Important Information for when you move - Atlas Van Lines

Important Information for when you move - Atlas Van Lines

Important Information for when you move - Atlas Van Lines


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<strong>Important</strong> <strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> <strong>move</strong>This pamphlet includes: Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move Ready to Move? Tips <strong>for</strong> a Successful Interstate Move <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong> Dispute Settlement Program Customer Complaint and Inquiry Handling Procedures Valuation Options: What’s Right <strong>for</strong> You? Customer Responsibilities Guide / High Value Inventory Form Terms and Conditions of the Bill of Lading

ContentsListed below are the documents included in this booklet detailing vital in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>.Please review these documents so <strong>you</strong> are able to make in<strong>for</strong>med decisions about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You MoveWhat is Included in This Guide? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Why Was I Given This Guide? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2What Are the Most <strong>Important</strong> Points I Should Remember From This Guide? . . . . . . .2Subpart A—General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Subpart B—Be<strong>for</strong>e Requesting Services From Any Mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Subpart C—Service Options Provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Subpart D—Estimating Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Subpart E—Pickup of My Shipment of Household Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Subpart F—Transportation of My Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Subpart G—Delivery of My Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Subpart H—Collection of Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Subpart I—Resolving Disputes With My Mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Ready to Move? Tips <strong>for</strong> a Successful Interstate Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong> Dispute Settlement Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Customer Complaint and Inquiry Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Valuation Options: What’s Right <strong>for</strong> You? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Customer Responsibilities Guide / High Value Inventory Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Terms and Conditions of the Bill of Lading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Notice of the Availability of Applicable Tariff SectionsThe provisions of <strong>Atlas</strong>’ tariff applicable to <strong>you</strong>r estimate of charges are available <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r examination at <strong>Atlas</strong>’general offices, 1212 St. George Road, P.O. Box 509, Evansville, IN 47703-0509, or <strong>you</strong> may have copies sent to <strong>you</strong>upon request by mail to <strong>Atlas</strong>’ general offices or by phone at (800) 252-8885 or (812) 424-2222. If <strong>you</strong> have an <strong>Atlas</strong>registration number, <strong>you</strong> may also view the applicable tariff provisions on line at www.atlasworldgroup.com

YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES WHEN YOU MOVE(OMB No. 2126-0025)Furnished by Your Mover, as Required by Federal Law • Authority: 49 U.S.C. 13301, 13704, 13707, and 14104; 49 CFR 1.73.INTRODUCTION BY FMCSA ADMINISTRATORFrom the AdministratorFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590Dear Customer:Welcome to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA)guide, "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move." We haveprepared this guide, which <strong>you</strong>r moving company is required to give to<strong>you</strong>, <strong>for</strong> several reasons. First, entrusting <strong>you</strong>r possessions to another canbe a stressful experience. The guide explains to <strong>you</strong> what <strong>you</strong> have a rightto expect from <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r and what <strong>you</strong> should do to help ensure <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong> is a smooth one.Secondly, we have revised the guide to reflect recent changes made tothe Federal regulations to help consumers like <strong>you</strong> who need theservices of a moving company.Additionally, <strong>you</strong> can obtain more in<strong>for</strong>mation on how to choose amoving company and learn more about the <strong>move</strong>r by accessingFMCSA’s Web page at www.protect<strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>.gov. This Web pageprovides the latest in<strong>for</strong>mation on how to plan <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, where toregister a complaint against a moving company or driver, and links touseful in<strong>for</strong>mation at the State level. If <strong>you</strong> cannot access our Web page,and have questions about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong> or need to file a complaint, <strong>you</strong>can also call 1-888-DOT-SAFT (1-888-368-7238).Although most <strong>move</strong>rs are honest, safe companies, do not hesitate tocontact us if <strong>you</strong> should run into trouble. We want to help!WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS GUIDE?In this guide, <strong>you</strong> will find a discussion of each of these topics:Why Was I Given This Guide?What Are the Most <strong>Important</strong> Points I Should Remember FromThis Guide?What If I Have More Questions?Subpart A – General Requirements• Who must follow the regulations?• What definitions are used in this guide?• Where may other terms used in this guide be defined?Subpart B – Be<strong>for</strong>e Requesting Services from Any Mover• What is my <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability <strong>for</strong> loss or damage <strong>when</strong> my<strong>move</strong>r accepts goods from me?• What actions by me limit or reduce my <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability?• May my <strong>move</strong>r have agents?• What items must be in my <strong>move</strong>r’s advertisements?• How must my <strong>move</strong>r handle complaints and inquiries?• Do I have the right to inspect my <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs (schedules of rates orcharges) applicable to my <strong>move</strong>?• Must my <strong>move</strong>r have an arbitration program?• Must my <strong>move</strong>r in<strong>for</strong>m me about my rights and responsibilities underFederal law?• What other in<strong>for</strong>mation must my <strong>move</strong>r provide to me?• How must my <strong>move</strong>r collect charges?• May my <strong>move</strong>r collect charges upon delivery?• May my <strong>move</strong>r extend credit to me?• May my <strong>move</strong>r accept charge or credit cards <strong>for</strong> my payments?Subpart C – Service Options Provided• What service options may my <strong>move</strong>r provide?• If my <strong>move</strong>r sells liability insurance coverage, what must my <strong>move</strong>rdo?Subpart E – Pickup of My Shipment of Household Goods• Must my <strong>move</strong>r write up an order <strong>for</strong> service?• Must my <strong>move</strong>r write up an inventory of the shipment?• Must my <strong>move</strong>r write up a bill of lading?• Should I reach an agreement with my <strong>move</strong>r about pickup anddelivery time?• Must my <strong>move</strong>r determine the weight of my shipment?• What must my <strong>move</strong>r do if I want to know the actual weight orcharges <strong>for</strong> my shipment be<strong>for</strong>e delivery?Subpart F – Transportation of My Shipment• Must my <strong>move</strong>r transport the shipment in a timely manner?• What must my <strong>move</strong>r do if it is able to deliver my shipment morethan 24 hours be<strong>for</strong>e I am able to accept delivery?• What must my <strong>move</strong>r do <strong>for</strong> me <strong>when</strong> I store household goods intransit?Subpart G – Delivery of My Shipment• May my <strong>move</strong>r ask me to sign a delivery receipt purporting to releaseit from liability?• What is the maximum collect-on-delivery amount my <strong>move</strong>r maydemand if I pay at the time of delivery?• If my shipment is transported on more than one vehicle, what chargesmay my <strong>move</strong>r collect at delivery?• If my shipment is partially or totally lost or destroyed, what chargesmay my <strong>move</strong>r collect at delivery?• How must my <strong>move</strong>r calculate the charges applicable to theshipment as delivered?Subpart H – Collection of Charges• Does this subpart apply to most shipments?• How must my <strong>move</strong>r present its freight or expense bill to me?• If I <strong>for</strong>ced my <strong>move</strong>r to relinquish a collect-on-delivery shipmentbe<strong>for</strong>e the payment of ALL charges, how must my <strong>move</strong>r collect thebalance?• What actions may my <strong>move</strong>r take to collect from me the chargesupon its freight bill?• Do I have a right to file a claim to recover money <strong>for</strong> property my<strong>move</strong>r lost or destroyed?Subpart I – Resolving Disputes with My Mover• What may I do to resolve disputes with my <strong>move</strong>r?Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 1

WHY WAS I GIVEN THIS GUIDE?The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) regulationsprotect consumers on interstate <strong>move</strong>s and define the rights andresponsibilities of consumers and household goods carriers.The household goods carrier (<strong>move</strong>r) gave <strong>you</strong> this guide to providein<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>you</strong>r rights and responsibilities as an individualshipper of household goods. Your primary responsibility is to select areputable household goods carrier, ensure that <strong>you</strong> understand theterms and conditions of the contract, and understand and pursue theremedies that are available to <strong>you</strong> in case problems arise. You should talkto <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r if <strong>you</strong> have further questions. The <strong>move</strong>r will also furnish<strong>you</strong> with additional written in<strong>for</strong>mation describing its procedure <strong>for</strong>handling <strong>you</strong>r questions and complaints, and a telephone number <strong>you</strong>can call to obtain additional in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>.WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT POINTS I SHOULDREMEMBER FROM THIS GUIDE?1. Movers must give written estimates.2. Movers may give binding estimates.3. Non-binding estimates are not always accurate; actual charges mayexceed the estimate.4. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r provides <strong>you</strong> (or someone representing <strong>you</strong>) withany partially complete document <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r signature, <strong>you</strong> shouldverify the document is as complete as possible be<strong>for</strong>e signing it.Make sure the document contains all relevant shippingin<strong>for</strong>mation, except the actual shipment weight and any otherin<strong>for</strong>mation necessary to determine the final charges <strong>for</strong> all servicesper<strong>for</strong>med.5. You may request from <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r the availability of guaranteedpickup and delivery dates.6. Be sure <strong>you</strong> understand the <strong>move</strong>r’s responsibility <strong>for</strong> loss ordamage, and request an explanation of the difference betweenvaluation and actual insurance.7. You have the right to be present each time <strong>you</strong>r shipment isweighed.8. You may request a re-weigh of <strong>you</strong>r shipment.9. If <strong>you</strong> agree to <strong>move</strong> under a non-binding estimate, <strong>you</strong> shouldconfirm with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r—in writing—the method of payment atdelivery as cash, certified check, money order, cashier’s check, orcredit card.10. Movers must offer a dispute settlement program as an alternativemeans of settling loss or damage claims. Ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> details.11. You should ask the person <strong>you</strong> speak to whether he or she works<strong>for</strong> the actual <strong>move</strong>r or a household goods broker. A householdgoods broker only arranges <strong>for</strong> the transportation. A householdgoods broker must not represent itself as a <strong>move</strong>r. A householdgoods broker does not own trucks of its own. The broker is requiredto find an authorized <strong>move</strong>r to provide the transportation. Youshould know that a household goods broker generally has noauthority to provide <strong>you</strong> an estimate on behalf of a specific <strong>move</strong>r.If a household goods broker provides <strong>you</strong> an estimate, it may notbe binding on the actual <strong>move</strong>r and <strong>you</strong> may have to pay the actualcharges the <strong>move</strong>r assesses. A household goods broker is notresponsible <strong>for</strong> loss or damage.12. You may request complaint in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>move</strong>rs fromFMCSA under the Freedom of <strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong> Act (FOIA). You may beassessed a fee to obtain this in<strong>for</strong>mation. See 49 CFR Part 7 <strong>for</strong> theschedule of fees.13. You should seek estimates from at least three different <strong>move</strong>rs. Youshould not disclose any in<strong>for</strong>mation to the different <strong>move</strong>rs abouttheir competitors, as it may affect the accuracy of their estimates.WHAT IF I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS?If this guide does not answer all of <strong>you</strong>r questions about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, donot hesitate to ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s representative who handled thearrangements <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, the driver who transports <strong>you</strong>r shipment,or the <strong>move</strong>r’s main office <strong>for</strong> additional in<strong>for</strong>mation.SUBPART A – GENERAL REQUIREMENTSThe primary responsibility <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r protection lies with <strong>you</strong> in selectinga reputable household goods carrier, ensuring <strong>you</strong> understand the termsand conditions of <strong>you</strong>r contract with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, and understandingand pursuing the remedies that are available to <strong>you</strong> in case problemsarise.Who must follow the regulations?The regulations in<strong>for</strong>m motor carriers engaged in the interstatetransportation of household goods (<strong>move</strong>rs) what standards they mustfollow <strong>when</strong> offering services to <strong>you</strong>. You, an individual shipper, are notdirectly subject to the regulations. However, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may berequired by the regulations to <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>you</strong> to pay on time. The regulationsonly apply to <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r <strong>when</strong> the <strong>move</strong>r transports <strong>you</strong>r householdgoods by motor vehicle in interstate commerce - that is, <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> aremoving from one State to another. The regulations do not apply <strong>when</strong><strong>you</strong>r interstate <strong>move</strong> takes place within a single commercial zone. Acommercial zone is roughly equivalent to the local metropolitan area ofa city or town. For example, a <strong>move</strong> between Brooklyn, New York, andHackensack, New Jersey, would be considered to be within the New YorkCity commercial zone and would not be subject to these regulations.Commercial zones are defined in 49 CFR Part 372.What definitions are used in this guide?Accessorial (Additional) Services - These are services such as packing,appliance servicing, unpacking, or piano stair carries that <strong>you</strong> request tobe per<strong>for</strong>med (or that are necessary because of landlord requirements orother special circumstances). Charges <strong>for</strong> these services may be inaddition to the line-haul charges.Advanced Charges - These are charges <strong>for</strong> services per<strong>for</strong>med bysomeone other than the <strong>move</strong>r. A professional, craftsman, or other thirdparty may per<strong>for</strong>m these services at <strong>you</strong>r request. The <strong>move</strong>r pays <strong>for</strong>these services and adds the charges to <strong>you</strong>r bill of lading charges.Advertisement - This is any communication to the public inconnection with an offer or sale of any interstate household goodstransportation service. This will include written or electronic databaselistings of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s name, address, and telephone number in an onlinedatabase. This excludes listings of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s name, address, andtelephone number in a telephone directory or similar publication.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 2

