A Guide to Primary Schools 2013–2014 - Avanti Schools Trust

A Guide to Primary Schools 2013–2014 - Avanti Schools Trust

A Guide to Primary Schools 2013–2014 - Avanti Schools Trust


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HARROW<strong>2013–2014</strong><strong>Schools</strong> at the heart of the communitya guide <strong>to</strong><strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong>

WelcomeThis booklet has been produced by the council <strong>to</strong> give you information about Harrow’s primary schools.It provides details mainly relating <strong>to</strong> the school year that starts in September 2013. It also gives generalinformation on education in Harrow.The procedure <strong>to</strong> follow <strong>to</strong> get a place in a Harrow school is explained, as well as what <strong>to</strong> do if you don’t geta place in the school that you want. There is a map of Harrow <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> showing their locations onthe back cover.ContentsOnline applications 2Timetable of applications <strong>to</strong> reception 5How <strong>to</strong> apply 6-11How places were allocated last year 12List of primary schools in Harrow 13-16How the system works 17Appeals 18-19Transfer <strong>to</strong> junior school 20Community School admission arrangements 21Academy School, Free School and Voluntary Aided <strong>Schools</strong>admission arrangements 22-51In year applications for 2012-2013 52-53Applying for schools in other areas 54Applying for nursery school in Harrow 55Education provision in Harrow 56Year groups and term dates 57Pupil support/travel options 58<strong>Primary</strong> curriculum 59Glossary 60-61Useful Information 63Map showing primary schools in HarrowBack cover3

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsIntroductionDear parent or carerStarting primary school is an exciting time for children and their families. Theinformation in this booklet explains how you apply for a reception school place foryour child. From September 1, parents are able <strong>to</strong> submit their applications online byvisiting www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsApplications for reception will be co-ordinated by Harrow Council. Parents applying fora reception place for September 2013 should only complete one form. For families wholive in Harrow this means you should only complete Harrow’s Common ApplicationForm (CAF). You can list up <strong>to</strong> six state maintained schools, whether in Harrow and/orany local authority area, ranked in order of preference. Harrow will share informationabout applications with other admission authorities. The outcome will be co-ordinated<strong>to</strong> ensure that applicants only receive one offer, which will be the single best offer thatcan be made.It is important that you find out as much as possible about the schools you are applyingfor before completing your application form. It is very important that you read theinformation in this booklet carefully so that you can make informed decisions abouthow <strong>to</strong> rank your preferences.Harrow Council is committed <strong>to</strong> providing excellent learning opportuities and highquality education for all pupils. We are proud of all of our schools and believe that yourchild will have every opportunity <strong>to</strong> succeed at whichever school he or she attends.We hope that you will find the information in this booklet helpful and should like <strong>to</strong>wish your child every success at their primary school.Brian Gate Catherine Doran Adrian ParkerPortfolio Holder Corporate Direc<strong>to</strong>r Head of Education StrategyChildren, <strong>Schools</strong> Children and Families and School Organisationand Families4

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsTimetable ofHeading applications heading <strong>to</strong> receptionThe timetable for applications <strong>to</strong> school for children who live in Harrowborn between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 due <strong>to</strong> startreception in September 2013 is as follows:1 September 2012September 201215 January 201317 April 20131 May 201317 May 2013Summer Term 2013You can apply online at www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions or you canrequest a form from Access HarrowApplication forms and booklets will be sent <strong>to</strong> all Harrow primary schools,and are available from Access Harrow for Harrow residents.If you live outside of Harrow you must apply <strong>to</strong> your own council. Parentsapplying for a Voluntary Aided (VA) school must complete and return asupplementary information form (SIF) direct <strong>to</strong> the school by 15th January2013. If parents do not complete a SIF, the school will not have theinformation about how well the child meets their admission rules. SIF formsfor Harrow VA schools are available from the school or www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsClosing Date for applicationsBy this date you must have submitted an online application or completed apaper application form and returned it <strong>to</strong> a Harrow <strong>Primary</strong> school or <strong>to</strong>Access Harrow/Admissions Service.Letters posted <strong>to</strong> parents with the outcome of their application. If youhave applied online you will be sent an email with the outcome of yourapplication. Please wait until you have received the email before logging on<strong>to</strong> the eadmissions website.Deadline for acceptance or decline of offer (you can accept/decline youroffer online).Closing date for receipt of appeals.Appeal hearings.If you do not live in Harrow but wish <strong>to</strong> apply for a Harrow school, please contact your council <strong>to</strong> make anapplication.5

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHow <strong>to</strong> applyMaking your application for a reception class in a Harrow school <strong>to</strong> start inSeptember 20136There are two ways <strong>to</strong> apply, online or bycompleting the Common Application Form (CAF).We recommend you complete your applicationonline. Please only use one method of application.Do not complete a Common Application Form(CAF) if you intend <strong>to</strong> apply online. If you sendmore than one application, we will only use themost recent one.Only Harrow residents should complete a HarrowCAF.You cannot apply for private or independentschools through this process.If your child has a statement of special educationalneeds, please do not complete an applicationform. The Special Educational Needs Assessmentand Review Service (SENARS) on 020 8966 6483will manage your child’s admission <strong>to</strong> school. Forfurther information please see page 56.Please only complete an application for areception class place if your child is born between:1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009.Applying online – helpful hintsa comprehensive guide is available atwww.eadmissions.org.uk.www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions or www.eadmissions.org.uk.You will be able <strong>to</strong> apply online <strong>to</strong> any ofLondon’s maintained primary schoolsfacility <strong>to</strong> help you identify schools in the localarea and links <strong>to</strong> more information about theschools.register your details and will be sent a username and password. Once you have registeredyou will be able <strong>to</strong> apply online. The onlinesystem will allow you <strong>to</strong> make changes <strong>to</strong> yourapplication before the closing date of 15 January2013 and <strong>to</strong> keep track of the progress of yourapplication after the closing dateyou are unable <strong>to</strong> complete the application inone session. Every time you make or changeyour online application you will receive an emailconfirming the status of your application. Youcan also check the status when you log on<strong>to</strong> thesystem and select your application.form in order for it <strong>to</strong> come through <strong>to</strong> us. Failurenot been sent <strong>to</strong> us, and your application will notbe considered. If in doubt please call the HarrowSchool Admissions Service on 020 8901 2620or email schooladmissions@harrow.gov.uk <strong>to</strong>check if it has been receivedwith the outcome of your application during theevening of 17 April 2013.any Harrow library.Completing your application online or in writingChild’s details: Complete your child’s name asit appears on their birth certificate. Do not useshortened names or nicknames.Address: If you are applying in writing pleasecheck that your address falls within Harrowbefore completing the form. The address usedmust be the child’s home address on15 January 2013. Applications must be made <strong>to</strong>your council. If you change your address aftercompleting the form, you must tell the councilstraightaway.

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHow <strong>to</strong> apply (cont.)Please do not list an address of someone whoprovides a temporary care arrangement foryour child, a business address, childminder’saddress, a relative’s address or any otheraddress other than the child’s home address.If a school place is offered on the basis of anincorrect address, the place may be withdrawn.responsibility, each for part of a week, theaddress where the child lives is determinedusing a joint declaration from the parentsstating the pattern of residence. If a child’sresidence is split equally between both parents,then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine whichresidential address should be used for thepurpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no jointdeclaration is received where the residence issplit equally by the closing date for applications,the home address will be taken as the addressof the parent who receives child benefit. Incases where parents are not eligible for childbenefit the address will be that of the parentswhere the child is registered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r.If the residence is not split equally betweenboth parents then the address used will be theaddress where the child spends the majorityof the school week.Current school: Complete the details of thepre school your child is attending. If your childchanges pre school after you submit yourapplication it is really important that younotify us.Preferences: On your application form youwill be asked <strong>to</strong> list six schools, ranked in orderof preference. Each of your preferences willbe treated as a separate application. You mustname the schools that you wish <strong>to</strong> apply for,wherever they are in the country, in the order youprefer them. This is important because we canonly make one offer. If more than one schoolthat you have listed on your application form canoffer your child a place, then we will refer <strong>to</strong> therankings on your application form and offer theschool you have ranked highest. For example,if the school you named as your secondpreference and the school you named as yourfourth preference can offer you a place, we willoffer you a place at the school you ranked asyour second preference. Lower preferences willbe discarded.With a paper application you can apply <strong>to</strong> anymaintained school anywhere in the UK. Onceyou have decided on the order in which <strong>to</strong> rankyour school preferences, please complete theschool preference section listing the names ofthe schools (preference one being your highestranked school). When filling in each preferenceyou must include the full name, Department forEducation (DfE) number and postcode of eachschool. The DfE numbers for Harrow schoolscan be found on the relevant school pages inthis guide.You should try and use all the preferencesavailable <strong>to</strong> you. You do not have <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong>six schools however initially you will only beconsidered for the schools that you list on theform. We recommend that you apply <strong>to</strong> at leas<strong>to</strong>ne school which is near your home, as distanceis used by many schools <strong>to</strong> decide whichchildren are offered places.If you do not include a local Harrow school onyour list of preferences you will have no say inwhich school your child is offered. This couldmean you may be offered a place a considerabledistance from your home as local schools willhave filled from applicants who named them onthe application form.Consider the admissions arrangements of eachof the schools you are applying <strong>to</strong> and, using theinformation about how places were offered in thepast, consider how successful your applicationmight be. You will find the statistics on page12 which show how places were allocated atHarrow schools last year.7

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHow <strong>to</strong> apply (cont.)8The level and pattern of demand for schoolschanges every year. This means the distance<strong>to</strong> which we can offer places also changes. Thetable on page 12 shows the distance offered forlast year. This will change every year dependingon where children live. Please do not assumethat because children in your area attend aparticular school that your child will also beoffered a place.Where a school is oversubscribed, its publishedadmission criteria will be used <strong>to</strong> decide theorder in which applicants will be offered places.Councils will not pass on details of where theschool was ranked, and no school will be <strong>to</strong>ldabout other schools a parent has applied for.To find out which are your local Harrow schools,you can go <strong>to</strong> www.harrow.gov.uk/distance<strong>to</strong>ol.Reasons for preference: For each preferencewe have provided you with some space <strong>to</strong> notewhy you have selected a school. This box doesnot need <strong>to</strong> be completed. Any information youdo provide will be passed <strong>to</strong> the school. Pleasenote that unless the information you providerelates directly <strong>to</strong> the school’s oversubscriptioncriteria it will not have a bearing on yourapplication.Siblings: A sibling is a child’s brother or sister,half brother or sister, adopted foster brotheror sister, step brother or sister living in thesame family unit at the same address. It doesnot include cousins or other extended familymembers who live in the same household. Thismay vary from school <strong>to</strong> school, please seeindividual schools’ oversubscription criteria forfurther information as <strong>to</strong> how this criterion will beapplied and what information you will need <strong>to</strong>provide.In the case of twins, triplets and other multiplebirthchildren, if one child can be offered aplace in a preferred school, other multiple-birthchildren will be allocated a place in the sameschool. Where twins are concerned and onetwin has a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds that names a specific school the othertwin will be treated as having a sibling link forthat academic year. Social/medical needs: Some schools give priority<strong>to</strong> children with social or medical needs. If youstate a preference for a particular school becauseof the medical, social or special educational needsof your child, you must demonstrate how thisschool meets your child’s special circumstances.Along with your application you should submitsupporting evidence which sets out the particularreasons why the school is the most suitable andthe difficulties that could be caused if your childhas <strong>to</strong> attend another school. This will normallybe in the form of a report from a suitably qualifiedprofessional, like a consultant. Please seeindividual schools’ oversubscription criteria forfurther information as <strong>to</strong> how this criterion willbe applied and what information you will need<strong>to</strong> provide.Looked After Children/Previously LookedAfter Children:who was previously looked after but immediatelyafter being looked after became subject <strong>to</strong> anadoption, residence, or special guardianshiporder. A looked after child is a child who is (a)in the care of a local authority, or (b) beingprovided with accommodation by a localauthority in the exercise of their social servicesfunctions (see the definition in Section 22(1) ofthe Children Act 1989).An adoption order is an order under Section46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002.arrangements <strong>to</strong> be made as <strong>to</strong> the person withwhom the child is <strong>to</strong> live under Section 8 of theChildren Act 1989. Section 14A of the Childrenas an order appointing one or more individuals<strong>to</strong> be a child’s special guardian (or specialguardians).

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHow <strong>to</strong> apply (cont.)Proof of addressWe do not require proof of address <strong>to</strong> be sent inwith your application form.your council tax reference number, if you knowyour council tax reference please complete thissectiondatabases in order <strong>to</strong> verify your addressor you have recently moved we will write <strong>to</strong> youasking for two proofs of addressFalse informationHarrow Council reserves the right <strong>to</strong> verify anyaddress given as the child’s permanent addressin order <strong>to</strong> ensure that it is allocating placesappropriately and fairly. If you deliberately givefalse address information <strong>to</strong> obtain a place at aschool you must expect the offer of the place <strong>to</strong> bewithdrawn.documentation which is false or deliberatelymisleading may also lead <strong>to</strong> any place offeredbeing withdrawnapplications are not fraudulentHarrow takes very seriously any attempt<strong>to</strong> gain an advantage in the admissionsprocess by giving false information and willinvestigate possible fraudulent claims. If weoffer a place at a school and then discoverthat the offer was made on fraudulen<strong>to</strong>r misleading information (for example,a false claim <strong>to</strong> living at an address) wewill withdraw the place offered. This hashappened in previous years. Where a placehas been offered based on false information,we can withdraw the offer even after yourchild has started at school. This will causeconsiderable distress, particularly for yourchild. Providing false information could lead<strong>to</strong> legal action being brought against you,including a criminal prosecution.What you should expect after you have sent usyour formOnline applications will receive an au<strong>to</strong>maticacknowledgement once the form is submitted.Once we have received your paper application wewill send you an acknowledgment. If you do notreceive an acknowledgement within 20 workingdays please contact us.Late applications and changes <strong>to</strong> yourapplicationYou will need <strong>to</strong> submit your application <strong>to</strong> HarrowCouncil by 15 January 2013. It is vital <strong>to</strong> get yourapplication in on time. There is considerably lesschance of getting a place at a preferred school ifthe application is late.Closing dateApplications received by 15 January 2013 willbe processed first. Applications received after15 January 2013 will not be considered until allother applications have been dealt with, unlessthere is supporting evidence <strong>to</strong> say why theapplication is late. This information must bereceived by 17 February 2013.Changes <strong>to</strong> preferences and the order ofpreferences will only be accepted up until theclosing date of 15 January 2013. After this date anychanges you make <strong>to</strong> your preferences will not beadded <strong>to</strong> your application without a genuine reasonfor doing so, for example, if you have recentlymoved address proof will be required. After 17February 2013 any changes <strong>to</strong> your applicationwill be administered as a late application and willtherefore not be considered until after the offer dayof 17 April 2013.10

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHow <strong>to</strong> apply (cont.)The following are examples of exceptions thatwill be considered.If your family moved house after the closingdate you will be asked <strong>to</strong> provide either:agent, which comes in<strong>to</strong> effect on or before 17February 2013.If you are returning from living abroad you willneed <strong>to</strong> provide either:your property before 17 February 2013 if yourproperty has not been occupied orFebruary 2013 and that you will re-occupyyour property if it has been rented during yourabsence orreturn <strong>to</strong> live in Harrow on or before 17 February2013 if you were seconded abroad.If you are a single parent who has been ill forsome time you will need <strong>to</strong> provide:If there has been a recent death of an immediatefamily member you will need <strong>to</strong> provide:If you cannot provide the evidence required forany of the above circumstances or similar, or it isreceived after 17 February 2013, your applicationwill be treated as a late application.Any changes <strong>to</strong> the application, (e.g. change ofaddress, change of linked school) received orthat come in<strong>to</strong> effect, after the closing date will betreated in the same way as a late application.Change of circumstancesYou must keep us informed of any change in yourcircumstances in relation <strong>to</strong> your application (e.g.sibling leaving the school, change of address, etc).If you move in or out of HarrowIf you move in<strong>to</strong> or out of Harrow after 15 January2013 and have completed a Common ApplicationForm (CAF) in your previous borough, you willneed <strong>to</strong> contact both your previous council andHarrow with details of your new address. Youwill be given an opportunity <strong>to</strong> change yourpreferences as long as this is before 17 February2013.Starting in reception classIn Harrow all children start school in September.There is no provision for children <strong>to</strong> go in <strong>to</strong>reception class before September. Any requestfor earlier admission <strong>to</strong> reception class will berefused.Delaying entry in<strong>to</strong> receptionYou may feel your child is young for their age orthere may be educational reasons why you wish <strong>to</strong>consider delaying your child’s entry in<strong>to</strong> school.You will need the school’s agreement for yourchild <strong>to</strong> start school at a later date. You mustdiscuss this with the headteacher before makingyour application so that the full implications of delayedentry can be explained <strong>to</strong> you. If you and theschool agree <strong>to</strong> delay your child’s entry <strong>to</strong> school,this place will be held for you but your child muststart before the end of the school year or the termafter their fifth birthday, whichever comes first. Youwill need <strong>to</strong> provide written confirmation with yourapplication of the agreement <strong>to</strong> delay your child’sentry <strong>to</strong> reception.Even if you wish <strong>to</strong> delay your child’sentry <strong>to</strong> school you must still apply fora place for your child in the normal way.Your application must be received bythe deadline for receipt of applications.11

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsReception allocation for 2012The following table gives information about the number of applications received by community schools forchildren entering reception in September 2012, and how places were allocated.School namePlaces availableTotal number ofapplicationsChildren with specialeducational needsLooked after childrenMedical childMedical parentSibling connectionsPlaces offered underdistance criterion(furthest distance offeredin miles)Offered the nearestschool with a vacancyTotal offeredAylward <strong>Primary</strong> School 60 174 1 28 31 (0.919) 0 60Belmont <strong>Primary</strong> School 60 240 31 29 (0.326) 0 60Camrose <strong>Primary</strong> School and Nursery 60 136 12 27 (2.395) 21 60Cannon Lane First School 120 520 45 75 (0.993) 0 120Cedars Manor School 90 152 1 25 35 (1.726) 14 75Earlsmead <strong>Primary</strong> School 60 133 12 15 (1.057) 7 34Elmgrove <strong>Primary</strong> and Nursery School 120 242 2 1 36 65 (4.246) 16 120Glebe <strong>Primary</strong> School 90 243 1 29 60 (0.756) 0 90Grange <strong>Primary</strong> School 60 170 26 30 (5.777) 4 60Grimsdyke School 60 313 16 44 (0.545) 0 60Heathland School 90 279 39 51 (0.922) 0 90Kenmore Park Infant and Nursery School 90 247 34 52 (2.056) 4 90Longfield <strong>Primary</strong> School 90 410 1 31 58 (0.608) 0 90Marlborough <strong>Primary</strong> School 90 339 17 73 (0.516) 0 90New<strong>to</strong>n Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School 30 518 17 13 (0.140) 0 30Norbury School 60 303 34 27 (0.205) 0 61*Pinner Park Infant and Nursery School 120 538 1 39 80 (0.836) 0 120Pinner Wood School 60 268 1 33 26 (0.611) 0 60Priestmead School and Nursery 90 374 1 43 46 (0.427) 0 90Roxbourne Infant School 90 236 32 58 (1.710) 0 90Roxeth <strong>Primary</strong> School 60 292 20 40 (0.457) 0 60Stag Lane Infant and Nursery School 90 201 46 44 (0.340) 0 90Stanburn First School 120 449 1 43 76 (0.933) 0 120Vaughan <strong>Primary</strong> School 90 281 1 30 59 (0.618) 0 90Weald Infant and Nursery School 90 145 36 18 (2.793) 26 80Welldon Park Infant School 90 170 17 50 (1.746) 23 90West Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> School 90 493 27 63 (0.530) 0 90Whitchurch First School and Nursery 90 475 43 47 (0.783) 0 90Whitefriars Community School 60 116 20 33 (3.108) 7 60* In line with the School Admissions Code 2012, offered over the number places available as last pupil offered was a twin. For all otherHarrow schools information can be obtained directly from the school.12

