Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club

Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club
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26 BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 TEL: 01234 843905 EDITORIAL: – CRICKETSandy Cricket ClubsANDY Cricket Club has been playing in East Bedfordshirefor many decades, and is currently based at sunderlandroad recreation Ground, in sandy. the playing surface isregarded as one of the best in the area. the Club is located inthe excellent Jenkins Pavilion, which boasts six teamchanging rooms, two changing rooms for match officials,plus an electronic scoreboard.sandy CC has worked hard toachieve the ECB’s Clubmarkstatus, and this status confirms theClub’s commitment “to being asafe, effective and child-friendlycricket club”. Within our Club, wehave a major focus on youthdevelopment and in 2012 willhave teams competing at under 10,under 12 and under 14 levels in theBedfordshire Youth Cricketleague. the main emphasis is forchildren’s participation within afun and safe environment, ratherthan a result driven atmosphere.Within the Junior section wehave a number of ECB QualifiedCoaches, all of whom are CrBchecked and have attended 1st aidand child safeguarding courses.the Club also has a Club Welfareofficer, and adheres to the ECB’ssafe Hands guidelines.Junior Cricket Coachingsessions run throughout the whole12 months of the year. in the wintermonths these sessions arelocated in the sports hall at sandyUpper school. From april throughto the end of september, the sessionsmove outdoors to theoutdoor Cricket net area atsandy Upper school.sandy CC also participates inthe 'Chance to shine' initiative,which is a charity that aims tobring cricket back to state partnership with BedfordshireCricket limited (formerly theBedfordshire Cricket Board), freecricket sessions are offered at anumber of the local sandyschools.For more information, hereare some FAQ’s:Q: Is my son / daughter oldenough?a: We take children from schoolYear 2. remember, we offertrial weeks, so you can try it forfree.Q: Should I practice before comingto the first training session?a: simple throwing and catchingwith a tennis ball. if you have abat, get used to the feel andweight. this will all help whenyou start, but whatever you’restandard, the main thing we arelooking for is plenty ofenthusiasm.Q: What should we bring andwear?a: normal, comfortable sportsclothing and trainers, a waterbottle. During the summermonths bring sun block and ahat on sunny days.Q: Where do you play?a: During the summer we arebased in the outdoor nets area,behind the “toybox nursery”in the Upper school. Duringthe winter we have our sessionsin the indoor sports hall withinTO PROVIDE ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS;Filled party bags, helium balloons, tableware,decorations, for all occasions and themes.Affordable competitive prices and deliveredto your door.Please email: us on Facebook – for a price list or callJodie 07758 596936Emily 07976 251299 / 01767 318744the Upper school.Q: how much does it cost?a: We charge just £20 for 6months play. this covers allcoaching sessions and matchfees.Q: Do you play matches?a: During the summer we takepart in matches against otherlocal clubs. all children whowish to take part are invited toplay.Q: how can I find out more information?Please contact our CoachingCo-ordinator, ian Hurst, on 07941876292 or email ianmark.hurst@ntlworld.comas well as offering the opportunitiesto participate in cricket,sandy CC also offers opportunitiesto watch professional of the highlights of the year isour Junior section Day out, whenthe Junior Members and theirfamilies come together to watch at20 match at one of the localCounty grounds.We also encourage family participationin the highly anticipatedend of season Parent v Juniormatches. these matches areplayed at all age levels, and in2011 the Juniors gained revengeafter the previous seasons defeats.sandy CC runs senior teams onboth saturday and sundayafternoons throughout the summermonths. on sunday’s the seniorsquad plays in the BedfordshireCounty league, and on saturday’sthe Club will be entering a seniorXi team into the newly restructuredBedfordshire invitationalleague. We also arrange friendlymatches to give less experiencedplayers the opportunity to gainconfidence within a match environment.the Club will, in thevery near future, be looking toform a Development team, to helpcreate a structured pathway forjunior players to progress throughto senior cricket.the qualified coaching staffalso run practice sessions for thesenior squad, at the outdoor nets atsandy Upper school coachingstaff also run practice sessions forthe senior squad, at the outdoornets