However, the Yellow Pages advertising is included within the definition.Agent - A local moving company authorized to act on behalf of a larger,national company.Appliance Service by Third Party - The preparation of major electricalappliances to make them safe <strong>for</strong> shipment. Charges <strong>for</strong> these servicesmay be in addition to the line-haul charges.Bill of Lading - The receipt <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r goods and the contract <strong>for</strong> theirtransportation.Carrier - The <strong>move</strong>r transporting <strong>you</strong>r household goods.Cash on Delivery (COD) - This means payment is required at the timeof delivery at the destination residence (or warehouse).Certified Scale - Any scale designed <strong>for</strong> weighing motor vehicles,including trailers or semi-trailers not attached to a tractor, and certifiedby an authorized scale inspection and licensing authority. A certifiedscale may also be a plat<strong>for</strong>m or warehouse type scale that is properlyinspected and certified.Estimate, Binding - This is a written agreement made in advance with<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. It guarantees the total cost of the <strong>move</strong> based upon thequantities and services shown on the estimate.Estimate, Non-Binding - This is what <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r believes the cost willbe, based upon the estimated weight of the shipment and theaccessorial services requested. A non-binding estimate is not binding onthe <strong>move</strong>r. The final charges will be based upon the actual weight of<strong>you</strong>r shipment, the services provided, and the tariff provisions in effect.Expedited Service - This is an agreement with the <strong>move</strong>r to per<strong>for</strong>mtransportation by a set date in exchange <strong>for</strong> charges based upon a higherminimum weight.Flight Charge - A charge <strong>for</strong> carrying items up or down flights of stairs.Charges <strong>for</strong> these services may be in addition to the line-haul charges.Guaranteed Pickup and Delivery Service - An additional level ofservice featuring guaranteed dates of service. Your <strong>move</strong>r will providereimbursement to <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> delays. This premium service is often subjectto minimum weight requirements.High-Value Article - These are items included in a shipment valued atmore than $100 per pound ($220 per kilogram).Household Goods - as used in connection with transportation, meansthe personal effects or propertyUsed, or to be used, in a dwelling, <strong>when</strong> part of the equipment orsupplies of the dwelling. Transporting of household goods must bearranged <strong>for</strong> and paid by <strong>you</strong> or another individual on <strong>you</strong>r behalf. Thismay include items moving from a factory or store <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> purchasethem to use in <strong>you</strong>r dwelling. You must request that these items betransported, and <strong>you</strong> (or another individual on <strong>you</strong>r behalf) must paythe transportation charges to the <strong>move</strong>r.Household Goods Motor Carrier means a motor carrier that, in theordinary course of its business of providing transportation of householdgoods, offers some or all of the following additional services: (1) Bindingand non-binding estimates, (2) Inventory, (3) Protective packing andunpacking of individual items at personal residences, and (4) Loadingand unloading at personal residences. The term does not include amotor carrier <strong>when</strong> the motor carrier provides transportation ofhousehold goods in containers or trailers that are entirely loaded andunloaded by an individual (other than an employee or agent of themotor carrier).Individual Shipper - Any person who:1. is the shipper, consignor, or consignee of a household goodsshipment;2. is identified as the shipper, consignor, or consignee on the face ofthe bill of lading;3. owns the goods being transported; and4. pays his or her own tariff transportation charges.Impracticable Operations generally refer to services required <strong>when</strong>operating conditions make it physically impossible <strong>for</strong> the carrier toper<strong>for</strong>m pickup or delivery with its normally assigned road-haulequipment; requires the use of smaller equipment and/or additionallabor to complete pickup or delivery of a shipment. A <strong>move</strong>r mayrequire payment of additional charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations, evenif <strong>you</strong> do not request these services. The specific services considered tobe impracticable operations by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r are defined in <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’stariff.Inventory - The detailed descriptive list of <strong>you</strong>r household goodsshowing the number and condition of each item.Line-Haul Charges - The charges <strong>for</strong> the vehicle transportation portionof <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>. These charges, if separately stated, apply in addition to theaccessorial service charges.Long Carry - A charge <strong>for</strong> carrying articles excessive distances betweenthe <strong>move</strong>r’s vehicle and <strong>you</strong>r residence. Charges <strong>for</strong> these services maybe in addition to the line-haul charges.May - An option. You or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may do something, but it is not arequirement.Mover - A motor carrier engaged in the transportation of householdgoods and its household goods agents.Must - A legal obligation. You or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must do something.Order <strong>for</strong> Service - The document authorizing the <strong>move</strong>r to transport<strong>you</strong>r household goods.Order (Bill of Lading) Number - The number used to identify andtrack <strong>you</strong>r shipment.Peak Season Rates - Higher line-haul charges applicable during thesummer months.Pickup and Delivery Charges - Separate transportation chargesapplicable <strong>for</strong> transporting <strong>you</strong>r shipment between the storage-intransitwarehouse and <strong>you</strong>r residence.Reasonable Dispatch - The per<strong>for</strong>mance of transportation on thedates, or during the period of time, agreed upon by <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rand shown on the Order <strong>for</strong> Service/Bill of Lading. For example, if <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r deliberately withholds any shipment from delivery after <strong>you</strong> offerto pay the binding estimate, or 110 percent of a non-binding estimate,plus any charges <strong>for</strong> additional services <strong>you</strong> requested, or permissiblecharges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations that were not included in theestimate, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r has not transported the goods with reasonableYour Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 3

dispatch. The term ‘’reasonable dispatch’’ excludes transportationprovided under <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff provisions requiring guaranteedservice dates. Your <strong>move</strong>r will have the defense of <strong>for</strong>ce majeure, i.e. , thecontract cannot be per<strong>for</strong>med owing to causes that are outside thecontrol of the parties and that could not be avoided by exercise of duecare.Should - A recommendation. We recommend <strong>you</strong> or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r dosomething, but it is not a requirement.Shuttle Service - The use of a smaller vehicle to provide service toresidences not accessible to the <strong>move</strong>r’s normal line-haul vehicles.Storage-In-Transit (SIT) - The temporary warehouse storage of <strong>you</strong>rshipment, pending further transportation, with or without notificationto <strong>you</strong>. If <strong>you</strong> (or someone representing <strong>you</strong>) cannot accept delivery onthe agreed-upon date or within the agreed upon time period (<strong>for</strong>example, because <strong>you</strong>r home is not quite ready to occupy), <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rmay place <strong>you</strong>r shipment into SIT without notifying <strong>you</strong>. In thosecircumstances, <strong>you</strong> will be responsible <strong>for</strong> the added charges <strong>for</strong> SITservice, as well as the warehouse handling and final delivery charges.However, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r also may place <strong>you</strong>r shipment into SIT if <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r was able to make delivery be<strong>for</strong>e the agreed-upon date (or be<strong>for</strong>ethe first day of the agreed-upon delivery period), but <strong>you</strong> did not concurwith early delivery. In those circumstances, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must notify <strong>you</strong>immediately of the SIT, and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is fully responsible <strong>for</strong> redeliverycharges, handling charges, and storage charges.Surface Transportation Board - An agency within the U.S.Department of Transportation that regulates household goods carriertariffs, among other responsibilities. The Surface Transportation Board’saddress is 1925 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20423-0001, Telephone202-565-1674.Tariff - An issuance (in whole or in part) containing rates, rules, regulations,classifications, or other provisions. The Surface Transportation Boardrequires that a tariff contain three specific items. First, an accuratedescription of the services the <strong>move</strong>r offers to the public. Second, thespecific applicable rates (or the basis <strong>for</strong> calculating the specific applicablerates) and service terms <strong>for</strong> services offered to the public. Third, the<strong>move</strong>r’s tariff must be arranged in a way that allows <strong>you</strong> to determine theexact rate(s) and service terms applicable to <strong>you</strong>r shipment.Valuation - The degree of worth of the shipment. The valuation chargecompensates the <strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> assuming a greater degree of liability than isprovided <strong>for</strong> in its base transportation charges.Warehouse Handling - A charge may be applicable each time SITservice is provided. Charges <strong>for</strong> these services may be in addition to theline-haul charges. This charge compensates the <strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> the physicalplacement and removal of items within the warehouse.We, Us, and Our - The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMCSA).You and Your - You are an individual shipper of household goods. Youare a consignor or consignee of a household goods shipment and <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r identifies <strong>you</strong> as such in the bill of lading contract. You own thegoods being transported and pay the transportation charges to the<strong>move</strong>r.Where may other terms used in this guide be defined?You may find other terms used in this guide defined in 49 U.S.C. 13102.The statute controls the definitions in this guide. If terms are used in thisguide and the terms are defined neither here nor in 49 U.S.C. 13102, theterms will have the ordinary practical meaning of such terms.SUBPART B – BEFORE REQUESTING SERVICES FROM ANYMOVERWhat is my <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability <strong>for</strong> loss or damage <strong>when</strong> my<strong>move</strong>r accepts goods from me?In general, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is legally liable <strong>for</strong> loss or damage that occursduring per<strong>for</strong>mance of any transportation of household goods and of allrelated services identified on <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s lawful bill of lading.Your <strong>move</strong>r is liable <strong>for</strong> loss of, or damage to, any household goods tothe extent provided in the current Surface Transportation Board’sReleased Rates Order. You may obtain a copy of the current ReleasedRates Order by contacting the Surface Transportation Board at theaddress provided under the definition of the Surface TransportationBoard. The rate may be increased annually by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r based on theU.S. Department of Commerce’s Cost of Living Adjustment. Your <strong>move</strong>rmay have additional liability if <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r sells liability insurance to <strong>you</strong>.All moving companies are required to assume liability <strong>for</strong> the value of thegoods transported. However, there are different levels of liability, and <strong>you</strong>should be aware of the amount of protection provided and the charges<strong>for</strong> each option.Basically, most <strong>move</strong>rs offer two different levels of liability under theterms of their tariffs and the Surface Transportation Board’s ReleasedRates Orders. These orders govern the moving industry.FULL-VALUE PROTECTION (FVP). This is the most comprehensiveoption available <strong>for</strong> the protection of <strong>you</strong>r goods. Unless <strong>you</strong> waivefull-value protection in writing and agree to Released ValueProtection as described below, <strong>you</strong>r shipment will be transportedunder <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s FULL (REPLACEMENT) VALUE level of liability.If any article is lost, destroyed, or damaged while in <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s custody,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will, at its option, either: (1) repair the article to the extentnecessary to restore it to the same condition as <strong>when</strong> it was received by<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, or pay <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> the cost of such repairs; (2) replace the articlewith an article of like kind; or (3) pay <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> the cost of a replacementarticle at the current market replacement value, regardless of the age ofthe lost or damaged article. Your <strong>move</strong>r will charge <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> this level ofprotection, or <strong>you</strong> may select the alternative level of liability describedbelow.The cost <strong>for</strong> FVP is based on the value that <strong>you</strong> place on <strong>you</strong>r shipment;<strong>for</strong> example, the valuation charge <strong>for</strong> a shipment valued at $25,000would be about $250.00. However, the exact cost <strong>for</strong> full-valueprotection may vary by <strong>move</strong>r and may be further subject to variousdeductible levels of liability that may reduce <strong>you</strong>r cost. Ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r<strong>for</strong> the details and cost of its specific plan.Under the FVP level of liability, <strong>move</strong>rs are permitted to limit theirliability <strong>for</strong> loss or damage to articles of extraordinary value, unless <strong>you</strong>specifically list these articles on the shipping documents. An article ofextraordinary value is any item whose value exceeds $100 per pound (<strong>for</strong>example, jewelry, silverware, china, furs, antiques, oriental rugs, andcomputer software). Ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> a complete explanation of thislimitation be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>. It is <strong>you</strong>r responsibility to study thisprovision carefully and to make the necessary declaration.Released Value of 60 Cents Per Pound Per Article. This is the mostYour Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 4

economical protection option available; however, this no-cost optionprovides only minimal protection. Under this option, the <strong>move</strong>r assumesliability <strong>for</strong> no more than 60 cents per pound, per article. Loss or damageclaims are settled based on the weight of the article multiplied by 60cents per pound. For example, if a 10-pound stereo component, valuedat $1000 were lost or destroyed, the <strong>move</strong>r would be liable <strong>for</strong> no morethan $6.00 (10 pounds x 60 cents per pound). Obviously, <strong>you</strong> shouldthink carefully be<strong>for</strong>e agreeing to such an arrangement. There is no extracharge <strong>for</strong> this minimal protection, but <strong>you</strong> must sign a specificstatement on the bill of lading agreeing to it. If <strong>you</strong> do not select thisalternative level of liability, <strong>you</strong>r shipment will be transported at the Full(Replacement) Value level of liability and <strong>you</strong> will be assessed theapplicable valuation charge.These two levels of liability are not insurance agreements that aregoverned by State insurance laws, but instead are contractual tariff levelsof liability authorized under Released Rates Orders of the SurfaceTransportation Board of the U.S. Department of Transportation.In addition to these options, some <strong>move</strong>rs may also offer to sell, orprocure <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>, separate liability insurance from a third-party insurancecompany <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> release <strong>you</strong>r shipment <strong>for</strong> transportation at theminimum released value [60 cents per pound ($1.32 per kilogram) perarticle]. This is not valuation coverage governed by Federal law, butoptional insurance regulated under State law. If <strong>you</strong> purchase thisseparate coverage and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is responsible <strong>for</strong> loss or damage, the<strong>move</strong>r is liable only <strong>for</strong> an amount not exceeding 60 cents per pound($1.32 per kilogram) per article, and the balance of the loss is recoverablefrom the insurance company up to the amount of insurance purchased.The <strong>move</strong>r’s representative can advise <strong>you</strong> of the availability of suchliability insurance, and the cost.If <strong>you</strong> purchase liability insurance from, or through, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, the<strong>move</strong>r is required to issue a policy or other written record of thepurchase and to provide <strong>you</strong> with a copy of the policy or otherdocument at the time of purchase. If the <strong>move</strong>r fails to comply with thisrequirement, the <strong>move</strong>r becomes fully liable <strong>for</strong> any claim <strong>for</strong> loss ordamage attributed to its negligence.What actions by me limit or reduce my <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability?Your actions may limit or reduce <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability under thefollowing three circumstances:1. You include perishable, dangerous, or hazardous materials in <strong>you</strong>rhousehold goods without <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s knowledge.2. You choose the alternative level of liability (60 cents per pound perarticle) but ship household goods valued at more than 60 cents perpound ($1.32 per kilogram) per article.3. You fail to notify <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r in writing of articles valued at morethan $100 per pound ($220 per kilogram). (If <strong>you</strong> do notify <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong> will be entitled to full recovery up to the declared valueof the article or articles, not to exceed the declared value of theentire shipment.)What are dangerous or hazardous materials that may limit orreduce my <strong>move</strong>r’s normal liability?Federal law <strong>for</strong>bids <strong>you</strong> to ship hazardous materials in <strong>you</strong>r householdgoods boxes or luggage without in<strong>for</strong>ming <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. A violation canresult in five years’ imprisonment and penalties of $250,000 or more (49U.S.C. 5124). You could also lose or damage <strong>you</strong>r household goods byfire, explosion, or contamination.If <strong>you</strong> offer hazardous materials to <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong> are considered ahazardous materials shipper and must comply with the hazardousmaterials requirements in 49 CFR Parts 171, 172, and 173, including butnot limited to package labeling and marking, shipping papers, andemergency response in<strong>for</strong>mation. Your <strong>move</strong>r must comply with 49 CFRParts 171, 172, 173, and 177 as a hazardous materials carrier.Hazardous materials include explosives, compressed gases, flammableliquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, corrosives, and radioactive materials.Examples include the following: nail polish re<strong>move</strong>r, paints, paintthinners, lighter fluid, gasoline, fireworks, oxygen bottles, propanecylinders, automotive repair and maintenance chemicals, and radiopharmaceuticals.There are special exceptions <strong>for</strong> small quantities (up to 70 ounces total)of medicinal and toilet articles carried in <strong>you</strong>r household goods andcertain smoking materials carried on <strong>you</strong>r person. For furtherin<strong>for</strong>mation, contact <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.May my <strong>move</strong>r have agents?Yes, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may have agents. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r has agents, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rmust have written agreements with its prime agents. Your <strong>move</strong>r and itsretained prime agent must sign their agreements. Copies of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’sprime agent agreements must be in <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s files <strong>for</strong> a period of atleast 24 months following the date of termination of each agreement.What items must be in my <strong>move</strong>r’s advertisements?Your <strong>move</strong>r must publish and use only truthful, straight<strong>for</strong>ward, andhonest advertisements. Your <strong>move</strong>r must include certain in<strong>for</strong>mation inall advertisements <strong>for</strong> all services (including any accessorial servicesincidental to or part of interstate transportation). Your <strong>move</strong>r mustrequire each of its agents to include the same in<strong>for</strong>mation in itsadvertisements. The in<strong>for</strong>mation must include the following two piecesof in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r:1. Name or trade name of the <strong>move</strong>r under whose U.S. DOT numberthe advertised service will originate.2. U.S. DOT number, assigned by FMCSA, authorizing <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r tooperate. Your <strong>move</strong>r must display the in<strong>for</strong>mation as: U.S. DOT No.(assigned number).You should compare the name or trade name of the <strong>move</strong>r and its U.S.DOT number to the name and U.S. DOT number on the sides of thetruck(s) that arrive at <strong>you</strong>r residence. The names and numbers should beidentical. If the names and numbers are not identical, <strong>you</strong> should ask<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r immediately why they are not. You should not allow the<strong>move</strong>r to load <strong>you</strong>r household goods on its truck(s) until <strong>you</strong> obtain asatisfactory response from the <strong>move</strong>r’s local agent. The discrepanciesmay warn of problems <strong>you</strong> will have later in <strong>you</strong>r business dealings withthis <strong>move</strong>r.How must my <strong>move</strong>r handle complaints and inquiries?All <strong>move</strong>rs are expected to respond promptly to complaints or inquiriesfrom <strong>you</strong>, the customer. Should <strong>you</strong> have a complaint or question about<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, <strong>you</strong> should first attempt to obtain a satisfactory responseYour Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 5

