If it were permissible to love anyone morethan others, I would so have loved Abu Bakr ra . But thatdegree <strong>of</strong> love is only for God. O my people, all the doorswhich open to the mosque should be closed from todayexcept the door <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra ."There was no doubt that this last instruction implieda prophecy that after the Prophet sa Abu Bakr ra would bethe First Khalifah. To lead the Faithful in prayers hewould have to come to the mosque five times a day and,for this, he would have to keep open the door <strong>of</strong> hishouse into the mosque. Years afterwards, when ‘Umar rawas Khalifah, he asked some <strong>of</strong> those present themeaning <strong>of</strong> the verse, "When the help <strong>of</strong> God and victorycome." Evidently he remembered the circumstances inwhich the Prophet sa taught Muslims this and the verseswhich follow. He must have remembered also that thenonly Abu Bakr ra understood the meaning <strong>of</strong> these verses.‘Umar ra was trying to test Muslims for their knowledge<strong>of</strong> these verses. They had failed to understand them atthe time <strong>of</strong> their revelation: did they know the meaning

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 189now? Ibni ‘Abbas ra , who must have been ten or elevenyears <strong>of</strong> age at the time <strong>of</strong> their revelation and who wasnow seventeen or eighteen, volunteered to answer. Hesaid, "Leader <strong>of</strong> the Faithful, these verses contained aprophecy about the death <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa . When aProphet's sa work is done, he wishes no longer to live inthe world. The verses spoke <strong>of</strong> the imminent victory <strong>of</strong>Islam. This victory had a sad side and that was theimpending departure <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa from this world."‘Umar ra complimented Ibn ‘Abbas ra and said that whenthe verses were revealed only Abu Bakr ra understoodtheir meaning.LAST DAYS OF THE PROPHET saAt last the day drew near which every human beingmust face. The Prophet's sa work was done. All that Godhad to reveal to him for the benefit <strong>of</strong> man had beenrevealed. The spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa had infused new lifeinto his people. A new nation had arisen, a new outlookon life and new institutions; in short, a new heaven anda new earth. The foundations <strong>of</strong> a new order had beenlaid. The land had been ploughed and watered and theseed scattered for a new harvest. And now the harvestitself had begun to show. It was not, however, for him toreap it. It was for him only to plough, to sow and towater. He came as a labourer, remained a labourer andwas now due to depart as a labourer. He found hisreward not in the things <strong>of</strong> this world but in thepleasure and the approval <strong>of</strong> his God, his Maker andMaster. When the time came for reaping the harvest, hepreferred to go to Him, leaving others to reap.The Holy Prophet sa fell ill. For some days hecontinued to visit the mosque and lead the prayers.Then he became too weak to do this. The Companions rawere so used to his daily company that they couldhardly believe he would die. But he had been tellingthem <strong>of</strong> his death again and again. One day, touching

190<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saupon this very theme, he said, "If a man make amistake, it is better he should make amends for it inthis very world so that he should have no regrets in thenext. Therefore I say, if I have done any wrong to any <strong>of</strong>you, it may be only unwittingly, let him come forwardand ask me to make amends. If even unknowingly I haveinjured any one <strong>of</strong> you, let him come forward and takehis revenge. I do not wish to be put to shame when Iface my God in the next world. The Companions ra weremoved. Tears sprang to their eyes. What pains had henot taken and what sufferings had he not endured fortheir sake? He put up with hunger and thirst in orderthat others might have enough to eat and to drink. Hemended his own clothes and cobbled his own shoes inorder that others might dress well. And yet here he was,eager to right even fancied wrongs he might have doneto others; so much did he respect the rights <strong>of</strong> others.All the Companions received the Prophet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer insolemn silence. But one came forward and said, "OProphet sa <strong>of</strong> God, I once received an injury from you. Wewere lining up for battle when you passed by our lineand while passing you dug your elbow in my side. It wasall done unwittingly, but you said we could avenge evenunintentional wrongs. I want to avenge this wrong." TheCompanions, who had received the Prophet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer insolemn silence, were full <strong>of</strong> wrath. They became enragedat the insolence and stupidity <strong>of</strong> this man who hadfailed completely to understand the spirit <strong>of</strong> theProphet's sa <strong>of</strong>fer and the solemnity <strong>of</strong> the occasion. Butthe Companion seemed adamant—determined to takethe Prophet sa at his word.The Prophet sa said, "You are welcome to take yourrevenge."He turned his back to him and said, "Come and hitme as I hit you.""But," explained this Companion, "when you hit memy side was bare, because I was wearing no shirt at thetime."

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 191"Raise my shirt," said the Prophet sa , "and let him hitmy side with his elbow." They did so but, instead <strong>of</strong>hitting the bare side <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , this Companionbent forward with bedewed eyes and kissed theProphet's sa bare body."What is this?" asked the Prophet sa ."Didn't you say that your days with us werenumbered? How many more occasions can we then have<strong>of</strong> touching you, in the flesh and expressing our love andaffection for you? True, you did hit me with your elbow,but who could think <strong>of</strong> avenging it. I had this idea hereand now. You <strong>of</strong>fered to let us take revenge. I said tomyself—let me kiss you under cover <strong>of</strong> revenge."The Companions full <strong>of</strong> wrath until then began towish the thought had occurred to them.THE PROPHET sa PASSES AWAYBut the Prophet sa was ill and the ailment seemed toadvance. Death seemed to draw nearer and nearer, anddepression and gloom descended over the hearts <strong>of</strong> theCompanions. The sun shone over Medina as brightly asever, but to the Companions it seemed paler and paler.The day dawned as before but it seemed to bringdarkness, not light. At last came the time when the soul<strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa was to depart from its physical frameand meet its Maker. His breathing became more andmore difficult. The Prophet sa , who was spending his lastdays in ‘A’isha ra 's chamber, said to her, "Raise my heada little and bring it near to your side. I cannot breathewell." ‘A’isha ra did so. She sat up and held his head. Thedeath-pangs were visible. Greatly agitated, the Prophet salooked now to this side and now to that. Again andagain he said, "Woe to the Jews and the Christians.They encouraged the worship <strong>of</strong> the graves <strong>of</strong> theirProphets." This, we might say, was his dying messagefor his followers. While he lay on his death-bed, heseemed to say to his followers, "You will learn to hold me

192<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saabove all other Prophets as , and more successful thanany <strong>of</strong> them. But take care, do not turn my grave into anobject <strong>of</strong> worship. Let my grave remain only a grave.Others may worship the graves <strong>of</strong> their Prophets as andturn them into centres <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage, places where theymay repair and perform austerities, make their <strong>of</strong>ferings,and do their thanksgiving. Others may do this, but notyou. You must remember your one and only objective—that is, the worship <strong>of</strong> the One and Only God."After he had thus warned Muslims about their dutyto guard the hard-won idea <strong>of</strong> One God and thedistinction between God and Man, his eyelids began todroop. His eyes began to close. All he then said was, "Tomy Friend the Highest <strong>of</strong> the High—to my Friend theHighest <strong>of</strong> the High," meaning evidently that he washeading towards God. As he said this he gave up theghost.The news reached the mosque. There manyCompanions ra had assembled, having given up theirprivate tasks. They were expecting to hear better newsbut instead heard <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa death. It came like abolt from the blue. Abu Bakr ra was out. ‘Umar ra was inthe mosque, but he was utterly stupefied with grief. Itangered him if he heard anyone say the Prophet sa wasdead. He even drew his sword and threatened to killthose who should say the Prophet sa had died. There wasmuch the Prophet sa had yet to do, so the Prophet sa couldnot die. True, his soul had departed from his body, butit had gone only to meet its Maker. Just as Moses as hadgone for a time to meet his Maker only to return, theProphet sa must return to do what had been left undone.There were the hypocrites, for instance, with whom theyhad yet to deal. ‘Umar ra walked about sword in handalmost as a mad man. As he walked he said: "Whosoeversays the Prophet sa has died will himself die at ‘Umar ra 'shands." The Companions felt braced and they halfbelievedwhat ‘Umar ra said. The Prophet sa could not die.There must have been a mistake. In the meantime someCompanions went in search <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra , found him

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 193and told him what had happened. Abu Bakr ra madestraight for the mosque at Medina and speaking not aword to anyone, entered ‘A’isha's ra room and asked her,"Has the Prophet sa died?""Yes," replied ‘A’isha ra . Then he went straight towhere the Prophet's sa body was lying, uncovered theface, bent down and kissed the forehead. Tears ladenwith love and grief fell from his eyes and he said, "God isour witness. Death will not come upon you twice over."It was a sentence full <strong>of</strong> meaning. It was Abu Bakr ra 'sreply to what ‘Umar ra had been saying out <strong>of</strong> his madgrief. The Prophet sa had died once. That was his physicaldeath—the death everyone must die. But he was not tohave a second death. There was to be no spiritualdeath—no death to the beliefs which he had establishedin his followers and for the establishment <strong>of</strong> which hehad taken such pains. One <strong>of</strong> those beliefs—one <strong>of</strong> themore important beliefs—he had taught was that evenProphets as were human and even they must die.Muslims were not going to forget this so soon after theProphet sa 's own death. Having said this great sentenceover the dead body <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , Abu Bakr ra cameout and, piercing through the lines <strong>of</strong> the Faithful,advanced silently to the pulpit. As he stood, ‘Umar rastood by him, his sword drawn as before, determinedthat if Abu Bakr ra said the Prophet sa had died AbuBakr ra must lose his head. As Abu Bakr ra started tospeak, ‘Umar ra pulled at his shirt, wanting to stop himfrom speaking but Abu Bakr ra snatched back his shirtand refused to stop.He then recited the verse <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an:And <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is only a Messenger. Verily, allMessengers have passed away before him. If then he die orbe slain, will you turn back on your heels? (3: 145).That is to say, <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa was a man with aMessage from God. There had been other men withMessages from God, and all <strong>of</strong> them had died. If<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa should die, would they turn back upon

194<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saeverything which they had been taught and which theyhad learnt? This verse was revealed at the time <strong>of</strong> Uhud.Rumour had then gone round that the Prophet sa hadbeen killed by the enemy. Many Muslims lost heart andwithdrew from the battle. The verse came from heaven tobrace them. It had the same effect on this occasion.Having recited the verse, Abu Bakr ra added to it a word<strong>of</strong> his own. He said, "Those amongst you who worshipGod, let them know that God is still alive, and will everremain alive. But those amongst you who worshipped<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , let them know it from me that<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa is dead." The Companions recovered theirbalance on hearing this timely speech. ‘Umar ra himselfwas changed when he heard Abu Bakr ra recite the versequoted above. He began to return to his senses, and torecover his lost judgement. By the time Abu Bakr ra hadfinished the recitation <strong>of</strong> the verse ‘Umar's ra spiritual eyewas fully opened. He understood that the Prophet sa hadreally died. But no sooner had he realized it, than hislegs began to tremble and give way. He fell downexhausted. The man who wanted to terrorize Abu Bakr rawith his bare sword had been converted by Abu Bakr's raspeech. The Companions felt the verse had beenrevealed for the first time on that day, so strong and sonew was its appeal. In a paroxysm <strong>of</strong> grief, they forgotthat the verse was in the Qur’an.Many expressed the grief which overtook Muslims onthe death <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , but the pithy and pr<strong>of</strong>oundexpression which Hassan ra , the poet <strong>of</strong> early Islam, gaveto it in his couplet remains to this day the best and themost enduring. He said: ‘Thou wast the pupil <strong>of</strong> my eye.Now that thou hast died my eye hath become blind. Icare not who dies now. For I feared only thy death.'This couplet voiced the feeling <strong>of</strong> every Muslim. Formonths in the streets <strong>of</strong> Medina men, women andchildren went about reciting this couplet <strong>of</strong> Hassan binThabit ra .

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 195THE PROPHET'S sa PERSONALITY ANDCHARACTERHAVING briefly described the outstanding events inthe life <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa we would now attempt ashort sketch <strong>of</strong> his character. In this connection we haveavailable the collective testimony <strong>of</strong> his own peoplewhich they bore to his character before he claimed to bea Prophet sa . At that stage he was known among hispeople as "The Trusty" and "The True" (Hisham). Thereare living at all times large numbers <strong>of</strong> people againstwhom no charge <strong>of</strong> dishonesty is preferred. There arealso large numbers who are never exposed to a severetrial or temptation and in the ordinary affairs andconcerns <strong>of</strong> life they behave with honesty and integrity,yet they are not regarded as worthy <strong>of</strong> any specialdistinction on that account. Special distinctions areconferred only when the life <strong>of</strong> a person illustrates in aconspicuous degree some high moral quality. Everysoldier that goes into battle puts his life in jeopardy butnot every such British soldier has been regarded asworthy <strong>of</strong> the award <strong>of</strong> the Victoria Cross, nor everysuch German soldier <strong>of</strong> the Iron Cross. There arehundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> people in France who occupythemselves with intellectual pursuits but not every one<strong>of</strong> them is decorated with the Legion <strong>of</strong> Honour. Themere fact, therefore, that a man is trustworthy and truedoes not indicate that he possesses eminence in theserespects, but when a whole people combines to conferupon an individual the titles <strong>of</strong> "The Trusty" and "TheTrue", that is evidence <strong>of</strong> the possession <strong>of</strong> exceptionalqualities. Had it been the practice <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Meccato confer such a distinction upon some individual ineach generation, even then the recipient would havebeen looked upon as occupying a high position. But thehistory <strong>of</strong> Mecca and <strong>of</strong> Arabia furnishes no indicationthat it was customary for the Arabs to confer these orsimilar titles upon eminent individuals in eachgeneration. On the contrary, through centuries <strong>of</strong> Arab

196<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sahistory we find that it was only in the case <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam that his people conferred the titles <strong>of</strong>"The Trusty" and "The True". This is pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the factthat the Holy Prophet sa possessed these qualities in soeminent a degree that within the knowledge and thememory <strong>of</strong> his people no other individual could beregarded as his equal in these respects. The Arabs werewell known for their keenness <strong>of</strong> mind and what theychose to regard as rare must in truth have been rareand unique.When the Holy Prophet sa was summoned by, God toassume the burden and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> prophethood,his wife, Khadija ra , testified to his high moral qualities—an incident which has been related in the biographicalportion <strong>of</strong> this General Introduction. We shall nowproceed to illustrate some <strong>of</strong> his high moral qualities sothat the reader may be able to appreciate even thoseaspects <strong>of</strong> his character which are not generally wellknown.THE PROPHET'S sa PURITY OF MIND ANDCLEANLINESS OF BODYIt is related <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa that his speech wasalways pure and that he was (unlike most <strong>of</strong> hiscontemporaries) not given to the use <strong>of</strong> oaths (Tirmidhi).This was something exceptional for an Arab. We do notimply that the Arabs at the time <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sahabitually indulged in foul language, but there is nodoubt that they were in the habit <strong>of</strong> punctuating theirspeech with a generous measure <strong>of</strong> oaths, a habit thatpersists among them even to this day. The HolyProphet sa , however, held the name <strong>of</strong> God in suchreverence that he never uttered it without fulljustification.He was very particular, even punctilious, with regardto physical cleanliness. He used to brush his teethseveral times a day and was so keen on the practice that

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 197he used to say that were he not afraid that theordinance might prove onerous, he would make itobligatory upon every Muslim to brush his teeth beforeevery one <strong>of</strong> the five daily prayers. He always washed hishands before and after each meal and, after eatinganything that had been cooked, he always rinsed hismouth and considered it desirable that every personwho had eaten anything cooked should rinse his mouthbefore joining in any <strong>of</strong> the prayers (Bukhari).In the polity <strong>of</strong> Islam a mosque is the only place <strong>of</strong>gathering prescribed for the Muslims. The HolyProphet sa , therefore, laid particular stress upon thecleanliness <strong>of</strong> mosques, especially on occasions whenpeople were expected to collect in them. He had directedthat on such occasions incense should be burnt in themosques to purify the air (Abu Dawud). He also gavedirections that nobody should go to a mosque on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> a congregation or gathering after eatinganything that was likely to exhale an <strong>of</strong>fensive odour(Bukhari).He insisted upon streets being kept clean and clear<strong>of</strong> twigs, stones, and all articles or matter which waslikely either to obstruct or to prove <strong>of</strong>fensive. Wheneverhe himself found any such matter or article lying in astreet he would remove it, and he used to say that aperson who helps to keep streets and roads clean andclear, earns spiritual merit in the sight <strong>of</strong> God. He is alsoreported to have enjoined that public thoroughfaresshould not be so used as to cause obstruction norshould any unclean or undesirable matter or article bethrown on to a public street, nor should a street bedefiled in any other way, as all such acts are displeasingto God. He was very keen that all supply <strong>of</strong> waterconserved for human use should be kept clean andpure. For instance, he prohibited anything being throwninto standing water which might befoul it and anyreservoir <strong>of</strong> water being used in a manner which wouldrender it impure (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab al-BirrWassila).

