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[Slate Corporation]PAIH Public-Access Internet Host[Internet]PAIS Public-Access Internet Site[Internet].PAK Packed (compressed file nameextension) [NoGateConsulting]PAL Paradox Applications Language[Borland] +Phase Alternating Line + PortableAudio Laboratory +Programmed Array Logic + ProgrammingAssembly LanguageProgramming Assembly Language.PAL Palette (file name extension)PALC Plasma-Addressed Liquid Crystal(display)PALS Principles of the Alphabet LiteracySystemPAM Pluggable Authentication Module(library) +Pulse Amplitude ModulationPAN Personal Area Network [GTE]PAP Packet-level Procedure +Password Authentication Protocol +Picture And Picture +Push Access Protocol + Printer AccessProtocolPAR Personal Animation Recorder +ParallelPARA ParagraphPARC Palo Alto Research Center [XEROX]PA-RISC Precision Architecture-RISC [HP].PAS PASCAL source code (file nameextension)PASCAL (Programming Language named forBlaise Pascal)PAT Port Address Translation.PAT Patch + Pattern (file nameextensions)PATA Parallel Advanced TechnologyAttachmentPATN Promotional Port Access TelephoneNumberPAUSE Perl Automatic Upload ServerPAX Portable Archive Exchange [Unix]PB Petabyte (1,024 terabytes)(One Million Billion characters ofSystem [IBM]PCEB PCI to EISA Bridge [Intel]PCI Peripheral ComponentInterconnect/InterfacePCIC PC-Card Interrupt ControllerPCIE PCI Express (slot)PC-I/O Program Controlled I/OPCL Printer Command Language [HP] +Process Control LanguagePCM Personal Computer Manufacturer +Printer Cartridge Metric [HP] +Pulse Code ModulationPCMA Paired Carrier Multiple AccessPCMC PCI, Cache, Memory Controller [Intel]PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory CardInternational AssociationPCMIM Personal Computer Media InterfaceModulePCN Personal Computer NetworkPCNFS Personal Computer Network File SystemPCO Point of Control and ObservationPCS Patchable Control Store +Personal CommunicationServices/System +Personal Conferencing Specification +Planning Control Sheet + PrintContrast Signal +Process Control Systems + ProgramCounter Store +Project Control SystemPCT Private Communications Technology +Program Control Table.PCT Picture (file name extension).PCX PC Paintbrush/Picture Image (filename extensions)PD Phase-Change Dual + Public DomainPDA Personal Digital Assistant.PDB Palm Database (file name extension) +Program Database (file nameextension)PDC Primary Domain ControllerPDD Physical Device Driver + PortableDigital DocumentPDF Package Definition File + PortableDocument Format +Portable Document File + ProcessorDefined Function +Program Development Facility.PDF Printer Description (file nameinformation)extension)[Borland,Lotus]PBA Printed Board AssemblyPDH Plesiosynchronous Digital HierarchyPBC Plain-Text Block ChainingPDIAL Public Dialup Internet Access ListPBE Prompt By Example[Internet]PBGA Plastic Ball Grid ArrayPDL Page Description Language + ProgramPBP Picture-By-PictureDescription LanguagePBR Policy-Based Routing [Cisco]+ Program Design LanguagePBT Provider Backbone TransportPDM Product Data ManagementPBX Private Branch ExchangePDN Public Data NetworkPC Personal Computer + Printed Circuit + PDO Portable Distributed Objects [Next]Program CounterPDP Parallel Data Processing + PlasmaPCACIAS Personal Computer AutomatedDisplay Panel +Calibration IntervalAnalysis SystemProgrammable Data Processor +(DEC Computer System Designation,PCB Printed Circuit Board + Program i.e. PDP-8, PDP-11)Control BlockPDS Packet Driver Specification +PCBC Plain/Propagating Cipher Block Partitioned Data Set +ChainingPCC Proof Carrying CodePlanetary Data System + PortableDocument Software +PCD Photo Compact DiskProcessor Direct Slot [Macintosh]PC-DOS Personal Computer - Disk Operating PDSN Packet Data Serving Node

