Corporate Relocation Survey 2012 - Atlas Van Lines

Corporate Relocation Survey 2012 - Atlas Van Lines

Corporate Relocation Survey 2012 - Atlas Van Lines


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Table of ContentsSectionSlide NumberForeword……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3Situational Analysis 3Methodology 3Management Summary……………………………………………………………………………….…..4-30<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets 4-9Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s 10-12Policy Administration 13-16<strong>Relocation</strong> Costs 17-19Employee, Spousal & Assistance Issues 20-21Supplier Management 22-24International 25-28<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent Profile 29-30<strong>Survey</strong> Graphs……………………………………………………………………………………………………31-167<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets 31-63Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s 64-73Policy Administration 74-96<strong>Relocation</strong> Costs 97-109Employee, Spousal & Assistance Issues 110-125Supplier Management 126-141International 142-157<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent Profile 158-167Contact Information………..……………………………………………………………………………….168TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97972April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsManagement Summary Companies surveyed report a median range of 20-49 employee relocations in 2011 (small companiesreport 1-9, mid-size companies 20-49, and large companies 200-399). The median number ofrelocations by large firms finally rebounds to normative levels established 2002-2007 after spendingthe past three years far lower (100-199). Mid-size firms saw median relocation levels recover in 2010to historical norms after spending 2008-2009 at 10-19.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Number of Employees Relocated in 2011 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Median Range 20-49 1-9 20-49 200-399 Nearly half of the companies surveyed indicate the number of employee relocations increased in 2011over the previous year. More than forty percent saw volumes remain the same compared to 2010and only one out of ten saw relocations decrease last year. Company size appears to continue toimpact relocation volumes: significantly more large firms (62%) report increases than mid-size(43%) and small (37%) in 2011, with roughly half of mid-size and small firms indicating volumeswere essentially unchanged.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)2011 <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes Compared to 2010 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 47% 37% 43% 62%Stay About the Same 43% 52% 44% 31%Decrease 11% 10% 13% 7%2011 <strong>Relocation</strong> Budgets Compared to 2010 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 36% 28% 34% 47%Stay About the Same 52% 63% 50% 43%Decrease 12% 10% 16% 10%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97974April <strong>2012</strong>

Management Summary<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets (cont.) More than a third of mid-size and nearly half of large firms indicate their relocation budgets increasedin 2011 compared to the previous year; more than a fourth of small firms saw increases as well.While large companies surveyed were the most likely to see budgets increase last year, most firmsacross sizes saw stability or increases in budgets; less than a sixth of firms across company sizeindicate any decreases in relocation budgets in 2011. Roughly one fourth or more firms across company size expect relocation volumes and budgets toincrease in <strong>2012</strong>. Additionally, the percentages of firms expecting cuts to relocation volumes andbudgets remain near non-recessionary levels. Large firms have the brightest outlook with morethan a third expecting increased relocation volumes compared to under a fourth of mid-size andsmall firms. The vast majority of firms of all sizes expect relocation volumes to remain the same orincrease compared to 2011, indicating the recovery that began in 2010 is expected to continuethrough the coming year.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 26% 23% 23% 35%Stay About the Same 61% 63% 70% 50%Decrease 12% 15% 7% 15%<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: <strong>Relocation</strong> Budgets Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 26% 23% 25% 29%Stay About the Same 60% 63% 63% 55%Decrease 14% 14% 13% 16%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97975April <strong>2012</strong>

