4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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HUMAN SLAVERA HUMAN SLAVER RELIES ON MACE AND SCOURGE tosubdue and capture its victims.Human SlaverMedium natural humanoidInitiative +7 Senses Perception +4HP 102; Bloodied 51AC 20; Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 19Speed 6© Thump and Lash (standard; at-will) • WeaponLevel 8 BruteXP350+11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target takes a -2 penaltyto melee attack rolls until the end of its next turn.•(• Slaver's Tangle (standard; requires a scourge; recharge ii !])• Weapon+11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilizedand takes a -2 penalty to melee attack rolls until the end ofits next turn.Alignment EvilSkills Intimidate +11Languages CommonStr 17 (+7) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 10 (+4)Con 12 (+5) Int 10 (+4) Cha 14 (+6)Equipment leather armor, mace, scourge (whip)HUMAN SLAVER TACTICSThe human slaver focuses on a single target with slaver'stangle. The slaver then either moves on to otherenemies or delivers punishing mace-and-scourgecombos to immobilized victims with thump andHUMAN LORENature DC 10: Human cavaliers ride horses orgriffons. Cavaliers are prized as battle leaders, andthey are often hired to lead nonhuman troops.Human gladiators are accustomed to fighting alash.wide array of combatants. Although some gladiatorsare kept as slaves, others become wealthy by defeatingfoes in arena matches.Human nobles claim that their families' statusgrants them leadership skills. However, once incombat some nobles find that they are unable to copewith bloodshed, and freeze up or run away.Pirate captains keep their rowdy crews in line witha mixture of threats and bribes. Humans who haverun afoul of the law become pirates to avoid captureand to satisfy the human need for new experiencesand adventures.Human slavers are themselves slaves to greed andpower. They have great influence over their slaves, butthe promise of freedom sometimes causes those slavesto revolt and remove the slaver from the picture—byany means necessary.Nature DC 15: Human diabolists trade theirsouls for power. Both humans and devils share a lustfor power, and many of a diabolist's other traits mightbe considered infernal.Human javelin dancers dance around foes, hurlingjavelins like thunderbolts with uncanny accuracy.Human knife fighters, trained for battle in alleyfights and tavern brawls, tumble around the battlefieldto slip blades into just the right places.Human mystagogues are often found at the centersof cults.Nature DC 20: Human dire beast hunters can bebounty hunters seeking to capture exotic creaturesand sell them to the highest bidder, or they can bepompous nobles seeking to one-up other membersof the nobility by mounting bigger and more exoticheads in their great rooms.Human hexers practice a mixture of arcane andprimal magic. While some work in harmony withnature, others pervert primal magic to command thespirits of the earth against their will.ENCOUNTER GROUPSHumans are versatile and familiar. They have aknack for turning up nearly everywhere.Level 6 Encounter (XP 1,350)• 2 half-ore hunters (level 5 skirmisher)• 8 human lackeys (level 7 minion, MM 162)4- 1 human slaver (level 8 brute)Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,500)• 1 cacklefiend hyena (level 7 brute, MM 166)• 1 human hexer (level 7 controller)• 1 human knife fighter (level 7 elite skirmisher)• 4 human lackeys (level 7 minion, MM 162)Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,700)• 3 human cavaliers (level 7 soldier)• 1 human noble (level 5 controller)• 4 warhorses (level 3 brute, MM 159)Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,050)4- 1 human pirate captain (level 10 soldier)• 3 human pirates (level 9 skirmisher)4- 1 human slaver (level 8 brute)Level 19 Encounter (XP 13,200)4- 1 goristro (level 19 elite brute, MM 55)4- 2 human diabolists (level 20 artillery)4- 1 human mystagogue (level 20 controller)Level 21 Encounter (XP 16,650)4- 1 half-elf baleful thaumaturge (level 24 artillery)4- 1 human dread assassin (level 22 lurker)4- 1 human insane noble (level 23 elite skirmisher)

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