4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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EYE OE CHAOS TACTICSThe eye of chaos targets a random creature with itscentral eye each round while targeting another creaturewith one of its eye rays. When bloodied, it usesripple of chaos to attack the closest targets, then teleportsto an easily defended location.EYE OE CHAOS LOREDungeoneering DC 26: Eyes of chaos areassociated with demons and other creatures of theElemental Chaos, although they ally themselveswith any creature if doing so advances their ruinousgoals. Like a demon, an eye of chaos seeks to sowdestruction and discord, but its plans are far morecomplex.Dungeoneering DC 31: Eyes of chaos arose froman ancient beholder eye tyrant that sought to tap thepower of the shard of pure evil that created the Abyss.Although it never found the shard, this eye tyrantreturned from the Abyss possessed of great powerthat warped it physically and mentally. None can saywhat secret goals drive the eyes of chaos, but theiractions more often align with the interests of demonsthan with those of other beholders.BEHOLDERULTIMATE TYRANTTHE MOST HORRIBLE OF ALL BEHOLDERS, ultimatetyrants emerge from the Far Realm to spread darkmadness in their wake.Beholder Ultimate TyrantHuge aberrant magical beastInitiative +20Level 29 Solo ArtilleryXP 75.000Senses Perception +27; all-around vision,darkvisionHP 1,080; Bloodied 540; see also spasmodic raysAC 41; Fortitude 38, Reflex 40, Will 42Immune petrificationSaving Throws +5Speed fly 8 (hover)Action Points 2© Bite (standard; at-will)+36 vs. AC; 3d8 + 10 damage.•f Central Eye (minor 1/round; at-will)Ranged 30; +34 vs. Fortitude; the target is dazed and slowed(save ends both). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned(save ends). Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).•Y Eyes of the Beholder (free, when an enemy starts its turnwithin 5 squares of the beholder; at-will)The ultimate tyrant uses eye ray against the triggering enemy.

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