Management Summary<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets (cont.) Overall, only around a sixth or less of firms indicate relocations decreased among employee typesdue to economic/market pressures in 2011. The depressive impact of these factors has lessenedsignificantly since 2008-2010, with the most pronounced improvements occurring for entry level/newhires and middle management employees, which were more impacted by the recession overall.Additionally, roughly a fifth of firms actually increased relocations for entry level/new hires and morethan a fourth increased them for middle management and senior management/executives last year,indicating that some of the economic/market forces at work are more enabling to employee mobility. Most firms of all sizes report economic/market pressures had no impact on the duration ofassignments (long or short-term). However, among affected firms nearly twice as many note shorttermassignments increased rather than decreased (20% vs. 10%). Large firms were the most likelyto indicate assignment length was impacted (39% and 40% vs. 28% or less of other firms), with farmore reporting the number of short-term assignments increased rather than decreased (32% vs. 7%).100%80%18% 17% 13% 13% 10%60%40%62%56% 59%70% 70%20%0%20%28% 28%Entry Level/New HiresIncreasedMiddle Management Sr.Management/ExecutivesUnaffectedDecreased17% 20%Long-Term Assignments Short-Term AssignmentsTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97976April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets (cont.)Management Summary Most (76%) respondents state that declining the opportunity to relocate does not hinder an employee’scareer. Over half (57%) indicate they had employees decline the opportunity to relocate in 2011;however, only 33% of respondents from small companies indicate this was the case, while 58% of midsizeand 83% of large firms indicate they had employees decline relocation. Three-fourths of respondents state that the number of employees who declined relocation did not changesubstantially between 2010 and 2011. However, the percentage of firms indicating an increase remainselevated and similar to 2007 (18% vs. 16%), although this remains down significantly from 2008-2009(28%+). Only about one-fifth of firms across company size cite year-to-year increases in declinedrelocations (in 2008-2009 mid-size and large firms experienced much higher levels of increaseddeclinations).By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Reasons for Declining <strong>Relocation</strong>* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Housing/Mortgage Concerns 71% 76% 66% 73%Family Issues/Ties 64% 64% 74% 55%Personal Reasons (non-disclosed) 42% 33% 41% 46%Spouse’s/Partner’s Employment 39% 42% 38% 38%Cost of Living in New Location 28% 24% 31% 27%No Desire to Relocate 28% 33% 31% 24%*of companies with declined relocations (Q9) Overall, 71% of companies who had employees decline relocation last year state that housing/mortgageconcerns was a reason cited, similar to the past three years (69%+), significantly above 2007 (50%) and2006 (30%), and above family issues/ties for a fourth straight year (64%). Housing/mortgage concerns wasthe top reason cited by small and large firms, while at mid-size firms family issues/ties was the top issue bya slight margin. Overall, these two issues had similar levels of impact at both mid-size and small firms.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97977April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets (cont.)Management Summary Most (73%) respondents indicate their firms offered additional incentives to encourage employeerelocations in 2011, an increase over the past three years (60%+). The most popular incentive remainedextending temporary housing benefits (across firms of all sizes). <strong>Relocation</strong> bonuses, loss-on-saleprotection, COLAs, and extended duplicate housing benefits round out the top five methods used last year.Although similar percentages of firms across company size offered extended temporary housing benefits,relocation bonuses and COLAs, large firms were much more likely to offer loss-on-sale protection orextended duplicate housing benefits than mid-size or small firms. Interestingly, small firms were morelikely to offer COLAs than loss-on-sale or extended duplicate housing benefits (38% vs. 21%).By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Additional Incentives Offered in 2011* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Extended Temporary Housing Benefits 78% 79% 75% 79%<strong>Relocation</strong> Bonuses 49% 47% 52% 49%Loss-on-Sale Protection 43% 21% 37% 71%Cost-of-Living-Adjustments (COLAs) 39% 38% 40% 38%Extended Duplicate Housing Benefits 37% 21% 37% 51%*of those who offered incentives (Q11a) Overall, about 9 out of 10 firms said offering extra incentives were“almost always” or “frequently” successful in convincing anemployee to relocate.* excludes not applicable/don’t know responsesQ.11c – Frequency ofIncentive Success*Seldom6%Almostalways37% TotalFrequently57%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97978April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & Budgets (cont.)Management Summary Of those who relocated employees in the United States, the most frequent U.S. region destination was theNortheast (42%) followed by the Midwest (37%), South (31%), and West (26%). However, at largefirms the third place destination was the West (38%), followed by the South (35%). Among firms relocating employees between the U.S. and another country/region, the most frequentdestinations of transfer in 2011 were Asian (41%) and western European (35%) locations. Intra-country/region transfers most frequently occurred in Asian (33%) locations, and continuingexpatriate relocations typically occurred between countries/regions in Asia (56%) as well, followed bywestern European (39%) locales.80%60%40%41%35%AsiaEurope (Western)33%31%56%39%20%0%Between U.S. &AnotherCountry/RegionWithin Single ForeignCountry/RegionBetween TwoForeignCountries/RegionsTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97979April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sManagement Summary The vast majority (86%) of respondents indicate at least one external factor had a significant impact onthe number of employee relocations performed in 2011. The lack of qualified local talent returned nearprevious pre-recession highs (51% vs. 52%+) indicating talent needs began outpacing economicconditions and real estate issues by a significant margin for the first time since 2007. However, the realestate market remains at an elevated level overall compared to 2007 (36% vs. 22%), similar to 2008-2010 (38%+). Economic conditions was an issue of similar weight to real estate (37%), trending nearhistorical post-recession recovery ranges but significantly elevated above levels seen during periods ofstrong economic growth. As in previous years, the impact of these three factors varies by company size. At mid-size and small firms, talent needs clearly outstripped economic conditions and real estate marketconcerns (54% vs. 30% & 34%, 51% vs. 34% & 30%). However, at large firms economic conditions, lackof qualified local talent, and real estate market concerns weighed almost equally (48%, 46%, 45%,respectively), indicating relocation challenges last year were more complex for large firms. Despite thesedifferences, the increase of talent issues and decrease of economic conditions as impacting factors is theoverarching trend across firms of all sizes, with the percentages of firms citing economic conditions fallingbut remaining significantly elevated above levels seen during strong economic growth and talent shortfallsstanding out as the largest driver of relocation volumes overall last year. Since real estate market impactdata has only been collected for five years, trend identification is more limited. However, it remainselevated across company size compared to 2007 as well, indicating housing market issues continue tohave an inhibitive impact on the economic recovery’s generation of increased relocation volumes.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)External Conditions Having Significant Impact Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+External Conditions Had No Impact 14% 18% 14% 11%Lack of Qualified People Locally 51% 51% 54% 46%Economic Conditions 37% 34% 30% 48%Real Estate Market 36% 30% 34% 45%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979710April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s (cont.)Management Summary While company growth remains in the top spot among internal conditions after falling in 2008-2009 andbudget constraints dropped significantly for the second straight year (14% vs. 21% & 29%), thepercentage of firms citing company growth remains similar to previous recessionary lows in 2002 (40%)and 1991-1992 (38%+), despite maintaining a substantial increase over 2009 (39% vs. 24%). Thepercentage of firms citing budget constraints also remains slightly elevated compared to previous periodsof economic growth (9%+), although markedly below previous recessionary peaks (28%+). As noted lastyear, the severity of the most recent economic retraction may signal a protracted recovery period beforecompany growth regains its former prominence. Although the top internal factor varies by company size,maintained improvement in company growth over 2009 lows is the key trend across all size firms. Company growth is thetop internal factor atmid-size and small firms,with promotions/resignations andknowledge/skillstransfers rounding outthe top three factors atboth of these firmstypes. Company growth (38%)comes in third amonglarge firms, just belowknowledge/skillstransfers (45%) andcorporatereorganization/restructuring (44%).By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Internal Conditions Having Significant Impact Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Internal Conditions Had No Impact 7% 13% 5% 4%Growth of Company 39% 36% 43% 38%Knowledge/Skills Transfers 37% 31% 35% 45%Promotions/Resignations 34% 31% 38% 33%<strong>Corporate</strong> Reorganization/Restructuring 27% 12% 26% 44%Expansion into New Territories 25% 17% 26% 32%Acquisitions/Mergers 23% 16% 21% 35%International Expansion 17% 8% 21% 24%Expansion of Facility 16% 17% 16% 16%Budget Constraints 14% 12% 11% 18%Closing of Facility 13% 6% 13% 21%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979711April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s (cont.)Management Summary The majority of responding firms (67%) anticipate their overall financial performances will be better in<strong>2012</strong>, up significantly from 2008 (59%), 2009 (27%), similar to 2010-2011 expectations (63%+) althoughlower than 2006-2007 (74%+). Additionally, close to half (44%) expect the U.S. economy to improve aswell, similar to 2007 and 2010 (45%), significantly above 2008-2009 (10%+) although down from 2006 &2011 (53%+). Expectations for improved performances of individual firms and the overall U.S. economyat levels far above recessionary lows and near levels of previous economic growth years.<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: Company’s OverallFinancial PerformanceTotalBy Company Size (SalariedEmployees)Lessthan 500500-49995000+Better than 2011 67% 61% 73% 67%Same as in 2011 29% 37% 24% 26%Worse than 2011 4% 3% 4% 6%<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: U.S. Economy Total Lessthan 500500-49995000+Better than 2011 44% 40% 53% 37%Same as in 2011 48% 55% 41% 51%Worse than 2011 7% 5% 6% 12%<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: U.S. Real Estate Market Total Lessthan 500500-49995000+Better than 2011 35% 34% 40% 31%Same as in 2011 55% 57% 53% 55%Worse than 2011 10% 9% 7% 15% For the third year in a row, mostfirms, regardless of size, expecttheir overall financialperformances to improve.However, when it comes to theU.S. economy, mid-size firms arethe most optimistic: over half(53%) expect improvement.Expectations for the U.S. realestate market are similar acrosscompany size: more than halfexpect stability compared to2011 and about a third or moreexpect improvement. Eventhough slightly less optimisticoverall compared to last year,the most important trend is thatthe vast majority of respondingfirms expect stability orbetterment, not decline,compared to the far more direexperiences and expectations of2008-2009.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979712April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationManagement Summary Eighty-seven percent of the companies surveyed have a formal relocation policy. Companies with 500-4,999 and 5,000 or more employees are more likely to have a formal relocation policy than are smallerfirms (97% of large and 95% of mid-size companies vs. 67% of small). Over half of participating companies are international (57%), similar to 2011 (55%). Large companiescontinue to be more likely to operate internationally, as more than twice as many large companies (78%)are international than small companies (37%; 76% vs. 38% in 2011). The percentage of mid-size firmsindicating they are international is similar to the past nine years (58% vs. 48%+), remaining under thehighest reported in 2004 (64%). Thirty-two percent of the companies involved in this study employee fewer than 500 salaried workers,38% employ 500-4,999 salaried employees, and 30% employ 5,000 or more salaried employees.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Cost Containment Measures Used in 2011 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Cost Containment Measures beyond Typical <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy 30% 40% 31% 20%Cap <strong>Relocation</strong> Benefit Amounts 35% 42% 36% 26%Review/Renegotiate Supplier Contracts 24% 16% 17% 40%Offer Pre-Decision Counseling 23% 9% 19% 42%Limit Miscellaneous Allowance Benefits 19% 17% 21% 18%Restructure Policy Tiers/Eligibility for Certain Benefits 19% 9% 18% 29%Offer Short-Term/Extended Travel/Commuter Arrangements 18% 13% 15% 26% Most firms worked to contain costs in relocation policy/practice over the past year. The most popularmeasure at mid-size and small firms was capping relocation benefit amounts (36% & 42%), while thetop two measures at large firms were offering pre-decision counseling (42%) and reviewing/renegotiating supplier contracts (40%). Only about a fourth of large firms capped benefits.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979713April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy Administration (cont.)Management Summary More than nine out of ten (97%) of the large companies surveyed have a centralized department thathandles relocation, significantly greater than 78% of mid-size and 58% of small companies. Mostcentralized relocation departments are responsible for developing relocation policy (84%), managingdomestic relocation programs (79%), controlling household goods carrier selection (60%), and controllingthe selection of additional relocation services provider(s) (55%). The majority of mid-size and large companies have different tiers, or levels, in their relocation policies, andjust over half of small firms have these in place (80% and 90% vs. 59%, respectively). Most small firmtier/level policies appear to be based on job/grade level or position/job title, while large firms focus moreon job/grade level, homeowner/renter and/or new hire/current employee status as policy criteria.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Bases for Different Tiers (or Levels) in <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Job/Grade Level (i.e. staff, management, professional, etc.) 56% 45% 55% 66%Homeowner/Renter Status 34% 13% 33% 53%Position/Job Title 29% 23% 33% 28%New Hire/Current Employee Status 27% 19% 20% 42%Average Number of Tiers 2.9 2.1 2.9 3.5*of those companies with tiers/levels (Q19a) Companies vary on the amount of time they allow employees to decide on whether to accept a relocationoffer. Just over a fourth of the companies surveyed allow one week or less to accept or decline an offer,44% allow up to two weeks, and 23% allow up to one month to decide. Once a relocation is accepted roughly two-thirds of all size firms allow one month or less for an employeeto report to work at the new location: about a fourth of firms overall indicate relocating employees havethree weeks or less to make this transition. From start to finish, the majority of firms only allow amaximum of six to seven weeks from job offer to the expectation of an employee starting work at thenew location.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979714April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy Administration (cont.)Management Summary Just under half of all firms report using alternative assignments, with mid-size (47%) and large (60%) thelargest adopters. The largest force behind using such assignments is to meet strategic business goals (57%), and this is trueacross company size among firms utilizing these types of assignments. Also, while roughly half of firmsoverall use these assignments to maximize budgets/corporate resources, just over a fourth use them inplace of traditional long-term assignments and only 15% use them in place of traditional short-termassignments. Large firms are driving this overall trend, using alternative assignments in addition to, ratherthan as replacements for, long-term arrangements two-to-one (52% vs. 25%) and in addition to traditionalshort-term assignments by an overwhelming majority (42% vs. 9%). Mid-size firms are more likely toindicate similar usage levels of replacement or addition, while more small firms indicate using them asreplacements than as additions (26% vs. 12%, 18% vs. 12%).Q.27–Alternative Assignments Used:Q.27a–Alternative Assignment Reasons*:No &Noplansto do so54%Yes &planto do so46%Used to Meet Strategic Business GoalsUsed to Maximize Budget/<strong>Corporate</strong> ResourcesUsed to Accommodate Employee NeedsUsed in Addition to Long-Term AssignmentsUsed to Develop Internal TalentUsed in Place of Long-Term AssignmentsUsed in Addition to Traditional Short-Term AssignmentsUsed in Place of Traditional Short-Term AssignmentsOther2%15%34%29%28%45%40%39%57%*of those using alternative assignments (Q27)0% 20% 40% 60% 80%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979715April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy Administration (cont.)Management Summary Employees are allowed on average 4.3 expense-paid house-hunting days. Spouses/partners of relocatingemployees are allowed an average of 1.4 expense-paid house-hunting trips. Overall relocating employee composition is evenly split between transferees and new hires, but smallcompanies indicate they are more likely to have relocated new hires last year, while large firms are morelikely to have relocated transferees. The majority of relocated employees were homeowners acrosscompany size.Q.23a–Approximate Percentage of Relocating Employees in 2011:100%80%48% 35% 48%60%TransfereesNew Hires60%40%20%52%65%52%40%0%Total Less than 500SalariedEmployees500-4999SalariedEmployees5000+ SalariedEmployees Eighty-seven percent of decision makers say that the Internet was used for relocation-related matters in2011. The top use was to communicate via e-mail with relocating employees (79%), followed byinitiating/executing employee relocation services (52%) and researching relocation-related matters(51%). More than seventy percent of large companies also used the Internet to complete online formsfor employee relocation and access relocation company website(s) for reporting/other services.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979716April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsManagement Summary Following are the methods of reimbursement of relocation expenses for TRANSFEREES and NEW HIRES:TotalTransfereesNew HiresReimbursement<strong>2012</strong> 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005MethodsFull reimbursement 65% 57% 59% 63% 63% 55% 58% 69% 57% 47% 48% 51% 54% 42% 43% 56%Lump sum payment 47% 49% 44% 45% 44% 32% 32% 25% 50% 55% 49% 45% 49% 31% 32% 28%Partial reimbursement 40% 47% 41% 40% 37% 30% 33% 22% 40% 51% 46% 49% 41% 43% 47% 35%No reimbursement 3% 7% 5% 5% 6% 5% 6% 7% 5% 7% 8% 9% 5% 8% 9% 9% After progressively declining over the past two years, the percentage of firms using full reimbursement fortransferees rebounds to near previous highs and remains the most popular method overall. Theprogressively greater use of lump sum and partial reimbursement appears to plateau; nearly half ofcompanies use lump sums, similar to the past four years, but the percentage using partial reimbursementdips to 40%, down from nearly half in 2011, nearly equal to 2008-2010. Interchangeability in methodsappears to decline slightly from last year, but remains a clearly entrenched trend compared to 2003-2007. For new hires, full reimbursement retakes the top spot as the most popular method, reversing itsprogressive decline from 2009-2011 and is at its second highest level of use since 2003 (57% vs. 59%).This method is followed closely by lump sum payments (50%) which roughly half of firms since 2008 haveused for new hires. The percentage using partial reimbursement falls significantly from 2011 (40% vs.51%) and is at its lowest level since 2006, indicating full reimbursement or lump sum payments are themost popular methods for new hires. When asked about their overall relocation compositions, small and mid-size firms indicate about half oftheir relocations were fully reimbursed, while large firms indicate nearly two-thirds of their relocations werefully covered. Correspondingly, small and mid-size firms indicate higher averages of relocations werepartially reimbursed (27% and 28%) than at large firms (17%) in 2011. Across company size, firmsindicate around one fifth or less of their relocations were lump sum payment only.TotalTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979717April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Costs (cont.)Management Summary Among firms who utilize lump sum payments for transferees or new hires, more than half offer them formiscellaneous allowances or the entire relocation cost, more than a third offer them for temporary housingor travel expenses, and over a fourth offer them to cover household goods shipping/storage expenses. While roughly half of firms across company size indicate lump sums were offered to cover the entire costof relocations, the application of lump sum payments differs by company size for most other items. Smalland mid-size firms use lump sums more often than large firms for shipping and storage expenses. Largefirms are the most likely to use lump sums for miscellaneous allowances and temporary housing expenses,and both small and large firms use them for travel expenses more often than mid-size firms.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Lump Sum Payment Application* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Miscellaneous Allowances 63% 42% 64% 79%Entire <strong>Relocation</strong> Cost 51% 52% 53% 47%Travel Expenses 41% 44% 34% 48%Temporary Housing 38% 31% 30% 55%Household Good Shipping/Storage 30% 44% 30% 17%Rental Assistance/Transactions 16% 19% 15% 16%Real Estate Assistance/Transactions 11% 17% 11% 5%*of those companies offering lump sum payments (Q31) In general, entry level employees are much more likely to receive lump sums than executives (52% vs.32%), new hires more likely than transferees (65% vs. 43%), and renters more likely thanhomeowners (48% vs. 30%). While mid-size and large firms more commonly offer lump sums to entrylevel employees than to experienced professionals or executives (53% vs. 38% and 24%, 72% vs.45% and 40%), small firms are more likely to offer them to experienced professionals than to entrylevel employees (48% vs. 29%).TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979718April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Costs (cont.) For TRANSFEREES or NEW HIRES, roughly half or more of the companies surveyed indicate they willreimburse/pay for the following relocation services:• Pack all items (82%)• Move an automobile (80%)• Move exercise equipment (52%)• Move a second automobile (52%)• Unpack all items (49%)Management Summary If the TRANSFEREE or NEW HIRE is a homeowner buying a new home, more than half of companiesresponding offer the following:• Temporary housing allowance (72%)• Home-finding trips (68%)• Storage (61%)• Reimburse/pay for home sale costs (57%)• Reimburse/pay for home purchase costs (55%)• Home marketing assistance (53%) If the TRANSFEREE or NEW HIRE will be renting in the new location, more than half of companiesresponding offer the following:• Temporary housing allowance (70%)• Reimburse/pay for lease cancellation (68%)• Home-finding trips (66%)• Storage (54%) The vast majority (93%) of companies reimburse or pay for some relocation costs for transferees or newhires, matching the highest level reported in ten years (93%: 2004). Additionally, the majority of firmsoffer specialized relocation assistance for either homeowners or renters, although small firms are lesslikely to offer specialized assistanceTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979719April <strong>2012</strong>