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsList of <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>in HarrowKey <strong>to</strong> symbolsType of school C CommunityVA Voluntary AidedA AcademyF Free SchoolSuplementaryInformation FormAge Range 4-11Nursery ClassBreakfast ClubAfter School Club9LGMap reference number 1 Please seemap on back page for details<strong>Avanti</strong> House SchoolThe temporary site for the <strong>Avanti</strong> House School isthe Harrow Teachers’ Centre, Tudor Road,Wealds<strong>to</strong>ne HA3 5PQ.Currently <strong>Avanti</strong> House is also proposing theHarrow Teachers’ Centre as a permanent site forthe school.020 8381 3344Principal: Mr Gareth JonesPlaces Available: 60www.avanti.org.uk/avantihouseDfE No. 310 4000F 4-11 48Aylward <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolPangbourne Drive, Stanmore, HA7 4RE020 8958 9202Headteacher: Mrs Moira ArnoldPlaces Available: 60www.aylwardschool.org.ukDfE No. 310 2099C 9 4-11 G 1Belmont SchoolHibbert Road, Harrow Weald, HA3 7JT020 8427 0903Headteacher: Mrs Lindsey ShawPlaces Available: 60www.belmont.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2055C 4-11 2Camrose <strong>Primary</strong> School and NurserySt David’s Drive, Edgware, HA8 6JH020 8952 3272Headteacher: Mrs Elena EvansPlaces Available: 60www.camrose.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2053C 4-11 L G 3Cannon Lane First SchoolCannonbury Avenue, Pinner, HA5 1TS020 8866 3536Headteacher: Dame Reena KeeblePlaces Available: 90www.cannonlanefirst.orgDfE No. 310 2073C 4-11 4Cannon Lane Junior SchoolCannonbury Avenue, Pinner, HA5 1TS020 8868 7809Headteacher: Mr Richard JohnsonPlaces Available: 90www.canonlanemiddleschool.ik.orgDfE No. 310 2056C 4-11 5Cedars Manor SchoolWhittlesea Road, Harrow, HA3 6LS020 8428 5845Headteacher: Mrs Heather LacePlaces Available: 90www.cedarsmanor.ik.orgDfE No. 310 3514C 4-11 L G 613

Earlsmead <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolArundel Drive, S. Harrow, HA2 8PW020 8864 5546Headteacher: Mrs Emma Billing<strong>to</strong>nPlaces Available: 60www.webfronter.com/harrow/earlsmeadDfE No. 310 2092C 4-11 L GKenmore Park Junior SchoolMoorhouse Road, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 9JA020 8204 6294Headteacher: Mr Michael BaumringPlaces Available: 90www.kenmoreparkjunior.ik.orgDfE No. 310 2059C 4-11 L G7 1414Elmgrove <strong>Primary</strong> and Nursery SchoolKenmore Avenue, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 8LU020 8907 0162Headteacher: Mr Darren AisthorpePlaces Available: 90www.elmgove.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2082C 4-11 L G 8Glebe <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolD’Arcy Gardens, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 9JU020 8204 6564Headteacher: Mrs Donna BarrattPlaces Available: 90www.glebe.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2098C 4-11 G 9Grange <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolWelbeck Road, Harrow, HA2 0RJ020 8422 5070Headteacher: Mrs Annette SzymaniakPlaces Available: 90www.grangeprimary.orgDfE No. 310 2071C 4-11 L 10Grimsdyke SchoolSylvia Avenue, Hatch End, HA5 4QE020 8428 1324Headteacher: Mrs Gwenda CaroliPlaces Available: 60www.grimsdyke.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2052C 4-11 11Heathland SchoolEastcote Lane, S. Harrow, HA2 9AG020 8422 4503Headteacher: Mr Chris SprucePlaces Available: 90www.heathlandschool.netDfE No. 310 2072C 4-11 L G 12Kenmore Park Infant and Nursery SchoolMoorhouse Road, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 9JA020 8204 8759Headteacher: Mrs Rutinderjit Mahil-PooniPlaces Available: 90www.kpins-harrow.org.ukDfE No. 310 2083C 4-11 L G 13Krishna-<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolCamrose Avenue, Edgware, HA8 6ES020 8381 3344Executive Headteacher: Mrs Pauline EdwardsPlaces Available: 60www.krishna-avanti.org.ukDfE No. 310 3513A 4-11 15Longfield <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolDukes Avenue, N. Harrow, HA2 7NZ020 8866 7331Headteacher: Mrs Pam VirdeePlaces Available: 90www.longfieldprimaryschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 2066C 4-11 16Marlborough <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolMarlborough Hill, Harrow, HA1 1UJ020 8427 3087Headteacher: Ms Julia DrozdowskijPlaces Available: 90www.marlboroughschool.ik.orgDfE No. 310 2051C 4-11 L G 17Moriah Jewish Day SchoolCannon Lane, Pinner, HA5 1JF020 8868 2001Headteacher: Mr Alan ShawPlaces Available: 30www.moriahschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 3509VA 4-11 18New<strong>to</strong>n Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior SchoolRavenswood Crescent, S. Harrow, HA2 9JU0208 864 8081Headteacher: Mrs Rekha Bhakoo C.B.E.Places Available: 30www.new<strong>to</strong>nfarm.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2045C 4-11 19Norbury SchoolWelldon Crescent, Harrow, HA1 1QQ020 8863 8769Headteacher: Ms Louise BrowningPlaces Available: 60www.norbury.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2096C 9 4-11 L G 20

Pinner Park Infant and Nursery SchoolMelbourne Avenue, Pinner, HA5 5TL020 8863 2191Headteacher: Miss Karen DisspainPlaces Available: 120DfE No. 310 2076C 4-11 L G 21Pinner Park Junior SchoolMelbourne Avenue, Pinner, HA5 5TJ020 8863 1239Headteacher: Miss Katrina MildnerPlaces Available: 120www.pinnerparkjuniorschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 2060C 4-11 L G 22Pinner Wood SchoolLatimer Gardens, Pinner, HA5 3RA020 8868 2468Headteacher: Mrs Deb SprucePlaces Available: 60www.pinnerwood.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 3512C 4-11 L G 23Priestmead School and NurseryHartford Avenue, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 8SZ020 8907 5434Headteacher: Ms Jackie TreacyPlaces Available: 90www.priestmead.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2061C 4-11 G 24Roxbourne School (amalgamating January 2013)Torbay Road, Harrow, HA2 9QF020 8422 9207Acting Headteacher: Miss Jane FrankauPlaces Available: 90www.roxbourneinfantschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 2084 DfE No. 310 2084C 4-11 L G 25Roxeth <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolBrickfields, Byron Hill Rd, Harrow, HA2 0JA020 8422 1344Headteacher: Mrs Carole TobinPlaces Available: 60www.roxethschoolharrow.orgDfE No. 310 2050C 4-11 27St Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolRoxborough Park, Harrow-on-the-Hill HA1 3BE020 8422 1600Headteacher: Mrs Anne MonahanPlaces Available: 60www.st-anselms.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 3501VA 4-11 G 28St Bernadette’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolClif<strong>to</strong>n Road, Ken<strong>to</strong>n, HA3 9NS020 8204 8902Headteacher: Mr David O’FarrellPlaces Available: 60www.st-bernadettes.co.ukDfE No. 310 3500VA 4-11 L G 29St George’s <strong>Primary</strong> Catholic SchoolSudbury Hill, Harrow, HA1 3SB020 8422 1272Headteacher: Mr Patrick MorrisseyPlaces Available: 60www.stgeorgesprimary.orgDfE No. 310 3508VA 4-11 L G 30St John Fisher Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolMelrose Road, Pinner, HA5 5RA020 8868 2961Headteacher: Mrs Anne LyonsPlaces Available: 60www.stjohnfisherschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 3505VA 4-11 L G 31St John’s C of E School, StanmoreGreen Lane, Stanmore, HA7 3FD020 8954 3978Headteacher: Mrs Jo HesterPlaces Available: 60www.stjohns.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 3511VA 4-11 L G 32St Joseph’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolDobbin Close, Harrow, HA3 7LP020 8863 8531Headteacher: Mr Philip Sut<strong>to</strong>nPlaces Available: 60www.stjosephs.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 3507VA 4-11 L 33St Teresa’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> Schooland NurseryLong Elmes, Harrow Weald, HA3 6LE020 8428 8640Headteacher: Mrs Jane FaintPlaces Available: 60www.st-teresas.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 3504VA 4-11 L G 34Stag Lane Infant and Nursery SchoolCollier Drive, Edgware, HA8 5RU020 8952 1475Headteacher: Mrs Nina WillPlaces Available: 90www.staglaneinfant.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2079C 4-11 L G 3515

Stag Lane Junior SchoolCollier Drive, Edgware, HA8 5RU020 8952 2731Headteacher: Mrs Elena EvansPlaces Available: 90www.staglanejunior.ik.orgDfE No. 310 2063C 4-11 L G 36Stanburn First SchoolAbercorn Road, Stanmore, HA7 2PJ020 8954 1423Headteacher: Mrs Anne DrakefordPlaces Available: 120www.stanburnfirst.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2085C 4-11 L G 37Stanburn Junior SchoolAbercorn Road, Stanmore, HA7 2PJ020 8954 3823Headteacher: Mrs Lynn ChamberlainPlaces Available: 90www.stanburnjuniorschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 2064C 4-11 L G 38Vaughan <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolVaughan Road, W. Harrow, HA1 4EL020 8427 7222Headteacher: Mr Andrew GriffinPlaces Available: 90www.vaughan.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2097C 4-11 L G 39Weald Infant and Nursery SchoolRobin Hood Drive, Harrow Weald, HA3 7DH020 8954 4531Acting Headteacher: Mrs Denise DoustPlaces Available: 90www.webfronter.com/harrow/wealdfirstschoolDfE No. 310 2086C 4-11 G 40Weald Junior SchoolRobin Hood Drive, Harrow Weald, HA3 7DH020 8954 2733Headteacher: Mr Michael CurtinPlaces Available: 90www.wealdjunior.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2067C 9 4-11 L G 41Welldon Park Junior SchoolWyvenhoe Road, S. Harrow, HA2 8LS020 8422 4304Headteacher: Mrs Judy LethbridgePlaces Available: 90www.welldonparkmiddle.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2095C 4-11 L G 43West Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolWest End Lane, Pinner, HA5 1AF020 8866 9836Headteacher: Mrs Kim JamesPlaces Available: 90www.westlodge.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2087C 4-11 L G 44Whitchurch First School and NurseryWemborough Rd, Stanmore, HA7 2EQ020 8905 6999Headteacher: Mrs Anne WinstromPlaces Available: 90www.whitchurchjunior.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2100C 4-11 45Whitchurch Junior SchoolWemborough Rd, Stanmore, HA7 2EQ020 8951 5380Headteacher: Ms Tara Grat<strong>to</strong>nPlaces Available: 90www.whitchurchunior.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2101C 4-11 L G 46Whitefriars Community SchoolWhitefriars Avenue, Wealds<strong>to</strong>ne, HA3 5RQ020 8427 2080Executive Headteacher: Mr Chris SprucePlaces Available: 60www.whitefriars.harrow.sch.ukDfE No. 310 2049C 4-11 G 47Subject <strong>to</strong> continuing increase in demand for primaryschool places it may be that additional receptionclasses are opened in September 2013.The Planned Admission Numbers (PANs) have beenamended <strong>to</strong> reflect permanent expansions agreedby Cabinet.16Welldon Park Infant and Nursery SchoolKingsley Road, S. Harrow, HA2 8LT020 8864 9378Headteacher: Ms Tricia SerbyPlaces Available: 90www.welldonparkinfantschool.co.ukDfE No. 310 2093C 4-11 L G 42

Apply Apply <strong>to</strong>day <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsat: How the system worksWHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ARE NOT OFFERED APLACE AT YOUR PREFERRED SCHOOL?In nearly every case where a place is offered ina school that was not ranked on the applicationform, parents are happy with the alternativeoffered. It is always a good idea <strong>to</strong> visit the schoolwhere you have been offered a place. This givesyou a chance <strong>to</strong> see the school, rather than relyon what you might have heard about it, and youare also able <strong>to</strong> discuss any worries that you mighthave with the school staff. However, if you arestill unhappy about the school offered you maydecide <strong>to</strong> use the appeals process (see pages18-19). If you do not give a full list of preferencesit is taken <strong>to</strong> mean that all other schools areequally acceptable. If it is not possible <strong>to</strong> offer aplace at one of the schools you have listed on theapplication form you will be offered the schoolwith a vacancy nearest <strong>to</strong> the home address.WITHDRAWAL OF OFFERSPlaces offered at oversubscribed schools will bewithdrawn if:that cannot be confirmed <strong>to</strong> the satisfaction ofHarrow Council or later proves <strong>to</strong> be inaccuratesupplied. If false information is provided this canlead <strong>to</strong> prosecutionthe same timeIf your child’s place is withdrawn, you will have theright of appeal against this decision.Applications <strong>to</strong> go on the waiting list for schoolslisted as a lower preference will not be consideredunless there are exceptional circumstances.Documentary evidence will be required. Applicantswho completed an on time application but didnot name the school as one of their originalpreference(s) may apply for their child’s name <strong>to</strong>be added <strong>to</strong> the waiting list.list and so time on the list does NOT give anypriority. Waiting lists are kept in the priority orderas explained in the admission rules.Places are offered from the waiting list throughoutthe year. When a place becomes available, itis offered in line with the schools’ publishedadmission criteria. Children may also move downthe waiting list if another family, with a higherpriority under the admission rules, ask for theirchild’s name <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> the list.Applicants who ask for their child’s name <strong>to</strong> beplaced on the waiting list for another school, aftera school place has been allocated, are indicatingthey prefer this school <strong>to</strong> the school alreadyallocated. If at a later date a place is offered fromthe waiting list, this new offer will supersede anyprevious offer, which will then be withdrawn.Looked after children and previously looked afterchildren and those allocated a place at the schoolin accordance with Harrow’s Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col,will take precedence over those on a waiting list.WAITING LISTSIf you have been allocated a school place whichwas not your first preference your child’s namewill au<strong>to</strong>matically be placed on the waiting list forschools which you have ranked higher than theoffer we have made.17

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsAppeals18If you do not receive an offer from a school thatyou have made an application <strong>to</strong>, you have theright of appeal <strong>to</strong> an independent appeals panel.How <strong>to</strong> appealAn appeal has <strong>to</strong> be made in writing setting out thegrounds on which it is made. You must includeat least a brief summary of your case. Any appealform received without any grounds of appealmay not be considered <strong>to</strong> have been lodgedproperly and may be returned <strong>to</strong> you. Additionalinformation and evidence supporting your appealshould be submitted as soon as possible andbefore the appeal hearing. Please note that anyevidence or information submitted on the dateof appeal might not be considered at the appealhearing.By 28 February 2013, Harrow Council will publishon their website an appeal timetable and who <strong>to</strong>send your appeal <strong>to</strong>. Appeal timetables shouldalso be published on each admission authority’swebsite by the same date.If you wish <strong>to</strong> appeal please complete the relevantappeal form and return it <strong>to</strong> the address stated onthe form.If you wish <strong>to</strong> appeal for a Harrow communityschool, the form will be available on the websitebut for further information contact the admissionsservice.If you wish <strong>to</strong> appeal for any other school inHarrow contact the school directly.If you wish <strong>to</strong> appeal for a school outside Harrow,contact the school directly or that school’s localauthority.Appeals are heard by Independent Panels who aretrained in hearing appeals. For Reception, Year 1and Year 2 appeals the panel will consider eachappeal in line with the information set out below.First Stage: establishing the facts, at which thepanel considers:i) whether the admission of an additional child/additional children would breach the infant classsize limit;ii) whether the admission arrangements (includingthe area’s co-ordinated admission arrangements)complied with the manda<strong>to</strong>ry requirements of theSchool Admissions Code and Part 3 of the SchoolStandards and Framework Act 1998;iii) whether the admission arrangements werecorrectly and impartially applied in the case(s) inquestion, and;iv) whether the decision <strong>to</strong> refuse admission wasone which a reasonable admission authority wouldhave made in the circumstances of the case.The panel may only uphold the appeal at the firststage where:a) it finds that the admission of additional childrenwould not breach the infant class size limit, or;b) it finds that the admission arrangements did notcomply with admissions law or were not correctlyand impartially applied and the child would havebeen offered a place if the arrangements hadcomplied or had been correctly and impartiallyapplied, or;c) it decides that the decision <strong>to</strong> refuse admissionwas not one which a reasonable admissionauthority would have made in the circumstancesof the case.In multiple appeals where a number of childrenwould have been offered a place underparagraphs above, and <strong>to</strong> admit that numberwould seriously prejudice the provision of efficienteducation or efficient use of resources, the panelmust proceed <strong>to</strong> the second stage.The panel must dismiss the appeal at the firststage where:a) it finds that the admission arrangements didcomply with admissions law and were correctlyand impartially applied, or;b) it finds that the admission arrangements did notcomply with admissions law or were not correctly

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsAppeals (continued)and impartially applied but that, if they hadcomplied and had been correctly and impartiallyapplied, the child would not have been offered aplace, and;c) it finds that the decision <strong>to</strong> refuse admissionwas one which a reasonable admission authoritycould have made.Second Stage: The panel must compare eachappellant’s case for their child <strong>to</strong> be admittedand decide which of them, if any, <strong>to</strong> uphold.Where the school could admit a certain numberof children without breaching the infant class sizelimit (or without needing <strong>to</strong> take measures <strong>to</strong> avoidbreaching it that would prejudice the provision ofefficient education or efficient use of resources)the panel must uphold the appeals of at least thatnumber of children.If you wish <strong>to</strong> submit your appeal for a Harrowcommunity school you must complete the appealsform available on our website and return it <strong>to</strong> us byFriday 17 May 2013.19

