4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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(Left to right) marut castigator, executioner, and prosecutorMARUT LOREReligion DC 22: Maruts require no sustenance.Maruts take no slaves, but they sometimes havemortal servitors in their astral fortresses. They doaccept or request services as payment for completedtasks—so maruts might accept indentured servitudeor other compulsory services. Although maruts rarelymistreat their servants, they are strict and uncompassionatetaskmasters.Religion DC 27: Although maruts are thought ofas a unified race, they divide themselves along ethicaland militaristic lines into units they call cadres.Marut cadres dedicated to philosophies other than theupholding of oaths and the fair dispensing of justicealso exist. A few cadres serve the Raven Queen.BARGAINING WITH MARUTSA marut is an inscrutable being of cosmic balance. Itis insightful and careful, but it is fallible. While undercontract, a marut acts in its employer's interests. Only areasoned appeal to a marut's beliefs, proof that a contractcontains falsehood, or a mission of greater importancecan cause a marut to abandon its task. Maruts mightundertake tasks that support their beliefs withoutrequesting payment.Religion DC 29: Maruts favor strict interpretation of laws and contracts and the upholding of oaths.The love of order and battle they share with angels ismore than coincidental. Maruts consider themselvesto be astral spirits of the air, despite the fact that theyappear to be made of solid stone and to be clad inmetal. The designation makes sense. Maruts fly withoutwings, and they live and roam about in mobilefortresses floating on the Astral Sea.ENCOUNTER GROUPSMaruts of various cadres work together and withother races when a task furthers their overarchingbeliefs. They do so under contract.Level 21 Encounter (XP 17,500)• 1 djinn vizier (level 20 artillery)• 2 marut castigators (level 21 skirmisher)• 2 marut executioners (level 22 brute)Level 23 Encounter (XP 27,750)• 2 marut castigators (level 21 skirmisher)• 1 marut prosecutor (level 21 controller)• 3 rakshasa dread knights (level 24 soldier,MM 218)

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