Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines


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Tracks<strong>Atlas</strong> Service is AppreciatedWe were keptinformed andwere made tofeel comfortableevery stepof the way.But I really don’t think I could expressthe gratitude that we felt. If there isany type of recognition or award fortheir hard work and professionalism,they deserve it hands down. NOT onecomplaint or “I’m tired”–I’m sure theywere, but they never slowed down.I want them to know that the firsthalf of our move was remarkable,thanks to Sean, Mike, Greg, David andShirley. I hope that the delivery will bejust as successful. They will definitelyhave their work cut out for them.Sincerely,Ron and Kim EastRE: Jack Herring, RobertDeLong and Jim WhalenHome Moving & Storage (1111)Columbus, OhioI wanted to let everyone at HomeMoving and Storage Co, Inc. knowhow much I appreciatedthe professionalismthat I received on mymove. From our firstcontacts with JackHerring to Rob and hiscrew who transportedour things and handledthem with the utmostof care, to a recent call from JimWhalen who again, continued withcourteous, gracious and prompt followup. We were kept informed andwere made to feel comfortable everystep of the way.Thank you,Michael GreenlandRE: John PutnamMabey’s Moving &Storage, Inc. (1415)Rensselaer, New YorkThe minute wecalled the Mabeyfamily with questionsabout ourmove, the Mabeyfamily becameour family. Ourmove was nolonger nerve-racking,but one of new beginnings.Everyone was so nice to us! We hadsuch an enjoyable time from the firstphone call to the last and to our lasthug from John as we bid him farewell.Thank you all for being so helpful andkind!Sincerely,Art and Betty GabrielsonEveryone wasso nice to us!We had suchan enjoyabletime from the firstphone call...RE: Mike ByersImlach & CollinsBrothers (1132)Irving,TexasWe wanted totake a momentto thank you forthe wonderfulservice weexperienced inour move. MikeByers was the vanoperator incharge, and included in his team wereJames and Don. I can’t believe in thethousands of items we had to move,They tookpersonal careof our belongings,treating themlike they weretheir own.nothing is missing or damaged. Theytook personal care of our belongings,treating them like they were theirown. They worked non-stop and hadthe most pleasant personalitiesto top it off. They werevery polite and made sure togive us the privacy we needed,they were helpful when wehad questions and spent extratime on items that they neededto. When they deliveredour goods, they made surethat they placed the items back intothe location we wanted them.By the end of the week, we felt likeclose friends. We ate lunch with themall week and finished the end of theweek with a trip to a restaurantwhere we fully enjoyed their company.I can’t tell you how this is a 360degrees different from the experiencewe had during our last move sevenyears ago.I have referred Mike and his teamto many people I know in this area.I am sure you appreciate Mike asmuch as we do and that youlet him know, but please lethim know that we also thinkhe is great and a valuable assetto your company.Thanks again for thewonderful, stress-free move.Sincerely,Patty and Craig SorensonDan just accepted a transfer.He’s about to meet his newbest friend.This is <strong>Atlas</strong>.40<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2006</strong>*Source: 2005 AMSA Market Study © <strong>2006</strong> <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. 1212 St. George Road, Evansville, Indiana 47711-2364U.S. DOT No. 125550

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