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Atlas Amplifier PDF - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier PDF - Atlas Van Lines


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Tracks<strong>Atlas</strong> Service is AppreciatedThey madethe move verypainless andcontinue to showgood service.RE: A-1 Movingand Storage (87)Jupiter, FloridaI just wanted to drop a note andtell you how amazing we thoughtA-1 Moving and Storage in Jupiter,Florida was. We moved from Floridato South Carolina. They packed andmoved about 13,000 pounds intoa storage unit. We wereextremely surprised whenseveral weeks after themove we received a refundcheck for the weightdifference. We are now readyto move our belongingsinto a house and called the agent inSouth Carolina who had been ourdestination agent. With one phonecall to Florida, we were able to getthe weight of the original shipmentand have had nothing but courteouspeople and prompt responses fromA-1. They made the move verypainless and continue to showgood service. We will definitelyspread the word.Sincerely,Jennifer CourvilleRE: Marshall McBride,Daniel Wigley,Terri Stuartand Vicki Pratt,ABC Moving andStorage Company (20)Chesterfield, MissouriI justwanted youto know howpleased wewere with themove to ournew home. Inparticular, weThese menwere gracious,sociable, affable,accommodating,polite and attentiveto detail…want to commend Mr. Marshall K.McBride and Mr. Daniel N. Wigleywho moved our treasuredpossessions with the greatest care.These men were gracious,sociable, affable, accommodating,polite and attentive to detail and allwith a good sense of humor. Theymoved with swiftness, eagernessand enthusiasm for the job whichwas very refreshing to witness.I also want to commendMs. Terri L. Stuart and Vicki Prattfor their very pleasant attitude andhelp in handling paper work andour telephone inquiries to facilitatea successful move.Sincerely,Michael A. CarrollRE: Kasimu (Kosmo) ItepBisson Moving &Storage Co. (271)West Bath, MaineIn February Kasimu “Kosmo” Itepdelivered my household goods fromMaine. Kosmo called me the daybefore he was to arrive and gave mean early afternoon time for arrival.He was at our doorstep promptlyand had two local Houston helperswith him to unload. All items werechecked off from a master list madesix years ago when I put my goodsin storage!This letter is to tell you that Kosmois a terrific young man. He wasvery organized, efficient, warmand friendly. All my goods werehandled with care by Kosmoand his helpers.I would be happy to recommendKosmo to anyone moving theirhousehold goods. He was drivingthe biggest moving van I have everseen, andhe did an All my goodseffortless job. were handled withI have begun care by Kosmounpacking my and his helpers.goods andhave found, to date, everything tobe in excellent order. This move isa final step for me leaving Mainepermanently. It has been an emotionalexperience for me, made so mucheasier by Kosmo’s presence.It has been a pleasure doingbusiness with Kosmo and Bisson!Sincerely yours,Jean F. (Bass) JohnsonRE: John Dulin, Jr., Alexander’sMobility Services (207)Tustin, California and MarcyDante, Apex & Robert E. LeeMoving & Storage (278),Antioch,TennesseeI wanted to send you a shortnote to thankyou for the …truly Firstoutstanding Class Service…service I havereceived. Between John Dulin, Jr., andMarcy Dante and their staff I am wellserved. The van operators and theircrews consistently deliver truly FirstClass Service. The families we moveare almost always full of praise forthe way their goods were handled.With many thanks for everything<strong>Atlas</strong> does for me and our familiesI thank you.Sincerely,MarvinRobinsonRE: Kenny Costa andNancy GobeeCrofutt and Smith Moving& Storage (646)Landing, New JerseyI am writing this letter inreference to our recent relocationfor my husband’s employment.We had such a positive experiencethat we did not want to miss thisopportunity to commend youremployees on an excellent job.Kenny Costa and his crewmembers were exceptional. Theywere friendly, polite and extremelyhard working. They were greataround our children and patientas well. We have relocated severaltimes andthis was byfar our mostpositiveexperience.NancyGobee wasalso a bighelp duringthis process.Kenny Costa andhis crew memberswere exceptional.They werefriendly, politeand extremelyhard working.We could not be happier withour move. The service providedwas excellent. Our hats off to yourteam for a job well done!Our sincere thanks to Nancy,Kenny and this crew!Sincerely,Jackie Spinner and Paul TebbeyRE: Patricia TuckGentle Giant MovingCompany, Inc. (961)Hawthorne, CaliforniaWell, I would again like tocongratulate you on a job well-done.Patricia, with Gentle Giant, was onmedical leave, but she still got towork on this project. On each move,we have had courteous workersand they have handled our son’spossessionswith great Because of Patriciacare. I guess and Gentle Giant,if we moved we will always usefrom here <strong>Atlas</strong> as our movers.to Florida,we would still call Gentle Giantin California to set the moveup for us.I appreciate Mark and hiseasy going manner when hewas one of several companyrepresentatives we had. Adrianhelped when Patricia was busy.Even Charlie did a super job ofpacking and crating our delicatebelongings. But, most of all, I haveto say Patricia Tuck treated us likewe were her only customers. Whilethere, we observed her talking toanother customer with the samecare. If you ever have an Employeeof the Year, I recommend Patricia.Because of Patricia and GentleGiant, we will always use <strong>Atlas</strong> asour movers. All the vanoperators were kind, politeand business-like.Sincerely,Jody TinkleRE: Frank Gray, Bonnie Burleyand Larry IcIveenWood Brothers Moving& Storage (2201)Portsmouth, New HampshireRecently my husband RonaldGehrmann and I moved fromNew Hampshire to New York.We wanted to write and tell youhow pleasant and professionalyour crew was to work with. Thefour who loaded and the twowho unloaded us were prompt,courteous and made our moveso much easier.Thank you so much for yourattention to detail and please letthe crew know how much weappreciated their help and tirelesswork on our behalf.In my haze, I have forgottensome of the crew member’s names,but the ones I remember are Frank,Bonnie and Larry. They all did agreat job!Thanks again,Elizabeth JamesRonald GehrmannRE: Mother Lode <strong>Van</strong> & Storage,Inc. (1462)Rancho Cordova, CaliforniaThis note is a thank youfor all you have done. I amunpacked and settling in nicely.Everything arrived whole andin great condition. You shouldgive Willie, your wonderfulmascot, a raise!Thanks to you, I am now near myfamily where they can “snoopervise”me and keep me safe!My sincere thanks,Joan MunnThank you so muchfor your attentionto detail……thank you for allyou have done…50<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • Summer 2007<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • Summer 2007 51

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