at sandy Upper schoolthroughout the summer months.During the winter months, thesessions move indoors to thesports hall at sandy Upper school.senior players can use thesesessions to practice all parts of thegame, and particularly hone theirbatting skills against the coachingstaff’s bowling machine (potentiallyrunning at up to 80mph).these sessions are open to anyadults who wish to practice theircricket skills, irrespective ofexperience and ability.the Club also offers indoorleague cricket during the winter.We participate in the 6-a-sideindoor league at the BunyanCentre, in Bedford; the Club isalso hoping to start a second teamwithin this league well as the men’s cricket onoffer, sandy CC also runs ladiesonlycricket coaching sessions. itis hoped to offer league cricket fora ladies-only team, and this couldpotentially be via a joint venturewith other local clubs under acombined East Beds ladies squad.sandy Cricket Club is fortunateto have two local venues that kindlysponsor the club. the BellPublic House sponsors the seniorsection, and the akbar indianrestaurant sponsors the Juniorsection. social events are organisedat both of these venuesthroughout the year.sandy CC welcomes all newplayers to the Club, irrespective ofexperience and ability. We offerparticipation for all age groups,and especially encourage allwomen and girls to try participationin the sport.For more information checkthe Club’s websites: sandy.playcricket.comor Young People'stuesday Youth Club needsvolunteers. this is for childrenof between eight andtwelve years old and there arenormally between 24 and 45children in attendance.they meet tuesdays6pm–8pm at the YouthCentre,sandye PlaceAcademy Campus.if you can spare some timeplease contact 01767 681739

TEL: 01234 843905 ADVERTISING: BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 27SPORT – RUGBYSuccessful yearWith the short Christmas break just around the corner,Biggleswade rugby end a year which has seen the First XVpromoted and go on to the top of Midlands 3 East (south).Home action for the First XV sees them take on old rivalsstamford on saturday December 10th at 2.15pm.stamford are also threateningthe top of the league and were theonly side to beat Biggy twice lastseason. the other games inDecember include an away gameat northampton Casuals on 3rdDecember and a short drive toBedford Queens on saturday 17thDecember. Both sides have had apoor start to the season and lay inthe bottom quarter of the league;however Biggleswade cannotafford to be complacent. a gameis also scheduled for new Year’sEve which will most likely be afriendly.the First XV’s november campaignsaw them beat Daventry andDeepings rugby but be comprehensivelybeaten by new leagueleaders northampton BBoBs bysome 47 points. the step toMidlands 3 has been fairly straightforward but the club now knowsthat to progress to Midlands twowill take a change in attitude, skillsand investment.Biggleswade involvement inthe rFU Vase ended at sleaford ina 28-22 defeat in a game whichsaw the home side gifted two easytries, and suffer a number ofinjuries to key players.However, a convincing 25 – 10win over Bedford swifts see’sBiggy progress to the next round ofthe County Cup where they meetDunstablians in a game scheduledfor February 26th.the club’s second (thePirates) and third XV also havehome games on saturday 10thDecember when the 2s face Bishopstortford and the 3s meet Harlow4s on saturday 3rd December,followed by shelford 4s on 10thDecember.saturday 10th December issanta niGHt. the annual charitysanta night takes place aroundthe pubs and clubs of Biggleswadeand sandy raising funds for charityand funds. Please give generouslywhen you see 40 santa’s in town.the Biggy grounds staff, Mikeand Martin benefited from aconsultation from the best in thebusiness when keith kent, headgrounds man at twickenham visitedthe club in october. long termprojects were discussed includingirrigation and the management ofplayer’s time on the pitches. Biggygrounds manager Mike adamssaid: “We were very pleased withthe evaluation of the pitches; keithhas given us some great tips tocontinue to improve the grounds”keith commented that thesheepwalk pitches were “brilliantpitches on a bed of stone… thepitches are a credit to the club,”concluding that Biggleswade is“a great club and one that was apleasure to visit.”Biggleswade U11s competed inthe national land rover Cup heldin northwood last month whichpitted them against some big namesides. a win against Colchesterwas not enough to see themthrough to the final after lossesagainst Ealing trailfinders andHarpenden. the team then went onto watch saracens play sale sharksat Vicarage road.saracens Herts & MiddlesexleaguesCorrect at time of writingU13s are 2nd in