from the <strong>move</strong>r’s local agent, the sales representative who handled thearrangements <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, or the driver assigned to <strong>you</strong>r shipment.If <strong>for</strong> any reason <strong>you</strong> are unable to obtain a satisfactory response fromone of these persons, <strong>you</strong> should then contact the <strong>move</strong>r’s principaloffice. When <strong>you</strong> make such a call, be sure to have available <strong>you</strong>r copiesof all documents relating to <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>. Particularly important is thenumber assigned to <strong>you</strong>r shipment by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.Interstate <strong>move</strong>rs are also required to offer neutral arbitration as a meansof resolving consumer disputes involving loss of or damage to <strong>you</strong>rhousehold goods shipment and disputes regarding charges that <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r billed in addition to those collected at delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r isrequired to provide <strong>you</strong> with in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding its arbitrationprogram. You have the right to pursue court action under 49 U.S.C.14706 to seek judicial redress directly rather than participate in <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r’s arbitration program.All interstate moving companies are required to maintain a complaintand inquiry procedure to assist their customers. At the time <strong>you</strong> makethe arrangements <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, <strong>you</strong> should ask the <strong>move</strong>r’srepresentative <strong>for</strong> a description of the <strong>move</strong>r’s procedure, the telephonenumber to be used to contact the <strong>move</strong>r, and whether the <strong>move</strong>r willpay <strong>for</strong> such telephone calls.Your <strong>move</strong>r’s procedure must include the following four items:1. A communications system allowing <strong>you</strong> to communicate with<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s principal place of business by telephone.2. A telephone number.3. A clear and concise statement about who must pay <strong>for</strong> complaintand inquiry telephone calls.4. A written or electronic record system <strong>for</strong> recording all inquiries andcomplaints received from <strong>you</strong> by any means of communication.Your <strong>move</strong>r must give <strong>you</strong> a clear and concise written description of itsprocedure. You may want to be certain that the system is in place.Do I have the right to inspect my <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs (schedules of rates orcharges) applicable to my <strong>move</strong>?Federal law requires <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to advise <strong>you</strong> of <strong>you</strong>r right to inspect<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs (its schedules of rates or charges) governing <strong>you</strong>rshipment. Movers’ tariffs are made a part of the contract of carriage (billof lading) between <strong>you</strong> and the <strong>move</strong>r. You may inspect the tariff at the<strong>move</strong>r’s facility, or, upon request, the <strong>move</strong>r will furnish <strong>you</strong> a free copyof any tariff provision containing the <strong>move</strong>r’s rates, rules, or chargesgoverning <strong>you</strong>r shipment.Tariffs may include provisions limiting the <strong>move</strong>r’s liability. This wouldgenerally be described in a section on declaring value on the bill oflading. A second tariff provision may set the periods <strong>for</strong> filing claims. Thiswould generally be described in Section 6 on the reverse side of a bill oflading. A third tariff provision may reserve <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s right to assessadditional charges <strong>for</strong> additional services per<strong>for</strong>med. For non-bindingestimates, another tariff provision may base charges upon the exactweight of the goods transported. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff may contain otherprovisions that apply to <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>. Ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r what they might be,and request a copy.Must my <strong>move</strong>r have an arbitration program?Your <strong>move</strong>r must have an arbitration program <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r use in resolvingdisputes concerning loss or damage to <strong>you</strong>r household goods anddisputes regarding charges that were billed to <strong>you</strong> in addition to thosecollected at delivery of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. You have the right not toparticipate in the arbitration program. You may pursue court actionunder 49 U.S.C. 14706 to seek judicial remedies directly. Your <strong>move</strong>rmust establish and maintain an arbitration program with the following11 minimum elements:1. The arbitration program offered to <strong>you</strong> must prevent <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rfrom having any special advantage because <strong>you</strong> live or work in aplace distant from the <strong>move</strong>r’s principal or other place of business.2. Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong>r household goods are tendered <strong>for</strong> transport, <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r must provide notice to <strong>you</strong> of the availability of neutralarbitration, including the following three items:a. A summary of the arbitration procedure.b. Any applicable costs.c. A disclosure of the legal effects of electing to use arbitration.3. Upon <strong>you</strong>r request, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must provide in<strong>for</strong>mation and<strong>for</strong>ms it considers necessary <strong>for</strong> initiating an action to resolve adispute under arbitration.4. Each person authorized to arbitrate must be independent of theparties to the dispute and capable of resolving such disputes fairlyand expeditiously. Your <strong>move</strong>r must ensure the arbitrator isauthorized and able to obtain from <strong>you</strong> or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r any materialor relevant in<strong>for</strong>mation to carry out a fair and expeditious decisionmaking process.5. You must not be required to pay more than one-half of thearbitration’s cost. The arbitrator may determine the percentage ofpayment of the costs <strong>for</strong> each party in the arbitration decision, butmust not make <strong>you</strong> pay more than half.6. Your <strong>move</strong>r must not require <strong>you</strong> to agree to use arbitration be<strong>for</strong>ea dispute arises.7. You and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will be bound by arbitration <strong>for</strong> claims of$10,000 or less if <strong>you</strong> request arbitration.8. You and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will be bound by arbitration <strong>for</strong> claims of morethan $10,000 only if <strong>you</strong> request arbitration and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r agreesto it.9. If <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r both agree, the arbitrator may provide <strong>for</strong> anoral presentation of a dispute by a party or representative of a party.10. The arbitrator must render a decision within 60 days of receipt ofwritten notification of the dispute, and a decision by an arbitratormay include any remedies appropriate under the circumstances.11. The 60-day period may be extended <strong>for</strong> a reasonable period if <strong>you</strong>fail, or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r fails, to provide in<strong>for</strong>mation in a timely manner.Your <strong>move</strong>r must produce and distribute a concise, easy-to-read,accurate summary of its arbitration program.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 6

Must my <strong>move</strong>r in<strong>for</strong>m me about my rights and responsibilitiesunder Federal law?Yes, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong> about <strong>you</strong>r rights and responsibilitiesunder Federal law. Your <strong>move</strong>r must produce and distribute thisdocument. It should be in the general order and contain the text ofAppendix A to 49 CFR Part 375.What other in<strong>for</strong>mation must my <strong>move</strong>r provide me?At the time <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r provides a written estimate, it must provide <strong>you</strong>with a copy of the U.S. Department of Transportation publicationFMCSA-ESA-03-005 entitled "Ready to Move?" (or its successorpublication). Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r executes an order <strong>for</strong> service <strong>for</strong> ashipment of household goods, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must furnish <strong>you</strong> with thefollowing four documents:1. The contents of Appendix A, "Your Rights and ResponsibilitiesWhen You Move" - this guide.2. A concise, easy-to-read, accurate summary of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’sarbitration program.3. A notice of availability of the applicable sections of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’stariff <strong>for</strong> the estimate of charges, including an explanation that <strong>you</strong>may examine the tariff sections, or have copies sent to <strong>you</strong> uponrequest.4. A concise, easy-to-read, accurate summary of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’scustomer complaint and inquiry handling procedures. Included inthis summary must be the following two items:a. The main telephone number <strong>you</strong> may use to communicatewith <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.b. A clear and concise statement concerning who must pay <strong>for</strong>telephone calls.Your <strong>move</strong>r may, at its discretion, provide additional in<strong>for</strong>mation to <strong>you</strong>.How must my <strong>move</strong>r collect charges?Your <strong>move</strong>r must issue <strong>you</strong> an honest, truthful freight or expense bill <strong>for</strong>each shipment transported. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s freight or expense bill mustcontain the following 17 items:1. Name of the consignor.2. Name of the consignees.3. Date of the shipment.4. Origin point.5. Destination points.6. Number of packages.7. Description of the freight.8. Weight of the freight (if <strong>you</strong>r shipment is <strong>move</strong>d under a nonbindingestimate).9. Exact rate(s) assessed.10. Disclosure of the actual rates, charges, and allowances <strong>for</strong> thetransportation service, <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r electronically presents ortransmits freight or expense bills to <strong>you</strong>. These rates must be inaccordance with the <strong>move</strong>r’s applicable tariff.11. An indication of whether adjustments may apply to the bill.12. Total charges due and acceptable methods of payment.13. The nature and amount of any special service charges.14. The points where special services were rendered.15. Route of <strong>move</strong>ment and name of each <strong>move</strong>r participating in thetransportation.16. Transfer points where shipments <strong>move</strong>d.17. Address where <strong>you</strong> must pay or address of bill issuer’s principalplace of business.Your <strong>move</strong>r must present its freight or expense bill to <strong>you</strong> within 15 daysof the date of delivery of a shipment at its destination. The computationof time excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rlacks sufficient in<strong>for</strong>mation to compute its charges, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r mustpresent its freight bill <strong>for</strong> payment within 15 days of the date <strong>when</strong>sufficient in<strong>for</strong>mation does become available.May my <strong>move</strong>r collect charges upon delivery?Yes. Your <strong>move</strong>r must specify the <strong>for</strong>m of payment acceptable atdelivery <strong>when</strong> the <strong>move</strong>r prepares an estimate and order <strong>for</strong> service. The<strong>move</strong>r and its agents must honor the <strong>for</strong>m of payment at delivery,except <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> mutually agree to a change in writing. The <strong>move</strong>r mustalso specify the same <strong>for</strong>m of payment <strong>when</strong> it prepares <strong>you</strong>r bill oflading, unless <strong>you</strong> agree to a change. See also “May my <strong>move</strong>r acceptcharge or credit cards <strong>for</strong> my payments?”You must be prepared to pay ten percent more than the estimatedamount, if <strong>you</strong>r goods are moving under a non-binding estimate. Everycollect-on-delivery shipper must have available 110 percent of theestimate at the time of delivery. In addition, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may also collectat the time of delivery the cost of any additional services that <strong>you</strong>requested after the contract with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r was executed that werenot included in the estimate, and the charges <strong>for</strong> impracticableoperations needed to accomplish delivery, as defined by the carrier’stariff. Additional charges collected at the time of delivery <strong>for</strong>impracticable operations may not exceed 15 percent of all other chargesdue at delivery. You must pay all remaining charges <strong>for</strong> impracticableoperations within 30 days after <strong>you</strong> receive the <strong>move</strong>r’s freight bill.May my <strong>move</strong>r extend credit to me?Extending credit to <strong>you</strong> is not the same as accepting <strong>you</strong>r charge orcredit card(s) as payment. Your <strong>move</strong>r may extend credit to <strong>you</strong> in theamount of the tariff charges. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r extends credit to <strong>you</strong>, <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r becomes like a bank offering <strong>you</strong> a line of credit, whose size andinterest rate are determined by <strong>you</strong>r ability to pay its tariff charges withinthe credit period. Your <strong>move</strong>r must ensure <strong>you</strong> will pay its tariff chargeswithin the credit period. Your <strong>move</strong>r may relinquish possession of freightbe<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> pay its tariff charges, at its discretion.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 7

The credit period must begin on the day following presentation of <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r’s freight bill to <strong>you</strong>. Under Federal regulation, the standard creditperiod is 7 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays. Your<strong>move</strong>r must also extend the credit period to a total of 30 calendar daysif the freight bill is not paid within the 7-day period. A service chargeequal to one percent of the amount of the freight bill, subject to a $20minimum, will be assessed <strong>for</strong> this extension and <strong>for</strong> each additional 30-day period the charges go unpaid.Your failure to pay within the credit period will require <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r todetermine whether <strong>you</strong> will comply with the Federal household goodstransportation credit regulations in good faith in the future be<strong>for</strong>eextending credit again.May my <strong>move</strong>r accept charge or credit cards <strong>for</strong> my payments?Your <strong>move</strong>r may allow <strong>you</strong> to use a charge or credit card <strong>for</strong> payment ofthe freight charges. Your <strong>move</strong>r may accept charge or credit cards<strong>when</strong>ever <strong>you</strong> ship with it under an agreement and tariff requiringpayment by cash or cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are a certifiedcheck, money order, or cashier’s check (a check that a financialinstitution—bank, credit union, savings and loan—draws upon itself andthat is signed by an officer of the financial institution).If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r allows <strong>you</strong> to pay <strong>for</strong> a freight or expense bill by charge orcredit card, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r deems such a payment to be equivalent topayment by cash, certified check, or cashier’s check. It must note inwriting on the order <strong>for</strong> service and the bill of lading whether <strong>you</strong> maypay <strong>for</strong> the transportation and related services using a charge or creditcard. You should ask <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r at the time the estimate is writtenwhether it will accept charge or credit cards at the time of delivery.The <strong>move</strong>r must specify what charge or credit cards it will accept, suchas American Express , Discover , MasterCard , or Visa . If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>ragrees to accept payment by charge or credit card, <strong>you</strong> must arrangewith <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> the delivery only at a time <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r canobtain authorization <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r credit card transaction. If <strong>you</strong> cause acharge or credit card issuer to reverse a transaction, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r mayconsider <strong>you</strong>r action tantamount to <strong>for</strong>cing <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to provide aninvoluntary extension of its credit.SUBPART C – SERVICE OPTIONS PROVIDEDWhat service options may my <strong>move</strong>r provide?Your <strong>move</strong>r may provide any service options it chooses. It is customary<strong>for</strong> <strong>move</strong>rs to offer several price and service options.The total cost of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong> may increase if <strong>you</strong> want additional orspecial services. Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> agree to have <strong>you</strong>r shipment <strong>move</strong>d under abill of lading providing special service, <strong>you</strong> should have a clearunderstanding with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r of what the additional cost will be. Youshould always consider whether other <strong>move</strong>rs might provide theservices <strong>you</strong> require without requiring <strong>you</strong> to pay the additional charges.One service option is a space reservation. If <strong>you</strong> agree to have <strong>you</strong>rshipment transported under a space reservation agreement, <strong>you</strong> will pay<strong>for</strong> a minimum number of cubic feet of space in the moving van,regardless of how much space in the van <strong>you</strong>r shipment actuallyoccupies.A second option is expedited service. This aids <strong>you</strong> if <strong>you</strong> must have<strong>you</strong>r shipments transported on or between specific dates <strong>when</strong> the<strong>move</strong>r could not ordinarily agree to do so in its normal operations.A third customary service option is exclusive use of a vehicle. If <strong>for</strong> anyreason <strong>you</strong> desire or require that <strong>you</strong>r shipment be <strong>move</strong>d by itself onthe <strong>move</strong>r’s truck or trailer, most <strong>move</strong>rs will provide such service.Another service option is guaranteed service on or between agreeddates. You enter into an agreement with the <strong>move</strong>r where the <strong>move</strong>rprovides <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment to be picked up, transported to destination,and delivered on specific guaranteed dates. If the <strong>move</strong>r fails to providethe service as agreed, <strong>you</strong> are entitled to be compensated at apredetermined amount or a daily rate (per diem) regardless of theexpense <strong>you</strong> might actually have incurred as a result of the <strong>move</strong>r’sfailure to per<strong>for</strong>m.Be<strong>for</strong>e requesting or agreeing to any of these price and service options,be sure to ask the <strong>move</strong>r’s representatives about the final costs <strong>you</strong> willpay.Transport of Shipments on Two or More VehiclesAlthough all <strong>move</strong>rs try to <strong>move</strong> each shipment on one truck, itbecomes necessary, at times, to divide a shipment among two or moretrucks. This may occur if <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r has underestimated the cubic feet(meters) of space required <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment and it will not all fit on thefirst truck. Your <strong>move</strong>r will pick up the remainder, or "leave behind," on asecond truck at a later time, and this part of <strong>you</strong>r shipment may arrive atthe destination later than the first truck. When this occurs, <strong>you</strong>rtransportation charges will be determined as if the entire shipment had<strong>move</strong>d on one truck.If it is important <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> to avoid this inconvenience of a "leave behind,"be sure <strong>you</strong>r estimate includes an accurate calculation of the cubic feet(meters) required <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Ask <strong>you</strong>r estimator to use a "Tableof Measurements" <strong>for</strong>m in making this calculation. Consider asking <strong>for</strong> abinding estimate. A binding estimate is more likely to be conservativewith regard to cubic feet (meters) than a non-binding estimate. If the<strong>move</strong>r offers space reservation service, consider purchasing this service<strong>for</strong> the necessary amount of space plus some margin <strong>for</strong> error.In any case, <strong>you</strong> would be prudent to "prioritize" <strong>you</strong>r goods in advanceof the <strong>move</strong> so the driver will load the more essential items on the firsttruck if some are left behind.If my <strong>move</strong>r sells liability insurance coverage, what must my <strong>move</strong>rdo?If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r provides the service of selling additional liability insurance,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must follow certain regulations.Your <strong>move</strong>r, its employees, or its agents, may sell, offer to sell, or procureadditional liability insurance coverage <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> loss or damage to <strong>you</strong>rshipment if <strong>you</strong> release the shipment <strong>for</strong> transportation at a value notexceeding 60 cents per pound ($1.32 per kilogram) per article.Your <strong>move</strong>r may offer, sell, or procure any type of insurance policycovering loss or damage in excess of its specified liability.Your <strong>move</strong>r must issue <strong>you</strong> a policy or other appropriate evidence of theinsurance <strong>you</strong> purchased. Your <strong>move</strong>r must provide a copy of the policyor other appropriate evidence to <strong>you</strong> at the time <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r sells orprocures the insurance. Your <strong>move</strong>r must issue policies written in plainEnglish.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 8