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsTransfer <strong>to</strong> junior schoolIn combined primary schools the children simplymove on <strong>to</strong> the next year group (from Year 2 <strong>to</strong>Year 3) in the same way as at the end of allother years.Where the infant school and junior school aretwo different schools, parents must express apreference for a junior school. For the academicyear 2013/2014, parents of children in Years 2 willbe given full details of the application procedureduring the school year.Applying for a junior school placeChildren attending a Harrow schoolThere are two ways <strong>to</strong> apply, online or bycompleting Harrow’s common applicationform. Children in Year 2 at a Harrow communityinfant school will be sent an application form inSeptember 2012.You should fill in the form and return it <strong>to</strong>your child’s current school. The closing datefor receipt of applications is 15 January 2013.Applications received after this date will notbe considered until all other applications havebeen dealt with.If you do not put your child’s linked juniorschool as your highest priority ranking andare offered a place in a non-linked school youranked higher, your child will NOT have a placeat their linked school.Children not attending a HarrowschoolYou can apply online or you can request anapplication form from Access Harrow. You shouldreturn the completed form direct <strong>to</strong> the AdmissionsService address.On the application form you can name six schoolsyou would like your child <strong>to</strong> attend ranked in orderof preference. We treat each of your six schoolsas a separate application and work out how wellyou qualify for each school using the admissioncriteria. We will allocate places by looking athow you have ranked schools on your list ofpreferences in the following way:one of the schools for which you have applied,we will offer you a place at your highest-rankedschool.schools on your list, we will offer you a placethere.preferred schools, a place will be offered at thenearest junior school <strong>to</strong> your home address witha vacancy.Most junior schools are likely <strong>to</strong> have few, if any,places available after children from the linkedinfant school have been offered places.Timetable for transfer <strong>to</strong> junior school: September 2013September 2012You can apply online at www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions.Application forms will be sent <strong>to</strong> schools for all Year 2 pupils – wherethe infant school and junior school are two different schools.15 January 2013 Closing date for receipt of application forms.17 April 2013 Letters posted <strong>to</strong> parents with the outcome of their application. If youhave applied online you will be sent an email with the outcome ofyour application. Please wait until you have received the email beforelogging on <strong>to</strong> the eadmissions website.17 May 2013 Closing date for receipt of appeals.Summer Term 2013Appeal hearings.20

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsAdmission arrangements:Oversubscription criteriaPlaces will be offered up <strong>to</strong> the number of placesavailable in each school.If, under any one criterion, more applicationsare received than there are places available thetiebreaker of distance will be applied. Distance ismeasured in a straight line from home <strong>to</strong> school.The admission of pupils with a Statement of SpecialEducational Needs is dealt with by a completelyseparate procedure. Details on page 56.a) A ‘looked after child’ or a child who waspreviously looked after but immediately afterbeing looked after became subject <strong>to</strong> anadoption, residence, or special guardianshiporder.b) Children attending the linked infant schoolAll children currently attending Year 2 in the linkedinfant school will be given priority even if thisnumber is greater than the number of placesavailable at the junior school. (This only applies <strong>to</strong>Infant <strong>to</strong> Junior transfer applications)c) Medical* reasons relevant <strong>to</strong> pupilChildren where there are special medical reasonsfor seeking a place at the preferred school.Except in wholly exceptional circumstances suchapplications will only be considered for the schoolnearest the child’s home. It is only possible <strong>to</strong>apply <strong>to</strong> one community or voluntary aided schoolon medical grounds. Applications made onmedical grounds MUST1. be accompanied by supporting evidence froma hospital consultant at the time of application.This letter must provide information about a) thechild’s medical condition, b) the effects of thiscondition c) and why, in view of this, the childmust attend the preferred school.2. If the school is not the closest <strong>to</strong> home theconsultant must set out in detail the whollyexceptional circumstances for attending thisschool and the difficulties if the child had <strong>to</strong>attend another school.In assessing these applications advice will besought from Harrow’s Special Educational NeedsService. If a report from a hospital consultant is notsubmitted with the application, or does not containthe information as above, the application will NOTbe treated as a medical claim.d) Medical* reasons relevant <strong>to</strong> parent(s)Parent(s) where there are special medical reasonsfor seeking a place for their child at the preferredschool. Except in wholly exceptionalcircumstances such applications will only beconsidered for the school nearest the child’shome. It is only possible <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong> onecommunity or voluntary aided school on medicalgrounds. Applications will only be considered forthe parent(s) with whom the child lives andMUST1. be accompanied by supporting evidence froma hospital consultant at the time of application.This letter must provide information about a) theparent’s medical condition, b) the effects of thiscondition and c) why, in view of this, the child mustattend the preferred school.2. If the school is not the closest <strong>to</strong> home theconsultant must set out in detail the whollyexceptional circumstances for attending this schooland the difficulties if the child had <strong>to</strong> attend anotherschool. If a report from a hospital consultant is notsubmitted with the application, or does not containthe information as above, the application will NOTbe treated as a medical claim.If a report from a hospital consultant is notsubmitted with the application, the application willNOT be treated as a medical claim.When assessing claims for parents, medical advicemay be sought from the Harrow Association ofDisabled People or Harrow’s Mental Health Service.e) Sibling link* (i.e. brothers/sisters living at thesame address)Children who will have a brother or sister stillattending the infant or junior school at the sametime (i.e. the sibling will still be attending when thechild starts at the school).f) Distance*Distance measured in a straight line from home<strong>to</strong> school. This must be the address where theparent and child normally live and they must beliving there on the closing date for receipt ofapplications.21

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsApplying for an academy school,Heading voluntary heading aided school and free school<strong>Avanti</strong> House 23-24Krishna-<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 25-27Moriah Jewish Day School Admissions Policy 28-30St Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 31-33St Bernadette’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 34-36St George’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 37-39St John Fisher Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 40-42St John’s Church of England School Stanmore Admissions Policy 43-44St Joseph’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 45-48St Teresa’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School Admissions Policy 49-51DefinitionsWhere no information is given in individualschool’s admission arrangements, the followingdefinitions will apply.The admission of pupils with a Statement of SpecialEducational Needs is dealt with by a completelyseparate procedure. Details on page 56.SIBLINGA sibling is a child’s brother or sister, half brother orsister, adopted/foster brother or sister, step brotheror sister living in the same family unit at the sameaddress. It does not include cousins or otherextended family members who live in the samehousehold.DISTANCEDistance is measured in a straight line <strong>to</strong> the centrepoint of the school, except for St George’s Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> School where distance is measured <strong>to</strong> themain gate. Each centre point/school gate is agreedby the school.Distance is calculated using a computerisedmapping system based on Ordnance Survey andaddress data. To find your closest schools showingdistances go <strong>to</strong> www.harrow.gov.uk/distance<strong>to</strong>ol.The distance is measured from the address point forthe home address <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the closestschool. In cases where applicants live equidistantfrom the preferred school and places cannot beoffered <strong>to</strong> both children, the available place will beallocated using a random computer selection.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORMSParents who list a voluntary aided school (i.e. Churchof England, Hindu, Jewish or Catholic school) onHarrow’s Common Application Form (CAF) havemade a valid application. However, applicants forvoluntary aided schools must also complete andreturn a supplementary information form <strong>to</strong> eachvoluntary aided school named on the CAF for theirapplication <strong>to</strong> be considered by the governors.PARENTSA parent is anyone who has parentalresponsibility or is the full-time carer of a child(documentary evidence of having full-time care willbe required). Where admission arrangements forvoluntary aided schools refer <strong>to</strong> religious practice,parent(s)will be required <strong>to</strong> provide confirmationof religious practice.FAMILY/FAMILIESWhen applying the admission rules for voluntaryaided schools, family/families means the parent(s)of the child for whom the application is being made.22

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions<strong>Avanti</strong> House2013/2014 Admissions PolicyAdmission ArrangementsThe admission arrangements for <strong>Avanti</strong> HouseSchool for the academic year 2013-2014 and,subject <strong>to</strong> any changes approved by the Secretaryof State, for subsequent years are:a) <strong>Avanti</strong> House School has a PublishedAdmission Number of 60 pupils in Year R and180 students in Year 7. The School will admitthe admission number of pupils/students inthe relevant age group each year if sufficientapplications are received. If there are moreapplications than available places, theoversubscription procedure will be applied.b) <strong>Avanti</strong> House School may set a higheradmission number than its published admissionnumber for any calendar year.Consideration of applications. The School willconsider all applications for places. Where fewerthan 60 in Year R and 180 applications in Year 7are received, the School will offer places <strong>to</strong> allthose pupils/students who have applied.Procedures where the School isoversubscribed. In the event of over-subscription,after places are offered <strong>to</strong> children with statementsof SEN where the School is named in thestatement, the following arrangements will apply:been previously looked after as defined by theAdmissions Code, (Section 1.7).b) Siblings of students who have been offered aplace 1 at <strong>Avanti</strong> House School in Years R <strong>to</strong>13. These include brothers and sisters, halfbrothers and sisters and step brothers andsisters who share the same home. These alsoinclude adopted and foster brothers and sisterswho share the same home.Of the remaining available places 2c) 50%: Children who live nearest <strong>to</strong> the Schoolmeasured by “as the crow flies” from theirnormal family home 3 <strong>to</strong> centre point of theSchool using the agreed Local Authoritymeasure of distance as set out in the LondonBorough of Harrow Admissions Booklet/information for the relevant year.d) The remaining places will be offered by randomallocation using an independently scrutinisedprocess. This process will be equally applied<strong>to</strong> all applicants who have not obtained a placeunder all the above over-subscription criteria.Twins and Multiple birth. In cases where onlyone place is available and twins (or other multiplebirth children) tie for that place, both (or all) will beoffered a place even if this exceeds the plannedadmission numberNot withstanding the provisions of paragraphs 8above, the Secretary of State may direct <strong>Avanti</strong>House School <strong>to</strong> admit a named pupil <strong>to</strong> theSchool on application from an LA.The operation of a waiting list. After 60 (YearR) and 180 (Year 7) applicants have been offereda place for admission, others will be offered aplace on a waiting list for the relevant year. Placesfor admission which are declined or otherwisebecome vacant will be offered <strong>to</strong> those on the list.The waiting list will usually be maintained for oneacademic year from September. The order of thewaiting list will be determined by the application ofthe oversubscription criteria <strong>to</strong> the applicants onthe list at a point in time.Appeals. There will be an independent appealspanel appointed in accordance with the provisionsof the statu<strong>to</strong>ry Code of Practice on SchoolAdmission Appeals.Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 11,above, the Secretary of State may direct <strong>Avanti</strong>House School <strong>to</strong> admit a pupil on an applicationfrom Harrow LA in accordance with the terms ofthe Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col.23

Late Applications. Late applications will not beconsidered until all on-time applications havebeen dealt with. Applications received after theclosing date will only be considered alongsidethose applicants who have applied on time ifplaces have not been allocated and there areexceptional reasons for the late application. i.e. amajor change of circumstances. A late applicationwill not affect the right of appeal or the right <strong>to</strong> beplaced on the waiting list.Proof of Identification. Following the offer of aplace at the School, parents/carers can be asked<strong>to</strong> provide their child’s proof of identificationand main residence <strong>to</strong> comply with the School’sadmissions criteria. The forms of identification mayinclude;Birth certificate (A short Birth Certificate isacceptable)NHS registrationCouncil tax billTwo current utility bills241If an offer is made dependant on a sibling link, the offer is subject <strong>to</strong> the sibling accepting the first offer. However, if the first offer isrejected. the dependant offer will be withdrawn.2In the event that the remaining places are an odd number, the distance criteria will apply <strong>to</strong> 50% <strong>to</strong> the nearest whole number roundeddown; the remaining places will be ascertained by random allocation.3This would normally be the address of the child registered with their General Practitioner. (GP).

26Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions5. Children of staff will be given priority wherethe member of staff has been employed atthe school for two or more years at the timeat which the application for admission <strong>to</strong> theschool is made.6. Children from practising Hindu families(Applicants applying under this criterion mustcomplete all sections of page 1 of the SIF)7. Children from other Hindu families (Applicantswho complete the SIF but where the templecannot verify regular attendance andadherence <strong>to</strong> the key tenets will be consideredunder this criterion)8. Any other childrenTie-breakIn the event of there being insufficient vacancies<strong>to</strong> admit all applicants in any of the categoriesdetailed above, priority will be given <strong>to</strong> childrenwhose home address is the shortest distance fromthe centre point of the school site. Where two ormore applicants live equidistant from the schooland places cannot be offered <strong>to</strong> all children, theplaces will be offered using random allocation inthe presence of an independent witness.Twins and Multiple BirthIn cases where only one place is available andtwins (or other multiple birth children) tie for thatplace, both (or all) will be offered a place even ifthis exceeds the planned admission number.Children with a Statement of SpecialEducational NeedsThe admission of children with a statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. Details of thisseparate procedure are set out in the SpecialEducational Needs Code of Practice.Hindu and Bhaktivedanta Manor PlacesEvidence of Hindu practice or attendance andof regular worship at Bhaktivedanta Manor(if claimed) is provided by applicants on theSupplementary Information Form. Applicants mustcomplete the relevant parts of the form and thenask an authorised officer at their local temple orat Bhaktivedanta Manor (as the case may be) <strong>to</strong>countersign the form. Bhaktivedanta Manor is theUK Headquarters of ISKCON. It helped <strong>to</strong> establishthe School, assists with setting the ethos of theSchool and nominates a Governor <strong>to</strong> the SchoolGoverning Body. Priority is therefore given for fiveplaces out of the thirty in each year <strong>to</strong> childrenwho worship with their families at BhaktivedantaManor. The other twenty five places in each yearare allocated according <strong>to</strong> the Admissions criteria.If the school expands <strong>to</strong> two form entry admittingsixty children then priority will be given for ten placesout of the sixty places <strong>to</strong> children who worship withtheir families at Bhaktivedanta Manor. The otherfifty places will be allocated according <strong>to</strong> theAdmissions criteria.In-Year AdmissionsApplications for In-Year admissions are made directly<strong>to</strong> the school using a common application form.If more applications are received than there areplaces available then applications will be rankedby the governing body in accordance with theoversubscription criteria. If a place cannot be offeredat this time then you may ask us for the reasonsand you will be informed of your right of appeal. Youwill be offered the opportunity of being placed on awaiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by thegoverning body in the order of the oversubscriptioncriteria and not in the order in which the applicationsare received. Names are removed from the list at theend of each academic year. When a place becomesavailable the governing body will inform the parentthat the school is making an offer.Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colsThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair share ofchildren who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong> placeas set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols. Accordingly,outside the normal admissions round the governingbody is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolute priority <strong>to</strong>a child where admission is requested under anylocal pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed by both theI-Foundation and the governing body for thecurrent school year. The governing body has thispower even when admitting the child would meanexceeding the published admission number.ADMISSION PROCEDURE FOR A PLACE INRECEPTION SEPTEMBER 20131. Although not part of the procedure applicants areencouraged <strong>to</strong> attend Open Days or <strong>to</strong> make anindividual appointment <strong>to</strong> meet the Head Teacherbefore applying.2. Applicants must complete the Local Authority(LA) “Common Application Form” (CAF) thatmust be returned <strong>to</strong> the LA. They must alsocomplete a Supplementary Information Form(“SIF”) if wishing <strong>to</strong> apply for a place on thebasis of Hindu practice or attendance or for aBhaktivedanta Manor place.3. The SIF must be returned <strong>to</strong> the School officeand not the LA by the closing date.4. The CAF and SIF forms can be obtained fromAccess Harrow at the Harrow Civic Centre, onlineat www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions and theSchool office. The SIF form can also be obtainedonline at www.krishna-avanti.org.uk

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsKrishna-<strong>Avanti</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy continued5. Applications must be submitted no later thanthe date specified for the return of the LA’s CAF.6. Applications received after the closing date willbe considered after those received on time.7. Offers of Reception places will be sent <strong>to</strong>applicants from Harrow LA.8. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed ona waiting list for each year group. If a placebecomes available this will be allocatedusing the School’s admissions policy andoversubscriptions criteria. This will be revisedannually.9. Unsuccessful applicants have the right <strong>to</strong>appeal and information will be sent with thedecision letter from Harrow Local authority.INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIALooked after Childrenprovided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social servicesfunctions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time ofmaking an application <strong>to</strong> a school.Under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. See Section 46 (adoption orders).HinduPracticing HinduOther Hindu familiesFamilySiblingDistanceHome Addressas an order settling the arrangements <strong>to</strong> be made as <strong>to</strong> the person with whom the child is<strong>to</strong> live.an order appointing one or more individuals <strong>to</strong> be a child’s special guardian (or specialguardians).Either practicing or other Hindu families as defined below.Regular family attendance at a Hindu temple and following all the key tenets of the Hindufaith (as practised by the Temple) and which are both confirmed by the Temple Priest.Family attendance at the Temple but where the Temple Priest cannot confirm that all thekey tenets of the faith are followed.Those individuals who live at the residential address of the parents and/or parent carersand or legal guardians who are submitting an application for a place on behalf of a child.A child’s brother or sister living at the same address. This includes a child’s half brotheror sister, adopted/foster brother or sister and step brother or sister. However this will notapply where the older child will leave school before the younger one starts.Measured in a straight line from home <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the school site, using theLocal Authority’s computerised mapping system based on ordnance survey data. Allschool official entrances are mapped on<strong>to</strong> the system. The journey is measured from theaddress point for the home address <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the school site.Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, theaddress where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parentsstating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between bothparents, then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should beused for the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no joint declaration is received where theresidence is split equally by the closing date for applications, the home address will betaken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit. In cases where parentsare not eligible for child benefit the address will be that of the parents where the child isregistered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parents thenthe address used will be the address where the child spends the majority of the schoolweek.27

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsMoriah Jewish Day SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/2014For Admission of a place <strong>to</strong> theSchool from September 2013Moriah Jewish Day School’s Foundation Body isthe United Synagogue and its religious authority isthe Office of the Chief Rabbi of the United HebrewCongregations of the Commonwealth.Moriah Jewish Day School’s vision is <strong>to</strong> be anexcellent Jewish school, loved by pupils andparents and admired by the wider community.The School’s ethos 1 demonstrates orthodoxJewish belief and practice, embodied in theprinciples of Torah and Halachah, in a modernsetting. These include creating a sense ofbelonging, encouraging and preparing for lifelongJewish learning, spiritual growth and practice,mutual responsibility within the Jewish communityand the wider world, and the importance of Israelin Jewish life. Jewish belief and practice permeateevery aspect of the School’s activities and areintrinsically linked <strong>to</strong> its secular curriculum. TheSchool welcomes families from any synagoguedenomination or none.The School will give priority <strong>to</strong> applicantswho meet a religious practice test basedon guidelines from the Chief Rabbi. Thoseapplicants wishing <strong>to</strong> be considered apriority for available places must completea Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP)based on criteria such as the family’ssynagogue service attendance, commitment<strong>to</strong> Jewish education and voluntary workwithin the community.The School admits children aged four <strong>to</strong> 11 andall children must attend full-time schooling bythe term in which they reach their fifth birthday(compulsory school age 2 ). There are 30 placesavailable in one class in every school year. This isthe School’s Published Admission Number (PAN).Additional children may be admitted under limitedexceptional circumstances 3 .There are 26 places in the Nursery for childrenaged from three <strong>to</strong> four (see separate AdmissionsPolicy).The School will admit children at any time <strong>to</strong> allyear groups, provided a place is available.Parents are invited <strong>to</strong> visit the School prior <strong>to</strong>applying. An Open Evening for prospectiveparents is held in the autumn, and individual visitsare also welcome by prior arrangement. Pleasecontact the School for details.The School is not permitted by law <strong>to</strong> interviewparents, or children, with a view <strong>to</strong> selection.All children whose Statement of SpecialEducational Need (SEN) 4 names the School willbe admitted.OVERSUBSCRIPTIONIf the School is oversubscribed, after theadmission of SEN4 children, priority for admissionwill be given <strong>to</strong> those children who meet thecriteria as set out in the order of 1 <strong>to</strong> 7 listedbelow.Oversubscription Criteria1 Children who are looked after 5 by a localauthority, or a child who was previously lookedafter 6 , with a completed and valid CRP.2 Children who are currently attending the MoriahNursery 7 , with a completed and valid CRP.3 Siblings 8 of pupils attending the School on thedate of admission, with a completed and validCRP.4 Siblings of former 8 pupils of the School, with acompleted and valid CRP.5 Other children who have a completed and validCRP.6 Other children who are looked after 5 by a localauthority, or other children who were previouslylooked after 6 by a local authority.7 Any other children.28

