4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages 4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

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CONCHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l e(305) 294-7566 OFFICE (305) 292-9955 FAXPUBLISHER/EDITORTom Oosterhoudt • tom@conchcolor.comPHOTOGRAPHERKristen Livengood kristen.livengood@gmail.comAD SALESKaren Lee Hirst (305) 304-7609 karterhirst@aol.com , Senior Sales PersonRaquel Crummitt (305) 414-8949 raquelc@jsapromos.com, Ad SalesJanet Wood (305) 395-0241 – fldesignerjw@aol.com, Ad sales Upper KeysAndy & Jodi Kirby (305) 509-0009 – ajkwf@aol.com , Delivery & SalesGregory A. Smith (305) 396-7805 – kywestlivin2@aol.com Ad SalesCREATIVE DESIGNDina Coyle, Dina Designs, Int’l (305) 741-7272 dinacoyle@me.comWEB MASTER:Computer Doctor (305) 292-4635 keywestcomputerdoctor@gmail.comCONCH COLOR, LLC • 314 simonton street key west FL 33040Published weekly and distributed every Friday from Key West to Key Largo.Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community newsThe Positive VoiceTHE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other localpapers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. Ifyou love your community and have something positive to say about it, email ooster@bellsouth.net.There are so many great Samaritans in the Keys and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time togive a voice to those who have great comments to say about the Keys.September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comediTORIALSurviving a Botched SurgeryWith Three More OperationsMost Conch Color readersare now well aware of my tortuousplight that began with a brokenback and collapsed spine not muchmore than a year ago. The fact thatI may not ever walk again hungover my head, leaving me feelinghelpless. First I went through aneight hour operation that resultedin heart failure, a blood clot, andkidneys stopping. On top of thatmy month long hospital stay wasbeyond morbid. My future seemedmorbid at best.I had to digest all thisknowing that I would never beable to ride my bike ten miles aday again, or enjoy deep sea divingagain. My active life had come toan abrupt end not to mention myhigh energy life style.So this past fall afterspending months of intensephysical therapy, I realized thatthe pain was increasing and myback was getting worse. I wentto see a new neurologist at theCleveland Clinic. X-rays and catscans immediately showed that myfirst operation had been botchedwith the new screws supportingmy re worked spine had eitherunscrewed, broken, or fallen out.The result meant more painfulpressure on my sacrum and lowerspine.This time I went to see arather young new neuro-surgeon,Dr. Michael Wang at the Universityof Miami who was up on some ofthe latest techniques.Dr. Wang is one of thefew advanced “revisionistneurosurgeons “ around today.Dr. Wang immediately sawbig problems in my x-rays andcat scans, seeing that my previousoperation was botched with loosescrews, rods, etc. He acknowledgedit would require a lot of work onmy part and his part, involvingIntense physical therapy andexercise.So in the past month, Dr.Wang started with a four-hourlaminectomy operation to totallyre-do the damage from my firstoperation and rebuild my upperspine(L1 – L5). A few days laterDr. Wang tackled my lower spine,S-1 and S2, my scrum and mycoccyx. In the second operation,Dr. Wang spliced me open from thefront, just like a woman having aCaesarian section. He opened myabdomen totally up, pushed myinternal organs to the side. Andfinally cleaned up my spine fromthe inside out, carefully removingthe stenosis from the inside out.Everything seemed greatfollowing the two operations untillast week when my body somehowwent toxic somehow with my medscreating a bad mixture internally,and I had to be flown to Miami ona helicopter in the middle of thenight. Once again the specialistsat the University of Miamimiraculously save meAnd two days ago I arrived backat home here in Key West, where Iwrote this editorial.This procedure was thetoughest challenge in my life. Ihave to thank bothmy mom, and niece Raquel, as wellas Conch Color’s amazing staff, Dina Coyle, Kristen Livengood,Judi, Karen, and especiallyMichelle. May God bless all of you!I also want to thank all ofyour readers for staying with us,with the most dedicated followingin the Keys. I feel lucky to be alive!conch color the florida keys 4 photographic chronicle

