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SAP Second Audio Program + Service Access Format [Lotus] +Point [DEC] +Session Announcement Protocol +Service Advertising Protocol +Software Configuration Management +Station Class Mark +Supply Chain Management* Symbolic Assembly Program +SCO Santa Cruz Operation (SoftwareSystems, Applications and Products(company) [SAP]Company) +Synchronous Connection-OrientedSAPI Speech Application Program Interface (link)[Microsoft]SCOPE Simple Communications ProgrammingSAR Segmentation and Reassembly +Shift Arithmetic Right + SpecificEnvironment[Hayes]Absorption RateSCP Save Cursor Position + SubsystemSuccessive Approximation Register +Synthetic Aperature RadarControl Port +System Control ProgramSARG Search ArgumentSCR Silicon Controlled RectifierSARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome .SCR Script (file name extension)(virus)SCRAM Software Configuration, Release andSAS Sales Accounting System + Serial ManagementAttached SCSI +SCRAMJET Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (engine)Single Attached Station + SingleAudio System +Statistical Analysis SystemSCRNSCRSSCSAScreen (video display)Scalable Cluster of RISC SystemsSignal Computing System ArchitectureSASI Shugart Associates System Interface [Dialogic](SCSI originatedfrom SASI)SCSISCTPSmall Computer Systems InterfaceStream Control Transmission ProtocolSATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment SD Send Data + Secure Digital + SuperSATAN Security Administrator Tool for DensityAnalyzing NetworksSDA Software Delivery Agent [IBM] +.SAV Saved (file name extension)Software Disk Array +SAVDM Single Application VDMSource Data Automation + SystemSAX Simple API for XMLDisplay Architecture [Digital]SB Sound Blaster [Creative Labs] + Sound SDAM Single DOS Application ModeBoardSDB Symbolic Debugger [Unix]SBA Scene Balance Algorithms [Kodak] + SDD Software Description DatabaseService Based Architecture[Internet] +SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation SystemSubscriber Data Document +SBB Subtract With BorrowSystem Distribution DirectorySBC Single-Board ComputerSDF Space Delimited File + SpaceSBCS Single-Byte Character SetDelimited FormatSBI Sound Blaster Instrument.SDF Standard Data Format (file name.SBR Source Browser (file name extension) extension)[Borland]SBS Small Business Server +SDHSDISynchronous Digital HierarchySelective Dissemination ofSmart Battery Specification[Duracell/Intel]Information +Single Document Interface.SC Script (file name extension)Software Development InterfaceSCA Scalable Computing Architecture [HP] [Mosaic]+SDIO Secure Digital Input/OutputService Component Architecture SDK Software Development Kit [Microsoft]SCADA Supervisory Control and DataSDL Specification and DescriptionAcquisitionLanguageSCAM SCSI Configuration Automatically SDLC Synchronous Data Link ControlSCAS Scan String(protocol)SCB Subsystem Control Block [IBM]SDLT Super Digital Linear TapeSCC Serial Communications Controllers +Serial Controller Chip +SDMSDMISystem Development MultitaskingSecure Digital MusicSynchronous Channel Check [IBM] Initiative/InterfaceSCCP Simple Conference Control Protocol SDMMC Secure Digital Multi Media CardSCCS Source Code Control SystemSDMS SCSI Device Management System [NCR]SCD Standard Color DisplaySDN Software Defined Network [AT&T]S-CDMA Synchronous Code-Division MultipleAccessSCF System Control FacilitySCI Scalable Coherent Interface +Serial Communications InterfaceSCI. Science [USENET Newsgroup Category]SCIL Serial Control Interface LogicSCLM Software Configuration and LibraryManagement [IBM]SCM Service Control Manager + ScreenCamSDNS Secure Data Network ServiceSDO Service Data Objects +Software Delivery Optimization[Borland]SDRSDRAMSD-ROMSDSSDSLSDSMStreaming Data RequestSynchronous DRAMSuper Density ROMSysops Distribution System(See DSL)Super Digital Sound Management

