4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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GIANTGIANTS INHABIT THE VARIOUS CLIMATES of the worldand elsewhere. From the tallest peak to the frozentundra, from the Feywild to the Shadowfell, thesehulking creatures thrive.ELDRITCH GIANTELDRITCH GIANTS COME FROM A DIFFERENT TIME—anearlier age when the primordials made the world.Although fashioned from fire, stone, and storm, theprimordials' wondrous creation was heavily investedwith magic, and the eldritch giants aided their primordiallords in the world's formation. Althoughtheir powers have ebbed since those days, eldritchgiants remember their ancient mastery of magic andforever seek to regain it.Eldritch GiantLarge fey humanoid (giant)Initiative +12HP 171; Bloodied 85AC 32; Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 33Resist 10 forceSaving Throws +5 against charm effectsSpeed 8, teleport 6Level 18 SkirmisherXP 2.000Senses Perception +20; low-light vision© Eldritch Blade (standard; at-will) 4 Force, WeaponReach 2; +21 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 force damage.© Force Missile (standard; at-will) 4 ForceRanged 20; +21 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 force damage.4? Sweeping Sword (standard; encounter) • Force, WeaponClose blast 2; +21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 force damage, and the targetis knocked prone. Special: When charging, the eldritch giant canuse this power in place of a melee basic attack.Consume Magic (minor 1/round; at-will)Targets an adjacent conjuration or zone created by an enemy;+21 vs. the Will of the creator of the conjuration or zone;the conjuration or zone is destroyed, and its effects end. Theeldritch giant's attacks deal 3d6 extra force damage until theend of its next turn.Eldritch Field (minor; recharge [X] __) 4 ZoneClose blast 5; the blast creates a zone of rippling magic thatlasts until the end of the encounter or until the eldritch giantuses this power again. The zone is difficult terrain, and thegiant's attacks deal 1d6 extra force damage against creatureswithin the zone.Alignment EvilSkills Arcana +21, Insight +20Languages Elven, GiantStr 21 (+14) Dex 12 (+10) Wis 22 (+15)Con 19 (+13) I nt 24 (+16) Cha 13 (+10)ELDRITCH GIANT TACTICSWhen combat begins, the eldritch giant creates itseldritch blade—a sword of pure force—as a free action.The giant charges in with sweeping sword, thereafterteleporting about the battlefield. It tries to makeevery attack with combat advantage, resorting to forcemissile only against those who evade it in melee.Eldritch TitanHuge fey humanoid (giant)Initiative +12HP 394; Bloodied 197AC 35; Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 36Resist 10 forceLevel 21 Elite SkirmisherXP 6,400Senses Perception +22; low-light visionSaving Throws +2 (+7 against charm effects)Speed 8, teleport 6Action Points 1© Eldritch Hammer (standard; at-will) • Force, WeaponReach 3; +26 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 force damage.® Force Ram (standard; at-will) 4 ForceRanged 20; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 8 force damage, and theeldritch titan pushes the target 5 squares,•f Eldritch Fury (standard; at-will)The eldritch titan makes two eldritch hammer attacks. Special:When charging, the titan can use this power in place of a meleebasic attack.

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