PDSS Post Development and Software Support Selection [W3C]PDT Performance Diagnostic Tool [IBM] +Programmable Drive TablePICTPIDPicturePacket Identifier + PhysicalPDU Plug Distribution Unit + Protocol Interface Device +Data Unit.PDX Paradox files (file name extension)Process Identification Number +Product ID +[Borland] +Printer Description Extension (file PIERProportional, Integral, DerivativeProcedures for Internet/Enterprisename extension)RenumberingPE Parity Even + Processing Element + PIF Picture Interchange Format File +Protect EnableProgram Information FilePEA Pocket Ethernet AdapterPII Program Integrated InformationPEB Personal Electronic BallotP4EE Pentium 4 Extreme Edition [Intel]PEL Picture Element [IBM]PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail [Internet]PEN SDK Pen Computing Software DevelopmentKitPEP Packet Exchange Protocol +Packetized Ensemble Protocol[Telebit]PERC Power Edge RAID ControllerPERL Practical Extraction and Report (present usage)Language [Unix]PING Packet Internet GroperPERT Program Evaluation and ReviewPIO Parallel Input/Output + ProcessorTechniquePES Positioning Error Signal + ProcessorInput/Output +Programmed Input/OutputEnhancement SocketProcessor Upgrade SocketPIP Pattern and Information Processing +Personal Identity Provider +PET Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq]Personal Information Portal +.PFB Printer Font Binary (file namePicture-In-Picture +extension)Problem Isolation Procedure +PFE Programmer's File EditorProgrammable Interconnect Point.PFM Printer Font Metrics (file name PIPO Parallel In, Parallel Outextension) [Windows]PIR Protocol Independent RoutingPFN Page Frame NumberPIT Programmable Interval TimerPFR Portable Font Resource + Power-Fail PIXEL Picture ElementRestartPGA Pin Grid Array + ProfessionalPJPEGPKProgressive JPEGPack + Primary KeyGraphics Adapter [IBM]PKC Public Key CryptographyPGC Program Group Control [Microsoft] PKE Public Key EnabledPGDN Page DownPKI Public Key Infrastructure.PGL Graphics (file name extension) PL Plus[Hewlett-Packard].PL Perl Language (file name extension)PGM ProgramPLA Programmable Logic-ArrayPGML Precision Graphics Markup Language PLATO Programmed Logic for AutomaticPGP Pretty Good Privacy (name ofTeaching Operationsencryption program)PLC Power Line Communications +.PGP ProGram Parameter (file nameProgrammable Logic Controllerextension) [AutoCAD]PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip CarrierPGUP Page UpPLD Programmable Logic DevicePHF Perfect Hash FunctionPLDS Pilot Land Data System [NASA]PHIGS Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive PLL Phase Locked LoopGraphics.PLL Prelinked Library (file nameStandardsextension) [Clipper].PHO Phone List (file name extension) PL/M Programming Language for MicrosPHP Personal Home Pages (original name of PLMN Public Land Mobile Networkthis programmingPLS Primary Link Stationlanguage, now known as PHP Hypertext PLSQL Procedural Language-Extensions to SQLPreprocessor)(Oracle)PHS Personal Handyphone SystemPLU Primary Logical UnitPI Program InterruptionPLV Production Level VideoPIA Peripheral Interface AdapterPL/1 * Programming Language OnePIC Personal Information Carrier +Personal Intelligent Communicator +Personal Internet Communicator +Platform for Internet Content +Priority Interrupt Controller +Program Interrupt ControllerPMManager.PM6[Corel]P-MAILPresentation Manager [IBM] +Preventative Maintenance + ProcessPagerMaker6 (file name extension)Paper MailPICSPlatform for Internet ContentPILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning OrTeachingPilotACE* Pilot Automatic Computing EnginePIM Personal Information Manager +Primary Interface Module +Protocol-Independent MulticastPIN Personal Identification Number +Process Identification Number [Unix]PINE Pine Is Not Elm (original usage) +Program for Internet News & EmailPMDPacket Mode Data

