4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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0J1TMNIXGENIOUS ENGINEERS OF THE FABULOUS, djinnSwork with that most transitory of elements—air—to:reate effects more enduring than the life spans of3iany worldly empires. Carving gigantic floatingcities from the Elemental Chaos, djinns build shiningpalaces gleaming with treasures beyond mortalpagination.Allying with the primordials in the strugglei^ainst the gods, the djinns paid a high price for theirdefeat. Many are still imprisoned in towers, mir-I iws, lamps, and other lowly relics, and the few thatroam free in the world possess only a fraction of theirformer power.2DJINN THUNDERERTHIS ELEMENTAL SHAKES THE BATTLE with blasts ofI thunder, brandishing a jeweled scepter.Djinn ThundererLevel 20 Artillery-jrge elemental humanoid (air) XP 2,800taitiative +16 Senses Perception +16; blindsight 10HP 146; Bloodied 73AC 32; Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 32mmune disease, poison; Resist 15 thunderSpeed 6, fly 8 (hover)Vtion Points see rage of stormsScepter (standard; at-will) • WeaponReach 2; +27 vs. AC; 3d8 + 2 damage.— Rage of Storms (free, when a critical hit damages the djinn:iunderer; encounter) • ThunderClose burst 2; +25 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 12 thunder damage,and the thunderer pushes the target 5 squares. Effect: Thethunderer gains 1 action point,•si- Imperious Thunder (standard; encounter) • ThunderArea burst 2 within 20; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 thunder damage,and the target takes ongoing 10 thunder damage (save ends).Vliss; The target takes ongoing 10 thunder damage (save ends).Thunderburst (standard; at-will) • ThunderArea burst 2 within 20; +25 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 9 thunderaamage, and the target is dazed until the end of the djinnblunderer's next turn.I: rnyr Step (minor; recharge i1) • TeleportationThe djinn thunderer teleports 20 squares.1jnment Unaligned Languages Common, PrimordialDJINN THUNDERER TACTICSDjinn thunderers have little stomach for melee, preferringto use thunderburst and imperious thunder fromthe edge of the fray. If pressed, a thunderer makes ascepter attack, then uses zephyr step to escape to theother side of the battlefield.Siills Insight +21S«r26(+18) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 23 (+16)Con 20 (+15) Int 21 (+15) Cha 19 (+14)L-jipment scepter (mace)

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