4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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Level 20 Encounter (XP 14,200)• 1 bebilith (level 18 solo brute)• 3 drider shadowspinners (level 14 skirmisher,MM 93)• 1 drow priest (level 15 controller, MM 95)Z0::BLOODSEEP DEMONTHE BLOODSEEP DEMON'S POISON BLOOD weeps andspurts from its translucent, cracking body, hasteningthe death of its enemies while healing its allies.•'- Flaming Web (minor; recharge X ii i) 4 FireClose blast 5; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 10 fire damage, and thetarget is slowed and takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save endsboth). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is restrained insteadof slowed and takes ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends both).Hunter's Reflexes (immediate reaction, when an enemy movesinto an adjacent space; recharge [x] _})The bebilith shifts 4 squares. This shift can move throughenemies' spaces.DangersenseThe bebilith acts two times in a round, on initiative counts 20and 10. It cannot delay or ready actions. On each turn, it has astandard action instead of its normal allotment of actions. It canuse one immediate action between each pair of turns.Alignment Chaotic evilLanguages AbyssalStr 22 (+15) Dex 25 (+16) Wis 20 (+14):on22(+15) Int 5 (+6) Cha 19 (+13)BEBILITH TACTICSA bebilith moves around constantly during combat,blowing foes with the burning strands of itsI tb.BEBILITH LOREflamingArcana DC 20: Bebiliths often serve Lolth, but:heir limited intellect makes them poor participantsin drow schemes. Drow summon these demons asengines of destruction or entrap them for use asguardians.ENCOUNTER GROUPSLolth is fond of bebiliths, so they're often found amongdrow and other denizens of the Demonweb Pits.Bloodseep Demon Level 7 Skirmisher (Leader)Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 300Initiative +9 Senses Perception +8; darkvisionWeeping Poison (Healing, Poison) aura 2; each enemy that startsits turn within the aura takes 5 poison damage. While thebloodseep demon is bloodied, any demon that starts its turnwithin the aura regains 5 hit points.HP 79; Bloodied 39AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 20, Will 19Resist 10 variable (1/encounter)Speed 7, teleport 3(D Claw (standard; at-will) • Poison+12 vs. AC; 2d4 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage(save ends).4 Poison Portal Strike (standard; recharge [X] [xj ::.:;)•TeleportationThe bloodseep demon teleports 5 squares and makes a clawattack. If the attack hits, the bloodseep demon teleports 5squares.

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