198<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saTHE PROPHET'S sa SIMPLE LIFEThe Prophet sa was extremely simple in the matter <strong>of</strong>food and drink. He never expressed displeasure with illpreparedor ill-cooked food. If he could eat such food hewould do so to save the person who had prepared itfrom disappointment. If, however, a dish was uneatable,he merely refrained from partaking <strong>of</strong> it and neverexpressed his disapproval <strong>of</strong> it. When he sat down to ameal he paid attention to the food placed before him andused to say that he did not like an attitude <strong>of</strong>indifference towards food as if the person eating wasabove paying attention to mere matters <strong>of</strong> food anddrink. When any eatable was presented to him healways shared it with those present. On one occasionsomebody presented him with some dates. He lookedround and after making an estimate <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong>people present divided the dates equally among them,each <strong>of</strong> them receiving seven. Abu Huraira ra relates thatthe Holy Prophet sa never ate his fill even <strong>of</strong> barley bread(Bukhari).On one occasion while he was passing along a roadhe noticed some people gathered round a roast kid readyto enjoy the feast. When they saw the Holy Prophet sathey invited him to join them, but he declined. This wasnot due to his not having a liking for roast meat but tothe fact that he did not approve <strong>of</strong> people indulging in afeast in the open where they could be observed by poorpeople who had themselves not enough to eat. It isrelated <strong>of</strong> him that on other occasions he did partake <strong>of</strong>roast meat. ‘A’isha ra has related that the Holy Prophet sadid not, till the day <strong>of</strong> his death, on any occasion, eat hisfill on three consecutive days. He was very particularthat a person should not go to a meal in anotherperson's house uninvited. On one occasion somebodyinvited him to a meal and requested that he might bringfour other persons with him. When he arrived at thehouse <strong>of</strong> his host he found that a sixth person had alsojoined his party. The host came to the door to receive

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 199him and his party and the Holy Prophet sa drew hisattention to the fact that there were now six <strong>of</strong> them andthat it was for the host to decide whether he wouldpermit the sixth person to join them in the meal orwhether the latter should depart. The host, <strong>of</strong> course,readily invited the sixth person also (Bukhari, Kitab al-At‘ima).Whenever the Holy Prophet sa sat down to a meal healways began to eat by invoking the name and blessings<strong>of</strong> Allah, and as soon as he concluded he renderedthanks in these words: "All praise is due to Allah, Whohas given us to eat: Praise, abundant and sincere andever-increasing: Praise, which does not leave animpression upon one's mind that one has renderedenough praise but which creates in one's mind thefeeling that enough has not been said and the praisewhich ought never to be terminated and which makesone think that every divine act is worthy <strong>of</strong> praise andshould be praised. Oh Allah! do Thou fill our hearts withthese sentiments." Sometimes he used these words: "Allpraise is due to God Who has satisfied our hunger andthirst. May our hearts ever yearn after His praise andnever be ungrateful to Him." He always admonished hisCompanions to stop before they had eaten their fill andused to say that one man's food should always sufficefor two. Whenever any special food was prepared in hishouse he used to suggest that a portion <strong>of</strong> it should besent as a present to his neighbours; and presents <strong>of</strong>food and other articles used constantly to be sent fromhis house to his neighbours' houses (Muslim andBukhari, Kitab al-Adab).He always tried to ascertain from the faces <strong>of</strong> thosewho were in his company whether any <strong>of</strong> them was inneed <strong>of</strong> sustenance. Abu Huraira ra relates the followingincident: On one occasion he had been without food forover three days. He stood at the entrance to the mosqueand observed Abu Bakr ra passing near. He asked AbuBakr ra the meaning <strong>of</strong> a verse <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an whichenjoins the feeding <strong>of</strong> the poor. Abu Bakr ra explained its

200<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sameaning and passed on. Abu Huraira ra when relatingthis incident used to say with indignation that he toounderstood the Qur’an as well as Abu Bakr ra did. Hisobject in asking the latter to explain the meaning <strong>of</strong> theverse had been that Abu Bakr ra might guess that he washungry and might arrange to get food for him. Shortlyafter, ‘Umar ra passed by and Abu Huraira ra asked himalso to explain the meaning <strong>of</strong> the verse. ‘Umar ra alsoexplained its meaning and passed on. Abu Huraira ra ,like all Companions <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa , was loath tomake a direct request and when he perceived that hisindirect attempts to draw attention to his condition hadfailed, he began to feel very faint. Thereupon he heardhis name being called in a very s<strong>of</strong>t and tender voice.Looking to the side from which the voice came he sawthat the Holy Prophet sa was looking out from the window<strong>of</strong> his house and was smiling. He inquired <strong>of</strong> AbuHuraira ra : "Are you hungry?" to which Abu Huraira rareplied: "Verily, O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! I am hungry."The Holy Prophet sa said: "There is no food in ourhouse either, but somebody has just sent us a cup <strong>of</strong>milk. Go to the mosque and see whether there are anyother persons there who may be hungry like you." AbuHuraira ra goes on to relate: "I thought to myself, I amhungry enough to consume the whole <strong>of</strong> the milk in thecup, yet the Prophet sa has asked me to invite any otherpersons that may be in a similar situation, which meansthat I shall get very little <strong>of</strong> the milk. But I had to carryout the Prophet's sa orders, so I went into the mosqueand found six persons sitting there whom I brought withme to the Prophet's sa door. He gave the cup <strong>of</strong> milk intothe hands <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> them and asked him to drink. Whenhe had finished and put away the cup from his mouththe Prophet sa insisted upon his drinking a second timeand a third time till he had had his fill. In the same wayhe insisted upon every one <strong>of</strong> the six drinking his fill <strong>of</strong>the milk. Each time he asked anyone to drink I wasafraid that little would be left for me. After all the sixhad drunk <strong>of</strong> the milk the Prophet sa gave the cup to me

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 201and I saw that there was still plenty <strong>of</strong> milk in it. In mycase also he insisted that I should drink my fill andmade me drink a second and a third time and at the endhe drank what was left in the cup himself and renderedthanks to God and shut the door" (Bukhari, KitabulRiqaq). The Holy Prophet's sa object in <strong>of</strong>fering the milk toAbu Huraira ra last <strong>of</strong> all may have been to indicate tohim that he should have continued to endure the pangs<strong>of</strong> hunger, trusting in God, and should not have drawnattention to his condition even indirectly.He always ate and drank with his right hand andalways stopped three times to take breath in the middle<strong>of</strong> a drink. One reason for this may be that if a personwho is thirsty drinks water at one stretch he is apt todrink too much and thus upset his digestion. In thematter <strong>of</strong> eating the rule that he followed was that hepartook <strong>of</strong> all things that are pure and permissible butnot in a manner which would savour <strong>of</strong> indulgence orwould deprive other people <strong>of</strong> their due share. As hasbeen stated, his normal food was always very simple butif anybody presented him with something speciallyprepared he did not decline it. He did not, however,hanker after good food, though he had a particularliking for honey and for dates. As regards dates, he usedto say that there was a special relationship between aMuslim and the date tree whose leaves and bark andfruit, both ripe and unripe, and even the stones <strong>of</strong>whose fruit could all be put to some use or the otherand no part <strong>of</strong> which was without its proper use. Thesame was the case with a true Muslim. No act <strong>of</strong> his waswithout its beneficence and all that he did promoted thewelfare <strong>of</strong> mankind (Bukhari and Muslim).The Holy Prophet sa preferred simplicity in dress. Hisown dress normally consisted <strong>of</strong> a shirt and an izar 1 or ashirt and a pair <strong>of</strong> trousers. He always wore his izar orhis trousers so that the garment covered his body up to1 A piece <strong>of</strong> cloth wrapped round the waist and hanging to the ankles—Ed.

202<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saa point above his ankles. He did not approve <strong>of</strong> the kneeor any portion <strong>of</strong> the body above the knee being exposedwithout extreme necessity. He did not approve <strong>of</strong> theuse, whether as part <strong>of</strong> dress or in the way <strong>of</strong> curtains,etc., <strong>of</strong> cloth which had figures embroidered or paintedon it, especially if the figures were large and might beinterpreted as representing gods or goddesses or otherobjects <strong>of</strong> worship. On one occasion he found a curtainhanging in his house bearing large figures and hedirected it to be removed. He, however, saw no harm inthe use <strong>of</strong> cloth bearing small figures which could not beso interpreted. He never wore silk himself and did notconsider it permissible for Muslim men to wear it. Forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> authenticating the letters that he wroteto certain sovereigns inviting them to accept Islam hecaused to be prepared a signet-ring, but directed that itshould be made <strong>of</strong> silver and not <strong>of</strong> gold, for he said thatthe wearing <strong>of</strong> gold had been prohibited to Muslim men(Bukhari and Muslim). Muslim women are permitted towear silk and gold but in their case also the HolyProphet's sa direction was that excess should be avoided.On one occasion he called for subscriptions for the relief<strong>of</strong> the poor and a lady took <strong>of</strong>f one <strong>of</strong> her bracelets andplaced it before him as her contribution. Addressing her,he said: "Does not your other hand deserve to be savedfrom the Fire?" The lady thereupon removed her braceletfrom the other hand also and <strong>of</strong>fered it for the purposethat he had in view. None <strong>of</strong> his wives possessedornaments <strong>of</strong> any considerable value and other Muslimwomen also very seldom possessed any ornaments. Inaccordance with the teachings <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an hedeprecated the hoarding <strong>of</strong> money or bullion, as he heldthat this was harmful to the interests <strong>of</strong> the poorersections <strong>of</strong> the community and resulted in upsetting theeconomy <strong>of</strong> a community and was thus a sin.‘Umar ra suggested to the Holy Prophet sa on oneoccasion that as he had to receive Embassies from greatmonarchs, he should have a rich cloak prepared forhimself which he could wear on such ceremonial

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 203occasions. The Prophet sa did not approve <strong>of</strong> thesuggestion and said: "It would not be pleasing to God forme to adopt ways like this. I shall meet everybody in theclothes that I normally wear." On one occasion silkgarments were presented to him and <strong>of</strong> these he sentone to ‘Umar ra . Upon this ‘Umar ra said, "How can I wearit when you have yourself disapproved <strong>of</strong> wearing silkgarments." The Holy Prophet sa observed: "Every presentis not meant for personal use." His meaning was thatsince the garment was <strong>of</strong> silk ‘Umar ra should havepresented it to his wife or to his daughter or should haveput it to some other use (Bukhari, Kitabul Libas).The Prophet's sa bed was also very simple. He neverused a bedstead or a couch but always slept on theground, the bedding consisting <strong>of</strong> a piece <strong>of</strong> leather or <strong>of</strong>a piece <strong>of</strong> camelhair cloth. ‘A’isha ra relates: "Our beddingwas so small that when the Holy Prophet sa used to getup at night for prayers I used to lie on one side <strong>of</strong> thebedding and stretched out my legs while he was in thestanding posture and folded them back when he had toprostrate himself (Muslim, Tirmidhi and Bukhari).He adopted the same simplicity with regard to hisresidential arrangements. His house consisted normally<strong>of</strong> one room and a small courtyard. A rope used to bestrung half way across the room so that when he hadvisitors a piece <strong>of</strong> cloth could be hung from the rope toconvert a part <strong>of</strong> the room into an audience chamberseparated from the portion occupied by his wife. His lifewas so simple that ‘A’isha ra related that during thelifetime <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa they <strong>of</strong>ten had to sustainthemselves on dates and water and that on the day <strong>of</strong>his death there was no food in the house except a fewdates (Bukhari).

204<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saRELATIONSHIP WITH GODEvery aspect <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet's sa life appears tohave been governed and coloured by his love for anddevotion to God.In spite <strong>of</strong> the very heavy responsibilities that hadbeen laid upon his shoulders the greater portion <strong>of</strong> histime during the day as well as during the night wasspent in the worship and praise <strong>of</strong> God. He would leavehis bed at midnight and devote himself to the worship <strong>of</strong>God till it was time to go to the mosque for the morningprayers. He sometimes stood so long in prayer duringthe latter part <strong>of</strong> the night that his feet would getswollen, and those who saw him in that condition werealways much affected. On one occasion ‘A’isha ra said tohim: "God has honoured you with His love andnearness. Why then do you subject yourself to so muchdiscomfort and inconvenience?" He replied: "If God hasby His Grace and Mercy conferred His love and nearnessupon me, is it not my duty in return to be alwaysrendering thanks to Him? Gratitude should increase inproportion to the favours received" (Bukhari, KitabulKusuf ).He never entered upon any undertaking withoutdivine command or permission. It has already beenrelated in the biographical portion that, in spite <strong>of</strong> thevery severe persecution to which he was subjected bythe people <strong>of</strong> Mecca, he did not leave the town till hereceived the divine command to do so. Whenpersecution became very severe and he gave permissionto his Companions to migrate to Abyssinia, some <strong>of</strong>them expressed a desire that he should accompanythem. He declined to do so on the ground that he hadnot received divine permission to that effect. Thus,during a period <strong>of</strong> hardships and persecution whenpeople usually like to keep their friends and relationsclose to themselves, he directed his Companions to seekrefuge in Abyssinia and himself stayed behind in Mecca,for God had not yet directed him to leave it.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 205Whenever he heard the word <strong>of</strong> God being recited, hewas overcome by emotion and tears would start from hiseyes, especially if he was listening to verses whichemphasized his own responsibilities. ‘Abdullah binMas‘ud ra relates that he was on one occasion asked bythe Holy Prophet sa to recite some verses <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an tohim. He said: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! The Qur’an hasbeen revealed to you (i.e., you know it best <strong>of</strong> all). Howthen shall I recite it to you?" But the Holy Prophet sasaid: "I love to hear it recited by other people also."Thereupon ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra began to recitefrom Surah Al-Nisa’. When he recited the verse: "Andhow will it fare with them when We shall bring a witnessfrom every people, and shall bring thee as a witnessagainst them" (4: 42), the Holy Prophet sa exclaimed:‘Enough! Enough!" ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra looked upand saw that tears were streaming from the HolyProphet's sa eyes (Bukhari, Kitab Fada’ilul Qur’an).He was so particular about joining thecongregational prayers that, even during severe illnesswhen it is permissible not only to say one's prayers inone's room but even to say them lying in bed, he wouldgo to the mosque to lead the prayers himself. On oneoccasion when he was unable to proceed to the mosquehe directed that Abu Bakr ra should lead the prayers.Presently however, he felt some improvement in hiscondition and asked to be supported into the mosque.He rested his weight on the shoulders <strong>of</strong> two men butwas in so feeble a condition that, according to ‘A’isha ra ,his feet trailed along the ground (Bukhari ).It is a common practice to give expression to one'spleasure or to draw attention to any particular matter bythe clapping <strong>of</strong> hands and the Arabs used to follow thesame practice. The Holy Prophet sa , however, so loved theremembrance <strong>of</strong> God that for these purposes also hesubstituted the praise and remembrance <strong>of</strong> God in place<strong>of</strong> the clapping <strong>of</strong> hands. On one occasion while he wasoccupied with some important matter, the time <strong>of</strong> thenext service drew near and he directed that Abu Bakr ra

206<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sashould lead the prayers. Shortly thereafter he was ableto conclude the business upon which he was engagedand proceeded at once to the mosque. Abu Bakr ra wasleading the prayers but when the congregation perceivedthat the Holy Prophet sa had arrived, they began to claptheir hands for the purpose both <strong>of</strong> giving expression totheir joy at his arrival and also to draw Abu Bakr ra 'sattention to the fact that the Prophet sa himself hadarrived. Thereupon Abu Bakr ra stepped back and maderoom for the Holy Prophet sa to lead the prayers. Whenthe prayers were over, the Prophet sa addressed AbuBakr ra and said: "Why did you step back after I haddirected you to lead the prayers?" Abu Bakr ra replied: "OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! How would it befit the son <strong>of</strong> AbuQuhafa ra to lead the prayers in the presence <strong>of</strong> theMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ?" Then addressing the congregationthe Prophet sa said: "Why did you clap your hands? It isnot seemly that while you are engaged in theremembrance <strong>of</strong> God you should clap your hands. If itshould so happen that during the course <strong>of</strong> prayersattention has to be drawn to some matter, instead <strong>of</strong>clapping your hands you should utter the name <strong>of</strong> Godaloud. This would draw attention to whatever may haveto be taken note <strong>of</strong> " (Bukhari).The Prophet sa did not approve <strong>of</strong> prayers or worshipbeing carried on as a penance or imposition. On oneoccasion he came home and observed a rope danglingbetween two pillars. He inquired what its purpose was,and was informed that his wife Zainab ra was in the habit<strong>of</strong> supporting herself by means <strong>of</strong> the rope when shebecame tired in the course <strong>of</strong> her prayers. He directedthe rope to be removed and said that prayers should becontinued only so long as one felt easy and cheerful andthat if a person became tired he should sit down.Prayers were not an imposition, and if carried on afterthe body became fatigued they failed <strong>of</strong> their purpose(Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf ).He abhorred every action and practice whichsavoured even remotely <strong>of</strong> idolatry. When his end was

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 207approaching and he was in the grip <strong>of</strong> the death agonyhe turned from side to side exclaiming: "May the curse<strong>of</strong> God descend upon those Jews and Christians whohave converted the graves <strong>of</strong> their Prophets into places<strong>of</strong> worship" (Bukhari ). He had in mind those Jews andChristians who prostrated themselves at the graves <strong>of</strong>their Prophets and saints and addressed their prayers tothem, and he meant that if Muslims fell into similarpractices they would not be deserving <strong>of</strong> his prayers butwould, on the contrary, cut themselves asunder fromhim.His extreme sense <strong>of</strong> jealousy for the honour <strong>of</strong> Godhas already been referred to in the biographical portion.The people <strong>of</strong> Mecca sought to place all sorts <strong>of</strong>temptations in his way to persuade him to give up hisopposition to idol-worship (Tabari). His uncle Abu Talibalso tried to dissuade him and expressed his fear that ifhe persisted in his denunciation <strong>of</strong> idol-worship, AbuTalib would have to choose between ceasing to give himhis protection and the bitter opposition <strong>of</strong> his people.The only reply that the Prophet sa made to his uncle onthat occasion was: "If these people were to place the sunon my right hand and the moon on my left, I would notdesist from proclaiming and preaching the Unity <strong>of</strong> God"(Zurqani ). Again, during the Battle <strong>of</strong> Uhud when aremnant <strong>of</strong> wounded Muslims were grouped round himat the foot <strong>of</strong> a hill and their enemies were giving vent totheir feeling <strong>of</strong> jubilation at having broken the Muslimranks in shouts <strong>of</strong> victory and their leader Abu Sufyan racalled out: "May Hubal (one <strong>of</strong> the idols worshipped bythe Meccans) be exalted! May Hubal be exalted!" theHoly Prophet sa , in spite <strong>of</strong> realizing that his own safetyand that <strong>of</strong> the small band <strong>of</strong> Muslims who weregathered round him lay in keeping silent could restrainhimself no longer and directed his Companions to shoutin reply, "To Allah alone belongs victory and glory! ToAllah alone belongs victory and glory!" (Bukhari ).It was a common misconception among the followers<strong>of</strong> different religions before the advent <strong>of</strong> Islam that

208<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saheavenly and terrestrial manifestations took place tomark occasions <strong>of</strong> joy and sorrow for Prophets, saintsand other great men and that even the movements <strong>of</strong>the heavenly bodies could be controlled by them. Forinstance, it is related <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> them that they causedthe sun to become stationary in its course or stoppedthe progress <strong>of</strong> the moon or caused running water tobecome still. Islam taught that such notions werebaseless and that references to phenomena <strong>of</strong> this kindin religious Scriptures were only by way <strong>of</strong> metaphorwhich, instead <strong>of</strong> being interpreted in accordance withits correct significance, had given rise to superstitions.Nevertheless, some among Muslims were prone toattribute these phenomena to events in the lives <strong>of</strong> thegreat Prophets as . In the closing years <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet's sa life his son Ibrahim died at the age <strong>of</strong> twoand a half years. An eclipse <strong>of</strong> the sun occurred on thesame day. Some Muslims in Medina gave currency tothe idea that the sun had been darkened on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's sa son as a mark <strong>of</strong>divine condolence. When this was mentioned to the HolyProphet sa he expressed great displeasure and severelycondemned the notion. He explained that the sun andthe moon and other heavenly bodies were all governedby divine laws and that their movements and thephenomena connected with them had no relation to thelife or death <strong>of</strong> any person (Bukhari).Arabia is a very dry country and rain is alwayswelcome and is eagerly waited for. The Arabs used toimagine that the coming <strong>of</strong> rain was controlled by themovements <strong>of</strong> stars. Whenever anybody gave expressionto that idea, the Holy Prophet sa used to be very upsetand admonished his people not to attribute favoursbestowed upon them by Providence to other sources. Heexplained that rain and other natural phenomena wereall governed by divine laws and that they were notcontrolled by the pleasure or displeasure <strong>of</strong> any god orgoddess or <strong>of</strong> any other power (Muslim, Kitabul Iman).