Management SummaryEmployee, Spousal & Assistance Issues The following is the makeup of those employees relocated in 2011:• Sixty-one percent of companies surveyed indicate that the age range of their most frequently relocatedemployee is 36 to 45 years of age, and 76% of the companies surveyed indicate some percentage of theemployees they relocated were women.• While 82% of companies indicate some percentage of their relocations involved a trailing spouse who was awife or female partner, roughly two-thirds (68%) of companies indicate that some percentage of theirrelocations had accompanying husbands/male partners as well.• Nearly 9 out of 10 (86%) of companies indicate some percentage of their relocations involved employees withchildren. One-fifth of companies surveyed provide some type of elder care assistance to the relocating employee(although large firms are more likely to offer this assistance than small or mid-size firms (30% vs. 16%).Overall, among all companies responding, the assistance provided is minimal, with very few employersproviding relocation expense coverage for the elderly relative (4%). Forty-three percent of companies surveyed provide some type of childcare assistance to the relocatingemployee. Overall, the most popular methods are allowing the use of pre-tax dollars for outside care andproviding lists of childcare options (i.e. schools, providers, etc.).• Allow employee to use pre-tax dollars for outside care (23%)• Provide list of local schools/educational options (22%)• Provide list of childcare providers/services and/or agencies (21%) Nearly half (46%) of firms perform candidate assessments prior to making relocation offers. Thereasoning behind such offers is mixed, but they are most often performed for all relocations (21%) or onan “as needed/requested” basis (12%) overall. Small and mid-size firms are the most likely to do theseassessments for all relocations (25% & 22%) compared to large firms (14%), while large firms are themost likely to do them on an “as needed/requested” basis (21% vs. 4% & 13%). The majority (88%) of companies surveyed allow the hiring of spouses of employees.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979720April <strong>2012</strong>

Management SummaryEmployee, Spousal & Assistance Issues (cont.) Only thirty-nine percent of companies indicate the spouse’s/partner’s employment almost always orfrequently affects an employees relocation, matching the previous low in 2008, similar to most of the pastten years (40%+) except for the highs in 2007 (52%) and 2011 (46%). About half (52%) indicate anemployee’s willingness to relocate is seldom affected by his/her spouse’s/partner’s employment status,while nine percent of respondents state this never affects an employee’s relocation. Forty-one percent of companies surveyed assist an employee’s spouse/partner in finding employment inthe new location, similar to levels over the past nine years except for the high (50%) in 2009 and low(33%) in 2007. Large companies have been historically more likely to offer spousal assistance than smallfirms, and this year followed this trend (54% vs. 37%). The percentage of mid-size firms offering thisassistance is nearly equal to last year (36% vs. 37%), similar to most of the past nine years except for thehigh (47%) in 2010 and low (18%) in 2007. At small firms, the level is similar to historical levels (37%vs. 32%+) except for the high (48%) in 2009, and trends higher than most prior years. At firms offering this assistance, roughly one out of four relocated employees with spouses/partnersutilized this assistance 2007-2010; last year this average trended upward to roughly one in three. Overall, the top method of spousal/partner assistance is providing networking assistance (52%).However, the top method differs by company size. The preferred method of mid-size and large firms is topay for outplacement/career services from an outside firm (54% & 56%), while small firms prefer toprovide networking assistance (83%).By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Spouse/Partner Employment Assistance* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Provide Networking Assistance 52% 83% 42% 39%Pay for Outplacement/Career Services from an Outside Firm 44% 14% 54% 56%Provide Resume Preparation Assistance 33% 29% 29% 39%Provide Interviewing Skills Training 25% 14% 21% 36%*of those companies offering assistance (Q40a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979721April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier Management Overall, 62% of companies have contracts with household goods carriers: 51% of small companies, 59%of mid-size companies, and 78% of large companies. Of those companies surveyed who indicate they have standing contracts with household goods carriers,the average is 2.1 household goods carriers under contract (similar to the past five years (1.9 to 2.3)). Two-thirds of companies surveyed with carriers under contract specify which carriers are preferred. Themajority of companies, regardless of size, utilize this practice (67% of small, 64% of mid-size, and 69% oflarge companies). The most important attributes (top three) when selecting a carrier indicated by companies surveyed are*:• Service (78%)• Quality (77%)• Price (75%)Management Summary* Multi-select list - % of respondents who selected the attribute as “most important” in carrier selection. At 38% of the companies surveyed, the company is the sole selector of the household goods carrier forthe employee’s relocation. Twenty-four percent of the companies surveyed allow the employee some sayin the household goods carrier selection, but employees of small companies are more likely to have thisoption than those of mid-size to large firms (50% vs. 18% and 5%, respectively).By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Who Selects Carrier for Employee <strong>Relocation</strong>s Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+The Company 38% 34% 33% 48%A <strong>Relocation</strong> Firm 34% 11% 47% 40%The Company & Employee Together 15% 31% 12% 3%The Employee 9% 19% 7% 2%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979722April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier Management (cont.) The most important attributes (top three) when evaluating a carrier indicated by companies surveyed are*:• Service (80%)• Quality (77%)• Price (70%)Management Summary* Multi-select list - % of respondents who selected the attribute as “most important” in carrier evaluation. Most firms report that carrier transportation expenses are “paid directly by the company” regardless ofcompany size.100%91%89%TransfereesNew Hires80%60%40%20%15%17%4%4%0%Paid Directly by theCompanyPaid by theEmployee &ReimbursedPaid by theEmployee Mid-size and small firms typically have the Human Resources department perform carrier selection(80% & 69%), whereas large firms more often utilize the <strong>Relocation</strong> department for this decision thanHR (76% vs. 29%). Both mid-size and large firms are more likely to involve Procurement (14% &18%) than small firms (7%).TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979723April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier Management (cont.)Management Summary Seventy-two percent of all companies outsourced relocation services in 2011. However, only 36% of smallcompanies outsourced, while 83% of mid-size and 95% of large companies outsourced relocation services.100%75%50%25%0%72%36%Total Less than 500Q41: Outsourced <strong>Relocation</strong>SalariedEmployees83%500-4999SalariedEmployees95%5000+ SalariedEmployees For mid-size and small firms, the department most often involved in selecting the relocation service,HRO or brokerage firm is Human Resources (83% & 88%), while at large firms, <strong>Relocation</strong> and HumanResources are typically involved more than half the time (64% & 59%). Procurement is much morelikely to be brought into the provider discussion at mid-size and large firms (22% and 39%) than atsmall (0%). More than forty percent of companies responding outsourced the following in 2011:• Real estate sales/marketing (55%)• Contract of household goods carrier (51%)• Real estate purchase (44%)• Monitoring of shipment (42%)• Expense tracking/reimbursement services (42%)• Orientation tours at new location (41%)• Counseling about the planning & details of relocation (41%)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979724April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalManagement Summary Sixty-one percent of companies surveyed relocate employees internationally: 37% of small companies,61% of mid-size companies, and 85% of large companies. Forty-two percent of these companies indicate their international relocation volumes increased in 2011, and29% expect increases in international relocation volumes in <strong>2012</strong>. Overall expectations differ by companysize. Roughly one-fourth of mid-size and small firms expect increases in international relocations, whilelarge firms are the most optimistic: 37% expect increases in the number of employees they relocateinternationally.By Company Size (Salaried Employees)<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: International <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 29% 23% 23% 37%Stay About the Same 55% 58% 59% 50%Decrease 16% 19% 18% 13%*of those who relocate internationally (Q2) The overall majority of firms indicate the duration of a typical international assignment is greater than 12months but less than three years, and less than a fifth of firms across company size use short-termassignments as standard practice. However, as in 2011, more firms expect international short-termassignment use to increase compared to 2009-2010 (27% vs. 13%+), similar to 2005-2007 (22%+).Even though the majority of all size firms expect the use of short-term assignments to remain stable, asin 2011 far more mid-size and large firms expect to use shorter relocation assignments this year than in2009-2010 (27% vs. 7%+, 34% vs. 19%+).<strong>2012</strong> Expectations: Short-Term Intl Assignment Use* Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Increase 27% 12% 27% 34%Stay About the Same 64% 72% 69% 55%Decrease 10% 16% 5% 11%*of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979725April <strong>2012</strong>

International (cont.) Most firms (79%) continue to indicate there are differences between their domestic and internationalrelocation policies. Overall, individual policy considerations remain similar to last year, with twoexceptions: significantly fewer firms offer additional leave time with a visit home (45% vs. 56%) orfinancial services assistance (18% vs. 37%). Historically, most policy considerations approach, match orexceed ten-year lows, significantly below historic highs, yet similar to most other prior years. There arethree exceptions: additional leave time with a visit home, increased permanent storage allowances, andadditional leave time in general remain significantly below five or more previous years. Of companies surveyed who relocate employees internationally, the different considerations offered are:• Additional tax considerations (57%)• Intercultural and language training (51%)• Allowances for children to attend certain schools (48%)• Additional leave time (includes at least one visit back to the employee’s home country (45%)• Higher rental housing allowance (36%)• Increased allowances for permanent storage (34%)• Higher relocation allowances (34%)• Additional leave time (24%)• Financial services assistance (18%)• Extended per diem charges (16%)• Security support program (15%)• Other (11%) The most important attributes (top three) when selecting a carrier for international shipments indicated bycompanies surveyed are*:• Service (79%)• Quality (76%)• Price (70%)Management Summary* Multi-select list - % of respondents who selected the attribute as “most important” in international carrier selection.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979726April <strong>2012</strong>

International (cont.)Management Summary Seventy-seven percent of companies who relocate employees internationally indicate they outsourced aninternational relocation service in 2011, the highest in nine years, significantly above 2004-2007 and 2009(58%+) and similar to 2003, 2008 and 2010 (70%+). Of those companies who outsourced relocationservices domestically, 88% indicate they did so internationally, the highest in nine years, similar to 2003,2008-2010 (81%+) and significantly above 2004-2007 (70%+). The percentage of small firms outsourcing internationally has progressively increased over the past twoyears after dipping substantially in 2009 (30% vs. 42% and 49%), returning near the highest levelsreported in 2007-2008 (49%+), well above 2004-2005 (23%+). Among mid-size firms, the percentageoutsourcing internationally is the highest in nine years (78%), significantly above the lows in 2006-2007(59%+). The percentage of large firms outsourcing nearly matches the high in 2010 (88% vs. 91%),significantly above 2004, 2007 and 2009 (76%+). Both mid-size and large firms are more likely to outsource internationally than small firms in general, aswell as across service categories.Q.47g – Outsourced Internationally in 2011*:100%80%60%40%20%0%77%23%*of those who relocate internationally (Q2)49%51%Total Less than 500SalariedEmployees500-4999SalariedEmployees78% 88%22%12%5000+ SalariedEmployeesOutsourcedDid Not OutsourceTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979727April <strong>2012</strong>