Your <strong>move</strong>r must clearly specify the nature and extent of coverage underthe policy. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s failure to issue <strong>you</strong> a policy, or other appropriateevidence of insurance <strong>you</strong> purchased, will subject <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to fullliability <strong>for</strong> any claims to recover loss or damage attributed to it.Your <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff must provide <strong>for</strong> liability insurance coverage. The tariffmust also provide <strong>for</strong> the base transportation charge, including itsassumption of full liability <strong>for</strong> the value of the shipment. This would offer<strong>you</strong> a degree of protection in the event <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r fails to issue <strong>you</strong> apolicy or other appropriate evidence of insurance at the time ofpurchase.SUBPART D – ESTIMATING CHARGESMust my <strong>move</strong>r estimate the transportation and accessorialcharges <strong>for</strong> my <strong>move</strong>?We require <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to prepare a written estimate on every shipmenttransported <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>. You are entitled to a copy of the written estimate<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r prepares it. Your <strong>move</strong>r must provide <strong>you</strong> a writtenestimate of all charges, including transportation, accessorial, and advancecharges. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s "rate quote" is not an estimate. You and <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r must sign the estimate of charges. Your <strong>move</strong>r must provide <strong>you</strong>with a dated copy of the estimate of charges at the time <strong>you</strong> sign theestimate.If the location that <strong>you</strong> are moving from is located within a 50 mileradius of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s (or its agent’s) place of business, the estimate that<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r provides to <strong>you</strong> must be based on a physical survey of <strong>you</strong>rgoods. You may waive the requirement <strong>for</strong> a physical survey if <strong>you</strong>choose, but <strong>you</strong>r waiver must be in the <strong>for</strong>m of a written agreementsigned by <strong>you</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong>r shipment is loaded.You should be aware that if <strong>you</strong> receive an estimate from a householdgoods broker, the <strong>move</strong>r may not be required to accept the estimate. Besure to obtain a written estimate from the <strong>move</strong>r if a <strong>move</strong>r tells <strong>you</strong>orally that it will accept the broker’s estimate.Your <strong>move</strong>r must specify the <strong>for</strong>m of payment the <strong>move</strong>r and itsdelivering agent will honor at delivery. Payment <strong>for</strong>ms may include, butare not limited to, cash, certified check, money order, cashier’s check, aspecific charge card such as American Express , a specific credit cardsuch as Visa , and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s own credit.Be<strong>for</strong>e loading <strong>you</strong>r household goods, and upon mutual agreementbetween <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may amend an estimate ofcharges. Your <strong>move</strong>r may not amend the estimate after loading theshipment.A binding estimate is a written agreement made in advance with <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r, indicating <strong>you</strong> and the <strong>move</strong>r are bound by the charges. Itguarantees the total cost of the <strong>move</strong> based upon the quantities andservices shown on <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s estimate.A non-binding estimate is what <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r believes the total cost will be<strong>for</strong> the <strong>move</strong>, based upon the estimated weight of the shipment and theaccessorial services requested. A non-binding estimate is not binding on<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. The estimate must indicate that <strong>you</strong>r final charges will bebased upon the actual weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, the services provided,and the <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff provisions in effect. You should be prepared to payten percent more than the estimated amount at delivery.You must also be prepared to pay at delivery the cost of any additionalservices that <strong>you</strong> requested after the contract was executed that werenot included in the estimate and charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations.Impracticable operations are defined in <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff and <strong>you</strong>should ask to see the <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff to determine what servicesconstitute impracticable operations. Charges <strong>for</strong> impracticableoperations due at delivery may not exceed 15 percent of all othercharges due at delivery.How must my <strong>move</strong>r estimate charges under the regulations?Binding EstimatesYour <strong>move</strong>r may charge <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> providing a binding estimate. Thebinding estimate must clearly describe the shipment and all servicesprovided.When <strong>you</strong> receive a binding estimate, <strong>you</strong> cannot be required to pay anymore than the estimated amount at delivery. If <strong>you</strong> have requested the<strong>move</strong>r provide more services than those included in the estimate, <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r will collect the charges <strong>for</strong> those services <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment isdelivered. However, charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations due at deliverymay not exceed 15 percent of all other charges due at delivery.A binding estimate must be in writing, and a copy must be madeavailable to <strong>you</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> <strong>move</strong>.If <strong>you</strong> agree to a binding estimate, <strong>you</strong> are responsible <strong>for</strong> paying thecharges due by cash, certified check, money order, or cashier’s check. Thecharges are due <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r at the time of delivery unless <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>ragrees, be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> <strong>move</strong>, to extend credit or to accept payment by aspecific charge card such as American Express or a specific credit cardsuch as Visa. If <strong>you</strong> are unable to pay at the time the shipment isdelivered, the <strong>move</strong>r may place <strong>you</strong>r shipment in storage at <strong>you</strong>rexpense until <strong>you</strong> pay the charges.Other requirements of binding estimates include the following eightelements:1. Your <strong>move</strong>r must retain a copy of each binding estimate as anattachment to the bill of lading.2. Your <strong>move</strong>r must clearly indicate upon each binding estimate’s facethat the estimate is binding upon <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. Eachbinding estimate must also clearly indicate on its face that thecharges shown are the charges to be assessed <strong>for</strong> only those servicesspecifically identified in the estimate.3. Your <strong>move</strong>r must clearly describe binding estimate shipments andall services to be provided.4. If, be<strong>for</strong>e loading <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r believes <strong>you</strong> aretendering additional household goods or are requiring additionalservices not identified in the binding estimate, and <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r cannot reach an agreement, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may refuse toservice the shipment. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r agrees to service the shipment,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must do one of the following three things:a. Reaffirm the binding estimate.b. Negotiate a revised written binding estimate listing theadditional household goods or services.c. Add an attachment to the contract, in writing, stating <strong>you</strong>both will consider the original binding estimate as a non-Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 9

inding estimate. You should read more below. This mayseriously affect how much <strong>you</strong> may pay <strong>for</strong> the entire <strong>move</strong>.5. Once <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r loads <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s failure toexecute a new binding estimate or to agree with <strong>you</strong> to treat theoriginal estimate as a non-binding estimate signifies it hasreaffirmed the original binding estimate. Your <strong>move</strong>r may notcollect more than the amount of the original binding estimate,except as provided in the next two paragraphs.6. If <strong>you</strong> request additional services after the bill of lading is executed,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will collect the charges <strong>for</strong> these additional services<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment is delivered.7. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must per<strong>for</strong>m impracticable operations, as defined inits tariff, to accomplish the delivery of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rwill collect the charges <strong>for</strong> these services <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment isdelivered. However, charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations collectedat delivery must not exceed 15 percent of all other charges due atdelivery. Any remaining impracticable operations charges must bepaid within 30 days after <strong>you</strong> receive the <strong>move</strong>r’s freight bill.8. Failure of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to relinquish possession of a shipment upon<strong>you</strong>r offer to pay the binding estimate amount plus the cost of anyadditional services that <strong>you</strong> requested after the contract wasexecuted, and the charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations, not toexceed 15 percent of all other charges due at delivery, constitutesfailure to transport a shipment with "reasonable dispatch" andsubjects <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to cargo delay claims pursuant to 49 CFR part370.Non-binding EstimatesYour <strong>move</strong>r is not permitted to charge <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> giving a non-bindingestimate.A non-binding estimate is not a bid or contract. Your <strong>move</strong>r provides itto <strong>you</strong> to give <strong>you</strong> a general idea of the cost of the <strong>move</strong>, but it does notbind <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to the estimated cost. You should expect the final costto be more than the estimate. The actual cost will be calculated based on<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs. Federal law requires <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to collect the chargesin accordance with its tariffs, regardless of what <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r writes in itsnon-binding estimates. That is why it is important to ask <strong>for</strong> copies of theapplicable portions of the <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs be<strong>for</strong>e deciding on a <strong>move</strong>r. Thecharges contained in <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs are essentially the same <strong>for</strong> the sameweight shipment moving the same distance. If <strong>you</strong> obtain different nonbindingestimates from different <strong>move</strong>rs, <strong>you</strong> must pay only the amountspecified in <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariff. There<strong>for</strong>e, a non-binding estimate may notbe the amount that <strong>you</strong> will ultimately have to pay.You must be prepared to pay ten percent more than the estimatedamount at the time of delivery. Every collect-on-delivery shipper musthave available 110 percent of the estimate at the time of delivery. If <strong>you</strong>order additional services from <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r after <strong>you</strong>r goods are in transit,the <strong>move</strong>r will collect the charges <strong>for</strong> those additional services <strong>when</strong><strong>you</strong>r shipment is delivered. You may also have to pay additional chargesat delivery <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations per<strong>for</strong>med by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.Non-binding estimates must be in writing and clearly describe theshipment and all services provided. Any time a <strong>move</strong>r provides such anestimate, the amount of the charges estimated must be on the order <strong>for</strong>service and bill of lading related to <strong>you</strong>r shipment. When <strong>you</strong> are givena non-binding estimate, do not sign or accept the order <strong>for</strong> service or billof lading unless the <strong>move</strong>r enters the amount estimated on each <strong>for</strong>m itprepares.Other requirements of non-binding estimates include the following tenelements:1. Your <strong>move</strong>r must provide reasonably accurate non-bindingestimates based upon the estimated weight of the shipment andservices required.2. Your <strong>move</strong>r must explain to <strong>you</strong> that all charges on shipments<strong>move</strong>d under non-binding estimates will be those appearing in<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s tariffs applicable to the transportation. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rprovides a non-binding estimate of approximate costs, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>ris not bound by such an estimate.3. Your <strong>move</strong>r must furnish non-binding estimates without chargeand in writing to <strong>you</strong>.4. Your <strong>move</strong>r must retain a copy of each non-binding estimate as anattachment to the bill of lading.5. Your <strong>move</strong>r must clearly indicate on the face of a non-bindingestimate that the estimate is not binding upon <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r and thecharges shown are the approximate charges to be assessed <strong>for</strong> theservices identified in the estimate.6. Your <strong>move</strong>r must clearly describe on the face of a non-bindingestimate the entire shipment and all services to be provided.7. If, be<strong>for</strong>e loading <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r believes <strong>you</strong> aretendering additional household goods or requiring additionalservices not identified in the non-binding estimate, and <strong>you</strong> and<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r cannot reach an agreement, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may refuse toservice the shipment. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r agrees to service the shipment,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must provide one of the following two estimates:a. Re-affirm the non-binding estimate.b. Negotiate a revised written non-binding estimate listing theadditional household goods or services.8. Once <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r loads <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s failure toexecute a new estimate signifies it has reaffirmed the original nonbindingestimate. Your <strong>move</strong>r may not collect more than 110percent of the amount of this estimate at destination <strong>for</strong> theservices and quantities shown on the estimate.9. If <strong>you</strong> request additional services after the bill of lading is executed,<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will collect the charges <strong>for</strong> these additional services<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment is delivered.10. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must per<strong>for</strong>m impracticable operations, as defined inits tariff, to accomplish the delivery of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rwill collect the charges <strong>for</strong> these services <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment isdelivered. However, charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations collectedat delivery must not exceed 15 percent of all other charges due atdelivery. Any remaining impracticable operations charges must bepaid within 30 days after <strong>you</strong> receive the <strong>move</strong>r’s freight bill.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r furnishes a non-binding estimate, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must enterthe estimated charges upon the order <strong>for</strong> service and upon the bill oflading. Your <strong>move</strong>r must retain a record of all estimates of charges <strong>for</strong>Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 10

