1201353 2002 spring amp3.qxd - Atlas Van Lines

1201353 2002 spring amp3.qxd - Atlas Van Lines

1201353 2002 spring amp3.qxd - Atlas Van Lines


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Forum PreviewGeneral H. NormanSchwarzkopf, U.S.Army, Retired, will bethe keynote speaker atthe <strong>Atlas</strong> Forum onMoving Luncheon onThursday, April 25.Forum On MovingIs MovingAfter years ofenjoying the hospitalityin theWindy City, the<strong>Atlas</strong> Annual Forumon Moving is headed westthis year to Las Vegas, Nevada andthe Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino.“Our customers have been askingfor a change of location for thisannual event, and we have providedit,” says Mike Shaffer, <strong>Atlas</strong> chairman& CEO.“Along with the exciting newvenue, this year’s Forum will featureone of the most extraordinaryspeakers ever, General H. NormanSchwarzkopf,” says Mike. “Wehave also made changes to the formatto better accommodate the travelneeds of our guests and allowthem the opportunity to experiencethe wonder of Las Vegas.”AgendaThe Early Bird Workshop onThursday morning, April 25, willfeature the new 400-N Tariff withpresentations on the merits ofusing either the 400-N or theprevious 400-M.The opening luncheon features aspeaker of great renown, H. NormanSchwarzkopf, General, U.S. Army,Retired. Highly decorated as militaryleader and civilian, GeneralSchwarzkopf brings a stirring perspectivethat is sure to touch thehearts and minds of his audience.After lunch, attendees maychoose two of the following threeworkshops for an afternoon packedwith useful information.• U.S. Economic Outlook. What ison the horizon for the U.S. economy?One of the nation’s premierforecasters takes a hard look atthe current situation and offersconsidered insight into the future.• Economic Stress on RelocationPolicies. The year 2001 broughtrecession, corporate downsizing,and a labor surplus. This workshopexamines how economicstress is affecting the revision ofrelocation policies.• Internationally Speaking. It’s anentirely different world from justa year ago. This thought-provokingdiscussion will cover what’sahead for international relocationand international relocation policy.An early evening reception willfeature hearty hors d’oeuvres andcocktails, concluding in plenty oftime for your evening’s entertainmentand dining.Friday activities begin with aserved breakfast at 8:00 a.m. andcontinue with the general sessionfeaturing keynote speaker ColonelEdward L. Hubbard, USAF,Retired. This session concludes at10:00 a.m., allowing plenty of timefor guests to catch their flightshome. A repeat of the Early BirdWorkshop will be offered for thosewho could not attend earlier. Allevents will conclude by 11:15 a.m.“The <strong>Atlas</strong> Annual Forum onMoving is one of the industry’smost eagerly anticipatedgatherings,” says Mike. “Thisyear’s event promises to beespecially stimulating. I urge <strong>Atlas</strong>agents to make their plans now andinvite their customers.”14 Amplifier Spring <strong>2002</strong>

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