International (cont.)Management Summary Forty-one percent of companies that relocate employees internationally indicate they offer assistance tointernationally transferred employees’ spouses/partners in finding employment in the new location. This issimilar to 2006-2011 (33% to 46%) and remains significantly above 2003-2005 (27%, 22%, & 24%).Large firms were the most likely to offer this type of assistance to an employee’s relocated spouse/partner(52% large vs. 33% mid-size and 30% small). Overall, 38% of companies that relocate employees internationally report no international relocationswere declined or failed in 2011 (63% of small companies, 46% of mid-size companies, and 19% oflarge companies). However, 20% of companies responding don’t know why an international relocationwas declined or failed last year, with mid-size and large companies (17% and 29%) indicating theywere unaware as to the “why” more often than small firms (5%).Reasons Cited for Declined/Failed Intl <strong>Relocation</strong> Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No International <strong>Relocation</strong>s Declined or Failed 38% 63% 46% 19%Family Issues/Ties 26% 19% 25% 30%Personal Reason (non-disclosed) 25% 16% 19% 35%Lack of Adaptability by the Spouse/Partner 14% 14% 11% 16%Financial Issues/Concerns 12% 7% 11% 16%Lack of Spousal/Partner Assistance 4% 2% 5% 4%Lack of Adaptability by Employee 4% 5% 4% 4%War/Terrorism 2% 7% -% 1%Illness 1% -% -% 2%Other 2% -% 2% 3%Don’t know 20% 5% 17% 29%*of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979728April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileManagement SummarySimilar to last year, Service (39%) and Manufacturing/Processing (30%) firms are the most highlyrepresented business classifications in this study (39% and 33% in 2011).Business ClassificationTotalService 39%Manufacturing/Processing 30%Financial 12%Wholesale/Retail 10%Government/Military 2%Other 6%The median annual sales range for all companies involved in this study is $500 million - $1 billion. Themedian annual sales range for companies with less then 500 employees is $51-$249 million, while forcompanies with 500-4,999 employees it is $500 million - $1 billion, and for companies with more than5,000 employees it is over $1 billion.Most respondents (82%) work in Human Resources/Personnel or <strong>Relocation</strong>/Mobility Servicesdepartments. At small and mid-size firms the vast majority of respondents are from Human Resourcesdepartments (82% and 66%), while at large firms respondents are most likely to be from<strong>Relocation</strong>/Mobility Services (59%), with just about one in four in Human Resources (24%). There are a variety of different positions held among those who completed this survey – managers (30%),directors (19%), vice-presidents (11%), and relocation administrators (19%), as well as presidents,supervisors, coordinators, and others.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979729April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent Profile (cont.)Management SummaryA overwhelming majority of respondents regularly read trade publications (89%); the most popularpublications were*:• HR Magazine (58%)• Mobility(40%)• HR News (23%)• Workforce (22%)• Human Resource Executive (22%)• Employee Benefits News (22%)Sixty-three percent of all employees interviewed belong to a relocation-related association, and 85% ofresponding employees at large companies belong to one of these associations*:100%75%50%63%45%60%85%25%0%Total Less than 500Q54: Association Membership SalariedEmployees500-4999SalariedEmployees5000+ SalariedEmployees* Note: the responses to these questions may have been influenced by the respondent lists used to gather data for this survey.TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979730April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.1 – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+None 2% 6% -% -%1 – 9 31% 67% 25% 1%10 – 19 12% 16% 15% 5%20 – 49 11% 6% 19% 7%50 – 99 12% 3% 21% 12%100 – 199 14% 1% 16% 24%200 – 399 7% 1% 3% 17%400 or more 11% 1% 1% 34%Median 20 – 49 1 – 9 20 – 49 200 – 399TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979731April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.2 – Companies that Relocate Employees Between Countries*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%85%80%61%61%60%40%37%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies answering “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979732April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.3 – Is Your Company…25%37%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesRegional15%38%15%National27%Total26%58%International57%17%5%500-4999Salaried Employees78%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979733April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.4 – Compared to 2010, Did the Number of Employees You Relocated in 2011…Less than 500Salaried Employees37%52%Increase47%TotalStay Aboutthe Same43%10%43%44%Decrease11%62%31%7%13%500-4999Salaried Employees5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979734April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.5 – Compared to 2010, Did Your 2011 <strong>Relocation</strong> Budget…28%Less than 500Salaried Employees10%63%Increase36%TotalStay Aboutthe Same52%34%50%Decrease12%47%43%16%500-4999Salaried Employees10%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979735April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.6 – Compared to 2011, Do You Anticipate that the Number of Employees YourCompany Will Relocate During <strong>2012</strong> Will…23%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesIncrease26%15%63%23%Decrease12%TotalStay Aboutthe Same61%35%7%70%500-4999Salaried Employees50%15%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979736April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.7 – Compared to 2011, Do You Anticipate that Your <strong>Relocation</strong> Budget in <strong>2012</strong> Will…23%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesIncrease26%14%63%25%Decrease14%TotalStay Aboutthe Same60%29%13%63%500-4999Salaried Employees55%16%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979737April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.8 – Over the Past Year, Have Economic/Market Pressures Impacted YourCompany’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes For:Entry Level/New Hires100%80%18% 20% 15%21%60%40%62% 62% 72%50%20%20% 18% 13%0%Total Less than 500SalariedIncreasedEmployeesUnaffectedDecreased500-4999SalariedEmployees29%5000+SalariedEmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979738April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.8 – Over the Past Year, Have Economic/Market Pressures Impacted YourCompany’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes For:Middle Management100%80%17% 20% 18%12%60%56%57% 58%51%40%20%28% 23% 24%37%0%Total Less than 500SalariedIncreasedEmployeesUnaffectedDecreased500-4999SalariedEmployees5000+SalariedEmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979739April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.8 – Over the Past Year, Have Economic/Market Pressures Impacted YourCompany’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes For:Sr. Management/Executives100%13% 15% 11% 13%80%60%59%63%61% 53%40%20%28%23%0%Total Less than 500SalariedIncreasedEmployeesUnaffectedDecreased28%500-4999SalariedEmployees35%5000+SalariedEmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979740April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.8 – Over the Past Year, Have Economic/Market Pressures Impacted YourCompany’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes For:Long-Term Assignments100%13% 12% 13% 13%80%60%40%70% 77% 72%60%20%17%0%Total Less than 500SalariedIncreasedEmployeesUnaffectedDecreased11% 15%500-4999SalariedEmployees27%5000+SalariedEmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979741April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.8 – Over the Past Year, Have Economic/Market Pressures Impacted YourCompany’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes For:Short-Term Assignments100%80%10% 14%8% 7%60%40%70%74%74%61%20%20%12%0%Total Less than 500SalariedIncreasedEmployeesUnaffectedDecreased18%500-4999SalariedEmployees32%5000+SalariedEmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979742April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.9 – Companies that had Employees Decline the Opportunity to Relocate in 2011*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%83%80%60%57%58%40%33%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies answering “Yes” / excludes those who don’t knowTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979743April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.10 – Companies Indicating Declining <strong>Relocation</strong> Usually Hinders an Employee’s Career*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)60%45%30%24%26%21%24%15%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies answering “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979744April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.11a – Companies Indicating They Offered Additional Incentives to EncourageEmployee <strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%80%73%63%78% 76%60%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies indicating “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979745April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.11b – Additional Incentives Offered By Companies to Encourage Employee<strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011*TotalExtended Temporary Housing Benefits78%<strong>Relocation</strong> BonusesLoss-on-Sale ProtectionCost-of-Living-Adjustments (COLAs) in Salaryat New LocationExtended Duplicate Housing Benefits49%43%39%37%Telecommuting Option (1-2 days/week) toCurtail Commuting CostsMortgage Payoffs/Loans (if property sale won'tcover employee mortgage debt)Guarantee of Employment Contract (forspecified length of time)Other21%15%8%10%* of those who offered incentives (Q11a)0% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979746April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.11b – Additional Incentives Offered By Companies to Encourage Employee<strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Additional Incentives Offered Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Extended Temporary Housing Benefits 78% 79% 75% 79%<strong>Relocation</strong> Bonuses 49% 47% 52% 49%Loss-on-Sale Protection 43% 21% 37% 71%Cost-of-Living-Adjustments (COLAs) in Salary at New Location 39% 38% 40% 38%Extended Duplicate Housing Benefits 37% 21% 37% 51%Telecommuting Option (1-2 days each week) to CurtailCommuting CostsMortgage Payoffs/Loans (if property sale won’t coveremployee mortgage debt)Guarantee of Employment Contract (for specified length oftime) if <strong>Relocation</strong> Accepted21% 22% 19% 21%15% 11% 14% 19%8% 14% 8% 2%Other 10% 8% 8% 12%* of those who offered incentives (Q11a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979747April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.11c – Frequency of Incentives Proving Successful in Convincing anEmployee to Relocate*Never0%33%2% 7%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesSeldom6%Almostalways37%Total58%39%6%Frequently57%37%5%56%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who offered incentives (Q11a) /excludes not applicable/don’t know responses58%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979748April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.12 – Did the Number of Employees Declining <strong>Relocation</strong> in 2011…*10%15% Less than 500Salaried EmployeesDecreasefrom 20108%Increasefrom 201018%TotalRemainAbout theSame as201075%21%75%5%17%77%500-4999Salaried Employees8%* excludes those who don’t know70%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979749April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.12a – Reasons Employees Gave for Declining <strong>Relocation</strong>*TotalHousing/Mortgage ConcernsFamily Issues/Ties64%71%Personal Reasons (non-disclosed)Spouse's/Partner's EmploymentCost of Living in New LocationNo Desire to Relocate42%39%28%28%Job Security ConcernsOther3%7%0% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90%* of companies who had declined relocations in 2011 (Q9)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979750April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.12a – Reasons Employees Gave for Declining <strong>Relocation</strong>*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Reasons for Declined <strong>Relocation</strong> Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Housing/Mortgage Concerns 71% 76% 66% 73%Family Issues/Ties 64% 64% 74% 55%Personal Reasons (non-disclosed) 42% 33% 41% 46%Spouse’s/Partner’s Employment 39% 42% 38% 38%Cost of Living in New Location 28% 24% 31% 27%No Desire to Relocate 28% 33% 31% 24%Job Security Concerns 7% 9% 9% 6%Other 3% 3% 3% 3%* of companies who had declined relocations in 2011 (Q9)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979751April <strong>2012</strong>