each <strong>move</strong> per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> at least one year from the date <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rmade the estimate.What payment arrangements must my <strong>move</strong>r have in place tosecure delivery of my household goods shipment?If <strong>you</strong>r total bill is 110 percent or less of the non-binding estimate, the<strong>move</strong>r can require payment in full upon delivery. If the bill exceeds 110percent of the non-binding estimate, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must relinquishpossession of the shipment at the time of delivery upon payment of 110percent of the estimated amount, and defer billing <strong>for</strong> the remainingcharges <strong>for</strong> at least 30 days.There are two exceptions to this requirement. Your <strong>move</strong>r may demandpayment at the time of delivery of the cost of any additional services that<strong>you</strong> requested after the contract was executed that were not includedin the estimate. Your <strong>move</strong>r may also require <strong>you</strong> to pay charges <strong>for</strong>impracticable operations at the time of delivery, provided these chargesdo not exceed 15 percent of all other charges due at delivery.Impracticable operations charges that exceed 15 percent of all othercharges due at delivery are due within 30 days after <strong>you</strong> receive the<strong>move</strong>r’s freight bill. Your <strong>move</strong>r should have specified its acceptable <strong>for</strong>mof payment on the estimate, order <strong>for</strong> service, and bill of lading. Your<strong>move</strong>r’s failure to relinquish possession of a shipment after <strong>you</strong> offer topay 110 percent of the estimated charges, plus the cost of any additionalservices that <strong>you</strong> requested after the contract was executed that werenot included in the estimate, and the charges <strong>for</strong> impracticableoperations, not to exceed 15 percent of all other charges due at delivery,constitutes failure to transport the shipment with "reasonable dispatch"and subjects <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to cargo delay claims under 49 CFR Part 370.SUBPART E – PICKUP OF MY SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLDGOODSMust my <strong>move</strong>r write up an order <strong>for</strong> service?We require <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to prepare an order <strong>for</strong> service on everyshipment transported <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>. You are entitled to a copy of the order <strong>for</strong>service <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r prepares it.The order <strong>for</strong> service is not a contract. Should <strong>you</strong> cancel or delay <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>, or if <strong>you</strong> decide not to use the <strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong> should promptly cancelthe order.If <strong>you</strong> or <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r change any agreed upon dates <strong>for</strong> pickup ordelivery of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, or agree to any change in the non-bindingestimate, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may prepare a written change to the order <strong>for</strong>service. The written change must be attached to the order <strong>for</strong> service.The order <strong>for</strong> service must contain the following 15 elements:1. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s name and address and the U.S. DOT number assignedto <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.2. Your name, address and, if available, telephone number(s).3. The name, address, and telephone number of the delivering<strong>move</strong>r’s office or agent at or nearest to the destination of <strong>you</strong>rshipment.4. A telephone number where <strong>you</strong> may contact <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r or itsdesignated agent.5.One of the following three dates and times:a. The agreed-upon pickup date and agreed delivery date of <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>.b. The agreed-upon period(s) of the entire <strong>move</strong>.c. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is transporting the shipment on a guaranteedservice basis, the guaranteed dates or periods of time <strong>for</strong>pickup, transportation, and delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r must enterany penalty or per diem requirements upon the agreementunder this item.6. The names and addresses of any other motor carriers, <strong>when</strong> known,that will participate in interline transportation of the shipment.7. The <strong>for</strong>m of payment <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will honor at delivery. Thepayment in<strong>for</strong>mation must be the same as was entered on theestimate.8. The terms and conditions <strong>for</strong> payment of the total charges,including notice of any minimum charges.9. The maximum amount <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will demand, based on the<strong>move</strong>r’s estimate, at the time of delivery to obtain possession of theshipment, <strong>when</strong> transported on a collect-on-delivery basis.10. If not provided in the bill of lading, the Surface TransportationBoard’s required released rates valuation statement, and thecharges, if any, <strong>for</strong> optional valuation coverage. The SurfaceTransportation Board’s required released rates may be increasedannually by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r based on the U.S. Department ofCommerce’s Cost of Living Adjustment.11. A complete description of any special or accessorial servicesordered and minimum weight or volume charges applicable to theshipment.12. Any identification or registration number <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r assigns to theshipment.13. For non-binding estimated charges, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s reasonablyaccurate estimate of the amount of the charges, the method ofpayment of total charges, and the maximum amount (110 percentof the non-binding estimate) <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will demand at the timeof delivery <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> to obtain possession of the shipment.14. For binding estimated charges, the amount of charges <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rwill demand based upon the binding estimate and the terms ofpayment under the estimate.15. An indication of whether <strong>you</strong> request notification of the chargesbe<strong>for</strong>e delivery. You must provide <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r with the telephonenumber(s) or address(es) where <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will transmit suchcommunications.You and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must sign the order <strong>for</strong> service. Your <strong>move</strong>r mustprovide a dated copy of the order <strong>for</strong> service to <strong>you</strong> at the time <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r signs the order. Your <strong>move</strong>r must provide <strong>you</strong> the opportunity torescind the order <strong>for</strong> service without any penalty <strong>for</strong> a three-day periodafter <strong>you</strong> sign the order <strong>for</strong> service, if <strong>you</strong> scheduled the shipment to beloaded more than three days after <strong>you</strong> sign the order.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 11Your <strong>move</strong>r should provide <strong>you</strong> with documents that are as complete

as possible, and with all charges clearly identified. However, as a practicalmatter, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r usually cannot give <strong>you</strong> a complete bill of ladingbe<strong>for</strong>e transporting <strong>you</strong>r goods. This is both because the shipmentcannot be weighed until it is in transit and because other charges <strong>for</strong>service, such as unpacking, storage-in-transit, and various destinationcharges, cannot be determined until the shipment reaches itsdestination.There<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r can require <strong>you</strong> to sign a partially complete bill oflading if it contains all relevant in<strong>for</strong>mation except the actual shipmentweight and any other in<strong>for</strong>mation necessary to determine the finalcharges <strong>for</strong> all services provided. Signing the bill of lading allows <strong>you</strong> tochoose the valuation option, request special services, and/oracknowledge the terms and conditions of released valuation.Your <strong>move</strong>r also may provide <strong>you</strong>, strictly <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mational purposes,with blank or incomplete documents pertaining to the <strong>move</strong>. Be<strong>for</strong>eloading <strong>you</strong>r shipment, and upon mutual agreement of both <strong>you</strong> and<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may amend an order <strong>for</strong> service. Your <strong>move</strong>rmust retain an order <strong>for</strong> service <strong>for</strong> a shipment it transported <strong>for</strong> at leastone year from the date <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r wrote the order.Your <strong>move</strong>r must in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong>, be<strong>for</strong>e or at the time of loading, if the<strong>move</strong>r reasonably expects a special or accessorial service is necessary totransport a shipment safely. Your <strong>move</strong>r must refuse to accept theshipment <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r reasonably expects a special or accessorialservice is necessary to transport a shipment safely, but <strong>you</strong> refuse topurchase the special or accessorial service. Your <strong>move</strong>r must make awritten note if <strong>you</strong> refuse any special or accessorial services that <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r reasonably expects to be necessary.Must my <strong>move</strong>r write up an inventory of the shipment?Yes. Your <strong>move</strong>r must prepare an inventory of <strong>you</strong>r shipment be<strong>for</strong>e orat the time of loading. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s driver fails to prepare an inventory,<strong>you</strong> should write a detailed inventory of <strong>you</strong>r shipment listing anydamage or unusual wear to any items. The purpose is to make a recordof the existence and condition of each item.After completing the inventory, <strong>you</strong> should sign each page and ask the<strong>move</strong>r’s driver to sign each page. Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> sign it, it is important <strong>you</strong>make sure that the inventory lists every item in the shipment and thatthe entries regarding the condition of each item are correct. You havethe right to note any disagreement. If an item is missing or damaged<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r delivers the shipment, <strong>you</strong>r subsequent ability todispute the items lost or damaged may depend upon <strong>you</strong>r notations.You should retain a copy of the inventory. Your <strong>move</strong>r may keep theoriginal if the driver prepared it. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s driver completed aninventory, the <strong>move</strong>r must attach the complete inventory to the bill oflading as an integral part of the bill of lading.Must my <strong>move</strong>r write up a bill of lading?The bill of lading is the contract between <strong>you</strong> and the <strong>move</strong>r. The <strong>move</strong>ris required by law to prepare a bill of lading <strong>for</strong> every shipment ittransports. The in<strong>for</strong>mation on a bill of lading is required to be the samein<strong>for</strong>mation shown on the order <strong>for</strong> service. The driver who loads <strong>you</strong>rshipment must give <strong>you</strong> a copy of the bill of lading be<strong>for</strong>e or at the timeof loading <strong>you</strong>r furniture and other household goods.It is <strong>you</strong>r responsibility to read the bill of lading be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> accept it. It is<strong>you</strong>r responsibility to understand the bill of lading be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> sign it. If<strong>you</strong> do not agree with something on the bill of lading, do not sign it until<strong>you</strong> are satisfied it is correct.The bill of lading requires the <strong>move</strong>r to provide the service <strong>you</strong> haverequested. You must pay the charges set <strong>for</strong>th in the bill of lading. Thebill of lading is an important document. Do not lose or misplace <strong>you</strong>rcopy. Have it available until <strong>you</strong>r shipment is delivered, all charges arepaid, and all claims, if any, are settled.A bill of lading must include the following 14 elements:1. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s name and address, or the name and address of themotor carrier issuing the bill of lading.2. The names and addresses of any other motor carriers, <strong>when</strong> known,who will participate in the transportation of the shipment.3. The name, address, and telephone number of the office of themotor carrier <strong>you</strong> must contact in relation to the transportation ofthe shipment.4. The <strong>for</strong>m of payment <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will honor at delivery. Thepayment in<strong>for</strong>mation must be the same that was entered on theestimate and order <strong>for</strong> service.5. When <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r transports <strong>you</strong>r shipment under a collect-ondeliverybasis, <strong>you</strong>r name, address, and telephone number wherethe <strong>move</strong>r will notify <strong>you</strong> about the charges.6. For non-guaranteed service, the agreed-upon date or period oftime <strong>for</strong> pickup of the shipment and the agreed-upon date orperiod of time <strong>for</strong> the delivery of the shipment. The agreed-upondates or periods <strong>for</strong> pickup and delivery entered upon the bill oflading must con<strong>for</strong>m to the agreed-upon dates or periods of time<strong>for</strong> pickup and delivery entered upon the order <strong>for</strong> service or aproper amendment to the order <strong>for</strong> service.7. For guaranteed service, the dates <strong>for</strong> pickup and delivery and anypenalty or per diem entitlements due <strong>you</strong> under the agreement.8. The actual date of pickup.9. The identification number(s) of the vehicle(s) in which <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rloads <strong>you</strong>r shipment.10. The terms and conditions <strong>for</strong> payment of the total chargesincluding notice of any minimum charges.11. The maximum amount <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will demand from <strong>you</strong>, basedon the <strong>move</strong>r’s estimate, at the time of delivery <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> to obtainpossession of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r transports under acollect-on-delivery basis.12. If not provided <strong>for</strong> in the order <strong>for</strong> service, the SurfaceTransportation Board’s required released rates valuation statement,and the charges, if any, <strong>for</strong> optional valuation coverage. The Board’srequired released rates may be increased annually by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rbased on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Cost of LivingAdjustment.13. Evidence of any insurance coverage sold to or procured <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>from an independent insurer, including the amount of thepremium <strong>for</strong> such insurance.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 12

14. Each attachment to the bill of lading. Each attachment is an integralpart of the bill of lading contract. If not provided to <strong>you</strong> elsewhereby the <strong>move</strong>r, the following three items must be added asattachments:a. The binding or non-binding estimate.b. The order <strong>for</strong> service.c. The inventory.A copy of the bill of lading must accompany <strong>you</strong>r shipment at all timeswhile in the possession of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r or its agent(s). When <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rloads the shipment on a vehicle <strong>for</strong> transportation, the bill of lading mustbe in the possession of the driver responsible <strong>for</strong> the shipment. Your<strong>move</strong>r must retain bills of lading <strong>for</strong> shipments it transported <strong>for</strong> at leastone year from the date <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r created the bill of lading.Should I reach an agreement with my <strong>move</strong>r about pickup anddelivery times?You and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r should reach an agreement <strong>for</strong> pickup and deliverytimes. It is <strong>you</strong>r responsibility to determine on what date, or betweenwhat dates, <strong>you</strong> need to have the shipment picked up and on what date,or between what dates, <strong>you</strong> require delivery. It is <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’sresponsibility to tell <strong>you</strong> if it can provide service on, or between, thosedates, or, if not, on what other dates it can provide the service.In the process of reaching an agreement with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, <strong>you</strong> may findit necessary to alter <strong>you</strong>r moving and travel plans if no <strong>move</strong>r canprovide service on the specific dates <strong>you</strong> desire.Do not agree to have <strong>you</strong>r shipment picked up or delivered ‘’as soon aspossible. ‘’ The dates or periods <strong>you</strong> and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r agree upon shouldbe definite.Once an agreement is reached, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must enter those dates uponthe order <strong>for</strong> service and the bill of lading.Once <strong>you</strong>r goods are loaded, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is contractually bound toprovide the service described in the bill of lading. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s onlydefense <strong>for</strong> not providing the service on the dates called <strong>for</strong> is thedefense of <strong>for</strong>ce majeure. This is a legal term. It means that <strong>when</strong>circumstances change, were not <strong>for</strong>eseen, and are beyond the control of<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r, preventing <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r from per<strong>for</strong>ming the service agreedto in the bill of lading, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is not responsible <strong>for</strong> damagesresulting from its nonper<strong>for</strong>mance.This may occur <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong> do not in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r of the exactdelivery requirements. For example, because of restrictions trucks mustfollow at <strong>you</strong>r new location, the <strong>move</strong>r may not be able to take its truckdown the street of <strong>you</strong>r residence and may need to shuttle the shipmentusing another type of vehicle.Must my <strong>move</strong>r determine the weight of my shipment?Generally, yes. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r transports <strong>you</strong>r household goods on a nonbindingestimate, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must determine the actual weight of theshipment in order to calculate its lawful tariff charge. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rprovided a binding estimate and has loaded <strong>you</strong>r shipment withoutclaiming <strong>you</strong> have added additional items or services, the weight of theshipment will not affect the charges <strong>you</strong> will pay.Your <strong>move</strong>r must determine the weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment be<strong>for</strong>erequesting <strong>you</strong> to pay <strong>for</strong> any charges dependent upon <strong>you</strong>r shipment’sweight.Most <strong>move</strong>rs have a minimum weight charge <strong>for</strong> transporting ashipment. Generally, the minimum is the charge <strong>for</strong> transporting ashipment of at least 3,000 pounds (1,362 kilograms).If <strong>you</strong>r shipment appears to weigh less than the <strong>move</strong>r’s minimumweight, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must advise <strong>you</strong> on the order <strong>for</strong> service of theminimum cost be<strong>for</strong>e transporting <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Should <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rfail to advise <strong>you</strong> of the minimum charges and <strong>you</strong>r shipment is less thanthe minimum weight, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must base <strong>you</strong>r final charges uponthe actual weight, not upon the minimum weight.How must my <strong>move</strong>r determine the weight of my shipment?Your <strong>move</strong>r must weigh <strong>you</strong>r shipment upon a certified scale. Theweight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment must be obtained by using one of twomethods—origin weighing or destination weighing.Origin Weighing—Your <strong>move</strong>r may weigh <strong>you</strong>r shipment in the city orarea where it loads <strong>you</strong>r shipment. If it elects this option, the driver mustweigh the truck be<strong>for</strong>e coming to <strong>you</strong>r residence. This is called the tareweight. At the time of this first weighing, the truck may already bepartially loaded with another shipment(s). This will not affect the weightof <strong>you</strong>r shipment. The truck should also contain the pads, dollies, handtrucks, ramps, and other equipment normally used in the transportationof household goods shipments. After loading, the driver will weigh thetruck again to obtain the loaded weight, called the gross weight. The netweight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment is then obtained by subtracting the tare weightbe<strong>for</strong>e loading from the gross weight.Gross Weight Less the Tare Weight Be<strong>for</strong>e Loading = Net WeightDestination Weighing (Also called Back Weighing) - The <strong>move</strong>r is alsopermitted to determine the weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment at the destinationafter it delivers <strong>you</strong>r load. Weighing <strong>you</strong>r shipment at destination insteadof at origin will not affect the accuracy of the shipment weight. The mostimportant difference is that <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will not determine the exactcharges on <strong>you</strong>r shipment be<strong>for</strong>e it is unloaded.Destination weighing is done in reverse of origin weighing. Afterarriving in the city or area where <strong>you</strong> are moving, the driver will weighthe truck. Your shipment will still be on the truck. Your <strong>move</strong>r willdetermine the gross weight be<strong>for</strong>e coming to <strong>you</strong>r new residence tounload. After unloading <strong>you</strong>r shipment, the driver will again weigh thetruck to obtain the tare weight. The net weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment willthen be obtained by subtracting the tare weight after delivery from thegross weight.Gross Weight Less the Tare Weight After Delivery = Net WeightAt the time of both weighings, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s truck must have installed orloaded all pads, dollies, hand trucks, ramps, and other equipmentnormally required in the transportation of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. The driver andother persons must be off the vehicle at the time of both weighings. Thefuel tanks on the vehicle must be full at the time of each weighing. In lieuof this requirement, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must not add fuel between the twoweighings <strong>when</strong> the tare weighing is the first weighing per<strong>for</strong>med.Your <strong>move</strong>r may detach the trailer of a tractor-trailer vehiclecombination from the tractor and have the trailer weighed separately atYour Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 13

