4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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Fomorian ButcherLevel 22 Elite BruteHuge fey humanoid (giant) XP 8,300Initiative +15 Senses Perception +16; truesight 6HP 514; Bloodied 257AC 34; Fortitude 36, Reflex 32, Will 33Saving Throws +2Speed 8Action Points 1© Falchion (standard; at-will) 4 WeaponReach 3; +25 vs. AC; 4d4 + 14(crit 12d4 + 24) damage.'Y Evil Eye (minor; at-will)Ranged 5; +23 vs. Will; the target is restrained (save ends).The effect ends if the fomorian butcher uses evil eye against adifferent target.Fomorian BrutalityWhen the fomorian butcher scores a critical hit against a targetaffected by its evil eye, it makes a falchion attack against thesame target as a free action.Fomorian ButcheryA fomorian butcher's falchion attack deals 2d12 + 11 extradamage against a creature that the butcher has hit since thestart of the butcher's last turn.Alignment EvilLanguages ElvenStr 27 (+20) Dex 19 (+15) Wis 10 (+11)Con 27 (+20) Int 11 (+11) Cha20(+16)Equipment hide armor, falchionFOMORIAN BUTCHER TACTICSA fomorian butcher charges the most physicallydangerous-looking foe, hewing wildly with its massivefalchion. It then uses its evil eye to prevent the enemyfrom escaping. It spends an action point to makeanother falchion attack when that opponent becomesbloodied. It concentrates on one foe, trying to do asmuch damage as possible with/omortan butchery.FOMORIAN LOREArcana DC 14: Fomorians have a peculiar obsessionwith the other denizens of the Feywild. Theyloathe them passionately, but desire their subjugation,not their destruction. In their minds, the ideal Feywildis one in which each fomorian lives as royalty,ruling over all other creatures. For this reason, theywage an eternal war with the eladrin and other fey,forever seeking to achieve this impossible goal.Arcana DC 22: Ghost shamans enslave the spiritsof those they kill. They use these spirits in combat,but also keep them as sources of amusement, forcingthem to dance or play out haunting shadowplays. These evil giants make frequent forays into theShadowfell to discover its secrets.The totemist takes heads from those it slays andadds them to its chain of heads. Once it imbues theheads with necromantic power, its attacks with thechain of heads can have a different result dependingon which head strikes the foe. Fomorian totemistsoften prefer a certain type of head and can becomeobsessive about their collections. One might favoreladrin heads, while another might prefer dwarvesfor their long beards. Some totemists select futurevictims years before coming to claim their heads,patiently waiting for their chosen targets to "mature"and adopt the appearance they can see with theirprescient evil eyes.Cacklers laugh like mad fools almost constantly,but a cackler's manic air belies its fiendish mind.Cacklers are silent only when they seek to be hidden,and they have extraordinary stealth for their massive height and weight. Due to their ability to changesize, cacklers sometimes adopt magic disguises totravel among lesser creatures. When they adopt thedisguise of another creature, they easily take on itsmannerisms. Their madness allows them to assumethese other personalities with ease. However, suchpersonalities remain with the cackler and sometimesemerge unbidden at later times.Foul formorian blinders take the eyes of othercreatures and use them to attack foes. They delight incarrying these tiny trophies of their victims. Blindersknow the most about fomorians and their culture,acting as the sages and scholars of their race. It's saidthat if any possess the secret to a defense against theevil eye, a blinder surely knows it.Arcana DC 27: Fomorian butchers are the mostsadistic among fomorians and have been known tocut slaves in half simply for the joy of it. Their simplemindedpleasure in slaughter makes them frequenttargets for recruitment and manipulation by othercreatures. Fomorian butchers often work with devils,greedily trading their souls and some mysteriousafterlife for the power they desire in the Feywild andbeyond.ENCOUNTER GROUPSThe fomorians work with other sinister forces of theFeywild, and with the drow.Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,600)• 1 drow arachnomancer (level 13 artillery, MM 94)• 1 drow blademaster (level 13 elite skirmisher,MM 94)• 1 fomorian ghost shaman (level 16 elite controller)4- 8 Lolthbound goblin slaves (level 12 minionskirmisher)Level 21 Encounter (XP 16,300)4 1 fomorian butcher (level 22 elite brute)• 1 fomorian cackler (level 17 elite lurker)• 1 fomorian painbringer (level 19 elite controller,MM 110)Level 22 Encounter (XP 23,200)• 1 fomorian blinder (level 20 elite artillery)• 2 fomorian totemists (level 18 elite skirmisher)-4 3 fomorian warriors (level 17 elite soldier,MM 110)

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