4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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Aware of the details of any situation, a ringleaderwithdraws if a battle goes badly for its crew. It doesnot surrender unless it must do so to survive.KENKU SNEAKTHE KENKU SNEAK LURKS IN HIDING and strikes fromthe shadows.Kenku SneakMedium natural humanoidInitiative +10HP 42; Bloodied 21AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15Speed 7 (4 while invisible)Level 4 LurkerSenses Perception +4; low-light vision© Dagger (standard; at-will) • Weapon+9 vs. AC; 1d4 + 6 damage.® Dagger (standard; at-will) • WeaponRanged 5/10; +9 vs. AC: 1d4 + 6 damage.Disappear into the FlockXP 175_ _ _ _ _While it has cover from other kenkus, a kenku sneak can make aStealth check to become hidden.Flock EffectA kenku sneak gains a +3 bonus instead of+2 while flanking,and it grants a +3 bonus instead of+2 while aiding another.Hidden StrikeA kenku sneak deals 2d4 + 4 extra damage against any targetfrom which it is hidden.MimicryA kenku sneak can mimic sounds and voices. A successfulInsight check opposed by the sneak's Bluff check allows alistener to determine that the effect is faked.SniperA hidden kenku sneak that misses with a ranged attack remainshidden.Alignment UnalignedLanguages CommonSkills Bluff +8, Stealth +11, Thievery +11Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)Con 12 (+3) Int 13 (+3) Cha 13 (+3)Equipment leather armor, 6 daggersKENKU SNEAK TACTICSThe kenku sneak uses disappear into the flock andfocuses on enemies not in the main melee groupthat are close enough for the sneak to reach whilehidden.KENKU WING MAGETHE KENKU WING MAGE USES AIR MAGIC and glowingfeathers of force to harm and hamper foes.Kenku Wing MageLevel S ArtilleryXP200Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3; low-light visionHP 50; Bloodied 25AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 18Speed 6; see wings of the flock© Dagger (standard; at-will) 4- Weapon+9 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.© Murder of Crows (standard; at-will) • Force, ImplementRanged 20; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 force damage, and the targetgrants combat advantage to the kenku wing mage (save ends).

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