4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages 4th Annual Men in Paradise Fashion Show Preview ... - SnapPages

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September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comThe Dental Office ofDr. Hector Guzman nowhas 4 dental hygienists toserve you. Call 294-9914to make an appointment.L-R: Jana Alvarez, Jan Bedenbaugh, Teresa Osborne and Jayme Thomas.Monday, October 21, 20136 pmSponsoerd by Debbie & Bernie Bolonoswski & The Casa MarinaContact Cali Roberts for detailsBras can be delivered to WomankindLOCALSPECIALSAll You Can EatPrimeRibBuffet$23.95Ask for your 15% Locals Discount with proper I.D.Served with Baked Potato, Fresh Seasonal Vegetables,Salad, Dinner Rolls and Assorted Home-Style Desserts.Palm Haven Restaurantat DoubleTree Grand Key ResortFridays 6-9 pmJust ArrivedCarvings byIsiahMendozaTrue Works ofartAlsobeautifulprints ofMendozaPaintingsconch color the florida keys 16 photographic chronicle

SupportSeptember 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comSupport the the StudyStudyEnvironment.Environment.Economy.Economy.QualityQualityofofLife.Life. SafetySafetyEnvironment. Economy. Quality of Life. Safety________________________________________________________________________________________________Vote________________________________________________________________________________________________YES on Oct. 1 YOU NEED TO KNOW Sept. 29, 2013________________________________________________________________________________________________Vote YES on Oct. 1 YOU NEED TO KNOW Sept. 19, 2013________________________________________________________________________________________________Vote YES on Oct. YOU NEED TO KNOW Sept. 19, 2013Vote YES on Oct. 1 YOU NEED TO KNOW Sept. 19, 2013Before you vote, remember …It’s NOT illegalIt’s NOT illegal toto widenwiden thethe channelchannelIt’s a study. Not a decision.Marine Sanctuary rules require study and permitMarine Sanctuary rules require study and permitWe must protect the quality of life that draws us – by sailboat, cruise ship, plane, car, scooter, or bike.GET NEW PICTURE AND CUTLINE FROM DROPBOX FILEGET NEW PICTURE AND CUTLINE FROM DROPBOX FILEGET NEW PICTURE AND CUTLINE FROM DROPBOX FILEBefore you vote …Before you vote …BeforeBeforeyouyouvotevote …YOU NEED TO KNOWYOU NEED TO KNOWYOU NEED TO KNOW1. The referendum is not a decision on widening thechannel. 1. The referendum is instructs not a decision the City on Commissionwidening theto ask the 1. channel. The U.S. referendum Army The referendum Corps is of not Engineers instructs decision the to on conduct City widening Commission a thefeasibility channel.1. to The ask study. the referendum This The U.S. referendum Army is a study is Corps not to ainstructs of decision determine Engineers theonCity the to widening conduct Commission effects the aon our tochannel. feasibility environment, ask the study. TheU.S. economyreferendumArmy This Corps is a and study instructsof quality Engineers to determine theofCitylife to conduct –Commissionthe if the effectsfeasibilityto ask thestudy.U.S. ArmyThisCorpsis studyof Engineersto determineto conductthe effectsachannel on were our environment, some day to economy be widened. and quality of life – if theonfeasibilityour environment,study. Thiseconomyis a studyandto determinequality of lifethe effectsYou are channel not making were some a decision day to be on widened. channel widening. if thechannelon our environment,were some dayeconomyto be widened.and quality of life – if theAny decisionYou arechannelaboutnot makingYou arewerewideninga decisionnot makingsome daythe decisionto bechannelon channelwidened.would comewidening.Any decision about widening the channel on channel would widening. comeAFTERAnyYou thedecisionare completion not making of theabout wideninga decision feasibilitythe channelon study. channel Thewouldwidening. studyAFTER the completion of the feasibility study. The come studywill takeAFTERAny willthreetake decision years.the three completionabout years. wideningof thethefeasibilitychannelstudy.wouldThecomestudywillAFTERtakethethreecompletionyears.of the feasibility study. The study2, No local will 2, No take tax local three dollars tax years. dollars will go will toward go toward funding funding the thestudy.2, study. TheNofeasibilitylocal The tax feasibility dollarsstudy study iswillestimatedgo is estimated towardto costfunding to cost $3 $3 themillion. study.2, million. Of No that, local Of The $750,000 that, taxfeasibility $750,000 dollars is study local will is local go responsibility is estimatedtoward fundingto and cost and the $3theGreater million.study. Greater Key West OfThe Key that,feasibility Chamber West $750,000 Chamber study of is Commerce localis of estimated Commerce responsibility Political to Political costand$3theAction Committee Greatermillion. Action Committee OfKeythat, has West$750,000 pledged has Chamber pledged is to localof raise Commerce to responsibility raise the funds the Political fund and theprivately. ActionGreater Sprivately. The Committee state Key The West and state federal hasChamber and pledged federal governments of Commerceto governments raise the will Politicalfund fund will fundthe remainder Sprivately.Action the remainder Committeeof the The of cost. state the has cost. andpledgedfederaltogovernmentsraise the fundwill fundtheSprivately.remainderTheofstatethe cost.and federal governments will fundthe remainder of the cost.A YES vote does not widen thechannel Despite – claims, not now; Sanctuary maybe neverDespiteDespite regulations claims,claims, provide SanctuarySanctuary permit pathKEY