Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages

Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages

Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages


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Donation Honors LateHomeless AdvocateThe Law Offices of Samuel J. Kaufmancontributed $5,000 to the Florida <strong>Key</strong>sOutreach Coalition in memory of thelate Gabriel Mardones. Mardones was aformer FKOC employee who was killedin a tragic accident last year. The fundswill be split between FKOC’s EndowmentFund with the Community Foundationof the Florida <strong>Key</strong>s and the organization’sTransitional SupportiveHousing Programs.Kaufman is Chairman ofFKOC’s Board of Directors.From left, SamKaufman; FKOC’s GinaPecora, and Rev. StephenBraddock. The Law Officesof Samuel J. Kaufmancontributed $5,000 to theFlorida <strong>Key</strong>s OutreachCoalition in memory ofthe late Gabriel Mardones.Mardones was a formerFKOC employee whowas killed in a tragic accident last year.The funds will be split between FKOC’sEndowment Fund with the CommunityFoundation of the Florida <strong>Key</strong>s and theorganization’s Transitional SupportiveHousing Programs. Kaufman is Chairmanof FKOC’s Board of Directors. Fromleft, Sam Kaufman; FKOC’s Gina Pecora,and Rev. Stephen Braddock.Womenkind Educational Forum:Bioidenticals are modern medical blessing“Bioidenticals: Exciting New Solutionsfor Menopausal Symptoms”is the topic of the next WomankindEducational Forum, set for Saturday,April 28th, 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. at theEcoDiscovery Center located on theTruman Waterfront. Presenting isPhysician’s Assistant Jennifer Whaley,specialist in women’s health care witha specialization in bioidentical hormonereplacement therapy.FeaturingPrime Ribon MondayNights!!We will be open MONDAYS beginningDec. 26th until end of April.Lunch Blue Plate Special $9. 11-2:30Visit our site for our Retail Store: www.squaregrouperbarandgrill.comSailors Help HomelessCoalitionDozens of sailorsfrom the USSFort McHenryvolunteered atthe Florida <strong>Key</strong>sOutreach Coalitionduring their threedays of liberty. Themassive 610-footship is docked in<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> beforedeploying to theBaltic Sea thisweek. The sailorspictured above didexterior and interiorpainting at FKOC’sNeece Centerfor HomelessRecovery.conch color the florida keys 44 photographic chronicle

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