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsMoriah Jewish Day SchoolAdmissions Policy continuedTie-BreakerIn the event of there being more applicants thanplaces available within each of the above criteria1 <strong>to</strong> 7, priority will be given <strong>to</strong> children livingnearest the School. Distance will be measuredfrom the home address 9 <strong>to</strong> the centrepoint of theSchool site using Harrow Council’s computerisedmapping system. In cases where more than oneapplicant lives equidistant from the School, andplaces cannot be offered <strong>to</strong> all these children,the available place will be determined by randomallocation supervised by a person independent ofthe School.APPLICATION PROCEDURES1 When <strong>to</strong> Applya) Children will be admitted <strong>to</strong> Reception(Foundation II) 10 in the September followingtheir fourth birthday. Applications should bemade by 15 January in the calendar year ofentry. Forms are available from Septembereach year. All applications received on time willbe processed <strong>to</strong>gether. By law, priority mustnot be given <strong>to</strong> children based on the date theirapplication is received or their name is added<strong>to</strong> the list.2 How <strong>to</strong> Applya) Application for a place in Reception(Foundation Stage II) 10 is by completion of aCommon Application Form (CAF). The formis available from, and should be returned <strong>to</strong>,the local authority where the child lives 9 by 15January in the calendar year of entry.b) In addition, the School’s SupplementaryInformation Form (SIF) must be completed.In order <strong>to</strong> be eligible for a priority place,the School’s Certificate of Religious Practice(CRP 1 ) must also be completed. Both the SIFand CRP 1 are available from the School Officeor website (www.moriahschool.co.uk) and mustbe returned <strong>to</strong> the School by 15 January in thecalendar year of entry.c) Application for a child whose Statement ofEducational Need 4 names the School is madeby a separate process.3 Offer DateFor admission in September 2013, a letter <strong>to</strong>parents offering, or refusing, a place will besent by the local authority where the childlives on 18 April 2013. From 2014 onwards,the national offer date will be 16 April (or nextworking day 11 ).4 Response by ParentsA parent who does not respond <strong>to</strong> the offerof a place may have the offer withdrawn if thedeadline quoted in the letter is not met.5 Waiting ListFor those applicants who do not receivean offer of a place, parents must advise theSchool, in writing, if they wish the child’s name<strong>to</strong> be included on the waiting list. The School’swaiting lists for all years will be kept openindefinitely and the School may check withparents, from time <strong>to</strong> time, <strong>to</strong> establish whetherthey wish their child <strong>to</strong> remain on the waitinglist. The child’s place on the waiting list will bedetermined at all times in accordance with theoversubscription criteria.Following the application procedure forReception places, and once initial offers havebeen made, the waiting list will be adjusted <strong>to</strong>include late applications. A child’s position onthe waiting list will not depend upon when theapplication was made, but will be determinedby how the oversubscription criteria are met.This means that a child’s position on the listcan go down as well as up, depending on thecircumstances of all applicants. In the event ofa vacancy occurring, the place will be offered<strong>to</strong> a child on the waiting list starting withthe one at the <strong>to</strong>p, at the time, and workingdownwards until the vacancy is filled.Parents are asked <strong>to</strong> inform the School whenthey no longer wish their child’s name <strong>to</strong>remain on the waiting list.6 Late Applicationsa) Applications for Reception (Foundation II) 10received between March and the end ofAugust, for entry in the September of thesame year, must be made by completion of aCommon Application Form (CAF). The form isavailable from, and should be returned <strong>to</strong>, thelocal authority where the child lives 12 withoutdelay.b) In addition, the School’s SupplementaryInformation Form (SIF) must be completed.In order <strong>to</strong> be eligible for a priority place, theCertificate of Religious Practice (CRP) mustalso be completed. Both the SIF and CRP areavailable from the School Office or website29

30Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions(www.moriahschool.co.uk) and must bereturned <strong>to</strong> the School without delay.Late applications will be processed afterthose that have been received on time.7 In-Year ApplicationsApplication for Reception (Foundation II) 10received after the start of the academic yearof normal entry should be made directly <strong>to</strong>the School. Application is by completion ofan Application Form and SupplementaryInformation Form (SIF). In order <strong>to</strong> be eligiblefor a priority place, the School’s Certificateof Religious Practice (CRP) must also becompleted. All forms are available from theSchool Office or website (www.moriahschool.co.uk), and must be returned <strong>to</strong> the Schoolwithout delay, <strong>to</strong>gether with proof of address 12 .8 Applications Outside the Normal AdmissionsRoundPlaces may be available in years other thanReception. Application for a school placeoutside the normal admissions round shouldbe made directly <strong>to</strong> the School. An ApplicationForm, Supplementary Information Form (SIF)and Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) mustbe completed. All forms are available from theSchool Office or website (www.moriahschool.co.uk), and must be returned <strong>to</strong> the Schoolwithout delay, <strong>to</strong>gether with proof of address 12 .9 Right of AppealParents who receive a letter <strong>to</strong> say that theirapplication has not been successful have theright <strong>to</strong> appeal. Parents wishing <strong>to</strong> appealmust write <strong>to</strong> the Clerk <strong>to</strong> the Governors at theSchool address, within 20 days of receivingthe letter of refusal. The procedure will beexplained in a response by the School andthe timetable for the process will be publishedon the School’s website (www.moriahschool.co.uk) by 28 February each year.10 Children from OverseasApplications for children coming fromoverseas must be treated in accordance withEuropean Union law or Home Office rulesfor non-European Economic Area nationals.Non–statu<strong>to</strong>ry guidance on this should beavailable on the website of the Department forEducation.11 Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colMoriah Jewish Day School is committed <strong>to</strong>taking its reasonable share of children whoare vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong> place, as se<strong>to</strong>ut in the locally agreed Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col.Accordingly, outside the normal admissionsround, the Governing Body is empowered<strong>to</strong> give absolute priority <strong>to</strong> a child whereadmission is requested under a local FairAccess Pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed for thatschool year. The Governing Body has thispower even when admitting the child wouldmean exceeding the PAN.Notes:1 Whilst priority will be given <strong>to</strong> those children whose familiesdemonstrate an on-going commitment <strong>to</strong> the School’sethos, all families will be expected <strong>to</strong> respect the ethos.2 If a child is offered a place in Reception (Foundation II)10and would start school before the child is of compulsoryschool age, parents can defer until later in the year, or untilthe term in which the child reaches compulsory schoolage, or take up the place part-time until the child reachescompulsory school age.3 Twins and children from multiple births will be admittedwhen one of the siblings is the 30th child and, as a result,the School’s PAN will be increased.4 A Statement of Special Educational Need is a statementmade by the local authority (see section 324 of theEducation Act 1996) specifying the special educationalprovision required for that child.5 A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of alocal authority, or (b) being provided with accommodationby a local authority (see section 22(1) of the Children Act1989). Applications for looked after children must be madeby the person with parental responsibility and/or the child’ssocial worker.6 A previously looked after child is a child who has ceased <strong>to</strong>be so because they have been adopted (see section 46 ofthe Adoption & Children Act 2002), or became subject <strong>to</strong> aresidence order (see section 8 of the Children Act 1989), orspecial guardianship order (see section 14A of the ChildrenAct 1989).7 There is no au<strong>to</strong>matic transfer from the School’s Nursery<strong>to</strong> Reception (Foundation II)10. Parents must apply via thelocal authority where the child lives9.8 Siblings of pupils attending the School at the time ofadmission and siblings of former pupils include halfsiblings,foster siblings, step-siblings, adopted siblings andother children living permanently in the same home.9 The child’s home address shall be determined as at thedeadline for application. Where parents reside at separateaddresses, but with shared responsibility for the child, it willbe the address at which the child spends most of the week.10 Reception (Foundation II)10 is the entry class <strong>to</strong> primaryschools as defined by section 142 of the School StandardsFramework Act 1998.11 ‘Working day’ is defined as any day other than a Saturday,Sunday, or a day which is a bank holiday within the meaningof the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. Parents areadvised <strong>to</strong> make any necessary arrangements if the NationalOffer Day falls during Pesach.12 If proof of address is requested by the School, this mustnot include evidence of personal details about parentsand families, such as maiden names, criminal convictions,marital or financial status (including marriage certificates),the first language of parents or the child; details aboutparents’ or a child’s disabilities, special educational needsor medical conditions.13 If proof of date of birth is requested by the School, at notime must a ‘long’ birth certificate be provided.FALSE INFORMATIONPlaces can be withdrawn after an offer has beenmade if it is found that the offer was made on thebasis of false or fraudulent information.For further information please contact theSchool Office on: 020 8868 2001

ARCHDIOCESE Apply <strong>to</strong>day OF WESTMINSTER/LONDON at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsBOROUGH OF HARROWSt Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School2013/2014 Admissions PolicyThe Governing Body will consider allapplications for admission <strong>to</strong> the school inaccordance with this Admissions Policy andOversubscription CriteriaThe Governing Body intends <strong>to</strong> admit no morethan a <strong>to</strong>tal of 60 pupils in<strong>to</strong> its Reception Classesin any school year. Parents should be aware thatthe School regularly receives more applicationsthan the number of places available and that thesubmission of an application does not guaranteethe offer of a place at the School.Applications are invited for September 2013from families whose child attains 4 years of agebetween 01/09/2012 and 31/08/2013.Making an Application1. Applicants must complete the Local Authority(LA) “Common Application Form” (CAF).They should also complete a SupplementaryInformation Form. Both of these forms areobtainable from the school office, the LAAdmissions Service and online at www. harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions. The CAF allowsyou <strong>to</strong> nominate up <strong>to</strong> six schools in order ofpreference. You should submit only one CAFby the specified date of return. If you submitmore than one CAF the last CAF received willwithdraw an earlier submitted CAF.2 Failure <strong>to</strong> complete and return boththe Common Application Form and theSupplementary Information Form by 15thJanuary 2013 may affect the priority accorded<strong>to</strong> your application by the Governing Body.The supplementary forms should be returneddirectly <strong>to</strong> the school office <strong>to</strong>gether with thechild’s baptismal certificate, if applicable.If you are applying <strong>to</strong> another Catholic schoolyou will be required <strong>to</strong> complete a set ofsupplementary papers for each Catholicschool.The local authority will write <strong>to</strong> you on behalf ofthe Governing Body with the outcome of yourapplication on 16th April 2013.As a Catholic school, we aim <strong>to</strong> provide a Catholiceducation for all our pupils. At a Catholic school,Catholic doctrine and practice permeate everyaspect of the school’s activity. It is essential thatthe Catholic character of the school’s educationis fully supported by all families in the school. Allapplicants are therefore expected <strong>to</strong> give their full,unreserved and positive support for the aims andethos of the school.Applications must be submitted no later thanthe date specified for the return of the LA’sCAF.The admission of pupils with a statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. This procedureis integral <strong>to</strong> making and maintaining statementsby the pupil’s home Local Authority. Details of thisprocedure are set out in the Special EducationalNeeds Code of Practice.Applicants must provide proof of their residentialaddress at the time of application. The twoacceptable forms of documentation are either acurrent Council Tax letter or current Child Benefitletter. Independent verification may be sought ofthe applicant’s residential address.Applicants may defer entry <strong>to</strong> school up untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age, i.e. the first day of termfollowing the child’s fifth birthday. Application ismade in the usual way and then the deferment isrequested. Applicants may also request that theirchild attend part-time until statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age isreached. The place will then be held until the firstday of the spring or summer term.Entry may not be deferred beyond statu<strong>to</strong>ryschool age or beyond the year of application.Parents of children with birthdays in the summerterm should be aware that, if they wish <strong>to</strong> defer,they will need <strong>to</strong> apply for a Year 1 place for thefollowing September and that if the school isoversubscribed they are very unlikely <strong>to</strong> obtaina place.31

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsIf your application for a place at St Anselm’s isrefused you will have the right of appeal <strong>to</strong> theIndependent Appeal Panel. Further details of thisprocedure will be sent out with the refusal letter.Unsuccessful applicants may request in writing<strong>to</strong> be placed on a waiting list maintained for eachyear group. If a place becomes available this willbe allocated in accordance with the School’sAdmissions Policy and Oversubscription Criteria.Names will remain on the list for the remainder ofthe academic year. Applicants will need <strong>to</strong> show, inwriting, their continued interest at the end of eachacademic year.In-Year AdmissionsApplications for In-Year admissions are madedirectly <strong>to</strong> the school. If a place is available andthere is no waiting list the child will be admitted.If more applications are received than there areplaces available then applications will be rankedby the governing body in accordance with theoversubscription criteria, with the followingmodifications: Catholic children without an offerof a school place elsewhere are given prioritysimilarly, other children without an offer of aschool place are given priority immediately afteroffered at this time then you may ask us for thereasons and you will be informed of your righ<strong>to</strong>f appeal. You will be offered the opportunity ofbeing placed on a waiting list. This list will bemaintained by the governing body in the order ofthe oversubscription criteria as modified aboveand not in the order in which the applicationsare received. Names will be reviewed at the endof each academic year. When a place becomesavailable the governing body will decide who is atthe <strong>to</strong>p of the list so that an offer can be made.Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colsThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof children who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong>place, as set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal admissions roundthe governing body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolutepriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requestedunder any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed byboth the Diocese and the governing body for thecurrent school year. The governing body has thispower even when admitting the child would meanexceeding the published admission number.OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIAWhere there are more applications than thenumber of places available, places will be offeredaccording <strong>to</strong> the following order of priority:1. Catholic looked after children and Catholicchildren who have been adopted (or madesubject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately followinghaving been looked after.2. Baptised children of practising Catholicfamilies. Children must be baptised at the dateof application.3. Other baptised Catholics.4. Other looked after children and childrenwho have been adopted (or made subject<strong>to</strong> residence orders or special guardianshiporders) immediately following having beenlooked after.5. Catechumens and children who belong <strong>to</strong> anEastern Christian Church.6. Children of non-Catholic Christian familieswhose parents wish them <strong>to</strong> have a Catholiceducation and whose application is supportedby a minister of religion.7. Children from non-Christian faiths whoseparents wish them <strong>to</strong> have a Catholic educationand whose application is supported by aminister of religion.8. Any other applicants.Note A:The Governing Body will give first priority <strong>to</strong> anapplication within a category where compellingevidence is provided at the time of application ofan exceptional social or medical need of the childwhich can only be met at this school.Any application on these grounds within one ofthe above admission criteria must be made atthe time of application and be accompanied bysupporting documentation from a social worker orNHS Consultant fully detailing the child’s conditionor need, which fully states why St Anselm’s isthe only school where this need can be met. TheGoverning Body reserves the right <strong>to</strong> requestfurther information where an application is madeon this basis.Note B:In applying each of the above eigh<strong>to</strong>versubscription criteria priority will then be given<strong>to</strong> those children who, at the proposed date ofadmission, will have a sibling attendingSt Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School.In cases where multiple siblings tie for the lastavailable space, then all will be offered a place,even if this exceeds the planned admission number.32

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy continuedTie-breakerIn the event of there being insufficient vacancies<strong>to</strong> admit all applicants in any of the categoriesdetailed above, priority will be given <strong>to</strong> childrenwhose parents’/legal guardians’ residentialaddress is the shortest distance from themidpoint of St Anselm’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School.Distance is measured in a straight line fromhome <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the school site usinga computerised mapping system based onordnance survey data. In cases where applicantslive equidistant from the school and places cannotbe offered <strong>to</strong> both children, the place will beoffered using random allocation in the presenceof an independent witness. Where a child liveswith parents with shared responsibility, eachfor part of a week, the address where the childlives is determined using a joint declaration fromthe parents stating the pattern of residence. If achild’s residence is split equally between bothparents, then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determinewhich residential address should be used forthe purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no jointdeclaration is received where the residence issplit equally by the closing date for applications,the home address will be taken as the addressof the parent who receives child benefit. In caseswhere parents are not eligible for child benefit theaddress will be that of the parents where the childis registered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence isnot split equally between both parents then theaddress used will be the address where the childspends the majority of the school week.INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIALooked after ChildrenCatholicAny child in the care of the Local Authority or in accommodation provided by them e.g. achild who has been placed with foster carers, as defined by section 22 of The ChildrenAct 1989includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificateof baptism in a Catholic Church or a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the full communion of theCatholic Church.For the purposes of this policy, it includes a looked after child who is part of a Catholicfamily where a priest’s reference demonstrates that the child would have been baptised orreceived if it were not for their status as a looked after child (e.g. a looked after child in theprocess of adoption by a Catholic family).ParentSiblingPractising CatholicsCatechumensEastern ChristiansChristianThe person or persons who have legal responsibility for the child.A child’s brother or sister living at the same address. This includes a child’s half brother orsister, adopted/foster brother or sister and step brother or sister.Practising Catholic means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where weeklypractice is verified by a reference from a Catholic priest in the standard format laid downby the Diocese.Children for whom there is a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the order of catechumens.Eastern Christian Churches that are not in full Communion with the See of Rome.A member of one of the member churches of Churches Together in Great Britain andIreland.Applications for Reception 2012The school was heavily oversubscribed in 2012. We received 209 applications for 60 places. 28 applicantsin category 2(a) – baptised children of practising Catholic families with a sibling attending the school – wereoffered a place and 32 applicants in category 2(b) – baptised children of practising Catholic families with nosibling attending the school – were offered a place in accordance with the distance criterion set out in our tiebreaker.33

