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4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages 4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

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September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comFirst State Bank Holds YardSale and Car Wash for RelayFirst State Bank of the FloridaKeys continues its support of theAmerican Cancer Society with a giganticyard sale and car wash Saturday,September 28th from 7:00am to11:00am at their Main Office locatedat 1201 Simonton Street, Key West.“We invite everyone in the communityto join us in the fight againstcancer by supporting this importantlocal fundraiser,” said Sandra Gordon,Fraud Analyst and First StateBank Relay for Life Co-Captain.Relay for Life is an overnight eventdesigned to celebrate survivorshipand raise money for the AmericanCancer Society.For more information on Relayfor Life and other local Keys events,visit www.KeysBank.com and click onKeys Community.Please feel free to contact us formore information at:305 296-8297Members of First State Bank of the Florida Keys Relay for Life Team get ready for the upcomingyard sale and car wash Saturday, September 28th from 7:00am to 11:00am at their Main Officelocated at 1201 Simonton Street, Key West.3rd Annual Lower KeysVotes for Notes!For the 3rd year local musician RayWest is organizing a musical benefit forHabitat for Humanity of Key West &the Lower Florida Keys. “I wanted tofind a way to bring additional customersinto our local establishments duringthe traditionally slow season. So I cameup with this friendly competition whichalso benefits a non-profit that does somuch good in our community. Votesfor Notes gives local amateurs and professionalmusicians a chance to performin a fun, relaxed atmosphere.” – RayWest, event organizer.Fans enjoy new local talent of allages and popular pros donating theirtime and talent to Habitat. The audiencevotes for favorite acts with $1.00vote donation to Habitat. And yes, youcan vote as many times as you wantfor your favorite act and Habitat wins,too! Winners of each round progressto the Grand Finale to win a prizepackage consisting of such things asgift certificates to music stores, musicalinstruments, free studio time, and more,thanks to local music businesses.Acts can compete as solos, duos,groups, or with our professional backupband. Performers of all ages areencouraged. Musicians should contactRay West (612) 388-6333 or raywestmusic@gmail.comso he can organize eachnight’s performances.The first round is Monday, September30th, 6-9pm, at the Sunset Grille inMarathon. As in past years, proceedsfrom this event will be shared withHabitat for Humanity of the MiddleKeys.2nd Round: Monday, October 7th,6-9pm, Looe Key Tiki Bar, Ramrod KeyGrand Finale: Sunday, October 13th,6-9pm, Smokin’ Tuna Saloon, Key WestFor more information on the events,call (305) 294-9006 or may visit Habitatonline at www.habitatlowerkeys.org andfollow us on Facebook (facebook.com/habitatkeywest)Joe AndWade AtPokerRunconch color the florida keys 20 photographic chronicle

The Downside Of ReferendumsBy Chris BellandThe upcoming election has engenderedsome very sad and distastefulfeelings in our communitythat are going to linger long afterOctober 1st. I don’t believe, in myheart of hearts, it was necessary.Admittedly, I was not at the meetingwhen the City Commissionersdecided to put the channel wideningissue out to referendum. I don’teven know who sponsored it. I wishsomeone had stood up or a Commissionerhad spoken effectivelyagainst it. Maybe somebody did butobviously the Commission wentahead and voted to put the channelwidening study on the ballot.In my view, the City Commissionwas elected to be able to objectivelyanalyze the data and listen to thecontrolled forum available to citizensto present all sides of such anissue and to decide then and there.That is the reason we elect people tooffice. Granted, and I have writtenabout this many times before, takingpublic office is, more often than not,a thankless job that opens you upto a great deal of unfair criticism.Running for office is something Ihave never done and probably neverwill and I am in continual admirationfor those who do. It is certainlynot the pay but, rather, a very strongfelt desire to serve the community. Ihave never spoken in front of, writtenabout or written to our City orCounty Commissioners without alwaysthanking them for their service.I meant it when I have said it beforeand I mean it now. Thank you!With all this being said, however,I would be remiss if I did not expressthe view that we should take a greatlesson from the temptation to puthard decisions on the public ballot.There have been a great many voicesof reason on this subject for, indeed,there are two sides to it.I understand the fear of environmentaldestruction but have satisfiedmyself that the immediate effectswill be minimal and the mitigationefforts will be a net improvement.September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comI understand how many people inthe community of Key West do notwant cruise ship passengers. Manyof them do not perceive a need forthem whereas I see cruise ship passengersas an irreplaceable part ofthe economy. Our hotels are alreadyfull so we have nowhere else to go inthe tourist industry to replace cruiseship revenue. At the same time,I can also see how the cruise shipindustry has done a great deal tofoster abbreviated visits to our islandwhich has resulted in return visits.Today, our hotels have one of thehighest occupancy and average dailyrates in the entire country. I can alsosee how expenditures for dockingfees, expenditures by crew and bypassengers put millions of dollarsper year in a very closed economywhich, thereafter, circulate manytimes making this a healthy environmentto keep people employed, notthe least of whom are our serviceworkers, firemen and police. In fact,we have one of the lowest unemploymentrates in the United States.Yes, there are two sides to thisstory and because it has festered forso long in the public and not-sopublicforum, it has formented uglyrecriminations, false informationand acrimony that will linger forquite some time. Again, I believethis could have been avoided hadthe City Commission listened to thepeople and simply voted on it.Please vote on October 1st rememberingwe are not voting to doanything but study the procedureand ramifications of widening ourchannel to keep Key West a viableport. The study will then tell uswhether to go forward and do thework or not. The final work will notbe done or in place for many yearsto come but, if done or not, willeffect this island for generations tocome. I for one do not want to bethe object of a directive that wouldask, “Why didn’t they do somethingwhen they could?”conch color the florida keys 21 photographic chronicle

