4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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GLOSSARYThis glossary defines game terms used in this hook.The glossary supersedes previous sources and incorporatesclarifications and new rules.aberrant [origin]: Aberrant creatures are native to orshaped by the Far Realm.acid [keyword]: A damage type.aftereffect: An aftereffect automatically occurs afteranother effect ends. In a power description, an"Aftereffect" entry follows the effect it applies to.A target is sometimes subject to an aftereffect aftera save. If that save occurs when the target is rollingmultiple saving throws, the aftereffect takes effectafter the target has rolled all of them.air [keyword]: An air creature is strongly connected tothe element of air.all-around vision: Enemies can't gain combat advantageby flanking a creature that has all-around vision.altitude limit: If a creature has a specified altitudelimit, the creature crashes at the end of its turn if it isflying higher than that limit. See also fly speed.angel [keyword]: Angels are immortal creatures nativeto the Astral Sea. They don't need to breathe, eat, orsleep.animate [type]: Animate creatures are given lifethrough magic. They don't need to breathe, eat,or sleep.aquatic [keyword]: Aquatic creatures can breatheunderwater. In aquatic combat, an aquatic creaturegains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquaticcreatures. See also "Aquatic Combat," DungeonMaster's Guide, page 45.aura: An aura is a continuous effect that emanates froma creature. The aura affects each square within lineof effect and within a specified range of that creature'sspace. The aura does not affect that creature,unless otherwise noted, and is unaffected by terrainor environmental phenomena.A creature can deactivate or reactivate its auraas a minor action. If the creature dies, the aura endsimmediately.If auras overlap and impose penalties to the sameroll or game statistic, a creature affected by the overlappingauras is subject to the worst penalty; the penaltiesare not cumulative. Similarly, a creature in theoverlapping area takes damage only from the aurathat deals the most damage, regardless of damagetype.beast [type]: Beasts are either ordinary animals orcreatures akin to them. They behave instinctively.blind [keyword]: A blind creature relies on specialsenses, such as blindsight or tremorsense, to seewithin a specified range, beyond which the creaturecan't see. The creature is immune to gaze attacks andcannot be blinded.blindsight: A creature that has blindsight can clearlysee creatures or objects within a specified rangeand within line of effect, even if they are invisible orobscured. The creature otherwise relies on its normalvision.burrow speed: A creature that has a burrow speed canmove through loose earth at a specified speed, andthe creature can move through solid stone at halfthat speed. The creature can't shift or charge whileburrowing.change shape: A creature that has the polymorphpower change shape can assume the form of anothercreature. The power specifies the type and size ofthat form. The new form lasts until it is changed oruntil the creature dies.The creature retains its statistics in its new form.Its clothing, armor, and other possessions do notchange with the new form.If the creature can use change shape to assume theform of an individual, the creature must have seenthat individual. Other creatures can make an Insightcheck (opposed by the creature's Bluff check with a+20 bonus) to discern that the form is a disguise. Seealso polymorph.charm [keyword]: A charm power controls or influencesa subject's actions.climb speed: A creature that has a climb speed moveson vertical surfaces at that speed without makingAthletics checks to climb. While climbing, thecreature ignores difficult terrain and doesn't grantcombat advantage because of climbing.clumsy: Some creatures are clumsy while using a specificmovement mode (noted next to that mode inthe creature's "Speed" entry), and others are clumsywhile on the ground (noted next to the creature'sspeed). While a creature is clumsy, it takes a -4penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.cold [keyword]: A damage type. A creature that hasthis keyword is at least partially composed of ice.conjuration [keyword]: A conjuration power createsa conjuration, which is an object or a creature ofmagical energy. A conjuration occupies no squares, isunaffected by the environment, does not need to besupported by a solid surface, cannot be attacked orphysically affected, and ends immediately when itscreator dies.If a conjuration can be attacked or physicallyaffected, it uses its creator's defenses. Unless an attackspecifically targets conjurations, only the attack'sdamage (not including ongoing damage) affects theconjuration. If a conjuration can attack, its creatormakes the attack, determining line of sight normallybut determining line of effect from the conjuration.

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