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comReliable Energy We Can Trust...Sustainable Developement –Let’s meet our needs without compromisingfuture generations.Value our Community and Neighborhoods –Keep jobs and contract dollars local. Invest in safe,healthy, walkable/bikable neighborhoods.Enhance Economic Competitiveness –Keys Energy has very good employees, is wellmanaged, and should always aim to improve.“As a lifelong resident, business owner and realtor in Key Westfor over 25 years, I know the community and its needs.”Cheryl Catesfor Utility Board“Reliable Energy We Can Trust”CHERYLCATESforUtility Board Group 3www.CherylCates.comPlease Vote October 1 stPaid by Cheryl Cates for Utility Board Group 3St. Peter’s Church Pumpkin PatchThe youth of St.Peter’s churchwill be unloading 5000 Pumpkinsthis Saturday 28th, 9-12, free lunchfor everyone Please come out andsupport this great annual event. ThePatch will be open Sept. 28th - Oct.31st, MM 31.5, 10 am - Dusk Daily.The Patch will have a Costume Corner,where you can find gently usedCostumes or donate one. We wouldlove to see a Beautiful Picture of thisfall event in your Conch Color.Friday Happy Hour Benefits Key WestPreschool CoopHappy Hour gratuities will benefitThe Key West Preschool Co-op(KWPC) this Friday, September 27th,from 5 to 8 PM at The BottleCapGroove Lounge. KWPC has beenserving the families of Key West forover 20 years as a non-profit cooperative,which means that parents areactive and essential partners alongwith our teachers in the running ofthe school.The preschool, located at 2610 FlaglerAvenue, offers classes 5 morningsa week for children ages 1 to 4 yearsold and are currently accepting newstudents for all classes. For additionalinformation on KWPC visit the websiteat www.kwpc.info or find themon Facebook. KWPC depends oncommunity support to operate. TheBottlecap is located at 1128 SimontonStreet.conch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicleWine on Water - October 6Monroe County’s chapter of theFlorida Restaurant and Lodging Associationwill presents its fourth annual “Wineon the Water,” Sunday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m.,onboard the Fury Catamaran during asunset sail.The last three “Wine on the Water”events have been sold out prior to thedate, so the association, and its local Keysmembers, suggest interested parties tobuy tickets early by contacting LynneHernandez at 305-598-3752.Celebrated Key West Chef MichaelSchultz, executive chef for the Pat CroceGroup, will prepare this year’s five coursepairing of delicacies and fine wines fromSouthern Wine and Spirits and ConstellationWines, and wine writer and connoisseurSteve Calderwood will moderateeach tasting.For one of the tastings Schultz willpair, seared tuna tataki, black sesamecrusted tuna with Thai soba noodles,wasabi aioli and topeka caviar from halfshell raw bar menu with a Mark WestPinot Noir.“The texture and spice of this dish isa great match for the Mark West pinot,”Schultz said.Schultz’s finale for the night will befrom Turtle Kraals’ menu, a Jamaican almondcake with orange and agave nectarglazed pineapples, served with HiddenCrush Chardonnay.“Almond cake, pineapple and chardonnay. . . that about says it all,” SchultzsaidȦll funds from ticket sales benefitthe FRLA Monroe Educational Fund,providing support for the Florida KeysCommunity College hospitality programand the ProStart Culinary Programs inMonroe County High Schools.Tickets are $85 and, along with thewine and food tastings, each person willreceive a gift bag filled with souvenir ofthe event and an engraved wine glass.The sunset sail will feature live entertainmentand an onboard raffle.Sunrise Rotary at PokerRun’s Final StopPhoto by Kristen LivengoodMembers of the Key West SunriseRotary Club in the Conch Republicmanned the fifth stop, parkedmotorcycles and sold T-shirts all insupport of Phil Peterson’s 41st KeyWest Poker Run Sept. 19-21. SunriseRotarians pictured include, fromleft, Stephanie Griffiths, Trice Denny,Birch Ohlinger, Douglas Helkenn,Steve Gahan, Ron Demes and JimReynolds. Sunrise Rotary meets atTrumbo Point every Friday at 7 a.m.