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt Bernadette’sCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/201434St. Bernadette’s School is for children who arebaptised Catholics and whose parents/guardianswish them <strong>to</strong> be instructed in the Catholic Faithand receive the sacraments of the Church. Pupilsshould be from practising Catholic families and belikely <strong>to</strong> derive spiritual benefit from being at theSchool.Practising Catholic Applicants for places shouldbe supported by a recommendation from theirParish Priest or from a Priest known <strong>to</strong> them, onthe form provided by the School, indicating theregularity of attendance at Church and any otherrelevant information. As a Catholic school, weaim <strong>to</strong> provide a Catholic education for all ourpupils. At a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine andpractice permeate every aspect of the school’sactivity. It is essential that the Catholic characterof the school’s education is fully supportedby all families in the school. All applicants aretherefore expected <strong>to</strong> give their full, unreservedand positive support for the aims and ethos of theschool. Applications are invited for September2013 from families whose children attains 4 yearsof age between 1st September 2012 and 31stAugust 2013. THE GOVERNORS received 150applications for the sixty available places last yearand intend <strong>to</strong> admit up <strong>to</strong> sixty children <strong>to</strong> theReception Year in each school year.OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIAWhere there are more applications for places thanthe 60 available, applicants will be placed in thefollowing categories, listed in order of priority:1. Catholic Looked-after children and Catholicchildren who have been adopted (or madesubject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately after havingbeen looked after.2. Baptised Catholic children from practisingCatholic families living in All Saints’ Parish,Ken<strong>to</strong>n. For a map of the parish please visitwww.rcdow.org.uk/virtual.3. Other baptised Catholic children frompractising Catholic families living inneighbouring parishes without a CatholicSchool attached:- St William of York, StErconwald’s and St Anthony’s. (Parish mapsare available from the school or respectiveparishes)4. Baptised practising Catholic children5. Other baptised Catholic children. and children who have been adopted (ormade subject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately after havingbeen looked after.7. Catechumens and Christians of otherdenominations whose parents wish them<strong>to</strong> have a Catholic education and whoseapplication is supported by their Minister ofreligion8. Any other applicants whose parents wish them<strong>to</strong> have a Catholic education and can providewritten evidence from a religious leader of theregular practise of their faith.9. Any other applicantsWhere offering places <strong>to</strong> all applicants in anycategory would lead <strong>to</strong> oversubscription prioritywill be given as follows:1. Exceptional Circumstances: Governorswill give <strong>to</strong>p priority within each criterion <strong>to</strong>applications where professional evidence,supplied at the time of application, indicatesthat the applicant has a compelling need <strong>to</strong>attend St Bernadette’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School.Such evidence must be supplied by such as adoc<strong>to</strong>r, social worker or priest.2. Siblings of pupils who will be in attendance atthe school at the start date of the new entrant.Siblings are defined as a brother or sister,adopted and half brothers/sisters living at thesame address, not including cousins or otherextended family members who reside in thehousehold, but will include step brothers andfoster children who are part of the Catholicfamily.3. The proximity of the address point for thehome address <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the schoolmeasured by a straight line on the OrdnanceSurvey map, using Harrow’s computerised

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt Bernadette’sCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy continuedmapping system (www.harrow.gov.uk/distance<strong>to</strong>ol), in cases where applicants’ liveequal distance from the school and placescannot be offered <strong>to</strong> both children, a randomallocation i.e. lottery, will take place in thepresence of an independent witness.4. Multiple births: Governors will take theopportunity <strong>to</strong> admit twins/triplets siblingsapplying for the same academic year, whereone child has been offered a place and theother(s) have not. This will most commonly beby admitting a second twin and going over theinfant class size limit. (We will no longer have<strong>to</strong> take qualifying measures after a year as theuntil the end of KS1).Applications must be submitted by the datespecified for the return of the LA’s CAF and letters<strong>to</strong> Parents offering a place will be sent on the 16thApril.Making an Application1. In accordance with the Local Authority (LA),Application Form’ (CAF) from their own LA.The Harrow CAF is obtainable both from theSchool Office and the Harrow LA AdmissionsService. The CAF allows you <strong>to</strong> nominate up <strong>to</strong>six schools in order of preference. You shouldsubmit only one CAF by the specified dateof return. If you submit more than one CAF,the last CAF received will withdraw an earliersubmitted CAF.2. Applicants should complete and return theSchool’s own Supplementary (SIF) form.The SIF is obtainable from the School Office/or website: www.st-bernadettes.co.uk, andparents/carers should provide the stipulateddocumentation including the child’s proof ofdate of birth and baptismal certificates. TheSupplementary Information Form (SIF) shouldbe returned directly <strong>to</strong> the school office by thespecified closing date. If any of the evidencein the SIF is found <strong>to</strong> be fraudulent or wrongin any way then the place may be withdrawn.Practising Catholics need <strong>to</strong> provide a priestsreference.3. If you are applying <strong>to</strong> another Catholic schoolyou will be required <strong>to</strong> complete a set ofsupplementary papers for each Catholicschool.4. The admission of pupils with a Statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. This procedureis integral <strong>to</strong> making and maintainingstatements by the pupil’s home Local Authority.Details of this procedure are set out in theSpecial Educational Needs Code of Practice.5. Applicants must provide proof of theirresidential address. The two acceptable formsof documentation are either a current CouncilTax letter or current Child Benefit Book/letter.Independent verification may be sought of theapplicant’s residential address.6. If your application for a place at St Bernadette’sCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School is refused you willhave the right of appeal <strong>to</strong> the IndependentAppeal Panel.7. Unsuccessful applicants will be invited <strong>to</strong>be placed on a Waiting List maintainedfor each year group. If a place becomesavailable this will be allocated in accordancewith the School’s Admissions Policy andOversubscription Criteria. Places on ourwaiting list will be held open for a period untilthe end of Year 6 when the child would have lef<strong>to</strong>ur school.8. In-Year Admissions : applications for in-yearadmissions are made directly <strong>to</strong> the schoolusing a Common Application Form. If a placeis available and there is no waiting list the childwill be admitted. If there is a waiting list, thenapplications will be ranked by the GoverningBody in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria – Catholic children without an offer ofa school place elsewhere are given prioritychildren and Catholic children who have beenadopted or made subject <strong>to</strong> residence ordersor special guardianship orders immediatelyafter having been looked after, similarly, otherchildren without an offer of a school place areafter’ children and children who have beenadopted or made subject <strong>to</strong> residence orders35

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsor special guardianship orders immediatelyby both the Diocese and the governing bodyafter having been looked after. If a placefor the current school year. The governingcannot be offered at this time then youbody has this power even when admitting themay ask us for the reasons and you will bechild would mean exceeding the publishedinformed of your right of appeal. You will beadmission number. Applicants may deferoffered the opportunity of being placed on aentry <strong>to</strong> school up until statu<strong>to</strong>ry school agewaiting list. This waiting list will be maintained i.e. the first day of term following the child’sby the Governing Body in the order of thefifth birthday. Application is made in the usualoversubscription criteria and not in the order in way and then the deferment is requested. Thewhich the applications are received. When aplace will then be held until the first day of theplace becomes available the Governing Bodyspring or summer term. Applicants may alsowill decide who is at the <strong>to</strong>p of the list so thatrequest that their child attend part-time untilan offer can be made.statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age or beyond the year of9. Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>cols : The school isapplication.committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair share of childrenApplicants whose children have birthdays inwho are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong> place, as set the summer term should be aware that, if theyout in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols. Accordingly,wish <strong>to</strong> defer, they will need <strong>to</strong> apply for a Yearoutside the normal admissions round the1 place for the following September and if thegoverning body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolute school is oversubscribed they are very unlikelypriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requested <strong>to</strong> obtain a place.under any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreedINTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIAApplicantsLooked afterCatholicFamilySiblingsHome AddressPractising CatholicsRegular attendanceCatechumensEastern ChristiansChristianCAFThe parents and/or carers submitting an application for a place on behalf of a child.Any child in the care of the Local Authority or in accommodation provided by them e.g. achild who has been placed with foster carers. As defined by section 22 of the ChildrenAct 1989means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where this practice is verified by aincludes the Catholic or Catholics who have legal responsibility for the child.Those individuals who live at the residential address of the parents and/or legal guardianswho are submitting an application for a place on behalf of a child.A brother or sister living at the same address not including cousins or other extended familymembers who reside at the household, but will include step brothers/sisters and fosterchildren who belong <strong>to</strong> the Catholic familyWhere a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, theaddress where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parentsstating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between both parents,then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should be used for thepurpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no joint declaration is received where the residence issplit equally by the closing date for applications, the home address will be taken as theaddress of the parent who receives child benefit. In cases where parents are not eligiblefor child benefit the address will be that of the parents where the child is registered with thedoc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parents then the address used willbe the address where the child spends the majority of the school week.practice is verified by a reference from a Catholic Priest in the standard format laid down bythe Diocese.Families who attend Sunday Mass more often than not as can be determined by the priest’sreference form.Children for whom there is a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the order of catechumens.Eastern Christian Churches that are not in full Communion with the See of Rome.A member of one of the Churches as defined by “Churches Together” (the organisationformerly known as the British Council of Churches).Common Application Form used by all schools in Harrow.NB: Only one CAF <strong>to</strong> be completed.36

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt George’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/2014As a Catholic school, we aim <strong>to</strong> provide aCatholic education for all our pupils. At a Catholicschool, Catholic doctrine and practice permeatesevery aspect of the school’s activity. It is essentialthat the Catholic character of the school’seducation is fully supported by all families in theschool. All applicants are therefore expected <strong>to</strong>give their full, unreserved and positive support forthe aims and ethos of the school.Applications are invited for September 2013from families whose child attains 4 years of agebetween 1st September 2012 and 31st August2013.The Governing Body intends <strong>to</strong> admit in theacademic year 2013-14 up <strong>to</strong> the school’sPublished Admission Number of 60 pupils in theReception class.The Governing Body will give <strong>to</strong>p prioritywithin each category <strong>to</strong> an application wherecompelling evidence is provided at the timeof application of a compassionate need of thechild, which can only be met at this school.Such evidence must be supported in writing bya priest, doc<strong>to</strong>r, social worker or other relevantprofessional.Where there are more applications for placesthan the number of places available, places willbe offered according <strong>to</strong> the following order ofpriority.Over Subscription Criteria1. Catholic children looked after by a localauthority, adopted children who werepreviously looked after and children wholeave care under a special guardianship orresidence order.2. Practising Catholic – Siblingsi. Resident in the parish of St. George’s,Sudburyii. Resident in the parishes of St. Bernard’s,St. Gabriel’s or St. Erconwald’siii. Other practising Catholic siblings3. Practising Catholic children of members ofthe teaching and support staff employed atSt George’s Catholic School with a contrac<strong>to</strong>f employment of 0.5 FTE or more where themember of staff has been employed at theschool for two or more years at the time whenthe application for admission <strong>to</strong> the school ismade.4. Practising Catholic – Non Siblingsi. Resident in the parish of St. George’s,Sudburyii. Resident in the parishes of St. Bernard’s,St. Gabriel’s or St. Erconwald’s.iii. Other practising Catholic children5. Other Catholic – Siblings6. Other Catholic – Non Siblings7. Other children looked after by a localauthority, adopted children who werepreviously looked after and children wholeave care under a special guardianship orresidence order.8. Catechumens and members of an EasternChristian Church9. Other applicantsIn the event of the above criteria needing furtherselection distance from the school main entrance<strong>to</strong> the home address (that is the address at whichthe child resides for 50% or more of the schoolweek) as measured by a straight line will beused as the final criterion. (This distance will beprovided by the Local Authority)37

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsGoverning Body’s Definition of Terms Used in Criterion1. ‘A Child in Public Care’ is one who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided withaccommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions(see section 22 of The Children Act).2. ‘Catholic’ is a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes theEastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced for a child by a certificateof baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the full communion ofthe Catholic Church.3. ‘Practising Catholic’ means weekly family attendance at Sunday Mass which is confirmed by the PriestReference. (Family normally includes the Catholic or Catholics who have legalresponsibility for the child). A certificate of the child’s Baptism is also required.4. ‘Sibling’ refers <strong>to</strong> all blood or adoptive brothers or sisters or half brothers and sisters. However,this will only apply when the older child is expected <strong>to</strong> be on roll at the School on 1September 2013.5. ‘Catechumens’ Eastern ChristianChurch’ includes Orthodox Churches and is usually evidenced by Certificate ofBaptism or from Reception from the authorities of the Church.6. ‘Resident of the Parish’ Please be aware that the Parish in which you live is likely <strong>to</strong> have a significant effec<strong>to</strong>n your application. Please check with your local church if you are unclear as <strong>to</strong>which parish you live in. If you live near the boundary of St George’s parish pleaseenquire at the School for clarification.Where the offer of places <strong>to</strong> twins or multiple births within the above criteria would lead <strong>to</strong> oversubscription than allwill be offered a place, even if this exceeds the planned admission number.Where two or more families live equidistant from the School places will be offered by random allocation i.e. lottery inthe presence of an independent witness.Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, the address where the child livesis determined using a joint declaration from the parents stating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is splitequally between both parents, then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should be usedfor the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no joint declaration is received where the residence is split equally by theclosing date for applications, the home address will be taken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit.In cases where parents are not eligible for child benefit the address will be that of the parents where the child isregistered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parents then the address used will be theaddress where the child spends the majority of the school weekLast year the School received over 200 applications. In 2012 the School used the distance tie-break <strong>to</strong> offer places <strong>to</strong>some, but not all, children in 4.1.i (Practising Catholic Children resident in the parish of St George’s, Sudbury.).Application Procedure and TimetableTo apply for a place at St George’s School youshould complete and return two separate forms bythe closing date. In order <strong>to</strong> make a full applicationcomplete a Common Application Form and sendthis <strong>to</strong> the local authority you live in. You shouldalso complete the School’s SupplementaryInformation Form (SIF) and return it <strong>to</strong> the School<strong>to</strong>gether with all other paperwork required foryour application. The Supplementary InformationForm (SIF) is available from the School, on theSchool website www.stgeorgesprimary.org andis also available from the LA Offices. You cancollect the forms from the School or contact theSchool and ask for them <strong>to</strong> be sent <strong>to</strong> you. If youdo not complete both the CAF and the School’sSupplementary Information Form and return themby the closing date the Governing Body maybe unable <strong>to</strong> consider your application and it isvery unlikely that your child will get a place at theSchool.In Year AdmissionsIn-Year Admissions: applications for in-yearadmissions are made directly <strong>to</strong> the school usinga common application form. If a place is availableand there is no waiting list the child will be admitted.If there is a waiting list, then applications will beranked by the Governing Body in accordance withthe oversubscription criteria – Catholic childrenwithout an offer of a school place elsewhere areafter’ children and Catholic children who havebeen adopted or made subject <strong>to</strong> residence ordersor special guardianship orders immediately afterhaving been looked after, similarly, other childrenwithout an offer of a school place are given prioritychildren who have been adopted or made subject<strong>to</strong> residence orders or special guardianship ordersimmediately after having been looked after. If aplace cannot be offered at this time then you mayask us for the reasons and you will be informed38

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt George’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/2014of your right of appeal. You will be offered theopportunity of being placed on a waiting list. Thiswaiting list will be maintained by the GoverningBody in the order of the oversubscription criteriaand not in the order in which the applications arereceived. When a place becomes available theGoverning Body will decide who is at the <strong>to</strong>p of thelist so that an offer can be madeWaiting ListIf a place cannot be offered at this time thenyou may ask us for the reasons and you will beinformed of your right of appeal. You will be offeredthe opportunity of being placed on a ContinuedInterest List. This list will be maintained by thegoverning body in the order of the oversubscriptioncriteria as modified above and not in the order inwhich the applications are received. Names will bereviewed at the end of each academic year. Whena place becomes available the governing body willdecide who is at the <strong>to</strong>p of the list and inform theparent.Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colsThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof children who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong>place, as set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal admissions round,the governing body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolutepriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requestedunder any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed byboth the Diocese and the governing body for thecurrent school year. The governing body has thispower even when admitting the child would meanexceeding the published admission number.Deferring your child’s entry until late in theschool yearApplicants may defer entry <strong>to</strong> school up untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age i.e. the first day of termfollowing the child’s fifth birthday. Application ismade in the usual way and then the deferment isrequested. The place will then be held until the firstday of the spring or summer term. Applicants mayalso request that their child attend part-time untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age is reached. Entry may not bedeferred beyond statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age or beyondthe year of application. Applicants where childrenhave birthdays in the summer term should beaware that, if they defer, they will need <strong>to</strong> apply fora Year 1 place the following September and if theschool is oversubscribed they are very unlikely <strong>to</strong>obtain a place.Admission of children with a Statement of SENThe admission of pupils with a Statement ofSpecial Needs is dealt with by a completelyseparate procedure. This procedure is integral<strong>to</strong> the making and maintaining statements by thepupil’s home local education authority. Details ofthis separate procedure are set out in the SpecialEducational Needs Code of Practice.Right of AppealIf your application for a place at St George’s isunsuccessful, you will have the right of appeal<strong>to</strong> the Independent Appeal Panel. Further detailsof this procedure will be sent out with the refusalletter.39

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt. John Fisher Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/14Growing and Learning Together with Christ40The published Admission Number (PAN) forSeptember 2013 is 60. Applications are invitedfrom families whose child was born between 1stSeptember 2008 and 31st August 2009.The admission of pupils with a statement ofSpecial Educational Need is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. This procedureis integral <strong>to</strong> making and maintaining statementsby the pupil’s home Local Authority. Details of thisprocedure are set out in the Special EducationalNeeds Code of Practice.Reception Class Application:Application for admission <strong>to</strong> Reception Classmust be made by completing the Local AuthorityCommon Application Form (CAF) available fromschools, the Local Authority Admissions Serviceor online on the Harrow website. Applicantsshould also complete the school’s SupplementaryInformation Form, available from the school orthe local authority and a Priest’s Reference Form(where applicable), available from the school orthe Diocese of Westminster website, <strong>to</strong> enablethe correct oversubscription criteria <strong>to</strong> be applied.The CAF should be returned <strong>to</strong> your local authoritywith proof of date of birth and proof of address(as specified in Application Booklet). In the even<strong>to</strong>f a false statement of date of birth the governorsreserve the right <strong>to</strong> withdraw the place.Supplementary Information Forms should bereturned <strong>to</strong> all specified Voluntary Aided <strong>Schools</strong>with the baptismal certificate and completedPriests’ Reference Form (where applicable).Offers of places will be sent by the Local Authorityin April 2013.In-Year Admissions:In-year applications are made directly <strong>to</strong> theschool, using a Common Application Form andSupplementary Information Form. If a place isavailable and there is no waiting list then thegoverning body will make an offer. Alternatively, ifthere is a waiting list, applications will be ranked inaccordance with the oversubscription criteria,with the following modifications:Catholic children without an offer of a schoolplace elsewhere are given priority immediatelyother children without an offer of a school placeafter’ children. If a place cannot be offered atthis time then you may ask us for the reasonsand you will be informed of your right of appeal.You will be offered the opportunity of beingplaced on a waiting list. This waiting list will bemaintained by the governing body in the order ofthe oversubscription criteria and not in the order inwhich the applications are received. When a placebecomes available the governing body will makean offer <strong>to</strong> the applicant at the <strong>to</strong>p of the waitinglist.Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colsThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof children who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong>place, as set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal admissions roundthe governing body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolutepriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requestedunder any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed byboth the Diocese and the governing body for thecurrent school year. The governing body has thispower even when admitting the child would meanexceeding the published admission number.ADMISSIONS ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIAIf the year group is oversubscribed places will beallocated according <strong>to</strong> the following criteria:1. To Catholic looked after children and Catholicchildren who have been adopted (or madesubject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately followinghaving been looked after.2. To Catholic children of practising Catholicfamilies, who have a sibling at the school at thetime of admission.

