4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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Z(Left to right) deva zealot, deva knight- errant, and deva fallen star-ateful Transposition (immediate interrupt, when an enemyattacks the deva fallen star; encounter) • TeleportationRanged 10; +31 vs. Will; the target swaps positions with-.he deva fallen star. The triggering enemy's attack deals halfdamage to the fallen star, and the target takes damage equal tohalf the attack's damage.>Forgetting Ray (standard; at-will) • Charm, PsychicRanged 20; +31 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 8 psychic damage, and the"arget can use only basic attacks and at-will powers during itsnext turn.soul Scourge (standard; recharges when first bloodied) •Secrotic, RadiantArea burst 2 within 15; targets enemies; +31 vs. Will; 1d6 +8 radiant damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 necroticdamage (save ends),-ite Manipulation (free; recharges when first bloodied)~ne deva fallen star adds 1d8 to or subtracts 1d8 from an attackroll, ability check, or saving throw made by itself or any creaturewithin 10 squares of it.e Rebirth (when the deva fallen star is reduced to 0 hit points: non-necrotic damage) • HealingThe fallen star does not die and instead remains at 0 hit pointsjntil the start of its next turn, when it regains 25 hit points,ses resistance to radiant damage, and gains the undead• ey word. This power recharges, and the triggering damage type:hanges to nonradiant damage.».i|nment EvilLanguages Common, SupernalSklls Arcana +26, History +28, Insight +19, Religion +28|Wl4(-15) Dex 15 (+15) Wis 12 (+14)Can 26 (-21) Int 26 (+21) Cha 29 (+22)Equipment robes, rodDEVA LOREReligion DC 16: A deva transforms spontaneouslyfrom bodiless soul to physical form,awakening as an adult already in possession of theskills required to defend the world against evil.With strong ties to fate, devas take the role of bornheroes, leaders-or villains.Religion DC 21: The life cycle of the deva parallelsthat of the rakshasa (MM 217)—a spirit constantlyreincarnating to mortal form. When a deva givesin to iniquity to become a fallen star, its soul is corrupted.If it dies in that state, it returns to combat asan undead; if finally slain by radiant damage, it carriesits wickedness into its next life and becomes arakshasa-a fate that even evil devas revile.ENCOUNTER GROUPSDeva zealots and knights-errant are most often foundleading or assisting creatures dedicated to a worthycause. However, evil devas can create alliances witheven the foulest creatures.Level 27 Encounter (XP 58,000)• 2 deva fallen stars (level 26 artillery)4- 2 efreet karadjins (level 28 soldier, MM 100)• 2 efreet pyresingers (level 25 controller, MM 99)

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