4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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MAW OF ACAMAR LOREDungeoneering DC 18: A maw of Acamarenters the world when the dark influence of the starAcamar is at its peak. The maw wanders the world,pulling living creatures into its destructive void tofeed Acamar, a dead star wracked by endless hunger.SCION OF GIBBETHGIBBETH is A CURSED GREEN STAR, said to have at itscore an utterly unknowable being. Warlocks and otherarcane users say that Gibbeth shall show its face onlyat the end of the world, when the very glare of its eyesand the monstrous aspect of its being pushes all of creationinto inescapable madness. The scion of Gibbethis a terrible shard of that green star, a herald of Gibbeth'scurse and a forerunner of what might come.When the scion appears, no two observers can agreeon its actual appearance. Some see a green-skinned,horned giant, while others report a red, spiderlikecreature with a child's face or a serpentine monstrositywith dozens of gibbering mouths along its body. Sagesmaintain that this outer appearance is merely an aspectprojected by the shard that dwells within the scion.The mental strain of seeing even a shadow of Gibbeth'sessence is such that mortal minds must conjure knowable,though strange, images to contain it. Anyone whosees the scion's true form is doomed to madness.Scion of GibbethLevel 17 ControllerLarge aberrant humanoid XP 1,600Initiative +11 Senses Perception +11; darkvisionAura of Revulsion aura 10; each creature within the aura cannottarget the scion of Gibbeth with melee or ranged attacks unlessthe scion is the nearest enemy.HP 163; Bloodied 81; see also revelation o/GibbethAC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 29Speed 6© Slam (standard; at-will)Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 5 damage.•Y Mind-Splintering Gaze (standard; at-will) • Charm, Gaze,PsychicRanged 20; +21 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, and thetarget is dominated (save ends).•Y Gibbeth's Baleful Glare (opportunity, when an enemy targetsthe scion of Gibbeth with a melee or ranged attack; at-will) •Charm, PsychicRanged 20; targets the triggering enemy; +21 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2psychic damage, and the scion slides the target 2 squares.4? Revelation of Gibbeth (when the scion of Gibbeth drops to 0hit points) • CharmClose burst 5; +21 vs. Will; the target is dazed and uses itsstandard action each turn to charge or to make a melee orranged basic attack against its nearest ally (save ends).Offering to Gibbeth (immediate reaction, when a creature within2 squares of the scion of Gibbeth spends a healing surge; at-will)The scion gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until the end of itsnext turn.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages telepathy 10Str 22 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 17 (+11)Con 19 (+12) Int 11 (+8) Cha 19 (+12)SCION OE GIBBETH LOREDungeoneering DC 20: A scion of Gibbeth wandersthe world seemingly at random. Prophets, theinsane, and cultists are drawn to its presence. Thescion typically lashes out at any living creature thatdraws near, but it tolerates these worshipers.Dungeoneering DC 25: The scion of Gibbethmanifests in the world when Gibbeth is in conjunctionwith the star Allabar, a celestial object knownas the Opener of the Way. Allabar wanders the skyin a pattern unlike that of any other star. It followsa seemingly random path, and when it draws nearone of the baleful stars, that star's spawn appear inthe world. The wandering star avoids only Acamar,because that object's hunger is so great that it woulddestroy even the star that would open its path to theworld.ENCOUNTER GROUPSTheir malevolence runs rampant, but star spawn arecunning and calculating enough to entertain alliancesof convenience.Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,200)• 2 battle wight commanders (level 12 soldier,MM 262)• 1 beholder eye of flame (level 13 elite artillery,MM 32)• 1 herald of Hadar (level 15 brute)Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,800)• 2 hook horrors (level 13 soldier, MM 158)• 1 maw of Acamar (level 15 controller)• 2 mind flayer infiltrators (level 14 lurker, MM 188)

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