Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club

Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club Layout 7 - Biggleswade Rugby Club
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18 BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 TEL: 01234 843905 EDITORIAL: Ernest Hall Care HomeMilton ErnEstHall was built in1856 and is the onlycountry house designed andbuilt by the noted architectsir William Butterfield. animpressive Grade i listedformer Home to the stareyfamily, it is now beautifullyrefurbished to retain itscharacter. as well as manyyears as a private residence,the house has been a base forUs armed forces during WorldWar ii and a country househotel.the Hall stands in sixteenacres of landscaped groundswithin the picturesque villageof Milton Ernest, five milesnorth of Bedford, MiltonErnest Hall is accessible, withconvenient access to the a6trunk road and has good publictransport links.We have extremely spaciousall en-suite bedrooms andsuites, all fully furnished andtastefully decorated to a highstandard. all our rooms haveprivate direct-dial telephones,electric profiling beds, televisionpoints, a lockable facilityfor valuables, a nurse callalarm and smoke detectors.We provide personal andnursing care on a long term,convalescent and short staybasis. twenty-four hour coveris provided by a qualified,experienced and committedcare team specifically recruitedfor their sensitivity, dedicationand professional expertise inthis area of care. all specialistequipment is available.all Majesticare’s Homes putresidents’ choices first, and atMilton Ernest Hall you are freeto eat your meals in our diningrooms or in your own room.We are happy to provide mealsfor visitors as well. our freshhome-cooked food isnutritionally balanced and wecater for special requirementssuch as vegetarian or Milton Ernest Hall wehave a dedicated activitiesorganiser who arranges a livelysocial calendar including arts,entertainment, exercise, tripssuch as shopping, and events inthe Home. We also arrangeregular visits fromhairdressers, chiropodists,dentists, opticians, local GP’sand a range of otherprofessionals.For more information on Milton Ernest Care Home please contact the Home Manager on 01234 825305.Milton Ernest is a 2 star care home and is part the Majesticare home group which has 16 othercare homes across the country. For further information visit