division fourU14s are 6th in division four with 2games in handU15s are 6th in division four, havingforfeited their game vs oldalbanians due to insufficientnumber of players.U16s are 6th in division oneBiggleswade have also madetwo important new appointmentsto the back room staff with andyBarwell heading up the schoolsliaison role. andy has a son in theMini section and will develop therelationship with local schools andthe school sports partnership; thiswill include the provision ofqualified coaches to assist withafter schools clubs. andy can becontacted via the club Hilditch has taken on thesponsorship Development roleand will be developing the linksbetween the club and local andnational businesses.Christmas Day in the WorkshouseContinued from page 25all the men belonging to thenorthern signal Companyreceived a case of cigarettes and abody belt on Christmas Eve, thethoughtful and kindly gifts of afriend.CHRISTMAS ATBIGGLESWADE REDCROSS HOSPITALthe soldiers who are patients atthe red Cross Hospital,Biggleswade, were not forgottenduring Christmas time, for thanksto the kindness of Mrs Gurney,Commandant of the VaD, sisterConry and other friends, they wereable to spend a real happy time.Preserving our roots!Mix it Creatively!At The Creative Mix we can turn yourcreative ideas into a creative reality!At The Creative Mix we are committed to exciting, inspiringcommunications that get your message across effectively.We pride ourselves on finding the best creative solution toa brief and will handle everything from start to finish.Whether you need new corporate ID, brochures, leaflets,website or exhibition design or that very special photograph,give us a call – 01767627144.For more examples of what we can do, check out our rooms were beautifullydecorated by the nurses and with anicely stocked Christmas tree thescene was a charming one.on Christmas Eve the Vicarbrought a choir of boys, who sangcarols very sweetly, and onChristmas Day the men had a rightgood time. the fare was quiteseasonable, Mrs Gurney sending afine turkey, and the dinner was ahappy event. on Monday there wasmore Christmas cheer, for sisterConry held a party to which presentand past patients, the nurses andmany other friends were invitedand a right royal time was spent byall, the soldiers receiving each ahandsome present from theChristmas tree.Continued from page 25more recognised throughout thecommunity.sandy Historical researchGroup is always pleased to welcomenew members throughoutthe year. More details and a flavourof what the group is involved in,can be found on the website Youcan join in the conversation by visitingthe Blog at: it’s free to register and postyour comments and viewsChairman, Mick reynolds willbe pleased to answer any questionsabout the group – you canemail him at: call him on 01767680887.Steve Purchase, Press

26 BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 TEL: 01234 843905 EDITORIAL: – CRICKETSandy Cricket <strong>Club</strong>sANDY Cricket <strong>Club</strong> has been playing in East Bedfordshirefor many decades, and is currently based at sunderlandroad recreation Ground, in sandy. the playing surface isregarded as one of the best in the area. the <strong>Club</strong> is located inthe excellent Jenkins Pavilion, which boasts six teamchanging rooms, two changing rooms for match officials,plus an electronic scoreboard.sandy CC has worked hard toachieve the ECB’s <strong>Club</strong>markstatus, and this status confirms the<strong>Club</strong>’s commitment “to being asafe, effective and child-friendlycricket club”. Within our <strong>Club</strong>, wehave a major focus on youthdevelopment and in 2012 willhave teams competing at under 10,under 12 and under 14 levels in theBedfordshire Youth Cricketleague. the main emphasis is forchildren’s participation within afun and safe environment, ratherthan a result driven atmosphere.Within the Junior section wehave a number of ECB QualifiedCoaches, all of whom are CrBchecked and have attended 1st aidand child safeguarding courses.the <strong>Club</strong> also has a <strong>Club</strong> Welfareofficer, and adheres to the ECB’ssafe Hands guidelines.Junior Cricket Coachingsessions run throughout the whole12 months of the year. in the wintermonths these sessions arelocated in the sports hall at sandyUpper school. From april throughto the end of september, the sessionsmove outdoors to theoutdoor Cricket net area atsandy Upper school.sandy CC also participates inthe 'Chance to shine' initiative,which is a charity that aims tobring cricket back to state partnership with BedfordshireCricket limited (formerly theBedfordshire Cricket Board), freecricket sessions are offered at anumber of the local sandyschools.For more