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 209He had perfect trust in God which no combination <strong>of</strong>adverse circumstances could shake. On one occasion anenemy <strong>of</strong> his, finding him asleep and unguarded, stoodover his head with drawn sword and threatened todespatch him at once. Before doing so he asked: "Whocan rescue you from this predicament?" The HolyProphet sa calmly replied: "Allah." He uttered this wordwith such perfect assurance that even the heart <strong>of</strong> hisdisbelieving enemy was forced to acknowledge thel<strong>of</strong>tiness <strong>of</strong> his faith and trust in God. The sword fellfrom his hand, and he, who a moment before was bentupon his destruction, stood before him like a convictedcriminal awaiting sentence (Muslim, Kitabul Fada’il andBukhari, Kitabul Jihad).At the other end <strong>of</strong> the scale was his sense <strong>of</strong> perfecthumility vis-a-vis the Divine. Abu Huraira ra relates: "Oneday I heard the Holy Prophet sa say that no man wouldattain salvation through his own good deeds. ThereuponI said: ‘O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! 'Surely you will enterParadise through your own good actions,' to which hereplied: ‘No, I too cannot enter Paradise through my ownactions save only that God's Grace and Mercy shouldenvelop me' " (Bukhari, Kitabur Riqaq).He always exhorted people to choose and follow theright path and to be diligent in their search for meanswhereby they could attain nearness to God. He taughtthat no man should desire death for himself, for if he isgood he will, by living longer, be able to achieve greatergood; and if he is evil, he may, if given time, be able torepent <strong>of</strong> his evil ways and start on a good way. His lovefor, and devotion to, God found expression in manyways. For instance, whenever after a dry season the firstrain-drops began to descend, he would put out histongue to catch a rain-drop and would exclaim: "Here isthe latest favour from my Lord." He was constantlyoccupied in praying for God's forgiveness andbeneficence, more particularly when he was sittingamong people so that those who were in his company orwere connected with him and Muslims generally should

210<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sasave themselves from divine wrath and should becomedeserving <strong>of</strong> divine forgiveness. The consciousness thathe was always in the presence <strong>of</strong> God never desertedhim. When he used to lie down to sleep, he would say:"O Allah! let me die (go to sleep) with Thy name on mylips and with Thy name on my lips let me rise." When hewoke up, he would say: "All praise is due to God whohas brought me to life after death (sleep) and one day weshall all be gathered unto Him" (Bukhari).He constantly yearned for nearness to God and one<strong>of</strong> his <strong>of</strong>t-repeated prayers was "O Allah! Do Thou fill myheart with Thy light and fill my eyes with Thy light andfill my ears with Thy light and put Thy light on my rightand put Thy light on my left and put Thy light above meand put Thy light below me and put Thy light in front <strong>of</strong>me and put Thy light behind me and do Thou, O Allah,convert the whole <strong>of</strong> me into light" (Bukhari).Ibn ‘Abbas ra relates: "Shortly before the HolyProphet's sa death, Musailima (the false prophet) came toMedina and proclaimed that if <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa wouldappoint him his successor he would be prepared toaccept him. Musailima was accompanied by a very largeretinue and the tribe with which he was connected wasthe largest among the tribes <strong>of</strong> Arabia. When the HolyProphet sa was informed <strong>of</strong> his advent he went to meethim, accompanied by Thabit bin Qais bin Shams ra . Hehad in his hand a dried palm twig. When he arrived atMusailima's camp he went and stood in front <strong>of</strong> him. Inthe meantime some more <strong>of</strong> his Companions had comeup and ranged themselves round him. AddressingMusailima he said, "It has been conveyed to me that youhave said that if I were to appoint you my successor youwould be ready to follow me, but I am not willing tobestow even this dried palm twig upon you contrary toGod's commands. Your end will be as God hasappointed. If you turn your back on me God will bringyou to naught. I perceive very clearly that God will dealout to you what He has revealed to me." He then added:"I will now retire. If you have anything further to say,

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 211you may talk to Thabit bin Qais bin Shams ra , who willact as my representative." He then returned. AbuHuraira ra was also with him. Somebody inquired <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa what he meant by saying that God would dealout to Musailima what had been revealed to him. TheHoly Prophet sa replied: "I saw in a dream two braceletsround my wrists which I disliked. While still in mydream I was directed by God to blow upon the bracelets.When I blew upon them, both <strong>of</strong> them disappeared. Iinterpreted this to mean that two false claimants (toprophethood) would appear after me" (Bukhari, KitabulMaghazi). This incident occurred towards the end <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet's sa life. The last and the largest <strong>of</strong> the Arabtribes who had not yet accepted him was prepared tomake its submission and the only condition put forwardby it was that the Holy Prophet sa should appoint its chiefas his successor. Had the Prophet sa been actuated evenremotely by any personal motives, nothing stood in theway <strong>of</strong> his securing the unity <strong>of</strong> the whole <strong>of</strong> Arabia bypromising his succession to the chief <strong>of</strong> the largest tribe<strong>of</strong> Arabia. The Holy Prophet sa had no son <strong>of</strong> his own andno dynastic ambition could have stood in the way <strong>of</strong>such an arrangement, but he never regarded even thesmallest thing as belonging to him and as being at hisabsolute disposal. He could, therefore, not deal with theleadership <strong>of</strong> Muslims as if it were in his gift. Heregarded it as a sacred divine trust and believed thatGod would bestow it upon whomsoever He thought fit.He therefore rejected Musailima's <strong>of</strong>fer with contempt,and told him that, let alone the leadership <strong>of</strong> Muslims,he was not prepared to bestow upon him even a drypalm twig.Whenever he referred to or discoursed about God, itappeared to onlookers as if his whole being was in thegrip <strong>of</strong> a passion <strong>of</strong> love for and devotion to God.He always insisted upon simplicity in divine worship.The mosque, that he built in Medina and in which healways led prayers, had only a mud floor which wasinnocent <strong>of</strong> all covering or matting and the ro<strong>of</strong>, which

212<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sawas made <strong>of</strong> dried palm branches and leaves, leakedwhenever it rained. On such occasions the HolyProphet sa and members <strong>of</strong> the congregation would bedrenched with rain and mud but he would continuewith the prayers till the end and on no occasion did hegive any indication that he would postpone the serviceor remove to more weather-tight shelter (Bukhari,Kitabus Saum).He was also watchful regarding his Companions.‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar ra was a man <strong>of</strong> extreme piety andpurity <strong>of</strong> life. Concerning him the Holy Prophet sa oncesaid: " ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar ra would be an even betterman if he were to be more regular with regard to hisTahajjud prayers." 1 When this was communicated to‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar ra he never thereafter missed theseprayers. It is recorded that the Holy Prophet sa ,happening to be in the house <strong>of</strong> his daughter Fatima ra ,inquired <strong>of</strong> her and his son-in-law, ‘Ali ra , whether theywere regular with regard to their Tahajjud prayers. ‘Ali rareplied: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! We try to get up forTahajjud prayers but on occasion when God so wills thatwe are unable to wake up in time we miss them." Hewent back and, on the way, repeated several times averse <strong>of</strong> the Qur’an which means that a man is <strong>of</strong>tenreluctant to admit his fault and tries to cover it up withexcuses (Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf ). The Prophet sa meantthat ‘Ali ra should not have attributed his default to Godby saying that when God willed that they should notwake up they were unable to wake up in time, butshould have admitted his own weakness in the matter.DISAPPROVAL OF PENANCEThe Holy Prophet sa , however, strongly disapproved <strong>of</strong>formality in the matter <strong>of</strong> worship and condemned theimposition <strong>of</strong> any penance upon oneself as a form <strong>of</strong>1 This is a voluntary prayer which is said in the latter part <strong>of</strong> the night and isnot one <strong>of</strong> the daily prayers.—Ed.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 213worship. He taught that true worship consists in thebeneficent use <strong>of</strong> the faculties with which God hasendowed man. God having bestowed eyes upon man tosee with, it would not be worship but impertinence tokeep them shut or to have them removed. It is not theproper use <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong> sight which can be regardedas sinful, it is the improper use <strong>of</strong> the faculty that wouldbe a sin. It would be ingratitude on the part <strong>of</strong> a man tohave himself deprived <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong> hearing, though itwould be sinful <strong>of</strong> him to use that faculty for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> listening to slander and backbiting.Abstention from food (except on occasions when it isprescribed or is otherwise desirable) may amount tosuicide and thus constitute an unforgivable sin, thoughit would also be sinful on the part <strong>of</strong> a man to devotehimself entirely to food and drink or to indulge in theeating or drinking <strong>of</strong> prohibited or undesirable articles.This is a golden principle which was taught andemphasized by the Holy Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam and whichhad not been inculcated by any previous Prophet.The correct use <strong>of</strong> natural faculties constitutes highmoral qualities; the frustration or stultification <strong>of</strong> thosequalities is folly. It is their improper use that is evil orsinful. Their proper use is true virtue. This is theessence <strong>of</strong> the moral teachings inculcated by the HolyProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam. And this, in brief, was also a picture<strong>of</strong> his own life and actions. ‘A’isha ra relates: "Wheneverthe Holy Prophet sa had a choice <strong>of</strong> two courses <strong>of</strong> actionhe always chose the easier <strong>of</strong> the two, provided it wasfree from all suspicion <strong>of</strong> error or sin. Where a course <strong>of</strong>action was open to such suspicion, the Holy Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>all men gave it the widest berth" (Muslim, KitabulFada’il ). This is indeed the highest and the mostadmirable course open to man. Many men voluntarilycourt pain and privations, not for the purpose <strong>of</strong>winning God's pleasure, for God's pleasure is not to bewon by inflicting purposeless pain and privations upononeself, but with the object <strong>of</strong> deceiving mankind. Suchpeople possess little inherent virtue and wish to cover

214<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saup their faults and to acquire merit in the eyes <strong>of</strong> othersby assuming false virtues. The object <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa <strong>of</strong> Islam, however, was to attain to real virtueand to win the pleasure <strong>of</strong> God. He was, therefore,completely free from pretence and make-believe. Thatthe world should regard him as bad or should appraisehim as good was a matter <strong>of</strong> complete indifference tohim. All that mattered to him was how he found himselfand how God would judge him. If in addition to thetestimony <strong>of</strong> his conscience and the approval <strong>of</strong> God healso won the true testimony <strong>of</strong> mankind he was grateful,but if men looked upon him with jaundiced eyes he wassorry for them and attached no value to their opinion.ATTITUDE TOWARDS HIS WIVESHe was extremely kind and fair towards his wives. Ifon occasion any one <strong>of</strong> them failed to comport herselfwith due deference towards him he merely smiled andpassed the matter over. He said to ‘A’isha ra one day: "‘A’isha ra , whenever you are upset with me I always get toknow it." ‘A’isha ra enquired: "How is that?" He said: "Ihave noticed that when you are pleased with me and inthe course <strong>of</strong> conversation you have to refer to God, yourefer to Him as the Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa . But if you arenot pleased with me, you refer to Him as the Lord <strong>of</strong>Ibrahim as ." At this ‘A’isha ra laughed and said he wasright (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikdh). Khadija ra was his firstwife and had made great sacrifices in his cause. She wasmuch older than the Prophet sa After her death hemarried younger women but never permitted thememory <strong>of</strong> Khadija ra to become dim. Whenever any <strong>of</strong>Khadija ra 's friends visited him he would stand up toreceive her (Muslim). If he chanced to see any article thathad belonged to or had been connected with Khadija ra ,he was always overcome by emotion. Among theprisoners taken by the Muslims in the Battle <strong>of</strong> Badrwas a son-in-law <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa . He possessed nothing

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 215which he could <strong>of</strong>fer as ransom. His wife Zainab ra (theProphet's sa daughter) sent to Medina a necklace whichhad belonged to her mother (Khadija ra ) and <strong>of</strong>fered it asransom for her husband. When the Prophet sa saw thenecklace he recognized it and was much affected. Hesaid to his Companions: "I have no authority to give anydirection in this matter, but I know that this necklace ischerished by Zainab ra as a last memento <strong>of</strong> her deceasedmother and, provided it commends itself to you, I wouldsuggest that she should not be deprived <strong>of</strong> it and it maybe returned to her." They intimated that nothing wouldgive them greater pleasure and readily adopted hissuggestion (Halbiyya, Vol. 2). He <strong>of</strong>ten praised Khadija rato his other wives and stressed her virtues and thesacrifices that she had made in the cause <strong>of</strong> Islam. Onone such occasion ‘A’isha ra was piqued and said: "OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah, why go on talking <strong>of</strong> the old lady?God has bestowed better, younger and more attractivewives upon you." The Holy Prophet sa was overcome byemotion at hearing this and protested: "O no, ‘A’isha ra !You have no idea how good Khadija ra was to me"(Bukhari ).HIGH MORAL QUALITIESHe was always very patient in adversity. He wasnever discouraged by adverse circumstances nor did hepermit any personal desire to get a hold over him. It hasbeen related already that his father had died before hisbirth and his mother died while he was still a little child.Up to the age <strong>of</strong> eight, he was in the guardianship <strong>of</strong> hisgrandfather and after the latter's death he was takencare <strong>of</strong> by his uncle, Abu Talib. Both on account <strong>of</strong>natural affection and also because he had been speciallyadmonished in that behalf by his father, Abu Talibalways watched over his nephew with care andindulgence but his wife was not affected by theseconsiderations to the same degree. It <strong>of</strong>ten happened

216<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sathat she would distribute something among her ownchildren, leaving out their little cousin. If Abu Talibchanced to come into the house on such an occasion hewould find his little nephew sitting apart, a perfectpicture <strong>of</strong> dignity and without a trace <strong>of</strong> sulkiness orgrievance on his face. The uncle, yielding to the claims<strong>of</strong> affection and recognizing his responsibility, would runto the nephew, clasp him to his bosom and cry out: "Dopay attention to this child <strong>of</strong> mine also! Do pay attentionto this child <strong>of</strong> mine also!" Such incidents were notuncommon and those who were witnesses to them wereunanimous in their testimony that the young<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa never gave any indication that he was inany way affected by them or that he was in any sensejealous <strong>of</strong> his cousins. Later in life when he was in aposition to do so, he took upon himself the care andupbringing <strong>of</strong> two <strong>of</strong> his uncle's sons, ‘Ali ra and Ja‘far ra ,and discharged this responsibility in the most excellentmanner.The Holy Prophet sa , throughout his life, had toencounter a succession <strong>of</strong> bitter experiences. He wasborn an orphan, his mother died while he was still asmall child and he lost his grandfather at the age <strong>of</strong>eight years. After marriage he had to bear the loss <strong>of</strong>several children, one after the other, and then hisbeloved and devoted wife Khadija ra died. Some <strong>of</strong> thewives he married after Khadija's ra death, died during hislifetime and towards the close <strong>of</strong> his life he had to bearthe loss <strong>of</strong> his son Ibrahim. He bore all these losses andcalamities cheerfully, and none <strong>of</strong> them affected in theleast degree either his high resolve or the urbanity <strong>of</strong> hisdisposition. His private sorrows never found vent inpublic and he always met everybody with a benigncountenance and treated all alike with uniform benevolence.On one occasion he observed a woman who hadlost a child occupied in loud mourning over her child'sgrave. He admonished her to be patient and to acceptGod's will as supreme. The woman did not know thatshe was being addressed by the Holy Prophet sa and

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 217replied: "If you had ever suffered the loss <strong>of</strong> a child as Ihave, you would have realized how difficult it is to bepatient under such an affliction." The Prophet saobserved: "I have suffered the loss not <strong>of</strong> one but <strong>of</strong>seven children," and passed on. Except when he referredto his own losses or misfortunes in this indirect manner,he never cared to dwell upon them nor did he permitthem in any manner to interfere with his unceasingservice to mankind and his cheerful sharing <strong>of</strong> theirburdens.HIS SELF-CONTROLHe always held himself under complete control. Evenwhen he became a Sovereign he always listened toeverybody with patience, and if a person treated himwith impertinence he bore with him and neverattempted any retaliation. In the East, one way <strong>of</strong>showing respect for a person whom one is addressing isnot to address him by his personal name. The Muslimsused to address the Holy Prophet sa as: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong>Allah sa ", and non-Muslims used to address him as "Abu’lQasim sa " (i.e., Qasim's father: Qasim being the name <strong>of</strong>one <strong>of</strong> his sons). On one occasion a Jew came to him inMedina and started a discussion with him. In the course<strong>of</strong> the discussion he repeatedly addressed him as "O<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , O <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ". The Prophet sa paid noattention to his form <strong>of</strong> address and went on patientlyexpounding the matter under discussion to him. HisCompanions ra , however, were getting irritated at the discourteousform <strong>of</strong> address adopted by his interlocutortill one <strong>of</strong> them, not being able to restrain himself anylonger, admonished the Jew not to address the Prophet saby his personal name but to address him as Abu’lQasim sa . The Jew said that he would address him onlyby the name which his parents had given him. TheProphet sa smiled and said to his Companions: "He isright. I was named <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa at the time <strong>of</strong> my birth

