4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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FIRBOLG MOON SEERA HEN BATTLE is JOINED, the firbolg moon seer callsdown darkest fate on the enemy.Firbolg Moon SeerLevel 14 Controller1 -arge fey humanoid XP 1,000— itiative +11 Senses Perception +18; low-light vision-P 141; Bloodied 70Regeneration 5KZ 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 27> jlnerable necrotic (if the firbolg moon seer takes necroticdamage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn)Saving Throws +2 against charm effects, immobilized, restrained,and slowedSoeed 8: Moon Mace (standard; at-will) 4 Radiant, WeaponReach 2; +18 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 7 radiant damage, and thetarget is blinded until the start of its next turn.* Ban of the Raven (standard; encounter) 4 Necrotic, RadiantRanged 10; +18 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 6 necrotic damage, attackrolls against the target can score critical hits on rolls of 18-20,and the target takes 10 extra necrotic damage from a critical hitsave ends both). Aftereffect: Attack rolls against the target canscore critical hits on rolls of 19-20 (save ends).Moonfire (minor 1/round; recharge TTjiXjij)Ranged 10; +18 vs. Will; until the end of the firbolg moon seer'snext turn, the target grants combat advantage to the moon seerand cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.— Moonstrike (standard; recharge JH][n]) 4 Charm, PsychicClose burst S; targets one enemy affected by moonjire; +18 vs.Will; 2d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is dominated untilthe end of the firbolg moon seer's next turn.— Spirit Hounds (standard; recharges when first bloodied)Close blast 5; targets enemies; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage,and the target is slowed and cannot teleport (save ends both).Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, ElvenSkills Arcana +14, Athletics +15, Nature +18, Religion +14Str 17 (+10) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 23 (+13)Con 21 (+12) Int 14 (+9) Cha 15 (+9)Equipment leather armor, mace, moon maskFIRBOLG MOON SEER TACTICSWhen battle is joined, the firbolg moon seer targets:ne foe with moonfire, then makes that enemy morevulnerable with ban of the raven. The members of:he firbolg hunt focus melee attacks on opponents."rected by ban of the raven. The moon seer targets:he largest number of enemies possible with a spirit-sands attack. It uses moonstrike late in battle—oftenno force the target to provide cover for the moon seer'sescape.FIRBOLG BLOODBEARWITH THE ABILITY TO TRANSFORM into the shape ofa fearsome beast, the firbolg bloodbear is a recklessand savage opponent.Firbolg BloodbearLarge fey humanoidInitiative +12Level 15 Elite BruteXP 2,400Senses Perception +18; low-light visionHP 240; Bloodied 120; see also bloodbear/ormRegeneration 5 (10 while in bloodbear form)AC 27; Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 28Vulnerable necrotic (if the firbolg bloodbear takes necroticdamage, its regeneration does not function on its next turnSaving Throws +2 (+4 against charm effects, immobilized,restrained, and slowed)Speed 8Action Points 1© Slam (standard; at-will)Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage.© Claw (standard; usable only while in bloodbear form; at-will)Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d12 + 9 damage.4 Double Attack (standard; at-will)The firbolg bloodbear makes two melee basic attacks. If thebloodbear hits with both attacks, it makes a secondary attackagainst the target. Secondary Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude; thetarget is grabbed.4 Bloodbear Maul (standard; recharges when bloodied)Reach 2; targets a creature grabbed by the firbolg bloodbear;no attack roll; 4d10 + 9 damage, and if the bloodbear is inbloodbear form, it makes a bite attack against the target as afree action.4 Bite (standard; usable only while in bloodbear form; at-will)+18 vs. AC; 3d12 + 9 damage, and if the target is grantingcombat advantage to the firbolg bloodbear, the target takesongoing 10 damage (save ends).*Y Moonfire (minor; recharge __ |XJ __)Ranged 10; +15 vs. Will; until the end of the firbolg bloodbear'snext turn, the target cannot benefit from invisibility orconcealment.Bloodbear Form (when first bloodied; encounter) 4 Healing,PolymorphThe firbolg bloodbear takes the form of a humanoid-bearhybrid. It regains all of its hit points, gains regeneration 10, andgains bite and claw attacks. When the bloodbear is bloodied asecond time, it reverts to its normal form until the end of theencounter.Alignment UnalignedLanguages Common, ElvenSkills Athletics +19, Intimidate +13, Nature +18Str 24 (+14) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 22 (+13)Con 20 (+12) Int 12 (+8) Cha 13 (+8)Equipment hide armor, bear helmetFIRBOLG BLOODBEAR TACTICSDiving into the middle of combat, the firbolg bloodbearconcentrates on one foe, attempting to grab thatenemy for a bloodbear maul in the next round. Thefirbolg is reckless until it can transform into its bloodbearform. Then it acts like a berserk dire bear—onlystronger and tougher—doing its best to use bloodbearmaul again before it is forced out of bloodbear form.ccc

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