PDSS Post Development and Software Support Selection [W3C]PDT Performance Diagnostic Tool [IBM] +Programmable Drive TablePICTPIDPicturePacket Identifier + PhysicalPDU Plug Distribution Unit + Protocol Interface Device +Data Unit.PDX Paradox files (file name extension)Process Identification Number +Product ID +[Borland] +Printer Description Extension (file PIERProportional, Integral, DerivativeProcedures for Internet/Enterprisename extension)RenumberingPE Parity Even + Processing Element + PIF Picture Interchange Format File +Protect EnableProgram Information FilePEA Pocket Ethernet AdapterPII Program Integrated InformationPEB Personal Electronic BallotP4EE Pentium 4 Extreme Edition [Intel]PEL Picture Element [IBM]PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail [Internet]PEN SDK Pen Computing Software DevelopmentKitPEP Packet Exchange Protocol +Packetized Ensemble Protocol[Telebit]PERC Power Edge RAID ControllerPERL Practical Extraction and Report (present usage)Language [Unix]PING Packet Internet GroperPERT Program Evaluation and ReviewPIO Parallel Input/Output + ProcessorTechniquePES Positioning Error Signal + ProcessorInput/Output +Programmed Input/OutputEnhancement SocketProcessor Upgrade SocketPIP Pattern and Information Processing +Personal Identity Provider +PET Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq]Personal Information Portal +.PFB Printer Font Binary (file namePicture-In-Picture +extension)Problem Isolation Procedure +PFE Programmer's File EditorProgrammable Interconnect Point.PFM Printer Font Metrics (file name PIPO Parallel In, Parallel Outextension) [Windows]PIR Protocol Independent RoutingPFN Page Frame NumberPIT Programmable Interval TimerPFR Portable Font Resource + Power-Fail PIXEL Picture ElementRestartPGA Pin Grid Array + ProfessionalPJPEGPKProgressive JPEGPack + Primary KeyGraphics Adapter [IBM]PKC Public Key CryptographyPGC Program Group Control [Microsoft] PKE Public Key EnabledPGDN Page DownPKI Public Key Infrastructure.PGL Graphics (file name extension) PL Plus[Hewlett-Packard].PL Perl Language (file name extension)PGM ProgramPLA Programmable Logic-ArrayPGML Precision Graphics Markup Language PLATO Programmed Logic for AutomaticPGP Pretty Good Privacy (name ofTeaching Operationsencryption program)PLC Power Line Communications +.PGP ProGram Parameter (file nameProgrammable Logic Controllerextension) [AutoCAD]PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip CarrierPGUP Page UpPLD Programmable Logic DevicePHF Perfect Hash FunctionPLDS Pilot Land Data System [NASA]PHIGS Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive PLL Phase Locked LoopGraphics.PLL Prelinked Library (file nameStandardsextension) [Clipper].PHO Phone List (file name extension) PL/M Programming Language for MicrosPHP Personal Home Pages (original name of PLMN Public Land Mobile Networkthis programmingPLS Primary Link Stationlanguage, now known as PHP Hypertext PLSQL Procedural Language-Extensions to SQLPreprocessor)(Oracle)PHS Personal Handyphone SystemPLU Primary Logical UnitPI Program InterruptionPLV Production Level VideoPIA Peripheral Interface AdapterPL/1 * Programming Language OnePIC Personal Information Carrier +Personal Intelligent Communicator +Personal Internet Communicator +Platform for Internet Content +Priority Interrupt Controller +Program Interrupt ControllerPMManager.PM6[Corel]P-MAILPresentation Manager [IBM] +Preventative Maintenance + ProcessPagerMaker6 (file name extension)Paper MailPICSPlatform for Internet ContentPILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning OrTeachingPilotACE* Pilot Automatic Computing EnginePIM Personal Information Manager +Primary Interface Module +Protocol-Independent MulticastPIN Personal Identification Number +Process Identification Number [Unix]PINE Pine Is Not Elm (original usage) +Program for Internet News & EmailPMDPacket Mode Data

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