4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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ONI THUNDERERONI THUNDERERS DELIGHT in the pure mayhem ofbattle. An oni thunderer whips itself into a frenzy as itspins, and then lashes out at its enemies. 'Level 11 SkirmisherLarge natural humanoidXP4.1S0Oni Initiative Thunderer +21 Senses Perception +21; darkvisionHP 206; Bloodied 103AC 36; Fortitude 33, Reflex 35, Will 34Speed 8, teleport 8© Spiked Chain (standard; at-will) • Thunder, WeaponReach 3; +28 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage plus 1d8 thunderdamage, and the target is grabbed and pulled into a spaceadjacent to the oni.V Thunderclap Portal (standard: recharge :: X _]) •Teleportation, ThunderThe oni thunderer teleports 8 squares before or after theattack: close burst 2; targets enemies; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d12 +8 thunder damage, and the oni thunderer pushes the target2 squares. If the thunderer has the target grabbed, the attackdeals 2d12 extra damage to the grabbed creature, and thegrab ends.Chain Dance (immediate reaction, when the oni thunderer is hitby an attack; at-will) • TeleportationThe thunderer teleports 3 squares.Deceptive Veil (minor, at-will) • IllusionThe oni thunderer can disguise itself to appear as anyMedium or Large humanoid. A creature can see through thedisguise with a successful Insight check versus the thunderer'sBluff check.Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, GiantSkills Acrobatics +24, Athletics +23, Bluff+23, Stealth +24Str 23 (+17) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 20 (+16)Con 22 (+17) Int 16 (+14) Cha 24 (+18)Equipment leather armor, spiked chainundead. They command respect from their masters,leaving employers at inopportune moments ifslighted.ENCOUNTER GROUPSOni keep packs of shadow hounds or trolls as petsor guardians. They fight alongside death giants andtitans, and serve powerful dragons or balor demons.Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,700)4- 2 oni devourers (level 7 soldier)• 1 oni night haunter (level 8 elite controller,MM 200)• 1 troll (level 9 brute, MM 254)Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,900)• 1 oni overlord (level 12 elite brute)• 3 minotaur warriors (level 10 soldier, MM 190)4- 2 scytheclaw drakes (level 10 skirmisher)Level 22 Encounter (XP 20,750)• 2 death giants (level 22 brute, MM 120)• 3 oni thunderers (level 22 skirmisher)ONI LORENature DC 16: Oni devourers disguise themselvesby day, attacking and eating victims at night.Oni overlords are tyrants that rule over an organizationof lackeys. They seek wealth, power, andcontrol, and don't care who they step on to get it.Nature DC 21: Oni devourers serve a variety ofmasters, including oni, vampires, hags, and cultistsof Zehir. In isolated areas of the world, large groupsof devourers infiltrate and take over monasteries,small towns, and trading outposts, using such locations'innocent appearances as a cover. In one case,a group of oni devourers occupied a mountaintopmonastery for almost thirty years before adventurerslinked them to cases of missing pilgrims andpetitioners.Although they love combat and bloodshed, onioverlords sometimes negotiate with potential victimsif they can see an easy benefit. They take on a humanappearance when they do so, but are usually identifiableby their excessive jewelry.Nature DC 26: Oni thunderers serve powerfulcreatures, including dragons, demons, and even

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