4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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SHARKTo SAHUAGIN AND OTHER UNDERSEA PREDATORS, theshark is a totemic inspiration, a creature of bloodfrenzy and relentless hunger. To creatures that liveabove the waves, the sight of a shark's fin cutting thesurface heralds doom.FLESHTEARER SHARKTHE FLESHTEARER SHARK LOOKS like a creature fromanother age. For thousands of years, these sharkshave hunted in oceans and lakes. Mariners greatlyfear the fleshtearer, for even the sturdy hulls of shipscannot always withstand the rending teeth of thisvoracious beast.Fleshtearer SharkLevel 10 BruteLarge natural beast (aquatic) XP 500Initiative +8 Senses Perception +9; low-light visionHP 128; Bloodied 64AC 22; Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 22Speed 1 (clumsy), swim 80 Bite (standard; at-will)+13 vs. AC: 2d8 + 7 damage.•j- Lockjaw Charge (standard; usable only while the fleshtearershark is not grabbing a creature; at-will)The shark charges and makes the following attack in place of amelee basic attack: +14 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage, and the targetis grabbed. When the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 5damage (save ends).4 Shredding Teeth (standard; at-will)Targets a creature grabbed by the fleshtearer shark; no attackroll; 3d8 + 7 damage.Feeding Frenzy (when the fleshtearer shark starts its turn within5 squares of a bloodied creature; at-will)The shark must make a bite attack against a creature adjacentto it. If the shark is grabbing a creature, the grab ends.WaterborneWhile in water, a fleshtearer shark gains a +2 bonus to damagerolls against any creature without a swim speed.Alignment Unaligned Languages -Str 21 (+10) Dex 16 (+8) Wis 18 (+9)Con 18 (+9) Int 2 (+1) Cha 15 (+7)ELESHTEARER SHARK LORENature DC 10: Fleshtearer sharks are not confinedto the open ocean. They also prowl riversand underground lakes in their search for prey. Afleshtearer shark feeds constantly, making it a threatto any visitor to or inhabitant of the aquatic realm. Itsteeth cause bleeding wounds.Nature DC 16: Formidable aquatic creaturessuch as kuo-toas and sahuagin usually give thefleshtearer shark a wide berth, although some havemanaged to tame the beasts. They use the creaturesas weapons on raids of large ships, ensuring that anysailors who fall overboard meet a quick end.Nature DC 21: In the deepest watery cavernsof the Underdark and in the farthest reaches of theoceans, fleshtearer sharks sometimes live for hundredsof years, growing to massive size. Vast swaths ofwater become uninhabitable because of the presenceof such a beastly predator.ENCOUNTER GROUPSSharks often ally with sahuagin, kuo-toas, and otherunderwater denizens.Level 10 Encounter (XP 2,700)• 2 fleshtearer sharks (level 10 brute)• 1 sahuagin baron (level 10 elite brute, MM 224)• 2 sahuagin priests (level 8 artillery, MM 224)ELESHTEARER SHARK TACTICSUnless spurred into combat by its master or anotherbeast, a fleshtearer shark lurks just outside its prey'ssight. The fleshtearer shark charges into battle usinglockjaw charge, and it continues using lockjaw charge toattempt to grab nearby foes even if doing that meansprovoking opportunity attacks when moving awayfrom adjacent enemies. Even when facing formidableprey, a fleshtearer shark does not flee, fightingfiercely to the death.

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