full April Bulletin - Biggleswade Rugby Club

full April Bulletin - Biggleswade Rugby Club full April Bulletin - Biggleswade Rugby Club

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12 BULLETIN APRIL 2012 TEL: 01234 834700 EDITORIAL: editorial@biggleswadebulletin.co.ukCaldecote Lower School startcelebrating the Jubilee YearHome and Property MaintenanceNO JOB TOO SMALL – 24 HOUR PLUMBING AND DRAINSINTERIORS AND EXTERIORS – Painting – DecoratingFITTING – Kitchens – Bathrooms also Fencing and GardensFREE QUOTE NOW CALL GEOFF – NEW LOOK07837 499776 07799 23066425 years experience — Insured by Lloydswww.toyboxdaynurseries.co.ukCAlDECOTE lower School were delighted to welcome SirSimon Bowes lyon to the school to ‘cut the sod’ for theirJubilee Wood on 29th February. The children dressed in redwhite and blue to celebrate the occasion.Each child planted a tree as partof their sustainability project. Theaim is to help the children gain anunderstanding of sustainabilityand how the decisions that aremade impact upon the environment.last year they created a fantasticoutdoor learning environmentfor the children whichincluded a large decked area builtby N. J. Garden Services. In orderto help the children develop arespect for the natural environmentit was decided to offset theSANDYToybox Day Nursery7 Medusa Way, Sandy SG19 1TH01767 683602BIGGLESWADEToybox Day Nursery, The Saxon Centre,Kingsfield Road, Biggleswade SG18 8AT01767 313139STOTFOLDToybox Day Nursery70 High Street, Stotfold, SG5 4LD01462 734306wood usage by planting trees andmarking the Jubilee with a legacyfor future children. Once again thegarden company helped by organisingthe morning. This showedour children how planting treescan is one of the many ways theycan help to make a difference totheir world.The school is part of theBiggleswade Community Unionof Schools (BCUS) feedingEdward Peake and HolmemeadMiddle School who were bothrepresented along with StrattonUpper School. Trees were alsoplanted on behalf of the Diocese,All Saints Church, CentralBedfordshire Council and NorthillParish Council.The children really enjoyed themorning and are looking forwardto a special assembly later in theterm with their parents toconsecrate the wood. They havesent Her Majesty Queen ElizabethII a card and a photographshowing her the wonderfulcelebrations.See www.caldecotelowerschool.co.uk for photographstaken on the dayBITS AND BYTESYOUR bulletin March 2012edition, Page 13 (unlucky forsome) Superfast Broadbanddefined as 25Mbits/s. I think thisshould be Mbytes. There are 8 bitsto a byte, making 25Mbits/sec onequivalent to 3.125Mbytes whichis not very fast. Fred in Sandy