information, hereare some FAQ’s:Q: Is my son / daughter oldenough?a: We take children from schoolYear 2. remember, we offertrial weeks, so you can try it forfree.Q: Should I practice before comingto the first training session?a: simple throwing and catchingwith a tennis ball. if you have abat, get used to the feel andweight. this will all help whenyou start, but whatever you’restandard, the main thing we arelooking for is plenty ofenthusiasm.Q: What should we bring andwear?a: normal, comfortable sportsclothing and trainers, a waterbottle. During the summermonths bring sun block and ahat on sunny days.Q: Where do you play?a: During the summer we arebased in the outdoor nets area,behind the “toybox nursery”in the Upper school. Duringthe winter we have our sessionsin the indoor sports hall withinTO PROVIDE ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS;Filled party bags, helium balloons, tableware,decorations, for all occasions and themes.Affordable competitive prices and deliveredto your door.Please email: us on Facebook – for a price list or callJodie 07758 596936Emily 07976 251299 / 01767 318744the Upper school.Q: how much does it cost?a: We charge just £20 for 6months play. this covers allcoaching sessions and matchfees.Q: Do you play matches?a: During the summer we takepart in matches against otherlocal clubs. all children whowish to take part are invited toplay.Q: how can I find out more information?Please contact our CoachingCo-ordinator, ian Hurst, on 07941876292 or email ianmark.hurst@ntlworld.comas well as offering the opportunitiesto participate in cricket,sandy CC also offers opportunitiesto watch professional of the highlights of the year isour Junior section Day out, whenthe Junior Members and theirfamilies come together to watch at20 match at one of the localCounty grounds.We also encourage family participationin the highly anticipatedend of season Parent v Juniormatches. these matches areplayed at all age levels, and in2011 the Juniors gained revengeafter the previous seasons defeats.sandy CC runs senior teams onboth saturday and sundayafternoons throughout the summermonths. on sunday’s the seniorsquad plays in the BedfordshireCounty league, and on saturday’sthe <strong>Club</strong> will be entering a seniorXi team into the newly restructuredBedfordshire invitationalleague. We also arrange friendlymatches to give less experiencedplayers the opportunity to gainconfidence within a match environment.the <strong>Club</strong> will, in thevery near future, be looking toform a Development team, to helpcreate a structured pathway forjunior players to progress throughto senior cricket.the qualified coaching staffalso run practice sessions for thesenior squad, at the outdoor nets atsandy Upper school coachingstaff also run practice sessions forthe senior squad, at the outdoornets at sandy Upper schoolthroughout the summer months.During the winter months, thesessions move indoors to thesports hall at sandy Upper school.senior players can use thesesessions to practice all parts of thegame, and particularly hone theirbatting skills against the coachingstaff’s bowling machine (potentiallyrunning at up to 80mph).these sessions are open to anyadults who wish to practice theircricket skills, irrespective ofexperience and ability.the <strong>Club</strong> also offers indoorleague cricket during the winter.We participate in the 6-a-sideindoor league at the BunyanCentre, in Bedford; the <strong>Club</strong> isalso hoping to start a second teamwithin this league well as the men’s cricket onoffer, sandy CC also runs ladiesonlycricket coaching sessions. itis hoped to offer league cricket fora ladies-only team, and this couldpotentially be via a joint venturewith other local clubs under acombined East Beds ladies squad.sandy Cricket <strong>Club</strong> is fortunateto have two local venues that kindlysponsor the club. the BellPublic House sponsors the seniorsection, and the akbar indianrestaurant sponsors the Juniorsection. social events are organisedat both of these venuesthroughout the year.sandy CC welcomes all newplayers to the <strong>Club</strong>, irrespective ofexperience and ability. We offerparticipation for all age groups,and especially encourage allwomen and girls to try participationin the sport.For more information checkthe <strong>Club</strong>’s websites: sandy.playcricket.comor Young People'stuesday Youth <strong>Club</strong> needsvolunteers. this is for childrenof between eight andtwelve years old and there arenormally between 24 and 45children in attendance.they meet tuesdays6pm–8pm at the YouthCentre,sandye PlaceAcademy Campus.if you can spare some timeplease contact 01767 681739

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