4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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SHOCKTROOP DEVIL TACTICSThe shocktroop devil starts combat with its shocktroovattack, using sword and shield whenever possibleto daze and push enemies out of the way. Later in afight, if shocktroop devils have forces to screen forthem and the fight appears to be going against them,they might retreat. They then rest, regroup, and makea new lightning-fast assault.SHOCKTROOP DEVIL LOREReligion DC 20: Shocktroop devils are frontlinesoldiers for hell's armies. They break up enemycharges, shatter enemy formations, and can singlehandedlyslaughter a great number of the enemy.Religion DC 25: It is important to hurt shocktroopdevils as quickly as possible. A shocktroop devilfighting at full strength is a terrible foe.ENCOUNTER GROUPSShocktroop devils work for anyone who promisesincessant battle and threatens rigid discipline.Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,000)• 1 bone devil (level 17 controller, MM 62)• 1 misfortune devil (level 15 artillery)• 3 shocktroop devils (level 16 soldier)WITHERING DEVILWITHERING DEVILS HARVEST SOULS for the NineHells by sapping the vitality out of all that they meet.By tempting or tricking mortals into apathy anddepression, withering devils cause famine, plague,and strife.Withering DevilMedium immortal humanoid (devil)Initiative +8Level 14 ControllerXP 1,000Senses Perception +8; darkvisionAura of Exhaustion (Charm) aura 3; each enemy within the aurais weakened.HP 138; Bloodied 69Resist 15 fireAC 28; Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 26Speed 6© Staff of Weariness (standard; at-will) • Weapon+19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage.•Y Draining Ray (standard; at-will) 4 PsychicRanged 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 psychic damage, and thetarget is immobilized until the end of the withering devil'snext turn.**T Gaze of Apathy (minor; recharge _] [_) 4 Charm, GazeRanged 10; +17 vs. Will; the target is slowed (save ends).Alignment EvilSkills Bluff+18, Insight +13Languages Common, SupernalStr 11 (+7) Dex 12 (+8) Wis 13 (+8)Con 18 (+11) Int 20 (+12) Cha 23 (+13)Equipment quarterstaffWITHERING DEVIL TACTICSA withering devil uses its draining ray on rangedattackers, and then it closes the distance to keep suchattackers within its aura. Withering devils positionthemselves near enemy melee combatants in order toaffect them with aura of exhaustion.WITHERING DEVIL LOREReligion DC 18: Withering devils tempt and trickothers into not caring for each other or their duties.They destroy individuals and groups by encouragingapathy and the lack of empathy.Religion DC 23: Although their natural appearanceis hideous, withering devils show extraordinaryaptitude at disguising themselves as other humanoids.Some find and use magic to aid these attempts,but a heavy cloak and a dark room can prove just aseffective.ENCOUNTER GROUPSWithering devils cooperate with those that have similargoals, but won't hesitate to abandon their allies ifthe situation looks grim.Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,000)4- 2 bearded devils (level 13 soldier, MM 60)4 4 legion devil hellguards (level 11 minion, MM 56)• 1 withering devil (level 14 controller)• 1 yuan-ti malison sharp-eyes (level 13 artillery,MM 269)Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,600)4- 1 shadow snake (level 16 skirmisher, MM 240)4 3 yuan-ti abominations (level 14 soldier, MM 270)• 1 yuan-ti malison incanter (level 15 artillery,MM 269)4 1 withering devil (level 14 controller)

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