each weighing provided the length of the scale plat<strong>for</strong>m is adequate toaccommodate and support the entire trailer.Your <strong>move</strong>r may use an alternative method to weigh <strong>you</strong>r shipment if itweighs 3,000 pounds (1,362 kilograms) or less. The only alternativemethod allowed is weighing the shipment upon a plat<strong>for</strong>m orwarehouse certified scale be<strong>for</strong>e loading <strong>you</strong>r shipment <strong>for</strong>transportation or after unloading.Your <strong>move</strong>r must use the net weight of shipments transported in largecontainers such as ocean or railroad containers. Your <strong>move</strong>r will calculatethe difference between the tare weight of the container (including allpads, blocking and bracing used in the transportation of <strong>you</strong>r shipment)and the gross weight of the container with <strong>you</strong>r shipment loaded in thecontainer.You have the right, and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong> of <strong>you</strong>r right, toobserve all weighings of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Your <strong>move</strong>r must tell <strong>you</strong> whereand <strong>when</strong> each weighing will occur. Your <strong>move</strong>r must give <strong>you</strong> areasonable opportunity to be present to observe the weighings.You may waive <strong>you</strong>r right to observe any weighing or re-weighing. Thisdoes not affect any of <strong>you</strong>r other rights under Federal law.Your <strong>move</strong>r may request <strong>you</strong> waive <strong>you</strong>r right to have a shipmentweighed upon a certified scale. Your <strong>move</strong>r may want to weigh theshipment upon a trailer’s on-board, non-certified scale. You shoulddemand <strong>you</strong>r right to have a certified scale used. The use of a noncertifiedscale may cause <strong>you</strong> to pay a higher final bill <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, ifthe non-certified scale does not accurately weigh <strong>you</strong>r shipment.Remember that certified scales are inspected and approved <strong>for</strong> accuracyby a government inspection or licensing agency. Non-certified scales arenot inspected and approved <strong>for</strong> accuracy by a government inspection orlicensing agency.Your <strong>move</strong>r must obtain a separate weight ticket <strong>for</strong> each weighing. Theweigh master must sign each weight ticket. Each weight ticket mustcontain the following six items:1. The complete name and location of the scale.2. The date of each weighing.3. Identification of the weight entries as being the tare, gross, or netweights.4. The company or <strong>move</strong>r identification of the vehicle.5. Your last name as it appears on the bill of lading.6. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s shipment registration or bill of lading number.Your <strong>move</strong>r must retain the original weight ticket or tickets relating tothe determination of the weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment as part of its file on<strong>you</strong>r shipment. When both weighings are per<strong>for</strong>med on the same scale,one weight ticket may be used to record both weighings.Your <strong>move</strong>r must present all freight bills with true copies of all weighttickets. If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r does not present its freight bill with all weighttickets, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is in violation of Federal law.Be<strong>for</strong>e the driver actually begins unloading <strong>you</strong>r shipment weighed atorigin and after <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r in<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>you</strong> of the billing weight and totalcharges, <strong>you</strong> have the right to demand a re-weigh of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. If<strong>you</strong> believe the weight is not accurate, <strong>you</strong> have the right to request <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r re-weigh <strong>you</strong>r shipment be<strong>for</strong>e unloading.You have the right, and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong> of <strong>you</strong>r right, toobserve all re-weighings of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Your <strong>move</strong>r must tell <strong>you</strong>where and <strong>when</strong> each re-weighing will occur. Your <strong>move</strong>r must give <strong>you</strong>a reasonable opportunity to be present to observe the re-weighings. Youmay waive <strong>you</strong>r right to observe any re-weighing; however, <strong>you</strong> mustwaive that right in writing. You may send the written waiver via fax or e-mail, as well as by overnight courier or certified mail, return receiptrequested. This does not affect any of <strong>you</strong>r other rights under Federallaw.Your <strong>move</strong>r is prohibited from charging <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> the re-weighing. If theweight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment at the time of the re-weigh is different from theweight determined at origin, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must re-compute the chargesbased upon the re-weigh weight.Be<strong>for</strong>e requesting a re-weigh, <strong>you</strong> may find it to <strong>you</strong>r advantage toestimate the weight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment using the following three-stepmethod:1. Count the number of items in <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Usually there will beeither 30 or 40 items listed on each page of the inventory. Forexample, if there are 30 items per page and <strong>you</strong>r inventory consistsof four complete pages and a fifth page with 15 items listed, thetotal number of items will be 135. If an automobile is listed on theinventory, do not include this item in the count of the total items.2. Subtract the weight of any automobile included in <strong>you</strong>r shipmentfrom the total weight of the shipment. If the automobile was notweighed separately, its weight can be found on its title or licensereceipt.3. Divide the number of items in <strong>you</strong>r shipment into the weight. If theaverage weight resulting from this exercise ranges between 35 and45 pounds (16 and 20 kilograms) per article, it is unlikely a re-weighwill prove beneficial to <strong>you</strong>. In fact, it could result in <strong>you</strong>r payinghigher charges.Experience has shown that the average shipment of household goodswill weigh about 40 pounds (18 kilograms) per item. If a shipmentcontains a large number of heavy items, such as cartons of books, boxesof tools or heavier than average furniture, the average weight per itemmay be 45 pounds or more (20 kilograms or more).What must my <strong>move</strong>r do if I want to know the actual weight orcharges <strong>for</strong> my shipment be<strong>for</strong>e delivery?If <strong>you</strong> request notification of the actual weight and charges of <strong>you</strong>rshipment, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must comply with <strong>you</strong>r request if it is moving<strong>you</strong>r goods on a collect-on-delivery basis. This requirement isconditioned upon <strong>you</strong>r supplying <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r with an address ortelephone number where <strong>you</strong> will receive the communication. Your<strong>move</strong>r must make its notification by telephone, fax transmissions, e-mail,overnight courier, certified mail with return receipt requested, or inperson.You must receive the <strong>move</strong>r’s notification at least one full 24-hour daybe<strong>for</strong>e its scheduled delivery, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Federalholidays.Your <strong>move</strong>r may disregard this 24-hour notification requirement onYour Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 14

shipments subject to one of the following three situations:1. Back-weigh (<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r weighs <strong>you</strong>r shipment at itsdestination).2. Pickup and delivery encompassing two consecutive weekdays, if<strong>you</strong> agree.3. Maximum payment amounts at time of delivery of 110 percent ofthe estimated charges, if <strong>you</strong> agree.SUBPART F – TRANSPORTATION OF MY SHIPMENTMust my <strong>move</strong>r transport the shipment in a timely manner?Yes, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must transport <strong>you</strong>r household goods in a timelymanner. This is also known as "reasonable dispatch service." Your <strong>move</strong>rmust provide reasonable dispatch service to <strong>you</strong>, except <strong>for</strong>transportation on the basis of guaranteed delivery dates.When <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is unable to per<strong>for</strong>m either the pickup or delivery of<strong>you</strong>r shipment on the dates or during the periods of time specified inthe order <strong>for</strong> service, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must notify <strong>you</strong> of the delay, at the<strong>move</strong>r’s expense. As soon as the delay becomes apparent to <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r,it must give <strong>you</strong> notification that it will be unable to provide the servicespecified in the terms of the order <strong>for</strong> service. Your <strong>move</strong>r may notify<strong>you</strong> of the delay in any of the following ways: by telephone, faxtransmissions, e-mail, overnight courier, certified mail with return receiptrequested, or in person.When <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r notifies <strong>you</strong> of a delay, it also must advise <strong>you</strong> of thedates or periods of time it may be able to pick up and/or deliver theshipment. Your <strong>move</strong>r must consider <strong>you</strong>r needs in its advisement. Your<strong>move</strong>r must prepare a written record of the date, time, and manner ofits notification.Your <strong>move</strong>r must prepare a written record of its amended date or period<strong>for</strong> delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r must retain these records as a part of its file on<strong>you</strong>r shipment. The retention period is one year from the date ofnotification. If <strong>you</strong> request a copy of the notice, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must furnisha copy of the notification to <strong>you</strong> either by first class mail or in person.Your <strong>move</strong>r must tender <strong>you</strong>r shipment <strong>for</strong> delivery on the agreed-upondelivery date or within the period specified on the bill of lading. Upon<strong>you</strong>r request or concurrence, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may deliver <strong>you</strong>r shipment onanother day.The establishment of a delayed pickup or delivery date does not relieve<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r from liability <strong>for</strong> damages resulting from <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s failureto provide service as agreed. However, <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r notifies <strong>you</strong> ofalternate delivery dates, it is <strong>you</strong>r responsibility to be available to acceptdelivery on the dates specified. If <strong>you</strong> are not available and are not willingto accept delivery, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r has the right to place <strong>you</strong>r shipment instorage at <strong>you</strong>r expense or hold the shipment on its truck and assessadditional charges.If after the pickup of <strong>you</strong>r shipment, <strong>you</strong> request <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to changethe delivery date, most <strong>move</strong>rs will agree to do so provided <strong>you</strong>r requestwill not result in unreasonable delay to its equipment or interfere withanother customer’s <strong>move</strong>. However, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is under no obligationto consent to amended delivery dates. If <strong>you</strong> are unwilling or unable toaccept delivery on the date agreed to in the bill of lading, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r hasthe right to place <strong>you</strong>r shipment in storage at <strong>you</strong>r expense.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r fails to pick up and deliver <strong>you</strong>r shipment on the dateentered on the bill of lading and <strong>you</strong> have expenses <strong>you</strong> otherwisewould not have had, <strong>you</strong> may be able to recover those expenses from<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. This is what is called an inconvenience or delay claim.Should <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r refuse to honor such a claim and <strong>you</strong> continue tobelieve <strong>you</strong> are entitled to be paid damages, <strong>you</strong> may take <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>rto court under 49 U.S.C. 14706. FMCSA has no authority to order <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r to pay such claims.While we hope <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r delivers <strong>you</strong>r shipment in a timely manner,<strong>you</strong> should consider the possibility <strong>you</strong>r shipment may be delayed.Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> agree with the <strong>move</strong>r to transport <strong>you</strong>r shipment, find outwhat payment <strong>you</strong> can expect if a <strong>move</strong>r delays service through its ownfault.What must my <strong>move</strong>r do if it is able to deliver my shipment morethan 24 hours be<strong>for</strong>e I am able to accept delivery?At <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s discretion, it may place <strong>you</strong>r shipment in storage. Thiswill be under its own account and at its own expense in a warehouselocated in proximity to the destination of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Your <strong>move</strong>rmay do this if <strong>you</strong> fail to request or concur with an early delivery date,and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is able to deliver <strong>you</strong>r shipment more than 24 hoursbe<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong>r specified date or the first day of <strong>you</strong>r specified period.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r exercises this option, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must immediately notify<strong>you</strong> of the name and address of the warehouse where <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r places<strong>you</strong>r shipment. Your <strong>move</strong>r must make and keep a record of itsnotification as a part of its shipment records. Your <strong>move</strong>r has fullresponsibility <strong>for</strong> the shipment under the terms and conditions of thebill of lading. Your <strong>move</strong>r is responsible <strong>for</strong> the charges <strong>for</strong> re-delivery,handling, and storage until it makes final delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r may limitits responsibility to the agreed-upon delivery date or the first day of theperiod of delivery as specified in the bill of lading.What must my <strong>move</strong>r do <strong>for</strong> me <strong>when</strong> I store household goods intransit?If <strong>you</strong> request <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r to hold <strong>you</strong>r household goods in storage-intransitand the storage period is about to expire, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must notify<strong>you</strong>, in writing, about the four following items:1. The date <strong>when</strong> storage-in-transit will convert to permanent storage.2. The existence of a 9-month period after the date of conversion topermanent storage, during which <strong>you</strong> may file claims against <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>r <strong>for</strong> loss or damage occurring to <strong>you</strong>r goods while in transitor during the storage-in-transit period.3. Your <strong>move</strong>r’s liability will end.4. Your property will be subject to the rules, regulations, and chargesof the warehouseman.Your <strong>move</strong>r must make this notification at least ten days be<strong>for</strong>e theexpiration date of one of the following two periods of time:1. The specified period of time <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r is to hold <strong>you</strong>rgoods in storage.2. The maximum period of time provided in its tariff <strong>for</strong> storage-intransit.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 15

