Triop World Nick Baker Instructions - Interplay

Triop World Nick Baker Instructions - Interplay Triop World Nick Baker Instructions - Interplay


Getting started...Designed forchildren byNature Experts12…just add water (but not tap water!)All you need to do in order toget the most out of your Triopsis to re-create the conditions in atemporary pool.So fi rst you need to source some water,enough to fi ll the Triop tank. Rain water isbest and cheapest but bottled still springwater is also good. If using bottled waterread the small print and try and avoid usingany ‘purifi ed’ water. Also avoid water thathas chlorine added to it (this includes tapwater but also some bottled water).Rinse out your tank with a little of yourwater, don’t use tap water or soap, andthen wipe it dry with kitchen towel ortissue paper.Add rain or bottled water to the tank untilabout 3/4 full.W O R L D57957 Triop World Instructions.indd 6 19/11/2012 10:16

3Ensure the water in the tank is at roomtemperature, above 21˚c before addingyour eggs. Normally this will not be aproblem in summer months, but at othertimes of year you will need to provide anartifi cial heat and light source. This can beachieved by using a desk lamp with a 40watt bulb (not one of the Eco variety, theydon’t get warm enough), or a small ‘spidermat’ (available from most pet stores).Place the lid on the tank to avoid thewater evaporating and to help maintainthe water at a constant temperature.4When the water is up to temperature,sprinkle the bag of detritus onto thewater - this contains the Triop eggs. Givethe detritus a brisk stir with the pipetteto mix it thoroughly with the water. Thenuse the pipette to wash down the sidesof the tank with clean water to ensure noeggs are stuck to the side of the tank (theeggs are so small you will not be able tosee them).5Your Triops should start tohatch within 24 hours butthey may take upwards of 7days so be patient (sometimesthey don’t hatch, but don’tpanic we have solutions, seethe back of this book) althoughin their early stages theywill be so small they will bediffi cult to see.67957 Triop World Instructions.indd 7 19/11/2012 10:17

3Ensure the water in the tank is at roomtemperature, above 21˚c before addingyour eggs. Normally this will not be aproblem in summer months, but at othertimes of year you will need to provide anartifi cial heat and light source. This can beachieved by using a desk lamp with a 40watt bulb (not one of the Eco variety, theydon’t get warm enough), or a small ‘spidermat’ (available from most pet stores).Place the lid on the tank to avoid thewater evaporating and to help maintainthe water at a constant temperature.4When the water is up to temperature,sprinkle the bag of detritus onto thewater - this contains the <strong>Triop</strong> eggs. Givethe detritus a brisk stir with the pipetteto mix it thoroughly with the water. Thenuse the pipette to wash down the sidesof the tank with clean water to ensure noeggs are stuck to the side of the tank (theeggs are so small you will not be able tosee them).5Your <strong>Triop</strong>s should start tohatch within 24 hours butthey may take upwards of 7days so be patient (sometimesthey don’t hatch, but don’tpanic we have solutions, seethe back of this book) althoughin their early stages theywill be so small they will bediffi cult to see.67957 <strong>Triop</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Instructions</strong>.indd 7 19/11/2012 10:17

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