4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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FEY-INCATMTER VESTIGETHE FEY-INCANTER VESTIGE thinks nothing of itsown survival, wishing only to torment those whoiestroyed its physical form.Fey-lncanter VestigeMedium fey humanoid (undead)nitiative +17Level 18 LurkerXP 2,000 or 0 if encounteredafter lingerer fell incanterSenses Perception +11; darkvisionSpiraling Despair aura 3; each enemy within the aura takes a -2penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.-P 91; Bloodied 45AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 32, Will 30-esist 15 necrotic, insubstantial; Vulnerable 10 radiantSpeed 6, fly 6 (hover), phasingRay of Humility (standard; at-will) • NecroticRanged 5; +21 vs. Will; 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, ongoing 5necrotic damage, and the target must roll saving throws twice,raking the lower of the two results (save ends both).^ Ray of Spring's Rejection (standard; recharge fx] (TJDNecrotic•Ranged 5; +21 vs. Will; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and the targetgrants combat advantage to the fey-incanter vestige (save ends).I: mbat Advantage • NecroticThe fey-incanter vestige deals 2d8 extra necrotic damage to any:arget granting combat advantage to it.:f y Step (move; encounter) • TeleportationThe fey-incanter vestige teleports 5 squares.Maniacal Dash (move; recharge [X](H))The fey-incanter vestige shifts 6 squares.Alignment EvilLanguages Common, ElvenSkills Stealth +20Str 13 (+10) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 22 (+15)Con 16 (+12) Int 26 (+17) Cha 20 (+14)FEY LINGERER LOREArcana or Religion DC 20: Fey lingerers areeladrin knights and wizards who refuse to die. Theyare not the gracious and mannered eladrin of the feycourt, but are twisted and depraved, withdrawn fromelven grace. When younger, more vibrant foes challengethe lingerers' strength, they retaliate furiously.Arcana or Religion DC 25: Fey lingerer knightspine to relive past glories; incanters seek to rediscoverlost rituals and spells. When they are destroyed, feylingerers transform into vengeful incorporeal spirits.ENCOUNTER GROUPSFey lingerers are encountered with other undead,and even with living eladrin loyal to them.Level 18 Encounter (XP 11,600)• 2 lingerer knights (level 16 elite soldier)• 1 lingerer fell incanter (level 18 elite artillery)• 1 bralani of autumn winds (level 19 controller,MM 102)in-. LLingerer knight and fell incanter

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