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SLM Spatial Light ModulatorSNP Serial Number/Password [OmenSLMR Silly Little Mail ReaderTechnology]SLOSH Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from SNR Signal-to-Noise RatioHurricane (program)SNRM Set Normal Response ModeSLOT Scanned Laser Output TerminalSOA Service-Oriented Architecture + StartSLP Service Location Protocol + Super Of AuthorityLong PlaySLR Single Lens ReflexSOAPSOCSimple Object Access ProtocolSystem On a ChipSLSI Super Large-Scale IntegrationSOC. Social Issues [USENET NewsgroupSLSS Systems Library Subscription Service Category][IBM]SOCKS Socket Secure (server) [Internet]SLU Secondary Logical Unit + Spoken SO-DIMM Small Outline DIMMLanguage UnderstandingSOE Standard Operating EnvironmentSM Set Mode + Shared MemorySOH Start of HeaderSMA Software Migration Assistant [IBM] SOHO Small Office/Home OfficeSMART Self-Monitoring Analysis andSOI Silicon-On-Insulator [IBM]Reporting TechnologySOIC Small Outline Integrated CircuitSMB Server Message Block (protocol) SOJ Small-Outline J-LeadSMD Surface Mounted DeviceSOL Simulation Oriented LanguageSMDR Station Message Detail Recording SOM Start of Message + System ObjectSMDS Switched Multimedia/Multi-Megabit Model [IBM]Data ServiceSONAR Sound Navigation and RangingSME Small & Medium Sized Enterprises SONET Synchronous Optical NetworkSMF Single Mode Fiber + System Manager SOP Small Outline Package + StandardFacility [Compaq]Operating ProceduresSMI System Management Interrupt [Intel] SOS Silicon On Sapphire + SophisticatedSMIF Standard Mechanical InterfaceOperating System +SMIL Synchronized Multimedia IntegrationStandards and Open SystemsLanguageS-MIME Secure MIMESOTASOXState Of The ArtSound ExchangeSMIT System Management Interface Tool SP Service Pack [IBM] + Stack Pointer +[IBM]System ProductSMK Software Migration Kit [Microsoft] SPA Secure Password AuthenticationSML Standard Meta Language[Microsoft] +SMM System Management Mode [Intel]Software Publishers AssociationSMOBC Solder Mask Over Bare CopperSPAN Space Physics Analysis NetworkSMP Simple Management Protocol + Symbolic SPAP Shiva Password AuthentificationManipulationProgram + Symmetrical Multi-Processing +Symmetric MultiprocessorProtocolSPARCSPCScalable Processor Architecture +Sun's Palo Alto Research CenterSmall Peripheral Controller +.SMP Sample (file name extension)Statistical Process ControlSMPC Shared Memory Parallel Computer SPCL Spectrum Cellular CorporationSMPS Switching Mode Power SupplySPCS Stored Program Controlled SwitchSMRAM System Management Random Access SPD Serial Presence DetectMemorySMS Short Message Service [Sprint] +SPESPECSynergistic Processing ElementSystems Performance EvaluationShort Messaging System +CooperativeStorage Management Services [NetWare] SPF Sender Policy Framework + Shortest+Path First +Storage Management Subsystem/System +Systems Management Server [Microsoft] SPGASystem Programming FacilityStaggered Pin-Grid ArraySMSW Store Machine Status WordSMT Station Management (protocol) +Surface-Mount TechnologySMTP Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSMU System Management UtilitySN Serial NumberS/N Signal-to-Noise (Ratio)SNA Systems Network Architecture [IBM]SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol +Sub-Network Attachment PointSNAPI Structured N-Dimensional ApplicationProgramInterface [Oracle]SND SoundSNEWS Secure News Server [Internet]SNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSNOBOL String Oriented Symbolic Language(Programming Language)SPI Security Parameters Index + ServiceProvider Interface +SCSI Parallel Interface + StatefulPacket Inspection.SPI Spool (file name extension)SPID Service Profile/Provider IdentifierSPIKE Science Planning IntelligentKnowledge-BasedEnvironment [STScI]SPIRES Stanford Public Information RetrievalSystem[Stanford University]SPKI Simple Public Key InfrastructureSPL Software Product Line + Spooler +Structured Product Labeling[Microsoft] +System Programming Language [HP].SPLSpell Checker (file name extension)