St. John Fisher Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/143. To Catholic children, whose parents are practisingCatholics and resident in the parish of St. JohnFisher Church (boundary map available on thediocesan website please visit www.rcdow.org.uk/virtual).4. To Catholic children, whose parents are practisingCatholics and resident in the parish of St. Luke’sChurch.5. To Catholic children, whose parents are practisingCatholics and resident in any other parish.6. To any other Catholic child.7. To other looked after children and childrenwho have been adopted (or made subject <strong>to</strong>residence orders or special guardianship orders)immediately following having been looked after.8. To Christian children whose application issupported by a letter from the minister of theirreligion at their place of worship.9. To any other child.Tie Breaker: In the event of there being insufficientvacancies <strong>to</strong> admit all applicants in any of the criteriondetailed above, priority will be given <strong>to</strong> children in thefollowing order:The Governing Body will give <strong>to</strong>p priority, withina criterion, <strong>to</strong> an application where compellingprofessional written evidence, from a medicalconsultant or senior social worker, is produced at thetime of application of a social or medical need of thechild or family which can only be met at this school.Applicants with a brother or sister already at theschool at the proposed date of admission willincrease the priority within each category. Parentsof children within criteria 6, 8, and 9 must beaware that younger siblings will not qualify undercriterion 2, as priority will be given <strong>to</strong> children ofpractising Catholic families.Applicants whose home address is the shortestdistance from the school. Where two or more familieslive equidistant from the school places will be offeredby random allocation i.e. lottery in the presence of anindependent witness. Whilst every effort has beentaken <strong>to</strong> ensure the accuracy of the Parish BoundaryMaps, their content is subject <strong>to</strong> change. If you haveany information relating <strong>to</strong> its accuracy or requireclarification please contact the Parish Priest.Armed Forces Personnel: Baptised childrenof practising Catholic Armed Force Personnel,moving in<strong>to</strong> the parishes of St. John Fisher, St.Luke’s or a parish without an attached schoolwill be offered a place even when the statu<strong>to</strong>rynumber is exceeded.Twins and Multiple Births: In cases were multiplesiblings tie for the last available space, all will beoffered a place, even if this exceeds the plannedadmission number. Where multiple births areconcerned and one child has a statement of SENthat names St John Fisher School, the othersiblings will be treated as having a sibling link forthat academic year.Applicants may defer entry <strong>to</strong> school up untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age i.e. the first day of termfollowing the child’s fifth birthday. Application ismade in the usual way and then the deferment isrequested once the offer of a place has beenreceived. The place will then be held until the firstday of the spring or summer term. Applicants mayalso request that their child attend part-time untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age is reached. Entry may not bedeferred beyond statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age or beyondthe year of application. Applicants whose childrenhave birthdays in the summer term should beaware that, if they wish <strong>to</strong> defer, they will need <strong>to</strong>apply for a Year 1 place for the followingSeptember and if the school is oversubscribedthey are very unlikely <strong>to</strong> obtain a place.Unsuccessful applicants have the right <strong>to</strong> appealand information will be sent with the decision letterfrom the local authority.A waiting list will be held, ranked in accordancewith oversubscription criteria and updatedannually.The Governors of St. John Fisher Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> School will review the Admissions Criteriaannually.41

INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIACatholic’2. ‘PractisingCatholic’3. Looked AfterChildrenmeans a member of a Church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes theEastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptismin a Catholic church or a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the full communion of the CatholicChurch. For the purposes of this policy, it includes a looked after child who is part of aCatholic family where a priest’s reference demonstrates that the child would have beenbaptized or received if it were not for their status as a looked after child (e.g. a lookedafter child in the process of adoption by a Catholic family).means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where this practice is verifiedby a reference from a Catholic priest in the standard format laid down by the Diocese.This term refers <strong>to</strong> children who are subject <strong>to</strong> care orders and those who areaccommodated by the Local Authority.4. Sibling A sibling means a child’s brother or sister living at the same address. The sibling prioritydoes not include cousins or other extended family members who live in the samehousehold, but will include step-brothers/sisters and foster children.5. Distance is measured by the local authority in a straight line from home <strong>to</strong> the centre point of theschool site using a computerised mapping system based on ordinance survey data.6. Home Address Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, theaddress where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parentsstating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between bothparents, then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should beused for the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no joint declaration is received where theresidence is split equally by the closing date for applications, the home address will betaken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit. In cases where parentsare not eligible for child benefit the address will be that of the parents where the childis registered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parentsthen the address used will be the address where the child spends the majority of theschool week.42

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt. John’s Church of EnglandSchool, StanmoreAdmissions Policy 2013/14The Governing Body is responsible for determining admissions <strong>to</strong> this Church ofEngland Voluntary Aided School. When there are more applications than placesavailable, the following criteria will be considered in order when consideringapplications for admissions <strong>to</strong> the school. It would also be made available in theevent of an appeal. The school’s admission number for 2013/2014 is 60. Followingthe allocation of places <strong>to</strong> any Looked After Children, remaining places will beallocated in the proportion of 50 places under criterion 2 and 10 places undercriterion 3Governors’ Criteria and Admissions Priorities1 Looked After Children, adopted children whowere previously looked after (and children wholeave care under a special guardianship orresidence order)2 Foundation CriterionA Practising Anglican Church FamiliesChildren of families who worship regularly 1 in anAnglican Church.B Practising Christian Families of otherdenominationsChildren of families who worship regularly 1 inChurch or Chapels of other Christiandenominations 2 .C Non-practising Christian Families who wishtheir children <strong>to</strong> attend a Church School.Baptismal dedication certificate <strong>to</strong> be produced<strong>to</strong> the School.Any applications received under criteria 2A or 2Bwhich do not meet the qualifications for thosecriteria will au<strong>to</strong>matically be processed undercriterion 2C.3 Open Places CriterionPlease note any applicants which fall undercriterion 2 will not be considered under criterion 3.Children of families living within the localcommunity 3 who wish their children <strong>to</strong> attendSt John’s C of E School.Note: Within categories 2 and 3 priority will begiven in order as follows:1. Medical 42. Siblings – ‘Sibling’ means brother or sister,<strong>to</strong> include adopted brothers and sisters, halfbrothers and sisters or step brothers andsisters. A sibling relationship does not applywhen the older child(ren) will leave before theyounger one starts. The sibling priority doesnot include cousins or other extended familymembers who live in the same household.’3. Residents of the Parish of St John, GreatStanmore. (For a map of the parishes pleasevisit www.achurchnearyou.com)4. Residents of the Parishes of:a) All Saint’s, Harrow Wealdb) St Lawrence, Little Stanmorec) St Anselm, Belmontd) St Michael and All Angels, Harrow Weald5. Residents of other Parishes in the AnglicanDeanery of Harrow6. All Others.Footnotes:1Regularly is defined as being one or both parents attending Church at least twice a month for a minimum of at least 12 months.Confirmation is required from the Parish Priest/Minister giving details of church attendance – see Supplementary Information Form.2i.e. . Defined as membership of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) and/or the Evangelical Alliance.3Local community is defined as “those families living nearest <strong>to</strong> the School within Categories 1 – 6 above.”4where evidence is provided by a hospital consultant stating why this is the most suitable school and the detriment that would besuffered if another school had <strong>to</strong> be attended.43

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsTie-breakerIn the event of there being insufficient vacancies <strong>to</strong>admit all applicants in any of the categories detailedabove, priority will be given <strong>to</strong> children whoseparents/legal guardians’ residential address is theshortest distance from the centre point of theschool. Distance is measured in a straight line usingthe LA’s computerised mapping system. In caseswhere applicants live equidistant from the schooland places cannot be offered <strong>to</strong> both children, theplace will be offered using random allocation in thepresence of an independent witness.Where a child lives with parents with sharedresponsibility, each for part of a week, the addresswhere the child lives is determined using a jointdeclaration from the parents stating the patternof residence. If a child’s residence is split equallybetween both parents, then parents will be asked<strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should beused for the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If nojoint declaration is received where the residenceis split equally by the closing date for applications,the home address will be taken as the address ofthe parent who receives child benefit. In caseswhere parents are not eligible for child benefit theaddress will be that of the parents where the childis registered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence isnot split equally between both parents then theaddress used will be the address where the childspends the majority of the school week.If an application for a place at St John’s is notsuccessful, the parent/carer will have the right ofappeal <strong>to</strong> the Independent Appeal Panel. Furtherdetails of this procedure will be sent out with thenotification letter.In the event of under-subscription in either criterion,places will be offered in strict ranking order <strong>to</strong>those applicants on the waiting list of the parallelcriteria.In the event of twins, triplets, or other multiplebirths where only one place is available and twins(or other multiple birth children) tie for that place,both (or all) will be offered a place even if thisexceeds the planned admission number.Unsuccessful applicants may request in writing<strong>to</strong> be placed on the waiting list maintained foreach year group. If a place becomes available thiswill be allocated in accordance with the School’sAdmissions Policy and Oversubscription Criteria.Names will remain on the list for the remainder ofthe academic year. Applicants will need <strong>to</strong> show, inwriting, their continued interest at the end of eachacademic year.Children with a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds, where the School is named in thatStatement, do not apply through the CoordinatedAdmissions Process.In- Year AdmissionsApplication for In-Year admission can be madedirectly <strong>to</strong> the school using a common applicationform. If a place is available and there is no waitinglist then the governors’ will offer of a place <strong>to</strong>the family. If more applications are received thanthere are places available then applications will beranked by the governing body in accordance withthe oversubscription criteria, with the followingmodifications: children without an offer of a schoolplace are given priority immediately after otherat this time then you may ask us for the reasonsand you will be informed of your right of appeal.You will be offered the opportunity of beingplaced on a waiting list. This waiting list will bemaintained by the governing body in the order ofthe oversubscription criteria [as modified above]and not in the order in which the applicationsare received. Names are removed from the listat the end of each academic year. When a placebecomes available the governing body will decidewho is at the <strong>to</strong>p of the list and inform the parentthat the school is making an offer.Vulnerable ChildrenThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof vulnerable children who are hard <strong>to</strong> place,in accordance with locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal round ofadmissions, the governing body are empowered<strong>to</strong> give consideration <strong>to</strong> a child where admissionis requested under any local pro<strong>to</strong>col whichcarries the agreement of both the governing bodyand the diocese for the current admission year.The governing body has this power even whenadmitting such a child would exceed the normaladmission number.Children of UK service personnel (UK ArmedForces)Families of service personnel with a confirmedposting <strong>to</strong> their area, or crown servants returningfrom overseas <strong>to</strong> live in that area, the schoolwill allocate a place in advance of the familyarriving in the area provided the application isaccompanied by an official letter that declaresa relocation date and a Unit postal address orquartering area address if the school has vacancyin the specific year group in accordance with theoversubscription criteria44

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsSt. Joseph’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School2013/2014 Admissions PolicySt Joseph’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School was foundedby the Catholic Church <strong>to</strong> provide educationfor children of Catholic families. The school isconducted by its governing body as part of theCatholic Church in accordance with its trust deedand instrument of government, and seeks at alltimes <strong>to</strong> be a witness <strong>to</strong> Jesus Christ.As a Catholic school, we aim <strong>to</strong> provide a Catholiceducation for all our pupils. At a Catholic school,Catholic doctrine and practice permeate everyaspect of the school’s activity. It is essential thatthe Catholic character of the school’s educationis fully supported by all families in the school. Allapplicants and candidates are therefore expected<strong>to</strong> give their full, unreserved and positive supportfor the aims and ethos of the school.MISSION STATEMENTAt St Joseph’swe love, learn and liveby the example of Jesus ChristIn a happy Catholic environment, we work <strong>to</strong> helpour children grow closer <strong>to</strong> God and <strong>to</strong> respectand discover the best in each other.We want the children <strong>to</strong> enjoy and make the mos<strong>to</strong>f their learning experiences <strong>to</strong>gether – <strong>to</strong> developtheir many talents and achieve their highestpotential.We encourage our children <strong>to</strong> be responsible andcaring members of the wider community.We are committed <strong>to</strong> the well being of the staff and<strong>to</strong> their continuing professional development.We regard highly the special relationship we havewith our parents and wish <strong>to</strong> strengthen it.We value and appreciate the support wereceive from our Governors, Clergy and ParishCommunity.The Governing Body will consider all applicationsfor admission <strong>to</strong> the school in accordance withtheir Criteria for Admission (see attached).The Governing Body has responsibility foradmissions <strong>to</strong> this school and intends <strong>to</strong> admit 60pupils (Published Admission Number), 30 in eachof the two classes, in the school year which beginsin September 2013. Applications from Catholicfamilies must be supported by a BaptismalCertificate. A priest’s reference must also becompleted by all practising Catholic applicants(see attached forms).ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLMAKING AN APPLICATION1. Applicants who live in Harrow must obtainand complete a “Common ApplicationForm” (CAF) which is obtainable from theSchool Office, Harrow Council’s AdmissionsService and online at www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions. (If you live outside theLondon Borough of Harrow, you must obtainand complete a CAF form from your LocalAuthority. The CAF allows you <strong>to</strong> nominateup <strong>to</strong> six schools in order of preference.You should submit ONLY ONE CAF <strong>to</strong> theSCHOOL NAMED FIRST by the specified dateof return (15th January 2013) If you submitmore than one CAF, the last CAF receivedwill withdrawan earlier submitted CAF.2. Applicants are advised <strong>to</strong> complete, and return<strong>to</strong> the School, the Supplementary Informationand the Priest’s Reference Forms (obtainablefrom the School Office, Harrow Council’sAdmissions Service and online at www.stjosephs.harrow.sch.uk or the LA Website:www.harrow.gov.uk/admissions). You shouldalso provide the stipulated documentation,including the child’s proof of date of birth andbaptismal certificate.The Supplementary Information Form andPriest Reference Form (where applicable)should be returned directly <strong>to</strong> the school officeby the specified closing date. Applicants45

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsare advised <strong>to</strong> complete all forms contained current school year. The governing body has thiswithin the pack. Failure <strong>to</strong> do so may mean power even when admitting the child would meanthat your child is not placed in the correctexceeding the published admission number.oversubscription criteria.If you are applying <strong>to</strong> another Catholic school,you will be required <strong>to</strong> complete a set ofsupplementary papers for each Catholicschool.The admission of pupils with a statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. This procedure isintegral <strong>to</strong> making and maintaining of statementsby the pupil’s home Local Education Authority.Details of this separate procedure are set out inthe Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.Applicants must provide proof of their residentialaddress. The ONLY Acceptable forms ofdocumentation are: current Council Tax bill, acopy of tenancy agreement arranged through aletting agent/estate agent or a recent letter fromthe housing department/housing association.ORIGINAL DOCUMENTATION ONLY WILL BEACCEPTED. Independent verification may besought of the applicant’s residential address.Reception Year Deferred EntryApplicants may defer entry <strong>to</strong> school up untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age, i.e. the first day of termfollowing the child’s fifth birthday. Application ismade in the usual way, and then the deferment isrequested. The place will then be held until thefirst day of the spring or summer term. Applicantsmay also request that their child attend part-timeuntil statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age is reached. Entry maynot be deferred beyond statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age orbeyond the year of application. Applicants whosechildren have birthdays in the summer term andwant <strong>to</strong> defer entry <strong>to</strong> the term following theirchild’s fifth birthday, should be aware that, if theywish <strong>to</strong> defer, they will need <strong>to</strong> apply for a Year1 place for the following September and, if theschool is oversubscribed, they are very unlikely <strong>to</strong>obtain a place.OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA FORADMISSION 2013/2014ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLDobbin Close Harrow HA3 7LP46If your application for a place at St Joseph’s isrefused, you will have the right of appeal <strong>to</strong> anIndependent Appeal Panel. Further details of thisprocedure will be provided on request.Unsuccessful applicants may ask <strong>to</strong> be placed ona Waiting List maintained for each year group. Ifa place becomes available, this will be allocatedin accordance with the School’s Criteria forAdmission. Names will be reviewed at the end ofeach academic year.In-Year AdmissionsIn-year applications are made directly <strong>to</strong>the school using Common Application andSupplementary Information forms. If moreapplications are received than there areplaces available within a year group, then theoversubscription criteria will be applied by theGoverning Body in order <strong>to</strong> offer a place(s).Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colsThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof children who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong>place as set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal admissions roundthe governing body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolutepriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requestedunder any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed byboth the Diocese and the governing body for theThe governing body has responsibility foradmissions <strong>to</strong> this school and intends <strong>to</strong> admit 60pupils (30 in each of the two classes) in the schoolyear which begins in September 2013.Applications from Catholic families must besupported by a Baptismal Certificate and a priest’sreference.In order <strong>to</strong> select children for admission <strong>to</strong> theschool, the following criteria will apply:- children who have been adopted (or madesubject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately followinghaving been looked after.2. Children of practising Catholic families.3. Other Catholic children. who have been adopted (or made subject<strong>to</strong> residence orders or special guardianshiporders) immediately following having beenlooked after.5. Catechumens and members of an EasternChristian Church.6. Christians of other denominations whoseparents wish them <strong>to</strong> have a Catholic educationand whose application is supported by theirminister of religion.