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comFirst State Bank Holds YardSale and Car Wash for RelayFirst State Bank of the FloridaKeys cont<strong>in</strong>ues its support of theAmerican Cancer Society with a giganticyard sale and car wash Saturday,September 28th from 7:00am to11:00am at their Ma<strong>in</strong> Office locatedat 1201 Simonton Street, Key West.“We <strong>in</strong>vite everyone <strong>in</strong> the communityto jo<strong>in</strong> us <strong>in</strong> the fight aga<strong>in</strong>stcancer by support<strong>in</strong>g this importantlocal fundraiser,” said Sandra Gordon,Fraud Analyst and First StateBank Relay for Life Co-Capta<strong>in</strong>.Relay for Life is an overnight eventdesigned to celebrate survivorshipand raise money for the AmericanCancer Society.For more <strong>in</strong>formation on Relayfor Life and other local Keys events,visit www.KeysBank.com and click onKeys Community.Please feel free to contact us formore <strong>in</strong>formation at:305 296-8297Members of First State Bank of the Florida Keys Relay for Life Team get ready for the upcom<strong>in</strong>gyard sale and car wash Saturday, September 28th from 7:00am to 11:00am at their Ma<strong>in</strong> Officelocated at 1201 Simonton Street, Key West.3rd <strong>Annual</strong> Lower KeysVotes for Notes!For the 3rd year local musician RayWest is organiz<strong>in</strong>g a musical benefit forHabitat for Humanity of Key West &the Lower Florida Keys. “I wanted tof<strong>in</strong>d a way to br<strong>in</strong>g additional customers<strong>in</strong>to our local establishments dur<strong>in</strong>gthe traditionally slow season. So I cameup with this friendly competition whichalso benefits a non-profit that does somuch good <strong>in</strong> our community. Votesfor Notes gives local amateurs and professionalmusicians a chance to perform<strong>in</strong> a fun, relaxed atmosphere.” – RayWest, event organizer.Fans enjoy new local talent of allages and popular pros donat<strong>in</strong>g theirtime and talent to Habitat. The audiencevotes for favorite acts with $1.00vote donation to Habitat. And yes, youcan vote as many times as you wantfor your favorite act and Habitat w<strong>in</strong>s,too! W<strong>in</strong>ners of each round progressto the Grand F<strong>in</strong>ale to w<strong>in</strong> a prizepackage consist<strong>in</strong>g of such th<strong>in</strong>gs asgift certificates to music stores, musical<strong>in</strong>struments, free studio time, and more,thanks to local music bus<strong>in</strong>esses.Acts can compete as solos, duos,groups, or with our professional backupband. Performers of all ages areencouraged. Musicians should contactRay West (612) 388-6333 or raywestmusic@gmail.comso he can organize eachnight’s performances.The first round is Monday, September30th, 6-9pm, at the Sunset Grille <strong>in</strong>Marathon. As <strong>in</strong> past years, proceedsfrom this event will be shared withHabitat for Humanity of the MiddleKeys.2nd Round: Monday, October 7th,6-9pm, Looe Key Tiki Bar, Ramrod KeyGrand F<strong>in</strong>ale: Sunday, October 13th,6-9pm, Smok<strong>in</strong>’ Tuna Saloon, Key WestFor more <strong>in</strong>formation on the events,call (305) 294-9006 or may visit Habitatonl<strong>in</strong>e at www.habitatlowerkeys.org andfollow us on Facebook (facebook.com/habitatkeywest)Joe AndWade AtPokerRunconch color the florida keys 20 photographic chronicle

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