SPLD Simple Programmable Logic Device SSML Speech Synthesis Markup LanguageSPM System Performance Monitor [IBM] [W3C]SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On SSO Single Sign OnLineSSPI Security Service Provider InterfaceSPOT Shared Product Object Tree [IBM] + [Microsoft]Small Programmable Object Technology SSR Secure Socket Relay[Sun] +SSRP Simple Server Redundancy ProtocolSmart Personal Object Technology[Microsoft][Cisco]SST Spread-Spectrum Technology +SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol + StandardSystems Services and TechnologyPrinter PortSTA Spanning Tree AlgorithmSPPS Scalable Power Parallel System [IBM] STAR Self Defining Text ArchivalSPR Special Purpose Register +STAX (StAX) Streaming API for XMLStatistical Pattern Recognition + STB StrobeSymmetrical Phase RecordingSTC Set Carry FlagSPREAD * Systems Programming, Research, STD Set Direction Flag + StandardEngineeringSTDA StreetTalk Directory Assistanceand Development [IBM][Banyan]SPS Secure Packet Shield + ShockSTDAUX Standard AuxilaryProtection System +STDERR Standard ErrorStandby Power SystemSTDIN Standard InputSPSS Statistical Package for the Social STDIO.H Standard Input/Output Header [CSciencesProgramming Language]SPT Sectors Per TrackSTDM Statistical Time Division MultiplexerSPVA Super Patterned Vertical Alignment STDOUT Standard OutputSPX Sequenced Packet Exchange [Novell] STDPRN Standard PrinterSQ Squeezed (files)STEM Science, Technology, Engineering andSQE Signal Quality Error (test)MathSQL/DS Structured Query Language/Data System STEP Standard for Exchange of Product[IBM]STEREO Solar-Terrestrial RelationsSQOS Secure Quality Of ServiceObservatory [JHUAPL]SQRT Square Root.STF Structured File (file name extension)SR Shift Register[Lotus Agenda]SRAM Shadow Random Access Memory +STI Set Interrupt FlagStatic Random Access MemoryS/TK Sectors Per TrackSRAPI Speech Recognition APISTL Standard Template LibrarySRB Source-Route BridgeSTM Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeSRC System Resource ControllerSTN Super-Twist Nematic.SRC Source (file name extension).STORE Businesses Offering Goods (DomainSRD Screen Reader SystemName) [Internet]SRDRAM Self-Refreshed DRAMSTOS Store StringSRGB Sustained RGB (values)STP Secure Transfer Protocol + ShieldedSRGS Speech Recognition GrammarTwisted Pair (cable) +Specification [W3C]Signal Transfer Point +SRM Security Reference MonitorSynchronized Transaction ProcessingSRO Sharable and Read OnlySTR Store Task Register + SynchronousSRP Suggested Retail PriceTransmitter Receiver.SRP Script (file name extension)STRESS Structural Engineering System SolverSRPI Server-Requester Programming(ProgrammingInterfaceLanguage)SRQ Service RequestSTRUDL Structural Design LanguageSRR Serially Reusable Resource(Programming Language)SRS Sound Retrieval SystemSTScI Space Telescope Science InstituteSS Stack Segment + Single Sided + STT Secure Transaction TechnologySeconds[Microsoft]SS7 Signaling System 7 [Bellcore]STX Start of TextSSA Serial Storage Architecture.STY Style (file name extension) [Ventura,SSAD Structured System Analysis and Design Word, WordPerfect]SSAP Source Service Access PointSUB Subroutine + Substitute + SubtractSSCP Systems Service Control Point [IBM] SUN Sun Microsystems, Inc.SSD Solid State Disk.SUP Supplemental Dictionary (file nameSSEC * Selective Sequence Electronicextension)Calculator [IBM][WordPerfect]SSGA System Support Gate ArraySUPERDARN Super Dual Auroral Radar NetworkSSH Secure Shell (protocol)[JHUAPL]SSI Server Side Includes + Single System SVC Switched Virtual CircuitImage +SVCD Super Video Compact DiskSmall Scale IntegrationSVF Simple Vector FormatSSL Secure Socket LayerSVG Scalable Vector GraphicsSSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access SVGA Super Video Graphics Array