TEL: 01234 834700 ADVERTISING: advertising@biggleswadebulletin.co.uk BULLETIN APRIL 2012 13“Disc Problems SolvedWithout Surgery.”“Why Suffer Excruciating Disc Pain A MomentLonger?”Surgery Is Not The Only Option!Searching For The Answer ToYour DiscProblems?“YouHave A Slipped ped Disc!”This wasthediagnosis I wasdreading. I’d only picked up asmallbox atwork,butatthatmomentI knew I wasintrouble. Thepain wasexcruciating. I wasbentdoubleand had to behelpedto a chair. A visittomy doctorconfirmed my worstfears. My brother r in lawwentthrough this, eventually opting for surgerywhich lefthim much worseoff. f. I wasforced totake timeoff f work. TimeI could ill afford.fordMy lifewas turned upsidedown. Thepain wasso bad thatittook my breath away. Just movingand even coughing and sneezing produced severepain.I found myself, unableto walk, moveor even sitwithoutfeeling pain. My personalandworkinglifescreamed to a shuddering haltandI entereda world of extremecompromise. Everything Idid had to bereduced to aminimum inthehopeof simply relieving my pain.Simpletaskslikepicking up my childwhen shecried becameimpossible, I could onlywatchtears rolling down her facehelplesstocomforther. My Relationship wasatbreakingpoint. Iwasirritable, moody and in such severe pain thatno one wanted to even talk to me.I admitmy world wasvery dark and verydepressing. I had to find an answer. I’dbeenrobbed of thesimplejoysof living byaslippeddisc.My dayswerecontrolled by taking pain relievingdrugswhich helped mask thepain butdidn’tsolve theproblem. Thethoughtof having toresort to surgery filled mewith dread.I saw whatitdid to my brother in law and I didn’t wantto gothere. I had to find asolution fast.Fatetook ahand I metafriend who washorrifiedto seethestateI wasin. Hetook onelook andsaid “Slipped Disc?”It transpired thatthehad suffered fered withaslippeddisc in thepastand justlikeme, he had beenvery reluctantto taketheoption of surgery.Instead hehad found an alternative time proventreatment tmentprovided by The Atlas WellnessCentre.Surgery IsNot TheOnly Option For Treating ASlipped Disc. SkilledSpinalAdjustments Are ATime Proven Alternative.8 Year MedicalTrial*Revealsthat76.8% of peoplewith slipped discsresponded to spinal adjustments. The8 year trialconcluded that spinal adjustmentsareaveryeffective fectivetreatmentto lumbar discprotrusionsand areal alternative ativeto surgery.* Paul Pang-Fu Kuo and Zhen-Chao LohFrom thedepartmentofOrthopaedicSurgery, Shanghai.At AtlasWellness Centre wecombinestateoftheart technology, with ancienttimeprovenspinaladjustment t techniques to providereliefto moderndiscproblems.Treatment is totally non invasiveand isprovided by qualified practitionersin arelaxing and professional setting.Beat Your DiscProblemAnd SaveMoneyContact Us01234-340317TheMost Advanced Technology InBedfordshireeGUARANTEED.Here atthe Atlas Wellness lnessCentre, weknow thatthefinestcareandtreatmenttoday, needsdedicated practitioners and thevery best,technology available. With thisin mind wehavemade major investments entsin themostadvancedtechnology.Weareso surethatweoffer fer thehighestdiagnosisand treatment levelthatWeWillPay You£100if you can find a wellness centrein Bedfordshirethathasmore advanced technology than AtlasWellness Centre.Change Your LifeForever, Let UsSolve YourDisc ProblemsAnd Return Your Life...ACT NOW YOU HAVE NOTHING TOLOSE BUT YOUR DISC PAIN“I came to the centrebecause of a bad back andmyback is so much betterernow.I feel so much better eroverall! I can do a lot morenow,like bending, lifting etcwhich I avoided before. Somygranddaughter, Sati, hasbenefited efited greatly.”!Alison“SPECIAL NO RISKOFFER!”Weareso sureof thequality of our serviceattheAtlas Wellness Centrethatwe offer fer a completeno riskguarantee. If for any reason you feelthatour treatment isn’tfor you after you havereceived ed our fullconsultation and examination,simplytellusfor afullno questionsaskedrefund.Save£148.Receiveacompleteconsultation andexamination, with thelatest21stcenturytechnologyfor just £47.This isyour opportunity to beatyour discproblem. Don’tmissit.Consultation slotsarelimited atthis amazingdiscountpriceso register today.YouDeserveTheBest Of Care, The BestSolutions To Your DiscProblems. WeProvideIt...PhoneNow01234-340317

12 BULLETIN APRIL 2012 TEL: 01234 834700 EDITORIAL: editorial@biggleswadebulletin.co.ukCaldecote Lower School startcelebrating the Jubilee YearHome and Property MaintenanceNO JOB TOO SMALL – 24 HOUR PLUMBING AND DRAINSINTERIORS AND EXTERIORS – Painting – DecoratingFITTING – Kitchens – Bathrooms also Fencing and GardensFREE QUOTE NOW CALL GEOFF – NEW LOOK07837 499776 07799 23066425 years experience — Insured by Lloydswww.toyboxdaynurseries.co.ukCAlDECOTE lower School were delighted to welcome SirSimon Bowes lyon to the school to ‘cut the sod’ for theirJubilee Wood on 29th February. The children dressed in redwhite and blue to celebrate the occasion.Each child planted a tree as partof their sustainability project. Theaim is to help the children gain anunderstanding of sustainabilityand how the decisions that aremade impact upon the environment.last year they created a fantasticoutdoor learning environmentfor the children whichincluded a large decked area builtby N. J. Garden Services. In orderto help the children develop arespect for the natural environmentit was decided to offset theSANDYToybox Day Nursery7 Medusa Way, Sandy SG19 1TH01767 683602BIGGLESWADEToybox Day Nursery, The Saxon Centre,Kingsfield Road, <strong>Biggleswade</strong> SG18 8AT01767 313139STOTFOLDToybox Day Nursery70 High Street, Stotfold, SG5 4LD01462 734306wood usage by planting trees andmarking the Jubilee with a legacyfor future children. Once again thegarden company helped by organisingthe morning. This showedour children how planting treescan is one of the many ways theycan help to make a difference totheir world.The school is part of the<strong>Biggleswade</strong> Community Unionof Schools (BCUS) feedingEdward Peake and HolmemeadMiddle School who were bothrepresented along with StrattonUpper School. Trees were alsoplanted on behalf of the Diocese,All Saints Church, CentralBedfordshire Council and NorthillParish Council.The children really enjoyed themorning and are looking forwardto a special assembly later in theterm with their parents toconsecrate the wood. They havesent Her Majesty Queen ElizabethII a card and a photographshowing her the wonderfulcelebrations.See www.caldecotelowerschool.co.uk for photographstaken on the dayBITS AND BYTESYOUR bulletin March 2012edition, Page 13 (unlucky forsome) Superfast Broadbanddefined as 25Mbits/s. I think thisshould be Mbytes. There are 8 bitsto a byte, making 25Mbits/sec onequivalent to 3.125Mbytes whichis not very fast. Fred in Sandy

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