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comReliable Energy We Can Trust...Susta<strong>in</strong>able Developement –Let’s meet our needs without compromis<strong>in</strong>gfuture generations.Value our Community and Neighborhoods –Keep jobs and contract dollars local. Invest <strong>in</strong> safe,healthy, walkable/bikable neighborhoods.Enhance Economic Competitiveness –Keys Energy has very good employees, is wellmanaged, and should always aim to improve.“As a lifelong resident, bus<strong>in</strong>ess owner and realtor <strong>in</strong> Key Westfor over 25 years, I know the community and its needs.”Cheryl Catesfor Utility Board“Reliable Energy We Can Trust”CHERYLCATESforUtility Board Group 3www.CherylCates.comPlease Vote October 1 stPaid by Cheryl Cates for Utility Board Group 3St. Peter’s Church Pumpk<strong>in</strong> PatchThe youth of St.Peter’s churchwill be unload<strong>in</strong>g 5000 Pumpk<strong>in</strong>sthis Saturday 28th, 9-12, free lunchfor everyone Please come out andsupport this great annual event. ThePatch will be open Sept. 28th - Oct.31st, MM 31.5, 10 am - Dusk Daily.The Patch will have a Costume Corner,where you can f<strong>in</strong>d gently usedCostumes or donate one. We wouldlove to see a Beautiful Picture of thisfall event <strong>in</strong> your Conch Color.Friday Happy Hour Benefits Key WestPreschool CoopHappy Hour gratuities will benefitThe Key West Preschool Co-op(KWPC) this Friday, September 27th,from 5 to 8 PM at The BottleCapGroove Lounge. KWPC has beenserv<strong>in</strong>g the families of Key West forover 20 years as a non-profit cooperative,which means that parents areactive and essential partners alongwith our teachers <strong>in</strong> the runn<strong>in</strong>g ofthe school.The preschool, located at 2610 FlaglerAvenue, offers classes 5 morn<strong>in</strong>gsa week for children ages 1 to 4 yearsold and are currently accept<strong>in</strong>g newstudents for all classes. For additional<strong>in</strong>formation on KWPC visit the websiteat www.kwpc.<strong>in</strong>fo or f<strong>in</strong>d themon Facebook. KWPC depends oncommunity support to operate. TheBottlecap is located at 1128 SimontonStreet.conch color the florida keys 5 photographic chronicleW<strong>in</strong>e on Water - October 6Monroe County’s chapter of theFlorida Restaurant and Lodg<strong>in</strong>g Associationwill presents its fourth annual “W<strong>in</strong>eon the Water,” Sunday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m.,onboard the Fury Catamaran dur<strong>in</strong>g asunset sail.The last three “W<strong>in</strong>e on the Water”events have been sold out prior to thedate, so the association, and its local Keysmembers, suggest <strong>in</strong>terested parties tobuy tickets early by contact<strong>in</strong>g LynneHernandez at 305-598-3752.Celebrated Key West Chef MichaelSchultz, executive chef for the Pat CroceGroup, will prepare this year’s five coursepair<strong>in</strong>g of delicacies and f<strong>in</strong>e w<strong>in</strong>es fromSouthern W<strong>in</strong>e and Spirits and ConstellationW<strong>in</strong>es, and w<strong>in</strong>e writer and connoisseurSteve Calderwood will moderateeach tast<strong>in</strong>g.For one of the tast<strong>in</strong>gs Schultz willpair, seared tuna tataki, black sesamecrusted tuna with Thai soba noodles,wasabi aioli and topeka caviar from halfshell raw bar menu with a Mark WestP<strong>in</strong>ot Noir.“The texture and spice of this dish isa great match for the Mark West p<strong>in</strong>ot,”Schultz said.Schultz’s f<strong>in</strong>ale for the night will befrom Turtle Kraals’ menu, a Jamaican almondcake with orange and agave nectarglazed p<strong>in</strong>eapples, served with HiddenCrush Chardonnay.“Almond cake, p<strong>in</strong>eapple and chardonnay. . . that about says it all,” SchultzsaidȦll funds from ticket sales benefitthe FRLA Monroe Educational Fund,provid<strong>in</strong>g support for the Florida KeysCommunity College hospitality programand the ProStart Cul<strong>in</strong>ary Programs <strong>in</strong>Monroe County High Schools.Tickets are $85 and, along with thew<strong>in</strong>e and food tast<strong>in</strong>gs, each person willreceive a gift bag filled with souvenir ofthe event and an engraved w<strong>in</strong>e glass.The sunset sail will feature live enterta<strong>in</strong>mentand an onboard raffle.Sunrise Rotary at PokerRun’s F<strong>in</strong>al StopPhoto by Kristen LivengoodMembers of the Key West SunriseRotary Club <strong>in</strong> the Conch Republicmanned the fifth stop, parkedmotorcycles and sold T-shirts all <strong>in</strong>support of Phil Peterson’s 41st KeyWest Poker Run Sept. 19-21. SunriseRotarians pictured <strong>in</strong>clude, fromleft, Stephanie Griffiths, Trice Denny,Birch Ohl<strong>in</strong>ger, Douglas Helkenn,Steve Gahan, Ron Demes and JimReynolds. Sunrise Rotary meets atTrumbo Po<strong>in</strong>t every Friday at 7 a.m.

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