SPLD Simple Programmable Logic Device SSML Speech Synthesis Markup LanguageSPM System Performance Monitor [IBM] [W3C]SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On SSO Single Sign OnLineSSPI Security Service Provider InterfaceSPOT Shared Product Object Tree [IBM] + [Microsoft]Small Programmable Object Technology SSR Secure Socket Relay[Sun] +SSRP Simple Server Redundancy ProtocolSmart Personal Object Technology[Microsoft][Cisco]SST Spread-Spectrum Technology +SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol + StandardSystems Services and TechnologyPrinter PortSTA Spanning Tree AlgorithmSPPS Scalable Power Parallel System [IBM] STAR Self Defining Text ArchivalSPR Special Purpose Register +STAX (StAX) Streaming API for XMLStatistical Pattern Recognition + STB StrobeSymmetrical Phase RecordingSTC Set Carry FlagSPREAD * Systems Programming, Research, STD Set Direction Flag + StandardEngineeringSTDA StreetTalk Directory Assistanceand Development [IBM][Banyan]SPS Secure Packet Shield + ShockSTDAUX Standard AuxilaryProtection System +STDERR Standard ErrorStandby Power SystemSTDIN Standard InputSPSS Statistical Package for the Social STDIO.H Standard Input/Output Header [CSciencesProgramming Language]SPT Sectors Per TrackSTDM Statistical Time Division MultiplexerSPVA Super Patterned Vertical Alignment STDOUT Standard OutputSPX Sequenced Packet Exchange [Novell] STDPRN Standard PrinterSQ Squeezed (files)STEM Science, Technology, Engineering andSQE Signal Quality Error (test)MathSQL/DS Structured Query Language/Data System STEP Standard for Exchange of Product[IBM]STEREO Solar-Terrestrial RelationsSQOS Secure Quality Of ServiceObservatory [JHUAPL]SQRT Square Root.STF Structured File (file name extension)SR Shift Register[Lotus Agenda]SRAM Shadow Random Access Memory +STI Set Interrupt FlagStatic Random Access MemoryS/TK Sectors Per TrackSRAPI Speech Recognition APISTL Standard Template LibrarySRB Source-Route BridgeSTM Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeSRC System Resource ControllerSTN Super-Twist Nematic.SRC Source (file name extension).STORE Businesses Offering Goods (DomainSRD Screen Reader SystemName) [Internet]SRDRAM Self-Refreshed DRAMSTOS Store StringSRGB Sustained RGB (values)STP Secure Transfer Protocol + ShieldedSRGS Speech Recognition GrammarTwisted Pair (cable) +Specification [W3C]Signal Transfer Point +SRM Security Reference MonitorSynchronized Transaction ProcessingSRO Sharable and Read OnlySTR Store Task Register + SynchronousSRP Suggested Retail PriceTransmitter Receiver.SRP Script (file name extension)STRESS Structural Engineering System SolverSRPI Server-Requester Programming(ProgrammingInterfaceLanguage)SRQ Service RequestSTRUDL Structural Design LanguageSRR Serially Reusable Resource(Programming Language)SRS Sound Retrieval SystemSTScI Space Telescope Science InstituteSS Stack Segment + Single Sided + STT Secure Transaction TechnologySeconds[Microsoft]SS7 Signaling System 7 [Bellcore]STX Start of TextSSA Serial Storage Architecture.STY Style (file name extension) [Ventura,SSAD Structured System Analysis and Design Word, WordPerfect]SSAP Source Service Access PointSUB Subroutine + Substitute + SubtractSSCP Systems Service Control Point [IBM] SUN Sun Microsystems, Inc.SSD Solid State Disk.SUP Supplemental Dictionary (file nameSSEC * Selective Sequence Electronicextension)Calculator [IBM][WordPerfect]SSGA System Support Gate ArraySUPERDARN Super Dual Auroral Radar NetworkSSH Secure Shell (protocol)[JHUAPL]SSI Server Side Includes + Single System SVC Switched Virtual CircuitImage +SVCD Super Video Compact DiskSmall Scale IntegrationSVF Simple Vector FormatSSL Secure Socket LayerSVG Scalable Vector GraphicsSSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access SVGA Super Video Graphics Array

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