1-932%<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13a – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011: Within the U.S.*None2%TotalDon'tknow4%100 ormore26%72%1%2%3% 3%7%12%Less than 500Salaried Employees25%3% 3%17%10-1912%20-4911%50-9913%3% 3%7%12%20%13%19%500-4999Salaried Employees15%* of those who relocated employees (Q1)60%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979752April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13a – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011: Between the U.S. and Canada*Less than 5002% Salaried Employees1% 11%20-491%100 ormore1%10-194%1-929%Don'tknow4%TotalNone62%50%86%1%3%26%8%25%71%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who relocated employees (Q1)11%2%3%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979753April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13a – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011: Between the U.S. and Another Country*23%Less than 500Salaried Employees1-931%2%1%74%TotalNone46%40%46%10-197%20-496%50-99100 or4% more3%Don'tknow4%* of those who relocated employees (Q1)27%15%12%18%10%9%9%4%5%2%1% 1%5000+Salaried Employees500-4999Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979754April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13a – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011: Within a Single Foreign Country*1%1%7%Less than 500Salaried Employees1%1%1%3%1-910%91%1%10%Don'tknow16%Total12%None69%3%3%2%6%12%40%76%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who relocated employees (Q1)35%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979755April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13a – Number of Employees Relocated in 2011: Between Two Foreign Countries*1%6%Less than 500Salaried Employees1-914%4%1% 4%2%Don'tknow11%TotalNone64%7%18%93%33%17%3% 4%1%1%7%67%500-4999Salaried Employees7%* of those who relocated employees (Q1)3%5%26%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979756April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011: Within the U.S.*Northeast42%Midwest37%TotalCentral15%South31%Southwest19%West26%31%30%48%9%27%19%19%15%18%38%Less than 500Salaried Employees45%40%16%31%21%23%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who relocated employees (Q1) /excludes N/A responses41%35%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979757April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Between the U.S. and Another Country/Region*TotalAsiaEurope (Western)CanadaUnited KingdomEurope (Eastern)United StatesAustralia/Pacific RimSouth AmericaMiddle EastCentral America/CaribbeanAfrica (Sub-Saharan)Africa (North)RussiaOther4%3%2%2%6%6%10%15%14%12%26%24%35%41%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) /excludes N/A responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97970% 15% 30% 45% 60%58April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Between the U.S. and Another Country/Region*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Frequent International Destination Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Asia 41% 33% 39% 45%Europe (Western) 35% 20% 29% 45%Canada 26% 27% 19% 33%United Kingdom 24% 17% 21% 29%Europe (Eastern) 15% 13% 13% 17%United States 14% 20% 11% 15%Australia/Pacific Rim 12% 7% 9% 16%South America 10% 7% 10% 11%Middle East 6% -% 5% 9%Central America/Caribbean 4% 7% 3% 3%Africa (Sub-Saharan) 3% 3% 3% 3%Africa (North) 2% -% 4% 1%Russia 2% -% -% 4%Other 6% 3% 9% 3%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) / excludes N/A responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979759April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Within a Single Foreign Country/Region*TotalAsiaUnited StatesEurope (Western)CanadaEurope (Eastern)United KingdomSouth AmericaAustralia/Pacific RimMiddle EastCentral America/CaribbeanAfrica (Sub-Saharan)RussiaAfrica (North)Other1%1%0%2%4%3%7%9%13%12%22%33%32%31%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) /excludes N/A responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97970% 15% 30% 45% 60%60April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Within a Single Foreign Country/Region*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Frequent Intraregional Destination Total 500-4999 5000+Asia 33% 35% 38%United States 32% 31% 38%Europe (Western) 31% 42% 30%Canada 22% 15% 23%Europe (Eastern) 13% 8% 17%United Kingdom 12% 12% 13%South America 9% 8% 8%Australia/Pacific Rim 7% 4% 8%Middle East 4% 4% 4%Central America/Caribbean 3% -% 2%Africa (Sub-Saharan) 1% -% 2%Russia 1% -% 2%Africa (North) -% -% -%Other 2% 4% 2%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) / excludes N/A responsesLess than 500 Salaried Employees not reportable due to low base size of responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979761April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Between Two Foreign Countries/Regions*TotalAsiaEurope (Western)United StatesUnited KingdomEurope (Eastern)Australia/Pacific RimCanadaSouth AmericaMiddle EastAfrica (Sub-Saharan)Africa (North)Central America/CaribbeanRussiaOther4%4%7%4%3%10%9%19%14%11%24%39%36%56%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) /excludes N/A responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97970% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75%62April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> Volumes & BudgetsQ.13b – Most Frequent Destinations of Transfer in 2011:Between Two Foreign Countries/Regions*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Frequent Interregional Destination Total 500-4999 5000+Asia 56% 72% 47%Europe (Western) 39% 36% 38%United States 36% 28% 43%United Kingdom 24% 19% 28%Europe (Eastern) 19% 11% 25%Australia/Pacific Rim 14% 14% 13%Canada 11% 3% 17%South America 10% 6% 15%Middle East 9% 6% 13%Africa (Sub-Saharan) 7% 6% 9%Africa (North) 4% 8% 2%Central America/Caribbean 4% 3% 4%Russia 3% 3% 4%Other 4% 3% 6%* of those who relocated employees (Q1) / excludes N/A responsesLess than 500 Salaried Employees not reportable due to low base size of responsesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979763April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.14 – External Factors Having the Most Significant Impact on the Number ofEmployee <strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011TotalExternal Conditions Had No Impact14%Lack of Qualified People Locally51%Economic ConditionsReal Estate Market37%36%Growth of International CompetitionGrowth of Domestic CompetitionRegulatory Environment - Domestic orInternationalNatural/Man-Made Disasters - Domesticor InternationalOther12%9%5%1%1%0% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979764April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.14 – External Factors Having the Most Significant Impact on the Number ofEmployee <strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011By Company Size (Salaried Employees)External Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+External Conditions Had No Impact 14% 18% 14% 11%Lack of Qualified People Locally 51% 51% 54% 46%Economic Conditions 37% 34% 30% 48%Real Estate Market 36% 30% 34% 45%Growth of International Competition 12% 4% 11% 22%Growth of Domestic Competition 9% 8% 12% 7%Regulatory Environment – Domestic or International(i.e. employment legislation/policies)Natural/Man-Made Disasters – Domestic or International(i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes, system failures (oil/nuclear/other), etc.)5% 3% 4% 8%1% -% 1% 1%Other 1% -% 1% 1%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979765April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.15 – Internal Conditions Having the Most Significant Impact on the Number of Employee<strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011TotalInternal Conditions Had No ImpactGrowth of CompanyKnowledge/Skills TransfersPromotions/Resignations<strong>Corporate</strong> Reorganization/RestructuringExpansion into New TerritoriesAcquisitions/MergersInternational ExpansionExpansion of FacilityBudget ConstraintsClosing of FacilityUse of Short-Term AssignmentsIncreased ProductionDelayed Retirements/Employee TransitionsOther2%7%7%2%16%14%13%9%27%25%23%17%34%39%37%0% 15% 30% 45% 60%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979766April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.15 – Internal Conditions Having the Most Significant Impact on the Number of Employee<strong>Relocation</strong>s in 2011By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Internal Conditions Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>s Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Internal Conditions Had No Impact 7% 13% 5% 4%Growth of Company 39% 36% 43% 38%Knowledge/Skills Transfers 37% 31% 35% 45%Promotions/Resignations 34% 31% 38% 33%<strong>Corporate</strong> Reorganization/Restructuring 27% 12% 26% 44%Expansion Into New Territories 25% 17% 26% 32%Acquisitions/Mergers 23% 16% 21% 35%International Expansion 17% 8% 21% 24%Expansion of Facility 16% 17% 16% 16%Budget Constraints 14% 12% 11% 18%Closing of Facility 13% 6% 13% 21%Use of Short-Term Assignments 9% 4% 11% 13%Increased Production 7% 6% 10% 5%Delayed Retirements/Employee Transitions 2% 3% 1% 3%Other 2% 2% 3% 3%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979767April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.16 – Rating of Company’s Overall Financial Performance in 201131%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesSame asin 201025%57%12%24%Betterthan 201063%TotalWorsethan 201012%22%65%12%500-4999Salaried Employees66%12%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979768April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.16 – Rating of U.S. Economy in 201133%46%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesBetterthan 201034%TotalSame asin 201045%21%36%43%Worsethan 201022%31%45%21%500-4999Salaried Employees24%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979769April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.16 – Rating of U.S. Real Estate Market in 201112% Less than 500Salaried EmployeesBetterthan 201019%36%52%23%Worsethan 201030%TotalSame asin 201051%22%29%49%500-4999Salaried Employees53%25%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979770April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.17 – Anticipated Overall Financial Performance of Company in <strong>2012</strong>37%Less than 500Salaried Employees61%Same asin 201129%3%24%Betterthan 201167%TotalWorsethan 20114%26%73%4%500-4999Salaried Employees67%6%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979771April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.17 – Anticipated U.S. Economy in <strong>2012</strong>40%Less than 500Salaried Employees55%5%Betterthan 201144% TotalSame asin 201148%53%41%Worsethan 20117%37%51%6%500-4999Salaried Employees12%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979772April <strong>2012</strong>

Factors Impacting <strong>Relocation</strong>sQ.17 – Anticipated U.S. Real Estate Market in <strong>2012</strong>34%Less than 500Salaried Employees57%Betterthan 201135%Worsethan 201110%TotalSame asin 201155%31%9%55%40%7%53%500-4999Salaried Employees15%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979773April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.18 – Companies with a Formal <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%87%95% 97%80%67%60%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies answering “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979774April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.19a – Does Your Company Have Different Tiers (or Levels) Within Its <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy?3%9%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesNo Tiers/Single Policy22%Two16%TotalThree26%Five orMore12%Four23%41%22%25%10%24%10%14%20%30%10%26%500-4999Salaried Employees25%31%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979775April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.19a – Average Number of Tiers (or Levels) Within <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy*By Company Size (Salaried Employees) Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* of companies with tiers/levels (Q19a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979776April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.19b – What Are Your Different Tiers (or Levels) Based On?*TotalJob or Grade Level56%Homeowner/Renter Status34%Position/Job Title29%New Hire/Current Employee Status27%Other4%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%* of companies with tiers/levels (Q19a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979777April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.19b – What Are Your Different Tiers (or Levels) Based On?*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Bases for <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy Tiers (or Levels) Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Job/Grade Level(i.e. staff, management, professional, etc.)56% 45% 55% 66%Homeowner/Renter Status 34% 13% 33% 53%Position/Job Title 29% 23% 33% 28%New Hire/Current Employee Status 27% 19% 20% 42%Other 4% 3% 3% 5%* of companies with tiers/levels (Q19a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979778April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.20a – Companies Who Administer Employee <strong>Relocation</strong>s from a CentralizedDepartment*100%80%60%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)78%78%58%97%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies indicating “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979779April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.20b - Does Your Company’s Centralized <strong>Relocation</strong> Department… *TotalDevelop <strong>Relocation</strong> PolicyManage Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong> Programs84%79%Control Household Goods Carrier SelectionControl Additional <strong>Relocation</strong> Services Provider(s) SelectionManage International <strong>Relocation</strong> Programs50%60%55%Handle Air Travel Via Commercial AirlinesControl Freight Carrier SelectionControl Air Carrier SelectionHandle Office <strong>Relocation</strong>s24%21%14%11%* of those with a centralized relocation department (Q20a) /excludes those who “don’t know”0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979780April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.20b - Does Your Company’s Centralized <strong>Relocation</strong> Department… *By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Centralized <strong>Relocation</strong> Department Duties Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Develop <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy 84% 72% 90% 85%Manage Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong> Programs 79% 69% 74% 90%Control Household Goods Carrier Selection 60% 66% 52% 65%Control Additional <strong>Relocation</strong> ServicesProvider(s) Selection55% 40% 55% 64%Manage International <strong>Relocation</strong> Programs 50% 27% 43% 72%Handle Air Travel Via Commercial Airlines 24% 42% 22% 15%Control Freight Carrier Selection 21% 31% 12% 23%Control Air Carrier Selection 14% 21% 10% 14%Handle Office <strong>Relocation</strong>s 11% 25% 8% 5%* of those with a centralized relocation department (Q20a) /excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979781April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.21 – Respondents were given a list of cost containment measures that could havebeen used in relocation policy/practice in 2011 – the answers received indicate that…TotalCost Containment Measures UsedCap <strong>Relocation</strong> Benefit Amounts35%Did NotUseAdditionalMeasures30% TotalUsedAdditionalMeasures70%Review/Renegotiate Supplier ContractsOffer Pre-Decision CounselingLimit Miscellaneous Allowance Benefits(coverage items, amounts)Restructure Policy Tiers/Eligibility for CertainBenefitsOffer Short-Term/Extended Travel/CommuterArrangements (not relocation)Tighten Real Estate Assistance RequirementsModify COLA Offering PolicyIncentivize Renting Rather than HomePurchase at DestinationOther24%23%19%19%18%10%7%6%1%0% 20% 40% 60%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979782April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.21 – Cost Containment Measures in <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy/Practice Used in <strong>2012</strong>By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Cost Containment Measures Used Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Cost Containment Measures Beyond Typical <strong>Relocation</strong>Policy or Program Utilized30% 40% 31% 20%Cap <strong>Relocation</strong> Benefit Amounts 35% 42% 36% 26%Review/Renegotiate Supplier Contracts 24% 16% 17% 40%Offer Pre-Decision Counseling 23% 9% 19% 42%Limit Miscellaneous Allowance Benefits (coverage items, amounts) 19% 17% 21% 18%Restructure Policy Tiers/Eligibility for Certain Benefits 19% 9% 18% 29%Offer Short-Term/Extended Travel/Commuter ArrangementsRather than Relocate Employees18% 13% 15% 26%Tighten Real Estate Assistance Requirements 10% 6% 9% 16%Modify COLA Offering Policy 7% 6% 6% 9%Incentivize Renting Rather than Home Purchase at Destination 6% 3% 4% 10%Other 1% -% 1% 4%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979783April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.22 – Number of Salaried (Non-Hourly) People Employed by CompanyBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Less than50032%5000+30%500-499938%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979784April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.23a – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your Company’s RelocatingEmployees Were (at Origin):By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%80%48%35%48%60%60%Transferees40%20%52%65%52%40%New Hires0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979785April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.23b – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your Company’s RelocatingEmployees Were (at Origin):By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%80%60%40%20%0%56% 56% 57% 54%38% 37% 36% 41%6% 8% 7% 5%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+HomeownersRentersNeitherTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979786April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.24a – Length of Time Employees Have to Accept a <strong>Relocation</strong> Offer*Up to 3months ormore Up to 25% months1%26%8%2%18%Less than 500Salaried Employees1 week orless28%TotalUp to 2weeks44%Up to 1month17%Up to 3weeks6%8%39%3%24% 14%5%32%4%43%17%5%500-4999Salaried Employees* excludes those who “don’t know”54%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979787April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.24b – Length of Time Employees Have to Report to Work at the New Location*Up to 2weeks11%Up to 3weeks10%1 week orless3%TotalUp to 3months ormore15%Up to 2months18%Salaried Employees11% 4% Less than 50018%9%16%10%43%7%19%Up to 1month44%16%14%16%18%51%10% 4% 500-4,999Salaried Employees* excludes those who “don’t know”36%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979788April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.25a – Average Number of Expense-Paid TRIPS with SPOUSE/PARTNER to FindHousing in New Location*4.0By Company Size (Salaried Employees) 1.4 1.4 Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979789April 2011

