Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages

Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages

Key West High School Soccer Player Kendall Galvan ... - SnapPages


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CONCHCOLORf l o r i d a k e y s p h o t o g r a p h i c c h r o n i c l eedi(305) 294-7566 office (305) 292-9955 faXpUBlisher/editorTom oosTerhoudT ooster@conchcolor.comdirector of operationsTORIALLee hines (305) 849-3473 lee@conchcolor.comad salesKaren Lee hirsT (305) 304-7609 karen@conchcolor.comYLeana VuraL (305) 797-8888 yleana@aol.comsho LichTensTein (305) 797-6609 shotime@conchcolor.comraqueL crummiTT (305) 414-8949 raqUelc@jsapromos.comJeremY r. Thompson (305) 709-8102 mrnicegUy_53403@yahoo.comdaLe a. obracaY (305) 877-6908 daleo.1@hotmail.comAD SALES UPPER KEYSJanet Wood (305) 395-0241 – fldesignerjw@aol.comcreatiVe designdina coYLe, dina designs, int’l (305) 741-7272 dinadesigns@BellsoUth.netweB master: daVid a.cox (774) 772-8434 imonamac@me.com314 simonton street key west fl 33040pUBlished weekly and distriBUted eVery friday from key west to key largo.copyright 2010. all rights reserVed.DEADLINE 5 p.m. Friday for advertising and community newsThe Positive VoiceTHE FLORIDA KEYS NEED A POSITIVE VOICE to counteract negativity promoted by other localpapers. Conch Color greatly appreciates positive comments about the community you live in. Ifyou love your community and have something positive to say about it, email ooster@bellsouth.net.There are so many great Samaritans in the <strong>Key</strong>s and wonderful things happen every day. It’s time togive a voice to those who have great comments to say about the <strong>Key</strong>s.It’s Been A Humbling WeekIt’s truly been a humbling week, asI marked another birthday and wona very special humanitarian award atthe Samuel’s House Awards dinner.First of all, I can honestly say I knowwhat they mean now when they callFacebook a social network. I receivedover 300 birthday messages fromfriends all over the world. Holy cow! Ido feel loved and I want you to know Ilove all of you, too.Conch Color has truly given mea chance to make more friends thanI ever dreamed of. I also got quitefew normal emails from folks like mybuddy the Congresswoman, who willalways be my “Ily”. I can assure youour friendship will transcend districtsand boundaries. It always has.My other humbling revelationcame when I attended the Samuel’sHouse annual awards dinner at theGrand <strong>Key</strong> Resort. Scores of mywomen friends from organizationslike the <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Woman’s Club wereon hand to share my evening of beinghonored with me. The Woman’s Clubreally does rock. And my Woman’sClub friends mean so much to me,as do Kim Romano and my pals atWomanKind. And as I said in myspeech that night, I could not do whatI do without the community’s support.Yes, I do work at least 90 hours a weekand have not had a vacation in theseven years I’ve done Conch Color.But it’s our advertisers who keep usgoing. Thank you for sticking with usand giving our community a positivepublication that we can be proud of.I urge all of you to advertise with usso that we can keep giving people apositive image of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> and theFlorida <strong>Key</strong>s. No one else does!I am dedicated to our communityand Conch Color tries to help localnon-profits to the tune of over$100,000 a year. When the economytook a downturn a couple of yearsback, I went close to two years withoutpay just to make sure Conch Colormade it. I love <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> and the <strong>Key</strong>sand it has become a life cause for me tomake sure that the <strong>Key</strong>s get the respectthey deserve. Too many wonderfulthings happen here to have them notshowcased. The world needs to knowTOM OOSTERHOUDTeditor&publisherhow special the <strong>Key</strong>s are.It’s your advertising that keeps usgoing. Everyone reads Conch Colorand there is no better way to get theword out about your business. It’sup to the business community toshow us they care. So please keepadvertising with us. Do it for the kids,do it for the arts, and most of all, do itfor the future.On another front, the family of thelate artist Suzie dePoo invited me tothe Studios to see the ultimate exhibitof her body of work. I went and it isabsolutely mind boggling. Most ofthe pieces are on loan from privatecollectors, so it is a rare and uniqueopportunity to see so much of hercreative works in one place.The curator of the Studios haspainstakingly arranged and placedthe art in such a way that can only bedescribed as exquisite. The curator,Martha Barnes, deserves kudos onthis amazing project. Suzie’s workhas never looked better. Her workincludes just about every art formimaginable, from drawings, paintings,sculptures, painting on raw wood,mobiles made from glass shards,sculptures made from tin roofs, andthen there are her fabulous fabricdesigns. Suzie was a designer for <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> Hand Print Fabrics and LilyPulitzer for over 25 years.I urge all of you to check out thisincredible showing at the Studios. Itwill be open during tonight’s WalkOn White and daily during the day.Do yourself a favor and don’t miss it.The Studios have become aninvaluable site for the arts and artistsand the perfect use for the historicbuilding. Even the neighbors give ittheir respect. I certainly hope thatsanity prevails and the powers that bework things out so that The Studioscan continue to be a refuge for thearts and artists. <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> has thearts in its lifeblood. As a neighborof Suzie dePoo for thirty-some oddyears, I know she would have lovedthe current exhibition, and wouldwant the Studios to continue theirsupport of the arts and artists. Maythe creative spirit of Suzie dePooremain with us.conch color the florida keys 4 photographic chronicle

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