4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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GORECHAIN DEVIL LOREReligion DC 16: Larger and more powerful thanchain devils, gorechain devils use their chains to controltheir foes.Religion DC 21: Chain devils act as jailers amongdevils; gorechain devils behave more like bountyhunters.ENCOUNTER GROUPSGorechain devils are more likely than other devils toconsort with undead.Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,800)• 2 gorechain devils (level 12 elite brute)• 1 skeleton tomb guardian (level 10 brute, MM 235)• 1 skull lord (level 10 artillery, MM 236)INEERNAL ARMOR ANIMUSTHROUGH AN EVIL RITUAL, a devil can invest a suit ofarmor with a mortal soul. The tortured spirit withinprovides military support for its devil overlords.When its physical form is ruined, the soul bursts free,only to be consumed by the nearest devil.Although it doesn't speak, an infernal armoranimus understands Common and Supernal.Infernal Armor Animus Level 3 Minion SoldierMedium immortal animate (devil, undead) XP 38Initiative +5 Senses Perception +1; darkvisionBloodlust aura 2; each nonminion devil within the aura gainsa +1 bonus to damage rolls. Multiple bood/ust auras grant acumulative bonus.HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also essencetrans/erence.AC 19; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14Resist 5 fireSpeed 6© Short Sword (standard; at-will) • Weapon+8 vs. AC; 5 damage.Essence Transference (when the infernal armor animus drops to0 hit points) • HealingThe nearest nonminion devil within 5 squares of the animusregains 15 hit points.Alignment Evil Languages -Str 19 (+5) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 10 (+1)Con 15 (+3) lnt8(+0) Cha 11 (+1)Equipment heavy shield, short swordINEERNAL ARMORANIMUS TACTICSInfernal armor animuses hurl themselves into thefray, flanking foes when possible and moving to keepas many powerful devils in their auras as they can.INTERNAL ARMOR ANIMUS LOREReligion DC 10: Infernal armor animuses aremortal souls bound to suits of armor to serve ascaches of life energy for devils.Religion DC 15: When it dies, an infernalarmor animus heals a nearby devil, so it is often thebest tactic to destroy all animuses before attackingother devils.ENCOUNTER GROUPSInfernal armor animuses are most effective whenmassed with more powerful devils.Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,054)• 8 infernal armor animuses (level 3 minion soldier)• 2 spined devils (level 6 skirmisher, MM 66)• 1 tiefling heretic (level 6 artillery, MM 250)MISEORTUNE DEVILTHE MISFORTUNE DEVIL GATHERS SOULS for the NineHells by enticing mortals. It lures mortals intotaking increasingly larger risks—risks that ultimatelylead to the moment when the devil owns the mortals'souls.Misfortune DevilMedium immortal humanoid (devil)Initiative +10HP 115; Bloodied 57Level 15 ArtilleryXP 1,200Senses Perception +12; darkvision,truesight 10AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 27Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)© Lucky Maneuver (standard; at-will) • Psychic, Teleportation+18 vs. Will; 1d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the misfortune devilteleports 4 squares.Ray of Distortion (standard; recharge [X] _])Ranged 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 7 damage. The target canchoose to take 5 damage and redirect the damage of this attackto the ally with the most current hit points. The full damage isthen rerolled and applied to that ally.Roll the Bones (immediate interrupt, when the misfortune devil ishit by a melee or ranged attack; encounter)The triggering attack targets a creature of the devil's choicewithin 5 squares of the devil.Alignment EvilLanguages Supernal, CommonSkills Bluff+20, Diplomacy +20, Insight +22, Intimidate +20Str 14 (+9) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 20 (+12)Con 19 (+11) Int 23 (+13) Cha 16 (+10)MISEORTUNE DEVIL TACTICSThe misfortune devil lets its allies engage first andthen moves to the safest spot within range, attackingfoes with ray of distortion. It saves roll the hones fora dangerous or hampering attack, particularly onescoring a critical hit.

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