Policy AdministrationQ.25b – Average Number of Expense-Paid DAYS EMPLOYEES are Allowedfor House-Hunting Trips*6.04.0By Company Size (Salaried Employees) Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979790April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.26 – Respondents were given a list of possible relocation-related uses forthe Internet in 2011 – the answers received indicate that…TotalInternet UsesDid NotUse theInternet13%Communicate Via E-mail with RelocatingEmployeesInitiate/Execute Employee <strong>Relocation</strong>ServicesResearch <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related Matters52%51%79%TotalAccess <strong>Relocation</strong> Company Website forReporting/Other ServicesComplete Online Forms for Employee<strong>Relocation</strong>48%43%Research <strong>Relocation</strong> Service Providers28%Used theInternet87%Audit/Verify Prices Quoted for <strong>Relocation</strong>ServicesUtilize Mobile Applications from<strong>Relocation</strong> Providers18%12%Utilize Social Media/Networking Tools11%Other1%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979791April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.26 – How the Internet Was Used for <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related Matters in 2011By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Internet Use Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Did Not Use the Internet for <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related Matters in 2011 13% 26% 9% 4%Communicate Via E-mail with Relocating Employees 79% 68% 78% 92%Initiate/Execute Employee <strong>Relocation</strong> Services 52% 25% 53% 77%Research <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related Matters (policy, benchmarking, etc.) 51% 35% 51% 68%Access <strong>Relocation</strong> Company Website for Reporting or OtherServices48% 24% 51% 71%Complete Online Forms for Employee <strong>Relocation</strong> 43% 22% 38% 74%Research <strong>Relocation</strong> Service Providers 28% 23% 27% 33%Audit/Verify Prices Quoted for <strong>Relocation</strong> Services 18% 20% 19% 15%Utilize Mobile Applications from <strong>Relocation</strong> Providers 12% 10% 9% 19%Utilize Social Media/Networking Tools 11% 10% 8% 15%Other 1% 1% -% 4%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979792April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.27 – Is Your Company Utilizing “Alternative Assignments”…?TotalNo, and We Don't Plan to do so54%Yes, Internationally (Limited Basis)Yes, Domestically (Limited Basis)22%21%Yes, Internationally (Frequently)Yes, Domestically (Frequently)No, but We Plan to in the Coming YearOther10%6%4%2%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979793April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.27 – Is Your Company Utilizing “Alternative Assignments”…?By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Alternative Assignments Use Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No, and We Don’t Plan to do so 54% 70% 53% 40%Yes, Internationally (Limited Basis) 22% 8% 26% 31%Yes, Domestically (Limited Basis) 21% 14% 19% 29%Yes, Internationally (Frequently) 10% 3% 8% 19%Yes, Domestically (Frequently) 6% 3% 4% 13%No, but We Plan to in the Coming Year 4% 6% 5% 1%Other 2% -% 1% 4%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979794April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.27a – How Are These “Alternative Assignment” Arrangements Incorporated intoYour Organization’s Overall Employee Mobility Strategy?TotalUsed to Meet Strategic Business Goals57%Used to Maximize Budget/<strong>Corporate</strong> ResourcesUsed to Accommodate Employee NeedsUsed in Addition to Long-Term AssignmentsUsed to Develop Internal TalentUsed in Place of Long-Term AssignmentsUsed in Addition to Traditional Short-Term Assignments45%40%39%34%29%28%Used in Place of Traditional Short-Term Assignments15%Other2%0% 20% 40% 60% 80%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979795April <strong>2012</strong>

Policy AdministrationQ.27a – How Are These “Alternative Assignment” Arrangements Incorporated intoYour Organization’s Overall Employee Mobility Strategy?By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Alternative Assignment Incorporation Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Used to Meet Strategic Business Goals 57% 50% 59% 59%Used to Maximize Budget/<strong>Corporate</strong> Resources 45% 38% 47% 47%Used to Accommodate Employee Needs 40% 35% 31% 50%Used in Addition to Long-Term Assignments 39% 12% 41% 52%Used to Develop Internal Talent 34% 21% 41% 34%Used in Place of Long-Term Assignments 29% 26% 34% 25%Used in Addition to Traditional Short-TermAssignment ArrangementsUsed in Place of Traditional Short-TermAssignment Arrangements28% 12% 22% 42%15% 18% 19% 9%Other 2% -% 2% 5%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979796April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.28 – Does Your Company Reimburse/Pay to… (for Transferees OR New Hires)100%Total82% 80%52% 52% 49%43% 42% 37% 35% 33% 33% 30% 28%20%80%60%40%20%13%7%0%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979797April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.28 – Does Your Company Reimburse/Pay to… (for Transferees OR New Hires)By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Covered <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Company Does Not Pay for Any of These Items 7% 16% 4% 1%Pack All Items 82% 73% 82% 93%Move an Automobile 80% 69% 81% 90%Move Exercise Equipment 52% 50% 45% 63%Move a Second Automobile 52% 32% 50% 74%Unpack All Items 49% 50% 44% 54%Move Unlimited Weight 43% 29% 39% 62%Partial/Custom Unpacking of Items 42% 33% 45% 48%Move Via Containerized Shipment 37% 28% 37% 46%Move Recreation and Lawn Equipment 35% 37% 27% 44%Have Permanent/Extended Storage of Some Possessions 33% 30% 34% 35%Carry Items Down from Attic 33% 29% 30% 40%Move Pets 30% 37% 24% 31%Move Collections of Highly Valuable Objects LikeStatuary, Paintings, AntiquesHave Belongings Picked Up from a Secondary Residence(summer home, relative’s home, etc.)28% 23% 25% 37%20% 27% 15% 21%Move a Boat 13% 12% 9% 18%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979798April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.29 – When a Relocating Employee (Transferee OR New Hire) is a Homeowner Who Will BeBuying (Not Renting), Does Your Company…100%Total80%72% 68%61%57%55% 53%39% 37% 34% 31% 28%14% 12%60%40%20%0%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-979799April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.29 – When a Relocating Employee (Transferee OR New Hire) is a Homeowner Who Will BeBuying (Not Renting), Does Your Company…Covered <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses: Employee Buying Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Company Does Not Offer Any of These Benefits 12% 24% 7% 4%Offer Temporary Housing Allowance 72% 57% 75% 84%Offer Home-Finding Trips 68% 48% 74% 81%Offer Storage 61% 42% 60% 82%Reimburse/Pay for Home Sale Costs 57% 31% 60% 80%Reimburse/Pay for Home Purchase Costs 55% 24% 55% 86%Offer Home Marketing Assistance 53% 24% 55% 80%Offer Qualified Home Sale Program 39% 7% 35% 75%Reimburse/Pay for Federal Tax Liability 37% 19% 35% 56%Offer Duplicate Housing Assistance 34% 14% 35% 52%Reimburse/Pay for Loss-on-Sale 31% 11% 24% 61%Offer Bonuses/Incentives for Employee GeneratedHome SaleBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)28% 10% 21% 55%Offer Mortgage Subsidy or Allowance 14% 3% 7% 33%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797100April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.30 – When a Relocating Employee (Transferee OR New Hire) Will Be Renting(Not Buying), Does Your Company…100%Total80%70% 68% 66%54%60%40%39%20%23% 19% 17% 17%9% 9%0%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797101April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.30 – When a Relocating Employee (Transferee OR New Hire) Will Be Renting(Not Buying), Does Your Company…By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Covered <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses: Employee Renting Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Company Does Not Offer Any of These Benefits 9% 18% 7% 1%Offer Temporary Housing Allowance 70% 63% 71% 76%Reimburse/Pay for Lease Cancellation 68% 40% 74% 89%Offer Home-Finding Trips 66% 49% 73% 75%Offer Storage 54% 42% 53% 68%Reimburse/Pay Apartment Search or Finder’s Fees 39% 17% 38% 62%Reimburse/Pay for Security Deposits 23% 25% 25% 18%Apply Temporary Living Allowance Toward Rent 19% 18% 21% 17%Reimburse/Pay for Hook-Up Fees 17% 20% 19% 13%Offer Rental Subsidy or Allowance 17% 13% 15% 24%Reimburse/Pay for Furniture Rental 9% 8% 11% 7%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797102April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.31 – Extent Company Reimburses <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses of Transferees/New HiresTotalFull Reimbursement65%57%Lump Sum PaymentPartial Reimbursement47%50%40%40%TransfereesNew HiresNo Reimbursement3%5%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797103April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.31 – Extent Company Reimburses <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses of Transferees/New HiresBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Extent Transferees are Reimbursed Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Full Reimbursement of <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses 65% 60% 60% 77%Lump Sum Payment 47% 38% 53% 48%Partial Reimbursement Based on Salary,Position, Policy Tier, etc.40% 39% 44% 36%No Reimbursement of <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses 3% 6% 2% 3%Extent New Hires are Reimbursed Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Full Reimbursement of <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses 57% 55% 53% 64%Lump Sum Payment 50% 40% 56% 54%Partial Reimbursement Based on Salary,Position, Policy Tier, etc.40% 34% 47% 38%No Reimbursement of <strong>Relocation</strong> Expenses 5% 9% 3% 5%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797104April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.32 – What Approximate Percentage of Your <strong>Relocation</strong>s Were:By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%80%60%40%20%0%49%56%53%67%18%17%19%24% 27%28%15%17%3% 7%1%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Fully ReimbursedLump Sum OnlyPartially ReimbursedNot ReimbursedTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797105April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.32a – For What Types of <strong>Relocation</strong> Costs are Lump Sum Payments TypicallyOffered to Relocating Employees (Transferees OR New Hires)?TotalMiscellaneous Allowances63%Entire <strong>Relocation</strong> Cost51%Travel ExpensesTemporary HousingHousehold Goods Shipping/Storage30%41%38%Real Estate Assistance/TransactionsTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797Rental Assistance/Transactions* of those offering lump sum payments (Q31)Other4%11%16%0% 20% 40% 60% 80%106April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.32a – For What Types of <strong>Relocation</strong> Costs are Lump Sum Payments TypicallyOffered to Relocating Employees (Transferees OR New Hires)?By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Expenses for Which Lump Sum Typically Offered Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Miscellaneous Allowances 63% 42% 64% 79%Entire <strong>Relocation</strong> Cost 51% 52% 53% 47%Travel Expenses (i.e. housing hunting trips, finalmove, etc.)41% 44% 34% 48%Temporary Housing 38% 31% 30% 55%Household Goods Shipping/Storage 30% 44% 30% 17%Rental Assistance/Transactions 16% 19% 15% 16%Real Estate Assistance/Transactions 11% 17% 11% 5%Other 4% 4% 5% 3%* of those offering lump sum payments (Q31)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797107April 2011

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.32b – What Types of Relocating Employees Most Commonly Receive Lump SumPayments?*TotalEntry Level Employees52%Experienced Professionals43%Executives32%New Hires65%TransfereesRenters43%48%Homeowners30%Other7%* of those offering lump sum payments (Q31)0% 20% 40% 60% 80%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797108April 2011