218<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saand there is no reason to be upset at his addressing meby that name."Sometimes people stopped him in the way andengaged him in conversation, explaining their needs andpreferring their requests to him. He always stoodpatiently and let them go on and proceeded only afterthey had done. On occasion people when shaking handswith him kept hold <strong>of</strong> his hand for some time and,though he found this inconvenient and it occasioned aloss <strong>of</strong> precious time also, he was never the first towithdraw his hand. People went freely to him and laidtheir troubles and difficulties before him and asked himfor help. If he was able to help he never declined to doso. Sometimes he was pestered with requests and theywere unreasonably pressed but he went on complyingwith them as far as he was able. On occasion, aftercomplying with a request, he would admonish theperson concerned to have greater trust in God and toavoid asking others for relief. On one occasion a devoutMuslim asked him several times for money and eachtime he complied with his request but in the end said:"It is best for a man to put his trust in God and to avoidmaking requests." The person concerned was a sincereman. Out <strong>of</strong> regard for the feelings <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , hedid not <strong>of</strong>fer to return what he had already received buthe declared that in future he would never make arequest to anybody under any circumstances. Yearslater, he was taking part in a battle, mounted on acharger, and in the thick <strong>of</strong> it when the din andconfusion and the clash <strong>of</strong> arms were at their highestand he was surrounded by his enemies, his whip fellfrom his hand. A Muslim soldier who was on foot,perceiving his predicament, bent down to pick up thewhip for him but the mounted man begged him to desistand jumped from his horse and picked up the whiphimself, explaining to the soldier that he had long sincepromised the Holy Prophet sa that he would never makeany request to anybody and that if he had permitted thesoldier to pick up the whip for him it would have

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 219amounted to his having made an indirect request andwould thus have rendered him guilty <strong>of</strong> breaking hispromise to the Holy Prophet sa .JUSTICE AND FAIR DEALINGThe Arabs were greatly given to favouritism andapplied different standards to different persons. Evenamong the so-called civilized nations <strong>of</strong> today oneobserves a reluctance to bring prominent persons orpersons occupying high positions or <strong>of</strong>fices to accountfor their doings, though the law is enforced rigorouslyagainst the common citizen. The Holy Prophet sa was,however, unique in enforcing uniform standards <strong>of</strong>justice and fair dealing. On one occasion a case camebefore him in which a young woman belonging to ahighly respectable family was found to have committedtheft. This caused great consternation as, if the normalpenalty were imposed upon the young woman, a leadingfamily would be humiliated and disgraced. Many wereanxious to intercede with the Prophet sa on behalf <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>fender but were afraid to do so. Eventually Usama rawas prevailed upon to undertake the mission. Usama rawent to the Holy Prophet sa but the moment the latterperceived the trend <strong>of</strong> his submission he was muchupset and said: "You had better desist. Nations havecome to a bad end for showing favours to highly placedpersons while pressing hard on the common people.Islam does not permit this and I will certainly not do it.Verily, if my own daughter, Fatima ra , were to commit an<strong>of</strong>fence I would not hesitate to impose the appropriatepenalty" (Bukhari, Kitabul Hudud).It has already been related that when the Prophet'suncle ‘Abbas ra became a prisoner in the Battle <strong>of</strong> Badr,he was, like other prisoners, tied up with a rope toprevent his escape. The rope was so tightly secured thathe groaned with pain during the night. The Prophet saheard his groans and was unable to sleep. The

220<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saCompanions <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa , perceiving this, loosenedthe rope that bound ‘Abbas ra . When the Prophet sa got tolearn <strong>of</strong> this, he directed that all prisoners should betreated alike, saying that there was no reason forshowing favour to his own relative. He insisted thateither they must loosen the bonds <strong>of</strong> all the prisoners ormust tighten the bonds <strong>of</strong> ‘Abbas ra like those <strong>of</strong> theothers. As the Companions <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa did not wishhim to be subjected to uneasiness on account <strong>of</strong> hisuncle they undertook to guard the prisoners carefullyand loosened the bonds <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> them (Zurqani, Vol. 3, p.279).Even during the exigencies <strong>of</strong> war he was mostparticular in observing all accepted rules andconventions. On one occasion he despatched a party <strong>of</strong>his Companions on a scouting expedition. Theyencountered some men <strong>of</strong> the enemy on the last day <strong>of</strong>the Sacred Month, Rajab. Thinking that it would bedangerous to let them escape and carry to Mecca thetidings <strong>of</strong> the scouting party being so near, theyattacked them and in the course <strong>of</strong> the skirmish one <strong>of</strong>them was killed. After the scouting party had returnedto Medina the Meccans began to protest that the Muslimscouts had killed one <strong>of</strong> their men in the Sacred Month.The Meccans had <strong>of</strong>ten been guilty <strong>of</strong> violating thesanctity <strong>of</strong> the Sacred Months vis-a-vis the Muslimswhenever it suited them, and it would have been asuitable reply to their protest to say that as the Meccanshad themselves set at naught the convention relating tothe Sacred Months, so they were not entitled to insistupon their observance by Muslims. But the Prophet sadid not make this reply. He severely reprimanded themembers <strong>of</strong> the party, refused to accept the booty andaccording to some reports even paid the blood-money forthe person killed, till the revelation <strong>of</strong> 2: 218 cleared thewhole position (Tabari and Halbiyya).People are generally careful not to hurt the feelings <strong>of</strong>their friends and relations but the Holy Prophet sa wasvery particular in this respect even regarding people who

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 221were opposed to him. On one occasion a Jew came tohim and complained that Abu Bakr ra had hurt hisfeelings by saying that God had exalted <strong>Muhammad</strong> saabove Moses as . The Prophet sa summoned Abu Bakr ra andasked him what had transpired. Abu Bakr ra explainedthat the Jew had started by saying that he swore byMoses as whom God, he said, had exalted above thewhole <strong>of</strong> mankind, and that he (Abu Bakr ra ) hadthereupon retorted by swearing by <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa , whomGod had exalted above Moses as . The Prophet sa said: "Youshould not have said this as the feelings <strong>of</strong> other peopleshould be respected. Nobody should exalt me aboveMoses as " (Bukhari, Kitabut Tauhid). This did not meanthat the Holy Prophet sa did not in fact occupy a higherposition than Moses as but that an affirmation like thisaddressed to a Jew was likely to hurt his feelings andshould have been avoided.REGARD FOR THE POORThe Holy Prophet sa was ever concerned to amelioratethe condition <strong>of</strong> the poorer sections <strong>of</strong> the communityand to raise their status in society. On one occasionwhile he was sitting with his Companions ra , a rich manhappened to pass by.The Prophet sa inquired <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> hisCompanions ra what he thought <strong>of</strong> him. He replied "He isa well-to-do and well-connected man. If he were to askfor the hand <strong>of</strong> a girl in marriage the request would befavourably considered and if he were to intercede onbehalf <strong>of</strong> anybody the intercession would be accepted."Shortly after, another man passed by who appeared tobe poor and <strong>of</strong> no substance. The Prophet sa inquired <strong>of</strong>the same Companion ra what he thought <strong>of</strong> him. Hereplied: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! He is a poor man. If hewere to request the hand <strong>of</strong> a girl in marriage therequest would not be favourably received and if he wereto intercede on behalf <strong>of</strong> any person the intercessionwould be rejected and if he were to seek to engage

222<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saanybody in conversation no attention would be paid tohim." On hearing this the Prophet sa observed: "Theworth <strong>of</strong> this poor man is much greater than the value <strong>of</strong>a quantity <strong>of</strong> gold sufficient to fill the whole universe"(Bukhari, Kitabur Riqaq).A poor Muslim woman used to clean out the HolyProphet's sa mosque in Medina. The Prophet sa did not seeher in the mosque for some days and made inquiriesconcerning her He was told that she had died. He said:"Why was I not informed when she died? I would havewished to join her funeral prayers," and added,"perchance you did not consider her worthy <strong>of</strong>consideration as she was poor. This was not right.Direct me to her grave." He then proceeded to her graveand prayed for her (Bukhari, Kitabus Salat). He used tosay that there were people with tangled hair whosebodies were covered with dust and who were notwelcomed by those who were well-to-do but who were sohighly valued by God that if, trusting in God'sbeneficence, they swore in His name that a certainmatter would take a certain turn He would supportthem." (Muslim, Kitabul Birr Was Sila). On one occasionsome Companions <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa who were freedslaves were sitting together when Abu Sufyan ra (who wasa chieftain among the Quraish and had fought theMuslims up to the surrender <strong>of</strong> Mecca and had acceptedIslam only on that occasion) happened to pass by. TheseCompanions ra , addressing him, recalled the victory thatGod had bestowed upon Islam. Abu Bakr ra also heardthis and did not approve <strong>of</strong> a chieftain <strong>of</strong> the Quraishbeing reminded <strong>of</strong> their humiliation and he reprimandedthe group <strong>of</strong> Companions ra . He then went to the HolyProphet sa and related the incident to him. The Prophet sasaid: "O Abu Bakr ra ! I fear you may have hurt thefeelings <strong>of</strong> these servants <strong>of</strong> God. If that should be so,God would be <strong>of</strong>fended with you." Abu Bakr ra at oncereturned to those people and inquired: "Brothers <strong>of</strong>mine! Did you feel hurt over what I said?" To which they

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 223replied: "We felt no <strong>of</strong>fence at what you said. May Godforgive you!" (Muslim, Kitabul Fada’l ).While, however, the Prophet sa insisted that poorpeople should be respected and their feelings should notbe injured and strove to fulfil their needs, he also soughtto instil the sentiment <strong>of</strong> self-respect into them andtaught them not to beg for favours. He used to say thatit behoved a poor man not to seek to be content with adate or two or with a mouthful or two <strong>of</strong> food but torestrain himself from making a request, howeverseverely he might be tried (Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf ). Onthe other hand he used to say that no entertainmentwould be blessed unless some poor people were alsoinvited to it. ‘A’isha ra relates that a poor woman came tovisit her on one occasion accompanied by her two littledaughters. ‘A’isha ra had nothing with her at the timeexcept one date which she gave to the woman. Thewoman divided it between her little daughters and thenthey all departed. When the Prophet sa came home‘A’isha ra related this to him and he said: "If a poor manhas daughters and he treats them with consideration,God will save him from the torments <strong>of</strong> Hell," and added:"God will bestow Paradise upon this woman on account<strong>of</strong> the consideration she showed towards her daughters"(Muslim). On one occasion he was told that one <strong>of</strong> hisCompanions, Sa‘d ra , who was a well-to-do person, wasboasting <strong>of</strong> his enterprise to others. When the Prophet saheard this, he said: "Let no man imagine that his wealthor standing or power is the result merely <strong>of</strong> his ownefforts or enterprise. That is not so. Your power andyour position and your wealth are all earned throughthe poor." One <strong>of</strong> his prayers was: "O God! Keep mehumble while I am alive and keep me humble when I dieand let my resurrection on the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement bewith the humble" (Tirmidhi, Abwabul Zuhad).On one occasion during the hot weather when hewas passing through a street, he observed a very poorMuslim carrying heavy loads from one place to another.He was very plain <strong>of</strong> features which were rendered still

224<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> samore unattractive by a heavy coating <strong>of</strong> perspiration anddust. He bore a melancholy look. The Holy Prophet saapproached him stealthily from the back and, aschildren sometimes do in fun, he put forward his handsand covered the labourer's eyes with them, expectinghim to guess who he was. The man put back his ownhands and feeling over the body <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa realizedthat it was the Holy Prophet sa himself. He probablyguessed also that nobody else would show such intimateaffection for a man in his condition. Being pleased andencouraged, he pressed against the Holy Prophet's sabody and clasped him to himself from the back rubbinghis dust and sweat-covered body against the clothes <strong>of</strong>the Prophet sa , desiring perhaps to ascertain how far theProphet sa would be willing to indulge him. The Prophet sawent on smiling and did not ask him to desist. When theman had been put in a thoroughly happy mood theProphet sa said to him: "I possess a slave; do you thinkanybody will be willing to buy him?" The man realizedthat probably there was nobody in the whole world, savethe Holy Prophet sa himself who would be ready to seeany worth in him, and with a melancholy sigh hereplied: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! there is nobody in thisworld who would be prepared to purchase me." TheProphet sa said: "No! No! You must not say that. You are<strong>of</strong> great worth in the eyes <strong>of</strong> God" (Sharhussunna).Not only was he himself watchful <strong>of</strong> the welfare <strong>of</strong> thepoor but he constantly exhorted others to be the same.Abu Musa Ash‘ari ra relates that if a needy personapproached the Holy Prophet sa and made a request, hewould say to those around him, "You should alsosupport his request so that you may acquire merit bybecoming sharers in promoting a good deed" (Bukhariand Muslim), his object being to create on the one side inthe minds <strong>of</strong> his Companions a feeling <strong>of</strong> eagerness tohelp the poor and on the other in the minds <strong>of</strong> the needya realization <strong>of</strong> the affection and sympathy felt for themby their better-<strong>of</strong>f brethren.

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 225SAFEGUARDING THE INTERESTS OF THE POORWhen Islam began to be generally accepted over thegreater part <strong>of</strong> Arabia, the Holy Prophet sa <strong>of</strong>ten receivedlarge quantities <strong>of</strong> goods and money which heimmediately distributed amongst those who were inneed. On one occasion his daughter Fatima ra came tohim and, showing him her hands which had becomecalloused by the labour involved in crushing grain withstones, requested that a slave might be allotted to her tolighten her labour. The Prophet sa replied: "I shall tell yousomething which will prove to be <strong>of</strong> far greater worththan a slave. When you go to bed at night you shouldutter the praise <strong>of</strong> God thirty-three times, and affirm Hisperfection an equal number <strong>of</strong> times and affirm Hisgreatness thirty-four times. This will help you a greatdeal more than could the possession <strong>of</strong> a slave"(Bukhari).While distributing money on one occasion a coin fellfrom his hands and rolled out <strong>of</strong> sight. Having finishedwith the distribution he went to the mosque and led theprayers. It was his practice to remain sitting for a shortwhile after the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the prayers, occupied in theremembrance <strong>of</strong> God and thereafter to let peopleapproach him and put questions to him or pr<strong>of</strong>ferrequests. On this occasion, as soon as the prayers wereconcluded, he got up and proceeded quickly to hishouse. He looked for the missing coin and, havingrecovered it, came back and bestowed it upon a needyperson, explaining that the coin had fallen from hishands during the distribution <strong>of</strong> money and the matterhad gone out <strong>of</strong> his mind but he suddenly recollected itwhile-leading the prayers and he was made uneasy bythe thought that if he were to die before he could recoverthe coin and give it away to some person in need, hewould be held responsible for it before God; that was thereason why he had left the mosque in such a hurry torecover the coin (Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf ).

226<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saIn his anxiety to fully safe-guard the interests <strong>of</strong> thepoor and the needy he went so far as to lay down thatno charity should ever be bestowed upon hisdescendants, fearing lest Muslims out <strong>of</strong> their love forand devotion towards himself should in course <strong>of</strong> timemake his descendants the principal objects <strong>of</strong> theircharity and thus deprive the poor and needy <strong>of</strong> their dueshare. On one occasion somebody brought to him aquantity <strong>of</strong> dates and <strong>of</strong>fered them as charity. Hisgrandson Imam Hasan ra , who was then only two and ahalf years <strong>of</strong> age, happened to be sitting with theProphet sa . He picked up one <strong>of</strong> the dates and put it intohis mouth. The Prophet sa immediately put his finger intothe child's mouth and forced the date out <strong>of</strong> it saying:"We have no right in this. This belongs to the pooramong God's creatures" (Bukhari, Kitabul Kusuf ).TREATMENT OF SLAVESHe constantly exhorted those who owned slaves totreat them kindly and well. He had laid down that if theowner <strong>of</strong> a slave beat his slave or abused him, the onlyreparation that he could make was to set the slave free(Muslim, Kitabul Iman). He devised means for, andencouraged, the freeing <strong>of</strong> slaves on every pretext. Hesaid: "If a person owning a slave sets him free, God willin recompense save every part <strong>of</strong> his body correspondingto every part <strong>of</strong> the slave's body from the torment <strong>of</strong>Hell." Again, he laid down that a slave should be askedto perform only such tasks as he could easilyaccomplish and that when he was set to do a task, hismaster should help him in performing it so that theslave should experience no feeling <strong>of</strong> humiliation ordegradation (Muslim). If a master went on a journeyaccompanied by a slave, it was his duty to share hismount with the slave either by both riding together oreach riding in turn. Abu Huraira ra , who used to spendthe whole <strong>of</strong> his time after becoming a Muslim in the

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 227company <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa and who had repeatedly heardthe Prophet's sa injunctions regarding the treatment <strong>of</strong>slaves, has said: "I call God to witness in Whose handsis my life that were it not for the opportunities that I get<strong>of</strong> joining in holy war and <strong>of</strong> performing the Pilgrimageand were it not that I have opportunities <strong>of</strong> serving myold mother, I would have desired to die a slave, for theHoly Prophet sa constantly insisted upon slaves beingwell and kindly treated" (Muslim). Ma‘rur bin Suwaid rarelates: "I saw Abu Dharr Ghaffari ra (a Companion ra <strong>of</strong>the Holy Prophet sa ) wearing clothes exactly similar tothose worn by his slave. I inquired <strong>of</strong> him the reason <strong>of</strong>this and he said: 'During the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa I once taunted a man with his mother havingbeen a slave. Upon this the Holy Prophet sa rebuked meand said: "You still seem to entertain pre-Islamicnotions. What are slaves? They are your brethren andthe source <strong>of</strong> your power. God in His wisdom conferstemporary authority upon you over them. He who hassuch authority over his brother should feed him with thekind <strong>of</strong> food he himself eats; clothe him with the kind <strong>of</strong>clothes he himself wears and should not set him a taskbeyond his strength and should himself help him inwhatever he is asked to do".' "On another occasion theProphet sa said: "When your servant cooks food for youand sets it out before you, you should ask him to sitdown with you to eat or at least to partake <strong>of</strong> a portion<strong>of</strong> it in your company, for he has established a right in itby working on it' (Muslim).TREATMENT OF WOMENThe Holy Prophet sa was very keen on improving thecondition <strong>of</strong> women in society and on securing for thema position <strong>of</strong> dignity and fair and equitable treatment.Islam was the first religion which conferred upon womenthe right <strong>of</strong> inheritance. The Qur’an makes daughtersalong with sons heirs to the property left by their

