4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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difficult terrain. A swarm cannot be pulled, pushed,or slid by melee or ranged attacks.A swarm can squeeze through any opening largeenough for even one of its constituent creatures.For example, a swarm of bats can squeeze throughany opening large enough for one of the bats tosqueeze through.swim speed: A creature that has a swim speed movesthrough water at that speed without making Athleticschecks to swim.telepathy: A creature that has telepathy can communicatetelepathically with any other creature that has alanguage. The other creature must be within line ofeffect and within a specified range. Telepathy allowsfor two-way communication.teleportation [keyword]: A teleportation power transportscreatures or objects instantaneously from onelocation to another. A creature that uses a teleportationpower must have line of sight to the destinationspace, but neither that creature nor the target beingteleported needs line of effect to that space. The destinationmust be a space that the target can occupywithout squeezing.The target being teleported disappears and instantaneouslyappears in the destination space. Themovement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks andis unhindered by intervening creatures, objects, orterrain.Being immobilized or restrained doesn't preventa creature from teleporting. If a creature teleportsaway from a physical restraint, a monster's grasp, orsome other immobilizing effect that is located in aspecific space, the creature is no longer immobilizedor restrained. Otherwise, the creature teleports butis still immobilized or restrained when it reaches thedestination space.threatening reach: A creature that has threateningreach can make an opportunity attack against anyenemy within its reach that provokes an opportunityattack.thunder [keyword]: A damage type.tremorsense: A creature that has tremorsense canclearly see creatures or objects within a specifiedrange, even if they are invisible, obscured, or outsideline of effect, but they and the creature must be incontact with the ground or the same substance, suchas water or a web. The creature otherwise relies on itsnormal vision.truesight: A creature that has truesight can see invisiblecreatures and objects within a specified range aslong as they are also within line of sight.tunneling: A creature that has tunneling leaves tunnelsbehind it as it burrows. The creature, as well assmaller creatures, can move through these tunnelswithout any reduction in speed. Creatures of thesame size as the tunneling creature must squeezethrough these tunnels, and larger creatures cannotmove through them at all. See also burrow speed.undead [keyword]: Undead are not living creatures,so effects that specifically target living creatures donot work against them. They don't need to breatheor sleep.variable resistance: A creature that has variableresistance can activate it a specified number of timesper encounter as a free action. When the creatureactivates variable resistance, it chooses a damagetype: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. (Thecreature can't choose a damage type to which it isvulnerable.) Until the end of the encounter, the creaturegains a specified amount of resistance to thatdamage type. This resistance replaces any resistancethe creature already had against that damage type.If a creature can activate variable resistance morethan once per encounter, the creature can resist onlyone damage type at a time using variable resistance.See also resist.vulnerable: A creature that is vulnerable to a specifieddamage type usually takes a specific amount of extradamage when it takes damage of that type, or it suffersa specific effect. For example, a creature that hasvulnerable 10 radiant takes 10 extra radiant damagewhen an attack deals radiant damage to it or when ittakes ongoing radiant damage.water [keyword]: A water creature is strongly connectedto the element of water.weapon [keyword]: The weapon keyword identifiesa power that is used with a weapon, which canbe an unarmed strike. A monster's statistics blocknotes the weapons it uses. <strong>Monster</strong> attacks don't useproficiency bonuses. See also "Adding Equipment,"Dungeon Master's Guide, page 174.zone [keyword]: A zone power creates a zone, amagical area that lasts for a round or more. A zoneis formed by an area of effect and fills each squarein the area that is within line of effect of the originsquare. A zone is unaffected by the environment,cannot be attacked or physically affected, and endsimmediately when its creator dies.If the power that creates a zone includes the abilityto move it, the zone is considered a movable zone.A movable zone ends at the end of its creator's turnif the creator is not within range of at least 1 squareof it (using the power's range) or if the creator doesn'thave line of effect to at least 1 square of it. A zonecan't be moved through a solid obstacle.If zones overlap and impose penalties to the sameroll or game statistic, a creature affected by theoverlapping zones is subject to the worst penalty; thepenalties are not cumulative. Similarly, a creaturein the overlapping area takes damage only fromthe zone that deals the most damage, regardless ofdamage type.

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