<strong>Relocation</strong> CostsQ.32b – What Types of Relocating Employees Most Commonly Receive Lump SumPayments?*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Employees Most Commonly Receiving Lump Sums Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Entry Level Employees 52% 29% 53% 72%Experienced Professionals 43% 48% 38% 45%Executives 32% 37% 24% 40%New Hires 65% 56% 68% 71%Transferees 43% 37% 44% 48%Renters 48% 35% 51% 55%Homeowners 30% 19% 29% 41%Other 7% 2% 11% 7%* of those offering lump sum payments (Q31)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797109April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.33 – Age Range of Most Frequently Relocated Salaried Employee*Less than30 years7%More than45 years8%21%11%8%23%Less than 500Salaried Employees3%30-35years23%Total41-45years25%37%29%9%26%36-40 years36%18%7% 7%27%33%500-4999Salaried Employees* excludes those who “don’t know”40%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797110April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.34 – Does Your Organization Perform Candidate Assessments Prior to<strong>Relocation</strong> Offers?TotalCandidate AssessmentsYes, for All <strong>Relocation</strong>s21%Yes, on an "As Needed/Requested" Basis12%Yes, for New Hires9%No54%TotalYes46%Yes, for International <strong>Relocation</strong>sYes, for Transferees6%5%Yes, for Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong>s3%Yes, Based on Policy Tier/ReimbursementLevel3%Other2%0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797111April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.34 – Does Your Organization Perform Candidate Assessments Prior to<strong>Relocation</strong> Offers?By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Candidate Assessment Use Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No, Candidate Assessments are Not Performed 54% 60% 53% 50%Yes, for All <strong>Relocation</strong>s 21% 25% 22% 14%Yes, on an “As Needed/Requested” Basis 12% 4% 13% 21%Yes, for New Hires 9% 11% 10% 7%Yes, for International <strong>Relocation</strong>s 6% 1% 6% 11%Yes, for Transferees 5% 6% 5% 4%Yes, for Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong>s 3% 3% 3% 3%Yes, Based on Policy Tier/Reimbursement Level 3% 3% 2% 4%Other 2% -% 2% 3%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797112April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.35a – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your <strong>Relocation</strong>sInvolved: Female Employees*50%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)40%28%30%20%20%16%21%10%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797113April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.35b – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your <strong>Relocation</strong>sInvolved: Wife/Female Partner (Trailing Spouse)*80%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)60%44%37%49% 49%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797114April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.35c – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your <strong>Relocation</strong>sInvolved: Husband/Male Partner (Trailing Spouse)*50%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)40%30%20%20% 19% 20%22%10%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797115April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.35d – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your <strong>Relocation</strong>sInvolved: Employees with Children*80%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)60%46%49%55%37%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797116April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.36 – Companies Offering Elder Care Assistance*50%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)40%30%30%20%20%16% 16%10%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies indicating they offer this assistance (Q36)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797117April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.36 – Elder Care Assistance OfferedBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Elder Care Assistance Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Elder Care Assistance 80% 84% 84% 70%Provide List of Nursing Homes and/or Day-CareCentersAllow Employee to Use Pre-Tax Dollars forOutside Care9% 4% 6% 18%9% 6% 7% 13%Allow Flexible Scheduling or Telecommuting 8% 6% 4% 14%Provide Paid Personal Leave Days 4% 4% 4% 5%Relocate an Elderly Relative that Does Not Livewith the Employee Currently, but Will EitherLive with the Employee at the New Location orat a Nearby Residence/Facility4% 3% 4% 5%Other 3% -% 5% 5%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797118April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.37 – Companies Offering Childcare Assistance*80%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)60%43%43%53%40%33%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies indicating they offer this assistance (Q37)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797119April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.37 – Childcare Assistance OfferedBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Childcare Assistance Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Childcare Assistance 57% 67% 57% 47%Allow Employee to Use Pre-Tax Dollars forOutside CareProvide List of Local Schools/EducationalOptionsProvide List of Childcare Providers/Servicesand/or Agencies23% 19% 26% 24%22% 14% 23% 30%21% 17% 18% 28%Allow Flexible Scheduling or Telecommuting 11% 8% 7% 19%Provide Paid Personal Leave Days 9% 10% 7% 11%Other 5% -% 8% 7%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797120April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.38 – Frequency of Employee’s <strong>Relocation</strong> Being Affected by the Employment Statusof His/Her Spouse/Partner*Almostalways6%10%13%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesNever9%43%34%5%7%Frequently32%Total4%5%30%57%Seldom52%23%500-4999Salaried Employees* excludes those who “don’t know”68%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797121April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.39 – Companies that Allow the Hiring of Spouses of Employees*Without RestrictionNot at Same LocationNot in Same Dept/DivisionTotal17%5%66%88%Less than 500 Salaried Employees24%3%54%81%500-4999 Salaried Employees9%8%70%87%5000+ Salaried Employees19%4%73%95%* % of companies answering “Yes” / excludes those who “don’t know”0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797122April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.40a – Companies that Assist an Employee’s Spouse or Partner in FindingEmployment in the New Location*80%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)60%40%41%37% 36%54%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies indicating “Yes”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797123April <strong>2012</strong>

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.40b – Methods of Spousal/Partner Employment Assistance*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Spousal/Partner Employment Assistance Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Provide Networking Assistance 52% 83% 42% 39%Pay for Outplacement/Career Services froman Outside Firm44% 14% 54% 56%Provide Resume Preparation Assistance 33% 29% 29% 39%Provide Interviewing Skills Training 25% 14% 21% 36%Find Employment Within Company 14% 21% 17% 7%Find Employment Outside Company 13% 19% 21% 3%Other 8% 2% 6% 14%* of those who provide assistance (Q40a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797124April 2011

Employee, Spousal & Assistance IssuesQ.40c – Approximate Percentage of Relocated Employees with aSpouse/Partner Who Used Employment Assistance*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)50%40%40%30%31%24%28%20%10%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* of those who provide assistance (Q40a) / excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797125April <strong>2012</strong>

75%60%45%Supplier ManagementQ.41 – Respondents were given a list of possible outsourced relocation services in 2011 –the answers received indicate that…TotalServices OutsourcedOutsourced72%TotalDid NotOutsource28%55%51%44% 42% 42% 41% 41% 38% 37% 35% 33% 31% 28%16%30%15%0%1%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797126April 2011

Supplier ManagementQ.41 – Services Outsourced to a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or Brokerage Firm in 2011By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Services Outsourced in 2011 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Did Not Use a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or Brokerage Firm in 2011 28% 64% 17% 5%Real Estate Sales/Marketing 55% 23% 61% 82%Contract of Household Goods Carrier 51% 26% 63% 63%Real Estate Purchase 44% 15% 48% 69%Monitoring of Shipment 42% 17% 51% 57%Expense Tracking/Reimbursement Services 42% 15% 46% 65%Orientation Tours at New Location 41% 16% 45% 64%Counseling about the Planning & Details of <strong>Relocation</strong> 41% 18% 47% 57%Counseling about Company Policy 38% 14% 43% 56%Tax Gross-Up Assistance 37% 16% 43% 53%Arrangement of Family’s Transportation & Accommodations 35% 14% 41% 51%Audit and/or Payment of Invoice 33% 12% 35% 54%Assistance with Employee Claims Preparation & Submission 31% 10% 38% 45%Property Management 28% 6% 31% 46%Supplementary Services (appliances, cleaning, etc.) 16% 8% 15% 27%Other 1% 1% -% 3%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797127April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.41a – Department(s) that Select a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or Brokerage Firm*TotalHuman Resources74%<strong>Relocation</strong>37%Procurement25%Executive Management10%Other5%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%* of those companies who outsourced (Q41)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797128April 2011

Supplier ManagementQ.41a – Department(s) that Select a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or Brokerage Firm*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Department(s) Selecting Outsourcing Vendor Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Human Resources 74% 88% 83% 59%<strong>Relocation</strong> 37% 5% 24% 64%Procurement 25% -% 22% 39%Executive Management 10% 17% 7% 11%Other 5% 7% 5% 5%* of those companies who outsourced (Q41)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797129April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.42a – Companies with Contractual Agreements with Carriers for theTransportation of Household Goods*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)100%78%80%60%62%51%59%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies with contracts with one or more carriersTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797130April <strong>2012</strong>

Q.42a – Of Companies with Contracts: Average Number of Household GoodsTransportation Carriers Under Contract*4.0Supplier ManagementBy Company Size (Salaried Employees) Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* of those companies with contracts with one or more carriersTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797131April 2011

Supplier ManagementQ.42b – Companies that Specify Preferred Carriers of Those Under Contract*100%By Company Size (Salaried Employees)80%67% 67%64%69%60%40%20%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+* % of companies answering “Yes” / of those with contracts with one or more carriers (Q42a)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797132April 2011

Supplier ManagementQ.43 – Most Important Attribute When SELECTING a Household Goods Carrier*TotalServiceQualityPriceReputationPre-Existing Relationship w/ CarrierClaims ProcessingLocal Agent(s)Multi-Level Service OptionsTechnology<strong>Corporate</strong> Social Responsibility/Green InitiativesOther36%34%26%21%16%12%8%58%78%77%75%0% 25% 50% 75% 100%* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797133April 2011

Supplier ManagementQ.43 – Most Important Attribute When SELECTING a Household Goods Carrier*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Important Attribute When Selecting a Carrier Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Service (i.e. overall capabilities, capacity, communication) 78% 74% 76% 86%Quality (i.e. on-time delivery, performance history) 77% 65% 77% 88%Price 75% 76% 72% 76%Reputation 58% 59% 55% 59%Pre-Existing Relationship with Carrier 36% 41% 32% 35%Claims Processing 34% 22% 30% 50%Local Agent(s) 26% 25% 26% 28%Multi-Level Service Options (DIY to Full) 21% 22% 23% 19%Technology 16% 9% 15% 23%<strong>Corporate</strong> Social Responsibility/Green Initiatives 12% 10% 8% 17%Other 8% 5% 13% 5%* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797134April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.44a – How Carrier Transportation Expenses for TRANSFEREES are Paid23%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesTotalPaid byEmployee &Reimbursed15%Paid byEmployee4%81%4%5%17%4%Paid Directlyby Company91%6%92%500-4999Salaried Employees100% 5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797135April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.44b – How Carrier Transportation Expenses for NEW HIRES are Paid28%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesTotalPaid byEmployee &Reimbursed17%Paid byEmployee4%76%3%7%18%2%Paid Directlyby Company89%5%91%500-4999Salaried Employees100% 5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797136April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.45 – Most Important Attribute When EVALUATING a Household Goods Carrier*TotalServiceQualityPrice70%80%77%Employee Feedback55%Partnership "Fit" with Our OrganizationClaims Processing32%39%Online/Mobile Access Customer ToolsOther7%10%0% 25% 50% 75% 100%* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797137April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.45 – Most Important Attribute When EVALUATING a Household Goods Carrier*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Important Attribute When Evaluating a Carrier Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Service (i.e. overall capabilities, capacity, communication) 80% 75% 80% 84%Quality (i.e. on-time delivery, performance history) 77% 69% 81% 80%Price 70% 75% 71% 64%Employee Feedback 55% 50% 57% 56%Partnership “Fit” with Our Organization 39% 31% 35% 50%Claims Processing 32% 23% 31% 42%Online/Mobile Access Customer Tools 10% 10% 10% 11%Other 7% 3% 10% 6%* excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797138April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.46 – Who Selects the Household Goods Carrier for Your Employee’s <strong>Relocation</strong>?Other4%34%4%19%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesCompany38%TotalEmployee9%Company &Employee15%11%31%33%1%7%12%<strong>Relocation</strong>Firm34%48%7%2%3%40%47%500-4999Salaried Employees5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797139April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.46a – Which Department(s) at Your Company Select the Household Goods Carrier?*TotalHuman Resources62%<strong>Relocation</strong>33%Procurement12%Executive Management8%Other6%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%* of those where company is involved in selection (Q46)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797140April <strong>2012</strong>

Supplier ManagementQ.46a – Which Department(s) at Your Company Select the Household Goods Carrier?*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Department(s) Selecting HHG Carrier Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Human Resources 62% 80% 69% 29%<strong>Relocation</strong> 33% 4% 29% 76%Procurement 12% 7% 14% 18%Executive Management 8% 13% 3% 7%Other 6% 7% 5% 7%* of those where company is involved in selection (Q46)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797141April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47a – Compared to 2010, Did the Number of Employees Your Company RelocatedInternationally During 2011…*30%Less than 500Salaried Employees53%16%Increase42%TotalStay Aboutthe Same47%40%47%Decrease11%50%44%13%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)6%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797142April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47b – Compared to 2011, Do You Anticipate that the Number of Employees YourCompany Will Relocate Internationally During <strong>2012</strong> Will…*23%Less than 500Salaried EmployeesIncrease29%19%58%23%TotalStay Aboutthe Same55%18%59%Decrease16%37%500-4999Salaried Employees50%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)13%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797143April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47c – What is the Typical International <strong>Relocation</strong> Assignment Duration forEmployees at Your Company?*Less than 3months4%21%5%12%Less than 500Salaried Employees3 years ormore29%Total4 to 12months11%63%4%33%4%14%Greater than12 months,less than 3years56%30%7%49%500-4999Salaried Employees* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)59%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797144April <strong>2012</strong>

Q.47d – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your International <strong>Relocation</strong>sWere: Short-Term/Temporary Assignments (Less than 12 Months)*50%InternationalBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)40%30%20%18%14%16%22%10%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* of those who relocate internationally (Q2) / excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797145April <strong>2012</strong>

