4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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(Left to right) genasi stoneshield, skyspy, elemental dervish, andfirebladeGENASI STONESHIELD TACTICSThe genasi stoneshield enters combat with mighty hullrush and then marks its enemies on subsequent turnswith its heavy war pick attacks. The stoneshield pursuesfleeing enemies, or knocks enemies down withearth shock.GENASI LOREArcana DC 10: Genasi have five types of manifestation:airsoul, earthsoul, firesoul, thundersoul, andwatersoul. A genasi can usually manifest only onetype. Each manifestation bestows different powersand resistances.Genasi share personality traits based on theirmanifestations. Typically, airsouls are fickle and capricious,earthsouls are stoic and cautious, firesouls aretemperamental and impulsive, thundersouls are boldand proud, and watersouls are amenable and friendly.Arcana DC 16: Some genasi can change their elementalmanifestations or manifest multiple elements.Genasi can channel their elemental manifestationsthrough their weapons, creating blades of fire, ice, orlightning.Arcana DC 21: Genasi were originally servantsof djinns, efreets, and other primordials. In theElemental Chaos, many genasi still serve primordials.During the war between the deities and theprimordials, genasi rebelled and gained freedom. Theprimordials created archons to replace them.ENCOUNTER GROUPSGenasi sometimes accompany other natives of theElemental Chaos: archons, djinns, efreets, and elementals.Otherwise, they roam far and wide.Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,800)• 3 genasi skyspies (level 7 skirmisher)4- 3 hippogriff dreadmounts (level 5 soldier, MM 146)4 1 shardstorm vortex (level 7 skirmisher)Level 10 Encounter (XP 2,700)4- 2 genasi fireblades (level 11 brute)4- 2 genasi stoneshields (level 10 soldier)4 1 magma strider (level 10 skirmisher, MM 182)Level 19 Encounter (XP 12,800)4- 2 genasi elemental dervishes (level 18 eliteskirmisher)4- 1 storm archon squallshield (level 17 soldier)4 1 storm archon tempest weaver (level 21 artillery) *l b

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