Your <strong>move</strong>r must notify <strong>you</strong> by fax transmission, overnight courier, e-mail, certified mail with return receipt requested, or in person.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r holds <strong>you</strong>r household goods in storage-in-transit <strong>for</strong> lessthan 10 days, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r must notify <strong>you</strong>, one day be<strong>for</strong>e the storagein-transitperiod expires, of the same in<strong>for</strong>mation specified above.Your <strong>move</strong>r must maintain a record of all notifications to <strong>you</strong> as part ofthe records of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. Under the applicable tariff provisionsregarding storage-in-transit, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s failure or refusal to notify <strong>you</strong>will automatically extend <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s liability until the end of the dayfollowing the date <strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r actually gives <strong>you</strong> notice.SUBPART G – DELIVERY OF MY SHIPMENTMay my <strong>move</strong>r ask me to sign a delivery receipt purporting torelease it from liability?At the time of delivery, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r will expect <strong>you</strong> to sign a receipt <strong>for</strong><strong>you</strong>r shipment. Normally, <strong>you</strong> will sign each page of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s copyof the inventory.Your <strong>move</strong>r’s delivery receipt or shipping document must not containany language purporting to release or discharge it or its agents fromliability.Your <strong>move</strong>r may include a statement about <strong>you</strong>r receipt of <strong>you</strong>rproperty in apparent good condition, except as noted on the shippingdocuments.Do not sign the delivery receipt if it contains any language purporting torelease or discharge <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r or its agents from liability. Strike out suchlanguage be<strong>for</strong>e signing, or refuse delivery if the driver or <strong>move</strong>r refusesto provide a proper delivery receipt.What is the maximum collect-on-delivery amount my <strong>move</strong>r maydemand I pay at the time of delivery?On a binding estimate, the maximum amount is the exact estimate ofthe charges, plus the cost of any additional services that <strong>you</strong> requestedafter the contract was executed that were not included in the estimate,and any charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations, not to exceed 15 percentof all other charges due at delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r must specify on theestimate, order <strong>for</strong> service, and bill of lading the <strong>for</strong>m of paymentacceptable to it (<strong>for</strong> example, a certified check).On a non-binding estimate, the maximum amount is 110 percent of theapproximate costs, plus the cost of any additional services that <strong>you</strong>requested after the contract was executed that were not included in theestimate, and any charges <strong>for</strong> impracticable operations, not to exceed 15percent of all other charges due at delivery. Your <strong>move</strong>r must specify onthe estimate, order <strong>for</strong> service, and bill of lading the <strong>for</strong>m of paymentacceptable to it (<strong>for</strong> example, cash).If my shipment is transported on more than one vehicle, whatcharges may my <strong>move</strong>r collect at delivery?Although all <strong>move</strong>rs try to <strong>move</strong> each shipment on one truck, itbecomes necessary at times to divide a shipment among two or moretrucks. This frequently occurs <strong>when</strong> an automobile is included in theshipment and it is transported on a vehicle specially designed totransport automobiles. When this occurs, <strong>you</strong>r transportation chargesare the same as if the entire shipment <strong>move</strong>d on one truck.If <strong>you</strong>r shipment is divided <strong>for</strong> transportation on two or moretrucks, the <strong>move</strong>r may require payment <strong>for</strong> each portion as it isdelivered.Your <strong>move</strong>r may delay the collection of all the charges until the entireshipment is delivered, at its discretion, not <strong>you</strong>rs. When <strong>you</strong> order <strong>you</strong>r<strong>move</strong>, <strong>you</strong> should ask the <strong>move</strong>r about its policies in this regard.If my shipment is partially lost or destroyed, what charges may my<strong>move</strong>r collect at delivery?Movers customarily make every ef<strong>for</strong>t to avoid losing, damaging, ordestroying any of <strong>you</strong>r items while <strong>you</strong>r shipment is in their possession<strong>for</strong> transportation. However, despite the precautions taken, articles aresometimes lost or destroyed during the <strong>move</strong>.In addition to any money <strong>you</strong> may recover from <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r tocompensate <strong>for</strong> lost or destroyed articles, <strong>you</strong> may also recover thetransportation charges represented by the portion of the shipment lostor destroyed. Your <strong>move</strong>r may only apply this paragraph to thetransportation of household goods. Your <strong>move</strong>r may disregard thisparagraph if loss or destruction was due to an act or omission by <strong>you</strong>.Your <strong>move</strong>r must require <strong>you</strong> to pay any specific valuation charge due.If <strong>you</strong> pack a hazardous material (<strong>for</strong> example, gasoline, aerosol cans,motor oil) and <strong>you</strong>r shipment is partially lost or destroyed by fire instorage or in the <strong>move</strong>r’s trailer, <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r may require <strong>you</strong> to pay <strong>for</strong>the full cost of transportation.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r chooses, it may first collect its freight charges <strong>for</strong> the entireshipment. At the time <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r disposes of claims <strong>for</strong> loss, damage, orinjury to the articles in <strong>you</strong>r shipment, it must refund the portion of itsfreight charges corresponding to the portion of the lost or destroyedshipment (including any charges <strong>for</strong> accessorial or terminal services).Your <strong>move</strong>r is <strong>for</strong>bidden from collecting, or requiring <strong>you</strong> to pay, anyfreight charges (including any charges <strong>for</strong> accessorial or terminal services)<strong>when</strong> <strong>you</strong>r household goods shipment is totally lost or destroyed intransit, unless the loss or destruction was due to an act or omission by<strong>you</strong>.How must my <strong>move</strong>r calculate the charges applicable to theshipment as delivered?Your <strong>move</strong>r must multiply the percentage corresponding to thedelivered shipment times the total charges applicable to the shipmenttendered by <strong>you</strong> to obtain the total charges it must collect from <strong>you</strong>.If <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s computed charges exceed the charges otherwiseapplicable to the shipment as delivered, the lesser of those charges mustapply. This will apply only to the transportation of <strong>you</strong>r householdgoods.Your <strong>move</strong>r must require <strong>you</strong> to pay any specific valuation charge due.Your <strong>move</strong>r may not refund the freight charges if the loss or destructionwas due to an act or omission by <strong>you</strong>. For example, <strong>you</strong> fail to discloseto <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r that <strong>you</strong>r shipment contains perishable live plants. Your<strong>move</strong>r may disregard its loss or destruction of <strong>you</strong>r plants, because <strong>you</strong>failed to in<strong>for</strong>m <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r <strong>you</strong> were transporting live plants.Your <strong>move</strong>r must determine, at its own expense, the proportion of theshipment, based on actual or constructive weight, not lost or destroyedin transit.Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move - Page 16

How Do I Request Arbitration?You may request arbitration by writing to the American Moving andStorage Association, Attention: Dispute Settlement Program, 1611Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Your request to AMSA may also besent by fax to 703-683-7524. Your request must be sent to AMSAwithin 90 days after <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r has made its final written settlement offeror denial of <strong>you</strong>r claim to <strong>you</strong>.Along with <strong>you</strong>r name, address and telephone number, thefollowing in<strong>for</strong>mation should be included in <strong>you</strong>r request <strong>for</strong>arbitration:• The name of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r and the identification number (if any) of theshipment,• The name <strong>you</strong>r shipment <strong>move</strong>d under (if other than <strong>you</strong>r own),• The dates and locations where the shipment was picked up anddelivered,• The dollar amount <strong>you</strong> are seeking to recover through arbitration, and• A brief description of <strong>you</strong>r dispute, including how <strong>you</strong> believe <strong>you</strong>rWhat Can an Arbitrator Award?The arbitrator may grant any remedy or relief the arbitrator feels is justand appropriate within the scope of the agreement between <strong>you</strong> and<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r and within the rules of the program. In general, the amountof any award may not exceed <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r’s liability under the bill oflading, or in case of disputed charges, the total amount of disputedadditional charges.In reaching a decision, the arbitrator will consider the applicable laws andthe provisions of the tariff, as well as applicable practices of the movingindustry. Under the rules of the program, the arbitrator only hasjurisdiction to consider claims <strong>for</strong> loss or damage to the householdgoods transported, disputed additional transportation and servicerelatedcharges assessed by the <strong>move</strong>r in addition to those collected atdelivery, or such other disputes arising out of the transportation of thehousehold goods that are mutually agreed upon, in writing, by both <strong>you</strong>and <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r. The arbitrator has no jurisdiction to consider any otherclaims, including, but not limited to: consequential or incidentaldamages, mental anguish, loss of wages, punitive damages, alleged fraud,violations of law or any claim that cannot be arbitrated under law, suchas allegations of criminal activity.How Much Does Arbitration Cost?The Administrative Fee charged by the Forum is based on the totalamount of the claim in dispute. When the amount of the claim is:$10,000 or less, the fee is $650, Consumer’s Share $300, Mover’sShare $350; Over $10,000 up to $20,000 - $700, Consumer’s Share$325, Mover’s Share $375; Over $20,000 up to $30,000 - $750,claim could be resolved by <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r.Settlements are often achieved be<strong>for</strong>e the arbitration processbegins. There<strong>for</strong>e, do not include the administrative fee or detaileddocuments supporting <strong>you</strong>r position with <strong>you</strong>r initial request.Instead, AMSA will request this in<strong>for</strong>mation from <strong>you</strong> later if <strong>you</strong>rdispute cannot be settled and <strong>you</strong>r case proceeds to arbitration withNAF.After AMSA receives <strong>you</strong>r in<strong>for</strong>mation, AMSA will promptly notify<strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r of <strong>you</strong>r request <strong>for</strong> arbitration and, if the dispute falls withinthe program guidelines and a settlement is not achieved, AMSA will<strong>for</strong>ward to <strong>you</strong> the required <strong>for</strong>ms and program rules. You will then have30 days to complete the <strong>for</strong>ms and return them to NAF, along with <strong>you</strong>rportion of the administrative fee. Then <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>r submits itsdocumentation and its portion of the administrative fee and thearbitration process begins. The arbitrator makes most decisions within 30days of receiving all the necessary <strong>for</strong>ms and documents.Consumer’s Share $350, Mover’s Share $400; Over $30,000 up to$40,000 - $800, Consumer’s Share $375, Mover’s Share $425; Over$40,000 up to $50,000 - $850, Consumer’s Share $400, Mover’sShare $450; Over $50,000 - $850 plus one (1%) percent of theamount over $50,000, Consumer’s Share $400 plus one-half ofone percent (1/2%) of the amount over $50,000, Mover’s Share$450 plus one-half of one percent (1/2%) of the amount over$50,000.The arbitrator may apportion the fee as part of the final award bydetermining which party shall pay the cost or a portion of the cost of thearbitration proceeding, including the cost of initiating the arbitrationprocess. In other words, the arbitrator may decide to refund all, a portionor none of <strong>you</strong>r administrative fee, depending on the circumstances of<strong>you</strong>r dispute.If <strong>you</strong> would like to receive more in<strong>for</strong>mation on the Dispute SettlementProgram, <strong>you</strong> may write to AMSA at the address shown below andrequest a copy of the program rules and sample <strong>for</strong>ms or log on to ourweb site at www.moving.org <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation.American Moving and Storage Association1611 Duke Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314703-683-7410 • Fax 703-683-7524www.moving.org© 1996 - 2010 by the American Moving and Storage AssociationCUSTOMER COMPLAINTAND INQUIRY PROCEDURE<strong>Atlas</strong> handles customer complaints and inquiries in two ways. First, <strong>you</strong>may contact either the origin agent or the destination agent identifiedon <strong>you</strong>r bill of lading in writing or by telephone. These agents mayprovide <strong>you</strong> with a toll free number. If not, <strong>you</strong> would pay <strong>for</strong> the call.Second, <strong>you</strong> may write <strong>Atlas</strong>’ corporate office at the following address orcall <strong>Atlas</strong>’ corporate office directly on the following numbers:Address:PO Box 509Evansville, IN 47703-0509Attn: Customer ServiceTelephone:800-252-8885(toll free - <strong>Atlas</strong> pays <strong>for</strong> the call)or 812-424-2222(<strong>you</strong> pay <strong>for</strong> the call)The corporate office and agent personnel responsible <strong>for</strong> customercomplaints and inquiries will take <strong>you</strong>r complaint or inquiry and,depending upon the complaint or inquiry, will either respond to itimmediately (if by telephone), request <strong>you</strong> file <strong>you</strong>r complaint inwriting, or will attempt to provide either a telephonic or writtenresponse at the number or address that <strong>you</strong> furnish them.To expedite response to any inquiry, please have <strong>you</strong>r shipmentregistration number available. This number is found in the upper righthand corner of <strong>you</strong>r <strong>Atlas</strong> bill of lading.<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong> Dispute Settlement Program & Customer Complaint and Inquiry Procedure - Page 22

VALUATION OPTIONS:WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU?Protect Your Belongings… By Choosing the Option that’s Right <strong>for</strong> You.Coverage Options <strong>for</strong> Your Shipment<strong>Atlas</strong> provides two options <strong>for</strong> coverage <strong>for</strong> loss or damage to <strong>you</strong>rhousehold goods while they are in <strong>Atlas</strong>’ care, custody and control.The value that <strong>you</strong> select sets <strong>Atlas</strong>’ maximum liability <strong>for</strong> loss ordamage to <strong>you</strong>r goods. These levels of liability are not insuranceagreements governed by the insurance laws, but instead are requiredby federal law <strong>for</strong> interstate shipments and are authorized underrulings of the Surface Transportation Board of the U.S. Department ofTransportation.Be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>you</strong> <strong>move</strong> with <strong>Atlas</strong>, <strong>you</strong> must decide how much <strong>you</strong>r goodsare worth and how much coverage <strong>you</strong> want <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment. If <strong>you</strong>do not sign <strong>for</strong> the level of coverage that <strong>you</strong> desire on <strong>you</strong>r shipmentdocuments, <strong>you</strong> will receive the default amount as discussed below.• Option 1 — Full Value Protection is the most comprehensiveplan available <strong>for</strong> protection of <strong>you</strong>r goods. When <strong>you</strong> select thisoption, articles that are lost, damaged or destroyed will, at<strong>Atlas</strong>’option, be either repaired, replaced with articles of like kindand quality, or a cash settlement will be made <strong>for</strong> the repairs or <strong>for</strong>replacement of the articles at their current value, regardless of theage of the lost or damaged articles.Under this option, <strong>you</strong> have two choices <strong>for</strong> establishing <strong>Atlas</strong>’maximum liability on <strong>you</strong>r shipment:1. You can select Full Value Protection based on the weight of<strong>you</strong>r shipment. In this case, <strong>you</strong> will receive <strong>Atlas</strong>’ default levelof liability, which is $6.00 per pound times the weight of <strong>you</strong>rshipment, with a minimum of $15,000. If <strong>you</strong>r shipment ismoving on a binding estimate, the estimated weight will beused to determine the amount of coverage <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment.2. You can declare a lump sum amount that is higher than theweight of <strong>you</strong>r shipment times $6.00 per pound and morethan $15,000. For example, <strong>you</strong> can declare the value of <strong>you</strong>rshipment to be $50,000.The cost <strong>for</strong> Full Value Protection at $6.00 per pound will beincluded on <strong>you</strong>r estimate <strong>for</strong>m. If <strong>you</strong> want to declare a highervalue, <strong>you</strong> must advise <strong>you</strong>r salesperson of <strong>you</strong>r request and <strong>you</strong>will be required to sign <strong>for</strong> the additional coverage <strong>you</strong> desire,subject to the applicable minimums. For example, if <strong>you</strong>rshipment weighs 4,500 pounds, the minimum value that <strong>you</strong> mustdeclare is $27,000 (4,500 pounds multiplied by $6.00 per pound). If<strong>you</strong> think that it will cost more than that to replace all of <strong>you</strong>rshipment, <strong>you</strong> can declare a higher lump sum amount based on<strong>you</strong>r estimate of that cost. The cost <strong>for</strong> this additional coverage isavailable on request and will be included in an estimate after <strong>you</strong>request it. If <strong>you</strong> do not declare a lump sum value, <strong>you</strong> will receiveour default coverage ($6.00 per pound, with a minimum of $15,000of coverage) subject to the charge <strong>for</strong> this level of coveragecontained in our tariff.<strong>Atlas</strong> also offers two deductible options <strong>for</strong> Full Value Protection:$250 and $500 per shipment. The cost <strong>for</strong> Full Value Protectionwith a deductible is less than the cost without and will be shownon <strong>you</strong>r estimate. However, if articles are lost, damaged ordestroyed and the cost to repair or replace them is less than thedeductible that <strong>you</strong> select, <strong>you</strong> will not be reimbursed suchamount. If the cost is more than the deductible selected, theamount of the deductible will be deducted from amounts due to<strong>you</strong>.• Option 2 — Minimal Protection - 60 Cents Per Pound PerArticle is the most economical option available. This level ofprotection is provided at no additional cost; however, it onlyprovides minimal protection. Under this option, <strong>Atlas</strong> assumesliability <strong>for</strong> no more than 60 cents per pound per article <strong>for</strong> loss ordamage. This means that claims are settled based on the weight ofthe individual article(s) multiplied by 60 cents. For example, if a 10pound stereo component valued at $1,000 were lost or destroyed,<strong>Atlas</strong> would be liable <strong>for</strong> $6.00 (10 pounds multiplied by 60 cents).Obviously, <strong>you</strong> should think carefully be<strong>for</strong>e agreeing to such anarrangement. This value option is considerably less than the typicalvalue of household goods. There is no additional cost <strong>for</strong> thisminimal protection BUT <strong>you</strong> must specifically sign <strong>for</strong> it in order toobtain it.Storage-in-Transit. If all or a portion of <strong>you</strong>r shipment is placed intostorage-in-transit, the valuation amount that <strong>you</strong> have selected <strong>for</strong><strong>you</strong>r shipment will continue to apply while <strong>you</strong>r shipment is instorage-in-transit. For Full Value Protection, there is an additionalvaluation charge <strong>for</strong> each 30-day period (or portion of such period)that <strong>you</strong>r shipment remains in storage-in-transit. After a specifiedperiod of time (generally 180 days), <strong>you</strong>r shipment will be convertedfrom a shipment in storage-in-transit to a permanent storageshipment. At that time, <strong>you</strong> will need to make arrangements with thelocal agent <strong>for</strong> continued coverage <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment.What You Must do to Declare a Value on Your ShipmentThe Order For Service and/or Bill of Lading <strong>you</strong> will execute with <strong>Atlas</strong>will contain a place <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> to make <strong>you</strong>r valuation selection option.If <strong>you</strong> do not sign <strong>for</strong> valuation, <strong>you</strong> will automatically receive FullValue Protection (at $6.00 per pound, minimum $15,000) with nodeductible and will be charged <strong>for</strong> it.Valuation Options: What’s Right For You? - Page 23