regulationsregulations WEST – With a “yes” provideprovide vote, we permitpermit will take these pathpath steps:KEY (1) The WEST city – requests The Florida the Keys study. Marine The study Sanctuary will take Act,three KEY which years; WEST protects The the Florida waters Keys surrounding Marine Key Sanctuary West, Act,whichKEY provides (2) When WESTprotects a path the – The U.S. the for Floridawaters the Army permits Keyssurrounding Corps that Marine of would Engineers KeySanctuary be West, needed releases Act, ifthe provideswhich the study, channel protectsthe path were communitythefor widened. watersthe permits andsurroundingthe that city would willKeybe evaluateWest,needed the iftheprovideschannela pathwereforwidened.the permits that would be needed ifinformation It would in require the report; a permit to widen the small portionthe of Itchannelwould requirewere widened.(3)Cut permit to widen the small portionof CutItFollowingB the Mainwould in therequirethatMainaevaluation,Channel by 150Channelpermit tobywidentherefeet,150 feet,theissmalllikelybut it’sbut it’sportiontonotbeillegal. Opponents of the study claim widening theanother notillegal.of Cut referendum BOpponentsin the Main inofChannel which youthe studybyclaim150 decide feet,wideningbut if you it’s wantthenot tochannel is illegal. It is not.widenchannelillegal. the Opponents channel.For comparison, illegal. Itof permits thenot.study are claim also needed widening to fish, the buildchannel aLet’sdockhaveFor comparison, or is enjoy illegal. thata day It discussionpermits of not. watersportsthen.are also needed in theLet’smarineget the factsto fish, buildnow sanctuary. fordockFor future comparison,or enjoy As decisions. they day should permits Opponentsof watersports be, are Sanctuary also needed of thein the rules referendummarineto are fish, very buildaresanctuary.a strict using dock about or half-truths enjoyAs what theya day can shouldto be of convince watersports done be, Sanctuary the you sanctuary in a the “yes”rulesmarine voteare and veryis what avote strictsanctuary. is required to widen aboutAs for what the they a permit. channel canshouldbe done and be, Sanctuaryin bring the sanctuary in mega rules ships. areandverywhatisstrict That’s required Section about not 15 forwhat CFR true. permit.can 922.166 They be done of know the in the sanctuary it’s sanctuary not rules true. and It’s what astudy is provides requiredSection seeking certain 15for up-to-date CFRa permit. exceptions 922.166 information of under the sanctuary which on a the permit rules can beenvironment, provides issued. Section One certain15 the allows CFR economy, exceptions922.166 issuing of a safety under permit the sanctuarywhich and if the quality project permitrules of life. can beissued.provides would: (vi) Onecertain Otherwise allowsexceptionsissuing further underpermit Sanctuary whichif the purposes, aprojectpermit can bewould:issued. including This is (vi)Onewhat facilitating Otherwiseallows issuingreferendum multiple furthera permitSanctuary use of ifsays: the purposes, Sanctuary, project toincludingwould: the extent (vi)facilitating compatible Otherwisemultiplefurther with the Sanctuaryuse primary of the objective purposes,"Shall the City of Key West request that Sanctuary, the Army of totheincluding resource extent protection. facilitatingcompatiblemultiplewith theuseprimaryof theobjectiveSanctuary,oftoCorpsresourcethe We extentof Engineersbelieve protection.compatibleconductthis exception with thea comprehensiveapplies primary to Key objective West. The offeasibility resource permit We believe would protection. study, at no monetary cost to the City,require this exception a full environmental applies to Key impact West. The study,to determinepermit including We believe thewould appropriate requirethis environmental, exception mitigation full environmentalapplies economiccommitments to KeyimpactWest. and– The all study, ofsocialincludingpermit which impacts the wouldappropriate U.S. require Army of widening Corps amitigationfull environmental of the Engineers’ Key Westcommitments feasibility impact Main allstudy, ShipofChannelwhichincluding would the provide. for appropriate use by modernU.S. Army Corpsmitigation and longerof Engineers’commitments cruise shipsfeasibility– allstudyofwhilewouldwhich also theprovide.addressing U.S. Army Corps navigational of Engineers’ safety? feasibility studywould provide.A study. Not a decision. Fact-finding for future choices.Astudy.study.NotNot adecision.decision.Fact-findingFact-findingforforfuturefuturechoices.choices.First, the study. Then Key West decides. Based on facts.

September 27 - October 3, 2013 • www.conchcolor.comThe Dental Office ofDr. Hector Guzman nowhas 4 dental hygienists toserve you. Call 294-9914to make an appo<strong>in</strong>tment.L-R: Jana Alvarez, Jan Bedenbaugh, Teresa Osborne and Jayme Thomas.Monday, October 21, 20136 pmSponsoerd by Debbie & Bernie Bolonoswski & The Casa Mar<strong>in</strong>aContact Cali Roberts for detailsBras can be delivered to Womank<strong>in</strong>dLOCALSPECIALSAll You Can EatPrimeRibBuffet$23.95Ask for your 15% Locals Discount with proper I.D.Served with Baked Potato, Fresh Seasonal Vegetables,Salad, D<strong>in</strong>ner Rolls and Assorted Home-Style Desserts.Palm Haven Restaurantat DoubleTree Grand Key ResortFridays 6-9 pmJust ArrivedCarv<strong>in</strong>gs byIsiah<strong>Men</strong>dozaTrue Works ofartAlsobeautifulpr<strong>in</strong>ts of<strong>Men</strong>dozaPa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>gsconch color the florida keys 16 photographic chronicle

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