SD_STB Streaming Data Strobe [IBM]SHL Shift Logical LeftSDTV Standard Definition Television SHOE Simple HTML Ontology ExtensionSDV Segment Delay Value + Switched SHR Shift Logical RightDigital Video [AT&T]SHTML Server-Side Include HyperText MarkupSDX Storage Data AccelerationLanguageSDXF Structured Data Exchange Format S-HTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSEA Standard Extended Attribute [OS/2] SHV Standard High-Volume.SEA Self Extracting Archive (file name .SHW Show (file name extension)extension) [Macintosh]SI Shift-In + Source Index + SystemSEAC * Name of first computer to useInformation +transistors, built bySystem Integration(National Bureau of) Standards SIC Standard Industrial CodeEastern AutomaticSID Security Identifier + Serial InputCalculator (Also see SWAC)Data +SEAL Segmentation and Reassembly LayerStation Identification [AT&T] +(protocol) +Symbolic Interactive Debugger +Screening External Access Link[Digital-DEC]System IDSIDF System Independent Data FormatSEC Single Error CorrectionSIDH System Identification for HomeSECAM Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire(Sequential Color With Memory)SystemsSIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor TableSECC Single Edge Contact CartridgeSIF Standard Input FormatSED Stream Editor + Stream-Oriented SIFT Stanford Information Filtering ToolEditorSIG Special Interest GroupSEG SegmentSIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROMSEH Structured Exception HandlingApplicationsSEL Selectand TechnologySEM Scanning Electron Microscope + SIM Simulator + Subscriber IdentityStandard Electronic Module +ModuleStrategic Enterprise Management [SAP] SIMCARD Subscriber Identity Module CardSEO Search Engine OptimizationSIMD Single Instruction, Multiple DatastreamSEPP Secure Encryption Payment Protocol(processor)SER SerialSIMM Single In-line Memory ModuleSERCOS Serial Real-Time Communications SIMTEL Simulation and TeleprocessingSystemSIMULA Simulation (language)SERPS Search Engine Results Page [Google] SIO Serial Input/Output (communicationsSET Secure Electronic Transaction +Softwave Engineering Technologydriver)SIP Session Initiation Protocol + Single.SET Driver Set (file name extension) In-line Package[Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] +SIPC Simply Interactive Personal ComputerImage Settings (file name extension) [Microsoft][Paradox]SIPO Serial In, Parallel OutSETEXT Structure Enhanced Text [Internet] SIPP Single In-line Pin PackageSEU Single Event Upset + SmallestSIR Serial Infrared [Hewlett-Packard]Executable UnitSIRDS Single-Image Random Dot StereogramSF Sign FlagSIS Single-Image StereogramSFC System File CheckerSISL System Interrupt Steering LogicSFD Start Frame DelimiterSISNET Signal In Space Through The InternetSFDR Spurious-Free Dynamic RangeSI/SO Serial In/Serial Out + Shift In/ShiftSFI Software Fault IsolationOutSFN Short File NameSIT Special Information TonesSFQL Structured Full-text Query Language .SIT Stuff-It (compressed file nameSFS System File Serverextension) [Macintosh]SFT System Fault ToleranceSIU System Interface UnitSFX Self Extracting + Sound Effect(s) SIV System Integrity VerifierSGA Shared Global AreaSKIP Simple Key-Management for InternetSGCP Simple Gateway Control Protocol Protocols [Sun]SGEN Signal Generator + System Generator SKU# Stock Keeping Unit NumberSGDT Store Global Descriptor TableSLA Service Level AgreementSGI Silicon Graphics, Inc.SLB Static Load BalancingSGM Shaded Graphics ModelingSLC Subscriber Line ConcentratorSGML Standard/Structured Generalized SLD Second-Level Domain (name)Markup LanguageSLDT Store Local Descriptor TableSGR Set Graphics RenditionSLED Single Large Expensive DiskSGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAMSLI Session Level InterfaceS/H Sample and HoldSLIC System Level Integration Circuit +SHA Secure Hash Algorithm [NSA]System Licensed Internal Code [IBM]SHAR Shell ArchiveSLIM Structured Language for InternetSHED Segmented Hypergraphic EditorMarkupSHG Segmented HypergraphicsSLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol

