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NPL Nonprocedural LanguageNVT Network Virtual Terminal +NPN Negative Positive Negative (bipolarNovell Virtual Terminal [Novell]transistor)NWS NetWare Web Server [Netware]NPS Novell Productivity Specialist NYM Anonymous[Novell]NPT Non-Programmable TerminalNPTN National Public Telecomputing NetworkNPU Natural Processing Unit O...NPX Numeric Processor ExtensionNQS Network Queuing System [Cray]N(r) Number ReturnedNRC National Research Council (Canada)| TOP | UP to N | DN to P | BOTTOM |NREN National Research and Education OAB One-to-All BroadcastNetworkOAD Open Architecture Driver [Bernoulli]NRM Network Resource Manager + Normal OAG Official Airline Guide + Online AirResponse ModeGuideNRZ Not Return to ZeroOAI Open Applications InterfaceNRZI Non Return to Zero InvertedOAS One-to-All ScatterNS Nanosecond (one-billionth of a OASIS Organization for the Advancement ofsecond) +Structured Information StandardsNational Semiconductor (as in Ns16550 OBD On Board DiagnosticsUART) +OBEX Object Exchange [Borland]Network Supervisor + Non StopOBJ ObjectNSAP Network Service Access PointOC Optical CarrierNSAPI Netscape Server API [Netscape] OCE Open Collaborative EnvironmentNSA POLY National Security Agency Polygraph [Apple]NSERC National Sciences and Engineering OCF Objects Components FrameworkResearch Council(Canada)[Borland]OCL Object Constaint Language + OperationNSF National Science FoundationControl Language +NSFNET National Science Foundation NetworkOperator Control LanguageNSI NASA Science InternetOCR Optical Character RecognitionNSLOOKUP Name Server Lookup [Unix]OCS On-Card SequencerNSM Netscape Server Manager [Netscape] OCSP Online Certificate Status ProtocolNSP Native Signal Processing [Intel] + OCX OLE Custom ControlNetwork ServiceODA Open Document ArchitectureProviderODAPI Open Database Application ProgrammingNSSC NASA Standard Spacecraft ComputerInterface [Borland]NSTC National Science and Technology ODBC Object-Oriented Database ConnectivityCouncilNSTL National Software Testing Labs+Open Database Computing +NT New Technology [Microsoft]Open Data Base ConnectivityNT-1 Network Terminator Type 1[Microsoft]NTAS NT Advanced Server [Microsoft] ODBMS Object-Oriented Database ManagementNTF No Trouble FoundSystem (alsoNTFS New Technology File Systemsee OODMS)[Microsoft]ODI Open Datalink Interface [Novell] +NTIA National Telecommunications andOpen Device Interconnect [NetWare]Information AdministrationODIF Open Document Interchange FormatNTIS National Technical Information ODL Object Definition LanguageServiceNTLDR New Technology Loaders [Microsoft]ODM Object Data Manager [IBM] +Optimized Distribution Model [Compaq]NTP Network Time ProtocolODMA Open Document Management APINTRAS NT Remote Access Services [Microsoft] ODP Open Distributed ProcessingNTSA NetWare Telephony ServicesODS Open Data Services [Microsoft] +Architecture [Novell]Operational Data StoreNTSC National Television StandardsODSI Open Directory Service InterfaceCommittee[Microsoft]NTU Network Termination UnitODT Open DesktopNUI Network User Identification +OEL Organic Electroluminescent (display)Network User Interface +OEM Original Equipment ManufacturerNotebook User Interface [GoOEP Operand Execution PipelineCorporation]OF Overflow FlagNUL Null + (dummy device) + (no device) OFB Output Feedback (mode)NUMA Non-Uniform Memory AccessOFDM Orthogonal Frequency DivisionNV No OverflowMultiplexingNVM Non-Volatile MemoryOFMT Output Format for NumbersNVOD Near-Video On DemandOFS Object File System [Microsoft] +NVP Nominal Velocity of Propagation Output Field SeparatorNVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory OFX Open Financial Exchange

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