4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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BEHOLDERWITH THEIR DEADLY EYE RAYS and voracious nature,beholders are among the most powerful and mostfeared of monsters.BEHOLDER GAUTHTHE GAUTH IS THE LEAST among beholderkind, but ituses the reputation of its more fearsome kin to gainpower over weaker creatures.Beholder GauthMedium aberrant magical beastInitiative +4HP 102; Bloodied 51Level 5 Elite ArtilleryXP 400Senses Perception +10; all-around vision,darkvisionAC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 19Saving Throws +2Speed fly 6 (hover)Action Points 1© Bite (standard; at-will)+12 vs. AC; 2d4 damage.@ Central Eye (minor; at-will)Ranged 5; +10 vs. Will; the target is immobilized until the endof the beholder gauth's next turn.Eye Rays (standard; at-will) • see textThe beholder gauth uses two eye ray powers chosen from thelist below. Each eye ray must target a different creature. Usingeye rays does not provoke opportunity attacks.1-Fire Ray (Fire): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 firedamage.2-Exhaustion Ray (Necrotic): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; 1d8+ 4 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).3-Sleep Ray (Sleep): Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; the targetis slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target isknocked unconscious (save ends).4—Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8; +10 vs. Fortitude; the beholdergauth slides the target 4 squares.Alignment EvilLanguages Deep SpeechStr 12 (+3) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 16 (+5)Con 15 (+4) Int 18 (+6) Cha 20 (+7)GAUTH TACTICSThe gauth relies on allies and servants to keepenemies away while it attacks with its eye rays. Ifconfronted by a strong melee combatant, it uses itstelekinesis ray to push the creature within range of itsallies. Spellcasters and ranged combatants are takenout of the fight with the gauth's sleep ray or immobilizedby its centraleye.BEHOLDER EYE OE EROSTTHE EYE OF FROST IS A HEARTLESS PREDATOR thathunts in frozen lands of ice and snow. More so thanother types of beholders, the eye of frost lives for thetwisted pleasures of the moment, seldom concerningitself with long-term plans.Beholder Eye of FrostLarge aberrant magical beastInitiative +12Level 14 Elite ArtilleryXP 2,000Senses Perception +16; all-around visiondarkvisionHP 222; Bloodied 111; see also ice armorAC 26 (28 with ice armor); Fortitude 26 (28 with ice armor),Reflex 26, Will 27Resist 15 coldSaving Throws +2Speed fly 4 (hover)Action Points 1© Bite (standard; at-will)+21 vs. AC; 2d6 damage.® Central Eye (minor 1/round; at-will)Ranged 8; +20 vs. Reflex; the target is weakened (save ends). Ifthe target takes cold damage while weakened by this power, itis immobilized until no longer weakened.Eyes of the Beholder (free, when an enemy starts its turnwithin 5 squares of the beholder eye of frost; at-will)The eye of frost uses eye ray against the triggering enemy.While the eye of frost is bloodied, a creature it hits also gainsvulnerable 5 cold until the end of the eye of frost's next turn.Eye Rays (standard; at-will) • see textThe beholder eye of frost uses one eye ray power chosen fromthe list below. Using eye rays does not provoke opportunityattacks.1 -<strong>Free</strong>ze Ray (Cold): Ranged 10; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 colddamage.2—Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 10; +19 vs. Fortitude; the eye offrost slides the target 6 squares.3-lce Ray (Cold): Ranged 10;+19 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 6 colddamage, and the target takes ongoing 5 cold damage and isimmobilized (save ends both).Ice Armor (when first bloodied; encounter)The beholder eye of frost's AC and Fortitude increase by 2 untilthe end of the encounter.Alignment EvilLanguages Deep SpeechStr 13 (+8) Dex 21 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)Con 21 (+12) Int 12 (+8) Cha 23 (+13) •GAUTH LOREDungeoneering DC 12: Though less powerfulthan its other beholder kin, a gauth possesses deadlyeye rays and a hunger for power.Dungeoneering DC 17: A gauth is a cowardlycreature that relies on allies and slaves for protection.It is perfectly willing to sacrifice those allies to saveits own life.

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