Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Amplifier (Winter 2006): Atlas Revs Up - Atlas Van Lines


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Tracks<strong>Atlas</strong> Service is AppreciatedI simply cannotsay enough aboutthe quality oftheir service...andthe dedicationto excellence...RE: Donald Miko andSarah ComradoCertified <strong>Van</strong> Service, Inc. (598)Islandia, New YorkI wanted to take a moment toshare with you our sincere gratitudefor the outstanding efforts of two ofyour employees – Donny Miko andSarah Comarda. I simply cannot sayenough about the quality of theirservice, the enthusiasm they bringwith every interaction, and the dedicationto excellence that they bothpossess.My family and I are in theprocess of relocating fromNew Jersey to Portland, ORwith MetLife. My wife andI have 2 little girls (and 2 cats),and I have a busy job and abroken hand! So, it goeswithout saying that we’re abit stressed right now. Thelast thing I could have handled wasa difficult move. The last thing Iexpected was a great one.I’ll start with Donny. To put itsimply, Donny is amazing. From thestart, he was incredibly committed tomaking our experience a pleasurableone. He goes out of his way to makesure that he handles all of the detailsproperly, and does so with a level ofprofessionalism that has made us feellike royalty. He handled our belongingswith the utmost of care, and leda team with a strict attention todetail. But here’s the kicker. Afterleaving a nice tip for Donny and thecrew, I decided that I wanted to giveDonnie a little extra. When I askedhim for his address, he refused. Hiscomment was, “Mr. Brody, you’vebeen incredibly generous, and I can’taccept.” And when I replied, “Donny,you’re too nice. Come on, give meyour address,” he said, “I won’t. Thankyou so much, Mr. Brody, but no.”Then he thanked me again for everythingI did for his crew and him.He blew my mind. He’s the one Ishould be thanking. Not the otherway around!As for Sarah, I have similar glowingcommentary. My wife and I didn’tmake this cross country move anyeasier for ourselves by scheduling aseries of renovations onour new place concurrentwith our taking occupancy.Sarah went out of her wayto help us think throughthe logistics so we couldmake the best of a challengingdynamic. And while I did not personallyinteract with Sarah quite as muchas I did with Donny, my wife commentedto me that Sarah was similarlyprofessional, and supremely flexible.In fact, my wife kiddingly said to methat by her seventh or eighth phonecall to Sarah with changes to ourplans, she (my wife, that is) was CER-TAIN that she’d frustrate Sarah. But,Sarah was not only completely unruffledand entirely supportive, but lefther feeling like number nine, ten andeleven wouldn’t be a problem either.I’m sure you don’t get a lot of thesetypes of emails, and that they’re apleasure when they arrive. In myhumble opinion, if you’re not gettinga lot of notes like these for Donnyand Sarah, it’s only because yourcustomers aren’t taking the time todo right by them. And that would bea shame (and a bit ironic), becausethey more than take the time to doright by your customers.Best regards,Carl BrodyRE: Marcy Dante, Apex & RobertE. Lee Moving & Storage (278)Antioch,Tennessee and JohnDulin, Alexander’s MobilityServices (207)Tustin, CaliforniaI wanted to tell you what a trulygreat job both agencies, Alexander’sand Apex, have beendoing for me.Regardless of whetherthe destination iswestern Canada orjust a few hundredmiles, I can rest assured the job will bedone to perfection. I hope and prayMarcy Dante with Apex and JohnDulin with Alexander’s never leave. Ibelieve they keep things on track forme and their efforts are appreciated.I have not had a single complaintthis year from a family <strong>Atlas</strong> hasmoved. <strong>Van</strong> operators and helpershave all provided a truly professionalmove. Quality control is paying offand I for one appreciate it.Regards,Marvin RobinsonInter-Division EmployeeShipment/Logistics Specialist...I can rest assuredthe job will be doneto perfection.RE: Dana Kehler, KennyGollhardt,Melinda Tillinghastand Carrie CorlessAce Relocation Systems, Inc. (62)San Diego, CaliforniaOur recent relocation of ournew Executive Vice President, DaveBolen and his wife, Mary, was truly asuccess attributed to the outstandingcustomer care delivered by yourincredible team.Mr. Bolen will be adding 60 newassociates over the next two yearsas he restructures his department,resulting in relocating over 80 percentof these director level candidates.All of these circumstances elevatedthe importanceof flawless execution.You andyour team clearlyunderstood this.Dana Kehlerflew out to Ohioto directly supervisethe move.Your experiencedvan operator, Kenny Gollhardt,arrived ready to go with a brand newvan. Melinda Tillinghast, CustomerService Manager, was in constant contactwith Mrs. Bolen and my TalentCoordinator. Carrie Corless, VicePresident of Relocation Services,updated me frequently while overseeingthe entire process.I have alwaysvalued ourpartnershipbut never greaterthan now. Thankyou again...I have always valued our partnershipbut never greater than now.Thank you again for providing an outstandingrelocation experience for theBolen family. I look forward to ourcontinued partnership.Sincerely,Mardi MontagueDirector, Talent AcquisitionPetCoAce World Wide (142)Alexandria, Louisiana and AceWorld Wide Storage & MovingCompany (39) Fallsington,PennsylvaniaI would like to thank all of youremployees who assisted us inour move from New York toSouth Carolina. From the firsttelephone call I made to thelast box being brought into thehouse, it was a most satisfyingexperience. Since I had neverused a moving companybefore, myanxiety levelwas high andexpectations weresomewhat unsure.However, your staffmade this a mostpositive experience.Not a question wasleft unanswered.The moving crews were polite andprofessional. I cannot thankyou all enough.Thank you,Maryann MurphyHowever, yourstaff made this amost positiveexperience. Notquestion was leftunanswered.RE: Charles Redeau andHorace “Blue” O’RearAtlantic RelocationSystems (1427)Carrollton,TexasI wanted to sendyou a quick note tolet you know howpleased I was with the...the attitudeand expertisethat theydisplayed wassecond to none.As I understandit, they have beendoing this along time andit showed.service I received fromCharles and Blue. Irecently moved fromOrlando, Florida toCampton, NewHampshire and therewere several thingsthat stood out to me.First off, I really appreciated the factthat I only had to deal with one person.Charles gave me his cell phonenumber and I was able to correspondwith him to get any of my questionsanswered. He was also able to tell theunloading team where everything inmy house went and this made themove-in process very smooth.Second, Charles and Bluetook great care packing,loading and moving mythings. My father passedaway a year ago and severalof the furniture pieces Imoved were his. That makesthem irreplaceable. I can buya new dining room table,but I can’t replace the one my fatherleft to me. They treated the furniturebetter than if it were their own.Finally, the attitude and expertisethat they displayed was second tonone. As I understand it, they havebeen doing this a long time andit showed. They love whatthey are doing and that36<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2006</strong><strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Amplifier</strong> • <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2006</strong> 37

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