228<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saparents. In the same way a mother is made an heir toher son's or daughter's property and a wife is made anheir to her husband's property. When a brother becomesan heir <strong>of</strong> his deceased brother's property a sister is alsoan heir to that property. No religion before Islam had soclearly and firmly established a woman's right <strong>of</strong>inheritance and her right to possess property. In Islam awoman is the absolute owner <strong>of</strong> her own property andher husband cannot obtain any control over it by virtuemerely <strong>of</strong> their relationship. A woman is at full liberty todeal with her property as she chooses.The Holy Prophet sa was so careful with regard to thekind treatment <strong>of</strong> women that those around him whohad not previously been accustomed to looking uponwomen in the light <strong>of</strong> helpmates and partners found itdifficult to accommodate themselves to the standardsthat the Prophet sa was anxious to see set up andmaintained. ‘Umar ra relates: "My wife occasionallysought to intervene in my affairs with her counsel and Iwould rebuke her, saying that the Arabs had neverpermitted their women to intervene in their affairs. Shewould retort: ‘That is all past. The Holy Prophet sa letshis wives counsel him in his affairs and he does not stopthem. Why don't you follow his example?' My reply usedto be: As for ‘A’isha ra the Prophet sa is particularly fond <strong>of</strong>her but as regards your daughter (Hafsa ra ), if she doesthis she will one day have to suffer the consequences <strong>of</strong>her impertinence.' It so happened that thereafter on oneoccasion the Holy Prophet sa , being upset oversomething, decided to spend a period <strong>of</strong> time apart fromhis wives. When I learnt <strong>of</strong> this I said to my wife, What Ihad feared had come to pass. Then I went to the house<strong>of</strong> my daughter Hafsa ra and found her crying. I inquired<strong>of</strong> her what the matter was and whether the Prophet sahad divorced her. She said: 'I don't know about divorce,but the Prophet sa has decided to remain away from usfor some time.' I said to her: 'Did I not <strong>of</strong>ten tell you notto take the same liberties with him as ‘A’isha ra does, forthe Holy Prophet sa is particularly fond <strong>of</strong> ‘A’isha ra , but

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 229you seem to have brought upon yourself what I hadfeared.' I then went to the Holy Prophet sa and found himlying down on a rough matting. He was at that timewearing no shirt and his body bore the marks <strong>of</strong> thepattern <strong>of</strong> the matting. I sat down near him and said: ‘OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah! the Kaiser and the Chosroes do notdeserve any <strong>of</strong> God's favours and yet they pass theirlives in great comfort and you who are His Messengerpass your days in such discomfort.' The Prophet sareplied: 'That is not so. The Messengers <strong>of</strong> Allah are notexpected to spend their time in comfort. That kind <strong>of</strong> lifebefits only secular monarchs.' I then related to theProphet sa all that had passed between me and my wifeand daughter. Hearing me, the Prophet sa laughed andsaid: ‘It is not true that I have divorced my wives. I havemerely thought it advisable to spend a little time awayfrom them' " (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikah).He was so careful concerning the sentiments <strong>of</strong>women that on one occasion when he was leading theprayers he heard the cry <strong>of</strong> a child and concluded theservice quickly, explaining thereafter that as he hadheard the cry <strong>of</strong> the child he imagined that the child'smother would be distressed at its cry and he hadtherefore concluded the service quickly so that themother could go to the child and look after it.When during any <strong>of</strong> his journeys women were alsoamong the party he always gave directions that thecaravan should move slowly and by easy stages. On onesuch occasion when the men were eager to pushforward, he said: "Take care <strong>of</strong> glass! Take care <strong>of</strong> glass!"meaning thereby that women were <strong>of</strong> the party and thatif camels and horses were put to the gallop they wouldsuffer from the joltings <strong>of</strong> the animals (Bukhari, KitabulAdab). During a battle confusion arose among the ranks<strong>of</strong> the mounted soldiers and the animals became unmanageable.The Holy Prophet sa fell from his horse andsome <strong>of</strong> the women also fell from their mounts. One <strong>of</strong>his Companions ra , who was riding a camel immediatelybehind the Prophet sa jumped down and ran towards him

230<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sacrying: "May I be your sacrifice, O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ."The Prophet's sa foot was still in the stirrup. He releasedit hastily and said to his Companion: "Don't botherabout me, go and help the women." Just before hisdeath one <strong>of</strong> the injunctions he addressed to Muslimsand laid stress upon was that they should always treatwomen with kindness and consideration. It was an <strong>of</strong>trepeatedsaying <strong>of</strong> his that if a man had daughters andhe arranged to have them educated and took pains withtheir upbringing, God would save him from the torment<strong>of</strong> Hell (Tirmidhi).It was a common practice with the Arabs to inflictphysical chastisement upon women for every little fault.The Holy Prophet sa taught that women were equally withmen the creatures <strong>of</strong> God and were not the slaves <strong>of</strong>men and should not be beaten. When women got toknow <strong>of</strong> this they went to the other extreme and beganto oppose men in everything, with the result that inmany homes domestic peace was continually disturbed.‘Umar ra complained <strong>of</strong> this to the Holy Prophet sa andsaid that unless women could on occasion be chastisedthey would become unruly and there would be noholding them in check. As detailed Islamic teachingswith regard to the treatment <strong>of</strong> women had not yet beenrevealed, the Prophet sa said that if a woman was guilty<strong>of</strong> serious transgression she might be chastised. This inits turn led the men in many cases to revert to the oldArab practice. It was now the turn <strong>of</strong> the women tocomplain and they laid their grievances before theProphet's sa wives. Thereupon, the Prophet sa admonishedmen and told them that those who treated women withunkindness could never win the favour <strong>of</strong> God.Thereafter the rights <strong>of</strong> women were established, and forthe first time women began to be treated as freeindividuals in their own right (Abu Dawud, KitabunNikah).Mu‘awiya al-Qushairi ra relates: "I inquired <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet sa what claim my wife had upon me," andhe replied: "Feed her with that which God bestows upon

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 231you in the way <strong>of</strong> food, and clothe her with that whichGod bestows upon you in the way <strong>of</strong> clothes and do notchastise her nor abuse her nor put her out <strong>of</strong> yourhouse." He was so careful <strong>of</strong> the feelings and sentiments<strong>of</strong> women that he always exhorted those who had to goupon a journey to finish their errands quickly andreturn home as soon as possible so that their wives andchildren should not suffer separation longer than wasnecessary. Whenever he returned from a journey healways came home during the day-time. If he foundnight approaching towards the end <strong>of</strong> his journey, hewould camp outside Medina for the night and enter itnext morning. He also told his Companions that whenthey returned from a journey they should not comehome suddenly without notice <strong>of</strong> their return (Bukhariand Muslim). In giving this direction he had in mind thefact that the relations between the sexes are largelygoverned by sentiment. In the absence <strong>of</strong> the husband awife may <strong>of</strong>ten neglect the care <strong>of</strong> her body and <strong>of</strong> herdress and if the husband were to return homeunexpectedly the finer sentiments <strong>of</strong> the wife or thehusband might be upset. By giving the direction thatwhen a man returns from a journey he should contriveto arrive home during the day-time and after intimationto the members <strong>of</strong> his family <strong>of</strong> his return, he ensuredthat the members <strong>of</strong> his family would be ready to receivethe returning member in a befitting manner.ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE DEADHe enjoined that every person should make a willconcerning the regulation <strong>of</strong> his affairs after his death sothat those connected with him should suffer theminimum <strong>of</strong> inconvenience after his demise.He laid down that no man should speak ill <strong>of</strong> aperson who was dead but that whatever <strong>of</strong> good he hadpossessed should be emphasized, for no benefit couldresult to anybody from mentioning the weaknesses orvices <strong>of</strong> the deceased but by emphasizing his virtues

232<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sapeople would be inclined to pray for him (Bukhari). Heinsisted upon a deceased person's debts being paidbefore he was buried. He very <strong>of</strong>ten satisfied theliabilities <strong>of</strong> a deceased person himself, but if he was notable to do this, he exhorted the heirs and relatives <strong>of</strong> thedeceased or other persons to discharge his liabilities andwould not say the funeral prayers over a deceasedperson till his liabilities had been discharged.TREATMENT OF NEIGHBOURSHe always treated his neighbours with extremekindness and consideration. He used to say that theangel Gabriel had emphasized consideration towardsone's neighbours so <strong>of</strong>ten that he sometimes began tothink that a neighbour would perhaps be includedamong the prescribed heirs. Abu Dharr ra relates that theHoly Prophet sa said to him: "Abu Dharr ra , while broth isbeing cooked for your family, add a little more water to itso that your neighbour might also share in it." This doesnot mean that the neighbour should not be invited toshare in other things but, as the Arabs were mostly amigratory people and their favourite dish was broth, theHoly Prophet sa referred to this dish as a typical one andtaught that one should not think so much <strong>of</strong> the taste <strong>of</strong>the food as <strong>of</strong> the obligation to share it with one'sneighbour.Abu Huraira ra relates: "On one occasion the HolyProphet sa exclaimed: ‘I call God to witness that he is nota believer! I call God to witness that he is not a believer!I call God to witness that he is not a believer!' TheCompanions inquired: ‘Who is not a believer, OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ?' and he replied: ‘He whoseneighbour is not secure against injury and ill-treatmentat his hands.' On one occasion when he was addressingwomen, he said: ‘If anybody finds only the foot <strong>of</strong> a goatto cook, that person should share it with his or herneighbour.' He asked people not to object to their neigh-

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 233bours driving pegs into their walls or putting them toany other use which occasioned no injury." AbuHuraira ra relates: "The Prophet sa said: ‘He who believesin God and in the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement should occasion noinconvenience to his neighbour: he who believes in Godand in the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement should occasion noinconvenience to his guest, and he who believes in Godand in the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement should utter only words <strong>of</strong>virtue or should keep quiet' " (Muslim).TREATMENT OF RELATIVESMost people suffer from the failing that when theymarry and set up house for themselves, they begin toneglect their parents. The Holy Prophet sa , therefore, laidgreat stress upon the meritoriousness <strong>of</strong> serving one'sparents and treating them with kindness andconsideration. Abu Huraira ra relates: "A man came tothe Holy Prophet sa and asked to be told who was mostdeserving <strong>of</strong> kind treatment at his hands. The Prophet sareplied: ‘Your mother'. The man asked 'And next to her?'The Prophet sa repeated, 'Again thy mother'. The manasked a third time, 'And after my mother?' and theProphet sa again replied, Still thy mother', and when theman asked him a fourth time, he said: 'After her thyfather and after him thy nearest relatives and after themthy more remote relatives.' "The Prophet's sa own parentsand grand parents had died while he was still a child.The parents <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> his wives were, however, aliveand he always treated them with great considerationand deference. On the occasion <strong>of</strong> the surrender <strong>of</strong>Mecca when the Holy Prophet sa entered the town as avictorious general, Abu Bakr ra brought his father to meethim. He said to Abu Bakr ra : "Why did you trouble yourfather to come to me? I would gladly have gone to himmyself" (Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 99). One <strong>of</strong> his sayings was:"Unlucky is the man whose parents live to old age andhe fails to earn Paradise even then", meaning that the

234<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saservice <strong>of</strong> one's parents particularly when they reach oldage attracts the grace and favour <strong>of</strong> God and, therefore,a person to whom is afforded the opportunity <strong>of</strong> servinghis aged parents and who avails himself <strong>of</strong> theopportunity to the full is bound to become confirmed inrighteous ways and a recipient <strong>of</strong> the grace <strong>of</strong> God.A man once complained to the Holy Prophet sa thatthe more benevolence he exercised towards his relationsthe more hostile they became towards him; and that themore he treated them with kindness the more theypersecuted him; and the more he demonstrated affectiontowards them the more they frowned upon him. TheProphet sa said: "If what you say is true you are veryfortunate, for you will ever be the recipient <strong>of</strong> God'ssuccour" (Muslim, Kitabul Birr Was Sila). On oneoccasion when the Holy Prophet sa was exhorting peopleto give alms and charity one <strong>of</strong> his Companions, AbuTalha Ansari ra , came to him and <strong>of</strong>fered to dedicate anorchard for charitable purposes. The Prophet sa was verypleased and exclaimed, "What an excellent charity! Whatan excellent charity! What an excellent charity!" andadded: "Having dedicated this orchard to the service <strong>of</strong>the poor, I want you now to divide it among your poorrelatives" (Bukhari, Kitabut Tafsir). A man came to himon one occasion and said: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! I amprepared to make a covenant <strong>of</strong> Hijrat and I amprepared to make a covenant to take part in the holywar, for I am anxious to win the pleasure <strong>of</strong> God." TheHoly Prophet sa inquired whether either <strong>of</strong> his parentswas alive and the man told him that both were alive. Hethen asked: "Are you indeed anxious to win the pleasure<strong>of</strong> God?" and on the man replying in the affirmative theProphet sa said: "Then go back to your parents and servethem and serve them well." He pointed out that one'snon-Muslim relations were equally entitled to be treatedkindly and with consideration along with one's Muslimrelations. One <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr's ra wives, who was a non-Muslim, visited her daughter Asma’ ra and the latterinquired <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa whether she might serve

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 235her and make presents to her, to which the HolyProphet sa replied: "Certainly, for she is thy mother"(Bukhari, Kitabul Adab).He treated not only his near relatives but evenremote ones and anybody connected with them withgreat consideration. Whenever he sacrificed an animalhe would send a portion <strong>of</strong> the meat to the friends <strong>of</strong>Khadija ra (his deceased wife) and told his wives never tooverlook them on such occasions. Many years afterKhadija's ra death when he was sitting with some <strong>of</strong> hisCompanions, Khadija's ra sister, Halah ra , came to see himand asked permission to enter. Her voice sounded in theProphet's sa ears very much like that <strong>of</strong> Khadija ra andwhen he heard it he said: "Oh Lord! This is Halah ra ,Khadija's ra sister." Indeed, true affection alwaysmanifests itself thus that one becomes fond <strong>of</strong> andconsiderate towards all those who may be connectedwith a person whom one loves or holds in high esteem.Anas bin Malik ra relates that during the course <strong>of</strong> ajourney he found himself in the company <strong>of</strong> Jarir bin‘Abdullah ra and observed that the latter busied himselfin looking after him as a servant looks after his master.As Jarir bin ‘Abdullah ra was older than Anas ra , the latterwas embarrassed and protested that Jarir ra should notput himself out on his account. Jarir ra replied: "I used toobserve how devotedly the Ansar served the HolyProphet sa and, being impressed with their devotion toand love for the Holy Prophet sa , I had resolved in mymind that if I ever happened to be in the company <strong>of</strong> anAnsari, I would serve him like a servant. I am, therefore,only carrying out my resolve and you should not seek todissuade me" (Muslim). This incident affirms that whereone person truly loves another, his affection extendsalso to those who sincerely serve the object <strong>of</strong> hisattachment. In the same way those who truly honourtheir parents are always deferential and consideratetowards those who may be connected with their parentsthrough bonds <strong>of</strong> affection or relationship. On oneoccasion the Holy Prophet sa stressed it as the highest

236<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> savirtue for a man to honour the friends <strong>of</strong> his father.Among the persons addressed was ‘Abdullah bin‘Umar ra . Many years after, while proceeding onPilgrimage, he met a Bedouin and he made over to himhis own mount and also presented him with his turban.One <strong>of</strong> his companions observed that he had been overgenerousas a Bedouin would be pleased with very little.‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar ra said: "This man's father was afriend <strong>of</strong> my father's and I have heard the Holy Prophet sasay that it is one <strong>of</strong> the highest virtues for a man tohonour his father's friends."KEEPING GOOD COMPANYHe always preferred to keep company with thevirtuous and if he observed any weakness in any <strong>of</strong> hisCompanions ra he admonished him gently and in private.Abu Musa Ash‘ari ra relates: "The Holy Prophet saillustrated the benefit to be derived from good friendsand virtuous companions and the injury to beapprehended from evil friends and vicious companionsby saying: ‘A man who keeps company with virtuouspeople is like a person who carries about musk withhim. If he partakes <strong>of</strong> it he derives benefit from it, if hesells it he makes a pr<strong>of</strong>it out <strong>of</strong> it and if he merely keepsit he enjoys its perfume. A man who keeps companywith evil persons is like one who blows into a charcoalfurnace; all that he can expect is that a spark may alightupon his clothes and set them on fire or that the gasemitted by the charcoal may upset his brain'." He usedto say that a man's character takes on the colour <strong>of</strong> thecompany he keeps and that therefore one should becareful to spend one's time in the company <strong>of</strong> the good(Bukhari and Muslim).SAFEGUARDING PEOPLE'S FAITHThe Holy Prophet sa was very careful to safe-guardagainst possible misunderstandings. On one occasion

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 237his wife Safiyya ra came to see him in the mosque. Whenthe time came for her to return home it had becomedark and the Prophet sa decided to escort her to herhouse. On the way he passed by two men and, wishingto avoid any speculation on their part as to hiscompanion, he stopped them and lifting the veil from theface <strong>of</strong> his wife said: "See, this is Safiyya ra my wife." Theyprotested saying: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! why did youimagine that we should fall into any misconceptionregarding you?" The Prophet sa replied "Satan (i.e., evilthoughts) <strong>of</strong>ten courses through a man's blood. I wasafraid lest your faith be affected" (Bukhari, AbwabulI ‘tikaf ).OVERLOOKING FAULTS OF OTHERSHe never gave publicity to the faults andshortcomings <strong>of</strong> others and admonished people not toproclaim their own faults. He used to say: "If a personcovers up the faults <strong>of</strong> another, God will cover up hisfaults on the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement." And, "Every one <strong>of</strong> myfollowers can escape the consequences <strong>of</strong> his errors (i.e.,by true repentance and reform) except those who go onproclaiming their wrongdoing" and illustrated this bysaying: ,"A man commits a sin at night and God coversit up; in the morning he meets his friends and boastsbefore them:. 'I did this last night, I did that last night,'and thus he himself lays bare that which God hadcovered up" (Bukhari and Muslim).Some people foolishly imagine that a confession <strong>of</strong>sin helps towards repentance; the truth is that it onlyfosters immodesty. Sin is an evil and he who slips into itand becomes a prey to shame and remorse has a chance<strong>of</strong> climbing back into the path <strong>of</strong> purity andrighteousness through repentance. His case is like that<strong>of</strong> a person who has been seduced by evil but is pursuedby righteousness and as soon as a chance <strong>of</strong>fers, the evilis vanquished and the sinner is claimed back by

