4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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ANGELANGELS ARE DIVINE SERVANTS OF THE GODS. Althoughcommon in the Astral Sea, they can be found anywhereacting on behalf of a deity or other force whosegoals align with their calling.ANGEL OE AUTHORITYAN ANGEL OF AUTHORITY IS THE MOUTHPIECE of a deity.This angel governs other angels and servants of adeity in and out of combat.Angel of AuthorityLevel 22 Controller (Leader)Large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 4,150Initiative +17 Senses Perception +18HP 203; Bloodied 101AC 36; Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 35Immune fear; Resist 15 radiantSpeed 8, fly 12 (hover)© Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) • Radiant, WeaponReach 2; +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + 8 damage plus 1d10 radiantdamage.-*T Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) • LightningRanged 10; +26 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8 lightning damage, andthe target is dazed until the end of the angel of authority's nextturn.V Majestic Rally (standard; recharge::) • Radiant, ThunderClose burst 5; targets enemies; +26 vs. Will; 1d10 + 8 radiantdamage plus 1d10 thunder damage, and the target is weakened(save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: Any angel within the burstgains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until the end of the angel ofauthority's next turn.Angelic Presence (while not bloodied)Any attack against the angel of authority takes a -2 penalty tothe attack roll.Alignment UnalignedSkills Insight +23, Religion +23Languages SupernalStr20(+16) Dex22(+17) Wis 25 (+18)Con19(+15) Int24(+18) Cha27(+19)Equipment plate armor, quarterstaffANGEL OE AUTHORITY TACTICSAn angel of authority stays behind the lines, rainingdown lightning bolts and bolstering allies withrally whenever possible.ANGEL OE AUTHORITY LOREReligion DC 24: An angel of authority is theherald of a particular deity. The angel handles themajesticmost important tasks concerning the protection andwell-being of the deity's dominion.ENCOUNTER GROUPSAn angel of authority leads angels of protection,vengeance, supremacy, battle, and valor. It alsoadministers or directs other servants of a deity whoare not angels.Level 22 Encounter (XP 21,400)• 1 angel of authority (level 22 controller)• 2 angels of vengeance (level 19 elite brute, MM 17)• 6 angels of light (level 23 minion)ANGEL OE RETRIEVALWHEN DEITIES REQUIRE THE RECOVERY of a stolenobject or a kidnapped creature, they send a squadof divine beings that includes an expert tracker: theangel of retrieval.Angel of RetrievalLevel 22 ArtilleryLarge immortal humanoid (angel) XP 4,150Initiative +20 Senses Perception +22; blindsightHP 162; Bloodied 81AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 35, Will 33Immune fear; Resist 15 radiantSpeed 8, fly 12 (hover), teleport 5© Short Sword (standard; at-will) • Radiant, WeaponReach 2; +27 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 radiant damage.© Angelic Bow (standard; at-will) • Radiant, WeaponRanged 20/40; +27 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 radiant damage, and eachenemy adjacent to the target takes 10 radiant damage.4 Isolating Displacement (standard; at-will) • Radiant,TeleportationReach 2; +27 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 10 radiant damage, and theangel of retrieval teleports the target 5 squares. The angel thenteleports to a space adjacent to the target. The angel can chooseto deal no damage with this attack. Miss: The angel teleports5 squares.-?2- Clear the Way (standard; recharge [Xj [!]]) • RadiantArea burst 3 within 10; +27 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 9 radiantdamage, and the angel of retrieval slides the target 3 squares.Miss: Half damage, and the angel slides the target 1 square.Hunt the Guilty (minor; encounter)The angel of retrieval chooses one enemy within 10 squares ofit. Until the end of the encounter, the angel's attacks deal 1d10extra damage against that creature.Alignment Unaligned Languages SupernalSkills Arcana +28, Intimidate +29Str22(+17) Dex28(+20) Wis 23 (+17)Con 24 (+18) Int23(+17) Cha24(+18)Equipment plate armor, longbow, short swordANGEL OE RETRIEVAL TACTICSAn angel of retrieval is often dispatched to capture aperson or a thing. The angel uses hunt the guilty on theindividual to be captured or the one holding an itemto be recovered. The angel uses clear the way to give itsallies more space to maneuver. Otherwise, the angelprefers to fight from a distance with its angelic bow.

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