4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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(Left to right) duergar fleshtearer, blackguard, and hellcallerAlignment EvilLanguages Common, Deep Speech,DwarvenSkills Bluff+15, Dungeoneering +18, Religion +17Str 14 (+9) Dex 15 (+9) Wis 23 (+13)Con 20 H 2) Int 20 (+12) Cha 16 H10)Equipment greatclub, robesDUERGAR LORENature DC 10: Duergar are kin to dwarves, buttheir long association with infernal powers has giventhem strange abilities and a thirst for blood. Theirdevilish nature leads duergar to prefer volcanic areasof the Underdark.Nature DC 16: Long ago, duergar were membersof a great clan of dwarves that delved deep into theUnderdark and fell to a mind flayer assault. Theyendured uncounted years as slaves before fightingtheir way to freedom. Those duergar that escapedgained a perverse education from their captivity,becoming as corrupt as their former masters.Nature DC 21: Believing that Moradin abandonedthem during their enslavement, the duergarturned instead to the worship of devils. Most nowtake Asmodeus as their patron deity, and devilishpower flows in their veins. Within their settlements,blood rites to infernal beings are common. Woe tothe slave that has outlived its usefulness or angered acapricious duergar master.ENCOUNTER GROUPSDuergar raid, pillage, and take prisoners when it suitsthem, using captives as slave labor and sacrifices fortheir infernal altars. For their raiding parties, theysummon devils and employ troglodytes, ores, ogres,and other wicked races.Level 4 Encounter (XP 901)• 2 duergar guards (level 4 soldier)• 1 duergar scout (level 4 lurker)• 1 duergar theurge (level 5 controller)• 4 ore drudges (level 4 minion, MM 203)

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