238<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sarighteouness. Those, however, who proclaim their sinsand take pride in them lose all sense <strong>of</strong> good and eviland become incapable <strong>of</strong> repentance.On one occasion a man came to the Holy Prophet saand said: "I have been guilty <strong>of</strong> adultery" (this whenestablished by proper evidence being a punishable<strong>of</strong>fence under Islamic Law). Hearing the man'sconfession, the Holy Prophet sa turned away from himand became occupied with something else. He meant toindicate that the proper remedy in such a case wasrepentance and not public confession. But the man didnot realize this and imagining that the Prophet sa had notheard him, went and stood in front <strong>of</strong> him and,addressing him, repeated his confession. The HolyProphet sa again turned away from him but the managain went and stood in front <strong>of</strong> him and repeated hisconfession. When he had done this four times theProphet sa said "I had wished that this man should nothave proclaimed his sin till God should have indicatedHis will with regard to him but, as he has repeated hisconfession four times, I am compelled to take action"(Tirmidhi). 'He then added: "This man has himselfconfessed and has not been charged by the womanconcerning whom he makes the confession. The womanshould be questioned and, if she denies her guilt, sheshould not be molested and only this man should bepunished in accordance with his confession but, if sheconfesses she should also be punished." It was thepractice <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa to follow the Law <strong>of</strong> theTorah in matters regarding which the Qur’an was silent,and as the Torah prescribes that an adulterer should bestoned to death he pronounced the sentence upon thisman accordingly. When the sentence was being carriedout the man tried to run away but the people pursuedhim and carried out the sentence. When the Prophet sacame to know <strong>of</strong> this he disapproved <strong>of</strong> it. He said thatthe man had been sentenced in accordance with his ownconfession. His attempt to run away was in effect aretraction <strong>of</strong> his confession and thereafter he should not

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 239have been subjected to a penalty which had beenimposed upon him solely on account <strong>of</strong> his confession.The Prophet sa laid down that the Law was concernedonly with overt acts. During the course <strong>of</strong> a war, a party<strong>of</strong> Muslims came upon a non-Muslim who used to lie inwait in lonely places and whenever he found a solitaryMuslim he would attack and kill him. On this occasionUsama bin Zaid ra pursued him and, having overtakenand caught him, drew his sword to kill him. When theman found that no way <strong>of</strong> escape was left open to himhe repeated the first portion <strong>of</strong> the Muslim confession <strong>of</strong>faith, viz., "There is no being worthy <strong>of</strong> worship saveAllah," thereby indicating that he had accepted Islam.Usama ra paid no heed to this and killed him. When this,among the other incidents <strong>of</strong> the campaign, was relatedto the Holy Prophet sa he sent for Usama ra andquestioned him. On his confirming the account <strong>of</strong> theincident the Prophet sa said: "How will it be with you onthe Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement when his confession <strong>of</strong> faith willbear witness in his favour?" Usama ra replied, "OMessenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! that man was a murderer <strong>of</strong>Muslims and his declaring himself to be a Muslim wasmerely a ruse to escape just retribution." But theProphet sa went on repeating: "Usama ra , how will it bewith you when the man's confession <strong>of</strong> faith will bearwitness against you on the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement?" meaningthat God would hold Usama ra to account for the man'sdeath, for though he had been guilty <strong>of</strong> the murder <strong>of</strong>Muslims, his reciting the confession was an indicationthat he had repented <strong>of</strong> his misdeeds. Usama ra protestedthat the man's reciting <strong>of</strong> confession <strong>of</strong> faith was due tohis fear <strong>of</strong> death and was not an indication <strong>of</strong>repentance. Thereupon the Holy Prophet sa said:"Did you peep into his heart to see whether he was tellingthe truth or not?" and went on repeating: "How will youanswer on the Day <strong>of</strong> Judgement when his confession <strong>of</strong>faith will be cited in evidence against you?" Usama ra says:"On hearing the Prophet sa repeat this so <strong>of</strong>ten I wishedthat I had become a convert to Islam only that moment

240<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saand had not been guilty <strong>of</strong> what was charged against me"(Muslim, Kitabul Iman).The Holy Prophet sa was ever ready to forgive peopletheir faults and trespasses. One <strong>of</strong> the personsconcerned in the affair <strong>of</strong> the slander against his wife,‘A’isha ra , was dependent for his living upon the charity<strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr ra (‘A’isha ra 's father). When the falsehood <strong>of</strong>the allegation against ‘A’isha ra was clearly established,Abu Bakr ra stopped his support <strong>of</strong> this man. Even this isevidence <strong>of</strong> Abu Bakr's ra commendable moderation andrestraint. An average person would have proceeded toextreme lengths against a dependent who had beenguilty <strong>of</strong> defaming his daughter. When the Prophet sacame to know <strong>of</strong> what Abu Bakr ra had done, he spoke tohim and pointed out that though the man had been atfault, it did not behove a person like Abu Bakr ra todeprive him <strong>of</strong> his means <strong>of</strong> sustenance on account <strong>of</strong>his wrongdoing. Thereupon Abu Bakr ra resumed hispatronage <strong>of</strong> the man (Bukhari, Kitabut Tafsir).PATIENCE IN ADVERSITYThe Holy Prophet sa used to say: "For a Muslim, life isall full <strong>of</strong> good and nobody but a true believer findshimself in that position; for, if he meets with success heis grateful to God and becomes the recipient <strong>of</strong> greaterfavours from Him. On the other hand, if he suffers painor tribulation he endures it with patience and thusagain makes himself deserving <strong>of</strong> God's favours." Whenhis end drew near and he gave vent to a groan in theextremity <strong>of</strong> his condition, his daughter Fatima raexclaimed that she could not bear to see him in thatstate. Thereupon he said: "Have patience! Your fatherwill suffer no pain after this day," meaning that all histroubles were confined to this world and from themoment that he was released from this life and enteredthe presence <strong>of</strong> his Maker he would be subject to n<strong>of</strong>urther pain. During the prevalence <strong>of</strong> an epidemic he

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 241would not approve <strong>of</strong> people moving out <strong>of</strong> an afflictedtown into another, for this serves to enlarge the area <strong>of</strong>the pestilence. He used to say that in times <strong>of</strong> epidemicif a person stayed on in his own town and refrained fromcarrying infection into unaffected areas and died <strong>of</strong> theepidemic, he would be regarded as a martyr (Bukhari,Kitabut Tibb).MUTUAL COOPERATIONHe used to teach that one <strong>of</strong> the best Islamiccharacteristics was that a man should not interfere inmatters with which he was not concerned and thatpeople should not go about criticizing others andinterfering in matters that were not their concern. Thisis a principle which if generally adopted and enforcedwould go a long way towards securing peace andorderliness in the world. A large part <strong>of</strong> our troubles isdue to the tendency <strong>of</strong> the majority <strong>of</strong> people to indulgein undue interference and to hold back their cooperationwhen it may be needed in providing relief forthose in distress.The Holy Prophet sa laid great stress upon mutualcooperation. He had made it a rule that if any personwas called upon to pay a sum <strong>of</strong> money by way <strong>of</strong>penalty and was unable to put up the whole amount, hisneighbours or his fellow-citizens or his fellow-tribesmenshould make up the amount by raising a subscription.People sometimes came and took up their residencenear the Prophet sa , devoting their time to the service <strong>of</strong>Islam in various ways. He always counselled theirrelatives to assume the responsibility <strong>of</strong> providing fortheir modest requirements. It is reported by Anas ra thatduring the time <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa two brothersaccepted Islam and one <strong>of</strong> them stayed on with the HolyProphet sa while the other continued with his normaloccupation. The latter, later on, complained to the HolyProphet sa that his brother was spending his time in

242<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saidleness. The Holy Prophet sa said: "God provides for youalso on account <strong>of</strong> your brother and it behoves youtherefore to make provision for him and leave him free toserve the Faith" (Tirmidhi).During the course <strong>of</strong> a journey, when the Prophet's saparty arrived at their camping place, his Companionsimmediately occupied themselves with their respectivetasks in setting up camp for the night. The HolyProphet sa said: "You have allotted no task to me. I shallgo and collect fuel for cooking." His Companionsprotested and said: "O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! why shouldyou occupy yourself in that way when all <strong>of</strong> us are hereto do whatever may be necessary?" He said: "No, No. It ismy duty to do my share <strong>of</strong> whatever may have to bedone," and he collected fire-wood from the jungle forcooking the food (Zurqani, Vol. 4, p. 306).TRUTHFULNESSAs has been related the Holy Prophet sa was himselfso rigid in his standards <strong>of</strong> truthfulness that he wasknown among his people as "The Trusty" and "TheTrue". He was equally anxious that Muslims shouldadopt the same standards <strong>of</strong> truth as were observed byhimself. He regarded truth as the basis <strong>of</strong> all virtue,goodness and right conduct. He taught that a truthfulperson is one who is so confirmed in truth that he iscounted truthful by God.On one occasion a prisoner was brought to the HolyProphet sa who had been guilty <strong>of</strong> the murder <strong>of</strong> manyMuslims. ‘Umar ra , who was also present, believed thatthe man richly deserved the imposition <strong>of</strong> the deathpenalty and he looked repeatedly at the Prophet saexpecting that the Prophet sa would at any momentindicate that the man should be put to death. After theHoly Prophet sa had dismissed the man ‘Umar rasubmitted that he should have been put to death as thatwas the only appropriate penalty. The Prophet sa replied:"If that is so, why did you not kill him?" ‘Umar ra replied:

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 243"O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah sa ! if you had but given me anindication even by a flicker <strong>of</strong> your eyelids, I would havedone so." To this the Prophet sa rejoined: "A Prophet sadoes not act equivocally. How could I have employed myeye to indicate the imposition <strong>of</strong> a death penalty uponthe man while my tongue was employed in talkingamicably to him?" (Hisham, Vol. 2, p. 217).A man once came to the Holy Prophet sa and said: "OMessenger sa <strong>of</strong> Allah! I suffer from three evils: falsehood,indulgence in strong drinks and fornication. I have triedmy utmost to get rid <strong>of</strong> them but have not succeeded.Will you tell me what to do? " The Prophet sa replied: "Ifyou make a firm promise to me to give up one <strong>of</strong> them Iguarantee that you will be rid <strong>of</strong> the other two." The manpromised and asked the Prophet sa to tell him which <strong>of</strong>the three he should give up. The Prophet sa said: "Give upfalsehood." Some time later the man came back and toldthe Holy Prophet sa that, having followed his advice, hewas now free from all three vices. The Prophet sa askedhim for the details <strong>of</strong> his struggle and the man said:"One day I wanted to indulge in liquor and was about todo so when I bethought myself <strong>of</strong> my promise to you andrealized that if any <strong>of</strong> my friends asked me whether Ihad taken liquor, I would have to admit it as I could nolonger utter a falsehood. This would mean that I wouldacquire an evil reputation among my friends and theywould in future avoid me. Thinking thus, I persuadedmyself to postpone drinking to some later occasion andwas able to withstand the temptation at the time. In thesame way when I found myself inclined towards fornicationI argued with myself that indulgence in the vicewould expose me to the loss <strong>of</strong> the esteem <strong>of</strong> my friendsas I would either have to tell a falsehood if questioned bythem, thus breaking my promise to you, or I would haveto admit my sin. In this way I continued to strugglebetween my resolve to fulfil my promise to you and mydesire to indulge in liquor and in adultery. When sometime had passed I began to lose the inclination to

244<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saindulge in these vices and the resolve to keep away fromfalsehood has now saved me from the other two also."INQUISITIVENESSThe Holy Prophet sa always exhorted people againstinquisitiveness and to think well <strong>of</strong> each other. AbuHuraira ra relates: "The Prophet sa said: ‘Save yourselvesfrom thinking ill <strong>of</strong> others for this is the greatestfalsehood, and do not be inquisitive or apply epithets toeach other out <strong>of</strong> contempt nor be envious <strong>of</strong> each otherand do not entertain ill feelings towards each other; leteach <strong>of</strong> you regard himself as the servant <strong>of</strong> God andtreat others as his brothers as God has commanded,'and also ‘Remember that every Muslim is a brother toevery other Muslim. No Muslim should trespass againstanother or desert another in times <strong>of</strong> distress or lookdown upon another on account <strong>of</strong> his lack <strong>of</strong> substanceor learning or any other thing. Purity springs from theheart and it is enough to defile a man's heart that heshould look down upon his brother. Every Muslim mustregard another Muslim's life, honour and property assacred and inviolate. God does not regard your bodiesnor your countenances nor your external actions butlooks into your hearts" (Muslim, Kitabul Birr Was Sila).FRANK AND STRAIGHTFORWARD DEALINGHe was anxious to safeguard Muslims againstindulgence in any form <strong>of</strong> unfairness in theirtransactions. Passing through the market-place on oneoccasion, he observed a heap <strong>of</strong> corn which was beingput to auction. He thrust his arm into the heap andfound that though the outer layer <strong>of</strong> the corn was drythe corn inside was wet. He inquired from the owner thecause <strong>of</strong> this. The man explained that a sudden shower<strong>of</strong> rain had made part <strong>of</strong> the corn wet. The Prophet sasaid that in that case he should have allowed the wet

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 245layer <strong>of</strong> corn to remain on the outside so thatprospective purchasers could have appraised its realcondition. He observed: "He who deals unfairly withothers can never become a useful member <strong>of</strong> society"(Muslim). He insisted upon trade and commerce beingentirely free from every suspicion <strong>of</strong> sharp practice. Heexhorted purchasers always to inspect the goods andarticles they proposed to purchase, and forbade anyperson to open negotiations for a transaction whilenegotiations about it were in progress with any otherperson. He also forbade the hoarding <strong>of</strong> commoditiesagainst a rise in the market and insisted that themarket should be regularly supplied.PESSIMISMHe was an enemy <strong>of</strong> pessimism. He used to say thatwhoever was guilty <strong>of</strong> spreading pessimism among thepeople was responsible for the downfall <strong>of</strong> the people, forpessimistic ideas have a tendency to discourage peopleand arrest progress (Muslim, Part II, Vol. 2). He warnedhis people against pride and boastfulness on the onehand and against pessimism on the other. He exhortedthem to tread the middle path between these extremes.Muslims must work diligently in the trust that Godwould bless their efforts with the best results. Eachshould strive to go forward and should seek to promotethe welfare and progress <strong>of</strong> the community, buteveryone should be free from any feeling <strong>of</strong> pride or anytendency towards boastfulness.CRUELTY TO ANIMALSHe warned people against cruelty to animals andenjoined kind treatment to them. He used to relate theinstance <strong>of</strong> a Jewish woman who was punished by Godfor having starved her cat to death. He also used torelate the story <strong>of</strong> a woman who found a dog suffering

246<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> safrom thirst near a deep well. She took <strong>of</strong>f her shoe andlowered it into the well and thus drew up some water.She gave the water to the thirsty dog to drink. This gooddeed earned her God's forgiveness for all her previoussins.‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra relates: "While we were in thecourse <strong>of</strong> a journey along with the Holy Prophet sa we sawtwo young doves in a nest and we caught them. Theywere still very small. When their mother returned to thenest, not finding her little ones in it, she began to flywildly round and round. When the Holy Prophet saarrived at the spot he observed the dove and said, ‘If anyone <strong>of</strong> you has caught its young ones he must releasethem at once to comfort it' " (Abu Dawud). ‘Abdullah binMas‘ud ra also relates that on one occasion they observedan ant-hill and, placing some straw on top <strong>of</strong> it, they setfire to it; whereupon they were rebuked by the HolyProphet sa . On one occasion the Prophet sa observed adonkey being branded on the face. He inquired thereason for this and was told that the Romans hadrecourse to this practice for the purpose <strong>of</strong> identifyinghigh-bred animals. The Prophet sa said that as the facewas a very sensitive part <strong>of</strong> the body, an animal shouldnot be branded on the face and that if it had to be donethe branding should be done on its haunches (AbuDawud and Tirmidhi). Since then Muslims always brandanimals on their haunches and, following this Muslimpractice, Europeans also do the same.TOLERANCE IN RELIGIOUS MATTERSThe Holy Prophet sa not only emphasized thedesirability <strong>of</strong> tolerance in religious matters but set avery high standard in this respect. A deputation from aChristian tribe <strong>of</strong> Najran visited him in Medina toexchange views on religious matters. It included severalChurch dignitaries. The conversation was held in themosque and extended over several hours. At one stage

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 247the leader <strong>of</strong> the deputation asked permission to departfrom the mosque and to hold their religious service atsome convenient spot. The Holy Prophet sa said thatthere was no need for them to go out <strong>of</strong> the mosque,which was itself a place consecrated to the worship <strong>of</strong>God, and they could hold their service in it (Zurqani).BRAVERYSeveral instances <strong>of</strong> his courage and bravery havebeen set out in the biographical portion. It suffices torelate one here. At one time Medina was full <strong>of</strong> rumoursthat the Romans were preparing a large army for itsinvasion. During that time Muslims were always on thequi vive at night. One night sounds <strong>of</strong> an uproar camefrom the desert. Muslims hurried out <strong>of</strong> their homes andsome <strong>of</strong> them collected in the mosque and waited for theHoly Prophet sa to appear and to give them directions tomeet the contingency. Presently they saw the HolyProphet sa on a horse coming back from the direction <strong>of</strong>the sounds. They then discovered that at the very firstsound <strong>of</strong> alarm the Prophet sa had mounted a horse andgone in the direction from which the sounds had cometo find out whether there was any reason for alarm andhad not waited for people to collect together so that hecould proceed in company. When he came back heassured his Companions that there was no cause foralarm and that they could return to their homes and goto sleep (Bukhari, chap. on Shuja‘at f il Harb).CONSIDERATION TOWARDS THE UNCULTUREDHe was particularly considerate towards those wh<strong>of</strong>rom lack <strong>of</strong> cultural training did not know how tobehave. On one occasion a dweller <strong>of</strong> the desert who hadonly recently accepted Islam and who was sitting in thecompany <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa in the mosque got up andwalking away a few paces sat down in a corner <strong>of</strong> the

248<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> samosque to pass water. Some <strong>of</strong> the Companions <strong>of</strong> theProphet sa got up to stop him from doing so. TheProphet sa restrained them, pointing out that anyinterference with the man was bound to causeinconvenience to him and might possibly cause himinjury. He told his Companions to let the man alone andto clean the spot later.THE FULFILLING OF COVENANTSThe Holy Prophet sa was very particular with regard tothe fulfilling <strong>of</strong> covenants. On one occasion an envoycame to him on a special mission and, after he hadremained in his company for some days, he wasconvinced <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> Islam and suggested that hemight declare his adherence to it. The Prophet sa told himthat this would not be proper as he was there in arepresentative capacity and it was incumbent upon himto return to the headquarters <strong>of</strong> his Government withoutacquiring a fresh allegiance. If, after he had returnedhome, he still felt convinced <strong>of</strong> the truth <strong>of</strong> Islam hecould return as a free individual and declare hisacceptance <strong>of</strong> it (Abu Dawud, chap. on Wafa bil ‘Ahd).DEFERENCE TOWARDS SERVANTS OFHUMANITYHe paid special deference to those who devoted theirtime and substance to the service <strong>of</strong> mankind. The Arabtribe, the Banu Ta’i started hostilities against theProphet sa and in the ensuing battle their forces weredefeated and some were taken prisoner. One <strong>of</strong> thesewas the daughter <strong>of</strong> Hatim Ta’i, whose generosity hadbecome a proverb amongst the Arabs. When Hatim'sdaughter informed the Holy Prophet sa <strong>of</strong> her parentagehe treated her with great consideration and as the result<strong>of</strong> her intercession he remitted all the penalties imposedupon her people on account <strong>of</strong> their aggression(Halbiyya, Vol. 3, p. 227).

