4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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If the power that creates a conjuration includesthe ability to move it, the conjuration is considered amovable conjuration. A movable conjuration ends atthe end of its creator's turn if the creator is not withinrange of at least 1 square it's in (using the power'srange) or if the creator doesn't have line of effect toat least 1 square it's in. A conjuration can't be movedthrough a solid obstacle.construct [keyword]: Constructs are not living creatures,so effects that specifically target living creaturesdo not work against them. They don't need tobreathe, eat, or sleep.darkvision: A creature that has darkvision can see indim light and darkness without penalty.demon [keyword]: Demons are chaotic evil elementalcreatures native to the Abyss. They don't need to sleep.devil [keyword]: Devils are evil immortal creaturesnative to the Nine Hells. They don't need to sleep.disease [keyword]: Some powers expose a target to adisease. If a creature is exposed to a disease one ormore times during an encounter, it makes one savingthrow at the end of the encounter to determine if itcontracts the disease. If the saving throw fails, thetarget is infected. See also "Disease," Dungeon Master'sGuide, page 49.dragon [keyword]: Dragons are reptilian creatures. Mostof them have wings as well as a breath weapon.earth [keyword]: An earth creature is strongly connectedto the element of earth.earth walk: A type of terrain walk. A creature that hasearth walk ignores difficult terrain that is rubble,uneven stone, or an earthen construction.elemental [origin]: Elemental creatures are native tothe Elemental Chaos.extra damage: Many powers and other effects grant theability to deal extra damage. Extra damage is alwaysin addition to other damage. This means an attack thatdeals no damage can't deal extra damage.fear [keyword]: A fear power inspires fright.fey [origin]: Fey creatures are native to the Feywild.fire [keyword]: A damage type. A fire creature isstrongly connected to the element of fire.fly speed: A creature that has a fly speed can fly anumber of squares up to that speed as a move action.To remain in the air, the creature must move atleast 2 squares during its turn, or it crashes at theend of its turn. While flying, the creature can't shiftor make opportunity attacks, and it crashes if it'sknocked prone. See also "Flying," Dungeon Master'sGuide, page 47.force [keyword]: A damage type.forest walk: A type of terrain walk. A creature that hasforest walk ignores difficult terrain that is part of atree, underbrush, or some other forest growth.gaze [keyword]: A type of attack. Blind or blinded >.creatures are immune to gaze attacks, and a creature ~cannot make a gaze attack while blinded. 5/5giant [keyword]: Giants are Large or larger humanoid qcreatures. — 1Ugrabbed: Being grabbed means a creature is immobilized.Unless otherwise noted, a grab lasts until theend of the grabber's next turn, and the grabber cansustain the grab as a minor action and end it as a freeaction. Certain circumstances end a grab: if the grabberis affected by a condition that prevents it fromtaking opportunity actions, if either the grabber orthe creature it's grabbing moves far enough away thatthe grabbed creature is no longer in the grabber'sreach, or if the grabbed creature escapes. See also"Escape" and "Grab," Player's Handbook, pages 288and 290.half damage: When a power or another effect dealshalf damage, apply all modifiers to the damage,including resistances and vulnerabilities, and thendivide the damage in half.healing [keyword]: A healing power restores hit points.hidden: When a creature is hidden from an enemy,the creature is silent and invisible to that enemy.A creature normally uses the Stealth skill to becomehidden.homunculus [keyword]: Homunculi are animate constructstasked with guarding a creature, an area, oran object.hover: If a creature can hover, it can remain in the airwithout moving during its turn. It can also shift andmake opportunity attacks while flying. See also flyspeed.humanoid [type]: Humanoid creatures vary greatly inhow much they resemble humans. Most are bipedal.They include humans as well as monstrous humanoidssuch as yuan-ti.ice walk: A type of terrain walk. A creature that has icewalk ignores difficult terrain that is ice or snow.illusion [keyword]: An illusion power deceives themind or the senses.immortal [origin]: Immortal creatures are nativeto the Astral Sea. Unless they are killed, they liveforever.immune: A creature that is immune to a damage type(such as cold or fire), a condition (such as dazed orpetrified), or another specific effect (such as diseaseor forced movement) is not affected by it. A creaturethat is immune to charm, fear, illusion, poison, orsleep is not affected by the nondamaging effects ofa power that has that keyword. A creature that isimmune to gaze is not affected by powers that havethat keyword.

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