4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free

4e_Monster_Manual_2 - Free


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Alignment Unaligned Languages PrimordialStr 17 (+9) Dex 21 (+11) Wis 19 (+10)Con 19 (+10) Int 6 (+4) Cha 16 (+9)WINDFIEND FURY LOREArcana DC 16: As an opponent, the windfiendfury is difficult to pin down. If surrounded in melee,it explodes in a thunderous burst, then re-forms inanother place farther away from its foes.Arcana DC 21: Windfiend furies often accidentallycross the boundaries between planes. Sweptup into a great storm on one plane, a windfiendfury can be pulled into a dangerous tempest thatrages in another plane. Some archons know a wayto imprison windfiend furies within magic vessels,which they then pilot to other planes using the elementals'power.WINDSTRIKERA INDSTRIKKRS WHIRL OUT oi NOW HI Hi to hammerfoes with potent blasts of thunderous cold.Their lethal fury comes in fits and starts as theirwinds seek to enwrap targets before the windstrikersblast them.WindstrikerLevel 9 LurkerMedium elemental magical beast (air) XP 400Initiative+11 Senses Perception+9HP 56; Bloodied 28AC 21; Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 20Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantialSpeed 0, fly 8 (hover)Windstrike (standard; at-will) • Cold, ThunderReach 2; +14 vs. AC; 1d8 + 2 cold and thunder damage.* Lethal Windstrike (standard; at-will) • Cold, ThunderReach 2; targets the windstriker's quarry (see searching wind);+14 vs. AC; 2d12 + 5 cold and thunder damage, and the targetis no longer designated as the windstriker's quarry.Searching Wind (standard; recharges when the windstriker hitswith lethal windstrike) 4 Cold, ThunderRanged 10; +12 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 cold and thunder damage, andthe target is knocked prone. Effect: The target is designated asthe windstriker's quarry.Shifting Wind (immediate reaction, when the windstriker takesdamage; at-will)Until the end of its next turn, the windstriker does not provokeopportunity attacks and can move through enemies' spaces.Alignment Unaligned Languages PrimordialStr 14 (+6) Dex 17 (+7) Wis 10 (+4)Con 20 (+9) Int5(+1) Cha 17 (+7)ENCOUNTER GROUPSElementals fight most commonly alongside their ownkind, or with other creatures of the Elemental Chaos.Outside that plane, elementals are found as guardiansof tombs and treasure-houses, or at locationswhere they have been summoned by powerful magic.Level 4 Encounter (XP 875)• 2 clay scouts (level 2 lurker, MM 156)• 3 dust devils (level 3 skirmisher)• 1 human mage (level 4 artillery, MM 163)Level 6 Encounter (XP 1,275)4 3 dust devils (level 3 skirmisher)• 2 flamespikers (level 5 soldier)• 1 geonid (level 6 lurker)• 1 mud lasher (level 4 brute)Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,500)4- 4 flamespikers (level 5 soldier)• 1 imp (level 3 lurker, MM 63)• 2 magma hurlers (level 4 artillery, MM 182)• 1 tiefling heretic (level 5 artillery, MM 250)Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,100)• 3 shardstorm vortices (level 7 skirmisher)• 4 shardstorm vortex funnelclouds (level 13 minionskirmisher)• 1 windstriker (level 9 lurker)Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,700)• 2 rockfist smashers (level 10 brute)• 2 stormstone furies (level 14 artillery)• 1 windfiend fury (level 12 controller)Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,400)4- 2 chillfire destroyers (level 14 brute)• 1 tempest wisp (level 13 controller)4 1 beholder eye of flame (level 13 elite artillery,MM 32)4 4 salamander firetails (level 14 skirmisher,MM 226)WINDSTRIKER LOREArcana DC 14: A windstriker targets a specifictoe with its attacks, trusting its defenses to protectit from opportunity attacks as it whirls across thebattlefield.

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