Q.47d – In 2011, What Approximate Percentage of Your International <strong>Relocation</strong>sWere: Lump Sum Payment Only*50%InternationalBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)40%30%21%20%10%9%10%3%0%Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+AveragePercent* of those who relocate internationally (Q2) / excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797146April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47e – Compared to 2011, Do You Expect the Number of InternationalShort-Term/Temporary Assignments (Less than 12 Months) in <strong>2012</strong> to…*16%12% Less than 500Salaried EmployeesIncrease27%72%27%Decrease10%TotalStay Aboutthe Same64%34%5%69%500-4999Salaried Employees55%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)11%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797147April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47f – Comparing Your International <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy to Your Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy,Does Your Company’s International <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy Offer…*TotalNo Difference Between Intl & Domestic Policies21%Additional Tax ConsiderationsIntercultural & Language TrainingAllowances for Children to Attend Certain SchoolsAdditional Leave Time (Inc. 1 Visit Back to Home Country)57%51%48%45%Higher Rental Housing AllowanceIncreased Allowances for Permanent StorageHigher <strong>Relocation</strong> Allowances36%34%34%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)Additional Leave TimeFinancial Services AssistanceExtended Per Diem ChargesSecurity Support ProgramOther24%18%16%15%11%0% 20% 40% 60% 80%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797148April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47f – Comparing Your International <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy to Your Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy,Does Your Company’s International <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy Offer…*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)International <strong>Relocation</strong> Policy Differences from Domestic Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Difference Between International and Domestic <strong>Relocation</strong> Policies 21% 40% 28% 6%Additional Tax Considerations 57% 37% 54% 68%Intercultural and Language Training 51% 26% 42% 70%Allowances for Children to Attend Certain Schools 48% 19% 42% 66%Additional Leave Time with that Includes at Least 1 Visit Back toEmployee’s Home Country45% 23% 39% 62%Higher Rental Housing Allowance 36% 23% 36% 43%Increased Allowances for Permanent Storage 34% 28% 27% 43%Higher <strong>Relocation</strong> Allowances 34% 23% 37% 35%Additional Leave Time 24% 12% 24% 29%Financial Services Assistance 18% 12% 16% 23%Extended Per Diem Charges 16% 16% 14% 18%Security Support Program 15% 7% 12% 20%Other 11% 2% 10% 16%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797149April <strong>2012</strong>

75%InternationalQ.47g – Respondents were given a list of possible outsourced international relocationservices in 2011 – the answers received indicate that…*TotalServices Outsourced23%Did NotOutsource60%54% 52% 50%47% 47% 46% 45% 42% 41%Outsourced77%Total45%36% 35% 35%30%28%22%15%5%0%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797150April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47g – International Services Outsourced to a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or BrokerageFirm in 2011** of those who relocate internationally (Q2)By Company Size (Salaried Employees)International Services Outsourced in 2011 Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Did Not Use a <strong>Relocation</strong> Service, HRO or Brokerage Firm for Intl <strong>Relocation</strong> Services in 2011 23% 51% 22% 12%Contract of Household Goods Carrier for International Shipping 54% 23% 61% 62%Monitoring of International Shipment 52% 23% 61% 56%Destination Services/Orientation Tours in Host Country 50% 16% 51% 64%Arrangement of Family’s Temporary Accommodations 47% 16% 51% 57%Intercultural and Language Training 47% 16% 45% 63%Counseling About the Planning & Details of Relocating Internationally 46% 21% 51% 54%Securing Rental Property in Host Country 45% 16% 47% 56%Visa & Immigration Services 42% 23% 41% 52%Counseling About Company Policy Concerning International <strong>Relocation</strong> 41% 14% 49% 46%Repatriation Services 36% 14% 36% 47%Management of International <strong>Relocation</strong> Program 35% 14% 37% 43%Arrangement of Family’s International Transportation 35% 14% 36% 44%Property Management of Home at Origin 28% 7% 29% 37%International Real Estate (Sales/Marketing and/or Purchase) 22% 9% 25% 26%Other 5% 2% 2% 10%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797151April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47h – Most Important Attribute When SELECTING a Household GoodsCarrier for International <strong>Relocation</strong>s*TotalServiceQualityPriceReputationPre-Existing Relationship w/ CarrierSchedulingTechnologyMulti-Level Service Options<strong>Corporate</strong> Social Responsibility/Green InitiativesOther29%25%17%16%11%7%52%70%79%76%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2) /excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-97970% 25% 50% 75% 100%152April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47h – Most Important Attribute When SELECTING a Household GoodsCarrier for International <strong>Relocation</strong>s*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Most Important Attribute When Selecting Intl Carrier Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+Service (i.e. overall capabilities, capacity, communication) 79% 72% 76% 84%Quality (i.e. on-time delivery, performance history) 76% 63% 77% 82%Price 70% 79% 65% 69%Reputation 52% 58% 54% 48%Pre-Existing Relationship with Carrier 29% 33% 37% 20%Scheduling 25% 23% 24% 26%Technology 17% 16% 14% 20%Multi-Level Service Options (DIY to Full) 16% 21% 16% 14%<strong>Corporate</strong> Social Responsibility/Green Initiatives 11% 16% 7% 13%Other 7% 2% 10% 7%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2) /excludes those who “don’t know”TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797153April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47i – Method of Employment Assistance for Internationally Relocated Employee’sSpouse or Partner*TotalOfferAssistancePay for Outplacement/Career Servicesfrom an Outside Firm18%41%TotalProvide Networking Assistance16%59%Pay for Work Visa in New LocationProvide Resume Preparation Assistance13%13%NoAssistanceProvide Interviewing Skills Training9%Find Employment Within Company6%Find Employment Outside Company4%Other6%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)0% 15% 30% 45%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797154April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47i – Method of Employment Assistance for Internationally Relocated Employee’sSpouse or Partner*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Spousal/Partner Employment Assistance – Intl Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No Assistance 59% 70% 67% 48%Pay for Outplacement/Career Services from anOutside Firm18% 7% 19% 22%Provide Networking Assistance 16% 19% 15% 15%Pay for Work Visa in New Location 13% 14% 10% 16%Provide Resume Preparation Assistance 13% 12% 12% 15%Provide Interviewing Skills Training 9% 9% 7% 11%Find Employment Within Company 6% 7% 4% 6%Find Employment Outside Company 4% 2% 7% 1%Other 6% -% 2% 11%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797155April 2011

InternationalQ.47j – In 2011, Reasons Cited for an Employee Declining International <strong>Relocation</strong> orfor an International <strong>Relocation</strong> to Fail*TotalNo International <strong>Relocation</strong>s Declined or Failed38%Family Issues/TiesPersonal Reason (non-disclosed)26%25%Lack of Adaptability by the Spouse/PartnerFinancial Issues/Concerns14%12%Lack of Spousal/Partner AssistanceLack of Adaptability by EmployeeWar/TerrorismIllnessOtherDon't Know4%4%2%1%2%20%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797156April <strong>2012</strong>

InternationalQ.47j – In 2011, Reasons Cited for an Employee Declining International <strong>Relocation</strong> orfor an International <strong>Relocation</strong> to Fail*By Company Size (Salaried Employees)Reasons Cited for Declining/Failed Intl <strong>Relocation</strong> Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+No International <strong>Relocation</strong>s Declined or Failed 38% 63% 46% 19%Family Issues/Ties 26% 19% 25% 30%Personal Reason (Non-Disclosed) 25% 16% 19% 35%Lack of Adaptability by the Spouse/Partner 14% 14% 11% 16%Financial Issues/Concerns 12% 7% 11% 16%Lack of Spousal/Partner Assistance 4% 2% 5% 4%Lack of Adaptability by Employee 4% 5% 4% 4%War/Terrorism 2% 7% -% 1%Illness 1% -% -% 2%Other 2% -% 2% 3%Don’t know 20% 5% 17% 29%* of those who relocate internationally (Q2)TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797157April <strong>2012</strong>

Service(Profit)33%<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.48 – Business Classifications of Companies Participating3% 4%Other6%TotalMftg/Processing30%Govt/Military2% Service(Non-Profit)6%Wholesale/Retail10%Financial12%37%32%33%11%5%6%10% 2%3%13%12%Less than 500Salaried Employees32%29%6%1%4%11%17%500-4999Salaried Employees29%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797158April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.49 – Participating Companies Annual Sales for 2011*5%5%4%19%Less than 500Salaried Employees45%Total9%8% 7%6%6%10%10%15%10%18%24%1% 1%1%3%7%46%6%13%4%6%13%13%500-4999Salaried Employees* excludes blank responses87% 5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797159April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.50 – Respondent GenderLess than 500Salaried Employees42%58%Male28%24%TotalFemale72%19%76%500-4999Salaried Employees81%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797160April 2011

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.51 – Departmental Function2%1%2% 2%1% 1%5%7%Less than 500Salaried Employees1%3%2% 1% 1%11%82%17%58%Total 1%1%24%3%24%13%66%13%500-4999Salaried Employees59%5000+Salaried EmployeesTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797161April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.52 – Respondent’s PositionTotalPresident1%Vice President11%Director19%Manager30%<strong>Relocation</strong> Administrator19%SupervisorRecruiterCoordinatorHR Assistant4%2%4%2%Other8%0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797162April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.52 – Respondent’s PositionBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Respondent’s Position Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+President 1% 3% -% -%Vice President 11% 23% 9% 2%Director 19% 25% 20% 12%Manager 30% 23% 26% 44%<strong>Relocation</strong> Administrator 19% 2% 26% 27%Supervisor 4% 5% 1% 5%Recruiter 2% 4% 1% 2%Coordinator 4% 4% 4% 5%HR Assistant 2% 3% 1% -%Other 8% 7% 13% 4%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797163April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.53 – Which Trade Publications Respondent’s Regularly ReadTotalNoneHR MagazineMobilityHR NewsWorkforceHuman Resource ExecutiveEmployee Benefits NewsHRO TodayThe <strong>Relocation</strong> ReportRunzheimer Reports on <strong>Relocation</strong>National <strong>Relocation</strong> & Real EstateOther11%8%7%5%4%5%23%22%22%22%40%58%0% 20% 40% 60% 80%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797164April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.53 – Which Trade Publications Respondent’s Regularly ReadBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)Trade Magazines Regularly Read Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+None 11% 11% 12% 9%HR Magazine 58% 77% 56% 40%Mobility 40% 10% 34% 77%HR News 23% 41% 19% 8%Workforce 22% 28% 29% 9%Human Resource Executive 22% 37% 21% 7%Employee Benefits News 22% 32% 26% 5%Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) Today 8% 15% 4% 5%The <strong>Relocation</strong> Report 7% 5% 4% 12%Runzheimer Reports on <strong>Relocation</strong> 5% 3% 6% 7%National <strong>Relocation</strong> & Real Estate 4% 3% 4% 6%Other 5% 5% 5% 5%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797165April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.54 – Respondent Membership in <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related AssociationsTotalNoneWorldwide ERCSHRM32%37%35%Regional or Local <strong>Relocation</strong> Council20%Forum for Expatriate ManagementNFTCCERC-CanadaOther8%4%2%6%0% 20% 40% 60%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797166April <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>Corporate</strong>/Respondent ProfileQ.54 – Respondent Membership in <strong>Relocation</strong>-Related AssociationsBy Company Size (Salaried Employees)<strong>Relocation</strong>-Related Association Membership Total Less than 500 500-4999 5000+None 37% 55% 40% 15%Worldwide ERC (formerly Employee <strong>Relocation</strong>Council – ERC)35% 8% 26% 75%Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) 32% 39% 35% 23%Regional or Local <strong>Relocation</strong> Council 20% 6% 15% 41%Forum for Expatriate Management 8% 3% 7% 15%National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) 4% 2% -% 10%Canadian Employee <strong>Relocation</strong> Council(CERC – Canada)2% 1% -% 5%Other 6% 4% 7% 8%TM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797167April <strong>2012</strong>

Contact InformationFor further details and survey results from prioryears…Please visit our Web site:www.atlasvanlines.com/relocation-surveys/corporate-relocationOr contact:Kerri HartSenior Marketing Specialist<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc.1212 St. George Rd.Evansville, IN 47711toll-free: 800-638-9797e-mail: hartk@atlasworldgroup.comTM & © <strong>2012</strong> AWGI LLC<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Lines</strong>, Inc. U.S. DOT No. 125550800-638-9797168April <strong>2012</strong>

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