St. Joseph’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School2013/2014 Admissions Policy continued7. Any other applicants whose parents wishthem <strong>to</strong> have a Catholic education and whoseapplication is supported by their religiousleader.8. Any other applicants.Tie BreakerWhere the offer of places <strong>to</strong> all the applicantsin any of the sub-categories listed abovewould lead <strong>to</strong> oversubscription the followingprovisions will be applied.1. The governing body will give <strong>to</strong>p priority <strong>to</strong> anapplication within a category where compellingwritten evidence is provided at the time ofapplication of an exceptional pas<strong>to</strong>ral, socialor medical need of the child which can only bemet at this school.2. The attendance of a brother or sister already atthe school at the proposed date of admissionwill increase the priority within each category.3. Where the offer of places <strong>to</strong> all theapplicants in any of the sub-categories listedabove would still lead <strong>to</strong> over-subscription,the places up <strong>to</strong> the admission numberwill be offered <strong>to</strong> those whose residentialaddress is the shortest distance from thecentre point of the St Joseph’s school site.Distance is measured from the addresspoint for the home address <strong>to</strong> the centrepoint of the school site in a straight lineusing the Local Authority’s computerisedmapping system based on ordnancesurvey data.In cases where applicants live equidistant fromthe school and places cannot be offered <strong>to</strong>both children, the places up <strong>to</strong> the admissionnumber will be decided by means of a lotterywhich will be carried out by the governors inthe presence of an independent witness.Information about Applications in PreviousYearsLast year (September 2012) the school washeavily oversubscribed. We received 140 fullapplications for 60 places, of which 20 weresiblings.Waiting ListsIn addition <strong>to</strong> their right of appeal, unsuccessfulcandidates will be offered the opportunity <strong>to</strong> beplaced on a waiting list for the current academicyear. This waiting list will be maintained in theorder of the oversubscription criteria set outabove and not in the order in which applicationsare received or added <strong>to</strong> the list. The list willbe reviewed and up-dated at the end of eachacademic year.Pupils with a Statement of Special EducationalNeedsThe admission of pupils with a statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. This procedureis integral <strong>to</strong> the making and maintaining ofstatements by the pupil’s home Local EducationAuthority. Details of this separate procedure areset out in the Special Educational Needs Codeof Practice.47

INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA‘Looked after child’ has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child inthe care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster parents).‘Catholic’ means a member of a Church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes EasternCatholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism in a Catholic Church or acertificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the Catholic Church.‘Practising Catholic’ means: (a) weekly attendance at Mass by the family. The governing body will expect thispractice <strong>to</strong> be verified by a reference from a Catholic priest on the standard diocesan priest reference form.Sunday Mass includes those on Saturday evenings and (b) the child has been baptised in<strong>to</strong> the Catholic Church.‘Catechumen’ means a member of a catechumenate of a Catholic Church. This will normally be evidenced bya certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the order of catechumens.‘Eastern Christian Church’ includes Orthodox Churches, and is normally evidenced by a certificate of baptismor reception from the authorities of that Church.‘Christian’‘Exceptional social, medical or pas<strong>to</strong>ral need’ need’ of the child which can only be met at this school, the governing body will require written evidence. Anyapplication on these grounds within one of the above admission criteria must be made at the time of applicationand be accompanied by supporting documentation from a social worker, NHS Consultant or priest/minister ofreligion fully detailing the child’s condition or need which fully states why St Joseph’s is the only school wherethese needs can be met. The Governing Body reserves the right <strong>to</strong> request further information wherean application is made on this basis.‘Distance’ this is measured in a straight line from home <strong>to</strong> school, using the Local Authority’s computerisedmapping system based on ordnance survey data. All official school entrances are mapped on<strong>to</strong> the system.The journey is measured from the address point for the home address <strong>to</strong> the centre point of the school site.‘Home address’ is defined as the address at which the child resides for more than 50% of the week. Proof ofa child residing at an alternative address will be required and will be verified by the local authority. Where achild lives with parents with shared responsibility each for part of a week, the address where the child lives isdetermined using a joint declaration from the parents stating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence issplit equally between both parents, then parents will be asked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address shouldbe used for the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school. If no joint declaration is received, where the residence is splitequally, by the closing date for applications, the home address will be taken as the address of the parent whoreceives child benefit. In cases where parents are not eligible for child benefit, the address will be that of theparent where the child is registered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parents,then the address used will be the address where the child spends the majority of the school week.‘Sibling’ Where children live as brother and sister in the same household they are treated in the same way assiblings for admissions purposes. This includes a child’s brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted/fosterbrother or sister, step brother or sister living in the same family unit at the same address. It does not includecousins or other extended family members who live in the same household.‘Twins and Multiple Births’ – Infant Classes (Yrs R, 1 & 2) twins and other multiple-birth children <strong>to</strong> be offeredthe same primary school. For all other admissions – In cases where only one place is available and twins tiefor the last available place, then both will be offered even if this exceeds the planned admission number.‘Family/families’ means the Catholic/Catholics who have legal responsibility for the child for whom theapplication is being made.‘Parents’ A parent is anyone who has parental responsibility1 or is the full-time carer2 of a child (documentaryevidence of having full-time care will be required). Where admission arrangements for voluntary aided schoolsrefer <strong>to</strong> religious practice, parent(s)3 will be required <strong>to</strong> provide confirmation of religious practice.481Mothers au<strong>to</strong>matically have parental responsibility. Married fathers au<strong>to</strong>matically have parental responsibility. Others who haveacquired parental responsibility by: being appointed as a guardian <strong>to</strong> care for a child whose parent(s) has died; obtained a parentalresponsibility order or residence order from the court; adopted the child.2A person who has care and responsibility (equal <strong>to</strong> parental responsibility) for a child who lives with them. This does not include childminders or other family members who help the family with child minding arrangements.3At least one parent will be required <strong>to</strong> provide evidence of religious practice.

St. Teresa’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmissions Policy 2013/2014Living, Learning, Growing in JesusSt Teresa’s is a voluntary-aided Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>School, founded <strong>to</strong> provide for the education ofCatholic children.As a Catholic school, we aim <strong>to</strong> provide a Catholiceducation for all our pupils. At a Catholic school,Catholic doctrine and practice permeate everyaspect of the school’s activity. It is essential thatthe Catholic character of the school’s educationis fully supported by all families in the school. Allapplicants are therefore expected <strong>to</strong> give their full,unreserved and positive support for the aims andethos of the school.The Published Admissions Number (PAN) forthe reception classes at St.Teresa’s is 60. TheGoverning Body has sole responsibility foradmissions <strong>to</strong> this school and intends <strong>to</strong> admit60 children in the school year which begins inSeptember 2013. Applications are welcome fromfamilies whose child reaches his/her 4th birthdaybetween 1st September 2012 and 31st August2013.Whenever there are more applications than placesavailable, priority will always be given <strong>to</strong> Catholicapplicants in accordance with the criteria listedbelow.In this Policy applicant refers <strong>to</strong> the person makingan application on behalf of a child; candidate refers<strong>to</strong> the child on whose behalf the application isbeing made.OVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIAWhere there are more applications than thenumber of places available, places will be offeredaccording <strong>to</strong> the following order of priority: -1. Catholic looked after children and Catholicchildren who have been adopted (or madesubject <strong>to</strong> residence orders or specialguardianship orders) immediately after havingbeen looked after.2. Baptised Catholic children, from practisingCatholic families, who have a sibling at theschool at the time of admission.3. Baptised Catholic children from practisingCatholic families who are resident in theparishes of St. Theresa’s, Heads<strong>to</strong>ne Lane;St. Joseph’s, Wealds<strong>to</strong>ne; St. Luke’s, Pinner.For a map of the parish please visit www.rcdow.org.uk/virtual4. Other Baptised Catholic children frompractising Catholic families.5. Other Baptised Catholic children.6. Other looked after children and childrenwho have been adopted (or made subject<strong>to</strong> residence orders or special guardianshiporders) immediately after having been lookedafter.7. Catechumens and members of an EasternChristian Church.8. Christians of other denominations whoseapplication is supported by their Minister ofReligion.9. Children of other faiths whose application issupported by their Religious Leader.10. Any other children.Tie BreakWithin each criterion applicants will be consideredin the following order:The Governing Body will give <strong>to</strong>p priority, afterthe appropriate category of looked-after children,<strong>to</strong> an application where compelling evidenceis provided at the time of application, from anappropriate professional such as a doc<strong>to</strong>r, pries<strong>to</strong>r social worker, of an exceptional social, medical,pas<strong>to</strong>ral or other need of the child, which canonly be met at this school. The Governing Bodyreserves the right <strong>to</strong> request further informationwhere an application is made on this basis.The attendance of a sibling at the school atthe time of admission will give priority withincategories 5 <strong>to</strong> 10.Where the offer of places <strong>to</strong> all the applicants inany of the sub-categories listed above would stilllead <strong>to</strong> oversubscription, the places up <strong>to</strong> theadmission number will be offered <strong>to</strong> those livingnearest <strong>to</strong> the school. Distance is measured in astraight line using the LA’s computerised mappingsystem.Where the final place is offered <strong>to</strong> a child who hasother siblings applying for a place in the sameschool year, these siblings will also be admitted.49

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsLast year the school was heavily oversubscribed school place are given priority immediately afterwe received 136 applications for 60 places. All applicants in category 1 [0] and category 2 [30] offered at this time then you may ask us for thewere offered a place, along with [29 in category reasons and you will be informed of your right of3] and [1 in category 4] in accordance with the appeal. You will be offered the opportunity of beingdistance criteria set out in our tie-breaker. The placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will begoverning body was unable <strong>to</strong> offer places <strong>to</strong> any maintained by the Governing Body in the order ofapplicants beyond category 4. As the school is the oversubscription criteria (as modified above)usually oversubscribed by Catholic candidates, and not in the order in which the applications areit is very unlikely that applicants who are notreceived. Names are removed from the list at theCatholics will obtain a place. In the past 5 years, end of each academic year. When a place becomesthe governing body has been unable <strong>to</strong> offeravailable the Governing Body will decide who isa place <strong>to</strong> any applicant who is not a Catholic, at the <strong>to</strong>p of the list and inform the parent that theexcept in 2010.school is making an offer.Fair AccessThe school is committed <strong>to</strong> taking its fair shareof children who are vulnerable and/or hard <strong>to</strong>place, as set out in locally agreed pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Accordingly, outside the normal admissions roundthe governing body is empowered <strong>to</strong> give absolutepriority <strong>to</strong> a child where admission is requestedunder any local pro<strong>to</strong>col that has been agreed byboth the Diocese and the governing body for thecurrent school year. The governing body has thispower even when admitting the child would meanexceeding the published admission number.Reception Year Deferred EntryApplicants may defer entry <strong>to</strong> school up untilstatu<strong>to</strong>ry school age i.e. the first day of termfollowing the child’s fifth birthday. Applicationis made in the usual way and then the deferralis requested. The place will then be held untilthe first day of the spring or summer term asapplicable. Applicants may also request thattheir child attend part-time until statu<strong>to</strong>ry schoolage is reached. Entry may not be deferredbeyond statu<strong>to</strong>ry school age or beyond the yearof application. Applicants whose children havebirthdays in the summer term should be awarethat, if they wish <strong>to</strong> defer, they will need <strong>to</strong> applyfor a Year 1 place for the following Septemberand if the school is oversubscribed they are veryunlikely <strong>to</strong> obtain a place.In-Year AdmissionsApplications for In-Year admissions are madedirectly <strong>to</strong> the school using a common applicationform. If a place is available and there is no waitinglist then the governors will offer a place <strong>to</strong> thefamily. If more applications are received than thereare places available then applications will beranked by the Governing Body in accordance withthe oversubscription criteria, with the followingmodifications: children without an offer of aApplication Procedure2013 - 2014In order <strong>to</strong> make an application, you must completea Common Application Form (CAF) from yourlocal authority. You should also complete theSchool’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF).The information on the SIF enables the GoverningBody <strong>to</strong> assess your application fully against theSchool’s criteria in the event of oversubscription.Please return the SIF (in person or by post) <strong>to</strong> theSchool <strong>to</strong>gether with all other relevant paperworkrequired for your application. This includes theCommon Diocesan Priest’s Reference Form whererelevant, a copy of the child’s baptismal certificateand proof of residence (i.e. Council Tax Bill orLandlord’s Tenancy Agreement).If you do not complete both of the forms (CAFand SIF) described above and return them by15th January 2013, the Governing Body will beunable <strong>to</strong> consider your application fully and it isvery unlikely that your child will be offered a place.Applications received after the closing date will bedealt with after the initial allocation process hasbeen completed.The local authority will write <strong>to</strong> you on behalf ofthe Governing Body with the outcome of yourapplication on 16th April 2013.Please note: If you are applying <strong>to</strong> anotherCatholic School you will be required <strong>to</strong> completesupplementary forms for each Catholic School.Right Of AppealIf you are unsuccessful you may ask us for thereasons for the refusal of a place. These reasonswill be related <strong>to</strong> the oversubscription criteria listedin the Policy and you will have the right of appeal <strong>to</strong>an independent panel.50

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsWaiting ListIn addition <strong>to</strong> their right of appeal, unsuccessfulcandidates will be offered the opportunity <strong>to</strong> beplaced on a waiting list. This list will be maintainedin order of the oversubscription criteria se<strong>to</strong>ut in the Policy and not in the order in whichapplications are received or added <strong>to</strong> the list.Names are removed from the list after one year,unless applicants request <strong>to</strong> remain on the list.Pupils With A Statement Of SpecialEducational NeedsThe admission of pupils with a statement ofSpecial Educational Needs is dealt with by acompletely separate procedure. Details of thisseparate procedure are set out in the SpecialEducational Needs Code of Practice. If your childhas a Statement of SEN you must contact yourlocal authority SEN officer.Change Of DetailsIf any of the details on either of your formschanges between the date of application andthe receipt of the letter of offer or refusal, youmust inform the School and the local authorityimmediately. If misleading information is givenor allowed <strong>to</strong> remain on either of your forms, theGoverning Body reserves the right <strong>to</strong> withdraw theplace, even if the child has already started at theSchool.Nursery AdmissionsThere is a separate policy for admission <strong>to</strong> theNursery and an entirely separate applicationsprocess (contact the School Office). Attendanceat the Nursery does not guarantee a place at theschool.INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THE ADMISSIONS POLICY ANDOVERSUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA‘Looked after child’ has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means anychild in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children withfoster parents).‘Parent’ means the adult or adults with legal responsibility for the child.‘Sibling’ means brother or sister, <strong>to</strong> include adopted brothers and sisters, half brothers and sistersor step brothers and sisters. A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child(ren) will leavebefore the younger one starts. The sibling priority does not include cousins or other extended familymembers who live in the same household.‘Catholic’ means a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes theEastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism in a CatholicChurch or a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the full communion of the Catholic Church.‘Practising Catholic’ means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where the practice isincludes the Catholic or Catholics who have legal responsibility for the child.‘Catechumen’ means a child who is a member of the catechumenate of a Catholic Church. This willnormally be evidenced by a certificate of reception in<strong>to</strong> the order of catechumens.‘Eastern Christian Church’ includes Orthodox Churches and is normally evidenced by a certificate ofbaptism or reception from the authorities of that Church.‘Christian’ for the purposes of this policy, means a member of one of the Churches affiliated <strong>to</strong>‘Resident’ A child is deemed <strong>to</strong> be resident at a particular address when he/she resides there for 50%or more of the school week. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part ofa week, the address where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parents statingthe pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between both parents, then parents will beasked <strong>to</strong> determine which residential address should be used for the purpose of admission <strong>to</strong> school.If no joint declaration is received where the residence is split equally by the closing date for applications,the home address will be taken as the address of the parent who receives child benefit. In caseswhere parents are not eligible for child benefit the address will be that of the parents where the child isregistered with the doc<strong>to</strong>r. If the residence is not split equally between both parents then the addressused will be the address where the child spends the majority of the school week.‘Distance from School’ Distance is measured from the address point for the home address <strong>to</strong> thecentre point of the school site in a straight line, using the Local Authority’s computerised mappingsystem based on ordnance survey data. In the case of those living in flats, random allocation will beused in the presence of an independent witness.51

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsIn-Year applications for 2012-201352Applying for a school place during theacademic yearWho should make an in-year application?Moves <strong>to</strong> or within the Local AuthorityApplications for in-year admission are usuallymade by parents/carers who have moved in<strong>to</strong>the area and who require a school place for theirchild. If you require a school place for a child whois moving in <strong>to</strong> the area or a child who attendsa school but due <strong>to</strong> a house move is unable <strong>to</strong>continue attending their existing school, you willneed <strong>to</strong> complete the in-year application form.Transfers between schoolsIt is extremely important that a child has continuityin their education. For this reason, the LocalAuthority strongly discourages unnecessarytransfers between schools. If your child is alreadyattending a school but you feel that a move wouldbe beneficial, you must discuss your reasons forthis with your child’s current school. It is commonfor some children <strong>to</strong> feel unsettled when theyjoin a new school and there may occasionally beother issues that arise. However, it is importantthat you try <strong>to</strong> resolve any difficulties by workingwith the school rather than seeking a transfer. Itis extremely rare that a transfer <strong>to</strong> another schoolresolves a child’s difficulties and any difficultiesare best addressed at your child’s current school.If you still wish <strong>to</strong> apply for a school transfer, youwill need <strong>to</strong> complete the in year application form.However, you will need <strong>to</strong> provide your reasons forseeking a change of school and set out what youhave done <strong>to</strong> try and resolve the issues with thecurrent school.In considering your application we will need <strong>to</strong>determine whether it would be more beneficial foryou <strong>to</strong> resolve any difficulties your child is havingwith their current school, and a member of theAdmissions Service or another officer may wish <strong>to</strong>discuss this with you. It is very important that youdo not withdraw your child from his/her currentschool until you have secured an alternativeschool place. This will avoid your child missingeducation and being out of school for any periodof time before he/she can be admitted <strong>to</strong> a newschool.Which Local Authority should you apply <strong>to</strong>?If you live in Harrow or have moved in <strong>to</strong> Harrowyou should apply <strong>to</strong> Harrow Council for a schoolplace even if you wish <strong>to</strong> apply for a schooloutside of Harrow.If you live outside Harrow you must contact yourhome Local Authority for details on how <strong>to</strong> applyfor a school place, even if you wish <strong>to</strong> apply for aplace at a Harrow school.Which schools can you apply for?You can apply for any state-funded school onyour in-year application form. A list of all Harrowschools can be found on our website. For moredetails of the schools in Harrow visitwww.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Youshould not however name any private orindependent schools.How will your application be considered?for the school that you want your child <strong>to</strong> attend. Itthere may be reasons why your preference cannotbe met, for example if the school is full or there aremore applicants than places. When this happens,it is the school’s admission criteria that determinewhich children will be offered a place. As manyschools are oversubscribed it is important thatyou consider as many schools as possible whendeciding which schools <strong>to</strong> apply for.Before making an application, please read theadmission criteria for each school carefully soyou understand how places will be allocated. Theadmissions criteria will also tell you about anydocuments or supplementary forms required thatyou will need <strong>to</strong> send <strong>to</strong> the school <strong>to</strong> completeyour application.You can make arrangements <strong>to</strong> visit schools inwhich you are interested by contacting the schooldirect. You should also check who is responsiblefor making decisions on admissions for a school.