SD_STB Streaming Data Strobe [IBM]SHL Shift Logical LeftSDTV Standard Definition Television SHOE Simple HTML Ontology ExtensionSDV Segment Delay Value + Switched SHR Shift Logical RightDigital Video [AT&T]SHTML Server-Side Include HyperText MarkupSDX Storage Data AccelerationLanguageSDXF Structured Data Exchange Format S-HTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSEA Standard Extended Attribute [OS/2] SHV Standard High-Volume.SEA Self Extracting Archive (file name .SHW Show (file name extension)extension) [Macintosh]SI Shift-In + Source Index + SystemSEAC * Name of first computer to useInformation +transistors, built bySystem Integration(National Bureau of) Standards SIC Standard Industrial CodeEastern AutomaticSID Security Identifier + Serial InputCalculator (Also see SWAC)Data +SEAL Segmentation and Reassembly LayerStation Identification [AT&T] +(protocol) +Symbolic Interactive Debugger +Screening External Access Link[Digital-DEC]System IDSIDF System Independent Data FormatSEC Single Error CorrectionSIDH System Identification for HomeSECAM Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire(Sequential Color With Memory)SystemsSIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor TableSECC Single Edge Contact CartridgeSIF Standard Input FormatSED Stream Editor + Stream-Oriented SIFT Stanford Information Filtering ToolEditorSIG Special Interest GroupSEG SegmentSIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROMSEH Structured Exception HandlingApplicationsSEL Selectand TechnologySEM Scanning Electron Microscope + SIM Simulator + Subscriber IdentityStandard Electronic Module +ModuleStrategic Enterprise Management [SAP] SIMCARD Subscriber Identity Module CardSEO Search Engine OptimizationSIMD Single Instruction, Multiple DatastreamSEPP Secure Encryption Payment Protocol(processor)SER SerialSIMM Single In-line Memory ModuleSERCOS Serial Real-Time Communications SIMTEL Simulation and TeleprocessingSystemSIMULA Simulation (language)SERPS Search Engine Results Page [Google] SIO Serial Input/Output (communicationsSET Secure Electronic Transaction +Softwave Engineering Technologydriver)SIP Session Initiation Protocol + Single.SET Driver Set (file name extension) In-line Package[Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] +SIPC Simply Interactive Personal ComputerImage Settings (file name extension) [Microsoft][Paradox]SIPO Serial In, Parallel OutSETEXT Structure Enhanced Text [Internet] SIPP Single In-line Pin PackageSEU Single Event Upset + SmallestSIR Serial Infrared [Hewlett-Packard]Executable UnitSIRDS Single-Image Random Dot StereogramSF Sign FlagSIS Single-Image StereogramSFC System File CheckerSISL System Interrupt Steering LogicSFD Start Frame DelimiterSISNET Signal In Space Through The InternetSFDR Spurious-Free Dynamic RangeSI/SO Serial In/Serial Out + Shift In/ShiftSFI Software Fault IsolationOutSFN Short File NameSIT Special Information TonesSFQL Structured Full-text Query Language .SIT Stuff-It (compressed file nameSFS System File Serverextension) [Macintosh]SFT System Fault ToleranceSIU System Interface UnitSFX Self Extracting + Sound Effect(s) SIV System Integrity VerifierSGA Shared Global AreaSKIP Simple Key-Management for InternetSGCP Simple Gateway Control Protocol Protocols [Sun]SGEN Signal Generator + System Generator SKU# Stock Keeping Unit NumberSGDT Store Global Descriptor TableSLA Service Level AgreementSGI Silicon Graphics, Inc.SLB Static Load BalancingSGM Shaded Graphics ModelingSLC Subscriber Line ConcentratorSGML Standard/Structured Generalized SLD Second-Level Domain (name)Markup LanguageSLDT Store Local Descriptor TableSGR Set Graphics RenditionSLED Single Large Expensive DiskSGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAMSLI Session Level InterfaceS/H Sample and HoldSLIC System Level Integration Circuit +SHA Secure Hash Algorithm [NSA]System Licensed Internal Code [IBM]SHAR Shell ArchiveSLIM Structured Language for InternetSHED Segmented Hypergraphic EditorMarkupSHG Segmented HypergraphicsSLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol

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