Atlas Amplifier PDF - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier PDF - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier PDF - Atlas Van Lines


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Cover StoryRalph NaderPolitical Activist,Consumer AdvocateJim Valvano1983 NCAA ChampionBasketball CoachDick VitaleESPN Sports AnalystMaureen ReaganPolitical Activist,Radio Talk-Show HostLou HoltzNCAA Football Coach –Notre Dame, ArkansasTerry SavageFinancial Author, ColumnistHoward K. SmithABC News Anchor – 1962-1978Dr. Joyce BrothersAuthor, Columnist, TV HostFrank BormanCommander, NASA Apollo 8 Missionin the many facets of relocation that In 1969. . .• 74% of respondents said theaffect our ability to deliver a standard • 83% of companies surveyed said majority of their overseas shipmentswere forwarded by surfaceof service. But beyond that, we are their traffic department personnelwere responsible for contracting the transportation.keenly interested in how relocation ishousehold goods carrier’s services. In 1984. . .connected to the ‘big picture,’ that is,• The average expenditure per move • 45% of respondents said theirgreatest number of moves did notoccur during the summer months.• 64% said volume discounts werethe most beneficial program orservice since the Household GoodsTransportation Act of 1980.• 1% of respondents offered noreimbursement for movingexpenses.In 1994. . .• Nearly 60% of survey respondentswere employed in human resourcesdepartments. 13.2% were employedin traffic or transportationfunctions.• 70% of firms provided fullreimbursement of moving expenses.• Companies spent an averageStage settings for how we influence the vitality of the for direct van line services ofof $19,515 per relocation on realthe Forum reflectindustries we serve, and how all of us packing and transportationestate services such as homethe current statewas $985.marketing, home search, pre-moveof the industry. are affected by the social, economic,house-hunting, etc.In the period of and political currents that shape the In 1974. . .industry changebusiness climate.”• Companies moved an average of In 2004. . .and uncertainty161 employees. On average, four • 66% of companiesthat marked theyear 2000, the set Aha!were women.indicate they outsourcedinvited participants• Almost two-thirds (63%) ofrelocation services.After 40 years of annual investigation,to approach thecompanies experienced no • The three most importantForum with a blank the Corporate Relocation Survey hasdeclinations. Ten years later, that attributes when selecting a carriercanvas and take produced a mountain of data. From number had dropped to 27%. for international shipments wereaway new ideas to one year to the next, changes in the • Only 16% of companies had utilized service (91%), scheduling (73%), andpaint the futurefindings are typically subtle. But from the services of a relocation service reputation (66%).of relocation attheir companies. a long-range view, the little ticks add firm to purchase and resell • 29% of companies anticipated anresidences of transferred employees. increased relocation budget in theup to shifts that offer interestingBy 1982, 50% of companies had coming year and 18% anticipatedpoints of reflection about the vagaries enlisted outside help fora decrease.of a mobile society.this purpose.6 <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • Summer 2007Who Said That?Over the years, forum audiences havebeen entertained and challenged bysome of the world’s most famous andinfluential people. See if you can identifythe following Forum speakers bytheir words. (Answers appear at right.)1. “...you are unique in the sensethat most people don’t get up inthe morning like you do and knowthey can go where theywant, vote as they want,pray as they want. Thatfreedom is precious. Eachof us has the responsibilityto see that it is expandedand there for those whofollow after us.”2. “In my view, the presentregulatory framework should be sufficientto assure all the protection theconsumer needs at this time. So letme ask you: Is there some way youcan do more to regulate yourselves?”3. “Of the recent vintage bumperstickers, the one I liked best was seenin Sarasota, Florida: ‘America, sheain’t perfect, but we ain’t done yet.’Good day!”4. “One of the most promisingdevelopments in the surface transportationarea is the experimentalsafety vehicle program launched bythe Department of Transportationunder the Auto Safety Act of 1966.”Dr. Henry Kissinger5. “I will talk to you for a bit about thecurrent state of east/west relationsand when I conclude my remarks,I will take some questions. You canask any question on any subject youwant. Of course, I reserve the rightto answer on any subject I want.”6. “I bring you greetings from RossPerot. He’s bought this hotel and we allhave to be out in twenty-five minutes.”7. “. . .the individual isdominant in this age, if hewould only act. If each ofus will begin to act, tovote, to inform ourselves,to make demands of ourpoliticians, you will seethings change.”8. “A budget compromisefor the good of the country acrossthe board is mandatory. And if it isnot reached within a reasonably shortperiod of time, our economy couldhave a serious tailspin.”9. “Freedom has got to be a growthindustry. . .we are not taught thenatural responsibilities that go withfreedom. We grow up believing thatfreedom is synonymous withappetite–it’s just there.”10. “Good self-image comes fromdoing three things: one, do what’sright; two, do the best you can; and,three, treat other people as youwould like to be treated.”11. “The hope of our nation isthe character and conscience ofour children.”“Who Said That” Key:1. Donald K. Rumsfeld,Secretary of Defense, 1981.2. <strong>Van</strong>ce Hartke, U.S. Senator, 1974.3. Paul Harvey, news personality, 1985.4. Ralph Nader,consumer advocate, 1973.5. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger,geopolitician, 1987.6. Larry King, talk show host, 1993.7. Howard K. Smith,TV commentator, 1980.8. Gerald R. Ford, U.S. President, 1982.9. Walter Cronkite,news correspondent, 1983.10. Lou Holtz, football coach, 1986.11. Elizabeth Dole, public servant, 1999.Since 1968, theForum stage hasbeen sharedby politicians,statesmen, authors,TV personalities,athletes, journalistsand presidentialhopefuls.<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • Summer 2007 7

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