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 249The character <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa is so many-sidedthat it is not possible to deal adequately with it withinthe space <strong>of</strong> a few pages.LIFE OF THE PROPHET sa AN OPEN BOOKThe life <strong>of</strong> the Holy Founder <strong>of</strong> Islam sa is like an openbook, to any part <strong>of</strong> which one may turn and meet withinteresting details. The life <strong>of</strong> no other Teacher orProphet is as well-recorded and as accessible to study asis the life <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa . True, this abundance <strong>of</strong>recorded fact has given malicious critics theiropportunity. But it is also true that when the criticismshave been examined and disposed <strong>of</strong>, the faith anddevotion which result cannot be inspired by any otherlife. Obscure lives escape criticism, but they fail toproduce conviction and confidence in their devotees.Some disappointments and difficulties are bound toremain. But a life as rich in recorded detail as theProphet's sa inspires reflection and, then, conviction.When criticism and false constructions have beenliquidated, such a life is bound to endear itself to uscompletely and for ever.It should be evident, however, that the story <strong>of</strong> a lifeso open and so rich cannot even briefly be told. Only aglimpse <strong>of</strong> it can be attempted. But even a glimpse isworth while. A religious book, as we say, can have littleappeal unless a study <strong>of</strong> it can be supplemented by aknowledge <strong>of</strong> its Teacher. The point has been missed bymany religions. The Hindu religion, for instance,upholds the Vedas, but <strong>of</strong> the Rishis who received theVedas from God it is able to tell us nothing. The need tosupplement a message by an account <strong>of</strong> the messengerdoes not seem to have impressed itself upon Hinduexponents. Jewish and Christian scholars, on the otherhand, do not hesitate to denounce their own Prophets.They forget that revelation which has failed to reclaim itsrecipient cannot be <strong>of</strong> much use to others. If therecipient is intractable the question arises, why did Godchoose him? Must He have done so? Neither supposition

250<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saseems reasonable. To think that revelation fails toreclaim some recipients is as unreasonable as to thinkthat God has no alternative except to chooseincompetent recipients for some <strong>of</strong> His revelations. Yetideas <strong>of</strong> this kind have found their way into differentreligions, possibly because <strong>of</strong> the distance which nowdivides them from their Founders or because humanintellect, until the advent <strong>of</strong> Islam, was incapable <strong>of</strong>perceiving the error <strong>of</strong> these ideas. How important andvaluable it is to keep together a book and its Teacherwas realized very early in Islam. One <strong>of</strong> the Prophet's saholy consorts was the young ‘A’isha ra . She was thirteento fourteen years <strong>of</strong> age when she was married to theProphet sa . For about eight years she lived in wedlockwith him. When the Prophet sa died she was abouttwenty-two years <strong>of</strong> age. She was young and illiterate:Yet she knew that a teaching cannot be divorced from itsteacher. Asked to describe the Prophet's sa character, sheanswered at once that his character was the Qur’an(Abu Dawud). What he did was what the Qur’an taught;what the Qur’an taught was nothing else than what hedid. It redounds to the glory <strong>of</strong> the Prophet sa that anilliterate young woman was able to grasp a truth whichescaped Hindu, Jewish and Christian scholars.‘A’isha ra expressed a great and an important truth ina crisp little sentence: it is impossible for a true andhonest teacher to teach one thing but practise another,or to practise one thing but teach another. The Prophet sawas a true and honest Teacher. This is what ‘A’isha raevidently wanted to say. He practised what he preachedand preached what he practised. To know him is toknow the Qur’an and to know the Qur’an is to knowhim.o

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 251Index <strong>of</strong> Subject Matter(This index covers, under various heads, the account <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> theHoly Prophet sa given in <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa ).‘Abdullah bin Ubayy ibnSaluluttered degradingwords for the HolyProphet sa .................... 81‘Ali rafirst among childrenwho became Muslim ... 11Khaibar fell at thehands <strong>of</strong>, ................. 141‘Ikrima rabecame Muslim on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> Fall <strong>of</strong>Mecca ...................... 167‘Umar ra accepted Islam‘Umar ra beats his sisterFatima ra ..................... 24prayer <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa regarding‘Umar's conversionanswered ................... 24Abraham asa monotheist ................... 1Abu ‘Amirmachinations <strong>of</strong>, .......... 177Abu Ayyub Ansari rahosted the HolyProphet sa at Medina ... 43Abu Bakr raemigrated with the HolyProphet sa to Medina.... 38first among freedmenwho became Muslim ... 12The Holy Prophet's lovefor, .......................... 188the Holy Prophet saaccompanied by,waited in the caveThaur for two days ..... 38Abu Sufyan raaccepted Islam ............. 156talk <strong>of</strong>, with Heraclius .. 128Abu Talibdeath <strong>of</strong>, ........................ 26Aminathe Holy Prophet sa wassuckled by, .................. 5Anas radevoted his life for theHoly Prophet sa ............ 44Anas ra bin Nadrlaid his life ..................... 67Arabiaa country <strong>of</strong> Bedouin........ 3a polytheistic territory ...... 2Arabsadmirable qualities <strong>of</strong>, ...... 2chief occupation wastrade <strong>of</strong>, ....................... 2crimes <strong>of</strong>, ......................... 3good at Astronomy ........... 2hospitality <strong>of</strong>, ................... 3infanticide <strong>of</strong>, wasconfined only tocertain families ............ 4knew nothing <strong>of</strong>History, Geographyand Mathematics ......... 2knew nothing <strong>of</strong> theamenities <strong>of</strong> civilizedlife ............................... 2

252moral defects <strong>of</strong>, .............. 2slaves <strong>of</strong>, ......................... 4Badr, the Battlea great prophecy whichwas revealed inMecca fulfilled ............ 59Abu Jahl attacked bytwo raw boys .............. 57just conduct <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa to all theprisoners ................... 61Meccans were betterequiped andoutnumberedMuslims ..................... 54Muslims <strong>of</strong> Medinaassured to stand bythe Holy Prophet sa ...... 55prophecy <strong>of</strong> Isaiah asfulfilled ...................... 60rain turned sandyground <strong>of</strong> Muslimsinto hard while hardground <strong>of</strong> Meccansinto slippery ............... 57wrong to accuse that<strong>Muhammad</strong> sa withthree hundredfollowers set out toattack anundefendedcommercial carvan ..... 53Banu Lihyanintrigued againstMuslims ..................... 75Banu Mustaliqencounter with, ............. 80Bi’r Ma‘unaseventy teachers <strong>of</strong>Qur’an murdered ....... 78<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saCharacter <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet saadvice to Muslim armyfor the battle <strong>of</strong>Mauta ...................... 149all the enemies forgivenon the occasion <strong>of</strong>Fall <strong>of</strong> Mecca ............ 165always exorted againstinquisitiveness ......... 244always kept goodcompany .................. 236attitude towards hiswives ....................... 214attitude towards thedead ........................ 231attitude was defensivein scuffles and fights .. 50consideration towardsthe uncultured ......... 247courage and bravery .... 247declared that Zaid ra washis son ......................... 9deferance towardsservants <strong>of</strong> humanity 248denial to even sun andmoon for propogatingthe message <strong>of</strong> Islam .. 20did not neglect thenormal and spiritualneeds <strong>of</strong> his followingin Medina .................. 51enemy <strong>of</strong> passimism ..... 245enjoined kind treatmentto animals ................ 245exhibited valour andbravery at Hunain .... 172frank andstraightforwarddealing ..................... 244given to overlook faults<strong>of</strong> others .................. 237

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 253grieved over having notto <strong>of</strong>fer prayers ontheir appointed timeon the occasion <strong>of</strong>battle <strong>of</strong> Ditch ............ 89had no apprehensionswhile emigrating toMedina ...................... 39he preceived from thefaces who were inneed <strong>of</strong> sustenance .. 199helped a countryman toget loan back fromAbu Jahl ...................... 6high moral qualities ..... 215just conduct to all theprisoners ................... 61justice and fair dealing . 219laid stress on mutualcooperation .............. 241life <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa was anopen book ................ 249love with God ............... 204paid for the land <strong>of</strong> themosque <strong>of</strong> Medina ...... 43patience in adversity .... 240prophecy fulfilledregarding Chosroe .... 134prophecy regardingDhu’l Khuwaisiracame true ................ 177prophecy regardingSuraqa ra fulfilled ........ 40purity <strong>of</strong> mind .............. 196regard for the poor ....... 221safe-guarded theinterests <strong>of</strong> the poor . 225self control .................. 217simplicity in bed .......... 203simplicity in dress ........ 201simplicity in food ......... 198sought peace not war ... 106the Trusty, the True ..... 195though vulnerable toattack, he could notstand 'glory to Hubal' . 68tolerance in religiousmatters .................... 246treatment <strong>of</strong> neighbours232treatment <strong>of</strong> relatives ... 233treatment <strong>of</strong> slaves ....... 226treatment <strong>of</strong> women ..... 227truthfulness ................. 242united Meccan andMedinite Muslims inbrotherhood ............... 46united various tribes <strong>of</strong>Medina through apact ........................... 47very careful to safeguardingpeople'sfaith ......................... 236very particular withreagard to thefulfilling <strong>of</strong> covenants 248very particular withregard to physicalcleanliness ............... 196would set free Khadija'sslave ............................ 8Zaid ra preferred slaveryto the Holy Prophet sato freedom .................... 9Chosroesthe Holy Prophet’s letterto, ............................ 133Ditch, the battlea rock fragmented bythe Holy Prophet sa onthe occasion <strong>of</strong>, .......... 84an infidel spy slain byMuslim women ........... 90Banu Quraiza punishedafter, .......................... 97

254God caused wind to foilthe confederatesintrigue againstMuslims ..................... 96infidels outnumberedMuslims ..................... 87sporadic attacks bydisbelievers after, ..... 119the confederatesdispersed ................... 95the Holy Prophet saapproved <strong>of</strong> the idea<strong>of</strong> digging a ditch........ 83the Holy Prophet sagrieved over havingnot to <strong>of</strong>fer prayerson their appointedtime at, ...................... 89three varied figuers <strong>of</strong>Muslims combatantsat, ............................. 86Emigration to AbyssiniaMeccans in chase <strong>of</strong> theemigrants .................. 22Fall <strong>of</strong> MeccaAbu Sufyan acceptedIslam ....................... 156all the enemies <strong>of</strong> Islamforgiven.................... 165all the pictures on thewalls <strong>of</strong> Ka‘ba wipedout .......................... 164Ikrima ra becameMuslim .................... 167Ka‘ba cleared <strong>of</strong> idols ... 163only twelve or thirteenmen were killed ........ 161the Holy Prophet saentered Mecca .......... 158the Holy Prophet sastayed at Hanif BaniKinana in Mecca ...... 162<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saFirst Converts‘Ali ra was first amongchildren who becameMuslim ...................... 11Abu Bakr ra was firstwho became Muslimamong freedmen ........ 12Khadija ra was firstamong women whobecame Muslim .......... 11Zaid ra first amongslaves who becameMuslim ...................... 11Habib ratortured to death at thehands <strong>of</strong> Musailima .... 36Hamza raaccepted Islam ............... 18HeracliusAbu Sufyan's talk with, 129the Holy Prophet’s letterto, ............................ 128Hunain, the battle ..... 169Prophet <strong>of</strong> God sa callshis companions ra ...... 172Shaiba ra becameMuslim .................... 174the Holy Prophet sa wasleft with twelvecompanions ra only .... 171Isaiah as , the Prophetprophecy <strong>of</strong>, fulfilled ...... 60Islam spreads to Medinafirst converts fromMedina ...................... 31first missionary <strong>of</strong> Islamwent to Medina .......... 32second party fromMedina converted toIslam ......................... 32the Holy Prophet sainvited by theMedinites ................... 35

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 255JewsBanu Quraiza punishedafter the battle <strong>of</strong>Ditch ......................... 97continously intriguedagainst the HolyProphet sa .................... 45mischiefs <strong>of</strong>, <strong>of</strong> Medinaafter the battle <strong>of</strong>Uhud ......................... 72preferred Sa‘d binMu‘adh ra as judgethan the HolyProphet sa .................... 99Sa‘d's award for BanuQuraiza in harmonywith the Bible .......... 100treachery <strong>of</strong> BanuQuraiza...................... 88Ka‘ba360 idols in, .................... 2all the pictures on thewalls <strong>of</strong>, wiped out ... 164cleared <strong>of</strong> idols ............. 163the Holy Prophet sa leftfor Mecca for thecircuit <strong>of</strong>, ................. 144Khadija radeath <strong>of</strong>, ........................ 26first among women whobecame Muslim .......... 11the Holy Prophet sa leadtrading caravan <strong>of</strong>, toSyria ............................ 7the Holy Prophet sanarrated his firstrevelation to, .............. 11took <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa toWaraqa bin Naufal ..... 11Khaibar, fall <strong>of</strong>at the hands <strong>of</strong> ‘Ali ra .... 141Safiyya's dream cametrue ......................... 142Khubaib rashowed high standards<strong>of</strong> morality ................. 76<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet saa rock fragmented bythe Holy Prophet sa onthe occasion <strong>of</strong> thebattle <strong>of</strong> Ditch ............ 84Abu Talib became hisguardian ...................... 5address on the occasion<strong>of</strong> last pilgrimage ...... 183approved <strong>of</strong> the idea <strong>of</strong>digging a ditch forthe battle <strong>of</strong> Ditch ...... 83became guest <strong>of</strong> AbuAyyub Ansari ra onarrival at Medina ........ 43birth <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa ...................... 1death <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa .................. 191declared that Zaid ra washis son ......................... 9did not seek to continuewarfare after thebattle <strong>of</strong> Ditch .......... 104distributed booty on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> battle <strong>of</strong>Hunain amongMeccans and wholived round aboutMecca ...................... 175entered Mecca on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> fall <strong>of</strong>Mecca ...................... 158first pledge <strong>of</strong> ‘Aqaba ..... 35gave hints <strong>of</strong> his death . 186got wounded in theBattle <strong>of</strong> Uhud ........... 67grandfather died whenhe was eight ................. 5

256his meal poisoned by aJewish lady .............. 143in protection <strong>of</strong> Mut‘imbin ‘Adi afterreturning from Ta’if .... 29in Ta’if ........................... 28joined an association tohelp victims <strong>of</strong> unjusttreatment ..................... 6Khadija ra took the HolyProphet sa to Waraqabin Naufal .................. 11last days <strong>of</strong> his life ....... 189lead Khadija's tradingcaravan to Syria ........... 7left for Mecca for thecircuit <strong>of</strong> Ka‘ba ......... 144letter to Heraclius ........ 128letter to Mundhir Taimi 139letter to Muqauqis ....... 137letter to the Negus ....... 135marched on Mecca withten thousandfollowers .................. 153married Khadija ra whenshe was forty................ 8married Maimuna ra ...... 145married Safiyya ra ......... 142mother died when hewas six ........................ 5narrated his firstrevelation toKhadija ra .................... 11received first revelationin cave Hira when hewas forty .................... 10received revelationsregarding emigration .. 30rejected Musailima'sproposal <strong>of</strong> hissuccessorship .......... 210set out for war withSyrians accompanied<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saby ill-equippedMuslims ................... 179stayed at Hanif BaniKinana on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> Fall <strong>of</strong>Mecca ...................... 162stopped at Quba for tendays before enteringMedina ...................... 42suckled by Amina ............ 5the Holy Prophet sa andAbu Bakr ra emigratedtogether ..................... 38the Holy Prophet sainvited by theMedinites ................... 35the last pilgrimage ....... 182the Prophet sa left forMecca with onethousand fivehundred companions 121took Pledge <strong>of</strong> the Tree . 124treaty <strong>of</strong> Hudaibiya ...... 125went to Syria when hewas twelve ................... 5would repair to the caveHira when he wasover thirty .................. 10Maimuna ramarried to the HolyPophet sa ................... 145Mauta, the battleagainst Syrians ............ 147Meccansmade idols <strong>of</strong> holypersons ........................ 1prepared to attackMedina ...................... 50road to ‘Abdullah binUbayy ibn Salul toturn the HolyProphet sa out <strong>of</strong>Medina ...................... 46

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 257Mundhir TaimiThe Holy Prophet’sletter to, ................... 139Muqauqisthe Holy Prophet’s letterto, ............................ 137Mus‘ab rafirst missionary <strong>of</strong> Islamto go out <strong>of</strong> Mecca ...... 32Musailimacame to Medina ........... 210proposal <strong>of</strong>,successorship wasrejected by the HolyProphet sa .................. 210Negusthe Holy Prophet’s letterto, ............................ 135Penancedisapproval <strong>of</strong>, in Islamas a form <strong>of</strong> worship . 212Persecution to the Muslims‘Ammar ra persecuted ...... 15‘Uthman ra persecuted ..... 15Abu Dharr ra persecuted.. 16Abu Fukaih rapersecuted ................. 15Bilal ra persecuted ........... 14Khabbab bin Al-Arat rapersecuted ................. 13Maccans drew swordsagainst Muslims ......... 13Suhaib ra persecuted ....... 14The Holy Prophet sahimself tortured ......... 16Yasir ra and Samiyya rapersecuted ................. 15Zinbira ra persecuted ....... 15Zubair bin al-‘Awwam rapersecuted ................. 16Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh raaward <strong>of</strong>, for BanuQuraiza in harmonywith the Bible ........... 100Jews preferred, asjudge than the HolyProphet sa .................... 99Safiyya radream <strong>of</strong>, regarding fall<strong>of</strong> Khaibar came true 142married with the HolyProphet sa .................. 142Social boycottMuslim suffered socialboycott for threeyears.......................... 25Suraqa bin Malik rapursued the HolyProphet sa for theprize money ............... 39Ta’ifpeople <strong>of</strong>, acceptedIslam ....................... 182people <strong>of</strong>, no less thanMeccans in idolatory .. 27the Holy Prophet sa inprotection <strong>of</strong> Mut‘imbin ‘Adi afterreturning from, .......... 29the Holy Prophet saprosecuted in, ............ 28Tabuk expeditionthe Holy Prophet sa setout for war withSyrians accompaniedby ill-equippedMuslims ................... 179Talha rasacrificed his hand forthe sake <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa on theoccasion <strong>of</strong> the battle<strong>of</strong> Uhud ..................... 65