U.S. DOT No. 125550CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES GUIDE / HIGH VALUE INVENTORYATLAS VAN LINES, INC.1212 ST. GEORGE ROAD, P.O. BOX 509EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 47703-0509(800) 252-8885 / (812) 424-2222ATLAS REGISTRATION NO.The following list sets out <strong>you</strong>r responsibilities prior to and at packing/loading, during transportation, and at time of delivery. Thislist is meant to alleviate most problems encountered during a relocation. Failure to complete these items may result in damageto <strong>you</strong>r goods as well as to <strong>Atlas</strong> equipment or personnel. Thank <strong>you</strong> <strong>for</strong> taking the time to do the following:oDiscard perishable items (food, house plants, etc.)o Arrange non-<strong>Atlas</strong> transportation of jewelry, coins,currency, stocks, bonds, legal documents, valuablecollectables, collections and medicines.oDiscard flammables, ammunition, cleaning solutions,paint, liquids, aerosol cans and propane tanks.o Separate and identify items not being packed ortransported by <strong>Atlas</strong>.oooEmpty attic and crawl space of items to be packed ortransported by <strong>Atlas</strong>.Re<strong>move</strong> wall art and ceiling fixtures and prepare them <strong>for</strong>packing or transport.Disassemble all particle board, press board and prefabfurniture.o Prepare electronics, audio, video and computerequipment <strong>for</strong> packing or transport.• Pre Packing/Loading •oDisassemble or unhook appliances, including water andgas connections. Have appliances prepared <strong>for</strong> transport.o Re<strong>move</strong> personal items from boats, autos andmotorcycles. Make sure the gasoline level is no more thanone quarter tank.oooooo• During Transport •Empty gasoline and oil from small engine gas-poweredequipment (lawnmowers, blowers, etc.)Identify all High Value Items on the attached inventory<strong>for</strong>m and give <strong>for</strong>m to the van operator.Advise packers or the van operator of any firearms beingpacked or transported.Be present at time of packing and loading to verifyinventory and sign documents.Check drawers, cabinets and closets to be sure all itemsare re<strong>move</strong>d.Per<strong>for</strong>m residence walk through with the van operatorafter loading is complete and make note of any residencedamage on the appropriate documents.oooooNotify <strong>you</strong>r relocation coordinator of any schedule orcontact in<strong>for</strong>mation changes.Be available to accept delivery at any time during deliverydates.Be present during entire delivery.Verify items delivered by using the Customer Check OffSheet. Ask <strong>you</strong>r van operator <strong>for</strong> this be<strong>for</strong>e delivery begins.oo• During Delivery •oVerify total charges due with <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong> coordinator priorto delivery day. (C.O.D. shipments only)Arrange proper payment method (check, money order,credit card) prior to delivery day. (C.O.D. shipments only)Note any loss or damage (including damage to <strong>you</strong>rresidence) on <strong>Atlas</strong> documents prior to the van operatorleaving, especially if the delivery is being made to a non-<strong>Atlas</strong> or mini storage facility.Verify receipt of all items listed on High Value Inventory. o Per<strong>for</strong>m residence walk through with the van operator,making note of any residence damage on the appropriatedelivery documents.• <strong>Atlas</strong> Literature/Forms Received •oo<strong>Atlas</strong>’ <strong>Important</strong> <strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong> Booklet ________________Personal business card of the survey origin agencyoorepresentativeDon’t Move Gypsy Moth and Gypsy Moth AdvisoryLet <strong>Atlas</strong> Take You Home KitI have discussed the customer responsibilities listed above with an <strong>Atlas</strong> agency representative and understand each of theitems and what is expected and required of me. I have received the <strong>Atlas</strong> literature/<strong>for</strong>ms marked.Customer’s Signature:S A M P L EDate:Agency Representative’s Signature:Date:Customer Responsibilities Guide / High Value Inventory Form - Page 24

U.S. DOT No. 125550HIGH VALUE INVENTORY FORMATLAS VAN LINES, INC.1212 ST. GEORGE ROAD, P.O. BOX 509EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 47703-0509(800) 252-8885 / (812) 424-2222ATLAS REGISTRATION NO.Customer_______________________________________Be sure to complete the description and estimated value sections on this <strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> all items in <strong>you</strong>r shipment considered to beof high value or that may require additional attention, special packing, crating or handling. If no items are considered to be ofhigh value or in need of additional attention, write NONE. Examples of High Value Items or items needing additional attention- Antiques, Art (wall or standing), CDs or DVDs (quantity), clocks, collectibles, collections, computer hardware or software,customized items, designer clothing or wardrobe accessories, exercise equipment, fine china, firearms, high endappliances/furniture, home audio/video system, hot tub, memory foam mattress, piano/musical instruments, silverware,tanning bed, or other high value goods exceeding $1000.00 in value.INVENTORYNO. *DESCRIPTION OF HIGH VALUE ITEMSESTIMATEDVALUENOTES / CONDITION** TO BE COMPLETED BYATLAS REPRESENTATIVE.AT ORIGINTOTALI CERTIFY THE ABOVE LISTED INFORMATION TO BE TRUE, CORRECT ANDCOMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I HAVE READ ANDUNDERSTAND THE STATEMENT OF CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES FORM.S A M P L Ex _______________________________________________________________________________________________SIGNATURE OF CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER’S REPRESENTATIVEDATE_______________________________________________________________________________________________SIGNATURE OF ATLAS REPRESENTATIVE AGENT/PVO CODE DATEAT DESTINATIONI ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ALL ITEMS LISTED ABOVE. ALL ITEMS ARE INTHE SAME CONDITION AS WHEN TENDERED TO ATLAS, UNLESS EXCEPTIONSARE NOTED ABOVE.S A M P L Ex_______________________________________________________________________________________________SIGNATURE OF CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER’S REPRESENTATIVEDATE_______________________________________________________________________________________________SIGNATURE OF ATLAS REPRESENTATIVE AGENT/PVO CODE DATEESTIMATED VALUE DOES NOT DETERMINE THE ACTUAL VALUE OF THE GOODS. SHOULD A LOSS OCCUR, THE ACTUAL VALUE MUSTBE ESTABLISHED BY THE OWNER OF THE GOODS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM IS TO ASSIST YOU IN DETERMINING THE TOTAL VALUEOF YOUR SHIPMENT AND TO ASSIST ATLAS IN DETERMINING WHICH ITEMS NEED SPECIAL HANDLING AND PROTECTION.Statement of Customer Responsibilities & High Value Inventory Form - Page 25DC 225009Rev. 2/07

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFTHE BILL OF LADINGThis is the contract of carriage between <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. (“we” or“us”) and <strong>you</strong>, the owner(s) and/or shipper of the goods covered by thiscontract. If <strong>you</strong>r goods are being <strong>move</strong>d under a contract between usand <strong>you</strong>r employer or another party, the terms of that contract willapply, PROVIDED THAT, BY ACCEPTING DELIVERY OF THESHIPMENT, YOU WILL BE LIABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALLCHARGES IF THE EMPLOYER OR OTHER THIRD-PARTY DOES NOTPAY THEM. We agree to transport <strong>you</strong>r household goods under thefollowing terms:1. All of the provisions of our tariffs (available on request), includingthose setting out the charges <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r shipment, some of which maynot be included on the front of this bill of lading, are incorporatedinto this contract.2. We are not obligated to transport <strong>you</strong>r shipment by any particularschedule, means or vehicle, other than with reasonable dispatch. Wemay deliver <strong>you</strong>r shipment on any date within the delivery datesspecified in this bill of lading. If we cannot make delivery at theaddress shown on this bill of lading or any other address of which<strong>you</strong> have notified us <strong>for</strong> any reason that is not our fault (including<strong>you</strong>r failure to pay amounts due or unavailability to accept deliveryon a date within the specified delivery dates), then we, at our option,may store <strong>you</strong>r shipment at <strong>you</strong>r cost in a warehouse selected by usin the general area of the specified destination.3. You, upon tender of the shipment to us, and the person to whomthe goods are to be delivered if different than <strong>you</strong> (the “Recipient”),upon acceptance of delivery of the shipment from us, shall be liable,together and individually, to pay all charges due on account of theshipment pursuant to our tariffs. The extension of credit, if any, toeither <strong>you</strong> or the Recipient <strong>for</strong> unpaid charges shall not relieve theother party of the obligation to pay the charges. YOU AND THERECIPIENT ARE LIABLE TO US FOR A SERVICE CHARGE EQUAL TO1% OF THE UNPAID CHARGES FOR THE SHIPMENT (MINIMUM$20.00) FOR EACH 30-DAY PERIOD THAT THE CHARGES REMAINUNPAID AND FOR THE FULL AMOUNT INCURRED BY US INCOLLECTING ANY AMOUNT DUE ON YOUR SHIPMENT,INCLUDING COSTS AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES.4. Subject to the exceptions and limitations set <strong>for</strong>th below, we shall beliable <strong>for</strong> physical loss, damage or delay to <strong>you</strong>r goods from externalcauses while we are transporting them or they are being held instorage-in-transit. We will not be liable <strong>for</strong> any such loss, damage ordelay caused by or resulting from (a) <strong>you</strong>r or the Recipient’s act oromission; (b) defects in the goods or loss or damage that isunavoidable due to the nature of the goods, including susceptibilityto damage because of atmospheric conditions and changes in thoseconditions, such as humidity or temperature; (c) hostile, warlike orterrorist activity, government action, strikes, lockouts or civildisturbances (all as further defined in our tariffs); (d) acts of God; and(e) with respect only to delays, highway obstructions, faulty,inadequate or impassable highways or bridges, lack of ferry capacity,or breakdowns or mechanical defects in vehicles or equipment(from any cause other than our negligence). In particular, we shallnot be liable <strong>for</strong> and <strong>you</strong> shall indemnify us against loss or damagecaused by the inclusion in <strong>you</strong>r shipment of explosives or dangerousarticles.5. In addition, our liability will be limited by the valuation option that isselected by <strong>you</strong> on the order <strong>for</strong> service or, if <strong>you</strong>r employer oranother party is paying <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>move</strong>, by that party. Our maximumliability shall be: (a) the lesser of 60 cents per pound times the actualweight of any lost or damaged article or the actual loss or damage tothe article if the shipment was released to us with liability limited to60 cents per pound per article; (b) the greater of $6.00 per poundtimes the weight of the shipment or the declared lump sum value, ineach case subject to a minimum of $10,000, subject to any selecteddeductible option and the specific terms of Item 1502 (Full ValueProtection) of our tariff; or (c) if no value is declared, $6.00 per poundtimes the weight of the shipment, subject to the specific terms ofItem 1502 (Full Value Protection) of our tariff. The weight used <strong>for</strong>determining the minimum valuation shall be the actual weight or, ifthe shipment is transported pursuant to the terms of Item 1501(Binding Estimate Program) of our tariff, the estimated weight. Theterms of our tariffs contain more complete explanations on the limitsof our liability, give us the option to repair or replace items on whichclaims are made and set specific limits on certain items, e.g.automobiles.6. In order to be able to recover any amount from us, <strong>you</strong> must file awritten claim with us <strong>for</strong> any loss, damage, injury or delay. We mustreceive <strong>you</strong>r claim at our headquarters within nine months afterdelivery of <strong>you</strong>r shipment. If we fail to deliver <strong>you</strong>r entire shipment,we must receive <strong>you</strong>r claim at our headquarters within nine monthsafter a reasonable time <strong>for</strong> delivery has passed. You must file anylawsuit within two years and one day from the date <strong>when</strong> we give<strong>you</strong> written notice that we have disallowed <strong>you</strong>r claim or any part ofit. We may not pay <strong>you</strong>r claim if there are charges due on <strong>you</strong>rshipment. If <strong>you</strong>r claim is <strong>for</strong> an overcharge, <strong>you</strong> must contest thecharges with us within 180 days of receipt of the initial bill <strong>for</strong> thecharge and file a lawsuit within 18 months from delivery of <strong>you</strong>rshipment. When <strong>you</strong> do not file a claim or lawsuit within the timeperiods indicated, we will not be liable to <strong>you</strong> and the claim will notbe paid. Our tariffs include in<strong>for</strong>mation required to be included in aclaim.7. This contract applies to <strong>you</strong> and to anyone else claiming any interestin the goods. Unless <strong>you</strong> specifically advise us otherwise, <strong>you</strong>authorize any person who releases <strong>you</strong>r shipment to us at origin oraccepts it at delivery to act <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong> and sign any document inconnection with <strong>you</strong>r shipment. If no one is authorized to act <strong>for</strong><strong>you</strong>, <strong>you</strong> may be required to be present in person.Terms and Conditions of the Bill of Lading - Page 26

<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc.1212 St. George Road • Evansville, IN 47711800-847-6683www.atlasvanlines.comNOTICE: <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. is an interstate motor carrier. Each affiliated agency is independently owned andoperated. An affiliated agency represents <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>for</strong> interstate (from one state to another) <strong>move</strong>s only. Local andintrastate (within a single state) <strong>move</strong>s are not provided as an agent of <strong>Atlas</strong>. Questions concerning local andintrastate <strong>move</strong>s should be directed to <strong>you</strong>r local agency representative, not to <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc.TM & © 2012 AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550D.C. 216002 (0312)Rev. D

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