4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages 4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

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September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comRenee Grier, ARNPI use ONLY name brand FDA approved injectable products.Always have, always will.Offering Botox®, Dysport®, Xeomin®, Radiesse® Restylane® &Juvederm® for facial rejuvenation and instant, natural lookingresults305-509-25505450 MacDonald Ave., Suite 4 • In the offices of Dr. Kelley Vallewww.newleafkeywest.comThe Relativity Of ProblemsAs I have professed on manyoccasions, I am a news junky;at least I like to watch theevening news, read our dailypapers and the New York Timeson Sunday morning. Of late,however, I have felt less thaninterested in what the news hasto offer, at least nationally andinternationally.If the news is not dwelling onthe natural disasters befallingColorado or, in turn, Haiti,Indonesia or the leaking nuclearpower plant in Japan, it isfocused on the most recentman-caused mayhem. Thereare shootings in small townsin the Midwest, the scores ofpeople mowed down at theNavy Yard in Washington orsome al Qaeda group that goesby the name of al Shabaabkilling scores of innocentcivilians in a shopping mall,taking hostages and, essentially,putting a major stain onone of Africa’s most stable,environment friendly countries.For what? Frankly, the wholeMuslims killing Muslims thingescapes me too.In fact, I have started makingit a practice when I get wind ofsome horrific new piece of newsto just not watch. While I feelbeing informed is importantin order to be a good citizen,at least in my view, the thingsthat happen around the countryand the world I can do nothingto solve or resolve. I can onlymake myself that much moremiserable. I must ask again, forwhat?On the other hand, on ourlittle island of Key West, I findour struggle with issues to beinteresting, if not sometimes alittle provincially quirky. I havewatched the state of Floridadeclare us an “area of criticalconcern”, yet step back fromthe plate when someone getsto pay for the maintenance ofsuch a plan. Those propertyholders who are affected andnot allowed to build on theirproperty have a small voiceand it is a long way to go toTallahassee to be heard. I havewatched the changing natureof our fishing industry where,against the backdrop of a oncea-yearlooting of our lobsters,the state has systematically beenreducing the number of tags afisherman can own, making itmore and more impossible toearn a living doing so or passinga family business on to a son. Ofcourse, the biggie at the momentis the vote on October 1st toallow the study of widening thechannel to go forward. If thiswas the vote to put the cranesout in the harbor the next dayand start digging, I could seewhy we would be jumping upand down, but all of this bileover doing a study to see if itmakes sense and whether it canbe done in the context of goodenvironmental stewardshippretty much confounds me.If you roll everything upinto a ball, however, living inthe Florida Keys and in KeyWest in particular, is a prettynice spot to be in. Except foran occasional hurricane, weare not going to be affected toomuch by the weather. We areblessed with making our livingfrom the clean, self-promotingbusiness of tourism which, inthe final analysis, is just beingnice to people. I guess if I hada wish about it all, it would bethat we could all recognize howgood we really have it and try toget on the same page as far as acommunity agenda. Then again,maybe acrimony is the greasethat makes the world go round.I hope not.Chris Bellandconch color the florida keys 36 photographic chronicle

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comMurrayMarineMurray Marine Inc.Murray Marine Inc.YOUR FULL SERVICE MARINE FACILITY5710 U.S. 1 305-296-0364 MURRAYMARINEKW.COM24.34.456 81.44.123Key Westconch color the florida keys 13 photographic chronicle

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comMurrayMar<strong>in</strong>eMurray Mar<strong>in</strong>e Inc.Murray Mar<strong>in</strong>e Inc.YOUR FULL SERVICE MARINE FACILITY5710 U.S. 1 305-296-0364 MURRAYMARINEKW.COM24.34.456 81.44.123Key Westconch color the florida keys 13 photographic chronicle

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