TEL: 01234 843905 ADVERTISING: BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 19LETTERS TO THE EDITORDELIVERY GLITCHESiEMail in disgust at the deliveryof the ‘Bulletin’ to the areain sandy, st. neots road betweenPete's Mini Market and WindsorWay. this was the only area whichi saw on my way back fromcollecting my daily paper. i thinkthe delivery person must havebeen american as the magazineswere just thrown into residents’front gardens or left on thepavement. it looked a completemess. added to this Pete’s MiniMarket was left with well overseventy copies. Why so manywhen the magazines was deliveredto houses in the area?Barbara A. Arnoldto Mrs arnold,tHank you for taking the timeto contact us. We have hadseveral complaints and in fact,pictures emailed over to us –understandably! there should nothave been any magazines left inshops as we have calculated thenumber of houses and they are theones to receive the you know this is a newdelivery area for us and the deliverycompany that we useemployed several people from thelocale. Unfortunately the chap thatcovered your area obviously didnot have his heart in the job – whyhe took it in the first place isbeyond me!i am told by the company thathe has been sacked and they willbe monitoring future from the December issuesandy will have its own version ofthe Bulletin and we hope youenjoy it and please make sure ifyou belong to any clubs etc thatthey send their news across.i apologise for all the inconvenienceand would appreciate itif you could let me know that themagazine is delivered in the correctmanner next month.Patricia Waller– Operations ManagerREFERENDUM ISSUESiWEntto the House ofCommons last Monday to lobbysome of the Bedfordshire MPs onthe referendum vote.nadine Dorries came out to seeus and she confirmed that she wasin support of the motion.richard Fuller, never came outto see anyone, perhaps because hecould not face us for putting hisParty before the Country.the Editor welcomes yourcorrespondence but reserves theabsolute right to edit any submittedmaterial without reference to theauthor. Please send your letters to:Biggleswade Bulletin, 1 Union Park,triumph Way, Kempston MK427QB or email to: or if youwould like to discuss a futureeditorial please call 01234 843905.alistair Burt didn’t come out tosee me, however, i spoke to hissecretary who confirmed that MrBurt had replied to my email andhence there was no need to see me.His response by e-mail included:“…i have read your e-mailcarefully, and do understand thestrength of feelings behind it. But iwould like you to read the articlebelow from William Hague, anacknowledged Euro-sceptic, whoargues why a referendum atpresent would not be right for nowin the Uk.“But for the reasons set out byMr Hague i will be voting not tosupport a referendum now.”in the kind of Democracy thatwe have. William Hague says‘jump’, and most of theConservative MPs say ‘how high’.this very clearly demonstratesthe ever widening gap between thevoters and their elected representativesat Westminster, who simplyare not listening or don't reallycare what their constituents think.Poll after poll has shown thanmore than 50% want to leave EU.the new 2012 EU budgetincreased by 5.2% giving them anextra £5.7 billion of European taxpayers'money, of which the Ukwill have to find £834 million bycutting more public services andfurther borrowing.George KonstantinidisUKIP Mid Beds ChairmanOver 13,500 homes inBiggleswade, Sandyand Potton see theBulletin – have yougot something to say?Call Pat on01234 843905‘Home Swap Scheme’AlistAir Burt MP has welcomed the Government’srecently launched Homeswap Direct – providingtenants of social housing with new opportunities tomove, anywhere in the UK.Homeswap Direct allowstenants looking for a move toidentify suitable properties and tothen arrange a swap. By linkingtogether all existing home-swapservices for the first time, tenantswill be able to see the full rangeof available properties; not justthose listed by a particular swapservice.north East Bedfordshire MPalistair Burt said: “this is a greatstep forward and will give peoplebetter opportunities to move.Whether they want to move into orout of the area i hope this willallow constituents to findthemselves a home that better suitstheir needs. Family situations canchange and this service will allowthem greater flexibility to movenearer to work, closer to theirfamily, or for any other reason.”the scheme will be availableonline from next april, and moredetails can be found at!wed0n’tsELLB0XESFree snowclearing inwintersPonsorED and supported bythe sandy & District seniorCitizens Community supportgroup● are you over 60 and in need ofsupport?● Did you struggle to leave yourhome in 2010 because of thesnow?● Do you live in the sandy &District area?● Would you like your pathcleared of snow this winter,free of charge?if so, fully insured volunteersare ready to clear the snow fromyour path at home this winter tohelp you get out and about in2011/12.if you would like to benefitfrom this service please call:Ken lynch on 01767 681739DROP IN oR CALL01525 841842PRE delivery tested,fuelled, runand readyto go!...Plusa personalhandoverBLACKMOOR FARM, NEW ROAD, MAULDEN, BEDFORDSHIRE, MK45 2BG UK

18 BULLETIN DECEMBER 2011 TEL: 01234 843905 EDITORIAL: Ernest Hall Care HomeMilton ErnEstHall was built in1856 and is the onlycountry house designed andbuilt by the noted architectsir William Butterfield. animpressive Grade i listedformer Home to the stareyfamily, it is now beautifullyrefurbished to retain itscharacter. as well as manyyears as a private residence,the house has been a base forUs armed forces during WorldWar ii and a country househotel.the Hall stands in sixteenacres of landscaped groundswithin the picturesque villageof Milton Ernest, five milesnorth of Bedford, MiltonErnest Hall is accessible, withconvenient access to the a6trunk road and has good publictransport links.We have extremely spaciousall en-suite bedrooms andsuites, all fully furnished andtastefully decorated to a highstandard. all our rooms haveprivate direct-dial telephones,electric profiling beds, televisionpoints, a lockable facilityfor valuables, a nurse callalarm and smoke detectors.We provide personal andnursing care on a long term,convalescent and short staybasis. twenty-four hour coveris provided by a qualified,experienced and committedcare team specifically recruitedfor their sensitivity, dedicationand professional expertise inthis area of care. all specialistequipment is available.all Majesticare’s Homes putresidents’ choices first, and atMilton Ernest Hall you are freeto eat your meals in our diningrooms or in your own room.We are happy to provide mealsfor visitors as well. our freshhome-cooked food isnutritionally balanced and wecater for special requirementssuch as vegetarian or Milton Ernest Hall wehave a dedicated activitiesorganiser who arranges a livelysocial calendar including arts,entertainment, exercise, tripssuch as shopping, and events inthe Home. We also arrangeregular visits fromhairdressers, chiropodists,dentists, opticians, local GP’sand a range of otherprofessionals.For more information on Milton Ernest Care Home please contact the Home Manager on 01234 825305.Milton Ernest is a 2 star care home and is part the Majesticare home group which has 16 othercare homes across the country. For further information visit

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