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsHeading In-Year applications heading for 2012-2013 (cont.)The decision as <strong>to</strong> whether on a school can offer aplace is dealt with differently depending on whichschool(s) you are applying for. All secondaryschools in Harrow besides Whitmore High Schoolare their own admission authorities, which meansthe school governors will make the decision aboutyour application and inform the admissions serviceof the outcome.If you are applying for a school outside of Harrow,the admissions service will send details of yourapplication <strong>to</strong> the relevant council. If the councilis the admission authority for the school theywill make the decision about your application. Ifthe school is its own admission authority, thenthe school governors will make the decision andinform the council. In either case, the councilwill inform the Harrow Admissions Service of theoutcome of your application.As you can see from this it may take longer <strong>to</strong>process applications where a number of differentadmission authorities are involved in the decisionmaking.Once the Harrow Admissions Service has thedecisions on all your applications, we will coordinateany offers. We do this by applying theranking information you gave on the applicationform in the following way:schools on your list, we will offer you a place atthat school.one of the schools you have asked for we willlook at the rankings you gave the schools andoffer you a place at your highest ranked school.Offers for schools placed lower on your list ofpreferences will not be made, when a higherpreference has been offered. If a place is notavailable at any of your preferred schools,and your child does not have a school placeor is currently not attending a school within areasonable distance from your home, you will beoffered a place in the nearest Harrow school thathas a vacancyHowever, if you are not happy with the school offered,place at your preferred school?’ on page 17.In Year Transfer TimetableAny applications received after the closing dates, will be processed after all the on time applications havebeen dealt with.Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>colHarrow has an In-Year Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col for Harrow resident pupils. Harrow may exceptionally requireschools <strong>to</strong> admit children in excess of the published admission number in order <strong>to</strong> protect the interests ofvulnerable children and those with challenging behaviour. These pupils will be shared among schools usingHarrow’s Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col in ways that are fair and objective.Pupils placed through the Fair Access Pro<strong>to</strong>col take priority over children on the waiting lists.53

Apply Apply <strong>to</strong>day <strong>to</strong>day at: at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsApplying for schoolsHeading other heading areasApplying for a place in a school in another local authority or boroughParents who live in Harrow may wish <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong> a school maintained by another local authority. You willneed <strong>to</strong> include any out of borough schools on your Harrow CAF. The telephone numbers given here arefor admissions sections in neighbouring local authorities or boroughs where you can get advice on theadmissions rules for individual schools.BarnetPupil Admissions and TravelBuilding 4North London Business ParkOakleigh Road SouthLondon N11 1NPTel: 020 8359 7651school.admissions@barnet.gov.ukwww.barnet.gov.ukEalingEducation DepartmentPerceval House14 - 16 Uxbridge RoadLondon W5 2HLTel: 020 8825 5511schooladmissions@ealing.gov.ukwww.ealing.gov.ukHertfordshireChildren, <strong>Schools</strong> & Families,Registry Office Block,CHR 102,Pegs Lane,HertfordSG13 8DQTel: 03001 234043hertsdirect@hertscc.gov.ukwww.hertsdirect.orgBrentChildren’s Team –School AdmissionsBrent House8th Floor, East Wing349-357 High Road, Wembley, Middx. HA9 8BZTel: 020 8937 3110school.admissions@brent.gov.ukwww.brent.gov.ukHillingdonAdmissions TeamCivic CentreHigh StreetUxbridge, Middx UB8 1UWTel: 01895 556644admissionsbenefits@hillingdon.gov.ukwww.hillingdon.gov.ukwww.education.gov.ukFor other Local Authorityaddress details54

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsApplying for anursery class place in HarrowApplying for a place in a nursery class attached <strong>to</strong> a Harrow schoolNursery classes provide the ideal bridge fromhome <strong>to</strong> school. Parents are welcome <strong>to</strong> come inand spend time with their child <strong>to</strong> help them settlein and make the transition from home.All Harrow’s nursery classes have a qualifiedteacher and trained assistant working <strong>to</strong>getherwith others, often including parents. All nurseryclasses follow the Early Years Foundation StageCurriculum which focuses on four themes: AUnique Child, Positive Relationships, EnablingEnvironments and Learning and Development.The Early Years Foundation Stage accounts forchildren developing and learning in different waysand at different speeds.A list of schools with an attached nursery class,including the telephone numbers and addresses,is given on pages 13-16. To apply for a nurseryclass place in any of these schools you willneed <strong>to</strong> contact the school direct for a nurseryapplication form. The school you apply for will letyou know if you have been offered a place in thenursery and when your child will start.Moving from a nursery class <strong>to</strong> a reception class in aninfant or primary schoolYou must apply separately for a place in a reception class in aprimary school.Attendance at a nursery class does not give any priority for aplace in the school’s reception class, with the exception of theMoriah Jewish Day School.There is no guarantee that if your child attends the nursery you willbe offered a place in the school’s reception class. You will need <strong>to</strong>plan and prepare your child for changing school.55

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsEducation provision in Harrow56What’s special about Harrow’s schools?Harrow <strong>Schools</strong> perform exceptionally well nationallyand Ofsted inspections confirm this. In the Inspectionof the Local Authority the Inspec<strong>to</strong>rs noted: “Childrenand young people achieve very well. Educationstandards are high. They are above nationalaverages and in line with those of similar authoritiesat all key stages, and continue <strong>to</strong> improve. Childrenat foundation stage make good progress. The overalleffectiveness of most schools is good. A highproportion of children and young people surveyed forthis review rightly say they are doing very well or quitewell at school. Many take part in an extensive rangeof recreational and out of school learning activities.Attendance at school is excellent. It is well abovenational averages.”There are many reasons for success in our schools:of opportunityEducation provision in HarrowAll primary schools in Harrow are either infant/first,junior or primary schools. The age ranges of schoolsfrom September 2012 is as follows:school, for pupils aged 4 – 11school, for pupils aged 11 – 18In many cases, infant and junior schools are separatefrom each other, but usually on the same site.However, some schools are combined primaryschools for pupils aged 4-11. All Harrow infant, juniorand primary schools are co-educational, educatinggirls and boys <strong>to</strong>gether.In addition, there are nursery classes at manyschools.Most of the <strong>Primary</strong> schools in Harrow arecouncil (these are sometimes known as stateschools that are funded by the council but are theproperty of other organisations. These are Church ofEngland and Catholic schools, the Moriah Jewish DaySchool. From September 2012, the <strong>Avanti</strong> House FreeSchool opened in Harrow and Krishna-<strong>Avanti</strong> will bean academy school.Pupils with Special Educational Needsexperiencing learning difficultiesWe provide a range of support services, working withfamilies and schools, for children of pre-school ageonwards. The council is committed <strong>to</strong> providingopportunities for all children <strong>to</strong> benefit from theeducation available in our schools. Where possible,children with special educational needs will besupported in their local school, working alongsidetheir friends and other children from the local area.Some children with very specific educational needsmay attend an additionally resourced school, wherespecialist provision is available. For those childrenwho will benefit from a particularly specialisededucation, places are available for children withstatements of special educational needs at ourspecial schools.Support for children from minorityethnic communitiesIn Harrow we provide additional support forsome children and families. The Harrow SchoolImprovement Partnership works with schools,parents/carers and a range of services <strong>to</strong> raise theachievement of ethnic minority pupils. These includenew arrivals, Traveller, Black Caribbean, AsylumSeeking and Refugee pupils.

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsYear groups and term datesYear groups for 2013/2014: National Curriculum and Key StagesThere is a standard way of labelling school year groups and deciding <strong>to</strong> which year group each child belongsinfant, junior and primary schools, children are in Key Stages: Early Years Foundation stage and Key Stages 1and 2. In secondary schools they are in Key Stages 3 and 4. Post 16 is also known as Key Stage 5.In the school year that starts in September 2013 and finishes in July 2014, children will be in the followingyear groups and key stages:Date of birth Year Group School Phase Key StageBetweenand1 September 1997 31 August 1998 11 Secondary school 41 September 1998 31 August 1999 10 Secondary school 41 September 1999 31 August 2000 9 Secondary school 31 September 2000 31 August 2001 8 Secondary school 31 September 2001 31 August 2002 7 Secondary school 31 September 2002 31 August 2003 6 Junior/<strong>Primary</strong> school 21 September 2003 31 August 2004 5 Junior/<strong>Primary</strong> school 21 September 2004 31 August 2005 4 Junior/<strong>Primary</strong> school 21 September 2005 31 August 2006 3 Junior/<strong>Primary</strong> school 21 September 2006 31 August 2007 2 Infant/<strong>Primary</strong> school 11 September 2007 31 August 2008 1 Infant/<strong>Primary</strong> school 11 September 2008 31 August 2009 R Infant/<strong>Primary</strong> school FoundationFamily holidays during term timeIt is important that children attend school for as many days as possible each term. Wherever possible, familyholidays should be taken during school holidays. You should not expect the school <strong>to</strong> agree <strong>to</strong> a holidayduring term time. They are likely <strong>to</strong> take your child’s attendance record in<strong>to</strong> account, and will not agree <strong>to</strong>more than 10 school days’ absence each year. Please contact the school for details of how <strong>to</strong> request timeaway from school for this purpose.Term dates for Community schoolsHarrow community schools’ term dates and Staff Development Days (Training Days) can be seen on thewebsite: www.harrow.gov.uk/termdates.Voluntary aided schools, <strong>Avanti</strong> House and Krishna <strong>Avanti</strong> School arrange their own term dates.57

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsPupil support/travel optionsFree school mealsYou may be entitled <strong>to</strong> free school meals if your childgoes <strong>to</strong> a Harrow community or voluntary aidedprimary School.ANDyou receive Income Support, Income Based JobSeeker’s Allowance, Income Based EmploymentSupport Allowance, Pension Credit, supported as anAsylum seeker or Child Tax Credit without working taxcredit (ensuring that your annual income is no morethan £16,190.00)Please contact Access Harrow on 020 8901 2620 forfurther details.Considering travel optionsWith nearly 70 schools and some 33,000 pupils in theborough, school travel is a major issue for HarrowCouncil. There is increasing concern about thenumber of children who are taken <strong>to</strong> and from schoolby car and the impact this has on children’s health,the environment, local residents and peak hour trafficcongestion.Most schools in London have travel plans. A list ofschools in Harrow which have travel plans is availableon the Harrow Council website along with local travelinformation maps and the school travel plans. Theschool’s travel plan will help you <strong>to</strong> be more aware ofsustainable travel options for getting <strong>to</strong> school andways in which the school is trying <strong>to</strong> encouragesustainable transport. Sustainable ways of reachingschools include walking, cycling, and public transport.Walking and cycling are also both considerably morehealthy options than travelling by car.The council is unable <strong>to</strong> reduce the school run andthe associated congestion without your assistance.When choosing which school your children will attend,please consider both your children’s health and the stateof your local environment.Details of Harrow Council’s sustainable School TravelPlan and Home <strong>to</strong> School Transport Strategy areavailable on http://www.harrow.gov.uk/schooltravelplansHelp with costs of travel <strong>to</strong> primary schoolFree bus travel is available for all under 16’s in London.See the Transport for London website www.tfl.gov.ukfor more information. However, if you live in Harrow youmay be entitled <strong>to</strong> help with other travel costs if:Your child is under the age of eight and the nearestsuitable school offer is more than two miles from yourhome address measured by the shortest safe walkingroute.ORYour child is over the age of eight and the nearest suitableschool offer is more than three miles from your homeaddress, measured by the shortest safe walking route.ORYour child attends a single sex or denominationalHarrow school more than two or three miles away asdescribed above.ORIf your child is of compulsory school age and cannotwalk <strong>to</strong> school safely unaccompanied due <strong>to</strong> a parent/carer with a serious disability.If one of the above applies <strong>to</strong> your child and you area low income family you may be eligible for SchoolTravel Assistance.For more information please contact Access Harrow on020 8901 2620.Finding out about schoolsThere is a list of all the infant, junior and primary schools in Harrow on pages 13-16 of this booklet and themap on the back cover shows their locations. You can find out about schools from:www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmisssionsare considering them for their children and it isimportant that you make an appointment <strong>to</strong> visitAnnual Report – from the school (you may have<strong>to</strong> pay for pho<strong>to</strong>copying). Ofsted reports areavailable at www.ofsted.gov.ukavailable at www.education.gov.uk58

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissions<strong>Primary</strong> curriculumInfant schoolsHarrow infant schools offer Early YearsFoundation education <strong>to</strong> children from receptionclasses through <strong>to</strong> Year 2.Nursery and Reception classesIn a nursery or reception class, children will workat activities that encourage:understanding of the worldThe Early Years curriculum places a high valueon learning through play. Early Years teacherssee play as an essential component in thedevelopment of all children and they provide awealth of opportunity for practical activities.When children are given such opportunities,their achievements are enhanced, particularly indeveloping literacy. We’re very proud <strong>to</strong> see ouryoung children acquiring language skills at anearly age. Our best classroom libraries are wellsupplemented by child-made books describingand illustrating work achieved on practicalprojects.It is acknowledged that a rich Early YearsFoundation curriculum provides a valuablefoundation from which children can consolidateand further their learning. We believe that thiscontributes <strong>to</strong> the excellent results achievedconsistently by Harrow’s secondary schools.Years 1 and 2From the age of five, children will build on thesefoundations by continuing with enjoyable andpractical activities at school which give a highpriority <strong>to</strong> the development of literacy andnumeracy, but also include the study of allsubjects required by the National Curriculum.The National Curriculum for younger children ismade up of the following subjects: English,mathematics, science, art, geography, his<strong>to</strong>ry,information and design technology, music andphysical education. In addition, pupils are taughtreligious education.While the National Curriculum provides acommon compulsory educational framework,there are other significant areas of learning whichmake up the whole curriculum on offer <strong>to</strong> childrenin our schools. These important aspects of thecurriculum are:The whole curriculum contributes <strong>to</strong> the all-rounddevelopment of pupils, enabling them <strong>to</strong> make afull contribution as individuals and members ofsociety.Junior schoolsHarrow junior schools teach children from Year 3<strong>to</strong> Year 6.The National Curriculum is the same in juniorschools as in infant schools, but children mightalso study a modern foreign language, althoughmany schools start this earlier. In junior schools,subjects may be taught by specialist staff in somesubjects such as music and French.In all schools the children take part in activitiesthat make their school experience wider andricher. After-school clubs, study trips <strong>to</strong> places ofinterest in Britain and abroad, and visits <strong>to</strong> schoolsby artists or musicians are just a few examples ofthe activities that our schools offer.59

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsGlossaryHere is a list, in alphabetical order, of some of the words that are used when talkingabout education nowadays, <strong>to</strong>gether with explanations of their meanings.Academy SchoolAcademy <strong>Schools</strong> are publicly funded,independent schools, outside local authoritycontrol and funded direct from centralgovernment. An academy is its own admissionsauthority.Access HarrowHarrow Council’s reception service (also known asAdmissions authorityFor Harrow community schools, Harrow Councilis the admissions authority. For Harrow Church ofEngland, Hindu, Jewish and Catholic schools, theGoverning Body is the admissions authority.Co-educationalA school where girls and boys are educated<strong>to</strong>gether (single-sex schools are for just girls orjust boys).Common Application Form (CAF)This is the form <strong>to</strong> complete <strong>to</strong> apply for a place ina Harrow primary school (i.e. community, Churchof England, Hindu, Jewish or Catholic School).Community schoolSchool which is maintained by a Local Authority(LA).Co-ordinated admission schemeHarrow Council will co-ordinate with the admissionauthorities for Harrow’s Church of England, Hindu,Jewish and Catholic schools so that applicants areoffered ONE school place only.DFEDepartment for Education – the governmentdepartment that deals with all education matters.The website is www.education.gov.uk.Equal preferenceEach school named as a preference on thecommon application form is treated as a separateapplication. The admission rules are then applied<strong>to</strong> find out how well you qualify for each school.If you qualify for more than one school, HarrowCouncil will offer you the one you ranked highest.Forms of entryThe number of classes that a school admits eachyear (and usually the same as the number ofclasses in each year group).Free schoolFree schools are all-ability state-funded schoolsset up in response <strong>to</strong> what local people say theywant and need in order <strong>to</strong> improve education forchildren in their community.Secondary schoolIn Harrow:Infant school<strong>Schools</strong> for children aged 4 <strong>to</strong> 7.Junior schoolIn Harrow, the schools for children aged 7 <strong>to</strong> 11.Key stagesGroupings of year groups used in planning theNational Curriculum (see page 59).Local Authority (LA) Maintained schoolSchool which is the responsibility of the LA.National CurriculumProgram of study outlining what must be taught ateach level as set by the UK Government.National curriculum tasks and testsPart of the national assessment system that helps<strong>to</strong> record each child’s attainment at the end ofeach Key Stage – you may hear them referred <strong>to</strong>as SATs.OfstedOffice for Standards in Education – Governmen<strong>to</strong>rganisation <strong>to</strong> oversee regular inspections ofschools and <strong>to</strong> report on other matters <strong>to</strong> dowith the quality of education. The website iswww.ofsted.gov.uk.60

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsGlossary (continued)Reception classIn Harrow, the first year group in each infant/primary school (not including nursery classes).School yearA year starting on 1 September and technicallyending on 31 August (though in Harrow thesummer term ends well before this date).Statement of Special Educational NeedsA formal assessment of the special needs of achild and details of the provision that should bemade <strong>to</strong> support the needs – these are usedfor only a small proportion of children; anylearning needs of other pupils are supported ina less formal way.State SchoolSchool which is maintained by a Local Authority(LA).Supplementary Information Form (SIF)Form required by voluntary aided schools <strong>to</strong>confirm religious affiliationVoluntary aided schoolA school largely funded, but not owned, by theLA – the buildings are owned by a voluntary body,usually a religious organisation, and the governorshave responsibility for admissions.61

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsDo you want <strong>to</strong> make adifference <strong>to</strong> the lives ofpupils in Harrow schools ?Become a school governor !Our governing bodies make a positive difference <strong>to</strong> the quality ofteaching and learning in schools in Harrow.The challenges facing modern schools can be equated <strong>to</strong> thoseof a multi-million pound industry, with the added interest of ahave the au<strong>to</strong>nomy <strong>to</strong> run their own affairs, school governorshave an increasingly important part <strong>to</strong> play.Governors do not all have <strong>to</strong> be parents, have special skills, orhave detailed knowledge of the education system. The mostimportant qualities they should have are enthusiasm for thesuccess of our children, common sense and a desire <strong>to</strong> make adifference in the community.If you would like <strong>to</strong> help schools <strong>to</strong> thrive and pupils <strong>to</strong> achieve<strong>to</strong> their full potential or simply find out more please contactGovernor Services on 020 8736 6504or e-mail governorservices@harrow.gov.uk62

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsUseful informationYou may contact schools direct for Ofsted Reports, a school prospectus and <strong>to</strong> arrange visits.Harrow Council’s website iswww.harrow.gov.ukOnline Admissions, Direct URL –www.eadmissions.org.ukAccess Harrow – for general educationinformation, free school meals, and travel grants.Open: 9am <strong>to</strong> 5pm Monday <strong>to</strong> FridayAddress: Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2UWTelephone: 020 8901 2620(Text-phone: 020 8420 9697 for people withhearing impairments)Email: education@harrow.gov.ukAdmissions Service – for admissions queriesTelephone: 020 8901 2620Special Educational Needs (SEN)Assessment and Review Service– for information about arrangements for childrenwith special educational needsTelephone: 020 8966 6483Harrow Public Libraries – for freelnternet accessDepartment for Education (DfE)Website: www.education.gov.uk– for Performance Tables etcTelephone for DfE publications: 0845 6022260Office for Standards in Education(Ofsted) – for Ofsted ReportsWebsite: www.ofsted.gov.ukThis booklet was correct when it was printed but it is possible that some details maychange during the year – contact 020 8901 2620 if you wish <strong>to</strong> check any details.63

Apply <strong>to</strong>day at: www.harrow.gov.uk/schooladmissionsMap showing<strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Headingin HarrowheadingHERTFORDSHIRECommon RoadClamp HillThe Common32London Road1LONDONBOROUGHOF BARNETBrookshillOxhey LaneMarsh LaneStanmoreOld Church LanePinner Hill Road23Elm Park RoadEastcote Road54Uxbridge Road4418LONDONBOROUGH OFHILLINGDON2511Hatch EndPinnerMarshRoadRayners LaneVillage Wa y1912George V LaneEastcote Lane716Imperial DriveAlexandra Avenue2122Heads<strong>to</strong>ne LanePinner RoadShaftesbury Avenue10Roxeth Green A venueNortholt Road6Long ElmesCourtenay AvenuePorlock AvenueHeads<strong>to</strong>ne Drive17Harrow View26 27Rayners Lane4831North Harrow3934Heads<strong>to</strong>neLaneWest HarrowSouth Harrow42434847Besborough RoadHigh StreetHarrow &Wealds<strong>to</strong>neCivic Centre20Greenhill WayPeterborough R oadSudb ury Hill2Gordon AvenueKen<strong>to</strong>n Lan eLocket RoadSheepcote RoadLowl ands Road284041Harrowon the Hill30LONDON BOROUGHOF EALINGKen<strong>to</strong>n LaneChristchurch Avenue8332437384546Culver GroveHoneypot LaneStreatfield RoadCanons Park13Whitc1449LONDONBOROUGHOF BRENT39hurch Road15Buckingham Road293536Printed on environmentally friendly paper. Abstract an Annodata company. Tel: 01582 609108

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