258The HijraSuraqa pursued theHoly Prophet sa for theprize money ............... 39the Holy Prophet sa andAbu Bakr ra set <strong>of</strong>ftogether ..................... 38the Holy Prophet sa andAbu Bakr ra waited inthe cave Thaur fortwo days .................... 38The Message <strong>of</strong> Islama universal one .............. 18Oneness <strong>of</strong> God ............. 18Uhud, the battleAnas bin Nadr laid hislife ............................. 67Meccans far outnumbered and betterequiped thanMuslims ..................... 64party <strong>of</strong> fifty Muslimsmisunderstood theHoly Prophet sa ............ 64people at Medina caredmore for theProphet's life thantheir butcheredrelations .............. 70, 72prophecy <strong>of</strong> the HolyProphet sa regardingincidents during, ........ 63rumour <strong>of</strong> the Prophet'sdeath reachedMedina ...................... 70<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saTalha ra sacrificed hishand for the sake <strong>of</strong>the Holy Prophet sa ...... 65the Holy Prophet sa gotwounded on theoccasion <strong>of</strong>, ................ 67though vulnerable toattack, the HolyProphet sa could notstand 'glory to Hubal' . 68victory converted intodefeat ........................ 65WarChristian have foughtboth defensive andaggressive wars ........ 107Christian teachings <strong>of</strong>, . 107Gandhi’s view <strong>of</strong>,impracticable ........... 118Islam gives precedenceto peace over, ........... 113Islamic teachings <strong>of</strong>, .... 108Jewish teachings <strong>of</strong>, ..... 106Qur’an on prisoners <strong>of</strong>, 115rules <strong>of</strong>, in the Qur’an .. 111the Holy Prophet’sprecepts about, ........ 116Winemade unlawful ............... 73Zaid rafirst among slaves whobecame Muslim .......... 11preferred slavery to theHoly Prophet sa t<strong>of</strong>reedom ....................... 9was declared as the son<strong>of</strong> the Holy Prophet sa .... 9

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 259‘A’isha ra 94, 191, 193, 198, 203, 204,205, 213, 214, 223, 228, 240, 250‘Abbas ra 16, 35, 36, 37, 60, 61, 145,153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159,160, 172, 174, 189, 210, 219‘Abdul Muttalib .................. 5, 172‘Abdullah .... 5, 37, 46, 64, 81, 125,126, 138, 148‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar ra ...... 212, 236‘Abdullah bin Abi Hadwad ra .... 169‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa ra .......... 133‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra .... 205, 246‘Abdullah bin Rabi‘a ................ 170‘Abdullah bin Rawaha ra .. 145, 148,149, 150, 151‘Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul .. 31‘Abdullah ra ............. 22, 81, 82, 235‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf ra . 57, 151‘Abdur Rahman ra ............... 58, 151‘Addas ra ....................................... 28‘Adl ............................................ 75‘Ala’ ibn Hadrami ra ................. 139‘Ali ra 11, 38, 98, 141, 177, 212, 216‘Amir bin Fuhaira ra ......... 39, 40, 79‘Amir tribe .................................. 78‘Amir ra ......................................... 79‘Ammar ra ............................... 14, 15‘Amr bin al-‘As ra .......... 22, 65, 147‘Amr bin Ma‘di ra ......................... 99‘Amr bin Umayya Damri ra ........ 135‘Amr ibn Hisham ........................ 25‘Aqil .......................................... 161‘As ra .......................................... 228‘Ibad bin Bishr ra .......................... 95‘Ibad ra ......................................... 95‘Ikrima ra ............................ 167, 168‘Umar ra ... 21, 23, 24, 40, 61, 66, 67,68, 126, 154, 158, 164, 188, 192,193, 194, 200, 202, 228, 230, 242‘Urwa ........................................ 123Index <strong>of</strong> Names‘Uthman bin Maz‘un ra ............... 22‘Uthman ra ........ 15, 22, 23, 123, 179‘Uzza ......................................... 14Abraham as ..................... 1, 163, 164Abu ‘Amir ................................ 178Abu ‘Amir Madani .................. 177Abu ‘Ubaida banal Jarrah ra ....... 67Abu Bakr ra .. 11, 14, 17, 38, 39, 40,42, 44, 61, 68, 79, 118, 162, 163,172, 188, 192, 193, 194, 199,205, 221, 222, 233, 240Abu Bara’ .................................. 78Abu Basir ra ............................... 127Abu Dharr Ghaffari ra ............... 227Abu Dharr ra ........................ 16, 232Abu Fukaih ra ............................... 15Abu Hanzala ra ........................... 153Abu Huraira ra .. 198, 199, 200, 209,211, 226, 232, 233, 244Abu Jahl 6, 15, 17, 49, 57, 60, 167,168Abu Jandal ra .............................. 127Abu Lahab .................................. 26Abu Lubaba ra ............................. 98Abu Musa Ash‘ari ra ......... 224, 236Abu Musa ra .............................. 180Abu Quhafa ra ........................... 206Abu Ruwaiha ra ......................... 157Abu Sufyan ra 50, 53, 62, 68, 78, 88,97, 123, 129, 131, 152, 153, 154,155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160,164, 173, 174, 207, 222Abu Talha Ansari ra ................. 234Abu Talib5, 7, 20, 21, 26, 162, 207,215Abu’l ‘As ra .................................. 60Abu’l Qasim sa ........... 143, 148, 217Al-Bara’ ra .................................... 36al-Harth ra ................................... 148Allah . ix, 14, 16, 22, 24, 28, 29, 33,68, 92, 103, 109, 110, 112, 113,114, 115, 116, 125, 128, 131,

260133, 135, 137, 138, 149, 155,171, 187, 199, 207, 209, 210,215, 229, 239, 243Amina ........................................... 5Amittai ........................................ 28Amoiites.................................... 101Anas bin Malik ra ....................... 235Anas bin Nadr ra .......................... 66Anas ra .................... 44, 67, 235, 241Ansar . 81, 158, 159, 160, 166, 173,235Arabs2, 5, 18, 20, 21, 39, 45, 47, 52,73, 82, 89, 95, 105, 106, 129,170, 178, 195, 196, 205, 208,219, 228, 230, 232, 248Ashja‘ tribe ............................... 158Asma’ ra ..................................... 234Astronomy .................................... 2August ................................... 1, 141Aus ...................... 31, 35, 49, 94, 98Badhan ............................. 134, 135Bani ‘Alim ................................ 139Bani Nahd ................................. 139Banu ‘Abdul Muttalib ............. 162Banu Asad .................................. 82Banu Bakr ................................ 152Banu Dinar ................................ 70Banu Fazara ............................. 120Banu Hashim ........................... 162Banu Lihyan .............................. 76Banu Mustaliq ........................... 80Banu Nadir .................... 31, 82, 88Banu Najjar .......................... 35, 43Banu Qainuqa‘ ........................... 31Banu Quraiza31, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90,95, 98, 100, 101Banu Sa‘d ........................... 82, 169Banu Sulaim ............................... 82Banu Ta’i ................................. 248Bara’ ........................................... 78Bedouin ..................... 3, 39, 58, 236Bible ................................... 31, 101Bilal ra .................................. 14, 157<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saBishr ibn al-Bara’ ibn al-Ma‘rur ra............................................. 143Bishr ra ........................................ 144Budail ........................................ 123Canaanites ................................. 101Chapter, Bani Isra’il ................. 163Chosroes33, 40, 133, 136, 140, 155,229Chosroes bin Hormizd ................ 40Chosroes Siroes ......................... 135Christians14, 90, 102, 107, 118, 138,149, 177, 191, 207Copts ................................. 137, 138David as .............................. 107, 108December .................................. 152Deuteronomy ...................... 11, 101Dhat Anwat ............................. 170Dhu’l Khuwaisira ..................... 177Dhu’l-Hijja ............................... 183Dihya Kalbi ra ............................ 128Dihya ra ...................................... 128Ditch ... 85, 102, 103, 104, 119, 121Emperor <strong>of</strong> Iran ................. 135, 140European writers ......... 50, 146, 163Europeans ................................. 246Fatima ra ...... 24, 212, 219, 225, 240Fazara ....................................... 120Fazara tribe ............................... 120February ............................ 121, 144Gabriel ...................................... 232Gandhi ..................................... 119Geography ..................................... 2German soldier .......................... 195Ghaffar ....................................... 16Ghassan ............................ 139, 147Ghatafan ....................... 82, 95, 120Habbar ra ............................ 168, 169Habib ra ........................................ 36Hadrami tribe ........................... 139Hafsa ra ...................................... 228Hajj ..................................... 31, 184Hakam ........................................ 16Hakim bin Hizam ra ........... 156, 157Hakim ra ..................................... 156

<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa 261Halah ra ....................................... 235Halima ...................................... 169Hamdan .................................... 139Hamza ra ........................... 17, 69, 70Hanif Bani Kinana ................... 162Hanzala ..................................... 153Haram bin Malhan ra .................. 78Haram ra ...................................... 78Hassan bin Thabit ra .................. 194Hatib ibn Abi Balta‘a ra ........... 137Hatib ra ...................................... 137Hatim Ta’i ............................... 248Hawazin .. 156, 169, 170, 171, 177Hebrew................................ 28, 138Hereafter ............................. 26, 115Hind .......................................... 160Hindus ................................. 90, 249History .................................... 2, 53Hittites ...................................... 101Hivites ....................................... 101Hubal .......................... 68, 164, 207Hudhaifa ra ................................... 97Huyai bin Akhtab ....................... 88Ibn Hazm .................................... 86Ibn Ishaq .................................... 86ibn Rawaha ra ............................ 149Ibrahim ............................. 208, 216Indian Congress ........................ 119Indian National Army ............... 119Iran .. 33, 40, 66, 128, 133, 140, 168Iranians ................................. 33, 40Iron Cross ................................. 195Isaiah as ............................ 12, 60, 61Ishmael.................................... 2, 39Ishmael as ................................... 163Ja‘far ......................................... 148Ja‘far ibn Abi Talib ra ................ 150Ja‘far ra ....................... 150, 151, 216Jabbar ra ....................................... 79Jabr ra ........................................... 14Japanese .................................... 119Jarir bin ‘Abdullah ra ................. 235Jebusites .................................... 101Jesus as ... 27, 72, 107, 108, 118, 132,137Jews.. 31, 47, 48, 49, 63, 72, 73, 82,92, 95, 98, 100, 101, 107, 120,133, 138, 139, 140, 147, 177,191, 207Jonah as , ........................................ 28Josephas .................................... 165Joshua as ............................. 107, 108Judgement Day 173, 176, 187, 223,233, 237Jumad al-’Ula ......................... 134Jurham tribe .............................. 120Kaiser . 33, 128, 130, 131, 148, 149,155, 229Khabbab bin Al-Arat ra ................ 13Khadija ra 7, 9, 26, 196, 214, 216, 235Khalid bin Walid ra ..... 65, 147, 150,151, 161Khalid ra ......... 65, 94, 150, 151, 161Khallad ra ...................................... 98Khawarij ................................... 177Khazraj tribe ................ 31, 35, 177Khubaib ra ..................................... 77Khuza‘a ............................ 152, 156Kinana ...................................... 142Labid ........................................... 22Lat ........................................ 14, 27Legion <strong>of</strong> Honour ...................... 195Ma‘rur bin Suwaid ra ................. 227Magians ..................................... 139Maimuna ra ........................ 145, 146Maisara ......................................... 7Malik ibn ‘Auf .......................... 169Mansur Qalawun .................... 132Mary .................................... 72, 135Mary ra ........................................ 138Mathematics .................................. 2Meccans1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38,39, 44, 46, 49, 50, 53, 57, 60, 61, 62,64, 68, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 105,122, 123, 126, 127, 145, 152,153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159,

262160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166,170, 171, 175, 177, 207, 220Monday ....................... 42, 134, 162Moses as . 11, 27, 31, 55, 56, 98, 102,107, 108, 118, 137, 170, 192,221Mu‘awiya al-Qushairi ra ............ 230Muhajirin .............. 65, 81, 158, 159<strong>Muhammad</strong> bin Maslama ra 99, 100,120Muharram ................................. 128Mundhir Taimi ......................... 139Muqauqis .......................... 137, 138Mus‘ab ra ............................... 32, 35Musailima ........................... 36, 210Mut‘im bin ‘Adi ........................ 29Naufal ................................... 11, 93Naufal bin Harith ra .................... 170Negus ................................ 135, 136New Testament ......................... 107Nu‘aim ra ...................................... 95Old Testament ........................... 107Perizzites ................................... 101Persian Empire ............................ 84Pharaoh ......................... 27, 59, 137Qaila............................................ 41Qais ra ......................................... 160Qara ............................................ 75Qasim ....................................... 217Quraish. 14, 16, 23, 65, 77, 82, 122,125, 134, 159, 160, 162, 222Rajab ......................................... 220Ramadan ............................... x, 152Rishis ........................................ 249Roman Emperor ........ 128, 132, 137Roman Empire ... 84, 132, 140, 147,179Romans ....................... 33, 246, 247Sa‘d bin ‘Ubadara ............ 159, 160Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh ra ..... 49, 50, 72, 94Sa‘d bin Waqqas ra ................ 45, 94Sa‘d ra ..... 72, 94, 100, 101, 159, 223Sa‘id bin ‘Amir ra ......................... 78Safiyya ra ...................... 90, 142, 237<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saSafwan bin Umayya ................... 15Safwan ra ........................... 170, 174Salman ra ...................................... 83Salman ra the Persian ................... 83Samiyya ra .................................... 15Satan ................. 13, 19, 37, 81, 237September ................................. 179Shaiba ra ..................................... 174Shurahbil ................................... 148Sirin ra ......................................... 138Suhaib ra ....................................... 14Suhail ........................ 124, 125, 127Suhail ibn ‘Amr ........................ 125Surah Al-Nisa’ ......................... 205Surah Al-Qamar .......................... 59Surah Baqara ............................ 172Surah Yusuf ............................. 165Suraqa bin Malik ra ...................... 39Suraqa ra ........................... 39, 40, 41Ta Ha, Chapter .......................... 24Tahajjud .................................... 212Talha ra ................................... 65, 66Thabit bin Qais bin Shams ra ..... 210Thaqif ........................................ 169Torah ......................................... 238Umayya bin Khalf ....................... 14Umm-e-‘Abdullah ra ..................... 21Umm-e-‘Ammara ra ............... 35, 36Usama bin Zaid ra ...................... 239Usama ra ..................................... 219valley <strong>of</strong> Abu Talib .................. 162Vedas ........................................ 249Victoria Cross ........................... 195Walid bin Mughira ................ 22, 50William Muir, Sir ........................ 30Yasir ra ......................................... 15Yathrib ........................................ 92Zaid bin Haritha ra ..................... 148Zaid ra 8, 28, 44, 77, 78, 148, 150, 151Zainab ra ..................... 168, 206, 215Zamzam .................................... 165Zinbira ra ...................................... 15Zubair bin al-‘Awwam ra ............. 16Zubair ra ...................................... 164

‘Aqaba ........................................ 35‘Uman....................................... 139Abu Ayyub Ansari ra ................. 43Abyssinia .. 3, 21, 30, 32, 128, 135,136, 167, 204Alexandria ................................ 137America .................................. 2, 75Arabia1, 3, 5, 13, 22, 27, 31, 36, 75,82, 83, 88, 92, 94, 105, 106, 125,134, 140, 142, 149, 152, 158,160, 162, 174, 179, 182, 195,208, 210, 225Asia Minor .................................. 33Badr ... 53, 56, 60, 62, 77, 113, 130,151, 214, 219BAHRAIN ................................ 139Bi’r Ma‘una ................................ 78Bosphorus ................................... 33Burma ....................................... 119Busra ................................ 128, 147Canaan .............................. 107, 170China ......................................... 136Constantinople .................... 33, 132Dar-e-Arqam ............................... 25Egypt ............ 22, 33, 128, 137, 147Europe ................................. x, 2, 75Faran ........................................ 153France ....................................... 195Galilee ......................................... 27Greek .......................................... 14Heaven ................................ 19, 187Hira .............................................. 9Hudaibiya 113, 122, 123, 128, 141,144, 152, 156, 172India .............................. 3, 119, 136Israel .................................... 27, 31Jerusalem .................. 5, 27, 32, 33Jordan.......................................... 27Index <strong>of</strong> Places263Ka‘ba. 2, 16, 17, 21, 27, 29, 49, 50,78, 121, 123, 126, 144, 145, 147,160, 163, 164, 165, 174Khaibar ......... 73, 82, 120, 141, 142London ................................... ix, 93Mada’in ....................................... 84Marrazzahran ........................... 144Mauta .......... 70, 148, 150, 179, 180Mecca . 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18,20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41,42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52,54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 77, 78, 80, 82,104, 109, 121, 122, 123, 124,125, 127, 134, 144, 145, 146,148, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157,158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163,165, 166, 167, 169, 171, 174,175, 178, 182, 195, 204, 207,220, 222, 233Medina5, 14, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61,62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 78,79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89,94, 96, 99, 103, 104, 106, 109,113, 120, 123, 127, 128, 134,140, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151,152, 153, 162, 163, 167, 177,178, 180, 181, 182, 191, 193,194, 208, 210, 211, 215, 217,220, 222, 231, 246, 247Midian ......................................... 27Mina .................................. 31, 183Muzdalifa .................................. 183Najd....................................... 78, 82Najran ....................................... 246Nakhla ......................................... 29Nineveh ................................. 28, 30Palestine ................................. 3, 33

264<strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> saParadise .. 15, 23, 67, 168, 209, 223,233Persia .................................... 83, 84Quba ................... 41, 42, 178, 182Raji‘ ............................................ 76Rautas ...................................... 169Rome .. 66, 107, 131, 132, 136, 140,147Sacred Mosque...... 2, 110, 121, 157Safa ................................... 17, 145Sarif .......................................... 145Syria 3, 5, 7, 33, 50, 53, 54, 73, 82,128, 138, 148, 149, 151, 178,180, 181Ta’if .... 5, 27, 28, 30, 134, 175, 182Thaur ............................ 38, 42, 162Uhud 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 73, 75, 80,85, 93, 130, 151, 164, 194, 207Yamama ............................. 30, 139Yemen .... 3, 84, 134, 135, 139, 140,180

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